HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-21-86 MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD OCTOBER 21, 1986 ,. PRESENT: Mayor Ison; Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs, Bateman, and Hager; City Manager Ryan, City Attorney Ike Cool, City Planner Wagner, City Engineer Kelley, Water Superintendent Cockrell, Acting Building Official Hurst, City Clerk Catron, and Deputy Clerk Green. ABSENT: NClne. CALL TO ORDER - MAYOR ISON Mayor Ison called the meeting to order at 7:37 Commissioner Dabbs led in prayer and the Mayor led Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. P. M. . il'"l the PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Smith E. Branch, 428 East Lakeshore Drive, as spokesman for 148 homeowners of the Sleepy Harbor Homeowners Association, presented a plaque to Darrell Dees, Sanitation Supervisor, in appreciation for the fine work of his department. Mayor Ison commended the Water Department for their extra efforts during three recent major water line breaks. Mayor Ison read a note of thanks from Dorothy Wurst concerning her recent selection by the Lion's Club as Ocoee's "Wclman clf the Yeat~". I ~ APPROVALS - CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Bateman moved to approve all items on the Consent Agenda, Commissioner Hager seconded, and the motion cat~t~ied l.mal'"limously. Items appt~oved wet~e as fClllclws: A Regular Commission Meeting Minutes of 10-07-86; B - Workshop Commission Meeting Minutes of 10-07-86; C - Appointment of Harold Switzer to Planning and Zoning Board - Commissioner Bateman; and D - Proposed Ordinance Amending Merit System Ordinance, First Reading. City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only. J I OLD BUSINESS A. SPECIAL STAFF REPORTS STATUS REPORT ON THE WATER/DRAINAGE PROBLEM AT RUSSELL AND WILLOWCREEK - City Engineer City Engineer Kelley explained that the storm drain inlet at the corner of Russell and Willowcreek needs rehabilitation. He recommended that the structure be drained, cleared out, injected with grout and stabilized by excavation around the structure and installation of filter fabric. He estimated the cost of grouting would be about $2,500 and the cost of ~ .... ~ 1 1 . Page 2 City Commission Meeting October 21, 1986 the balance of the work between $15,000 and $30,000. He urged an emergency priority for the repairs and suggested obtaining three bids for the work. Commissioner Dabbs moved to authorize Staff to spend up to $30,000 for the project as outlined by City Engineer Kelley. Commissioner Bateman seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. FLUORIDATION GRANT AGREEMENT, STATE HRS - P.E.C. City Engineer Kelley requested authorization to place advertisement for receipt of bids for Ocoee's fluoridation project as the final cost estimate has been approved by the HRS Public Health Dental Program. Mr. Kel1ey estimated the project will cost about $35,000. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve advertisement for bids, Commissioner Dabbs seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. - PRIMA VISTA UTILITIES PROPOSED PLANT EXPANSION City Engineer Kelley reported that Mr. Jerry Sims' request for an Administrative Hearing concerning the proposed expansion of Prima Vista Utilities' existing facility had been returned to him. The Commissioners asked Mr. Kelley to check with DER tQ see if the "fili\"lg wi\"ldQw" is clQsed f,:,r hearing applicatiQns and if Mr. Sims' application is stil1 being cQnsidered. CQmmissiQner Bateman moved to request City Staff, if Mr. Sims' applicatiQn is not sufficient, to prepare whatever is necessary tQ make the applicatiQn with assistance frQm the City AttQrney. CQmmissioner JQhnsQn secQnded, and the motiQn carried unanimQusly. STATUS REPORT/AGREEMENT WITH RON STUCKI CONCERNING THE DRAINAGE PROBLEM - City Manager City Manager Ryan repQrted that RQn Stucki has agreed tQ recQgnize the City's Qwnership of the ditch on the property south Qf Story RQad and east Qf BlufQrd if he can include it as part Qf the 20-fQQt setback area. The City will maintain the easement and will install drainage pipe if Mr. Stucki needs the area fQr a parking lQt. Mr. Stucki and his attQrney will submit documents for dedicating the easements to the City for the drainage. RECESS: Mayor Ison requested recess at 8:23 P.M.. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ison called the meeting back to order at 8:40 P. M.. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READINGS ON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT ORDINANCES AND REVIEW OF DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENTS: II City Manager Ryan read Amendment Ordinances by the title prQPosed Comprehensive only and noted that Pla)'"1 the 2 _._~.._-,..<~ e Page 3 City Commission Meeting October 21, 1986 e Developer's Agreements were provided for information only. Mayor Ison opened the Public Hearing for all the ordinances and stated for the record the County's opposition to three of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Ordinances. David Marsh, supervisor of the county planning department's Long Range Planning Division, was unable to speak for the County due to sudden illness. In his absence, the Mayor explained the County's position that commercialization now of the 46 acre area east of Maguire Road, south of the turnpike (Ordinance #918 - Heller), plus two nine acre strips of land west of Maguire Road and less than a mile north of Roberson Road (Ordinances #923 and #924 - Ferdinand) was premature and should be postponed until residential development in the area could support it. The County's concerns also include traffic congestion along Maguire Road as well as the demand for water, sewer, and other sevices that neither the city nor the county could yet provide. These objections were outlined in letters to the City from the Orange County Planning Department on September 2, 1986 and on October 6, 1986, and in a letter from Robert Kessler of the State Department of Community Affairs on October 2, 1986. Mr. Marsh also voiced these objections during the meeting of the City Commission held on October 7th. ORDINANCE 914, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (WESCAR) Residential (County) to Commercial and Mixed Res/Prof/Com There being no comments from citizens, the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the proposed ordinance, Commissioner Dabbs seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE 915, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (LAKENDON) Commercial (County) to Commercial There being no comments from citizens, the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Hager moved to approve the proposed ordinance, Commissioner Bateman seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE 916, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (U.S. HOMES/STORY) Low Density Residential (County) to Residential There being no comments from citizens, the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve the proposed ordinance, Commissioner Dabbs seconded, and the motion was approved unanimously. - ORDINANCE 917, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (W.C. DAVIS) Rural Residential (County) to Residential/Commercial There being no comments from citizens, the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the proposed ~ . Page 4 City Commission Meeting October 21, 1986 ordinance, Commissioner Hager seconded, approved unanimously. and the motion was ORDINANCE 918, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (HELLER) Rural Residential (County) to Residential (Prop. Com.) City Planner Wagner recommended abiding by the County's request as explained by David Marsh's comments noted above. There being no further comments from citizens, the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Johnson moved to retain residential land use classification for this parcel, Commissioner Dabbs seconded, and the motion was approved uY".ar. i r,lC'US I y. ORDINANCE 919, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (HELLER) Rural Residential (County) to Residential There were no comments from citizens, so the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the proposed ordinance, Commissioner Bateman seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. e ORDINANCE 920, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (HELLER) Rural Residential (County) to Residential There were no comments from citizens, so the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Hager moved to approve the proposed ordinance, Commissioner Bateman seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved. ORDINANCE 921, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (HELLER) Residential to Mixed (Residential/Professional/Commercial) There were no comments from citizens, so the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the proposed ordinance, Commissioner Johnson seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE 922, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (SYLVESTRI) Rural Residential (County) to Residential There were no comments from citizens, so the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the proposed ordinance, Commissioner Bateman seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved. e ORDINANCE 923, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (FERDINAND) Rural Residential (County) to Residential (Prop. Com.) City Planner Wagner recommended that land use remain residential as requested by the County and noted in Marsh comments above. Commissioner Bateman suggested the County's "Rl..n~al Residerltial" desigr,atic.rl rleeds clat~ificatior. as this area currently includes an airport and industrial development. There were no other comments from citizens, so the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Johnson moved 4 tit Page 5 City Commission Meeting October 21, 1986 to approve continuation of residential Commissioner Hager seconded, and unanimously. land use designation, the motion carried ORDINANCE 924, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (FERDINAND) Rural Residential (County) to Residential (Prop. Com.) Mr. Wagner recommended residential land use classification again as requested by Orange County and noted in Marsh comments above. There being no further comments from citizens, the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve residential land use classification for this parcel, Commissioner Bateman seconded, and approval was urlarlir'10us. RECESS: Mayor Ison requested recess at 9:40 P.M.. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ison called the meeting back to order at 9:52 P. M.. C. PUBLIC HEARINGS ONLY ON REZONING ORDINANCES e Mayor Ison explained that action would be taken Rezoning Ordinances on November 18th and opened the Hearing for all the ordinances. on the PI.lbl ic 1. PROPOSED ORDINANCE, WESCAR REZONING A-I (County) to C-2 and P-S There being no comments from citizens, the Public Hearing was clc.sed. 2. PROPOSED ORDINANCE, LAKENDON REZONING C-3 (County) to C-3 There being no comments from citizens, the Public Hearing was closed. 3. PROPOSED ORDINANCE, U.S. HOMES REZONING A-I to P.U.D. District Mr. R. P. Mohnacky, of Orlando, commented that one car garages may lead to neighborhood parking problems and urged that they not be allowed in new developments. Staff confirmed that one car garages are not accepted in plans for single dwellings now. There were no other comments from citizens, so the Public Hearing was closed. 4. PROPOSED ORDINANCE, W. C. DAVIS REZONING A-I (County) to C-2 and R-l-A There being no comments from citizens, the Public Hearing was closed. e 5 Page 6 City Commission Meeting October 21, 1986 5. PROPOSED ORDINANCE, HELLER REZONING Unclassified to C-2 City Planner Wagner noted land use change to residential in adoption of Ordinance 918. Mr. R. P. Mohnacky commented on the tax advantages for the city of increased commercialization, and Mayor Ison confirmed that the cc.mmet'cial development was "the gt'avy" ec.:.no:.mically speaking and agreed that the City needed mo:.re co:.mmercial zo:.nes. There were no:. o:.ther comments, so:. the Public Hearing was closed. 6. PROPOSED ORDINANCE, HELLER Unclassified to:. R-3 Mr. Mo:.hnacky reiterated his develo:.pment, there were no:. o:.ther the Public Hearing was closed. REZONING comments abo:.ut co:.mmercial co:.mments fro:.m citizens, so 7. PROPOSED ORDINANCE, HELLER REZONING A-I to:. R-l-A, R-l-AA, and R-l-AAA Mr. Mo:.hnacky noted the advantages o:.f commercial develo:.pment, there were no o:.ther co:.mments fro:.m citizens, so:. the Public Hearing was closed. . 8. PROPOSED ORDINANCE, SYLVESTRI REZONING A-I to:. P.U.D. District There were no:. comments fro:.m citizens, so the Public Hearing was clc.sed. 9. PROPOSED ORDINANCE, FERDINAND REZONING A-I tCI C-l City Planner Wagner no:.ted the planned land use o:.f this parcel under Ordinance 923 is residential. Mr. Mohnacky restated his earlier co:.mments abo:.ut co:.ffimercialization. There being no:. further comments fro:.m citizens, the Public Hearing was closed. 10. PROPOSED ORDINANCE, FERDINAND REZONING A-I TO C-l Mr. Wagner noted planned land use of this parcel under Ordinance 924 is residential. There being no further co:.mments, the Public Hearing was clo:.sed. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC There were no:. further comments. NEW BUSINESS e A. APPROVAL OF RESPONSE TO EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY ADVANCE NOTICE ON WESTERN BELTWAY All the Commissioners expressed agreement with Mayo:.r Iso:.n's 6 --'-~.~ . Page 7 City Commission Meeting October 21, 1986 letter to John Dittmeier, Deputy Director of Engineering, Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority, in which he urged consideration of beltway expansion along the west side of Ocoee instead of the easterly route now studied by the Al..lth,:lt~i ty. B. APPROVAL TO PURCHASE CHLORINE LEAK KITS - CHIEF STROSNIDER Chief Strosnider requested approval for the expenditure of funds, not to exceed $2,000.00, for the acquisition of a chlorine leak kit. The Fire Department needs a kit for use if a leak should develop in a chlorine cylinder. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve an expenditure not to exceed $2,000 for purchase of a kit, Commissioner Hager seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved. e INTERPRETATION OF ZONING ORDINANCE CONCERNING PARKING LOT STANDARDS FOR RELIGIOUS USES - REV. BURGESS, GLAD TIDINGS ASSEMBLY OF GOD The Rev. Mr. Dillard Burgess, Pastor of Glad Tidings Assembly of God, asked the Commissioners to approve temporary use of cypress mulch for a 40 car parking area for a period of two years. He said the church needed the time to collect the money to pave the lot permanently. The City's Zoning Ordinance permits only hard surface, dustless paving - such as gravel, asphalt, Clt~ CCIY"ICt~ete. ActiY"lg BuildiY"lg Official Hurst explained that engineering calculations for a mulch surface would not be accurate for a hard surface. Attorney Cool confirmed this request would require a variance, but City Planner Wagner explained that this situation would not qualify as a hardship as defined in the Zoning Ordinance. The consensus of the Commissioners was that their only option was to deny the request, though several voiced personal empathy and concern for the plight of the congregation. Mayor Ison offered his personal assistance to help raise finances for the parking lot. REPORTS AND INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER A. CHANGE TIME/DATE FOR 11-04-86 MEETING AND REMINDER OF CANVASSING BOARD MEETING ON 11-05-86 AT NOON The Commissioners agreed to hold the November 4th meeting at 7:30 at the Women's Club if it is available, as the Community Center will be in use due to the Election. B. FOLLOW-UP AGENDA REPORT All items have been addressed. e 7 ~ Page 8 City Commission Meeting October 21, 1'386 CITY ATTORNEY No c.:ommer.ts. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Bateman requested the Staff to check on making application for getting a designation for Lakes Starke, Prima Vista ar.d Olympia as "Outstarlding Watet~ B.:odies." Commissioner Dabbs expressed concern about water quality problems now being expet~ienced by Sleepy Harbor residents. A number of them have invested in $2,000 water systems as an effort to improve the water quality. He also asked the City Staff to check on the possibility of a local ordinance to deal wi th the "er.t icement" of ch i ldt~er. by adul ts. Commissioner Dabbs had been requested by Glenda Hood to serve on the Inter-governmental Relations Committee of the Tri- County League of Cities. . Mayor Ison asked the Commission to authot~ize donation of $450 to area Boy Scouts. Commissioner Johnson moved to authorize the donation, Commissioner Bateman seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Johnson noted his concern about the continuing "Jurlk vehicle" pt~oblem. Mayor Ison proclaimed the week of October 19 - 26 as National Housing Week in the City of Ocoee. The meeting adjourned at 11:06 P.M.. _~LR_L--- Mayot~ I sor. ---~-~----- Deputy Clerk Greer. 8 --.---- ~ .... r_._ __~ i..- _"'--