HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-21-87 MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD ON 3ULY 21, 1987 e Mayor Ison called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M.. Commissioner Hager led in prayer and the Mayor led in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners 30hnson, Dabbs, Bateman, and Hager; City Manager Ryan, City Attorney Kruppenbacher, City Clerk Catron, Planning Director Wagner, Public Works Director Occhiuzzo, City Engineers Kelley and Merkel, Water Supervisor Cockrell, and Deputy Clerk Green. ABSENT: None. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Ison commented that tonight's agenda was an especially significant one, and suggested that the Commissioners might wish to save it. - Mayor Ison announced that a letter had been received from Mary Hough, Assistant General Manager for Tri County Transit, in reference to the provision of bus service to the Ocoee- Winter Garden area. The letter addressed issues of costs, ridership, and routes. He suggested copies of the letter be sent to the two friends on Adair who were especially interested in bus service for Ocoee. The Mayor also announced a presentation by the East-West Expressway Authority concerning the western alignment of the planned beltway extension through Ocoee and Apopka. The meeting had been scheduled for 3uly 30th, at 6:30 P.M. at West Orange High School. Mayor Ison stated for the Commissioners' information that he would be meeting with Mayor Land of Apopka and Mayor Barber of Winter Garden to begin consideration of an agreement between the three cities for Joint provision of sewer facilities. He will report on their progress at the next meeting. Another upcoming event was the Ocoee Bass Tournament scheduled on August 2nd as a benefit for Curtis Richards to aid with medical expenses. Mayor Ison announced that the Softball Game scheduled for that date would begin at 6:00 P.M. following batting practice at 5:00 P.M.. APPROVALS - CONSENT AGENDA - Commissioner Bateman moved to approve both items on the Consent Agenda subJect to the minor change in the ordinance for amending occupational licenses as agreed upon in the prior Workshop Session. The change would require inserting the note "See Professions" and deletion of rates beside the 1 . Peg- 2 City Commission Meeting July 21.. 1987 listings of "Dentist" and "Doctor of Medicine" on page three. Commissioner Hager seconded, and approval was unanimous. The items approved were: A - Regular Commission Meeting Minutes of 7-07-87 and B - Proposed Ordinance, Amending Occupational License, First Reading. City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only. Mayor Ison stated that the second reading and public hearing for the ordinance will be held on August 18, 1987. OLD BUSINESS Speciel Steff Reports City Engineer - Tom Kelley Transportation Status updete/cost estimate for the paving Mr. Kelley introduced Leon Glover, presentation of a progress report for the on Bowness Road. of Bownes. Roed of P.E.C., for preliminary design e In the slide presentation with which he began his report, Mr. Glover pointed out particular areas of concern around several of the streets now under study for improvements. Among the scenes depicted were a railroad track and a clogged pipe on Bowness, water drainage problems on Bluford, warping of some of the side brick streets off McKey, and the dangerous intersection of Bowness and Kissimmee. Professional Engineering Consultants, in association with three other firms, had completed several phases of the study. Aerial photographs of the proJect site and the field survey for baseline control, benchmarks and cross-sections had been completed. The completed soils report showed that the soils within the existing unimproved road were suitable to support a roadway, but that areas outside the existing roadway contained surficial deposits of organic soils and were therefore unsuitable to support a roadway. The traffic analysis studies on the Bowness Road/Kissimmee and the Bowness Road/Franklin intersections indicated no current need for signalization for the former, but had recommended signalization for the latter. Elements of the proJect currently in progress were control for alignment, final surveying, drainage pattering and hydraulic analysis, title search for right-of-way, and final design plans for construction. The preliminary construction and engineering cost estimate for the Bowness Road proJect was $609,366.00. . Paul Staes, improvements P.E.C. proJect engineer for intersection at Ocoee-Apopka Road (SR 435) and Silver Star 2 . Page 3 City Coaaission Meeting 3uly 21, 1987 Road (SR 438), explained that one 0% the reasons Bowness was such a maJor proJect was its proximity to those intersections. An Intersection Capacity Analysis had been conducted zor the Palm Drive, Silver Star Road, and Franklin Street intersections in order to better analyze the Ocoee- Apopka Road and Silver Star Road intersection. Mr. Staes had spoken with DOT and lezt drawings zor them to study. He reported that DOT had already planned improvements %or the intersections within approximately a year, and questioned whether the City should spend their monies for those improvements. These improvements would lead to Bowness Road paving. He explained that our truck trazzic was running at 10% which was heavy zor a small town, and designating Bowness Road as the State Road would eliminate the truck trafzic through downtown. e Mayor Ison asked what the recommendation would be at this time. City Manager Ryan stated that we needed to continue with the proJects and ways oz zunding, and that the proJects possibly could move quicker if the City could help with right-of-way acquisition. Then the Mayor asked what authority should be given to the City Manager. He asked the Commission to consider having him negotiate and look at a reimbursement method with DOT in order to speed up the proJects. Mr. Ryan suggested, since Staff conceptually agreed with the Engineers' recommendations, that they consider the costs oz and how to fund all the proJects. The Commissioners were in basic agreement with his suggestion. Leon Glover explained that the construction 0% Bowness Road met the DOT green book requirements. Mayor leon asked iz we would be ready to go to bid within approximately thirty to zorty-zive days. The engineers stated that several studies were still in progress and they would have to be completed. He asked them to be ready for bidding by the August 18, 1987 meeting, ready to open the bids on September 14th, and agenda for award of the bid at the September 15th meeting. In response to the Mayor's question on a completion date zor Bowness Road, City Engineer Kelley stated that he would give an estimated completion date at the next meeting. The Commissioners agreed they wanted the work done as soon as possible without paying a premium. City Manager Ryan added that one more item should be addressed in the consideration oz overall costs zor the Bowness Road proJect and that would be the cost oz relocation of the City water line. e Improv...nt to Historic Downtown Ar.a In his progress report zor the engineering streets and drainage improvements on Bluford study oz Avenue, the McKey 3 e Page 4 City Co..i..ion Meeting 3uly 21, 1987 Street. Taylor Street. and Franklin Street. Leon Glover stated that the aerial mapping. field survey. and soils report had been completed. PEC recommended that it would be better to wait until Bowness Road was built before performing a study on traffic analysis for this area. Three possible designs for the improvements and the preliminary construction and engineering cost estimates for each were presented. Mr. Glover explained that each design had the potential to improve street drainage problems. 1 - New pavement with curb and gutter. parking. and sidewalk. Mr. Glover explained that any widening would require that all existing asphalt and bricks be torn out. but it would be necessary to use this design if parking accommodations were desired. Cost: $919,061.00 2 - New pavement with curb and gutter, and sidewalks. A plan for off-site parking was provided for this plan. Mayor lson stated that off-site parking would be needed to handle the parking properly. Cost: $887,227.00 3 - Resurfacing with valley guttering and new storm sewer system. Mr. Glover stated that the drainage problem could be facilitated by this design as the improvements on Bowness Road will relieve some of the traffic flow from the McKey proJect. Cost: $650,452.00 e Mayor Ison asked for plans for two off-site parking areas with landscaped areas included within them. Commissioner Hager did not agree that the asphalt and bricks now in place would have to be torn out. Mr. Glover stated his opinion that installation of the valley gutter while allowing parking to remain as it was would only be a "band-aid" for the problem. Commissioner Bateman responded that this would be an "awfully expensive band-aid", and added that if drainage was not provided, the road would be destroyed. After further discussion. the Commissioners agreed to schedule a Workshop and a Special Session on Tuesday, July 28th at 7:00 P.M.. Area business persons/property owners would be invited to hear explanation of the alternative designs suggested by the engineers and to express their opinions about the plans for improvement to the Commission. e Wat.r Sy.t.. Improve..nt.. Upgrading of Ki..i.... Wat.r Well City Engineer Kelley explained that, in researching the availability of additional land for the purpose of expansion of the Kissimmee Water Well, a suitable tract of land north of Tee Pee Lumber had been found as well as a smaller site south of the Plant. For a cost of approximately $640,000.00 including land purchase, the well could be upgraded with a 750,000 gallon storage tank, aeration to deal with the hydrogen sulphide problem, high service pumps. and 4 e Page ~ Cit.y COMMi..ion Me.t.ing July 21, 1987 transmission lines. Mr. Kelley said that more investigation, including checking with owners of the property, would have to be done if they authorized him to proceed. Mayor Ison asked Mr. Kelley when he would be ready and what he needed to bring it back be~ore the Commission ready ~or bidding. Mr. Kelley estimated four to six weeks would be required to come back with a recommendation. The Commission requested the item be placed on the August 18, 1987 Agenda ready ~or bid. e Waterline ImproveMents to Historic Part of Ocoee and Orlando Avenue City Engineer Kelley reported that 13,000 to 15,000 ~eet o~ old galvanized, deteriorated waterlines now serving the older historic sections o~ Ocoee needed to be replaced. The total cost of this proJect would be $300,000.00. In response to Mayor Ison's question about what improvements should be done first - the well or the water lines, Mr. Kelley replied that it would not make any difference which was done ~irst. He did suggest that water well upgrading not be done during the summer months. Mayor Ison asked when he would be ready ~or a bid date. Mr. Kelley stated that he would like to set up the contracts di~ferently ~rom previous contracts, and would present a proposal ~or the improvements at the September 1st meeting. Forest Oaks Addition Mr. Kelley was not ready to make a the addition to Forest Oaks. Mayor Ison of impact fees as a means o~ ~unding ~or would be needed due to the growth. recommendation ~or questioned the use the addition which Storm Drainage ImproveMents t.o Starke Lake City Engineer Rick Merkel reported that the drainage basin area for Starke Lake included 802 acres, with 216 acres under a water body and approximately 580 acres of land area. Included in the 580 acres were 113 acreR Q. una~v~lQP~Q lMna. In his research, Mr. Merkel ~ound the only land on the lake suitable ~or storm water retention lay on its northeast side and behind City Hall. Mayor Ison explained that some of the subbasin area on the north side o~ the lake was in the County, and asked if they might be approached ~or some sharing monies. In response to a question about the expected appearance o~ the retention ponds, Mr. Merkel explained that they would be "soggy-bottom" with cattails, etc.. Mayor Ison asked Mr. Merkel what he needed in order to proceed. Mr. Merkel replied that he needed direction ~rom the Commission about use of the area near City Hall and about the acquisition o~ additional land. e In the ensuing discussion about storm water run-off into the 5 e Page 6 City Co.mission Meeting July 21, 1987 lakes, Mr. Merkel suggested that available land in the Sleepy Harbor area was very limited, and Commissioner Bateman responded that mini ponds should be used if necessary. Mr. Merkel will reexamine the area for available land. Commissioner Dabbs asked at what level storm water retention became effective in stopping pollution. Mr. Merkel replied that he had yet to see a qualitative study about retention of the first one-half inch of run-off which developers were being required to provide. In response to Mayor Ison~s inquiry about any other use of monies to improve Lakes Starke and Prima Vista, Tom Kelley advised that the storm water retention ponds provided the greatest improvement for the investment. Commissioner Bateman stated that Silver Star Road was the worst source of pollution. The Commissioners asked that more work be done in Sleepy Harbor/Prima Vista area and also along each side of Silver Star. Mayor lson asked Engineer Merkel for a time frame for the entire proJect, and Mr. Merkel will come back with an update for the August 18th meeting. Public Works Director Occhiuzzo will provide a report on the chemistry of Starke Lake at the next meeting. e Sewer Facility Resolution of this issue was still under serious discussion. Note: City Attorney Kruppenbacher requested the following item from Item VII-C, REPORTS AND INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER be considered at this time. Discus.ion/Action Regarding Inve.tm.nt Banking Fira for City Due to the conditions of the market, Attorney Kruppenbacher recommended the City Commission approve the following Professionals and Consultants: 1. f!n~n~!~! ~g~!~Q~1 Public Financial Management, Inc. Contact: Rick Fitzgerald, Managing Consultant 2. !n~~~~m~n~ ~~n~~~L~~n!Q~ ~~n~g~~ Drexel-Burnham, Lamber, Inc. Contact: George Stuart Attorney: Foley, Lardner, et al. 3. ~Qng gQ~n~~!1 Bryant, Miller & Olive Contact: Randy Hannah 4. !!~~~~:~ gQ~n~~!1 Swann & Haddock, P>A> Contact: Thomas F. Lang, Esq.. . Commissioner Bond Counsel Dabbs stated that his daughter worked firm of Bryant, Miller & Olive. for the Attorney 6 . Page 7 City Commission Meeting 3uly 21, 1987 Kruppenbacher explained that he could abstain on that item and then file a voting conflict. He told the Commission they could approve items 1, 2 & 4 with one motion if they chose to do so. Commissioner 30hnson moved to approve items 1, 2 & 4 as recommended by the attorney, Commissioner Bateman seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve item 3, Commissioner Hager seconded and the motion carried with Commissioners Johnson, Bateman and Hager voting aye and Commissioner Dabbs abstaining. RECESS: 9:45 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: 9:57 P.M. Public Works Director - Tony Occhiuzzo e Community Center Restrooms As directed by the Commission at the last meeting, a new sketch of the proposed restroom facilities was provided for them to review. Mr. Occhiuzzo stated that the facilities would be built on the North wall and would cost approximately S20,000.00 which could be included in the budget for the coming year. A provision was being made for a maintenance storage area so some of the equipment for lawn maintenance, etc. could be stored close to the city complex. Commissioner 30hnson asked if there was any way to add a canopy on the east side and Mr. Occhiuzzo stated that they could and he would show them an elevation sketch. Cost EstiMate for Ditch Cleaning Maintenance Public Works Director Occhiuzzo stated that as one alternative he felt the City forces could do the ditch cleaning maintenance with their own equipment and manpower. He is waiting on a price from Mr. Tom Hendrix if it were to be contracted out and he would give them a price at that time. He felt the maintenance should be done about 4 times per year. There are about 22,000 lineal feet to be maintained and would take approximately 6 man days to complete. Mr. Occhiuzzo stated that he was still addressing the Stucki/Railroad issue and was waiting for the contactor to pull off of the site. . Oakwood Plaza - 3im Mitchell Mr. Occhiuzzo explained that Jim Mitchell, owner/developer of Oakwood Plaza on Bluford, wished to speak to the Commission about the paving on Bluford which was unacceptable to them. Mr. Occhiuzzo stated that he had explained the City's requirements to the paving contractor for the proJect, but the contractor had indicated that DOT accepted the work and had refused to make additional improvements. Mr. Mitchell explained that he needed a Certificate of Occupancy, and asked what the City wanted to have done to make the paving 7 e Page 8 City COM.i..ion Meeting 3uly 21~ 1987 acceptable. Mayor lson responded that a problem with the substructure caused the road to be too bumpy, and the whole thing needed to be smoothed out. The paving contractor, Paul Dalrymple, of D & M Paving, 619 Circle Avenue, Winter Park, stated that he had not refused to correct the paving in question. Attorney Kruppenbacher asked, if the work would take only two days, why not do it and have the people moved in. Mr. Dalrymple explained that he could not do the work by August 1st, but could do it by August 15th. City Manager Ryan explained that the City could issue a temporary certificate of occupancy. After further discussion, Commissioner Johnson moved to issue a temporary certixicate ox occupancy for one unit (double) subJect to a $12,00.00 Cash Bond xor any work necessary to smooth and complete the paving, with the bond to be xorxeited ix the work was not completed in fifteen days. Commissioner Dabbs seconded the motion. Commissioner Hager said that he had problems with handling the issue in this way, but he would approve it, and approval was unanimous. e Mayor Ison said that he would discuss this matter with DOT officials in Deland to prevent any similar occurrences in the xuture. Other Busines. AppointMent of Attorney to Code Enforcemen~ Board Commissioner 30hnson recommended Attorney Dwight Cool xor appointment to the Code Enforcement Board. Mr. Cool had indicated his interest in being considered for the position in a letter to City Manager Ryan. The letter ox July 15, 1987 was read for the record. Following discussion ox Mr. Cool's excellent qualifications xor the post, Commissioner Johnson moved to approve his appointment to the Code Enforcement Board, Commissioner Bateman seconded, and approval was unanimous. Commissioner Hager welcomed him aboard. Appoin~.ent to Recreation Advisory Board City Manager Ryan stated that a letter of resignation had not been received xrom the member who was to be replaced. Attorney Kruppenbacher ruled that acceptance of the resignation would be made oxficial by the appointment ox a replacement. Commissioner Johnson recommended and moved to approve the appointment to the Recreation Advisory Board ox Kerry Ellis, 410 Orlando Avenue, Apartment 18, Ocoee. Commissioner Bateman seconded, and approval was unanimous. e Set Time/Schedule for "Grandfather" of Existing Billboards Cindy Polverino, of Metropolitan Advertising Company, 8 I ~ . Page 9 Cit.y COMMi..ion Meet.ing July 21, 1987 expressed her appreciation to the Commissioners for their commitment to 3unior Posters. She requested that the Commission change the language of the billboard ordinance to "grandfather" current signs without a time limitation. City Manager Ryan explained that uniform requirements would be needed. Commissioners Hager and Bateman suggested approval o:f a "grandfather" period of three years. A:fter that time, the advertiser might come back to the Commission to request an extension. Commissioner Dabbs recalled that when the issue was last discussed, the "grand:father" period was to expire unpon the expiration o:f the lease. He was opposed to the change as requested by Miss Polverino. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Edward 3. Smith, 3r., of 107 Minor Court in Sleepy Harbour expressed his support :for the Bowness Road proJect. He suggested the road be widened to 30 :feet where it intersects with Kissimmee. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business. e REPORTS AND INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER Follow.up Agenda Commissioner Johnson asked about the selection of the site for placement o:f the Glen Thomas House, and indicated his interest in making suggestions about the site to be chosen. Discua.ion Tri County Transit Authority Bus Tranaportation In her July 21, 1987 letter to City Manager Ryan, Mary Hough, Assistant General Manager of Tri County Transit, indicated her firm was looking to operate a looping circulator system in Ocoee and Winter Garden, using small vehicles. These "loops" would be connected to the TCT system in Pine Hills, using a full size bus. She included tentative routes and time schedules with her letter. The estimated cost :for six months of service provided by a private operator would be $180,000.00 (as compared to $232,000.00 if TCT operated the service directly>. I:f the proposed $72,000.00 revenue in :fares were received (and this is questionable), the anticipated de:ficit would be at least $108,000.00. A :funding commitment :from the state could cover one-hal:f ($54,000.00> of the deficit, and the balance o:f at least $54,000.00 would have to be made up by local governments. e City Manager Ryan explained that, at last report, Orange County could not be counted on for :funding, which would leave Ocoee and Winter Garden to share the deficit. He stated that 9 I' Pege 10 City Commission Meeting July 21, 1987 Staff would like to explore reducing the number o~ trips ~rom hourly to periodic, and/or the number of trips ~rom daily to periodic. Commissioner Dabbs commented that he had great reservations about subsidizing a bus service to that extent, though he had empathy/sympathy ~or those who needed public transportation service. He supported pursuing a modi~ied route with ~ewer dollars. He would be willing to participate in a subsidy up to half of S54,000.00 for a six months trial. Commissioner Bateman stated that he thought Mrs. Hough had done a good Job, but he believed the deficit would be much greater than she had suggested. He added that Winter Garden wanted a route to Apopka, and Ocoee wanted a tie-in with Silver Star and Hiawassee. Mayor lson urged that City Staff check with Orange County Commission Chairman Lou Treadway and Commissioner Marston about county participation in the ~unding o~ bus service in the Ocoee, Winter Garden, Apopka area. He also suggested that Staff look into Tax Equalization Board to determine if this line item might already be in the program. -- The Commission directed City Staf~ to check with Tri County Transit Authority about a plan to reduce the number of trips, and with implementation of the plan on a six month trial basis. CITY ATTORNEY Proposed Ordinance, Regulating StorMwater Run-off into Lake. This item had been considered in the Workshop Session prior to this meeting. Discus.ion/Propo.ed Ordinence for "Impounding Equipment" This item had also been considered in the Workshop Session. Perking Fine Ordinance City Attorney Kruppenbacher presented an ordinance to supplement the City's Parking Fine Ordinance pursuant to Chapter 318, Florida Statutes. The amended ordinance would provide that any parking ~ine appeal might be taken to the court system. The ordinance will be placed on the next agenda for first reading under the Consent Agenda. e Florida DOT Approval of Local Peving ProJect. Attorney Kruppenbacher advised Staff to ~ollow up with about the Mitchell paving controversy - to determine if had approved the paving, and if so, upon what basis approved it. FOOT they they 10 . Page 11 City Co.mission Meeting 3uly 21, 1987 COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioners Bateman and Hager had no additional comments. Commissioner Dabbs asked Sta%% to look into a pine tree on Apopka Road at the Orange Bank exit, as the tree blocked the view from the right. He also mentioned some 18 inch high weeds on the Solomon property, which Acting Building Official Nagel would be asked to investigate. Service trailers regularly parked behind Wal-Mart were another problem which Mr. Nagel would be asked to check out. Mr. Dabbs also asked about the track at Tiger Minor Park, and was reassured that it would be used only for children to ride bicycles. Commissioner 30hnson agreed with Mr. Dabbs comments about the Wal-Mart trailers, and asked for maintenance of the retention pond at Burnt Tree and North Lakewood. He also Bluford lane. with ready asked what was happening with the divided area on Road. Mr. Ryan explained that it would be a turn Mr. Occhiuzzo explained that there had been a problem getting the contractor on the Job and that the site was for rock and asphalt. - Commissioner Johnson also mentioned calls he had been receiving about the City discontinuing garbage service. He suggested letters be sent to commercial customers offering assistance with the adJustments to the change. He reported that thirty-five or forty children had been participating in the recreation bus trips on Fridays to the bowling alley and skating rink. He asked that corporate sponsors be sought for donations for children who could not afford to go. Mayor lson had no additional comments. The meeting adJourned at 11:30 P.M.. ___11JL2__~__-- Mayor lson x".' j J ___~~--~AJ Deputy Clerk Green e 11 FORM 88 MEMORANDUM OF VOTING CONFLICT FOR COUNTY, MUNICIPAL, AND OTHER LOCAL PUBLIC OFFICERS L.ES7l7( .\lII)DI.E NAf\IE COUNTY NAM~:; cC~ CO?!~O:;~;;I~R CO\I\lITTEE rHE BOARD, COUNCIL, Co. MISSION, AUTHORITY, OR CO\I\lITTEE ON WHICH I SERVE IS A UNIT OF: @ COUNTY . OTHER LOCAL AGENCY NA\IE F POLITICAL SUBDIVISION: tJCd b ~ DATE ON WHICH \HIT OCCURRED S l\ 2-/ Itft? .~ELECTIVE APPOINTIVE WHO MUST FILE FORM 88 This form is for use by any person serving at the county, city, or other local level of government on an appointed or elected board, council, commission, authority, or committee. It applies equally to members of advisory and non-advisory bodies who are presented with a voting conflict of interest under Section 112.3143, Florida Statutes. The requirements of this law are mandatory; although the use of this particular form is not required by law, you are encouraged to use it in making the disclosure required by law. Your responsibilities under the law when faced with a measure in which you have a conflict of interest will vary greatly depending on whether you hold an elective or appointive position. For this reas.on, please pay close attention to the instructions on this form before completing the reverse side and filing the form. - INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 112.3143, FLORIDA STATUTES ELECTED OFFICERS: A person holding elective county, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which inures to his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (other than a government agency) by whom he is retained. In either case, you should disclose the conflict: PRIOR TO THE VOTE BEING TAKEN by publicly stating to the assembly the nature of your interest in the measure on which you are abstaining from voting; and WITHIN 15 DAYS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by completing and filing this form with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. APPOINTED OFFICERS: A person holding appointive county, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which inures to his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a measure which inures to the special gain of a principal (other than a government agency) by whom he is retained. A person holding an appointive local office otherwise may participate in a matter in which he has a conflict of interest, but must disclose the nature of the conflict before making any attempt to influence the decision by oral or written communication, whether made by the officer or at his direction. IF YOU INTEND TO MAKE ANY ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION PRIOR TO THE MEETING AT WHICH THE VOTE WILL BE TAKEN: _{ou should complete and file this form (before making any attempt to influence the decision) with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who will incorporate the form in the minutes. · A copy of the form should be provided immediately to the other members of the agency. · The form should be read publicly at the meeting prior to consideration of the matter in which you have a conflict of interest. (I I ()R\I .~B I()-~n PAGE I IF YOU MAKE NO ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION EXCEPT BY DISCUSSION OR VOTE AT THE MEETING: · You should disclose orally the nature of your conflict in the measure before participating. · You should complete the form and file it within 15 days after the vote occurs with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who should incorporate the form in the minutes. DISCLOSURE OF STATE OFFICER'S INTEREST I, S L ~f'<. ))M/~ \7JL, , hereby disclose that on ,,/We-v / 7.-/ ,191L: (a) A measure came or will come before my agency which (check one) _ inured to my special private gain; or _ inured to the special gain of , by whom I am retained. NOTICE: UNDER PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES ~1I2.317 (1985), A FAILURE TO MAKE ANY REQUIREDe DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTES GROUNDS FOR AND MAYBE PUNISHED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: IMPEACHMENT, REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT, DEMOTION, REDUCTION IN SALARY, REPRIMAND, OR A CIVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED $5,000. Cl rOR;..! 88 . ID.Hn PAGE 2