HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-30-87 SS MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL SESSION OF THE CITY COMMISSION HELD ON MARCH 30, 1987 . Mayor Ison called the Special Session to order at 9:15 p.m.. PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs, and Hager, City Manager Ryan, City Planner Wagner, Works Director Occhiuzzo, and City Clerk Catron. Batema1". Public e RESOLUTION 87-04, LAKE APOPKA RESTORATION Commissioner Johnson moved to approve Resolution 87-04 and Commissioner Hager seconded. Under discussion, Commissioner Bateman stated that as a matter of record he opposed the t~esc.lutic.1". as he was 1"IC.t i1". favc.t~ of "pushi1"lg OUt~ pt~oblems" on Lake Okeechobee. He stated he had been involved and had read the draft of a 1978 study for restoration of Lake Apopka a1".d felt we shc'I.dd accept the fact that we wet~e "beat iY"!:l a dead h.:,t~se". Commissic'1"let~ Dabbs stated that he was also opposed for the same reasons but he could support a t~es,:;.lutic.n tc, "t~estc.t"e Lake Apc,pl.{a". Mayc't~ Isc,1". stated thc\t in 1972 he attended his first meeting on the restoration of Lake Apopka and the polluters were identified as the muck farmers at that time. He felt we have to stop the pollution source. Commissioner Hager stated that he agreed with Commissioner Bateman to the extent that the lake could never be restored to its condition in 1941, but he felt this could help the lake. Commissioner Johnson stated that he made the motion and had been aware of the problem for 30 years and hoped this would help if only to a small extent. Call for the question - Commissioners Johnson and Hager voted yes, Commissioners Bateman and Dabbs voted no, Mayor Ison breaking the tie vote, voted yes. Commissioner Bateman requested that the Resolution show that it was not a unanimous vote. Commissioner Dabbs objected to this stating that other documents did not show the vote. Mayor Ison stated that he could send a letter if he wanted and in the future we could have a place on the documents for the Commissioners to sign. e DISCUSSION/ACTION OF IMMEDIATE & LONG RANGE ANNEXATION PLANS Mayc.t~ I S':;'1". Mayor Ison stated that with the new growth management legislation that requires the infrastructure to go along with all of the growth that requires road, schools, sewer, water, transportation, etc., he would like the City to make an annexation planning moratorium on three corners of our City. This would make it very clear to developers where we stand and would get us out of the position of being put in the middle between developers and other governmental entities. He suggested a 3 year moratorium on annexing any lands outside of these corners which consist of Roberson Road on the South, Good Homes (going west of Rose Hill) on the East, along Section lines 33 and 34 on the North and the Western boundary to be determined by the placement of the extension of the East/West Expressway. He further stated that he did not mean for this to be in an ordinance format 1 . Page i2 City Commission Special Session March 30, 1987 but rather a planning agreement so staff can work on the Comprehensive Plan and encouraging growth within the urban service area. Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs, Bateman and Hager were all in agreement with this concept and requested that the City Manager and staff work on the appropriate documents and bring back for formal approval. APPOINTMENTS TO PLANNING & ZONING BOARD Commissioner Bateman moved to approve the appointment of Pat Bond from the alternate position to the full time position on the Planning and Zoning Board, Commissioner Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously. The alternate positions are filled at this time; therefore, no appointment was needed. JOINT MEETING OF BOARDS Mayor Ison requested that a Joint meeting be set up for all the boards of the City. He would like to take them on a bus tour of the City, have a dinner for them and then have a meeting. The meeting will be scheduled for some time the end of April or the first week of May. Mayor Ison asked each Commissioner to address the board members with their concerns fClt~ the City. It CABLE TV FRANCHISE Commissioner Johnson requested that representatives from our Cable TV company be present at our next meeting in order to answer questions/concerns over the rate increase and the level/lack of service. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m.. _.._~.LtL____ MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK e 2