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"ARCH 3. 1987
Mayor Ison called the meeting to order at 7:35
Commissioner Hager led in prayer and the Mayor led
pledge of allegiance to the xlag.
in the
PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs, Bateman,
and Hager; City Manager Ryan, City Attorney Kruppenbacher,
City Planner Wagner, City Engineer Kelley, City Clerk Catron,
Water Superintendent Cockrell, Building O%ficial Hurst,
Finance Director Poston, Attorney Drew Thomas, and Deputy
Clerk Green.
Mayor Ison reported that on February 2Gth Spring Lake
Elementary School students had an oratorical contest on the
subJect of "People Who Have Overcome." Two students who were
selected to go on to compete at Lake Silver Elementary on
March 10th were present to speak. Bethany Johnson's topic
was "Jesus Christ" and Ben Fitzgerald spoke about "Martin
Luther King." Mayor Ison commended them on their excellent
presentations and gave each one a City of Ocoee watch.
Mayor Ison presented a memo about the Constitution in further
commemoration 0% the Bicentennial 0% the U.S. Constitution.
Commissioner Bateman requested that five items be pulled from
the Consent Agenda: E-1 (Case No. 01A-87), E-7 (Case No. 07A-
87), E-9 (Case No. 09A-87), E-11 (Case No. 11A-87), and E-16
(Case No. 16A-87). Commissioner Bateman moved to approve all
other items on the Consent Agenda, Commissioner Dabbs
seconded, and approval was unanimous. The items approved
were as follows: A - Regular Commission Meeting Minutes 0%
2-17-87; B - Special Session Commission Meeting Minutes of 2-
9-87; C - Special Session Commission Meeting Minutes of 2-17-
87; D - Joint Commission Meeting Minutes 0% 2-19-87; and
E - Proposed Ordinances - Annexation, First Reading:
E-2 - Case No. 02A-87, Lindy Wade Rich
E-3 - Case No. 03A-87, David Pearlman
E-4 - Case No. 04A-87, R. L. Ferdinand
E-5 - Case No. 05A-87, R. L. Ferdinand
E-6 - Case No. 06A-87, Charles & James Hawthorne
E-8 - Case No. 08A-87, Elmer Badger
E-10 - Case No. 10A-87, Anna L. Davis & Tom West
E-12 - Case No. 12A-87, Wescar, Inc.
E-13 - Case No. 13A-87, Jay & Dotti Schorr
E-14 - Case No. 14A-87, Wescar, Inc.
E-15 - Case No. 15A-87, Patrick Kelley
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E-17 - Case No. 16A-87, John G. Pierce
E-18 - Case No. 18A-87, Florida DOT
Also F - Proposed Ordinance, Flood Damage Prevention, First
Reading; G - Proposed Ordinance, Amending Ordinance 637,
First Reading; H - Proposed Ordinance, Amending Ordinance
638, First Reading; I - Proposed Ordinance, Amending
Ordinance 639, First Reading; J - Proposed Ordinance,
Amending Ordinance 640, First Reading; and K - Acceptance of
Federal Revenue Sharing Report. City Manager Ryan read by
title only all ordinances approved for first reading.
Mayor lson noted that a number of people present were
concerned about some 0% the proposed annexations and invited
them to speak. He introduced Nancy Christman who spoke for
the Orange County Planning Department. She explained the
County's concerns that some 0% the proposed annexations would
create enclaves of county property (especially Items E - 3,
4, 5, 17, and 18), and expressed the department's willingness
to work out utilities agreements with city staf% rather than
obJecting formally to the annexations at this time. She
noted that Cases 14 and 15 presented a dif%erent problem as
those areas lie outside the boundary set by the reserve area
agreement, and would require modification of the reserve
agreement prior to annexation. Residents 0% this area have
also notified the County of their obJections to annexation by
Ocoee. She suggested a Joint meeting to consider any
modification of the reserve area, and also to establish an
over-all utilities agreement in order to eliminate the
necessity 0% determining who would provide services %or each
individual annexation.
Mayor lson asked the City Manager to schedule a Joint meeting
with Tom Sewell. City Attorney Kruppenbacher requested that
the County send drafts 0% their proposals xor each of the
properties in question. Mr. Kruppenbacher advised they could
proceed with the first readings and work out any problems
prior to the second readings and public hearings.
Most of those who requested to speak to the Commission wished
to obJect to the proposed annexations of Wescar, Inc. (Case
No. 14A-87) and Patrick Kelley (Case No. 15A-87). Hal
Kanto~, as representative for Wescar, stated his willingness
to respond to questions %rom the residents. Sever.l ~iti~ens
%rom the Clarcona area appealed to the Commission %or the
preservation 0% their community's rural atmosphere as an
independent, unincorporated territory outside the Ocoee
Reserve Area and urged the Commission to deny both of these
requests for annexation. The following residents expressed
their opposition:
Jean Jonas, 4858 N. Apopka-Vineland, Orlando
(presented a petition signed by over 100 %amilies)
Peg. 3
City Commiesion Meeting
March 3. 1987
Herb Sully, 7925 Sully Drive, Orlando
Philip Rich, 5824 Ingram Road, Apopka
Rosemary Goetz, 4207 Dorwood Drive, Orlando
Dennis Phipps, P. O. Box 560, Clarcona
Mr. Phipps, president of the Clarcona Improvement
Association, expressed his appreciation %or the support of
Mayor Ison and Tom Dorman when Apopka attempted annexation of
the Clarcona area and urged the Commission to honor the
current Reserve Area boundary. Mayor Ison read into the
record Mr. Phipps letter dated February 15, 1987, in which he
expressed the Association's concerns regarding the proposed
annexation of the Wescar Subdivision into the City of Ocoee.
Mr. Kantor, of Wescar, explained that the one-fourth acre
lots which were planned for the Wescar development would
provide a density in keeping with the surrounding area.
Commissioner Bateman explained that he obJected to the
annexation request of the Re%ormed Presbyterian Church (Case
No. 01A-87) because the church's property was not contiguous
to City property. He obJected to the annexations requested
by Barry Goodman (Case No. 07A-87), Je%frey Yeager (Case No.
09A-87), and W. C. Davis, et al (Case No. 11A-87) because the
City would not be able to provide utility services for the
250 acre area north of Highway 50, south of White Road, and
west 0% Good Homes Road.
City Engineer Kelley stated that the developer's agreement
would provide that if the City does not or can not provide
utility services for a development, the developer must front
the money. City Manager Ryan said the County had indicated
tentative water service areas, and noted that a City-County
agreement would be one of the items to be considered at a
Joint meeting.
Commissioner Bateman expressed the belief that "the County
does not have its ducks in a row about this area," and moved
to deny the annexations requested in Items E - 1, 7, 9, 11,
and 16 on the basis 0% inability to provide utility services.
Commissioner Hager seconded the motion. In the discussion
which ensued, Comissioner Dabbs stated that he does not share
the concern about utility provision unless he misunderstood
the City policy of extension 0% water lines. Commissioner
Bateman cited Harbor Highlands lIon Orlando Avenue as an
example 0% a provision 0% utility service which proved costly
to the City. City Manager Ryan explained that current
developers agreements address the matter in a more
satisfactory manner.
City Planner Wagner explained that current procedural
provided that any proposed annexation denied a first
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City Commission M..ting
March 3, 1987
now could not be proposed for first reading again until May.
Mayor Ison called %or the vote on Commissioner Bateman's
motion to deny first readings as stated above. Commissioners
Bateman and Hager voted aye, Commissioners Dabbs, Johnson,
and Mayor Ison voted no. The motion was not approved.
Commissioner Dabbs stated that he took due note of
Commissioners Bateman and Hager's concerns, but moved that
Items E - 1, 7, 9, 11, and 16 be restored to %irst reading
status and that Mr. Wagner, Mr. Ryan, Mr. Kelley and
Commissioner Bateman address the concerns discussed.
Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. Commissioner
Johnson, Commissioner Dabbs, and Mayor Ison voted aye,
Commissioner Bateman and Commissioner Hager voted no. The
motion carried three to two. Proposed Ordinances
Annexation approved for first reading were as follows: E-1-
Case No. 01A-87, Re%ormed Presbyterian Church; E-7 - Case No.
07A-87, Barry Goodman; E-9 - Case No. 09A-87, Jeffrey Yeager,
E-11 - Case No. l1A-87~ W. C. Davis, R. V. Ogilvie, James
Pitchford; and E-16 - Case No. 16A-87, City of Ocoee.
Jay Worsham, a member of the Reformed Presbyterian Church,
con%irmed that the members of their church wanted their
property to be annexed by the City 0% Ocoee.
9:10 P.M.
9:35 P.M.
Special Staff Reports - City Engineer
Status Report on Sewer Facilitie. end other Environmental
City Engineer Kelley gave a slide presentation showing
problem areas around the city. Some of the problems depicted
were overgrowth and debris in the ditches at Industrial Park,
dumping of unauthorized fill in the flood plain near Sowers
building on Roper Parkway, and unpermitted fill blocking a
main drainage way along Geneva Street. Other problem areas
were shown at M & M Utilities and at Prima Vista Utilities.
Mayor Ison questioned whose area of responsibility it would
be to deal with the paint, oil, and other hazardous wastes
depicted in the slides. City Manager Ryan pointed out that
it was a code enforcement problem. Mr. Ison asked i% we
could have one person assigned to be primarily responsible,
and Mr. Ryan responded that Cecil Hurst was primary code
en%orcement of%icer for the city. Discussion ensued about
amending an existing ordinance or adopting a new one if
--~ - ..~.,;;~---
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City Commi..ion M..ting
March 3. 1987
necessary xor more stringent regulation o~ hazardous waste
disposal. The pollution at Industrial Park had been reported
to Cecil Hurst by John Cockrell. Mr. Hurst felt he lacked
the expertise to determine the extent of the hazard,
there%ore, he requested DER inspect the site, but he had
difficulty getting them to come out.
Mayor Ison directed the City Manager to initiate a "Polluter
of the Month" award beginning with the April 7, 1987,
meeting. City Attorney Kruppenbacher asked that any awards
be delayed until the May 5, 1987, meeting to allow him time
to research the legal aspects.
Offer of Sale. Prima Vista Utilities
City Engineer Kelley recommended that the City purchase the
two privately owned sewer %acilities so that the City can
control the level of service and operation.
City Manager Ryan reported that an offer of sale had been
received from the Prima Vista Utility Company, Inc. in a
letter dated February 10, 1987. He noted that Florida
Statute #180.301, which regulates the purchase or sale 0%
water or sewer utility by a municipality, would have to be
considered in a review process %or the purchase 0% the
%acility. He requested authorization %or the City Manager,
City Engineer, and special legal counsel to proceed under the
Florida Statute to review consideration of the acquisition
initiated by Prima Vista.
City Attorney Kruppenbacher explained that Attorney Drew
Thomas, of Rowland, Thomas and Jacobs, P.A., would be Special
City Attorney to represent the City in connection with legal
procedures for acquiring Prima Vista and M & M Utilities.
Mr. Ryan recommended that Mr. Thomas, the City Engineer, and
the City Manager and other additional pro%essional
consultants as are reasonably necessary, be directed to
proceed with an evaluation and recommendation.
City Manager Ryan read Resolution #87-03 which stipulated
that the City retain the law %irm 0% Rowland, Thomas and
Jacobs, P.A., to represent it in connection with the legal
procedures for acquiring the two privately-owned sewer
utility systems and granted authorization to the City Manager
to proceed as he recommended above. Commissioner Bateman
moved to approve the Resolution subJect to three calendar
months %rom adoption, Commissioner Hager seconded and the
motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Kruppenbacher cautioned all who were approached
about Prima Vista Utility to direct all contact to Mr.
Thomas, Mr. Kelley, or Mr. Ryan because of the multiplicity
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March 3, 1987
of liability issues.
Special Staff Reports - City Planner
Final Plat & Developers Agreement - C. B. M. Subdivision.
Jim Mitchell
City Planner Wagner explained that the City Commission had
previously approved Preliminary Subdivision and Final
Engineering Plans for this proJect. The plat had been
reviewed by the City Engineer for accuracy, all appropriate
paperwork had been submitted, and all engineering review
%ees had been paid. The proposed Developers Agreement
follows the Subdivision Regulations Standard %ormat with the
additional stipulation that the developer will maintain the
retention ponds. Mr. Wagner recommended approval 0% the
Final Plat of C.B.M. and asked authorization for execution 0%
the proposed Developers Agreement once drawn up in xinal
form. Commissioner Bateman asked if this development would
be a problem in the extension 0% Bowness Road and Mr. Wagner
assured him that the development was to the east ox Bowness.
Commissioner Dabbs moved to adopt the xinal plat of C.B.M.
and the Developers Agreement as recommended, Commissioner
Bateman seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved.
Final Plat & Developer. Agreement - Oakwood Plaza Subdivi.ion
Jim Mitchell
City Planner Wagner explained that the Commission had also
previously approved the Preliminary Subdivision and Final
Engineering Plans for this proJect on the west side 0%
Bluford Avenue and south of Story Road. This plat had also
been reviewed %or accuracy by the City Engineer, all
appropriate paperwork had been submitted, and all engineering
review fees had been paid. The proposed Developers Agreement
follows the Subdivision Regulations Standard format with the
additional stipulation that the developer will maintain the
retention ponds. Mr. Wagner recommended approval 0% the
Final Plat 0% Oakwood Plaza, subJect to the developer paying
a pro-rata portion 0% the 16" water main extension, and asked
%or authorization to execute the proposed Developers
Agreement once drawn up in final form. Commissioner Johnson
moved to accept the Final Plat of Oakwood Plaza and the
Developers Agreement as recommended, Commissioner Dabbs
seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Public Hearing_ and Second Reading_
Ordinance #936, Vacating a Portion of Cumberland
City Manager Ryan read proposed Ordinance #936 by title only.
Mayor Ison opened the Public Hearing. There were no comments
so the Hearing was closed. Commissioner Hager moved to
approve Ordinance #936, Vacating a Portion of Cumberland,
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March 3. 1987
Commissioner Bateman seconded and the motion was unanimously
Other BU.in..s
Acceptance of Public Improvements, Forest Oaks Unit II,
Pha... 2 end 3 - Weyne Rich
Wayne Rich requested acceptance ox the public improvements
for the proJect. Steve Miller, the acting City Engineer for
the Forest Oaks ProJect, con%irmed that the site improvements
had been zound to be acceptable in accordance with the
approved plans and with the punch list dated January 12,
1987. Mr. Miller commented that a decision will need to be
made about the possible removal of the cul-de-sac on Rich
Drive when the County paves Hackney-Prairie Road. Water
Supervisor John Cockrell stated, in response to the Mayor's
question, that everything was okay and visually the developer
had corrected the defects in the curbing and streets that was
his responsibility. A special assessment district will be
set up for the maintenance 0% the retention pond.
Commissioner Dabbs moved to accept the public improvements
for Forest Oaks, Unit II, Phases 2 and 3, subJect to the
terms 0% the Engineer's recommendations. Commissioner
Johnson seconded and approval was unanimous.
Appointment to Board.
Board of AdJu.tment
Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the appointment oz Tanya
C. Miller oz 912 Center Street as an alternate for the Board
0% AdJustment. Commissioner Johnson seconded and the motion
carried unanimously.
Demage Rewerd Board
Commissioner Bateman recommended John N. Carter, Sr. of 203
Audrey Street as a xull member of the Damage Reward Board.
Commissioner Johnson moved to approve his appointment,
Commissioner Dabbs seconded and approval was unanimous.
Mayor Ison recognized Tom Hendrix, of Jay Street,
collaboration on the Ocoee %air exhibit sponsored
Lions Club. The exhibit won eight blue ribbons
President's Trophy.
Review of Investment Policy and Approved Depositories,
Iven Po. ton
Finance Director Poston recommended the addition of Barnett
Bank, which will soon be moving to Ocoee, as an approved
depository for the City. Commissioner Bateman questioned if
our monies were still 100 percent pledged with securities and
Mr. Poston con%irmed that they were. Commissioner Bateman
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Merch 3. 1987
also questioned the date scheduled for annual review of
investment policies and approved depositories. He suggested
the language of Resolution #82-6 be changed from "the first
meeting in the fiscal year" to "the %irst quarter 0% the
calendar year." Commissioner Bateman moved to amend the
Resolution as stated and to add Barnett Bank to the potential
list 0% depositories. Commissioner Dabbs seconded and the
motion carried unanimously.
Report on Review of Alternative Funding Sources
(Capital Improvement A.....m.n~)
Staff had been directed on February 9th to inquire into
alternative xinancing sources. As a result 0% that inquiry,
City Manager Ryan recommended relatively short termed
financing should be done through a commercial bank rather
than the Florida League of Cities. He further recommended
that bond indebtedness should be used %or long term
Report on Alternative Financial Advisor/Investment
Banking Firm.
The portfolios of pro%essional credentials from three
financial advisor/investment firms were provided %or the
in%ormation of the Commissioners as follows:
1 - M. G. Lewis & Co.
2 - William R. Hough & Co.
3 - Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc.
City Attorney Kruppenbacher advised the Commissioners to
direct the City Attorney, the City Manager, and the Finance
Director to %urther review these three and any other
financial firms which might be considered and to report back
with a detailed recommendation at the next meeting.
Commissioner Johnson moved to direct the Sta%f as Mr.
Kruppenbacher recommended, Commissioner Hager seconded, and
the motion carried unanimously.
FOllow-up Agenda Report
City Manager Ryan reported that all Follow-Up items are on-
going or accomplished. Discussion of the billboard problem
concluded with the advice of the City Attorney that he
provide, as soon as possible, a proposed ordinance dealing
with the matter 0% billboards and their regulation through
the permitting process.
Attorney Kruppenbacher reported that the City had no pending
litigation other than the Starke Lake matter.
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City Commission M.eting
March 3. 1987
Commissioner Johnson mentioned his concern about the
condition 0% roads in Pioneer Key Park II (especially some
deep pot holes). He also commented that he had enJoyed
his participation in the City's booth at the Fair.
Commissioner Hager had no comments.
Commissioner Bateman commented that service of Cablevision
Inc. had been steadily going downhill and was now "worse than
bad." Discussion of the problem concluded with the decision
for the City Attorney and City Manager to meet with a
competing cable company and report on their findings at the
next meeting. Also, the Sta%~ was requested to check into
getting the TV camera working so that televising of the
Commission meetings might be resumed.
Commissioner Dabbs reported that he had enJoyed the meeting
in Tallahassee yesterday and was pleased with contacts made
Mayor Ison requested that sta~% ensure that developer's
agreements are in place with the proposed 18 annexations in
order to cover any attorney's fees in case the city would
have to defend any action taken on the petitions.
The Mayor observed that growth related issues often required
much 0% the time in the regular Commission meetings, and
suggested regularly scheduling an additional meeting with an
agenda only %or the growth/developmental issues.
Commissioner Dabbs acknowledged an understanding 0% the
dif~iculty 0% resrving ample time for general matters, but
explained that he would have a problem finding an additional
night %or a meeting. A%ter some discussion, there was
general agreement to reserve the %irst Tuesday meetings for
general city issues and to de%er to the third Tuesday the
growth/developmental issues.
Mayor Ison reported that the East-West Expressway Authority
had agreed to hold a public meeting at West Orange High
School auditorium. A decision by the Authority to study the
more westerly corridor preferred by many Ocoee residents may
be imminent.
Mr. Ison asked if Community Service volunteers would be
available for a litter detail around the City. He also asked
if an additional employee is needed to aid in the
rehabilitation of City property. City Manager Ryan reported
staf% is already working on the problem and wanted to delay
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City Commi..ion M..ting
March 3, 1987
further changes until the Public Works Director is on board.
The hearing for the Public Transportation issue will be held
in the Community Center on March 12th.
The Mayor noted that the Rebel Games are now in progress, and
that the Little League Parade will be held on Saturday.
The Florida
bidding on
Department of Transportation will
Apopka-Vineland Road improvements on
The meeting adJourned at 11:35 P.M..