HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-17-87 . "INUTES OF THE CITY CO""I33ION "EETING HELD ON FEBRUARY 17. 1987 Mayor Ison called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. and led in prayer and the pledge o~ allegiance to the ~lag. PRESENT: Mayor Ison. Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs. Bateman, and Hager; City Manager Ryan, Acting City Attorney Linda Barnby, City Planner Wagner. City Engineer Kelley. City Clerk Catron, Water Superintendent Cockrell. Building O~xicial Hurst, and Deputy Clerk Green. ABSENT: None. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLA"ATIONS e Diacu..ion on propo.ed bel~way E/W Expre..way. Fore.~ Oak. Ho.eowner. and Griner Engineering City Manager Ryan explained that Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority board members were unable to attend due to a meeting with the new secretary o~ the Department o~ Transportation. The beltway proJect coordinator Mark Callahan. o~ Greiner Engineering Sciences Inc.. stated that the four viable alternative routes xor the western beltway, which would run xrom State Road 50 east o~ Ocoee to U.S. 441 in Apopka (Part A). are now being studied in detail. The engineering study results will be available to the public in mid-March, the selected route announced in early April, and a public meeting scheduled ~or mid-April concerning that selection. The preliminary engineering plans, right-ox-way reservations, and aaps for the route should be prepared by mid-September. - Ray Wood. as Chairman of the Forest Oaks Citizens Group, proposed a more western route for the beltway between Ocoee and Winter Garden that roughly parallelS Ocoee-Apopka Road (437) and Fullers Cross Road toward 441 in Apopka. He contended that this route would be more cost effective. displace fewer residences and businesses. and have a minimal environmental impact. He expressed concern that the routes proposed by the authority would disrupt their neighborhood with trafxic noise and damage to lakes. This proposal is supported by homeowners xrom Magnolia Springs and Steeplechase as well as the Forest Oaks group. He urged the Commission to take the lead in requesting postponement of the April deadline for xinal route selection, to support a new study for the 437 route, and to convince the Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority to sponsor an open, well- publicized public meeting in the Winter Garden-Ocoee area to prOVide a xorum xor residents to voice their opinions. Area homeowners R. P. Mohnacky, Steve Wix, and Tim Sidell, and the chairman ox the Steeplechase Homeowners Association also spoke in support o~ Mr. Wood's proposals. Mr. Wood presented petitions signed by 308 residents of the Forest Oaks and 1 - Pag_ 2 Ci~y Coaai..ion "ee~ing February 17. 1987 Magnolia Springs neighborhoods. and a copy of the resolution summarizing their proposal. All the Commissioners expressed a preference for the 437 route as the most logical and practical choice and the one which they had originally supported. Mayor Ison read the proposed resolution as %ollows: "We the citizens 0% West Orange request the Orange County Expressway Authority to study and approve a more westerly route in the area ox S. R. 437. We believe this route to best represent the interests 0% the people 0% Orange County and to be the most effective management of land, traf%ic. and money." Com.issioner Johnson read. Commissioner unanimous. moved Hager to approve the seconded, and resolution as approval was - Planning and Zoning Board Chairman Jim Swickerath commented that roadway improvements cost a lot and bring benefits. but that a more westerly road would bring more benexits and a decrease in the human price. Mayor Ison will send a letter to the Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority asking them to hold a public hearing in the Winter Garden/Ocoee area for West Orange citizens to have direct input. RECESS: 8:10 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: 8:25 P.M. Code Enforcement Board Minutes of 12-8-86 and 1-12-87, and Planning and Zoning Board Minutes of 12-09-86 were provided xor in%ormation only. e Mayor Ison reported several up-coming events on the calendar: Boy Scout break%ast to be held at the Colony Inn on Thursday, February 19th at 7:30 A.M.. Joint Meeting for Commissioners of Ocoee and Winter Garden at the Holiday Inn on Thursday. February 19th at 7 : 30 P. M. . "- West Orange Chamber of Commerce Banquet at Disney on Friday, February 20th. Central Florida Fair. February 26th - March 8th. Rebel Fast Pitch Softball Tournament. March 2 - April 1 "Stand Up America" program at Spring Lake EleJlentary on Wednesday, February 18th. Mayor Ison read a letter addressed to Mrs. Betty Ervine %roJl the Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution informing her that Ocoee had been approved and 2 e Pag. a Ci~y Co..i..ion leeting February 17, 1987 recognized as a Designated Bicentennial Community. This recognition allows the Historical Commission to use the oxfical logo and to approve the use of the logo to non-profit sponsors and groups in the community. Only seven cities in Florida have received this recognition. CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Bateman requested that Item E be pulled for language clarification. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve items A. B. C, and D on the Consent Agenda, Commissioner Dabbs seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. The items approved were ss xollows: A Regular Commission Meeting Minutes 0% 2-03-87; B - Request xrom West Orange YMCA for $500.00 donation; C - Proposed Ordinance. Adult Entertainment, First Reading; and D Proposed Ordinance, Developers Review Fee. First Reading. City Clerk Catron read the general provisions and intent of Proposed Ordinance, Adult Entertainment, and read by title only the Proposed Ordinance. Developers Review Fee. e After some discussion. the Commissioners agreed to amend Section 1 of the Proposed Ordinance, Amendment to Recreation Advisory Board by the insertion after "large" in line three, "subJect to conxirmation by the Board of City COllmissioners," and by the insertion axter "members" in line five, "with voting status". Commissioner Bateman moved to approve the Proposed Ordinance. Amendment to Recreation Advisory Board, First Reading, with amendments. Commissioner Johnson seconded, and approval was unanimous. City Clerk Catron read the proposed ordinance by title only. OLD BUSINESS SPECIAL STAFF REPORTS - CITY ENGINEER . Acceptance of Public I.prove.ent. for Carriage Oaka. Ted Bolin City Manager Ryan and City Engineer Kelley recommended acceptance ox the public improvements with Carriage Oaks Oaks subJect to a date change on the maintenance bond to read two years from the date ox acceptance and to the signature of the principal, Ted Bolin. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve acceptance of Public Improvements xor Carriage Oaks subJect to the stipulations set forth by the City Manager, Com.issioner Hager seconded. and the motion was unanimously approved. City Engineer Kelley reported that the Palm Drive ditch cleaning proJect was being advertised. and that bids would be included on the next agenda, if possible. 3 . Page 4 C1~y Co..1..1on M..~ing F.bruary 17, 1987 PUBLIC HEARINGS None. OTHER BUSINESS Mod1~1c.~1on ~o ~h. Join~ Planning Agr....n~ w1~h Orang. Coun~y (W..car Ann.x.~1on) City Manager Ryan explained that notice must be sent to the Orange County Board of Commissioners requesting a modification ox the Joint Comprehenaive Plan to allow annexation of 190 acres north of the area previously agreed upon. Hal Kantor, attorney xor Wescar, confirmed that a residential development was planned with single family homes on one-fourth acre lots. The Com.i..ioners agreed to conceptual approval of the annexation and to direct the City Manager to send a letter to the County requesting the modification. Appo1n~..n~. ~o Board. e Nominations xor the alternate position on the Planning and Zoning Board were Tom Breeze, by Commissioner Bateman, and Gerald Weeks, by Commissioner Dabbs. After some discussion, the Co..issioners unanimously agreed to direct the City Attorney to review the Code that limits the Board on the number of alternates and to recommend any change that may be needed to allow the xlexibility to appoint more than one alternate. The Co.missioners agreed to table the appointment of an alternate to the Board of AdJustment until the next meeting. Commissioner Johnson nominated Rayburn Wood, 1504 Ison Lane, as a %ull a.mber on the Damage Reward Board. By unanimous consent the Commissioners agreed to his appointment and to table the appointment of a second full member to the next meeting. Mayor Ison suggested public notice be given of openings on the Boards so that citizens who were interested in serving on the. could notify Staff. City Manager Ryan recommended the maintenance of a checklist of people who respond with the notation of their particular skills or interests. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC . Beth Lewis, 1702 Prairie Lake Boulevard, suggested that non- professional citizens should be encouraged to serve on the Boards. The City Manager agreed that diversity is helpful, and eaphasized that residence inside the city limits is the 4 e Page S City Coaai..ion Meeting February 17, 1987 only prerequisite for membership on the Boards. R. P. Mohnacky. 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, expressed his concern about traffic congestion at the Apopka- Vineland/Silver Star intersection. Mayor Ison and the City Manager confirmed that the County does have plans for signalization and the possibility exists xor the four-laning ox Silver Star to Apopka-Vineland. Mr. Ryan will check into the dates on which those iMprovements are scheduled. NEW BUSINESS Recoaaendation for noaination ~o the Citizen. Advi.ory Coaaittee of the Orlando Urban Aree Tran.portation Study Mayor Ison suggested Ben Grifxin for nomination to the Citizens Advisory Board. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve his nomination. Commissioner Hager seconded. and the motion carried unanimously. REPORTS AND INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER e Draft Coaprehen.ive Regionel Policy Plan Dated Noveaber. '86 City Manager Ryan presented a resolution reJecting the Draft COMprehensive Regional Policy Plan of the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council dated November, 1986. He explained that City Staff was concerned that the plan would not allow sufficient input from local governments, and urged approval of the resolution so that the City's obJection could be registered before February 28th. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve the resolution, Commissioner Hager seconded and the motion was approved unanimously. City Clerk Catron read the Resolution by title only. Follow-up Agenda Mr. Ryan reported the changes/rate changes for the rental of the Co..unity Center were still under review. - Building Official Hurst reported that he had been surprised to learn about complaints from Forest Oaks homeowners reference the quality of some ox the construction on their homes as he had not received any complaints from them since his reemployment last October. When Mr. Hurst contacted Mr. Wood for a list of the homeowners' problems. he learned that an astonishing amount ox action had been taken by Mason Homes since the complaints were Made to the City on February 3rd. Jim Mason. ox Mason Homes. agreed the homeowners had had serious problems. He admitted that the former supervisor who was responsible xor taking care of the "punch list" had made promises and done nothing. A new supervisor whose sole responsibility would be dealing with the "punch lists" had already corrected the problems in about forty homes. Mr. 5 . Page 6 Ci~y Coaai..ion Mee~ing February 17. 1987 Mason also inforMed Mr. Hurst that another crew was replacing siding (some Georgia-Paci%ic siding had xactory dexects), and doing warranty work. Burton Hartle. 608 Sherwood Oaks. reported several problems not yet recti%ied in his Mason Home. He particularly noted probleMs with air-conditioning duct work. drywall which needed re%inishing. and an incompleted %ire place. Mayor Ison suggested that new homeowners be encouraged to contact the Building Department about any problems with builders or developers. Notices could be included in welcome packets and also made available at City Hall. CITY ATTORNEY Acting City Attorney Linda Barnby reported that a recommendation %or a transportation study group or some other plan should be ready soon. Free inxormation was being gathered to help determine the scope necessary for a funded study. e Attorney Barnby also reported research was continuing on the "pay-back" provision 0% developers agreements. Attorney Barnby explained that the purchase of the Glen Thomas property on Jamela for $28,000.00 plus closing costs could now be consumated. The deed restriction that provided the property stay residential had been cleaned up and the City could legally use the property for the intended purpose for City water %acilities. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve the purchase ox the Thomas property via the ox%ering 0% contract %or execution by the seller per terms set %orth, Commissioner Hager seconded, and approval was unanimous. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Dabbs reported that he had been asked to represent the Florida Association 0% Secondary Administrators in Tallahassee for the week-end of March 1st. He requested suggestions %or other items he might support while there. e Mayor Ison recommended that more intense ef%ort should be expended to protect cities' rights in this period of great change due to the change in Governor. He planned to ask the Tri-County League ox Cities at their Thursday meeting to support an action plan for regularly scheduled contacts with representatives in Tallahassee on behal% 0% the smaller cities. Commissioner Johnson expressed his thanks to the people from 6 . Pege 7 City Coaai..ion Keeting February 17. 1987 Forest Oaks xor their concern for the community and participation in tonight's meeting. He said that he would welcome recommendations for citizens to serve on committees. Comaissioner cleaning up Streets. Hager thanked the City for their diligence in the house on the corner ox Lee and Taylor Commissioner Bate.an stated that he had discussed several ite.s with Mr. Ryan. and that a review committee would begin meeting soon to revise personnel rules and regulations (Appendix C). He also mentioned the meeting with City employees scheduled xor Wednesday. February 18th to explain their pension plan. In response to a letter received from Prima Vista Utilities. Mayor Ison will write to request a more specific description of land area to which they had made reference. e Mayor Ison expressed concern about a proliferation of unsightly billboards. He suggested a ninety-day moratorium for any additional signs. and that the City Attorney review the ordinances and recommend any amendments which might assist in controlling the problem. He also requested that zoning be checked all the way to Highway 50, and possible re- zoning be considered. Mayor leon suggested that volunteers be deployed as a litter detail around the City. Those individuals sentenced by area Judges to do community service might be a source ox help for thie proJect. The Mayor also recommended that clean-up along Starke Lake was urgently needed bexore the Boat Races in March. Though the grass must stay, we do have authorization xor weed removal. He suggested the work be done by volunteers if possible. The meeting adJourned at 10:05 P.M.. __2L1__L____ MAYOR . 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