HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-17-87 . MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD ON MARCH 17,. 1987 Mayor Ison called the meeting to order at 7:32 P.M.. and led in prayer and in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. PRESENT: Mayor Ison. Commissioners 30hnson~ Dabbs, Bateman. and Hager; City Manager Ryan, City Attorney Kruppenbacher, City Planner Wagner, City Engineer Kelley, City Engineer Merkle, City Clerk Catron, Water Superintendent Cockrell, Building Official Hurst, and Deputy Clerk Green. ABSENT: None. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS The West Orange Grandmothers Club presented three selections from their patriotic IIRevue." -- Recreation Supervisor James Beech recounted the extraordinary contribution of time and services to Ocoee's Little League program by Pete Armstrong. He requested that the by-pass from the Youth Center to the Little League Baseball Field be named IIArmstrong Alley" as a tribute to Mr. Ar..strong. Commissioner Hager echoed Mr. Beech's co....endations and added that Mr. Armstrong had been a vital force in the City's Little League program for many. many years. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the renaming of the street as requested, Commissioner Hager seconded. and the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Ison asked permission to direct the City Manager to improve the street with the addition of a sidewalk and landscaping prior to ita dedication. Helen Galloway spoke as a representative of the newly organized West Orange Civitan Club. Civitan was founded on March 17. 1917~ in Birmingham. Alaba..a xor the purpose ox building good citizenship. It promotes this obJective through IIhands-on" involvement in public service. education, public affairs. and fellowship. Ms. Galloway introduced two of the West Orange Club aembers - Ike Cool, an Ocoee attorney. and Ruby Fleming. president of the club and a branch manager for Firat Union. All men and wo..en who are interested are encouraged to attend the charter meeting on March 23rd. In keeping with the national designation of May 1 as "Law Day U.S.A.," Mayor Ison issued Proclamation 87-01 proclaiming this obaervance in the City ox Ocoee. In support of the Orange County Task Force for the Prevention ox Child Abuse. Mayor Iaon iseued Proclamation 87-02 proclaiming April, 1987 as "Child Abuee and Neglect Prevention Month" in the City 0% Ocoee. - Mayor leon introduced Becky Mason who had won the "Mise 1 e Page 2 Ci~y Coaai..ion "..~ing March 17. 1987 Ocoee" title. pre-teen division, on Fun Day. Becky, a seven- year old Spring Lake Eleaentary student. will represent Ocoee at Taapa in the Florida cOlRpetition xor the "Pre-Teen Miss AMerica" pageant. Mayor Ison presented a $50.00 check froa the City in sponsorship. and Becky gave hi. a letter of' thanks and a poe.. APPROVALS - CONSENT AGENDA Co..issioner Johnson requested that Itea B be pulled fro. the Consent Agenda. CO.Missioner Dabbs moved to approve all other ite.s on the Consent Agenda. COMMissioner Bateaan seconded, and approval was unaniaous. Iteas approved were: A - Regular Co.aission Meeting Minute. of' 3-3-87 and C ReappointMent of To. Kelley. PEC. Inc.. as City Engineer. Co..i.sioner Johnson asked City Manager Ryan if the change of' pay range for the position of aeter reader (Itea B) could be hsndled as s training/incentive increase rather than the grade change. Mr. Ryan conf'iraed that it could be handled adMinistratively. Coamissioner Johnson moved to approve the pay change and it be handled a. training incentive, Co.aissioner BateMan seconded, and approval was unaniMous. - OLD BUSINESS Special S~aff Repor~. Ci~y Engin_r Reoo...nda~ion of Award - Drainag. Di~ch Cl.aning City Engineer Kelley reported that two bids were received. opened and read aloud on March 16. 1987 for this proJect. The low bidder was TOM Hendrix Mowing and Landscaping of' Ocoee with an extended suaaary total of 864.025.00. Mr. Kelley recomMended that the City award this unit price contract f'or the Drainage Ditch Cleaning to this coapany per his bid schedule. The xinal cost of the work on the unit price contract will depend upon the actual aaount of' work that is required in the xield by the various iteMS of' equipaent being provided under the contract. The ditches included in this proJect are 3.500 xeet north of Pala Drive. 10.000 linear feet in the Industrial Park area. and easterly to Marshall Faras Road. Coaaissioner Bateaan aoved to approve the awarding of the contract as reco..ended, COMlRissioner Johnson .econded, and the aotion was unaniaously approved. City Manager Ryan advised that this proJect was not specifically budgeted. and he would reCOMMend a transxer of funds when it is needed. - Sou~h Bluford Avenu. Wa~er Main Ex~.n.1on City Engineer Kelley reported that five bids for this proJect were received. opened and read aloud on March 16, 1987. The 2 . Pag. 3 C1~y Co..1..1on ...~1n9 ..rch 17, 1987 unit price type bids ranged from an extended summary total low of $18.360.00 to a high of $29.535.00. The low bidder was ThoMas H. Heard, General Contractor, Inc. of Winter Park. Florida and Baton Rouge. Louisiana. Based on his bid evaluation and preliminary investigation ox the bidder's current status. Mr. Kelley recoMmended that the City conditionally award the contract for South Bluford Water Main Extension to Thoaas H. Heard. General Contractor. Inc. for a total extended su.mary price ox *18.360.00, contingent on verification of his ability to successfully COMplete the work. This conditional award would allow the COMpletion of a More extensive investigation of the contractor's status. Co..issioner Dabbs asked why the More extensive investigation should not be done before choosing the contractor, and Mr. Kelley explained that pre-qualification procedures xor all bidders would be too expensive. Co.aissioner BateMan asked Mr. Kelley and John Cockrell if this proJect would be a satisfactory extension of the Maater Water Policy as planned. Both Men confirMed that it would be satisfactory. COMMissioner BateMan Moved to approve the conditional awarding ox the contract to ThOMas H. Heard. General Contractor, Inc. as recoMaended, Coamissioner Hager seconded, and approval was unanimous. e C1~y Plann.r Final Pla~ Appro.al Ridden Oak., Charle. ~nider City Planner Wagner explained that the developer had substantially completed iaprovements within this subdivision, the plat had been reviewed xor accuracy by the City Engineer. all appropriate paperwork had been subMitted. and all fees paid. He recommended approval of the Final Plat ox Hidden Oaks Subdivision. Co.aissioner BateMan asked if the require.ents set xorth in paragraph seven ox page three of the Developer's AgreeMent complied with the City'. Water PoliCY. and urged the developMent ox a !2~9!~!g policy ix one did not already exist. COMMissioner Hager questioned paYMent by the City ox the difference between the eight-inch and the twelve-inch water pipeline specified in the Agree.ent. Mr. Bateman also cO.Mented about his continuing concern about two aaJor streets dead-ending into the DevelopMent. City Engineer Kelley confirmed that a water policy did exist now. and Mr. Wagner advised that the Developer's AgreeMent had already been approved. Coaaissioner Hager moved to approve the Final Plat for Hidden Oaks, ComMissioner Dabbs seconded, and the aotion was unanimously approved. e Public H.aring. and Second a.ading. Ordinance 936. De..lopa.n~ a.vi.w f.. A.......n~. City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only. 3 . Pag. 4 Ci~y Coaai..ion "..~ing .....oh 17. 1987 Mayor Ison opened the Public Hearing. As there were no co.ments. the public hearing was closed. Com.issioner Bate.an Moved to approve Ordinance 936. DevelopMent Review Fee Assess.ents. Com.issioner Hager seconded. and the Motion was unaniMously approved. Ordinanc. 937. A..nding Ordinance 908. R.cr8a~ion Advi.ory Board City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only. There were no comments 80 the public hearing was closed. CO.Missioner Johnson moved to approve Ordinance 937. Amending Ordinance 908, Recreation Advisory Board. Co.missioner Dabbs seconded. and approval was unanimous. - Ordinano. 938. Adul~ En~.r~ain.8n~ Ordinanc. City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard. asked xor clarification of the provisions of the ordinance. Mayor Ison explained that the ordinance provided that businesses such as soae ox those on Orange Blossom Trail were not welcoMe in Ocoee. CO.Missioner Dabbs asked if this docu.ent was patterned after Orange County's recently enacted Adult Entertainment Ordinance. and ix it might not be subJect to xailure as the County ordinance had been when about one-hundred cases were disMissed. City Attorney Kruppenbacher explained that this ordinance was a cOMpilation of ordinances frOM several cities and was primarily concerned with preventing unacceptable businesses froa coming to Ocoe.. Comaissioner Bateman asked if the quirk in the County ordinance which had caused its failure had been eliainated in this ordinance. Mr. Kruppenbacher recommended that the Co.mission pass thia ordinance as presented and if their i. a problem they can aaend it at a later dat.. The public hearing was closed. Comaissioner Hager moved to approve Ordinance 938. Adult Entertainaent Ordinance. Coamiasioner Bate.an seconded. and the motion carried unaniMoualy. e Ordinanc. 939. Flood D..a'8 Pr.v.n~ion City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only. There being no coaments xrom citizens, the public hearing was closed. Comaia.ioner Dabbs questioned the mention of the sand dunes on page five. and Attorney Kruppenbacher responded that references to the beaches were not applicable and would be deleted. Coaaissioner Bateman asked if conforaity to the provisions of this ordinance would permit participation in Federal Flood Insurance programs. City Planner Wagner explained that the proposed ordinance provided expanded. updated regulations aa stipulated by the Federal GovernMent and modeled by the Florida Department of COMaunity Affairs. Coaai.sioner Bateman moved to approve Ordinance 939, Flood 4 J . Pa.. 5 Ci~y Co..i..ion K..~in. Karch 17, 1987 Da.ag. Prevention. Co..i..ioner Dabb. seconded. and the aotion was unaniaou.ly approved. O~h.r Bu.in... None. COK"EITS FRO" CITIZ.IS/PUaLIC Judy Gay, of 477 Fort Collin. Court. asked the Coa.i.sion to assist her in resolving her continuing probl.. with the leaking roof on her ho... She purcha.ed the hoae zroa Residential Coaaunities of A.erica in 1982. When the rooz developed a leak, her hoaeown.r. insurance coapany referred her to s.veral rooxers who unaniaously agreed the rooz was i.properly installed. All w.re willing to replace the roox, but none would repair it. When three phone call. per week to the builder for a period of one year were fruitl.... .he asked Building Official Sa. Gerace for a..istanc.. Fro. hi. in.pection. he al.o concluded the roof we. i.properly in.talled. The State In.pector agreed iaproper in.tallation was the problea, atteapted un.ucce..fully to contact the owner of R.C.A.. and took it before the State. The Departaent of Professional Regulation had regist.red the ca.e as *7391S. e Mayor I.on a.ked Building Official Hurst to inspect all hoaes in the area built by R. C. A., to coapile a list of their probleas and to give a report. Mr. Hurst requested copies of any corre.pondence froa the state about Mrs. Gay's probl.a and also inforaation about any neighbor.' co.plaint.. City Attorney Kruppenbacher advised Mrs. Gay to be very careful of her rights. Though City Staff would do all it could to help, he suggested that she aight wish to consult an attorn.y. law BUSII.SS e Requ..~ Ci~y Co..i..1on ..~ an ..oun~ for E.ploy.. B.n.fi~s City Manager Ryan recoaaended approval of a system of allocation which provides an a.ount ox up to $100.00 per eaployee per Month for eaployee related insurance purchases and that each eaployee be allowed to use that allocation for the purchase of insurance as they deem most appropriate after being advised of their options. Commissioner Bateman co..ented that he hoped the budget for the new fiscal year might include coverage for eaployees and their dependents. Mayor Iaon suggested approval of this recoamendation for now. and achieve xull dependent coverage by adoption of the next budget. Mr. Kruppenbacher suggested contacting Denny Russo at the School Board xor extensive comparisons of insurance prograas. Co.aissioner Johnson moved to approve Mr. Ryan's S e Page 6 Ci~y eo..i..ion leetins larch 17. 1987 reco..endation for eaployee related insurance purchases. Co..issioner Bateman seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved. REPORTS AND INFORIATION - CITY IANAGER Repor~ on Financial Adviaor/Inve.t.ent Banker The City Manager. City Attorney. and Financial Director had ~urther researched the selections o~ a ~inancial advisor and an investaent banker as the Commission had directed. Mr. Ryan stated their reco..endation that Southeastern Municipal Bonds. Inc. be designated as financial advisor. and that M. G. Lewis & Co. be designated as investment banking ~irm for the City. Attorney Kruppenbacher emphasized the i.portance o~ utilizing two ~iras ~or these services. Co.missioner Dabbs stated that he was favorably iapressed by these ~iras, and aoved to approved their selection as reco..ended. Co.aissioner Johnson seconded. and the motion was unanimously approved. e Follow-up Report Mr. Ryan reported that he and Mr. Kruppenbacher had met with a cable television company and were analyzing our situation. The City Coa.ission of Winter Garden had met recently with Cablevision. Inc. and the Co.missioners agreed to contact Ray Creech about their findings. Mayor leon stated that he wished to also initiate a IIBuilder/Contractor/Developerll award as well aa the "Polluter of the Monthll award as he had previously suggested. CITY ATTORNEY Propoaed Ordinance '962. Ninety Day Billboard loratoriu. Mr. Kruppenbacher proposed an ordinance to place a ninety day moratoriuM on the erection of billboards in the City to reserve ti.e ~or Sta~f to dra~t an appropriate ordinance ~or their per.anent regulation. He requested a motion to place the proposed ordinance on the agenda under IICity Attorneyll as an e.ergency aeasure to protect the publiC health. safety, and wel~are based on documentation possessed by the City Manager and City Attorney. Commissioner Hager moved to approve the addition o~ the proposed ordinance to the Agenda. Co.missioner Bateman seconded. and the motion was approved unanimously. . Frank Kruppenbacher read by title only Proposed Ordinance *962. providing ~or a ninety day moratorium on the erection o~ billboards in the city liaits ox the City ox Ocoee. There were no public com.ents. Co.missioner Dabbs moved to approve the proposed ordinance. Co.missioner Johnson seconded. and 6 ------' . Pal. 7 Ci~y eoaai..ion ...~in' ..rch 17, 1987 the .otion was unaniMously approved. Propoaed Ordinanc.. Unliait.d Nuab.r of Alt.rnat.. to Planning and Zoning Board City Attorney Krupp.nbach.r also proposed an ordinance aM.nding Appendix A. Chapter II. Section 2 (2.1) Planning and Zoning Co..i.sion. providing for an unli.ited nu.ber of alternates to the board. COMMissioner Bate.an .oved to approve the proposed ordinance for first reading, Co.ai.sioner Hager seconded. and approval was unaniMous. The City Manager read the proposed ordinance by title only. Iap.a~ F.. Ordinance Mr. Kruppenbacher require.ent. for a "hoae stretch." reported that the co.pilation final i.pact fee ordinance was in of the e Frank Courtney - Rob.rt. Ri.. Frank Courtney had retain.d an attorney to re.olve the .atter of the r.creational aa......nt to be Made to the City of Ocoee on behalf of his subdivision. Robert'. Rise. In a March 10th letter to Mayor leon. the attorney referred to an agr....nt between his client and xor.er City Manager Ken Griffin as stated in a .e.orandum for the record on April 4, 1986. Mr. Kruppenbacher advised that Mr. Griffin's memo does not bind the City. Co..issioner Dabbs co..ented about his concern for the credibility of the City in such Matters. Mr. Kruppenbacher reco..ended that the Co..ission direct Mr. Ryan and Stafx to meet with Mr. Courtney and hi. representatives to work out a resolution to the proble.. COR..NTS FROM CO..ISSION.RS Co.aissioner Bate.an .entioned a survey he had co.plete by an assi.tant professor from the South Florida. and comaented that h. xelt it w.ll prepared. been asked to University of was not very Mayor Ison Expressway 9:30 A.M. encouraged announced Authority on March to b. there. that a aeeting with the East-West would be held in downtown Orlando at 18th. Forest Oaks residents were Th. Girls Club will have an Opening Day cere.ony on April 4th. A parade is scheduled for 10:00 A.M. in Winter Garden, and will begin at First Union Bank on Dillard. The Mayor coa.ented on the succe.s of the Boat Races recently sponsored by the Fire Departaent. . 7 '. Pag_ 8 C1~y Co..1..1on ._.~1ng ..rcb 17, 1987 Mayor Iaon reported that the Thomas house had been purchased. He asked the City Manager to check into the coat 0% having the ho.e .oved to Vignetti Park. The Tri-County League of Cities ..eting will be held on Thursday. March 19th at the Barnett Bank Building in downtown Orlando. Mayor Iaon requested a apecial s..aion of the City Commisaion and all city boarda be acheduled in April. He suggested the Agenda include a tour of the City and an overview by the City Manager explaining where we are and where are going. The ...ting adJourned at 9:35 P.M.. __~LgL__ Mayor Ison e _____'Jj1 ~ kw- D~pbty Clerk Green e 8