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Mayor Ison called the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M., and led
in prayer and in the pledge ox allegiance to the flag.
PRESENT: Mayor leon, Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs, Bateman,
and Hager; City Manager Ryan, City Attorney Kruppenbacher,
City Planner Wagner, Public Works Director Occhiuzzo, City
Clerk Catron, City Engineer Kelley, Building Official Hurst,
and Deputy Clerk Green.
The Planning and Zoning Board Minutes of February 10,
were presented for inxormation only.
In further commemoration of the bicentennial of the United
States Constitution, Mayor lson noted that the xreedom of
speech provided by the First Amendment should be recognized
as a contribution of James Madison, the "Father of the
Mayor leon recognized Orange County Commissioner Vera Carter
who was attending the meeting as a private citizen.
Frank Turner, the District Governor of the Lions' Club,
presented a banner and a pin to each of the City
Commissioners, to City Manager Ryan, and to Commissioner
Carter. He thanked the Commissioners %or their help and
assistance. Mayor lson commended Mr. Turner for the
excellent Job he was doing as District Governor %or the
Commissioner Bateman moved to approve the Regular Commission
Meeting Minutes of March 17, 1987, Commissioner Dabbs
seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Special Staff Report. - City Engineer
Acceptance of Public I.prove.ent. Hidden Oak. Subdivi.ion.
Cherle. Snider
City Manager Ryan requested that this item be tabled until
the April 21, 1987 meeting.
Second Reading. and Public Hearing.
Ordinance *941. Ca.. No. 02A-87. Lindy Wed. Rich
City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only,
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City Co..iaaion Meeting
April 7. 1987
City Planner Wagner pointed out the parcel on the map, and
the Mayor opened the public hearing. There were no comments,
so the hearing was closed. Commissioner Dabbs moved to
approve Ordinance #941, Commissioner Johnson seconded, and
the motion carried unanimously.
Ordinanc. *942. Caa. No. 03A-87. David PearlMan
Mr. Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only,
Wagner pointed out the property on the map, and Mayor
opened the public hearing.
Nancy ChriatMan, of the Orange County Planning Department,
explained that Orange County had no obJection to Ocoee's
annexation of this property, but strongly opposed a land use
change to allow commercial development in the area.
Orange County Coaaiaaioner Vere Carter, a resident of
Windermere, obJected to Ocoee's annexations of properties
south of the turnpike as premature at this time. She
expressed concern that one of Windermere's access roads might
become part 0% Ocoee's commercial area i% the parcels were
rezoned %or commercial use. She stated her personal
prexerence for a land use designation of single family, low
density, residential. Mrs. Carter asked that the expressway
expansion not be used as an excuse to allow a higher density
of development, and cautioned that more intense development
could cause congestion of ingress and egress routes for the
expressway. She urged the Commissioners ~2~ to approve a
land use change for this property if they did approve
Commissioner Bateman assured Mrs. Carter that Ocoee would not
do anything to Maguire Road to create di%%iculty %or
Dr. James Ferdinand commented that ix the expected growth of
the airport on Maguire occurred, it would cause the area to
be unsuitable for residences. He cautioned that delay ox the
decision on land usage for area properties would not be wise.
There were no further comments, so the public hearing was
closed. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve Ordinance
#942, Commissioner Hager seconded, and the motion was
unanimously approved.
Ordinanc. *943. Ca.. No. 04A-87. R. L. Ferdinand
Mr. Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only, Mr.
Wagner pointed out the property on the map, and the Mayor
opened the public hearing. The obJections by Ms. Christman
and Mrs. Carter noted under Ordinance #942 are also
applicable %or this parcel. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie
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City Co..i..ion Meeting
April 7. 1987
Lake Boulevard, suggested that this area be zoned industrial
or commercial now so that homes would not be built there.
There were no further comments, so the public hearing was
closed. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve Ordinance
#943, Commissioner Dabbs seconded, and the motion was
unanimously approved.
Ordinance *944. Caae No. 05A-87. R. L. Ferdinand
Mr. Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only, Mr.
Wagner pointed out the parcel on the map, and Mayor Ison
opened the public hearing. The Christman and Carter comments
as noted under Ordinance #942 are also applicable for this
property. There were no other comments, so the public
hearing was closed. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve
Ordinance #944, Commissioner Bateman seconded, and the motion
was unanimously approved.
Ordinance *945. Ca.. No. 06A-S7. Charles & Jame. Hawthorne
The City Manager read the proposed ordinance by title only,
Mr. Wagner pointed out the property on the map, and the Mayor
opened the public hearing. There being no comments, the
public hearing was closed. Commissioner Johnson moved to
approve Ordinance #945, Commissioner Hager seconded, and
approval was unanimous. For the record and for the
in%ormation of owners 0% property east 0% this parcel,
Commissioner Bateman noted that what could be an existing
enclave would be taken care 0%.
Ordinance *946. Ca.e No. 7A-87. Barry Goodman
Ordinanc. *940. Ca.. No. lA-87. Reform.d Pr..byt.rian Church
Ordinance *947. Ca.. No. SA-87. El.er Badg.r
Ordinanc. *948. Ca.. No. 9A-87. J.ffrey Y.ager
Ordinanc. *949. Ca.. No. 10A-S7. Anna L. Davi. & To. W..t
Mr. Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only,
Wagner pointed out the property on the map, and Mayor
opened the public hearing. There were no comments so
public hearing was closed. Commissioner Bateman moved
approve Ordinance #949, Commissioner Johnson seconded,
the motion was unanimously approved.
Ordinance *950. Ca.. No. llA-87. W. C. Davi.. R. V. Ogilvie.
J. Pitchford
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City Commission Meeting
April 7, 19B7
asked the Commissioners to table annexation of this parcel,
aY"ld explaiY"led that he was Y"lot "pickiY"lg '::OY"I Wescat~1I aY"ld that
his concerns for the area north of Ocoee mirrored those
expressed by Vera Carter for the area south of the City.
Ph i 1 i P W.
that this
t he at~ea
Cr:rY"IS i det~ed
c i t i zeY"ls.
Rich, 5824 Ingram Road, Apopka, 32703, commented
annexation constituted an incursion by Ocoee into
historically reserved to Clarcona and would be
a hostile action and a breach of faith by Clarcona
Jean Jonas, 4858 North Apopka-Vineland, presented to Mayor
Ison a petition signed by one-hundred families in the Apopka-
Vineland area from Silver Star to Clarcona-Ocoee Road who
oppose this annexation. Officers of the corporations
involved in this project had not yet been identified to her
satisfaction. City Manager Ryan pointed out that records
from the state would be available to her.
Mayor Ison explained that his verbatim comments from an
earlier meeting with Clarcona residents were available if
needed, and reminded them of his work to move the proposed
expressway further west. He emphasized that it is the
responsibility of government to provide reasonable land use
for land owners, and if it does not, they can go to court to
achieve it.
There were no further comments, so the public hearing was
closed. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve Ordinance
#953, Commissioner Johnson seconded, and approval was
uY"laY"1 i mouse
Ordinance #954, Case No. 15A-B7, Patrick Kelley
Attorney Kruppenbacher read the proposed ordinance by title,
Planner Wagner pointed out the property on the map, and Mayor
Ison opened the public hearing. The comments above by Mr.
Phipps and Mr. Rich also apply to this property. There were
no further comments, so the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Johnson moved to approve Ordinance #954,
Commissioner Dabbs seconded, and the motion was unanimously
Ordinance #955, Case No. 1GA-B7, City of Ocoee
The White Rd. right-of-way portion will be deleted from Ord.
#955 since the parcels had been withdrawn. The Attorney
advised that these changes were non-substantial and read the
proposed ordinance by title only, Mr. Wagner pointed out the
areas on the map, and the Mayor opened the public hearing.
There were no comments so the public hearing was closed.
Comm. Hager moved to approve approve Ordinance #955, Comm.
Bateman seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Pege 4
City ComMi..ion Meeting
April 7. 1987
Ordinence _951. Caae No. 12A-87. Weacer. Inc.
Mr. Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only, Mr.
Wagner pointed out the property on the map, and the Mayor
opened the public hearing. There were no comments so the
public hearing was closed. Commissioner Johnson moved to
approve Ordinance #951, Commissioner Dabbs seconded, and the
motion was unanimously approved.
Ordinance _952. Ca.. No. 13A-87. Jey & Dotti Schorr
The City Manager read the proposed ordinance by title only,
the City Planner pointed out the property on the map, and the
Mayor opened the public hearing. There were no comments so
the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Hager moved to
approve Ordinance #952, Commissioner Bateman seconded~ and
approval was unanimous.
Ordinance _953. Cea. No. 14A-87. We.car. Inc.
Mr. Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only, Mr.
Wagner pointed out the area on the map, and the Mayor opened
the public hearing. Nancy Christman, 0% Orange County
Planning Department, presented a letter from County
Administrator Tom Sewell requesting tabling or continuing 0%
this proposal until a Joint meeting could be held to resolve
the Reserve Area Boundary issue, as this property is outside
the current reserve area. (She also noted that these comments
apply to Ordinance #954, Case No. 15A). City Attorney
Kruppenbacher stated that City Manger Ryan had tried xor two
months to schedule this Joint meeting with the County without
success and recommended that action not be delayed because ox
another governmental entity. He emphasized that the
developer would defray the cost if there were litigation by
the County. Commisssioner Bateman stated his concern about
creating an antagonistic atmosphere with the County. Nancy
Christman pointed out that the Reserve Area Agreement change
needed to precede an annexation request. City Manager Ryan
stated that the agreement stipulated thirty days notice~ but
perhaps thirty days were not adequate xor the amendment
process. Commissioner Dabbs noted that the applicant had
rights, too. Ms. Christman commented that the proposed
access to the site %rom Apopka-Vineland Road would be on a
curve and might not permit an acceptable intersection.
The attorney representing Wescar, Inc., Hal Kantor 0% P. O.
Box 2809, Orlando 32802, remarked that the rezoning to be
requested next week will provide for 1/4 acre lots and a 1200
square foot per unit minimum.
Dennis Phipps, P. O. Box 560, Clarcona 32710, explained that
he had understood xrom comments at the last meeting that
these proceedings would be tabled if a Joint meeting with the
County had not resolved the Reserve Area Boundary matter. He
Peg. 6
Ci~y Co..i..ion M..ting
April 7. 1987
Ordinenc. 19S6. Ca.. No. 17A-87. John G. Pi.rc.
City Clerk Catron read the proposed ordinance by title only,
City Planner Wagner indicated the area on the map, and Mayor
Ison opened the public hearing. Wayne Dann, ox Marshall
Farms Road, explained that he did not obJect to the
annexation, but was very concerned about the traffic problem
at the intersection of Marshall Farms with Highway #50.
Mayor Ison explained that improvements xor this intersection
were in the Jurisdiction 0% DOT. and that bid letting on
April 1st had prepared the way %or completion 0% turning
lanes for this intersection within 75 days. There were no
xurther comments so the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve Ordinance #956,
Commissioner Bateman seconded, and the motion was unanimously
Ordinance *957. Ca.. No. 18A-87. Florida DOT
City Clerk Catron read the proposed ordinance by title only,
Mr. Wagner pointed out the area on the map, and the Mayor
opened the public hearing. Mr. Dann's comments %or #956 also
apply for this ordinance. There were no xurther comments so
the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Hager moved to
approve Ordinance #957, Commissioner Bateman seconded, and
approval was unanimous.
John C. Kizis, 8846 Rose Hill Drive, Orlando 32818, expressed
concern about the petitions which had been withdrawn, and
encouraged the Commission to require all developers to
preserve a portion of their properties in a natural state.
RECESS: 9:25 P.M.
Ordinenc. 1958. A..nding Ord. *637. Updating Building
City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only,
and the Mayor opened the public hearing. There were no
comments so the public hearing was closed. Commissioner
Bateman moved to approve Ordinance #958, Commissioner Dabbs
seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Ordinance *959. A.ending Ord. *638. Upda~ing Electrical Cod.
Mr. Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only, and the
Mayor opened the public heariing. There were no comments so
the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Dabbs moved to
approve Ordinance #959, Commissioner Hager seconded, and
approval was unanimous.
Ordinance *960. A.ending Ord. 1639. Updating Mechanical Code
Mr. Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only, and the
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Ci~y Co..i..ion Meeting
April 7. 1987
Mayor opened the public hearing. There were no comments so
the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Johnson moved to
approve Ordinance #960, Commissioner Bateman seconded, and
the motion was unanimously approved.
Ordinance '961. A..nding Ord. '640. Updating PluMbing Code
City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only,
and Mayor Ison opened the public hearing. There were no
comments so the public hearing was closed. Commissioner
Hager moved to approve Ordinance #961, Commissioner Johnson
seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved.
Other Bu.ine..
Modification of Joint Planning Ar.a Interlocal Agr....nt with
Orenge County/MoratoriuM - Ted Ryen end Ru.. Wegner
City Manager Ryan indicated on the map the approximate outer
limits of the planning area for the City for a period of one
to three years as recommended by the Stafx. The western
boundary would be specifically defined by the extension of
the East-West Expressway. Mr. Wagner explained that current
city boundaries include about seven square miles (7.6 after
current annexations), and the Reserve Planning Area included
15.8 square miles - allowing room to expand boundaries in all
Mayor Ison observed that a five-year capital plan/five-year
growth plan delineating the City's boundaries (subJect to the
alignment ox the East-West Expressway) would contribute to
making the City better.
Commissioner Dabbs supported the premise as a means to
enhance the quality of life for Ocoee citizens by solidi%ying
what we have and improving on it.
Commissioner Bateman added that "making good things better"
was the intention ox the Commission and he fully supported
the moratorium on expansion as he believed Ocoee had been
growing too xast.
Commissioner Hager agreed that he had no problem with the
plan, and would like to see the City not only bigger but
better. He particularly mentioned the need xor industry to
provide quality Jobs locally %or young people.
Commissioner Johnson agreed with the premise to provide for
controlled growth and quality services for all residents.
Mr. Ryan suggested that the Commission approve in concept and
schedule for discussion at a Joint meeting with the County
Commission a moratorium for amendment to the interlocal
Pag_ 8
Ci~y Co..i..ion M..~ing
April 7. 1987
agreement for a Joint planning area with Orange County.
Commissioner Hager moved to approve a conceptual annexation
limitation in elementary for., Commissioner Bateman seconded,
and approval was unanimous.
Di.cu..ion of Cebl. TV Franchi.. S.rvic... L. Topping
Larry Topping, local Assistant Manager xor Cableviion
Industries, and Richard B. D~Louhy, P.H.D., %rom their state
o%fice, were present to address the concerns of the
Commissioners about local cable television service. The
recent replacement of a significant trunk cable should have
improved reception for subscribers. Internal i.provements in
the local ofxice and an upgraded telephone system should have
improved the response ti.e as well as the level ox service
for subscribers, they said. A recent letter to area
subscribers had announced a "collapse of tier" for non-
premium channels effective on June 1st. This change will
permit reception ox all basic channels without a converter
for a cost of S14.45 per month. The new rate will be a S4.50
increase xor xormer basic subscribers (26% ox subscribers)
and a decrease for xormer basic-plus subscribers (73%). The
channels which will remain outside the tier and the current
number ox subscribers are as follows:
H B 0 569
Cinemax 192
Showtime 213
Disney 157
Playboy 76
Several Commissioners reported repeated unsuccessful attempts
to reach Cablevision Industries when cable service was
interrupted or of poor quality. Mr. Topping assured them
that service technicians were on call 24 hours a day and
available through the answering service, and that o%%ice
hours were 9 to 7 Monday through Friday and 9 to 1:00 P.M. on
Mr. Harris, 8854 Rose Hill Drive, reported that his service
from Cablevision Industries had been satisfactory.
Paul Bunker, 961 American Beauty Drive, reported that
multiple pedestals %or television cable were an eyesore and a
hazard in his Rose Hill neighborhood.
R. P. Mohnacky, of 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked that
C Span be made available ix possible.
Commissioner Johnson commented that the citizens had
getting disservice instead of service. Com.issioner
noted that the problems were of long standing. Mayor
emphasized that he was willing to explore cable service
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City Commission Meeting
April 7, 1987
other companies if the level of service did not improve.
Mayor Ison asked City Staff to check further with Cable TV
about the new system which they had previously proposed for
taping City Commission meetings and also to check about the
public service programming of a local nature for which
Cablevision Industries had been committed.
Northwest Wastewater Treatment Facility Reservations Request
After some discussion, the Commissioners agreed to direct
City Manager Ryan and Mayor Ison to meet with Chairman Lou
Treadway of the Orange County Commission to request an
extension of time with reference to reserving capacity in the
Orange County Northwest Wastewater Treatment Facility.
All items have been handled,
covered by City Attorney.
are 1n progress,
or will be
Billboard/Sign Ordinance
Mr. Kruppenbacher reported that the proposed
billboards/signs had been redrafted, would be
City Staff and brought back to the next meeting.
Frank Courtney/Robert's Rise Subdivision - Dock
A search of City records revealed no action by the City
Commission on City Manager Griffin's memo to Mr. Courtney in
April of 1986. All the Commissioners were opposed to a City
Dock because of liability issues, but would agree to allow
Mr. Courtney to build a private dock with the City granting
an easement if the legal issues could be worked out. Mr.
Courtney would be required to abide by the terms of the memo
of April 4, 1986, and to pay all fees and obtain proper
permits. The Commission also stipulated that since he was
proposing to build the dock, he would not be allowed the
$2,000 credit toward engineering fees. Commissioner Bateman
cautioned that this precedent would go beyond Robert's Rise.
Mr. Kruppenbacher will research the legal issues, an
agreement will be drafted and presented to the Commission for
approval at the next meeting if possible.
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Ciey Co..i..ion K..eing
April 7. 1987
Commissioner Bateman commended Cathie Pollack and City
employees for their accomplishments with the Maguire House.
Mayor leon announced the meeting of the Tri-County League ox
Cities at noon on Thursday, April 16th.
The meeting adJourned at 11:25 P.M..
Mayor Ison
~,~ /,