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IIAY 20, 1987
Mayor leon called the Meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. and led
in prayer and the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners 30hnson (arrived at 7:37
p.m.), Dabbs, Bateman and Hager, Special Leagal Counsels
Rowland and Ade, Special Financial Consultants Cohen and
Asmus, City Engineers Kelley and Refling, City Manager Ryan,
Finance Director Poston, City Planner Wagner, Public Works
Director Occhiuzzo, City Clerk Catron, Water Superintendent
Cockrell, Sanitation Superintendent Dees, Street
Superintendent Elmore, Purchasing Clerk Amesbury and Deputy
Clerk Green.
(Prima Vista Utilities)
City Manager Ryan explained that this Public Hearing was
being held pursuant to Florida State Statute and then
introduced the special team that had been hired to assist
with the proposed acquistion. The Special Team consists of:
Drew Thomas, Attorney with the Firm of Rowland, Thomas &
3acobe, P.A.; 3ames Ade, Attorney with the firm of Martin,
Ade, Birchfield & 3ohnson; Stanley Cohen, C.P.A. with the
firm of Rachlin & Cohen, Barry Asmus, special financial
advisor; Tom Kelley and Dave Refling, engineering consultants
with P.E.C., Inc. and City Manager Ted Ryan.
Attorney Ade explained that in order to make a determination
whether the purchase of a sewer utility system was in the
public interest, the City Commission had to hold this public
hearing and there were nine items, according to State
Statute, that must be considered. These items are contained
in the written report that was given to the Commission prior
to the meeting and are as follows: 1) The Most recent
available Income and Expense Statement for Prima Vista; 2)
The most recent available Balance Sheet for Prima Vista,
listing assets and liabilities and clearly showing the amount
of contributiona-in-aid-of-conatruction and accumulated
depreciation thereon; 3) A statement of the existing rate
base of Prima Vista for regulatory purposes; 4) The
physical condition of the utility facilities of Prima Vista;
5) The reasonableness of the purchase price and terms; 6)
The impacts of the purchase on utility custOMers, both
positive and negative; 7) Any additional investment
required and the abililty and willingness of the City to make
that investment; 8) The alternatives to the purchase and
the potential impact on utility customers if the purchase is
not Made; and 9) The ability of the purchaser to provide
and maintain high quality and cost effective utility service.
Mr. Ade reported that the most recent available income and
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exp.nse state.ent they were able to obtain were the ones
filed with the Public Service Commission (PSC) this month and
were contained in the report as Exhibit A, Exhibit B is the
balance sheet and Exhibit C is the letter to Tom Kelley from
the PSC. Mr. Ade .xplained that for the calendar year 1986,
Prima Vista Utilities(PVU) showed a loss of $147,532 as
indicated in the income/expense statement in Exhibit A.
Their balance sheet indicated value of the Utility Plant
(Net) at $3,132,408, land .405,000, ca.h $311,000 and special
deposita (cash being held in escrow) $2,918,616. Mr. Ade
.tated that he wa. not reco.mending the Co..ission buy the
cash value of PVU but only the land and the tangible personal
property used in the utility such as plants, lines, etc.. He
also noted two item. of .ignificance on page F2(a) of Exhibit
B: 1) in the years Prima Vista had owned the facility, they
had accumulated a deficit in retained earning. of $1,578,741
and 2) total equity capital(their own funds) of $275,695. He
noted ite.s on page F2(b) of Exhibit B of total deferred
credits of $2,191,585 and contribution in aid of construction
of $2,191,585. The total equity capital and liabilities
reported for the 1986 calendar year was $6,886,445. Certain
information had to be obtained from PSC if the City were to
purchase the utility. The rate base used by PVU, based on
the 1985 report, wa. -$1,097,687 and the PSC allows a rate of
return on that figure, but there was none since it was a
deficit. The 1986 report filed with the PSC by PVU
calculated the rate ba.e at .733,329. This takes care of
item. 1, 2 and 3. Item 5 deals with the reasonableness of
the purchaae price and term.. To date PVU had been unwilling
to provide financial and operating record.; therefore, the
only inforaation received had been froa the PSC. Mr. Ade
stated that he believed the City should proceed in an orderly
fashion and authorize the acquisition to move forward on two
fronts; 1) obtain .ore information fro. PVU and 2) discuss
and negotiate sales price. He reported that Mr. Ryan had
been in touch with repre.entatives of PVU and had set a time
to meet and discuss the acquisition and if this did not
happen then the City authorize counsel to proceed and
exercise the power of e.inent domain, condemn the assets and
take over through condemnation. The price of six million
dollars had been .et by PVU a. a sales price on 2/10/87 along
with other ter.s mo.t of which are not acceptable to the
City. Item 6 dealt with the i.pact both positive and
negative on the customer. The positive aspect was that if
the City owned the facility, the City could control all
aspects in its City limits, could a.sure landowners and
potential develop.rs that everyone would be treated fairly
and equitably and could economize by combining the water and
sewer .yst.... Some of the negative aspects would be that
the residents might not agree with the rates the City would
set and we may decide we want better environmental control.
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At this time all of the witnesaes were sworn in by the court
reporter that was present at the meeting as Mr. Ade was going
to call witnesses to testify.
Mr. Ade called Dave Refling and asked him to identify
himself for the record. Mr. Refling was a principal %rom the
firm of P.E.C. and had 14 years experience as an
environmental engineer, especially in the wastewater field
and prior to P.E.C. he was employed in one of the largest
environmental firms. Mr. Ade asked Mr. Refling if he had
been retained by Drew Thomas, if he had made a study of the
area and as part of his analysis did he review the actual
facililty and sewer lift operation and obtain most of his
information from the 1986 files. Mr. Refling stated yes to
all of the questions. He then pointed the area out on the
map and explained that the utility facilities of Prima Vista
were assumed to be in a condition comparable to that of
systems of similar age and type of construction materials and
since PVU would not allow representatives of the City to
inspect the actual sites most of the information had been
obtained from the 1986 report. Plant 1, located south of
White Road, was 19 years old and utilized a 4.5 acre
sprayfield located approximately 1/2 mile east 0% the plant.
Plant II, located north of A. D. Mims Road, was constucted
approximately 1982 time frame. Past on-site visits to this
plant showed significant outcropping and an evaluation by a
geo-technical firm determined that this site was not adequate
to dispose of effluent. He stated that he understood they
had acquired a 40 acre site for expanding PVU for effluent
disposal. Mr. Ade questioned Mr. Refling as to the
additional investment that would be needed to make it
capable of disposing of the one million gallons per day as
rated and Mr. Refling estimated approximately one and one
half million dollars. He had nothing further to add.
Mr. Ade then called upon Stanley Cohen to give his name for
the record and past experience. Mr. Cohen stated he was a
Senior Partner with the firm of Rachlin & Cohen in Coral
Gables, Florida. He had been a practicing Certified Public
Accountant for the past 37 years and except for two of those
years, they had all been involved in both investor and
municipal acquisitions. He was with the PSC when State
Statute 367 was written, he had negotiated the sales and
acquisition 0% 60 public/private sewer/water systems all
over the State of Florida, had lectured at several universi-
ties and had written extensively on water, wastewater and the
environment. Mr. Ade asked Mr. Cohen if he had reviewed the
assets and liabilities and if he would discuss the process
with the Commission. Mr. Cohen stated that he only had two
sources of information which were the 1985 and 1986 annual
reports %iled with the PSC and while they contained
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substantial information, they did not provide other data
sources needed to make a complete report. When sales were
negotiated in Florida, he stated that the overwhelming method
used by municipal governments had been capitalized value 0%
cash flow. If done this way for PVU, it would have to be
reedited for municipal ownership as the City would not pay
taxes, would not have a limited number of expenses in private
sector and would not have the substantial amount of legal
expense shown on PVU's report. The PVU reports %or 1985 &
1986 showed a -0- cash flow when combined as 1985 was $51,000
and 1986 was -S51.000. Mr. Cohen stated that if they talk
about condemnation, <as a non-attorney) there were three
elements to present: 1) would present capital cash flow,
2) condition of the system <replacement value less expenses)
and 3) comparables (could find no sewer alone, Just
sewer/water). Other factors considered were the costs per
connection, they ranged fro. a high of Sl,029 to a low of
S542 with an average of S838 per connection. If you use the
figures of 1000 customers times the average of S838 that
equals $1,341,000. He stated there were three methods of
evaluation, the cash flow which was negative, the replacement
value which had been quoted as $2,780,000 and the hook ups
valued at Sl,341,OOO and divide by 3 then you come up with
Sl,374,000. If the City decided to negotiate, then more
accurate information would be needed. Mr. Ade asked Mr.
Cohen if he had also considered the rate base or book value
of assets and he replied that he had. Having used the
figures from their report of 12/31/86, the net figure arrived
at was $3,132,408. Mr. Cohen stated that he would not have
prepared his report any differently if had been on the
opposing side and he had no problem if PVU had someone who
was an expert as long as they meet the test that he used in
determining the value. Mr. Cohen had nothing further.
Mr. Ade stated that Items 1-6 had been covered
had been partly covered and that 8 & 9 were really
domain of the City Manager.
and 7
in the
City Manager Ryan explained that the City staff along with
the special team analyzed the financial ability of the City
to undertake the acqusition and found the City sound
financially. Based on the last financial report, the City
had eight million dollars in assets and only $400,000 in
debts with a cash position of Sl.7 million. Mr. Ryan stated
that he had considerable experience in the wastewater
management field and the City had hired a public works
director with over 20 years experience in the field along
with a consulting engineering firm with vast experience.
There were firms available to us if the City did a quick
take over. He asked that the City Commission consider the
opinion of the special team and authorize the passage of the
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resolution which would direct condemnation and further
negotiations by purchase if possible.
There being no further witnesses the Mayor asked the
Commissioners if they had any questions. Commissioner Dabbs
questioned the replacement value and if that was using the
best materials. Mr. Cohen explained that the engineer took
the information available and standard indexing methods
hallmark methods used nationally - since you do not know the
physical condition. Mayor Ison asked if the negotitions did
not go, how long would the City have to operate the facililty
if condemnation was the next step. Mr. Ade said they
recommended doing the two aimutaneously, prepare to negotiate
and file for condemnation, and depending on a court/Judge it
would take several months minimum. Mayor Ison asked what was
next after the meeting tonight. Mr. Ade stated that i% a
price was negotiated, if the City were to go in debt it
would have to be approved by the Commission and if it were
condemned, the Co.mission would still have another chance.
Commissioner Dabbs questioned the two ways of condemnation
and Mr. Ade it explained for him. Mayor Ison then opened
questions up from the audience for the Public Hearing. Jerry
Hartman, Professional Engineer, representing Gray, Harris &
Robins, asked several questions but most had been answered
previously. Mr. 30hn Sundheim, U. S. Homes, stated that they
were pleased that the Commission had taken this direction.
The Public Hearing was then closed.
Mayor Ison read Resolution 87-09 in ita entirety and noted
the schedule attached and the statement on the last page.
Commissioner Bateman moved to approve Resolution 87-09 in its
entirety, Commissioner Dabbs seconded and the motion carried
unanimously. Mayor Iaon stated that he believed the
Commissioners exercised their responsibility and had the
trust and faith of the people on their action tonight.
RECESS: 9:30 p.m.
CALL BACK TO ORDER: 10:05 p...
NOTE: Commissioner Bateman did not return after the recess.
Mayor leon stated for the record that there would be no
further discussion on Items II and III.
City Manager Ryan pre.ented a copy of a memorandum from the
employees to the Commission thanking them for their approval
of financing the dependent care for the employee.
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City Manager Ryan explained there were a couple of issues he
would like to present and had presented them a summary of
the Cash Position of the City as of April 30, 1987. The
sidewalk program was discussed and the areas where the
Commission would like to see sidewalks placed. They want
sidewalks on Silver Star at least to Orange and Hill on the
lake side and on Highway 50. Previous and present developers
were discussed aa possible ways of getting some of the
sidewalks done. Mayor Ison asked about a possible cost
analysis on employee versus private companies putting in the
sidewalks. Mr. Occhiuzzo explained that he would consider
that possibility but they would fall behind in the regular
maintenance if the City did the work.
City Manager Ryan stated that an additional person was needed
around the city complex in order to assist 3erry Reep and the
Commission gave their approval.
City Manager Ryan also stated that Chief Boyd had disbanded
the TAC unit and spread out those people throughout the
department. They had decided they would like to keep lean
and provide some manpower to the Fire Department. He would
like for the Com.ission to give him authorization to hire
more personnel for the Fire Department, not to exceed three
but start with two and then come back to them. Discussion
then ensued on the salaries for both the Fire and Police
Departments as we were losing our personnel to the County and
other larger cities. City Manager Ryan then asked for two
vehicles for the Police Department, they would be
administrative vehicles and the vehicles now being used had
police packages and could be put on the road. There were
sufficient funds to cover the purchase. The Commission gave
their approval. The Police Department also needed
administrative support and Mr. Ryan recommended a full time
cross training dispatch type person. The Commission gave
their approval.
Mr. Ryan explained that another area of activity was monies
for a summer program that would provide personnel at all
three of the parks.
Another area of concern was the status of the cemetery
program, we were getting low on lots available and until a
survey can be taken on the need for the people on the over 65
program, Mr. Ryan asked that a moratorium be placed on the
sale of cemetery lots. Com.issioner Dabbs stated that he
supported the moratorium except in the case of an emergency
as did the other Commissioners. No lots will be sold except
in the case of an emergency.
Refuse Collection Rate Study - A memorandum was presented to
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the Co..ission from Public Works Director Ochiuzzo showing
the deficit expected by the end of this fiscal year and
suggestions for rate adJustments in order to bring the refuse
collection service to a positive position. The Commission
suggested customers do away with the 55 gallon drum and they
were not in favor of charging the customers on the over 65
program any monies. The staff will continue to analyze and
study a level of service co.parable to ours.
Commissioner 30hnson asked about the bathroom
had been proposed for the vicinity around
center. A proposal will be brought back
facilities that
the community
for Commission
Mayor Ison commented on seeing the police officers at the
school zone.
Meeting adJourned at 11:10