HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-03-1987 - liuarrl e - Cll'Y or OCOEE OH:\NGE COUNTY OCOEE, FLOHJU^ 32701 AGENDA 7:30 P.N. of OCOEE CONHUNITY CENTER ([UUUl1 i .a s ion r r .H NOTE: Poll Citizens for Comments/Agenda 7:15 P.M. FEBRUARY 3, 1987 I. CALL TO ORDER - MAYOR ISON A. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum II. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS III. APPROVALS - CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under item, Consent Agenda, are considered to be routine by the City Board of Commissioners and will be acted upon by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless discussion is desired by any citizen or member of the Commission, in which case, the Mayor will instruct the City Clerk to remove the item from the Consent Agenda and such item will be considered separately. A. Regular Commission Meeting Minutes of January 20, 1987 B. Approval to hold Boat Races on Starke Lake, March 13 - 15, 1987 C. Approval of Annual Contract for School Liason Officer, Chief Brandt D. Approval of Purchase of New Building Department Vehicle, C. Hurst E. Authorization to Bid Replacement of Major Little League Lights, J. Beech IV. OLD BUSINESS A. Special Staff Reports - City Engineer 1. Proposed Ord., Vacating a Portion of Cumberland Ave.- 1st Reading, C. Snider a. Discussion of temporary cul-de-sac on Delaware St., C. Snider B. Special Staff Reports - City Planner 1. Approval of Revised Layout for Harbour Highlands Village, Phase II C. Other Business 1. Acceptance of Public Improvements for Phase I & II, Forest Oaks, W. Rich 2. Prairie Lakes PUD/Silvestri Inv. discuss E/W Beltway - G. Silvestri 3. Appointments to Boards a. Board of Adjustment - 1 full member, 2 alternates - 3 year terms b. Planning & Zoning - 1 alternate - 3 year term c. Damage Reward Board - 3 full members - 3 year terms v. COIMI!KTS FROM CITIZEI!IS/PUBLIC VI. NEW BUSDlESS A. Report on Audit for 85/86 - Elden McDirmit B. Request from Staff and Faculty of Ocoee Elementary School to Waive Rental Fee/Deposit for 12-4-87. C. Proposed Ord., Reestablishment of Development Review Fees, 1st Reading - Russ Wagner VII. REPORTS AND INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER A. Schedule workshop for items discussed by City Commission on 1/20/87 B. Follow-up Agenda Report Cont'd NOTICE: Any person who desires to appeal any decision at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for this purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. . e - Page 2 City CouInission Agenda February 3, 1987 VIII. CITY ATrORRKY IX. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS x. ADJOURNMENT