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DECEMBER 16, 1986
Mayot"' ISOYI called t he meet i Ylg to ot"'det"' at 7:30 P.M. aY,d led
iYI prayer aYld pledge of allegiance to the flag.
PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Johnson(arrived at 9:10
P.M.), Dabbs, Bateman and Hager, City Attorney Kruppenbacher,
City Engineers Kelley and Merkle, City Manager Ryan, City
Plannet"' Wagner, City Clerk Catron, Water Superintendent
Cockrell, Building Official Hurst and Deputy Clerk Green.
The mi Ylutes
Oct o bet"' 28,
of the Planning and Zoning Board Meeting
1986 were submitted for information only.
Mayor Ison presented a plaque to Merit
and expressed the City's appreciation
City as a member of the Merit Board.
not present to receive their plaques.
Board Member Pat Bond
for her service to the
The other members were
Commissioner Bateman moved to approve items A through D on
the Consent Agenda, Commissioner Dabbs seconded and the
motion carried unanimously. The items approved were as fol-
lows: A - Regular Commission Meeting Minutes of 12-2-86, B -
Workshop Commission Meeting Minutes of 12-2-86, C - Special
Session Commission Meeting Minutes of 12-9-86, and D- Renewal
of Security Trailer at Teak Isle, 401 Capitol Ct., Ocoee, FL.
A. Special Staff Reports
Mayor Ison asked the Commissioners if they had a problem with
moving this item up on the agenda because Mark Robitaille,
representing WOMH, had another committment tonight and would
like to leave as soon as possible. The Commissioners all
agreed to move this item up as requested.
City Planner Wagner explained that upon approval of the
Preliminary Subdivision Plan and Final Site Plan and Plat
there were several items the landowner had agreed to do.
Some changes were also made in the plans that required a
drainage easement across the Heller property; therefore, they
have both worked up developers agreements and staff feels all
the concerns of the Commission have been addressed with the
exception of paragraph 5 in the WOMH Developers Agreement.
...."". .~ -"'.,-..~_. ",,.-
Peg. 2
City Coaaiaaion Meeting
Deceaber 16. 1986
This had been added to take care of the drainage easement and
should be approved subJect to review by Attorney
Kruppenbacher. Co.aissioner Bateman questioned the 25-year,
6-hour storm event mentioned in the Heller Brothers
agreement. He wanted to make sure they were taking care of
the total run-off. Mr. Wagner said he would hsve to defer to
the Engineers as this was agreed upon by their engineer and
our engineer. Mr. Merkle explained that the subdivision
regulations allow for different design storms and they were
satisfied with the drainage since the hospital will be on the
highest area of the lot and two feet of fill will be added.
Co.missioner Hager added his concerns with the drainage
because this area is low. Rick Merkle, when asked by City
Attorney Kruppenbacker if he was concerned with flooding,
stated that he did not for see any flooding problems.
Com.issioner Bateman moved to approve the West Orange
Memorial Hospital/Heller Brothers Developers Agreements
subJect to ratification by the City Attorney and City
Manager, Coaaissioner Hager seconded and the aotion was
approved unanimously.
City Planner Wagner explained that the plans were submitted
about a year ago and several changes have been aade in the
plans since that time. Mr. Dykgraaf has complied with every-
thing that has been requested and staff is satisfied with the
plans. Coaaissioner Dabbs stated that he was not here in
1985 and wanted to know what the concerns were. Rick Merkle
explained that the items of concern were drainage.
ingress/egress(access to the property), water looping and 101
right-of-way on Maguire Road and these items have been
addressed. Commissioner Bateman questioned the grade on
parking spaces 50 through 65 and asked why this grade was
necessary and if it was a safe engineering design. Mr.
Merkle explained that the 3 to 1 slope on the drainage
swale/ditch in the 101 right-of-way dictated the slope of the
front elevation. If they required more than the 3 to 1 slope
the ditch would be hard to maintain but if they wanted they
could require more of a slope in order to eliminate the slope
in those parking spaces. Mayor leon suggested approving the
plans subJect to redesigning those 15 parking spaces.
Co.missioner Dabbs moved to approve the Final Engineering
Plans for Orange Tree Plaza subJect to subaission of revised
plans to redo the South 15 parking spaces to eliminate the
crest and create uniform slope of the parking area,
Commissioner Bateman seconded and the motion carried
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Ordinance 93S. Gregory P. Sa.ano Annexation
Kayor Ison explained the Public Hearing process and opened
the Public Hearing. City Kanager Ryan read the ordinance by
title only and City Planner Wagner pointed the property out
on the map. The property is located next to the Prairie Lake
P.U.D. at the Western terminus of Hackney Prairie Road and
contains 37 acres. Staff recommends approval of the
annexation request since the property is in our reserve area
and would accommodate the future expansion of Hackney Prairie
Road. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve Ordinance 935 as
submitted, Commissioner Hager seconded and the motion was
carried unanimously.
Preli.inary Subdivi.ion Plan Approval - Hodge. Bolin Ranch
City Planner Wagner explained that this parcel was annexed
concurrently with the Bolin tract and has A-1 zoning. On
December 9, 1986, the Planning and Zoning Board recommended
approval of this subdivision subJect to staff comments. The
fire department is satisfied with the private drive access
and a new fire hydrant will be installed for the two
dwellings. The water is available on the property due to the
line installed for the Carriage Oaks Subdivision. The
private drive will be accessed through Starr Drive which is a
paved public street. The private drive does not have to be
paved because it is private. Mayor Ison asked the City
Planner and City Manager for suggestions. Mr. Ryan
stated that a review of the minutes seemed to indicate the
intention was to use the property in this manner and as long
as the private drive is established, the public road paved
and adequate access is assured, then it would be appropriate.
The Mayor, Commissioners, and Attorney Kruppenbacher
expressed concern over the private drive and what would
happen if other homes were to be built along the private
drive which is a definite possibility. Attorney
Kruppenbacher suggested the City develop a policy on whether
to allow "private drives/streets" as most cities do not allow
this. Because of the emergency access question, he stated
they should require a document from the owner relieving the
City of any liability. He then questioned whether they could
table the matter until a policy is established. Ted Bolin
asked what the emergency vehicles would do if a homeowner had
a long driveway with a locked gate. Attorney Kruppenbacher
explained that this was different since hoaes would not be
built along the private drive. Commissioner Hager moved to
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City Coaai..ion M..ting
D.c..b.r 16. 1986
table until January 6, 1987 Meeting, seconded by Com.issioner
Bate.an and the motion carried unanimously.
City Manager Ryan sum.arized the events leading up to this
.eeting. He explained that this item had been previously
scheduled for the 12-2-86 meeting but Just prior to the
.eeting he had received a cost estimate for the paving of
Hackney Prairie Road and did not have time to go over the
figures. In discussion with Mr. Rich, who agreed to postpone
the matter and requested a workshop, Mr. Ryan told Mr. Rich
that the Commission was having a workshop on December 9,
1986, and asked him to attend that meeting. Mr. Ryan further
stated that there were three options open to them as
explained at the Special Session on the 9th: to allow the
.odification to stand; to rescind the modification and
require Rich Drive to be extended through; or to support the
staff position requiring him to pave a proportionate share of
15~ or $90.000.00 for the paving of Hackney Prairie.
Wayne Rich asked the Commission to recall the meeting of 9-
2-86 where they agreed to the modification of the site plan
for Phase II. He explained that the original plans for
Forest Oaks Development did not include the paving of
Hackney Prairie Road and at that time the a.ount he would be
responsible for was not specified. He explained that he only
had $50,000.00 to apply to the paving of Hackney Prairie
Road, as his proJect is 85~ complete and he is dealing with
finite budget ite.s. He feels that the estimated cost is not
accurate. There are .any items not taken into consideration.
In the interim, a temporary cul-de-sac and crash gate have
been installed, and he feels he has an inequitable situation.
Commissioner Bateman reminded Mr. Rich that when he ca.e
before them on 9-2-86 he was faced with dealing with the
County and an $80,000.00 to $90,000.00 expense for the
railroad crossing and was aware that as soon as Rich Drive
was "punched through" that Hackney Prairie would have to be
paved. Also Mr. Rich had received a letter from Orange
County explaining this condition so this experience was not
new to him. We could go back to where we were prior to 9-
2-86 and Mr. Rich could deal with Orange County. Mr. Rich
stated that he was aware of the situation but not the
".onies.u He was astonished at the amount. What we are
"boiling down to" is the proportionate amount and how to
derive the amount to be used.
Mayor Ison said this should be a good "history lesson" for us
and in the future to nail down all of these items so that
everyone knows "up front" what the costs and requirements are
going to be. City Manager Ryan asked what the plans showed
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Ci~y Coaai..ion Mee~ing
Dece.ber 16. 1986
and was told the
Hackney Prairie
conferring with
plans showed Rich Drive "punched through" to
Road. There was some discussion about
Orange County about the Hackney Prairie
COMmissioner Johnson arrived at 9:10 P.M. and Mayor
asked for a short recess to enable City Manager
to brief him on the issues under discussion.
RECESS: 9:10 P.M.
Wayne Rich explained to Commissioner Bateman that they were
not dealing with finite nuabers. Mayor Ison asked City
Engineer Kelley what the cost estimate would be for the
design, surveys, permits, storM water, etc. for the paving of
Hackney Prairie Road. Mr. Kelley stated that it would be
difficult to determine but may be in the range of 9~ to 14~
of the cost of paving the road.
Attorney Kruppenbacher expressed concern over the lack of
county representation regarding the paving of Hackney Prairie
Road. He suggested that if the city did not have
something in "black and white" froll the county and initiated
the paving, the city could incur an implied responsibility
for Hackney Prairie Road which at this time is a county road.
He suggested that Mr. Rich post a $50,000.00 bond or letter
of credit designating payment towards off-site improvements
of the existing development and that the City Manager confer
with Orange County on their long range plans for Hackney
Prairie Road. Mr. Kruppenbacher further stated that Mr.
Richls responsibility could remain "open-ended" by specifying
that this was not the full extent of his share. Mayor Ison
suggested that the landowners along Hackney Prairie be
contacted to encourage them to annex into the city so that we
can control and .anage the area and, as he has recommended
before, get out of the "pro-rata" share business. Wayne Rich
asked how the "open-end" was going to be resolved.
Commissioner Bateman questioned Mr. Rich on what he felt his
share would be if no one built West of his property and how
he would resolve the railroad crossing issue with Orange
County. Mr. Rich stated that he only felt responsible for
the 50 lots in Phase III as far as the paving of Hackney
Prairie Rd.. Attorney Kruppenbacher again reiterated his
proposal that the monies be deposited by the city and
designated as off-site i.provements. Mayor Ison also stated
that the City should take the $60,000.00 and apply it toward
the cost of paving Hackney Prairie Road rather than risk
losing the monies by taking no action.
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City Co..i..ion leeting
Dece.ber 16. 1986
After so.e discussion on the way to handle the monies.
Commissioner Bateman moved that the City Manager and City
Attorney work out an agreement with Mr. Rich. et al. and
place his $60,000.00 in cash in city hands and that an
agreement be brought back by 1-6-87 meeting with verification
from City Manager and City Attorney that this will not
preJudice our negotiations with other developers East. North,
South or West of Hackney Prairie Road. Commissioner Dabbs
seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
A. Requ..t Vehicular Aeee.. to Flewelling - Ir. Boeh
Mr. Boeh, owner and resident of 735 Lakeview Drive. Lot 18.
Lakeview Village has requested vehicular access to Flewelling
from his rear yard. Building Official Cecil Hurst explained
to the Com.ission that when the Final Plat for the Lakeview
Subdivison was accepted. the developer dedicated to the city
all vehicular access rights to Flewelling Drive for all of
those lots that abut Flewelling Drive on the rear as follows:
Lot 1, 2, 3. 18. 19 and 20. On May 22, 1986, Mr. Boeh was
issued a building permit (by a Building Official who is no
longer with the City) to construct a garage in his rear yard
with the site plan clearly showing the access from
Flewelling. After construction was completed on the garage
and Mr. Boeh was ready for the driveway, he contacted our
Street Department Supervisor so the curb cut could be made.
He was told at that time that this approval could only come
from the City Commission. thus the reason for his request
before the Commission.
Commissioner Johnson stated that he had only complained
because he was told that Mr. Boeh was running a business out
of his garage. Mr. Hurst explained that he notified Mr. Boeh
about the requirements for Home Occupation and he had
complied. Mr. Boeh told the Commission that he would have to
remove several trees in order to construct a driveway from
the front of his home to the back and he would rather not
have to do that and respectfully requested the Commission
to grant his access to Flewelling.
Attorney Kruppenbacher asked Mr. Boeh how much he felt he had
been damaged by the city's allowing the garage to be built.
Mr. Boeh stated that the garage cost approximately $3.000.00
but this did not include his labor. Mr. Kruppenbacher said
that we would be estopped to deny access; however. we could
buy back the garage. He also stated that we might want to
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City Co..i..ion Keeting
Dece.ber 16. 1986
contact the former building official to confirm that neither
he nor Mr.Boeh was aware of the prohibited access to
Mayor leon asked if there were any other residents present
who had the same problem. The following residents stated
that they had access to Flewelling and would like to keep
that privilege: John Boone. 737 Lakeview; Mark Linn. 703
Lakeview; and Allen Wilson. 701 Lakeview. Mayor lson stated
that we need to decide how to handle double sided lots as
there will be others with all of the development that will be
taking place.
Mr. Boeh stated that he no longer operated the business out
of the garage and he has rented a unit at the storage
facilities on Story Road. He does use the phone at his home
for the business and part of the home for his office. He
again requested the access to Flewelling as it would be
difficult to get his truck into the rear yard from the front.
After more discussion. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve
Mr. Boeh's request for Flewelling Drive access for his
property and also that City Staff approve likewise for the
other lots - 1. 2. 3. 19 & 20. Commissioner Hager seconded
and the motion carried unanimously. The Commissioners stated
that this subdivision was approved prior to the current
subdivision regulations. City Manager Ryan suggested they
access their property through fence and gate arrangements.
RECESS: 11:10 P.M.
B. Site Plan Approval. W..t Colonial Kini Storage Faciliti..
City Engine.r
City Engineer Merkle explained that this proJect was
partially reviewed by the City Commission at a prior workshop
session in order to ascertain the extent of the roadway
improvements required to accommodate traffic impacts. At
that meeting. they all agreed that a turn lane and
improvements along Marshall Farms Road would be needed. The
developer has coordinated with Florida D.O.T. for the
improvements necessary at Marshall Farms Road and Highway 50
intersection. The D.O.T. will be constructing a turn lane
on S.R. 50 and the developer will have to widen the Marshall
Farms Road radius. Additionally, the developer will
construct a turn lane on Marshall Farms Road leading into the
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Ci~y Coaai..ion "..~ing
Dec.ab.1' 16. 1986
Fire protection for the site will be provided via private
water lines. and the Fire Department has determined that
turning radii around the warehouse buildings are adequate.
All other technical requirements regarding grading and
drainage are satisfactory.
John Spath. of Southern Atlantic Construction Group, spoke as
a representative of the developer and confirmed that they are
ready to begin construction as soon as the site plan is
After further discussion, the Commissioners agreed the site
plan could be approved subJect to the following conditions:
1. That the developer shall provide additional detailed
drawings satisfactory to the City Engineer clarifying
the required improvements to be made along Karshall
Farms Road at the entrance to the proJect.
2. That the developer shall be given no building permits
for Outparcel B until Site Plans are approved by the
City of Ocoee and a Final Plat emcompsssing both
parcels is submitted and approved; furthermore. there
will be no access from Outpsrcel B to Marshall Farms
Road except through the West Colonial Mini Storage
Facilities entrance.
3. Turning radius improvements installed as determined
by D.O.T. and constructed by D.O.T. standards and
4. No certificate of Occupancy will be issued for the
proJect until the striping is done on Highway 50 by
D.O.T. (adding of the center turn lane).
5. No issuing of building permits until the balance due
for the water line improvements of $12.000.00 is paid.
Attorney Kruppenbacher recommended that a letter of agreement
be signed by Mr. Spath acknowledging his concurrence with the
stated conditions.
West Colonial
Dabbs moved to approve the site plans for the
Mini Storage Facilities ProJect contingent upon
of the five conditions as stipulated.
Johnson seconded and the motion was unanimously
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City Coaai..ion Meeting
Deceaber 16. 1986
City Planner
City Planner Wagner explained that operating under the same
Co..ission Directives as last year, the proposed schedules
provide adequate time for owners/developers to respond to
notices advertising the cityls adopted Plan Amendment
Procedures. Annexation Schedules preceed the Plan Amendment
and Rezoning Schedules to permit new lands to come into the
city. All schedules are overlapped to the maximum degree
while still meeting all city and state laws. Schedule Number
One begins January 27, 1987, with annexation by April 7,
1987, and completion on August 4, 1987. Schedule Number Two
begins Kay 22, 1987, with annexation by August 4, 1987, and
completion on December 1, 1987. He recom.ended approval for
the proposed 1987 Annexation, Comprehensive Plan Amendment
and Rezoning Schedulea aa submitted. Commissioner Bateman
moved to approve the schedules aa proposed by the City
Planner, Commissioner Hager seconded, and the motion was
unanimously approved.
City Manager Ryan had no further comments.
Kayor Ison asked Staff to bring back before the Commission
the following:
1) A tax on sewer companies
2) An adult entertainment ordinance
3) The speed limit on Highway 50 being lowered within the
city limits
4) Negotiate with Florida D.D.T. the feasibility of
installing a stop light at Highway 50 and Florida Auto
5) Implement a practice whereby any developer who owes
money to the city has a definite schedule worked out
for the date payments are due.
Mr. Kruppenbacher reported that a simple, condensed agreement
with the School Board is all that will be required for the
city to use the Dcoee Junior High gym. He will provide such
a facilities agreement as soon as possible.
Co.missioner Hager reco..ended that a single one-time
payment be made to the employees of the City of Dcoee as 8
reward for their productivity for the year. He suggested
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City Co..i..ion Meeting
Dece.ber 16. 1986
that the payment be prorated according to the employee's
period of service to the city as follows:
1 year+
9-12 months
6- 9 months
3- 6 months
1- 3 months
Konies to fund this one-time adJustment are to be transferred
from unrestricted cash reserve in an amount not to exceed
525,000.00. The checks are to be distributed on December
Commissioner Hager moved that this one-time
made for the employees, Commissioner Bateman
the motion carried unanimously.
The meeting adJourned at 12:20 A.K.
Kayor Thomas Ison
Deputy Clerk Green