HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-07-86 MIMUTKS OS CITY COMIIISSIOII IISSTING HSLD OCTOaSR 7. 1~ . PRSSSMTc Mayor Iaon, Ci~y Coa.i..ioners ~ohnaon, nabba, Qate.an. and Hag.rJ City Nanager Ryan, City Attorn.y Kr~ppanbacher, City Planner Wagner. Ci~y Engineer Kelley. City Engin..r Merkl., Water S~parint.ndant Cockr.11. City Clerk C.~ron, .nd n.p~ty Clark Gr.en. AUSUTe Non.. CALL TO ORD8R - IIAYOR lSOM Mayor Iaon c.llad the ..eting to order at 7:35 P.M.. The Mayor led in prayer. and Boy Scout Pack 217 pr...nted the color. and lad in the Pladge os Allegianc. ~o ~h. sl.g. PRSSSMTATIOIIS .MD PROCLAKATIOIIS . SXPRSSSWAY AUTHORITY. UPDATS O. WSSTSRU SXTSMSIOII Mayor Ison introd~c.d John Ditt..i.r. Deputy Director oE Engineering tor the Orlando-Orange County Rxpr...way A~thority, sor pr...ntation Ot an overview os the We.tern Beltway proJect. The Authority ha. retained Creiner Engineering Science., Inc. os Orlando to provide the proS...ional planning and .nginaaring a.rvic.s .or the Weat.rn aeltway St~dy. Th. 12-.onth st~dy began on S.pt..ber 1S. 19ab. ProJect .anag.r .or Cr.iner. Nark Calahan, .xplained that this proJACt h.. two parts which will proceed si.ultanaou.ly. Part A incl~d.. the ar.a sroa S~ate Road SO, 3,aOO seat wast os Woodlawn c..etery Road northward ~o the Apopka area. Th. atudy *or Part A will includ. corridor analysis, align.ent st~die.. environ.ental doc~aentation. public hearing. parait coordination. .nginaaring atudi.., right-os-way r...rvation and d..ign/location approval. Th. sinal d..ign is .ch.duled *or 1990 wi~h construction by the A~thority ached~led to be co.pleted by 1994. Part a os the W..tern aeltway Study .xtenda *roa the Apopka area to the north, shisting ea.t, croaaing the W.kiva Riv.r and t.rainating at Interstat. 4. Th. s~udy sor Part B will incl~d. a corridor analysis and environ.ental inventory. The A~~hority ia conducting Part a oS the at~dy on bahals 0* the Florida Depart.ent os Transportation. which wo~ld be the likely ag.ncy to d..ign and conatruct this s.g..nt os the W..~.rn Qaltway. Mayor Xaon introduced Frank A. Borgon, a dandida~e *or Or.ng. Co~nty eo.aia_ion. ni.trict 4. PRSSSMTATION OS RSCRSATIOII~SMVlROMMSMTAL LAND ACQUI81TIOM Ra~.R.MDUM . Orang. County Co.ai..ion.r Vera Cart.r apok. to the 1 = - P."e :2 C~~" eoa.~..iOft ....in' Oot.o..... .,. So.... Co.aiaaionera about the Recr..tionj.nviron.ental Land Acq~~.~tion Resarend~a approved by the Oranga Co~nty aoard os Co.aia.ioner. tor plac.aen~ on the Nov.abar 4th ballot _. Propo.~t~on ~1. The propoa~t~on provide. sor the ~a.uanc. os ~OO,OOO,OOO Park Qonda os Orange County to acqu!re and i.prove recreational and coneerva~ion land. in Orange County and to con.truct _ zoo. XS the propoait!on ~s approved by the votera. a one-hals a~ll ad valorea tax will ba lev~ed on all property in Orange Co~nty and a Land Acq~iaition Advi.ory Co..~ttee ahall ba e.tabl~ahed. Thia coa.ittee will advise the 90ard on lands to be purchased sro. tuna. generated by the one-hals aill tax or sroa bonds ~es~ad. The .eventeen ...bar Co..ittae shall be coaposed oS 4 ...bar. who r.pr..ent conaervation organizat~on., 4 ..abare who rapr..ent park.~ 4 .eabars Ero. the Orang. Co~nty .e.bara oS the Tri-County Leag~e 0* Citiea~ 4 a..bere os the general p~blic who are r..identa oS Orange County, .nd on. ...bar who ia a repr...nt.tive os the zoological aociaty. Co..iasioner Carter said that a $25.000,000 grant ia to ba given ~o the Central ~lorid. 200 to help the. b~ild a *40,000,000 .ta~. os the art zoological park. - Mr.. Carter gava a .lide pr..ent.tion depicting the rapid expan.ion os develop.ent in Orange County and eaphae~zad the need to acquire land sor environ.ental and recr..~iona1 p~rpoaea while it is available. Scott Henderaon spoke about ~ha recr..tional ~ os the County wh!ch co~ld ba .et by the provision os co.a~nity and diatrict parka. Ron Hardee spoke abo~t the con..rvation Dana*its to ba derived sro. available s~nd. sor p~rcha.. and protection 0* landa to provide gr..n balt .r.... A1 Razon, the Director 0* the Central Florida 200, at.~ad that a 19$2 *aasibility at~dy concl~dad that the zoo co~ld triple attend.nce at a .ore se..ible .ite .nd the 100 acre aite .~ggeatad at T~rkay Lake Park wo~ld be ~deal. Co..iaaioner Carter aaked the Coaai.aionera to approve a r..ol~~ion endorsing tha reserendu. sor a 30-year, 1J2 aill ad valore. tax sor Parka and .nviron.ental Land. acqui.ition and iaprove..nta in Orange Co~nty. Co..iaaioner aate.an aoved to approve, Co.ai..ioner Dabba .econdad, and the aotion carr~ad ~nani.o~sly. . Mayor Iaon co...nded the Lion.~ Fun Day recognitiona os Mra. Dorothy W~rat as "Woaan os the Vear" and 3~nior Wi.. as "Man os the Vear." Mr.. Wur.t ha. ..rved as a vol~nteer at We.t Orange Ke.or~.l Hoap~tal sor 2~ years. and as a t..cher sor 12 y..r.. Mr. Wi.e h.. been v.ry ac~ive in the recr..tion prograa oS tha City. 2 . P..,. a Ci~y eoaai..ion ....in" Ooti...... ". SoMA. PROCLAKATIOII ~-10 ..PLOVS. SIT.ass W.SK Co..ia.ioner 30hnaon .oved to approve Procla.ation *&&-10 declaring October 20 - 24. 1~.. Florid. ..ployee Fi~neaa We.k, Co.aissioner Hager ..condeo. ana the .otion c.rried un.ni.ously. APPROVALS - CO......T AG.llDA Ite.. D .nd S were pulled sro. the Con.en~ Agend.. Coaai..ion.r Dabba aov.d to approve Iteas A. a, C, and ~ with the cl.risic.tion os Ita. C apecisying . twelve .onth period, and the incluaion os ".no a turkey .hoot" in Ite. E. Coa.isaioner 3ohnaon aacondad, .nd the aotion c.rried ~naniao~.~y. It... .pproved were .s sollowa: A - Reg~lar Coaai..ion Meeting Minutes 0& 9-1~-abJ a - Work.hop Co..i..ion M.eting Kin~t.s os g-l_-A., C - Peraisaion sor C~b Scout Pack 217 to use the Oooa. Co..unity Canter .nd h.ve the ~e. w.ived, Ii: - Oooee Lions Cl~b Req~e.t Per.iasion to hold a circua and . turkey .hoot .nd h.v. the paraita/a... waived. OI.D aU.III_ - A. SP.CIAL STAF'S a.PORTS palKA VISTA UTILITISS STATUS R.PORT - City ~ngin..r City ~nginear K.lley reported a review Os docuaenta on *ile with D~R revealed th.t D~R is not prep.red ~o give Pria. Viata Utiliti.. . gu.rant..d capacity sor the ponda ~ntil thay ar. on line and tasted. Mr. Kelley recoaaended that the City take the peaition th.t e*sluent aroa the aouthern-aoat pond co~~d aove in the direction 0% ho..s and the Ci~y .tre.t, and ~equest th.t Pri.. Vi.t. Utilitie. inatall .n iapar.e.ble barrier with a cl.y core to protect again.t . slow tow.rd the ho.e. .nd atr.et. The Co..iaaioner. req~eated the City Engin.er ..nd a letter to DER prior to the Adainistr.tive He.ring sor Pria. Vist. Utilities .pecitying concern abo~t the essl~ent slow and requeat inat.ll.tion 0* .n i.par...ble barrie~. Mr. 3erry Si.a, oz Springl.k. Circl.. reported tha~ ~he FHA had ch.nged poaition and will not resuae sinancing 0& ho.ea in the .rea, b~t will req~ire appr.i..ls with .~rro~nding. being con.iderad. He urged that anawer. to current proble.. De zound De%ore incr.... 0% plan~ cap.city i. approved. . Mr. Kelley report.d th.t the copy 0& a drast report on Pri.. Vi.ta Utiliti.s/W..t Orlando Ind~strial Park Sewar Syate. req~..ted by the Co.aia.ion regarding an eatiaate os tracts 3 e P."e 4 Ci~" eoaai..ion ~&n" Octt........ 7. So~ o~ land available at tha .x~ating tr..t.ent plant ha. not be.n coapleted. Problea. w~th ~ngr...~.gr... to tha land ar. not cl.ared up. Th. priaary ia.~. ia that the City ia "under the g~n" sroa DI&R to have the .y.t.. replaced or on-line, and hopaa to hav_ a dra~t os an agree__nt avai1abl. at the n.xt ...~ing. PRSLIKIMARY KASTSR PLAII APPROVAL P.U.D. - STORY PROpaRTISS e C~ty Planner R~.. Wagner clar~~i.d the language 0% the Dev.lop..nt Revi.w Co..itt.. Report w~th aodisicationa .ade a. .~gg..ted in the October '7, 19ab work.hop. Tho_ .odisicationa pri.ari1y .pecisy that the coata os all additional paving req~ired by the Ci~y north os the .ntry point to the dev.lop.ent and .xtanding no surth.r than the northern bo~ndary 0% the property to the ...t os the .ite, .hall be born. by the d.v.loper but alao wi11 be credited again.~ any t~an.portation iapact se.. i.poaad by the City which the developer would otherw~__ be r.qu~rad to pay. The dev.loper .hall be rei.b~raad sor 3~4 os the coat os .aid iaprov...nt. .. the oth.r thr.. corn.ra os the inter..ction ar. paraitted and daveloped. All lot. ab~ttin9 tha we.t.rly peri.eter oS the d.v.10p..nt and axt.nding ao~th to the natural land.caped b~ss.r ar.. .hall consora to .tandard R1A 20ning require.enta to Duss.r tho proJ.ct *ro. aurrounding d.v.lopaent.. All oth.r lot. in the proJect .hall provide a aini.u. ~O toot lot width and .a~ntain .ini.u. 7 1~2 soot aidayard.. eo..i_ion.r Plan P.U.D. Co..isaion.r ~nani.o~.ly. 30hnaon aoved to approve the Preli.inary M.at.r sor Story Properti.a a. a.ended by Mr. Wagner, Dabba .acond.d. and the .otion c.r~i.d KIDDSM GLS. SUaDIV18IOM SINAL ODMSTRUCTIOM PLANS APPROVAL . City Gngin..r Rick Markle reported that the devaloper agre.. to initially in.tall at hi. aole coat a 12 inch water ..in, to ba dedicatad to the City oS Oco__. .o~therly along 30hio Sher.. Road to the ao~th line oS Ph... I oS thia proJ.ct along with an on-.it. internally looped water .yat.. on Pha_ I a. .hown on the approved w.t.r .y.t.a p1ana. ~urth.r.ore, the d.v.loper agr... to co.pl.te the exten.~on os the 12 inch wat.r .ain along 30hio Shor.. Road to the aouth line os Phaa_ II 0* thia proJect within la aontha along wi~h an internally looped wat.r ayat.. on the Ph... II portion os the proJ.ct. A l.~t.r 0* credit will b. provided by the d.v.loper to the City oS Ocoea in an aaount to cov.r the total proJect coata os thia Pha.e II water .ain ..ten.ion to the .o~th line os Pha.. II, with the sunda to be utiliz.d by the City oS Ocoa. 4 e P... !So Ci_" c...i..i.. ....in. 00tI........ ". 19M iE nec....ry ~or coapl.~ion oE the wa~er a.in iE the ..in is not co.pl.ted by the d.v.loper within the spaci~i.d ti... The d.v.loper s~rth.r agr... to ..k. an up-~ront contribution to the City oE Ocoee 0% ~,OOO to be ~.ed by the City *or oth.r oSs-.ite wat.r .ain i.prov..ents at the di.cr.tion os the City. The dav.loper will be r.iabur..a sor .0.. portion 0* the coats os the .xt.nsion o~ the 12 inch wat.r aain ~roa pay..nt. by other d.v.lopers who connec~ to the 12 inch .ain, via a s~tur. .~t~ally agreeabl. "payback agr....nt.. to be worked o~t betw.en the City os Ocoaa and ~he d.v.loper. H. then recoa.ended the Coa.i.sion approve the proJect. Co..iaaion.r aat..an aoved to approve the Hidd.n Clen S~bdiviaion Final Conatr~ction Plana a. a..nd.d, Co..ission.r U.aer ..cond.d. .nd ~he ao~ion c.rri.d un.ni.oualy. RSQUas~ OS ROM STUCKI TO ADD.ass CITY COK.ISSIOll e Ci~y A~~orn.y Frank Kruppanbacher warned ~ha eo.ai..ion.r. ~hat a co~rt record.r wa. pr..en~ and ca~~ioned the Coa.i.sion.r. to car.s~lly consider any co.a.nt. they .ight .ak.. K~rt Ardaaan~ attorn.y r.pr...nting Mr. St~cki, .tatad their cont.ntion is that rainwat.r coaing sroa a ditch ao~th os Story Road i. being diverted to a siva-soot d..p, 1,~SO ~oot-long di~ch on ~he w..t sid. os hi. property .t Story Road and al~sord Aven~a, and that a drainage convert.r b~ilt in the ditch pr.v.nt. the wa~er sro. slowing to the corner 0* Story and alusord. Mr. St~cki raq~eat.d perai.sion to r..ove the conv.rter and .xtend the Story Road ditch to Ql~sord Aven~e. City Attorn.y Kr~ppanbacher r..pondad that there wa. ne .vid.nc. to .~pport a clai. that the City wa. r..ponaibl. sor the installation os the convertar, and that tha eo..is.ionl. pri.ary r.pon.ibility w.. the protection os the health, sas.ty, and w.lsar. o~ the p~blic. City Enginear K.ll.y hsd requ..tad drainage slow voluae calculations sro. Mr. St~cki~s .ngineer sor his revi.w and approval, b~t Mr. St~cki decl inad the raquaat. Mr. Kruppenbacher ..ked Mr. Kelley i% it aight endanger the health, .a%a~y. and wel%are oS the ci~izena without the in.or.ation h. r.qu..tad. Mr. K.lley con.ir.ad that it co~ld be a hazard. RIECSSS: par ioO Arda..n. Mayor I.on requ.ated races. .~ 9:45 P.M. ~o sllow . os discusaion be~wean ~h. City A~~orney and Attorn.y CALL TO ORDSRc .t 10:45 P.M.. Mayor laon called the ...ting back to order . Mayor laon a~at.d tha~ on the advice o. City Attorney s . P..,.. ~ c.~" c......ion ...~in" on...... 7.. So~ Kruppenbachar, .c~ion would be de~.rred on Mr. raq~..t ~ntil Mr. St~cki and his attorn.y a.et with M.nager to nego~ia~e a .e~~l..ent~ Th. .atter di&Q~.aad ~nder Old a~.in... at the next ...ting i* Stucki1a tt-.e City will be n....d.d. RaPORT OM STATUS OS P & 2 NSMasas RSSIDIMG IM/OUT OF CITY CITY AT'l'ORMaY Hr~ Kruppenbacher adviaed th.t non-r..ident. os the .ho~ld not be ..rving on the Planning and 20ning Board. curr.n~ vacancy will be sille.d at a la~.r ...ting. ci~y Th. a. PUaLIC HSARI.GS 011 COKPRS"SMSIVS PLAR AIISMDMaRT ORDIMAMCSS. ~1"T RSADIMGSc e Co..i..ioner Bat..an aoved ~o approve the sir.~ reading. os the propoaed ordinanc.., Co..i..ion.r 3ohnaon aeconded, and the aotion carried ~nani.oualy. The ordinance. approved were .. *ollowa: So. PROPOSSD ORDIIIAMCS. COKPRaKaMSIVa PLAM AMaMDMaMT (W&SCAR) 2. PAO~D ORDIMAMCS. COMPRaK.MSIVa PLAIt ANaNDMaNT (LAKa.DOII) a. PRO~D ORDIMAMCa. COKPRSKa"SlVS I'LAM AN.MDNaMT (U.s. HONU/STORY) 6. PAOP08aD ORDIM.MCS.. COMPRSHaMBIVa PLAM .NaMDMaMT (W. C. DAVIS) S. PAOP088D OaDIN."Ca. COKP..U....lVa PL... ANaWDMaNT (lIaLLSR) ~. PROP08SD ORDIM...Ca. COMPRSKa..SIVa ~LAM ANaMDMaNT (..aLLIER) 7. PROPOaSD ORDIRAMCS. COMPRSKaN.lva PLAR AN.MDN.NT (HaLLaR) a. I'AOP08SD ORDINARca. CONPRSKaRSIva I'LA" AMSIIDNaMT (IISI..LaR) 9. PROPOSSD oaDI"AMca. CO.PRSHa..lva PL.M AMa"DMaRT (SYLVU,.RI) 10. PROP08SD ORDIMA..ca, COKPRSHa..Slva PLAR AMSNDMSNT (SSRDIIIARD) SOSO. PROP08SD ORDIRA..ca. COKPRSHSMSIVS PLA" AN.IIDMSNT (SaRDIIIARD) Ci~y Manager Ryan read the propoaed ordinanc.. by title only. Nayor leon opened the P~blic H..ring. David Mar.h, os Orang. Coun~y Planning Dap-r~..nt, axpr....d concern abo~t co..ercial dev.lop.ent along Clark Road and property .o~th os ~he turnpike, He contend. that thi. d.v.lopaent i. pre..t~r. .. c~rr.nt r..idential d.velopa.nt i. in.~*sici.nt to a~pport the co...rci.l d.velop.en~ and voiced concerna about poaaibl. .pin-oss develop..nt along with ..rvic.. that wo~ld be required, Qrange County Planning Dap-rt..nt ha. ..nt . e ii. e p..,. 7 C.~" eoa....ion .....ft" Octt........ .,. So ~ letter to the C~~y regiatering th... conc.rn.. There w.re no s~rther coa.ents, .0 the Public "earing w.. cloaed. puaLIC HSARIIIGS AMD aSCOMD RaADIMGSc ORDIMAMCa .9So2. IlXCAVATIMG/STRIlST OPIlMIMG paRMIT City Manager Ryan read the propoaad ordinance by ~itl. only. There ware no co...nts, so the P~blic "earing wa. closed. Co..~aaioner 30hnaon aovad to .pprove Propoaad Ordinance ~912, eo.aissioner Dabba ..conded, and tha .otion carried u~ni.oualy. ORDIMAMCS .913. AMSMDIMG ZOMIIIG ORDIHAMCa SO. lIOIIa OCCUPATIOM City Manager Ryan r..d ~he propoaad ordinance by title only. There were no co..enta, ao the P~blic "e.ring waa clo..a. Co..iasioner Dabba .oved to .pprove Prop0a8d Ordinance ~913~ Coa.i..ionar Bat...n seconded, and the .otion carried unani.oualy. I). OT88. aUelM_ e APPOIIITMSMT TO RSCRSATIOM acARD - eo......oner Deb.. Co..issioner Dabba recoa..nded &or appoint.en~ Mr.. Larry <Maxine) Wallap ~45 3ay Str..tp to the Recreation Board. Co..issioner ~ohnson aaconded, and the reco..andation waa unani.oualy approved. COMMSMTS VROM CITI2S.S/PUaLIC There were no co..ente %ro. cit~2ena. ..a.. aueSM_ Mr. Stucki~. requeat waa .ovad to Spacial S~a%% R.por~.. RSPORTS AMD IMFORIIATIOII - CITY MAMAGSR Mr. Ryan had no additional repor~.. CSTY ATTORMSY Mr. Kruppenbacher had no addi~~on.l report.. COMMSMT. SROK COMKlSSIOMSas e Co.. iaa ioner 30hnaon .xpr....d h~a continuing concern about the probl.. os vehicle coda violation. on the Cityl. atraeta. Ci~y Manager Ryan will look into the iae~. and report back with a~g9.ation.. Mr. Ryan will revi.w .tate and co~n~y 7 -- P... . Ci." c..ai..ion ....in. 00tI........ 7. ,~ o~din.nc.. sor ..thod. to inc~.... .n~orc...nt powera, Coa.i..ionr a.te.an ..pr.a.ed concern abo~t the prob~e.a handi-capped paraon. .xperi..nce in uaing ar.. to~l roada. He raq~e.tad the Mayor and City Manager ..nd a letter ~o the GaatJW..t g.pr...way Authori~y wi~h a copy to o~r legialator. raq~eating .tepa be taken to r.aady their probl.... H.yo~ I.on augg..t.d hazardo~. condi.tiona i.nt.raecti.on .i.gh~ be _or .otori.ta heading ~hat an inte~i. .olution %or at the M.r.hall Faraa Road/Highway .and.ti.ng no l-*~ turns 0** Hi.ghway ....t. the SO SO The ...ting adJourn.d a~ 11:23 P,M.. __~__J1d____ Mayor I.on e ____!rl ~D.A.J._~___ ;"~puty Cl.rk Cr..n e a