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Mayor Ison called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m.
Commissioner Dabbs led in prayer and pledge of allegiance to
the flag.
PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs, Bateman
and Hager, Acting City Attorney Barnby, City Engineer Tom
Kelley (arrived at 8:10 p.m.), PEC staff member Rick Merkel,
City Planner Wagner, Public Works Director Occhiuzzo,
Building Official Hurst, Water Superintendent Cockrell, Fire
Chief Strosnider, Police Chief Boyd, Police Corporal Seaver,
Sanitation Supervisor Dees, Finance Director Poston and
Deputy Clerk Amesbury.
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A. Presentation in recognition of Corporal Chuck Seaver
Mayor Ison presented Corporal Chuck Seaver with a City of
Ocoee watch for his bravery in behalf of the Commissioners
and Citizens of Ocoee. He stated that on February 24, 1987
Corporal Seaver rushed into a house fire on Center St. and
rescued a wheelchair bound victim. Mayor Ison thanked him
and stated that he was proud of him. Corporal Seaver thanked
Chief Strosnider for his letter and stated that he risked his
life as well in the rescue. Chief Boyd stated that he was
proud to have Corporal Seaver on his force.
At this time Mayor Ison asked City Manager Ryan to explain
Plantation Cisco. City Manager Ryan stated that Plantation
Cisco has purchased the old Belknap building and will expand
the facility, hire 200 people and open by November 01, 1987.
He further stated that the business would be a cold storage
regional warehouse.
City Manager asked that Item III C be withdrawn from the
consent agenda to be considered at a later date.
Commissioner Bateman moved to approve Items A - Regular
Commission Meeting Minutes of 4/21/87 and B - Annexation
Petition Schedule #2 - R. Wagner. Motion seconded by
Commissioner Dabbs and approved unanimously.
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A. Special Staff Reports - City Engineer
Final Plat Approval Hidden Glen Subdivision - B. Stricker
Public Works Director Occhiuzzo stated that all documents
were complete and in order ready for City Attorney to review.
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City Commission M..ting
May 05, 1987
He further stated that staff recommends approval of final
platting subJect to Attorney review. Commissioner Johnson
moved to approve final platting for Hidden Glen Subdivision
subJect to review by the City Attorney. Motion seconded by
Commissioner Johnson and approved unanimously.
Recommendation on Fluoridation Bids
Public Works Director Occhiuzzo stated that PEC bid out this
proJect and was answered with some rather high bids. He
stated that he spoke with Tom Kelley about trimming the
package by having City staff do some of the work. He further
stated that this would trim the low bid by $36,000.00 and
that City staff could accomplish the items trimmed for a cost
of approximately $16,000.00. Public Works Director Occhiuzzo
stated that it was his and Tom Kelley's recommendation to
award the contract to Wharton-Smith for $29,995.00.
Commissioner Bateman questioned the time frame involved on
this proJect. Public Works Director Occhiuzzo stated that
the proJection completion date was approximately 4-5 months.
Commissioner Bateman moved to approve the Wharton-Smith
deferred deduction low bid of 529,995.00. Motion seconded by
Commissioner Hager and approved unanimously.
Recommendation approval of Stucki Drainage
City Manager Ryan stated that City Engineer Kelley was not
ready to make a recommendation at this time due to staff
reevaluating this proJect. He stated that the City has a 25'
right-of-way in the most westerly boundary of the property
and that Mr. Stucki would have a buildable lot with an
enlarged ditch. He further stated that the City staff needed
another 2 weeks to complete reevaluation. Mr. Ardaman,
Attorney for Mr. Stucki, stated that the property Just north
of Mr. Stucki has an underground pipe which drains onto the
Stucki property. He stated that Mr. Kelley proposes to
enlarge the pipe. City Manager Ryan stated that the property
in question belongs to Mr. Mitchell and that the pipe is 48"
in diameter. Mr. Merkle stated that the basin area north of
the railroad was contributing to the ditch and that a 48"
pipe would fill up and could not carryall of the water.
Mr. Ardaman supplied the Mayor and Commissioners with a
proposed agreement. City Manager stated that conceptually
the agreement is on target but that he would like the
Engineer and Attorney to review prior to approval. Mr.
Ardaman stated that the agreement would allow Mr. Stucki to
submit preliminary plans and have final development plan
approved by City staff. He further stated that the City
could decide to put in sections of pipe or divert stormwater
off of the property. Mr. Stucki stated that the property
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City Commiasion Meeting
May 05, 1987
behind his is an extra parcel and that the ditch could be
moved over 20' to 30' and solve the problem in that manner.
He further stated that if the City decided to go this route
that he would construct this ditch. City Manager stated that
conceptually this was a workable solution. Mr. Ardaman
stated the City Attorney has reviewed the agreement and is
waiting for the City Engineer's approval. He further stated
that all of the City's concerns could be addressed under the
agreement. City Manager Ryan asked that if the agreement was
approved that it be approved contingent upon final review of
the City Attorney. City Engineer Kelley asked what the
status was on the uphill easements. Mr. Stucki answered that
1000' of the original 1300' have been deeded to the City and
that the agreement the Commissioners have before them will
address the final 300'. Commissioner Bateman moved to table
the issue until the next meeting. Motion seconded by Mr.
Hager. In the discussion that ensued, City Engineer Kelley
stated that he supports City Manager Ryan's position in this
matter. City Manager Ryan stated that he wanted to be sure
that paragraph 6 of the agreement could be handled without a
Variance or Special Exception. Commissioner Bateman asked
what the difference was between the original agreement and
the one presented to the Commissioners this evening. Mr.
Ardaman stated that the changes made were changes requested
by City Manager Ryan and City Attorney Kruppenbacher. City
Manager Ryan stated that the language in the new agreement
appears to be the same as he and the City Attorney requested,
but that he still wants final review by the City Attorney.
Commissioner Bateman withdrew his motion with the consent of
Commissioner Hager. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve
the agreement contingent upon approval by the City Attorney
and City Staff. Motion seconded by Mr. Hager and approved
unanimously. Mr. Stucki then asked for his "Minorville
Center" proJect to be on the agenda for the next meeting.
Mayor Ison agreed to have it on the next agenda under Old
City Engineer Kelley stated that the status of the drainage
ditch proJect was that the original prOJection was for
$90,000.00 to $100,000.00 and that about half of the
committed monies have been expended so far. He further
stated that the contract is set up so that the City and
Contractor can elect to extend the work. He requested that
the East side of Marshall Farms Rd. from Maguire to Bluford
(1/4 - 1/2 mile) be approved next. City Manager Ryan stated
that there were adequate funds available if the Commission
wishes to direct the work. He further stated that he would
estimate the cost on this section to be around $20,000.00.
Commissioner Johnson moved to approve to extend the ditch
from Marshall Farms Rd. to Bluford and have staff come back
at the next meeting with further recommendations. Motion
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City Commission Meeting
May 05, 1987
seconded by Commissioner Dabbs and approved unanimously.
Variance Requests - Catalina Homes
Building Official Hurst stated that the Board of Adjustment
heard the 14 Variance Requests at their last meeting on April
28, 1987 and recommended denial of 13 of these corner lots.
He further stated that City staff and DRC also opposed the
Variance Requests on the 13 lots. Building Official Hurst
stated that Board of Adjustment, City staff and DRC approved
the one Variance Request on item IV 2 a 13, Lot 30, 700 Rich
Dr./1805 Prairie Lake Blvd. for Variance Request which only
requested a 2~ rear yard setback. At this time Bruce Beatty,
Chairman of Board of Adjustment gave the City Commissioners a
brief synopsis of the 4/28/87 meeting. He stated that the
basic reasons for denial of these Variance Requests were as
follows: 1) The requests for Variance are not peculiar to
the land, 2) the circumstances result from action(s) of the
applicant, 3) granting the Variances would confer special
privileges to the petitioner and 4) the literal
interpretation of the Ordinance does not deprive the
applicant of rights enjoyed by others in the same zoning
district. Mayor Ison thanked Mr. Beatty for this accurate
technical work. Ray Wood of 1504 Ison Ln. and head of the
Homeowners Association of Forest Oaks stated that he fully
agreed with Building Official Hurst and Mr. Beatty.
1) Lot 01, 1401 Prairie Lake Blvd.
Commissioner Dabbs moved to uphold the recommendation of
the Board of Adjustment and deny the Variance Request.
Motion seconded by Commissioner Johnson and approved
2) Lot 20, 1511 Prairie Lake Blvd.
Commissioner Johnson moved to uphold the recommendation of
the Board of Adjustment and deny the Variance Request.
Motion seconded by Commissioner Bateman and approved
3) Lot 22, 1515 Prairie Lake Blvd.
Commissioner Hager moved to uphold the recommendation of the
Board of Adjustment and deny the Variance Request. Motion
seconded by Commissioner Bateman and approved unanimously.
4) Lot 33, 1811 Prairie Lake Blvd.
Commissioner Dabbs moved to uphold the recommendation of the
Board of Adjustment and deny the Variance Request. Motion
seconded by Commissioner Johnson and approved unanimously.
5) Lot 72, 638 Sherwood Oaks Cir.
Commissioner Johnson moved to uphold
the Board of Adjustment and deny
Motion seconded by Commissioner
6) Lot 42, 1523 Prairie Lake Blvd.
Commissioner Dabbs moved to uphold the recommendation of the
Board of Adjustment and deny the Variance Request. Motion
the recommendation of
the Variance Request.
Hager and approved
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City Commission Meeting
May 5. 1987
seconded by Commissioner Bateman and approved unanimously.
7) Lot 45, 500 Withers Ct.
Commissioner Hager moved to uphold the recommendation of the
Board of AdJustment and deny the Variance Request. Motion
seconded by Commissioner Johnson and approved unanimously.
8) Lot 62, 610 Rich Dr.
Commissioner Bateman moved to uphold the recommendation of
the Board of AdJustment and deny the Variance Request.
Motion seconded by Commissioner Dabbs and approved
9) Lot 01, 501 Hager Dr.
Commissioner Hager moved to uphold the recommendation of the
Board of AdJustment and deny the Variance Request. Motion
seconded by Commissioner Johnson and approved unanimously.
10) Lot 17, 701 Rich Dr.
Commissioner Dabbs moved to uphold the recommendation of the
Board of AdJustment and deny the Variance Request. Motion
seconded by Commissioner Bateman and approved unanimously.
11) Lot 24, 715 Rich Dr.
Commissioner Johnson moved to uphold the recommendation of
the Board of AdJustment and deny the Variance Request.
Motion seconded by Commissioner Bateman and approved
12) Lot 25, 710 Rich Dr.
Commissioner Hager moved to uphold the recommendation of the
Board of AdJustment and deny the Variance Request. Motion
seconded by Commissioner Dabbs and approved unanimously.
13) Lot 30, 700 Rich Dr.JIB05 Prairie Lake Blvd.
Commissioner Johnson moved to uphold the recommendation of
the Board of AdJustment and approve the 2~ rear yard setback
Variance Request. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bateman
and approved unanimously.
14) Lot 33, 1011 Prairie Lake Blvd.
Commissioner Hager moved to uphold the recommendation of the
Board of AdJustment and deny the Variance Request. Motion
seconded by Commissioner Dabbs and approved unanimously.
Mr. Wood expressed some concern about lots 1, 11 and 13. He
stated that these lots are entrance way lots that could
create traffic problems if homes are built and that they
could interfere with future roadway expansions. Mayor Ison
requested City Manager Ryan have City staff analyze/study
these lots.
RECESS: 9:10 P.M.
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Appointment to Code Enforcement Board,
Jan. 1990
one member,
term to
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City Commiaaion Meeting
May 05_ 1987
Commissioner D~bbs moved to appoint Doug Rush, 1613
Lake Blvd. (employed by Lifestyles Carpet) to
Enforcement Board. Motion seconded by Commissioner
and approved unanimously.
Appointment to Recreation Board, one member, term to M~y 1990
Commissioner Johnson moved to appoint Junior Wise, 1102 Wurst
Rd. to Recreation Board. Motion seconded by Commisssioner
Dabbs and approved unanimously.
Reappointment of B. Beatty and C.
AdJustment, terms to May 1990
Rhodes to Board of
Rhodes to
Dabbs moved to reappoint Bruce Beatty and Cliff
Board of AdJustment. Motion seconded by
Hager and approved unanimously.
Set Public Hearing for P.V.U. Acquisition - T. Ryan
City Manager Ryan stated that the City is ready for the
Public Hearing according to the City Staff, special legal
counsel and expert witnesses. He suggested Wednesday, May
20, 1987 at 7:30 P.M. in the Community Center. The date was
agreed to by the Mayor and Commissioners.
Discussion faction regarding proposed expansion of P.V.U.
Service Area - T. Ryan
City Man~ger Ry~n st~ted th~t Prim~ Vista Utilities has
petitioned the Public Service Commission to expand their
service areas. He stated that after consultation with
special legal counsel and expert witnesses, he recommended
obJection to preserve the rights of the City to challenge.
He further stated that the obJection must be filed within 30
days. Commissioner Bateman moved to concur with City Manager
Ryan and file an obJection to the proposed expansion. Motion
seconded by Commissioner Dabbs and approved unanimously.
Mid Year Budget Review - T. Ryan & Ivan Poston
City M~n~ger Ry~n st~ted that revenues were ahe~d of schedule
and that expenditures were within appropriate levels. He
stated that the only exception to this was the Sanitation
Fund. He further stated that the County has raised the
dumping rates and that the cost has not been passed on to the
public. City Manager Ryan stated that Public Works Director
Occhiuzzo was in the process of reviewing the Sanitation
schedule. Commissioner Bateman st~ted th~t the rates need to
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City Commi..ion M..ting
May 05, 1987
be raised 50 that the Sanitation Department breaks even at
least. Mayor Ison stated that he would recommend an interim
rate increase while the City staff looks at privitization.
He asked City Manager Ryan to get proposals for service
comparable with current service. City Manager Ryan stated
that he was in the process now. Mayor Ison asked that the
proposals includ accepting current equipment and personnel.
City Manager Ryan stated that those conditions could be set.
Mayor Ison asked how many employees there were in the
Sanitation Department. Sanitation Supervisor Dees answered
11 including himself. Mayor Ison questioned the longevity of
these employees. Sanitation Supervisor Dees indicated that
about half of these have been employed by the City in excess
of 7 years. City Manager Ryan stated that this was a low
turnover rate for Sanitation Departments. Commissioner Hager
stated that in the past the City has used Federal Revenue
Sharing to subsidize this department and that those funds
were a thing of the past. He stated that he would like to
see the Sanitation Department pay for itself and have monies
available for replacement vehicles. City Manager Ryan stated
that he has 20 years service in public management and a
history in 6 Cities where he studied privatization with all 6
staying with City service. He further stated that the only
major difference here was that Gcoee does not control their
own landfill and that this makes it a tough question.
Action on Employee Health Insurance Coverage - T. Ryan
City Manager Ryan stated that currently there were about 40%
of employees not carrying family coverage due to the cost.
He stated that if the City paid this coverage, the cost
would be about a 5% annual increase in total compensation.
He further stated that if the City opted to provide family
orthodontic and vison care the projected increased cost would
be about 1% total compensation. City Manager Ryan recommends
approval of the extension of fully paid health insurance to
all employees and dependents to increase the City's ability
to attract and maintain capable Staff. Commissioner Bateman
stated that he fully supports the idea and would like to
explore consolidation with Tri County League of Cities.
Commissioner Bateman moved to have City Manager Ryan place in
the budget monies to provide fully paid health,
hospitilization, dental. orthodontic and vision care
insurance to all employees and dependents. Motion seconded
by Commissioner Johnson and approved unanimously. Mayor Ison
asked that this be prepared by the most expediate means
possible to process the plan implementation. City Manager
stated that the employees should applaud the Commission
efforts here as this action would provide an excellent plan.
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City Commission M.eting
May 05, 1987
gQ~~gNI~ EBQ~ g!I!~gN~L~~~b!g
Mayor Ison stated that he was glad to see Forest Oaks
citizens at the meeting.
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Request approval for a temporary trailer on a residential lot
- Mrs. Matthews
Mrs. Matthew's daughter. Mrs. Noel stated that her mother's
home is in very poor condition and that it would cost too
much to repair the home. She stated that they were
requesting a temporary trailer to be placed on the lot for
her mother to live in until her death. Mayor Ison asked who
lived on each side. Mrs. Noel stated that there was a
relative on one side and that she did not know who lived on
the other. She further stated that both neighbors think it
is a good idea to have the trailer there. Commissioner Dabbs
~sked her wh~t she proposed to do with the existing home.
Mrs. Noel stated that it would be torn down. Commissioner
Dabbs asked if she had any estimates on the work. Mrs.
Noel answered that the home would be torn down by the
family. Building Official Hurst stated that he visited with
Mrs. Matthews and found that the home is deteriorated. He
further stated that Mrs. Matthews is 66 years old, in
relatively good health and able to live alone. He stated
that he recommends denial of this request as it could set a
precedent and was not consistent with prior requests of this
nature. Mayor Ison asked the zoning. Building Official
Hurst stated that it was zoned RiA which requires 1200 square
feet minimum. He further stated that he felt the home could
be repaired for close to the cost of a new mobile home.
Commissioner Dabbs stated that if the family has resources to
buy a mobile home. they should have resources to repair
existing homes. Mayor lson wondered if some type of
advertising should be incorporated into policy for situations
like this so that the surrounding residents could have some
input. City Manager Ryan stated that this was in the process
now. Mayor Ison stated that he fails to see the harm in this
request. He asked City Manager Ryan have Staff visit with
the neighbors on both sides and across the street, ask
their opinions and report back at the next meeting.
Commissioner Bateman suggested that Mrs. Noel secure some
repair bids. Commissioner Hager stated that he has sympathy
for Mrs. Matthews but feels if the Commission approves this
trailer. it will set a precedent. Mayor Ison asked that this
item be on the next agenda under Old Business. This was
approved by Mrs. Noel and the Commissioners.
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City Commission Meeting
May 05, 1987
Resolution 87-07, Conveying right-of-way to Florida DOT and
approvind Deed for same - T. Kelley and T. Occhiuzzo
Public Works Director Occhiuzzo stated that Florida DOT is in
the process of working on Bluford and Silver Star and require
as part of the procedure to have the City vacate the City
right-of-way. He stated that the Resolution considers the
parts improved to belong to the State and that they will
maintain and have liability of said sections. City Manager
Ryan stated that Staff approves and then read the
Resolution. Commmissioner Hager moved to approve Resolution
87-07. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bateman and approved
BgeQBI~ ~~Q !~EQB~~IIQ~ - g!IY ~~~~~gB
Follow up agenda
City Manager Ryan stated that the only outstanding item on
the follow up agenda was item 3, Mid year budget review.
Mayor Ison suggested a special workshop after the PVU
meeting. Commissioner Bateman asked that the Cable TV issue
be placed back on the follow up agenda. Mayor Ison stated
that he wanted a verbal and/or written report from Tri-county
Transit Authority in reference to how soon service to start,
where and cost.
Re-enact Emergency Billboard Ordinance
City Manager Ryan stated that City Attorney Kruppenbacher
advised to have this redone 80 that it does not expire. He
recommends re-enactment of the Emergency Billboard Ordinance
to change Section II to reduce the 90 day period to a 60 day
period to comply with the City Charter. Mayor Ison read
Ordinance No. 962. Commissioner Bateman moved to re-enact
Ordinance No. 962 and amend with the 60 day period wording.
Motion seconded by Commissioner Dabbs and approved
gQ~~g~I~ EBQ~ gQ~~I~~IQ~gB~
Commissioner Bateman stated that there were dl-ainage problems
1n the lakes. He stated that Starke Lake was the best of the
3 lakes but that it also needed upgrading. He suggested the
City look into a temporary holding pond type action with
eventual diversion into a sewer system. Mayor Ison stated
that he would like to see Starke Lake be in on the Swim fund
pilot program. Mayor Ison stated that retention ponds could
probably handle stormwater runoff problems until a master
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City Commiaaion Meeting
May 05, 1987
sewer system could be developed. He asked City Manager Ryan
to instruct City Engineer Kelley to check into the cost to
correct runoff problems in Starke Lake.
Commissioner Bateman proposed to agenda in the future raising
the Mayor salary to S5,200.00 yearly and Commissioner
salaries to S3,900.00 yearly. City Manager Ryan stated that
he would check into the procedure and review with the City
Commissioner Dabbs expressed his appreciation to the Fire
Department for a Job well done at the Maguire House. He also
expressed his appreciation to Jim Beech for the Big Orange
Games. He further commended the Police and Fire Departments
for their cooperation in these games. Commissioner Johnson
stated that he thought all of the departments were doing a
great Job.
Mayor Ison challenged the Chief of Police and Fire to a City
Administration vs City Commission Charity Basketball game to
benefit the Curtis Richards family.
City Manager Ryan stated that the National registry has
received the application request to declare the Withers-
Maguire Home a historic site. He stated that the request has
been approved and the Historic Commission is waiting for the
Mayor Ison stated the the annual fish fry is May 15, 1987 at
Tanner Auditorium in Winter Garden with City of Oakland
sponsoring. He encouraged the Commissioners to donate their
time. He also stated that there were replicas of the
Constitution availabe for any employees or citizens who
wished to have them. Mayor Ison asked City Manager Ryan and
Commissioner Johnson to work with Walt Cobb, director of Vo-
Tech on a citizen recognition program.
By unanimous consent the meeting adJourned at 11:06 p m.
Mayor Ison
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Deputy Clerk Amesbury .