HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-14-87 e. MINUTES OF THE JOINT PLANNING AND ZONING AND THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD APRIL 14, 1987 The meeting was called to order at 7:32 p... by Acting Chair.an Linebarier. Commissioner Dabbs led everyone in prayer and the pledge of allegiance to the xlag. PRESENT: P & Z: Board Members Bello. Bond. Linebarier, Sanders and Switzer, Alternate Members T. Breeze and Weeks Coaai..ion: Coaissioners Bateman, Dabbs. Hager. Johnson ABSENT: P & Z Chairman Swickerath and Board Member Smith Coaai..ion: Mayor Ison COKPREHE.SIVE PLAN ADOPTION PUBLIC HEARING ANNOUNCED Commissioner Bateman announced the public hearing for adoption of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amend.ent~ be held August 4. 1987 at the Ocoee Comunity Center at P.M. the will 7:30 _I "-. ! At Commissioner Bateman's request City Planner Russ Wagner explained the procedure for the Joint meeting, which will be as follows: For each item on the agenda P & Z will hold a public hearing, review and recom.end for Comprehensive Plan Amendment, transmit to Com.ission for their decision/action, then item will be returned to P & Z for preliminary rezoning hearing. Commissioner Bateman recognized Mr. David Heath, Orange County Planner, and invited him to speak at any time through the meeting. Mr. Linebarier read a letter from requesting that he serve as chairman absence. Acting Chairman Linebarier reading of the minutes be delayed until stated that a quorum was present. Chairman Swickerath in Mr. Swickerath's then asked that the the next meeting and LINDY WADE RICH - CASE NO. 02R-87 REZONING Mr. Wagner advised that the Comprehensive Land Use Plan included this parcel so-public hearing is required only for rezoning. Mr. Sanders moved to recommend approval of the petition to rezone to C-2. Mr. Switzer seconded the motion. The public hearing was opened and as there were no commenta from the public the hearing was closed. The vote was unanimous to approve. GREGORY P. SAMANO RECOMMENDATION P & Z - CASE NO. 02C-87 REVIEW AND I. Mr. Wagner located the property on the map and advised that staff recommends approval of the petition. Mr. Linebarier opened the public hearing and Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, who lives at 1 e1 Page 2 P & Z Meeting April 14. 1987 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd.. asked what type density was intended. Mr. Wagner advised that the density was clarified by the rezoning request. Mr. Ted Bolin. representing the owner, stated that he was present to snswer any questions. Commissioner Bateman said that the Clarcona representatives have asked that the zoning be improved to R1AA instead of R1A. Mr. Bolin responded that Forest Oaks and others in the area are R1A. Public Hearing was closed and Mr. Weeks moved to recommend approval of the request for residential land use. Mr. Sanders seconded and vote was unanimous to approve. CASE NO. 02C-87 TRANSBITTAL ACTION BY CITY COMMISSION Public hearing was opened and closed with no comment from the public. Com.issioner Dabbs moved to approve Residential land use. Commissioner Johnson seconded and vote was unanimously in favor. CASE NO. 03R-87 REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION REZONING P ~ Z e~ Public hearing was opened and commenta were made by Judy Brown, 8577 Hackney Prairie Rd. She atated she was concerned about problems with the road currently existing, more particularly that people from Forest Oaks were using the emergency access gate from the development to Hackney Prairie. Me Brown further commented that the emergency gate was open most of the time and being used by trucks working in the development. At this point City Manager Ted Ryan stated the road was to be used for emergency purposes only and instructed Public Works Director Tony Occhiuzzo to make certain that the gate was locked and not used by residents or commercial. trucks working in the area in the future. Mr. Switzer asked Mr. Wagner if the lot size was the same in R1A and R1AA. Mr. Wagner responded that a house in R1A must have 1200 sq ft and in R1AA it must be 1400 sq ft. He further stated that ix the lots were developed using a septic tank, they had to be at least 1/4 of an acre. Mr. Breeze moved to recommend R1A zoning. Mr. Switzer seconded the motion and vote was unanimously in-favor. DAVID PEARLMAN - CASE NO. 03C-87 REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION P ~ Z e) Mr. Wagner pointed out the location of the property on the map. and stated that the petitioner was requesting a Commercial land use designation and a C-3 General Commercial zoning. Mr. Linebarier opened the public hearing and Dr. Ferdinand indicated to the Board that this property and the property across the street from the airport and the airport itself was within the Ocoee reserve area boundary and he recommended commercial development. Mr. Linebarier stated 2 - Page 3 P & Z Meeting April 14. 1987 ~ that staff has recoMmended a feasibility study and asked Mr. Wagner to clarify this type of study. Mr. Wagner advised the Commission that this proJect was premature at this time and there were not enough facts to support a developMent of this type. He further stated that a proJect of this size would significantly impact areas outside of Ocoee city limits and that the infrastructure must be timed to be in place to support the development. Dr. Ferdinand stated he intended to upgrade the airport, at which point Mr. Wagner advised the Board that an expansion of the airport would automatically trigger the Development of Regional Impact (DRI) process. Mr. Wagner further atated that the city zoning code only permits airports in A1 as a Special Exception and changing the zoning to C-3 would automatically make the airport unlawful because it is not a permitted use in that zoning category. David Heath. Orange County Planner, has provided a letter from Tom Sewell and the comments are to be included in the Planning and Zoning and City Commission minutes. Public hearing was closed. City Manager Ted Ryan stated there may be a compromise situation in which the property would be brought into the city while leaving the zoning open which would give staff time to prepare a Commercial Planned Unit Development (PUD) which we do not presently have. The options are: 1) designate the property residential, 2) designate the property as per the applicants request, 3) designate the property as unclassified. Co.missioner Bateman stated that he was in favor of an executive airport and supports staff recommendation to leave the zoning open. Mrs. Bond moved to attach a Commercial land use designation to the property with the understanding that the zoning would remain unclassified. Mr. Sanders seconded the motion. Mr. Linebarier voted nay and all others voted in favor. The motion carried. CASE RO. 03C-87 TRANSKITTAL ACTIOR CITY COKKISSION e, _J Commissioner Bateman opened the public hearing and stated that it is understood that Orange County Planner Heath's comments are incorporated into the record regarding this action also. Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., said he wasn't aware that we might lose the airport by going commercial. Public hearing was then closed. Commissioner 30hnson moved to concur with P & Z motion to change land use and do nothing to the existing operation. Commissioner Hager seconded the motion and vote was unanimously in favor. Mr. Wagner explained that to accomodate the airport a new category, Commercial PUD. would have to be developed and adopted. He further stated that when the Land Use Plan amendment is sent to the State it is possible to change the land use at the adoption stage, which will be August 4, 1987. 3 e) Page 4 P & Z Meeting April 14~ 1987 CA~E NO. 04R-87 REZONING REVIEW AND RECORRENDATION P & Z Public hearing waa opened and closed with no comments. It was determined that under County zoning the airport could not be upgraded. Mr. Sandera moved to leave the zoning on the property unclassified. Mrs. Bond aeconded and vote was unanimously in favor. CA~E NO. 04C-87 CORPREHE.~IVE PLAN ARENDRENT REVIEW AND RECOKKENDATION P & Z Public hearing was opened and closed with no commenta. Mr. Sanders moved to recommend approval of the petition to change the Comprehensive Land Use Plan as requested by petitioner to Co.mercial. Mr. Breeze seconded and vote was carried with Mr. Switzer and Mr. Linebarier voting nay and all others voting in favor. CA~E NO. 04C-87 TRAN~RITTAL ACTION CITY COKRI~~ION e) '. ? Public hearing was opened and Mr. Heath advised that the County is opposed to the action as stated in his letter which is included in this record. Public hearing was then closed. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the petition %or Commercial land use and Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. Vote was unanimously in favor. CASE NO. OSR-87 REZONING REVIEW AND RECORRENDATION P & Z Public hearing was opened. Dr. Bob Ferdinand explained that they intended to develop these parcels as a single parcel. Dr. Jim Ferdinand would like to have the parcels zoned C-3 as requested. Mr. Weeks asked whether this parcel would becoMe Commercial PUD at some point and what are the advantages. Mr. Wagner stated that a Commercial PUD gave the city more control over a proJect than our current commercial zoning. Public hearing was closed. Mr. Breeze moved to recommend that zoning remain unclassified for this parcel. Mr. Weeks seconded and vote was unanimously in %avor. CA~E NO. OSC-87 COKPREHEN~IVE PLAN ARENDRENT REVIEW AND RECORKE.DATION P & Z . Public hearing was opened and closed with no co.ments. Mr. Breeze moved to reco..end approval 0% this Co.mercial Land Use and motion wa. seconded by Mr. Sanders. Motion wa. carried with two dissenting votes, Mr. Switzer and Mr. Linebarier. 4 -~ Page 5 p & Z Meeting April 14. 1987 CASE NO. oec-87 TRANSKITTAL ACTION BY CITY COKKI~~ION Public hearing was opened and Mr. Heath stated he wanted the comment. in his letter to be part of the record. Public hearing was then closed. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the petition as recommended by P & Z xor Commercial Land Use. Commissioner Hager seconded and vote was unanimously in favor. CASE NO. 06R-87 REZONING REVIEW AND RECOK"KENDATION P ~ Z Public hearing was opened and closed with no co.ment. Mr. Sanders moved to reco.mend that the zoning on the parcel remain unclassified. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Bond and vote was unani.ously in favor. CASE NO. 06C-87 COKPREHEI~IVE PLAN AKENDKEIT REVIEW AND RECOKKENDATION P ~ Z e Public hearing was opened and closed with no comment. Mrs. Bello moved to recommend Co..ercial Land Use for the parcel. Mr. Breeze seconded and motion was carried with Mr. Switzer voting nay. CASE NO. 06C-87 TRAN~KITTAL ACTION CITY COKKI~SION Public hearing was opened and Mr. Heath's co.ments were repeated for the record. Public hearing was then closed. Commissioner Hager moved to adopt the recommendation of the P & Z Board for Commercial Land Use and Commissioner Dabbs seconded the motion. Vote was unanimously in favor. CA~E NO. 07R-87 REZONING REVIEW AND RECOKKENDATION P ~ Z Public hearing was ~pened and closed with no comments. Mrs. Bond moved to recommend that Co..ission permit this parcel to remain unclassified. Mrs. Bello seconded the motion and vote was unanimously in favor. CA~E NO. 07C-87 COKPREHEN~IVE PLAN AKENDKENT REVIEW AND RECOK"ENDATIOI P ~ Z Public hearing was opened and closed with no co..enta. Weeks Moved to recommend approval of Commercial land designation. Mr. Sanders seconded and motion carried two dissenting votes by Mr. Switzer and Mr. Linebarier. Mr. use with -) CA~E NO. 07C-87 TRAI~KITTAL ACTION BY CITY COKKI~SION Public hearing was opened and closed with no co.ments. 5 e, Page 6 P & Z Meeting April 14, 1987 Commissioner Dabbs .oved to accept reco..endation o~ P & Z Board and approve the Co.prehensive Land Use change to Commercial. Co..issioner 30hnson seconded and .otion carried unaniaously. CASE RO. oaR-a? REZORI.G REVIEW AND RECOKKENDATIOR P ~ Z Public hearing was opened and closed. no coa.ent. Mrs. Bond Roved to reco..end the zoning reaain unclaasixied. Mr. Sanders seconded and vote was unaniaously in ~avor. RECESS FROM 9:23 P.K. TO 9:32 P.K. CHARLES ARD JAKES HAWTHORRE PETITIONS CASE NO. 08C-8? COKPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDKENT REVIEW AND RECOKKENDATION P ~ Z e) Public hearing was opened and Mr. Wagner pointed out the location of the parcel on the map. Scott Henderson, of Glatting Lopez Kercher Anglin Inc., representing the petitioners, indicated that he was there to answer any questions. R. P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., questioned the intent o~ the developers as to the number o~ units per acre and the arrangements they were providing ~or parking. Mr. Henderson replied that plans would be submitted to sta~f and there would be another public hearing to address those issues. Mr. Monacky questioned i~ the development would be checked after it was finished to determine if parking was adequate. Mr. Henderson replied that his firm has been careful to coaply with Ocoee's development standards which are aore stringent than most, and they have no problem with that. Stella Tyson questioned where the drainage from the development would go. Mr. Wagner explained that after development the run-o~f could not exceed the amount of pre- development run-of~. Mr. Tyabn explained that a pipe line from the Hawthorne property allowed water to run into Lake Olympia. Mr. Ryan said that retention ponds will be used to trap the run-o~f. Olga Parks stated that Starke Lake is running into Fish Lake and into her back yard. Mr. Tyson said that multiple housing units will decrease the value of their property. Mr. Henderson stated that this hearing is to deteraine whether this property should be residential and the boards have the option to designate the density o~ the proJect later. Mr. David Heath stated that the County would have no obJections to low density single xamily residential, but they would obJect to co..ercial. Public hearing was then closed. Mr. Henderson requested the Board to vote on whether they wanted the property to be agricultural. residential, commercial or industrial. Mr. David Heath then stated there would be a homeowners meeting concerning the County's Highway 50 Study on May 27, 1987. Mr. Breeze moved to recommend approval of the Comprehensive Land Use change to Residential. e 6 e) Page 7 P & Z Meeting April 14. 1987 Mr. Weeks seconded and ~otion was carried with Mrs. Bond voting nay. CASE NO. 08C-87 TRANSKITTAL ACTION BY CITY COKKISSION Public hearing was opened and Mr. Heath stated that he wanted his comments to be included aa part of the record. No other comments were made and the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the recommendation of the p & Z Board for Residential Land Use and Commissioner Hager seconded the motion. Vote was unanimously in favor. CASE NO. 09R-87 REZONING REVIEW AND RECOKKENDATION P & Z Public hearing was opened and closed with no comments. Mr. Switzer asked what would the designation 4.4 units per acre translate to in the county zoning. Mr. Wagner replied that the county uses a gross density basis for a PUD. Mr. Sanders aoved to recommend to change the zoning to PUD. Mr. Wagner stated the motion should be amended to read subJect to approval of a Preliminary Master Plan. Mr. Sanders concurred and Mr. Switzer seconded and motion carried unanimously. e) ANNA L. DAVIS AND TOK WEST PETITIONS CASE NO. 12C-87 COKPREHENSIVE PLAN AKENDKENT REVIEW AND RECOKKENDATIONS P & Z Mr. Wagner pointed out the parcel on the map and stated that they were requesting a Residential land use. The public hearing was opened and closed with no com.ents. Mr. Breeze aoved to recoaaend approval of the comprehensive plan change to Residential land use. Mrs. Bello seconded the motion and it carried unaniaously. CASE NO. 12C-87 TRANSKITTAL ACTION BY CITY COKKISSION Public hearing was opened and closed with no comments. Com.issioner Johnson aoved to approve the recommendation of the P & Z Board to allow the comprehensive land change to Residential. Co.aissianer Hager seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. CASE NO. 13R-87 REZONING REVIEW AND RECOKKENDATION BY P & z Public hearing was opened and closed with no comments. Mr. Sanders moved to recommend approval of the R-l-A zoning classification requested by the petitioners and Mrs. Bond seconded the motion. Vote was unani~ously in favor. ~) 7 e'j Page 8 P & Z Meeting April 14, 1987 WESCAR. INC PETITIONS CASE NO. 14C-87 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION P ~ Z .:) Mr. Linebarier advised that items 10 and 11 are contiguous. Public hearing was opened and Dave Outlaw, Westcar, Inc. stated that he was available to answer questions. Petitioner is requesting that the north 12 acres be classified Co.mercial and the remaining 11 acres be classified Residential. Mr. Wagner advised the board that this proJect previously came before the board requesting a PUD but the developer has since changed the request to Commercial and Residential combination. Staff recommends that the commercial portion be reduced by 200 feet to provide an adequate buffer between the residential and commercial areas. Staff agrees that the developer can put retention ponds. etc in that 200 foot area. Mr. Heath obJected to high density residential, to any commercial zoning along that portion of Silver Star and the County reco.mends a single family designation. Mr. Wagner stated that Staff recommended R-1-AA zoning. Mr. Outlaw stated they originally requested R-3 zoning but they now concur with R-1-AA. Mr. Switzer moved to recommend approval ox the Comprehensive Land Use change to include 12 acres as Commercial and 11 acres as Residential. The motion was amended by Mr. Breeze to read 8 acres Commercial and 15.3 acres Residential. Mrs. Bello seconded the amended motion and it carried unanimously. cas __ n~ 4_ -_IIUuBIIL ..wUJIIIIIII _ CIrIIW I~'II_...II YW-IWwu.f Public hearing was opened and closed with no comments. Mr. Outlaw questioned whether the 200 foot area could be used for retention. Mr. Wagner assurred the petitioner that it could be. Commissioner Hager moved to approve the recommendation of the P & Z Board for 8 acres Commercial and 15.3 acres Residential Land Use. Commissioner Dabbs seconded and the motion carried unanimously. CASE NO. lSR-87 REZONING REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION P ~ Z Public hearing was opened and closed with no comments. Mrs. Bond moved to recommend approval of zoning 8 acres of this parcel C-2 Commercial and 15.3 acres R-1-AA Residential. Mr. Sanders seconded and vote was unanimously in favor. JAY AND DOTI SCHORR PETITION CASE NO. lSC-87 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION P & Z e Public hearing was opened and Mr. zoning will be R-3 or R-1-AA. Mr. that portion not facing the lake. Heath asked whether the Outlaw requests R-l-A on Mr. Wagner stated that 8 e~ Pag. 9 P ~ Z M..~in9 April 14, 1987 Staff is sympathetic to the petitioners request but that they would still recommend R-1-AA. Mr. Ryan stated that there may be some mitigating circumstances because of the radio towers directly to the east of that property. Mr. Switzer moved to recommend approval ox the Comprehensive Land Use change from County Low Density to Ocoee Residential land use. Mrs. Bond seconded and vote was unanimously in favor. CASE NO. lSC-87 TRANSRITTAL ACTION BY CITY CORKISSION Public hearing was opened and closed with no co.ment. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the recommendation of P & Z Board to change the Comprehensive Land Use to residential land use. Commissioner Hager seconded and the vote was unanimously in favor. CASE NO. 16R-87 REZONING REVIEW AND RECORRENDATION P & Z Public hearing was opened and closed with no comments. Mr. Sanders moved to reco.mend approval ox the zoning change to R-1-AA Single Family Residential. Mr. Weeks seconded and motion carried unanimously. ~ WESCAR. INC CASE NO. 16C-87 CORPREHENSIVE PLAN AKE"DKENT REVIEW AND RECOKMENDATION P ~ Z e Public hearing was opened and Mr. Wagner pointed out the 191 acres and said the petitioner requested a Residential land use classification with the intention of having 1/4 acre lots with septic tanks Just like Forest Oaks and Prairie Lakes PUD. Mr. Heath stated the County ObJected to this annexation because it was not in the Joint Planning Area Reserve Boundary. Mr. Hal Kantor, 215 N. Eola. representing Wescar, stated that there was a considerable number of homes on 1/4 acre lots in the area and that many of them were in the county. William lahner, attorney for the Clarcona Homeowners Association concurred with the County's obJections and further remarked that this request was legally and practically premature. - He also atated that the City did not have Jurisdiction and that the purpose 0% the JPA was to protect the rural area. Mr. Linebarier questioned the City Attorney as to whether this proposed annexation was legal. Linda Barnby, City Attorney, responded by stating that this was a recommendation and was not out of order legally. Mr Heath stated that the County would appeal thia annexation if it was approved by the city. Mr. Dennis Phipps, a Clarcona resident, described the problem. 0% traffic congestion on Apopka-Vineland Road and showed a map with prOJections 0% future traffic impacts on the road. He further stated that the County had no plans to up-grade this road until the year 2010 and that he agreed with the County'. obJections and that 9 el Peg- 10 P " Z 1I_t.1ng April 14.. 1987 ~) this developer should be required to have at least one acre lots. 3im Riffle, 8290 Gerahwin St., Orlando, com.ented on the traffic problems on Apopka-Vineland Rd and recalled the city com.ission meeting in October 1985 when Mayor Ison asaurred the Clarcona citizena that Ocoee would not go beyond the 3PA boundary into the Clarcona area. Mr. Dexter Aumiller, 7912 Steeplechase Blvd., Orlando, expreased concern 1) that the annexation would cause the property values to go down, 2) impact of increased density, 3) and Growth Management and environmental concerns. 3ean 30nas 4858 N. Apopka-Vineland Road, expressed four concerns 1) she has 5 acres backing up to the property, 2) the petitioner that wants to rezone this property should be the title holder and Patrick Kelley is the owner not the petitioner, 3) Ocoee- Clarcona Heights haa been grandfathered in and is not a precident, 4) Clarcona has high recharge land which recharges the aquifer and developing this land would inhibit that. Mr. Phillip Rich, 5824 Ingra. Rd., Apopka, stated that approval of this snnexation would be a "breech os saith" os Mayor Ison'a assurance that Ocoee would not expend its boundaries into Clarcona. Mr. Hal Kantor expressed his dismay that the Mayor was not here to clarify his co.ments but that the issue before the co..ission is whether to recommend approval sor this annexation. Mr. Steve Rew questioned why the city could consider putting a large number of homes on a landlocked parcel os land with a train that goes by three times a day. Mr. Steve Severson questioned how the city would provide police and fire protection to this landlocked subdivision and have they considered the cost of providing these services. Public hearing was closed. Mr. Switzer questioned whether this annexation recommendation was legal and the City Attorney indicated that it was. Ted Ryan stated that the people of Clarcona should appreciate the efforts of Mr. Phipps and Mr. Riffle and the others who spoke on their behalf. Mrs. Bello moved to recommend not to change the land use. Mrs. Bond seconded the motion. Mr. Ryan stated the proper form would be to deny the petition which would leave the property unclassified as to land use. Mrs. Bello amended her motion to recommend-denial of the petition and Mrs. Bond seconded the motion as amended. Vote was unanimously in favor 0% denial. CASE NO. 16C-87: TRANSIIITTAL ACTION CITY COIIIIISSION e) Public hearing was opened. Clarcona representatives reiterated their previous comments on their obJections to the Wescar annexation. Commissioner Dabbs asked the City Attorney to clarify the recommendation made by P & Z Board. Ms Barnby stated that the board had not given them a positive recommendation and the city commiasion could send it back to them for further consideration or the co.mission could vote 10 ~ Pege 11 P " Z 1I..t.ing April 14.. 1987 on the issue at this time. Co.missioner Hager moved to adopt a City Residential land use as requested. Commissioner 30hnson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimously in favor. CASE NO. 17R-87: REZONING REVIEW AND RECO.IIENDATION P" Z BOARD Public hearing was opened and the Clarcona representatives reiterated their previous co.ments and obJections to thia annexation and rezoning. Mr. Rich suggested a positive recommendation of less than 1 unit per acre density. Public hearing was closed. Mrs. Bond asked the City Manager to clarify the options which were to approve R-1-A zoning or to deny which would leave the property unclassified. Mr. Switzer moved to deny the R-1-A zoning whereby the property would remain unclassified. Mrs. Bond seconded the motion and it carried with one dissenting vote, Mr. Linebarier. RECESS FROII l2:S3 P.II. TO 1:02 A.II. CITY OF OCOEE CASE NO. l7C-87: COIIPREHE.SIVE PLAN AIIENDIIENT REVIEW AND RECOIIIIENDATION P " Z BOARD e, ~) Public hearing was opened. Mr. Wagner stated that approval of this request would .ake prior action by the P & Z Board and City Commission consistent. Mr. Heath stated the obJections by the County to a Commercial land use The public hearing was closed. Mr. Switzer moved to recommend approval of the Co.mercial land use designation. Mrs. Bello seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. CASE NO. l7C-87 TRANSIIITTAL ACTION BY CITY COIIIIISSION Public hearing was opened and cloaed with no commenta. Co..issioner Dabbs moved to approve the recommendation of P & Z Board for Commercial land use. Commissioner Hager seconded the motion and it carried unani.ously. CITY OF OCOEE CASE NO. REOOIIIIENDATION P ~ Z 18R-87 REZONING REVIEW AND Public hearing was opened and closed with no comment. Mr. Sanders .oved to recommend approval of the rezoning aa requested for 1-1 Induatrial. Mr. Switzer seconded and vote was unanimously in favor. ~ CITY OF OCOEE CA~E NO. l8C-87 COKPREHENSIVE PLAN AIIENDIIENT REVIEW AND RECOKKENDATION P " Z Public hearing was opened and closed with no comments. Mr. 11 e'\ Pege 12 P " Z 1I..t.ing April 14.. 1987 Sanders moved to recom.end approval of the Comprehensive Land Use change to Industrial. Mr. Switzer seconded and vote was unanimously in favor. CASE NO. 18C-87 TRANSIIITTAL ACTION BY CITY COIIKISSION Public hearing was opened and closed with no comments. Co.missioner Hager moved to approve the recommendation of P & Z for Industrial land use and motion was seconded by Co.missioner Dabbs and carried unanimously. CASE NO. 19R-87 REZONING REVIEW AND RECOIIIIENDATION BY P " Z BOARD Public hearing was opened and closed with no comments. Bond moved to approve the rezoning from 1-2 County to Industrial City. Motion was seconded by Mrs. Bello passed unaniaously. Mrs. 1-1 and JOHN G. PIERCE CASE NO. 19C-87 COIIPREHENSIVE PLAN AIIENDMENT REVIEW AND RECOIIIIENDATION BY P " Z BOARD e :.9 Public hearing was opened and closed with no comments. Mrs. Bello moved to reco.mend approval of a land use change from Low Density Residential to Commercial. Mrs. Bond seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. CASE NO. 19C-87 TRANSMITTAL ACTION BY CITY COIIKISSION Public hearing was opened and closed with no comments. Commissioner 3ohnson moved to approve the land use change to Commercial. Co.aissioner Dabbs seconded the motion and vote was unanimously in savor. CASE NO. 20R-87 REZONING REVIEW AND RECOIIIIENDATION BY P " Z BOARD Public hearing was opened and closed with no comments. Breeze aoved to recomaend approval of the rezoning from County to C-3 Commercial City. Mrs. Sello seconded and was unanimously in favor. Mr. C-l vote FINDINGS OF FACT ESTABLISHED Com.issioner COJllmissioners held with due motion paased Dabbs JIloved to declare that made findings of fact that a public notice. Commissioner unanimously. the Board of City public hearing was Hager seconded and e ,-~ 12 ~ Pege 13 P " Z 1I_t.ing April 14.. 1987 DIRECTION TO STAFF TO FORWARD PROPOSED AIIENDIIENTS TO STATE Commissioner 30hnaon Moved to direct staff to forward the propoaed amendments to the state. Co..issioner Hager aeconded and motion was passed unanimously. There were no further comments from either commission. ADJOURNIIENT Meeting adJourned at 1:20 a.m. Acting Chairman Linebarier , o;p~;~~; Mayor Pro Temp - 30hn Bateman ~) 13