HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-18-86 7:30 P.M. Cll'Y Or ocaEE OH:\NGE COUNTY OCOEE. FLOHIU^ 327tiJ AGENDA ELI u r rl 0 f ([uuun i B S i 11 n F r .a OCOEE CaMJNITY CENTER NCYl'E: Poll Citizens for CaI'mEnts/Agenda 7: 15 P.M. NOVEMBER 18, 1986 I. CALL TO ORDER - MAYOR lSON A. Invocation B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum II. PRESENTATIONS AND PRCX::LAMATIONS A. Towne Square Merchants Appreciation Night III. APPROVALS - CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under item, Consent Agenda, are considered to be routine by the City Board of Corrmissioners, and will be acted upon by one IIDtion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless discussion is desired by any citizen or rrember of the Canmission, in which case, the Mayor will instruct the City Clerk to rerrove the item from the Consent Agenda and such item will be considered separately. - A. Regular Ccmnission Meeting Minutes of November 4, 1986. B. Special Session Camnission Meeting Minutes of November 5, 1986 (Canvassing Board) C. Windererrere Fire Contract D. ReappointIrent of Joe Marbais to Code Enforcerrent Board E. permission to pay from General Services Fund an Unernployrrent Trust Fund Expense IV. OID BUSINESS A. Special Staff Reports 1. City Engineer a. Developers Agreerrent with Forest Oaks 2. City Manager a. Interlocal Agreerrent with Orange County for Reserve Plarming Area b. Discussion of Possible Condemnation of M & M Utilities c. Review and Discussion of Citizen Corrplaints Re: Prima Vista Utilities (Jerry Sims) 3. City Planner a. Harbour Highlands Village Phase I & II - Preliminary Subdivision Plans Review b. Prairie Lakes P.U.D. - Preliminary Master Plan Review B. Public Hearings and Second Readings 1. Developers Agreerrent, We scar Rezoning Ordinance #925, Wescar Rezoning 2 . Developers Agreerrent, Lakendon Rezoning Ordinance #926, Lakendon Rezoning e NOTICE: Any person who desires to appeal any decision at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for this purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. ~ . - - Page 2 City Camri.ssion Agenda November 18, 1986 3. Ordinance #927, U.S. Hares Corp. and Story Properties Rezoning 4. Developers Agreement, W.C. Davis Rezoning Ordinance #928, W. C. Davis Rezoning 5. Developers Agreerrent, Heller Rezoning Ordinance #929, Heller Rezoning 6 . Developers Agreement, Heller Rezoning Ordinance #930, Heller Rezoning 7. Developers Agreement, Heller Rezoning Ordinance #931, Heller Rezoning 8. Developers Agreement, Ferdinand Rezoning Ordinance #932, Ferdinand Rezoning 9. Developers Agreement, Ferdinand Rezoning Ordinance #933, Ferdinand Rezoning 10. Ordinance #934, Personnel Rules and Regulations C. Other Business 1. Developers Agreement/Harvey Heller on Mixed-Use Ccn'preh.ensi ve Plan Arrendrrent Parcel v. CCMo1ENTS FRG1 CITIZENS/PUBLIC VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Purchase Telephone & Radio Recorder B. Purchase Canputer for Police Depa.rtrrent VII. REPORI'S AND INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER A. Follow-up Agenda Report VIII. CITY ATroRNEY IX. CITY STAFF A. Police Chief T,vritten Report on Citizens' Ccn'plaints X. CD1MENTS FRCM CCM-fiSSIONERS XI . AIlJOURNMENl' ,.,A.A ~ -