HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-16-87 MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD ON 3UNE 16, 1987 - Mayor Ison called the meeting to order at 7:37 P.M.. Commissioner Hager led in prayer and the Mayor led in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs, Bateman, and Hager; City Manager Ryan, Acting City Attorney Barnby, City Clerk Catron, Planning Director Wagner, Public Works Director Occhiuzzo, City Engineers Kelley and Merkle, Water Supervisor Cockrell, and Deputy Clerk Green. ABSENT: None. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Presentation of Plaque to McDonalds of Ocoee - 3. Beech Recreation Department Supervisor Jim Beech introduced the owner/operator of Ocoee McDonalds, Bob Allegro, and its supervisor, Tim Blair, and his wife Carol. Mr. Beech commended them for their continuing community-minded spirit which was recently reflected in their generous contributions and untiring efforts for the Big Orange Games. The May, 1987, games for the handicapped were the most successful in the history of the games - with more than 150 participants. Mr. Blair's efforts played a large part in making this possible. Mr. Beech presented a plaque to the Blairs and Mr. Allegro in appreciation. Mr. Blair thanked Mr. Beech and the Commission for the plaque, and commented that McDonalds was a company which believed in getting involved in the community. Mr. Allegro echoed his comments. Request from Boy Scout. for Oonation - R. Buck The Director of Support Service for the Central Florida Council of Boy Scouts, Richard Buck, asked the Commission to invest in the youth of Central Florida by approving a donation of S750.00. He explained their long range plan to serve an additional 12,000 new youth members by 1990, and asked the Commission to help underwrite the cost of providing staff, program materials, camps, training aids and other support necessary to expand Scouting in Central Florida. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve a donation to the Boy Scouts of S750.00 from unappropriated cash reserve. Commissioner Johnson seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved. - Presentation of West State Road 50 Study - Orange County Planning Oepartment Planning Director Wagner introduced Ellen Slessinger, of the Orange County Planning Department, who presented a brief overview of their land use proposal for the West 50 Study Area. The proposal is scheduled for adoption on September 21, 1987. Mr. Wagner confirmed that the Ocoee Planning Commission had reviewed the plan on two occasions and found 1 e Page 2 City Commission M..~in9 3un. 16, 1987 it to be, by and large, consistent with their plans. The primary goal 0% the study is to provide a comprehensive land development plan instead 0% reacting to individual requests. She displayed maps to contrast current land use with planned %uture use. She explained that a comprehensive strategic plan could provide compatibility with land uses, avoid strip commercial development, preserve road development, and protect the environment (lakes/wetlands). The study area included that area one to two miles to the north and to the south 0% Highway 50 %rom Blu%ord east toward Pine Hills. In response to Mayor Ison's question about the resulting effects of the study, Ms. Slessinger replied that the plan could become part of a comprehensive plan amendment and could set performance standards (such as a 25 foot wide landscape buffer along Highway 50) for future development. Commissioner Dabbs asked how involved City Staff had been in this proJect as the Commission had been trying to schedule a meeting with the County since February. Mr. Wagner replied that they had been involved for months and that this was one 0% the items to be discussed at the meeting with the County. e Commemoration of Bicentennial of the Constitution Mayor Ison stated that copies 0% the Constitution in booklet form and a replica of the Constitution were available at the meeting %or those who wished to have them. 3uly 4th Celebration - OC08. Historical Commission Mayor Ison announced the observance 0% July 4th sponsored by the Ocoee Historical Commission to be held at the Withers- Maguire House and surrounding area from 11:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.. Activities will include a barbecue, games, carriage rides, balloon rides, a "dunk tank", and music in the gazebo. APPROVALS - CONSENT AGENDA e Commissioner Dabbs requested clarification of the Regular Commission Meeting Minutes of 6-02-87 by the substitution of "foundation" for "predicate" on page 5, and the insertion of "in the lawsuits" following "intervene" at the top of page 7. Commissioner Hager moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended, Commissioner Bateman seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved. The items approved were as follows: A. Regular Commission Meeting Minutes of 6-02-87 B. Special Joint Session Meeting Minutes of 4-14-87 C. First Reading, Comprehensive Plan Amendment Ordinances 1. Petition of Gregory P. Samano - Case No. 02C-87 2. Petition of David Pearlman - Case No. 03C-87 3. Petition of R. L. Ferdinand - Case No. 04C-87 4. Petition of R. L. Ferdinand - Case No. 05C-87 5. Petition of R. L. Ferdinand - Case No. 06C-87 2 e Page 3 City Commission Meeting 3une 16, 1987 D. Petition of R. L. Ferdinand - Case No. 07C-87 Petition of Charles & James Hawthorne - Case No. 08C-87 Petition of Anna L. Davis & Tom West - Case No. 12C-87 9. Petition of 10. Petition of 11. Petition of 12. Petition of 13. Petition of 14. Petition of First Reading - 1. Petition of 2. Petition of 3. Petition of 09R-87 Petition of Anna L. Davis & Tom West - Case No. 13R-87 5. Petition of Wescar, Inc. - Case No. 15R-87 6. Petition of Jay & Dotti Schorr - Case No. 16R-87 7. Petition of Wescar, Inc. - Case No. 17R-87 8. Petition of City of Ocoee - Case No. 18R-87 9. Petition of City of Ocoee - Case No. 19R-87 10. Petition of John G. Pierce - Case No. 20R-87 City Manager Ryan read by title only the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Ordinances, Items C, 1 - 14 and the Rezoning Ordinances, Items D, 1 - 10. 8. 6. 7. Wescar, Inc. - Case No. 14C-87 Jay & Dotti Schorr - Case No. 15C-87 Wescar, Inc. - Case No. 16C-87 City of Ocoee - Case No. 17C-87 City of Dcoee - Case No. 18C-87 John G. Pierce - Case No. 19C-87 Rezoning Ordinances Lindy Wade Rich - Case No. 02R-87 Gregory P. Samano - Case No. 03R-87 Charles & James Hawthorne - Case No. 4. e Mayor Ison commented that a second reading and public hearing for these ordinances will be held at a later date. OLD BUSINESS Special Staff Report. City Engineer - Tom Kelley Bowneas Road proJect and status update for Report on completion City Manager Ryan, Public Works Director Occhiuzzo, and PEC Engineer Paul Staes had met with DOT District 5 repesentatives on Wednesday, June 10th, and found them to be receptive to a proposal to add Bowness Road to the state highway system and possibly to eliminate McKey from the system. e City Engineer Kelley reported that aerial work for the proJect was to be done within the week, and that soils/topographical work was being done. The Commission requested that Mr. Kelley prepare a preliminary plan with a definitive cost figure for the paving of Bowness Road to present at the July 21, 1987 Commission Meeting. 3 . Page 4 City Commiasion Meeting 3une 16, 1987 Report on Downtown .treet, sidewelks end drain improvement. City Engineer Kelley commented that some general way to upgrade along Taylor, Franklin, McKey, and Bluford was needed in order to separate pedestrians from roadways, and that parking improvements were needed on McKey. He asked for direction from the Commission concerning the scope they desired for area improvements such as type of curbs, styling of sidewalks, spacing of trees, and the routing of water to retention ponds. Mayor Ison suggested looking into the potential ~or of~- street parking and to determine how we are going to park now and to consider acquiring land now for City-provided parking. He suggested that Mr. Kelley provide estimates for conservative improvements which included curbs, gutters, streets, and drainage. City Manager Ryan recommended that the City Bowness improvements, as traffic would have to be before the state would allow changes on Franklin, Taylor. proceed on re-routed McKey, and e Upgrading of Kissimmee Water Well City Engineer Kelley explained that the Kissimmee Well only had a high service pump and ground storage and that we needed a stand by well. He further stated that if we did not have the development at the South end of town then we should move ahead with acquiring land for a permanent Kissimmee Water Plant. He had learned that there were approximately 10 acres available in the vicinity of Kissimmee and Delaware that possibly could be purchased for this purpose as we only needed 1 to 4 acres for a first class facility. Mr. Kelley tentatively set the date of 7/21/87 to come back with a preliminary report and a Special Session would be scheduled if necessary. City Planner - Russ Wagner - Site Plan Approval - Plantation Sysco City Planner Wagner stated that staff recommended approval of the site plan subJect to the nine items listed in the Staff Report o~ June 10, 1987. Plantation Sysco is a wholesale distributor and they plan on doubling the size of the existing facililty. Commissioner Hager asked if it was necessary to remove the pine trees and they stated they were only removing a few for the parking lot but the others would remain. The engineer and representative for Plantation Sysco were in agreement with the 9 items on the Staff Report. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the site plan for Plantation Sysco, Commissioner Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 4 . Page !5 City Commission Meeting 3uly 16, 1987 e Public Hearing - Lake Stanley Subidiviaion Plan Approval Ru.s Wagner City Planner Wagner stated that sta~f recommended approval o~ the Lake Stanley Subdivision Plan subJect to the 8 items listed on the Development Review Committee Report o~ June 5. 1987. The developer had agreed to comply with these items. Commissioner Bateman ~elt that this would be a good time to make sure that the pollutants are prohibited from entering the lake. City Engineer Merkle explained that a curb and gutter collector system would be used to drain into retention/detention ponds. Commission Hager questioned the swale along the lakefront lots and they stated it went all the way along the lots. Commissioner Dabbs stated that for the record he wanted to hear Mr. Courtney accept the stipulations as outlined in the DRC Report of 6/5/87 and Mr. Courtney said that he accepted the stipulations. After discussion about the lake~ront lots. the Commission asked that item #9 be added to the DRC Report as follows: 9. A. Lot lines to be platted to the center o~ the lake and B. Environmental swales will be reserved by easement ~or access and by deed restriction for permanentability. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve the Lake Stanley Preliminary Subdivision Plan subJect to conditions 1-9 o~ the DRC report of 6/5/87. Commissioner Dabbs seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Other Busin... . Discussion on Certificate of Occupancy for Mitchell Building on Bluford (Mr. Mitchell) Public Works Director Occhiuzzo reported that he had met with a representative of the paving company and the developer and explained the position o~ the City that the paving was unacceptable and the Certificate of Occupancy would be withheld until the matter was resolved. The developer and the contractor did not agree with the Commission; therefore. Mr. Occhiuzzo asked that they appear be~ore the City Commission at tonight's meeting. They were not present to answer or question the Commission. In the meantime. Mr. Occhiuzzo stated that we had received word from DOT and now they do not accept the work and will require it to be redone. Mayor Ison aksed that in the future when inspection is done by DOT on a Job within our City Limits we be notified and a City Staff person be present. Mr. Occhiuzzo said that was being done and a timetable would be created in order to keep up with the proJects. Mayor Ison asked the attorney to check into our ordinances and see if we could "impound equipment" on a Job site if it had been red tagged and work was still being done as he felt this was a police matter. Mr. Mitchell was to be sent a Certified Letter stating that he would not be issued a "CO" until the paving was done satisfactorily. 5 e Page 6 City Commission Meeting 3une 16, 1987 COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Mr. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., asked about the sanitation rates and suggested the Commission consider the concept of "Cash for Trash". NEW BUSINESS Appointment to CEB Boord term to June 1990 At first, this was tabled until the next agenda, then Commissioner Johnson moved to remove from the table, seconded by Commissioner Dabbs and the motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Johnson moved to appoint Phyllis Olmstead, 620 Sherwood Oaks, Ocoee, to the CEB Board, seconded by Commissioner Bateman and the motion carried unanimously. Appointment of Attorney to CEB Board The Commission asked Attorney Linda Barnby to serve on the Code Enforcement Board. She agreed to serve on a temporary basis and would ascertain whether or not her affiliation with the firm of the City's Attorney would prevent her from continuing to serve. RECESS: 9:55 P.M. e CALL TO ORDER: 10:10 P.M. Review of Drazt Developer Agreements - Russell Wagner Planning Director Wagner explained that the Draft Developer Agreements contained within the Commission Meeting packet pertained to Items III/C and III/D, the first round Rezoning and Comprehensive Plan Amendment Ordinances for 1987. Though the Agreements were customized for each Developer, they required necessary road rights-of-way dedications, water looping, limitations on access, and hold harmless clauses as approved by the City Attorney. He added that all property owners had been provided copies of the Agreements. e Mr. Wagner encouraged the Mayor and the Commissioners to indicate their comments and questions about the Agreements. He suggested that a maJor concern of the Commission might be about the We scar Agreement with reference to the paving of Hackney Prairie Road. Commissioner Bateman questioned the Hawthorne Agreement with reference to the creation of enclaves. Mayor Ison suggested that each Commissioner indicate his questions on his copies of the Agreements and return them to Mr. Wagner. Mr. Wagner asked for the Commissioners' input by the next Commission Meeting, as well as comments from the individual petitioners, so that the Agreements could be revised to mutually acceptable conditions which would be approved simultaneously with the passage of the ordinance. 6 . Page 7 City Commis.ion Meeting 3une 16~ 1987 Preliminary Annexation Petition Reviews - Russell Wagner Planning Director Wagner presented an overview of the Preliminary Annexation Petition Reviews o~ the ~ollowing: Harold J. & Helen W. Cook (19A-87) Wilma Terry~ Trustee (20A-87) Heritage Development Joint Venture (21A-87) Grover H. Voss~ Trustee (22A-87) Reed Terry (23A-87) Dill Properties. Inc. (24A-87) Wescar~ Inc. (25A-87) Rose B. Ca~lisch (26A-87) City of Ocoee (27A-87) E. A. Newberg (28A-87) Mr. Wagner reported that the City Planning and Zoning Commission recommended all the annexations as petitioned with the exception o~ 26A-87~ by Rose B. Caflisch. They recommended that the Commission limit the annexation to the west side of Good Homes Road in order to avoid conflict with the County. The consensus of the Commission was in agreement with the Planning Commission recommendation. e Discussion/Approval of Lease/Purchase of a Bus for the Summer Recreation Progr8m Commissioner Johnson suggested that a bus be purchased rather than leased. Mr. Ryan explained that a purchase would delay the acquisition of the bus~ because it would require receiving bids. After further discussion~ Commissionr Johnson moved to approve the authorization for Staff to receive three bids not to exceed S5~OOO.OO for a sixty-six passenger bus with funds from unappropriated cash reserve~ and Commissioner Dabbs seconded the motion. Commissioner Bateman stated that he was not willing to take recreational funds from some other segment in order to purchase the bus. Commissioner Dabbs voiced his concern about the City's liability stemming from providing the bus. Mayor Ison stated that he believed the reward to be worth the risk. Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Dabbs voted to approve the motion as stated~ Commissioner Bateman and Commissioner Hager voted no~ Mayor Ison voted aye~ and the motion carried three to two. REPORTS AND INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER e Follow-up Ag8nd8 City Manager Ryan reported that there was a problem with ground water well #2 in the Forest Oaks Treatment Plant which needed to be checked by an engineer. He asked that the Commission authorize Staff to retain the firm of Ardaman & Associates for a fee not to exceed S2.500.00 for engineering technical assistance. John Cockrell stated that there was also trouble with well #1 in Forest Oaks. City Engineer 7 . Page 8 City Commission Meeting 3une 16, 1987 Kelley would be prohibited from assisting with these problems by an appearance of conflict. Mayor Ison suggested the firm of Miller and Miller be used while in the warranty period for their maintenance bond. Mr. Ryan replied that we need to have good documentation in case we have to ultimately sue. Following further discussion of the situation, Commissioner Hager moved to authorize the City Manager to retain Ardaman and Associates to review the Forest Oaks wells for a sum not to exceed 52,500.00, and to direct Attorney Barnby to send a certified letter to Steve Miller, of Miller and Miller Engineering, advising him of the collapsing walls of the wells at Forest Oaks and that we would take action on the bond if necessary. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion, and approval was unanimous. City Manager Ryan asked the Mayor and Commissioners for their input concerning the Highway #50 Study so that Staff could take an official posture on the Study. Mayor lson asked that it be included on the Agenda when they meet with Orange County Commission, and they could give their comments at that time. e CITY ATTORNEY Response to City Commission Request regarding increase of Commission compensation Tabled. Proposed Ordinance, Occupational License. Florida League of Cities, 1st Reading Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the Agreement with Florida League of Cities providing for their assistance with investigation and collection of unpaid occupational license taxes from corporations, firms or associations transacting any insurance business in the City. Commissioner Johnson seconded, and approval was unanimous. Attorney Barnby explained the provisions of the agreement and the proposed ordinance levying occupational taxes upon insurance companies engaging in business within the City of Ocoee. The ordinance was set for the Consent Agenda for the next Commission meeting. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONRS Authorization for staff to issue RFP for preliminary design and contruction oversight of Bowness Road This matter was handled earlier in the meeting. . Commissionr Bateman commented that he hoped the City would 8 e Pag_ 9 City Commission Meeting 3une 16, 1987 receive help ~rom area newspapers advising citizens about the amoeba risk ~rom swimming in area lakes. Commissioners Hager. Dabbs. and Johnson and Mayor lson had no ~urther comments. The meeting adJourned at 11:30 P.M.. Mayor lson ----~~;~~~------ e , 9 J