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FEBRUARY 3. 1987
Mayor Ison called the meeting to order at 7:33 P.M. and
Commissioner Hager led in prayer and the pledge o~ allegiance
to the ~lag.
PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs, and
Hager; City Manager Ryan, Acting City Attorney Linda Barnby,
City Planner Wagner, City Engineer Kelley. City Clerk Catron,
Water Superintendent Cockrell, Building Official Hurst and
Deputy Clerk Green.
ABSENT: Commissioner Bateman was unable to attend due to
illness with flu.
Mayor Ison reported many events had been scheduled in the
Ocoee area for the coming months. He especially noted the
West Orange Y Kick-ox% campaign for fund-raising
Winter Garden Rotary Pancake Supper - February 13th
at West Orange High School
Rebel Soft Pitch Softball Tournament - March 1st
(1400 players and 500 managers & assistants expected)
Boat Races on Starke Lake - March 13th thru 15th
Big Orange Games - Ocoee Junior High (May)
State Little League Games
State BMX Races
Recreation Department - Fun Run
Lions Club Fun Day (October)
Mayor Ison also reported that he had contacted the Tri-County
Transit Authority about the extension 0% their service to the
Ocoee/West Orange area. In addition to bus service, the
Authority's program included vans and assistance with car-
pooling. A "wind-screen" study to determine possible
ridership is now being conducted by the Authority. And Mayor
Ison will request that a "ridership" questionnaire be printed
in the newspaper with instruction to send responses to City
Planner Wagner. The Mayor explained that the transit service
is now funded by fares at forty percent and subsidized at
sixty percent. He was encouraged by the cooperative
attitudes he found at the Authority and noted their
willingness to consider privatization and/or other options.
He announced a meeting to be held on March 12th at 7:30 P.M.
with the Transit Authority to provide citizens an opportunity
to ask questions and make suggestions. A telephone hook-up
is to be provided so that those unable to attend may
Pase 2
City Commission Meeting
February 3. 1987
Commissioner Johnson moved to approve all items on the
Consent Agenda, Commissioner Dabbs seconded and the motion
carried unanimously. The items approved were as follows:
A - Regular Commission Meeting Minutes of January 20, 1987;
B - Approval to hold Boat Races on Starke Lake, March 13
15, 1987; C - Approval of Annual Contract for School Liason
Officer, Chief Brandt; D - Approval of Purchase of New
Building Department Vehicle, C. Hurst; and E - Authorization
to Bid Replacement of Major Little League Lights, J. Beech.
Proposed Ordinance, Vacating a Portion of Cumberland Avenue,
1st Reading. C. Snider
City Planner Wagner explained that the Commission had
approved, by previous action, the Final Plat of Hidden Oaks
Subdivision which required the developer to move Cumberland
Avenue to the West. The vacation of the portion of the
existing Cumberland Avenue lying between Delaware and
Washington Streets will permit a swap with the developer so
that the preferred street right-of-way may be dedicated to
the City. The formal shifting of ownership needs to be
accomplished to permit the Final Plat to be recorded.
Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the first reading of the
Proposed Ordinance, Commissioner Hager seconded and the
motion carried unanimously. City Manager Ryan read the
Proposed Ordinance by title only. The second reading will be
held on March 3rd.
Discussion of Temporary Cul-de-sac on Delaware Street,
C. Snider
City Planner Wagner explained that Delaware Street will not
be permitted by DOT to cross the railroad so the street must
terminate Just east of the railroad track. A small cul-de-
sac will meet the need for a turn around and for access to
the retention pond. If the property to the north 1S
developed, a full sized bulb would be constructed at that
time. Commissioner Johnson questioned the adequacy of the
turning radius for fire trucks, but Chief Strosnider assured
him that it would not be a problem. City Engineer Kelley
recommended that the elevated culvert be removed.
Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the temporary cul-de-
sac as proposed and the removal of the existing culvert.
Commissioner Hager seconded and approval was unanimous.
Page 3
City Commission Meeting
February 3. 1987
Approval of Revised Layout for Harbour Highlands Village,
Phase I
City Planner Wagner explained that upon review of the City's
original preliminary Subdivision Plan approval requirements,
the developer reevaluated the stormwater retention
requirements for his proJect and decided it would be more
feasible to retain 100 percent of the run-off on site. This
change prompted modifications to the retention pond
configuration, which also affected the proposed street
layout. At the same time, the eyebrow cul-de-sacs originally
proposed are to be deleted to smooth out the street pav~ng
configuration. Except for a slightly different method of
providing for the required 12 inch water main extension, the
subdivision will still conform to the requirements of the
City of Ocoee as originally specified in the November 18,
1986, approval. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the
revised layout for Harbour Highland Village Phase I,
Commissioner Dabbs seconded and the motion was unanimously
Acceptance of Public Improvements for Phaae II, Forest Oaks,
Wayne Rich
Steve Miller, engineer for Forest Oaks, was expected but had
not yet arrived, so this item was tabled until later in the
agenda. Later Wayne Rich, the developer of Forest Oaks,
confirmed that Steve Miller would not be attending and
requested postponement to another meeting.
Prairie Lakea PUD/Sylveatri Inveatmenta Discuasion of E/W
Beltway - G. Silvestri
Gustavo Silvestri had written a letter to the Board of
Commissioners expressing his displeasure with the
Commission's recommendation 0% an East/West Beltway route.
Mr. Silvestri was not present. Commissioner Hager commented
that the more westerly route (between Ocoee and Winter
Garden) which the Commission had originally supported had
been eliminated from consideration by the Beltway Authority.
The Authority contended that this route would not be as well-
traveled ae more easterly routes would be.
Miscellaneous ProJects - City Engineer
In response to questions from the Commissioners,
reported that the Russell Drive Rehabilitation
been completed on time and within budget. He
similar type rehabilitation may need to be done
Mr. Kelley
proJect had
agreed that
on Oakwood
Poge 4:
City Commission Meeting
February 3_ 1987
City Engineer Kelley also reported that two of the City's
elevated water storage tanks need to be repaired. He is
comtemplating a way to take them out of service one at a time
for the repairs. He will report back with a bid summary when
the scope of the work is determined.
Mr. Kelley stated that bid documents are expected this week
for work on the county ditch and Palm Drive. He suggested
that the problems of all the ditches in the City need to be
addressed and especially those in Industrial Park.
Appointments to Boords
Commissioner Dabbs nominated Lowell Boggs as a full member
and Genevieve Foster as alternate to the Board of AdJustment.
He nominated Gerald Weeks as an alternate to the Planning and
Zoning Board, and Robert Williams as a full member to the
Damage Reward Board. Commissioner Bateman had earlier
requested nomination of Tom Breeze as an alternate to the
Planning and Zoning Board.
After some discussion, the Commission
Appointments to the Boards as follows:
Board of AdJustment:
Full -
Lowell Boggs
604 North Jay Street
Alternate -
Genevieve Foster
824 East Starke Lake Circle
Damage Reward Board:
Full -
Robert W. Williams
905 Hawaii Drive
In consideration of Commissioner Bateman's absence,
Commissioner Dabbs asked that the appointment of an alternate
to the Planning and Zoning Board be tabled to the next
meeting. Also tabled until that time were appointments of
one alternate member to the Board of AdJustment and two full
members to the Damage Reward Board.
Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the appointments and
postponements as noted above, Commissioner Johnson seconded,
and the motion carried unanimously. The other appointments
will be on the agenda for the meeting of February 17th.
Page 5
City Commi.aion Meeting
February 3, 1987
As a representative of homeowners in Forest Oaks, Ray Wood of
1504 leon Lane, asked the Commission to direct the Building
Department to take a look at how their homes are being built.
Repeated complaints about Eaulty rooEs, siding I and plumbing
to the builders <Mason and Catalina) have not rectiEied the
problems. Mayor Ison requested that Building Official Hurst
investigate their complaints by the next Commission meeting,
and asked that the matter be on the next Commission agenda
under Old Business.
Sara Murphy, 1524 Ison Lane, objected to the proposed
East/West Beltway route near Forest Oaks. Ninety-four area
residents had recently met in her home to discuss their
objections. Mayor Ison explained that the City Commission
can express preference for a route, but the state statute had
been changed last year so they will not even be consulted
about acquisition of rights-of-way. The Authority is
appointed by the Governor and no representative from West
Orange County now serves on the board. A Public Hearing with
the East/West Beltway Authority will be scheduled in March,
and the Mayor urged all interested citizens to attend.
Attorney Ben Griffin, 345 South Lake Shore Drive, spoke to
the Commission about serious traffic problems at several
intersections in the City. He had appealed to the Commission
tlbout two years ago for improvements for some of these
intersections and he continued to be seriously concerned that
the traffic congestion would kill Ocoee commercial
businesses. Mr. Griffin urged the Commissioners to give
service to the people who had been long-time supporters of
the City. The intersections to which he referred and the
improvements he suggested were as follows:
1 - Silver Star and Ocoee-Apopka Roads
ditches, sidewalks, and turn lanes
2 - Silver Star and Bluford
turn lanes, improved signalization
3 - Bluford and McKey turn lanes
4 - Story and Kissimmee turn lanes
5 - Franklin and Apopka Road
improvement at Bowness Service Station
6 Bowness Road paving
Mayor Ison urged prompt action to start on these proJects.
Commissioner Johnson commented that he believed the City
would have to go through DOT for those intersections which
involved state roads. Commissioner Hager stated his concern
about the City's ability to pay the 2.5 to 3 million the
projects could cost. Commissioner Dabbs expressed concern
that immediate action would not be according City Staff its
proper function and that it would be more appropriate to
Page 6
City Commission Meeting
February 3, 1987
include these projects in the Capital Improvement Plan which
the Staff had been directed to provide. The Commissioners
agreed that Ocoee has serious traf%ic problems, especially at
the intersections indicated, and indicated concern that the
problems be alleviated.
City Manager Ryan expressed the concern and interest of the
Staff in projects to improve the six intersections, and
advised that transportation impact fees might be a source of
funding for them. Mayor Ison responded that it was his
understanding that "impact fees can not be the sole
contributor to previous problems."
After further discussion, Commissioner Johnson moved to take
on the six proJects and turn them over to the City Engineer
for a preliminary study and then to report back to the City
Commission. Commissioner Hager seconded the motion.
Commissioner Dabbs stated that he was not comfortable with
the timing of this motion and would have to vote against it.
Commissioners Johnson and Hager voted yea, Commissioner Dabbs
voted nay, and the motion carried two to one.
9:15 P.M.
9:30 P.M.
Report on Audit for 1985/1986
Elden McDlrmit, ox McDlrmlt Davls and Company,
highl~ghts of the audit ~or the tisca~ year ended
30, 1985. He concluded that the Clty lS ln sound
Request from Staff and Faculty of Ocoee Elementary 5chool to
Waive Rental ~e./D.po.1t tor 1~/U4/~1
After discussion about posslb~e dlttlcultles arls1ng trom
setting a precedent by granting this request. the
Commlssioners agreed to waive the Communlty Center rental tee
and security depOSit for December 4, 1987, for the Staff and
Faculty of Ocoee Elementary Slnce they are a quasl
governmental entity.
Mayor Ison discussed some problems which
involving the rental of the Communlty Center.
Ryan will review the situation and report
Commission with a recommendation.
have arlsen
Clty Manager
bac.k to the
Proposed Ordinance, Reestablishment of Development Review
Fees, First Reading - Russ Wagner
City Planner Wagner explained that the procedures for the
Page 7
City Commi..ion Meeting
February 3_ 1987
collection and accounting of the Development Review Fees as
dictated by the current ordinances have caused a
"bureaucratic nightmare" and he recommended enactment of the
proposed ordinance in order to simplify the collection system
by requiring an up-front deposit as security for any
potential unpaid bills, but otherwise requiring payment to
match invoices received from our Consulting Engineer. The
ordinance also boosts some of the deposit and flat fee
amounts to better reflect current conditions. Commissioner
Dabbs asked if the fee schedule would be based on in-house
Sta%f rates and time spent in review. Mr. Wagner con%irmed
that those factors would be reflected in the fees.
David Outlaw, an area developer, asked that the Commissioners
give serious thought to setting of rates %or the fees and the
allowance of reasonable time for developers to pay them. He
suggested developers be provided with copies of PEC's master
agreement. He further recommended the Commission provide
checks and balances to assure equitable treatment of
developers. Mayor lson commented that though each developer
must pay the cost of the review, charges should be equitable
for the Job at hand. City Manager Ryan added that a minimum
fee could be set with Staff given the power and flexibility
to increase if appropriate. After further discussion, the
Commission agreed to table this ordinance to the study
City Manager Ryan reported that the Capital Improvement plan
is not all-inclusive, but does include the most significant
proJects and some possible funding sources.
A Special Session of the City Commission is scheduled for
Monday, February 9th at 7:00 P.M. in the conference room.
Following this session, the next Special Session and its
agenda will be determined.
A fund raising basketball game between the Commissioners of
Ocoee and those of Winter Garden is scheduled for May 2,
Acting Attorney Barnby reported that the Adult Entertainment
Ordinance wlll be available tomorrow for Staff review and for
a first reading at the next meeting.
She also reported that title problems have developed for the
Thomas property. The costs involved will be investigated and
the Commissioners notified possibly by the Special Session.
Page 8
City Commi..ion Me.ting
Februery 3, 1987
Commissioner Dabbs reported that he appreciated the
opportunity to attend the Florida League o~ Citieg
legislative session in Tallahassee and that he was encouraged
by the responses from the Speaker of the House, the Chairman
of the Finance and Tax Committees. and the DER. He also
noted that the bill suggested by Mayor Ison was being well
Mayor Ison reported that he and four other mayors had met
with the Lake Apopka Restoration Council. Most of the
members view the "Hyacinth ProJect" as an unlikely solution
for the pollution problem, but it will be tried in a test
area. An agreement is being sought with area muck farmers to
achieve a reduction in a maJor source of the pollution.
The Mayor also reported that the ProJect 2000 of the Orlando
Chamber of Commerce includes area needs for improvements in
transportation, Jails, education (especially portable
housing), emergency room care, and restoration of Lake
Mayor Ison commended Chief Strosnider and the Fire Department
for the great Job done on the bookcases for the Maguire
The Mayor also commended the Building Department for doing a
good Job. Complaints which he had received indicated that
good work is being done.
Mayor Ison also
address periodic
commented that the Commission
reviews for rate increases for
needs to
the Clty
The meeting adJourned at 11:00 P.M..
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