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Mayor Ison called the meeting
Commissioner Dabbs led in prayer,
pledge of allegiance to the ~lag.
to order at 7:46 P.M..
and the Mayor led in the
PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs, Bateman,
and Hager; City Manager Ryan, City Attorney Kruppenbacher,
Acting City Attorney Drew Thomas, City Clerk Catron, Planning
Director Wagner, Public Works Director Occhiuzzo, City
Engineer Merkel, Water Superintendent Cockrell, Assistant
Planner Rivera, and Deputy Clerk Green. Note: Attorney
Kruppenbacher left at 11:30 P.M. zor a ~amily emergency.
Buddy Elmore, Superintendent of the Street Department,
reported that the August 2nd Fishing Tournament/Barbeque had
been a great success with sixty-five boats entered and
$1860.00 raised for the Curtis Richards Fund. Mr. Elmore
presented the check for the proceeds to Curtis' father, Dean
Richards, and Mr. Richards expressed the family's thanks for
the support of the community. Mayor Ison commented that
the event had been well-organized, and that thirty-nine
commercial sponsors from West Orange County had participated.
City Manager Ryan reported that the Softball Game had raised
$500.00 for Curtis, and he encouraged additional
contributions ~or the Curtis Richards' Fund at Orange Bank.
Mayor Ison announced that Ocoee was hosting the Little League
State Tournament this week. The games had begun on Monday,
August 3rd, and might continue through Friday, August 7th.
As a member of the Board for Little League, Mayor loon
presented a plaque to the City of Ocoee in appreciation for
the valuable support of the Commission, the Recreation
Department and the Street Department. There was a similar
plaque for the Mayor.
Commissioner Dabbs asked that Item "C" be pulled from the
Consent Agenda for discussion. Commissioner Bateman moved to
approve all other items on the Consent Agenda, Commissioner
Johnson seconded, and approval was unanimous. Items approved
were: A - Regular Commission Meeting Minutes o~ 7-21-87; B -
Reappointment of Marvin Sanders to P & Z (3 year term); D-
Proposed Ordinance, Amending Parking Fine Ordinance, City
Attorney; E - Proposed Ordinance, Amending Code Enforcement
Board Ordinance, City Attorney; and F - Workshop Commission
Meeting Minutes of 7-21-87.
Page 2
Ci~y Commission Meeting
August 4, 1987
In discussion of Item "C", a proposed ordinance for
increasing Commission compensation, Commissioner Dabbs
explained his philosophical disposition against the increase.
He had found the current Commission compensation of $100.00
per month adequate to defray the costs of his political
activities, and expressed his belief that public servants
should not be paid for public service. City Manager Ryan
explained that the compensations indicated in the ordinance
were commensurate with those of other cities the size of
Ocoee. The ordinance would not affect anyone currently
holding office. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve the
Proposed Ordinance, Increasing Commission Compensation, and
Commissioner Hager seconded. Commissioners Johnson, Bateman,
and Hager voted "aye", and Commissioner Dabbs voted "no".
The motion carried three to one. City Manager Ryan read the
proposed ordinances in Items C, D, and E, by title only.
Mayor leon stated that the public hearing and second reading
for the proposed ordinances would be held on September 1st.
Spec1el S~eff Repor~.
Ci~y Engineer - Tom Kelley
In the absence of City Engineer Kelley who was on vacation,
City Engineer Merkel stated that he had nothing specific to
address, and that their firm was proceeding with the Bowness
Road, Starke Lake Storm Drainage, and other proJects
discussed at the last meeting.
Public Hearing
Ceble TV Service Provided by Frenchi.e
Mayor Ison explained that this public hearing had been
scheduled by the Commission to provide concerned citizens an
opportunity to confront ofIicials of Cablevision Industries
with their complaints about the quality of the company's
service. Joe Taylor, the Regional Manager of Cablevision
Industries for the State of Florida, stated, in response to
the Mayor's question, that Alan Gerry was the owner of the
Florida corporation with its headquarters in Deland. Mayor
Ison and Commissioner Bateman explained that resident
complaints about the company's poor service and inadequate
phone system had continued to increase. Larry Topping,
general manager of Cablevision Industries, had indicated at
the April 7th Commission Meeting that the installation of
four and one-half miles of cable should dramatically improve
reception, and the installation of a new phone system should
solve the phone problems. Commissioner Bateman said the
service had gotten worse while the cost for the service had
Mayor Ison explained that the City could not regulate rates
Peg. 3
Ci~y Commi..ion M..~ing
Augu.~ 4, 1987
or the licensing of cablevision companies, but that it would
have the power to revoke or award multiple franchises. He
expressed his belief that the Commission was ready to revoke
the franchise of Cablevision Industries for non-performance
to subscribers, and because subscribers were unable to
contact the company.
Mr. Taylor explained that a new phone system had been
selected, and would be installed soon. He said that a plan
for an improved system could be provided within ten days,
and a plan for improved service would be displayed at the
August 18th Commission Meeting.
Residents complained about poor reception, extended periods
of interrupted service, inability to contact the company by
phone, repair service delays, failure of the company .to keep
pace with the growth of the City, and billing problems.
Several residents agreed that awarding a franchise to another
cable company to provide competition might lead to improved
service. Those residents who addressed the Commission
included: Theresa SetJe, of 1615 Ison Lane, W. J.
Overkleeft, of 9722 Pleasance Circle, Windermere, Jim
Sargeant, of 1502 Ison Lane, Bill Breeze, 351 South Lakeshore
Drive, Pat Buckles, 1506 Mona Avenue, Johnny Warren, #1
Lakeview Street, and Donald Ash.
In further discussion, the Commissioners agreed they were
tired of pious platitudes and promises of improved service,
and were ready to begin the procedure necessary to lead to
revocation of the Cablevision Industries, Inc. franchise.
Commissioner Bateman moved to instruct the City Manager to
take immediate action as necessary to initiate the revocation
of Cablevision Industries, Inc. franchise effective on August
19, 1987, if the improvement plan presented on Tuesday,
August 18th was unacceptable. Commissioner Johnson seconded,
and the motion carried unanimously. City Manager Ryan
explained that another public hearing would be scheduled for
August 18th, and that he would consult with special legal
counsel Drew Thomas to determine if the City had legal
grounds to terminate the contract.
Mayor Ison requested consideration at this time of
Item VI
Proposed Frenchiae for CebleVision of Central Florida
City Manager Ryan explained that only one vendor had
responded to the letters which had been sent inviting other
cablevision companies to consider extending their service to
the Ocoee area. He directed the Commissioners attention to
correspondence from Cablevision of Central Florida dated May
12, 1987 and June 3, 1987, in which the firm had submitted a
Poge 4
Ci~y Commi..ion M..~ing
Augu.~ 4, 1987
proposal for a non-exclusive cable franchise to the City.
The primary document of the proposal was a franchise enabling
Michael L. Shea, Vice President of Operations Support for
CableVision of Central Florida, explained that his %irm was
in an awkward position, but that he did appreciate the
Commission~s action to respond to residents~ complaints. He
explained that his firm had been in Central Florida for
%ifteen years, now had 33 %ranchises in the Orange/Osceola
County area, and with 240,000 subscribers in a five county
region, was the largest provider of cable entertainment in
Central Florida, and the second-largest provider in the
State. CableVision of Central Florida was a wholly owned
division of American Television and Communications
Corporation. In 1986, ATC became a public company, and
eighty percent 0% the outstanding and issued shares of ATC
was still owned by Time Inc.. David Spencer, Vice President
of Operations Central, was also present to answer
questions ~or the Commissioners or residents.
In response to a question asked by R. P. Mohnacky, 1820
Prairie Lake Boulevard, Mr. Shea stated that C-Span would be
included in their service, but that they had no plans to add
C-Span II at this time. Pat Buckles asked i% Channel 56
would be available, and Mr. Shea responded that it was not
their intention to add it at this time. Bill Overkleeft
asked if their firm had any corporate association with
Cablevision Industries, and Mr. Shea answered that it had no
association with CI. Tom Slimmick" 408 E Lakeshore Drive,
asked how long it would take to install their service where
underground wire was in place. Mr. Shea responded that it
would require a minimum 0% sixty days.
Mayor Ison asked Mr. Shea how his %irm would resolve right-
of-way issues involving another cable company. Mr. Shea
explained that his firm had a multi-million dollar liability
insurance as protection against damages. They would install
a separate cable, housing, pedestal, and drop wire as those
now in place would belong to the other cable company. It
would be the responsibility of the resident to noti%y their
current cable provider to discontinue service. Mr. Shea said
it would take the company two months after franchise approval
to start serving Ocoee residents. He did not know the length
of time which would be required to provide service to 400
residents 0% the City.
Commissioner Bateman moved to approve for a first reading a
proposed ordinance providing %or the issuance of a non-
exclusive %ranchise to install, operate and maintain
community antenna television systems, and Commissioner Dabbs
Pege 5
City Commission M..~ing
August 4, 1987
seconded. Commissioner Hager asked how many subscribers the
company would need to move into this area. Mr. Shea answered
that his company was not basing its decision to request a
franchise for Ocoee on a set number of subscribers. Mayor
Ison explained that the ordinance under consideration would
not necessarily approve CableVision 0% Central Florida
service. A question was called on the motion, and the motion
was unanimously approved. City Manager Ryan read the
proposed ordinance by title only.
9:23 P.M.
9:50 P.M.
Review/Discussion Ste~e & Local Agency Comments
City Planning Director Wagner explained that this series
constituted the first round in the adoption process and would
satisfy the requirements %or comprehensive plan amendments
and rezonings. He explained that the law permitted the
Commission to adopt the ordinances/agreements as submitted,
deny them, or modify them. The Commission must act on all
the Plan Amendments, or de%er and readvertise them. Mr.
Wagner commented that developer agreements for Items #11,
#12, #13, and #17 had been omitted from the packets. The
public hearing could be held for the rezoning ordinances
under these items, but the hearings would be continued and
action deferred to follow a third reading. Action should
also be de%erred on the rezoning ordinance %or Item 9, as the
preliminary master plan must be presented prior to rezoning a
Mayor Ison noted %or the record correspondence concerning the
proposed comprehensive plan amendments. The first was a
letter received on July 29, 1987 from Woody Price, AICP,
Director, Division of Resource Planning and Management for
the State of Florida Department 0% Community Affairs. Also
noted was a June 1, 1987, letter to Mr. Ralph K. Hook of the
Division of Resource Planning and Management for the State
from Cliff Guillet, Executive Director of the East Central
Florida Regional Planning Council. A third letter noted was
addressed to Mr. Hook %rom Edward Williams, Planning Director
for Orange County.
Nancy Christman, of the Orange County Planning Department,
had asked to address the Commission to restate the County's
position on Items #4, #5, #6, #9, #12, #13, and #17 as stated
in the letter to Ralph Hook on June 2, 1987. She obJected to
Pege 6
Ci~y Commi..ion Mee~in9
Augu.~ 4, 1987
commercial land use in the Maguire Road area south of the
turnpike as inconsistent and premature at this time. She
also stated the County's position against commercial
land use designation for Silver Star Road away from the
intersection of Clark Road <Item 11). The County contended
that the three corners now designated ~or commercial are
enough to service that area.
Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher asked Nancy Christman for the
benefit of the record if she was speaking for a private
group, employees, or the Orange County Commission. She
replied that the letter sent under Ed Williams signature
stated the Planning Department's position, followed the
normal procedure, and that they had not been directed to do
otherwise. Mr. Kruppenbacher asked i~ the County Commission
had approved or reJected the proposed changes, and Ms.
Christman answered that she spoke from the staff level.
City Manager Ryan explained, and Ms. Christman agreed, that
she was acting %or the Planning Department based on their
interpretation of Orange County policy as demonstrated in
previous actions.
Mayor lson stated that as he had driven throughout Orange
County he had seen examples o~ good planning versus bad
planning, and that the Commission and Staff were striving to
provide visionary planning for this area. He said that on
some issues they would have to "agree to disagree" with the
County, but that they did want to hear what Ms. Christman had
to say.
Prior to the second readings o~ each Plan Amendment Ordinance
and/or Rezoning Ordinance, Planning Director Wagner described
each parcel and Assistant Planner Linda Rivera pointed out
the site on the map. Mr. Wagner explained that the
Developers Agreements were presented for review/approval
prior to the Rezoning Ordinances as the Commission had
previously directed.
Lindy Wede Rich Pe~i~ion
Review/Approvel - Oeveloper. A9reemen~
As there was no discussion, Commissioner Dabbs moved to
approve the Developers Agreement for Lindy Wade Rich,
Commissioner Hager seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Rezoning Ordinence 975 (Ce.. No. 02R-87)
From A-l Agricultural to C-2 Community Commercial
Planning Director Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title
only, and recommended that the parcel be rezoned as
requested. Mayor Ison opened the public hearing. There were
no comments so the public hearing was closed. Commissioner
Johnson moved to approve Ordinance 975, Commissioner Bateman
seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Peg- 7
Ci~y Commi..ion Mee~ing
Augu.~ 4, 1987
Gregory P. Sameno Pe~i~ion.
PI en Amendmen~ Ordinence 976 (Ce.e No. 02C-87)
From Rural Residential to Residential
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only~ and
explained that Staf% recommended approval of land use as
requested. As there were no comments, the public hearing was
closed. Commissioner Hager moved to approve Ordinance 976,
Commissioner Dabbs seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Commissioner Bateman commented that this action was a land
use change only, and not a rezoning.
Review/Approvel - Developer. Agreemen~
Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the Developers Agreement
for Gregory P. Samano, and Commissioner Johnson seconded.
Commissioner Bateman commented that Page 6, Paragraph 4, of
the Agreement left open the question of septic tanks. Mr.
Wagner stated that the developer must con%orm to all rules
and regulations, and that the City's ordinance was very
specific. Commissioner Bateman stated that developers
agreements should be more specific. The motion was
unanimously approved.
Rezoning Ordinence 977 (Ce.e No. 03R-87)
From A-l Agricultural to R-l-A Single Family Dwelling
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only, and
stated that Staff recommended approval. As there were no
comments, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner
Johnson moved to approve Ordinance 977, and Commissioner
Dabbs seconded. Commissioner Bateman commented that a R-l-A
zoning would not provide for quarter acre lots, and suggested
that the ordinance should indicate what Staff and the
Developer intended. Mr. Wagner suggested that lot size
specification would be more appropriate in the developers
agreement than in the rezoning ordinance, and Commissioner
Dabbs agreed. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated the City could
us the Developers Agreement as a means of setting the zoning,
etc.. Commissioner Bateman said he was looking at the issue
from the viewpoint 0% a Commission five years from now, and
that he was concerned about the protection of the City.
Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs, and Hager voted to approve
Ordinance 977, and Commissioner Bateman voted "No". The
motion carried three to one.
Devid Peerlmen Peti~ion
Plen Amendmen~ Ordinence 978 (Ce.e No. 03C-87)
From Institutional and Rural Residential to Commercial
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only. He
stated that Staff suggested proceeding cautiously and
recommended that the subJect property be placed in the
residential use category at this time. City Manager Ryan
stated that the Commission had previously recommended a
commercial land use for this property, and that Staff would
probably recommend dealing with it as a Commercial PUD. He
Peg- S
Ci~y Commi..ion Mee~ing
Augu.~ 4, 1987
stated that previous action was different from that
recommended tonight. Commissioners Bateman and Dabbs
recalled that their previous approval of the commercial land
use was done so primarily for the purpose of retaining and
expanding the existing airport. Mayor Ison commented that
Orange County obJected to commercial land use for this
property, and opened the public hearing. Dr. James
Ferdinand, representative for David Pearlman, stated that the
Aviation Authority's strong interest in expansion of the
Maguire Road airport had attenuated, but there was interest
in a commercial PUD. Commissioner Johnson asked what future
there would be for the airport if the Aviation Authority was
not interested. Dr. Ferdinand responded that there was
interest in changing to a first class mixed use which would
include restaurants.
Al Besade. 434 Wildwood Circle, Longwood. spoke in support of
commercial land use for this parcel. He indicated plans for
a residential development, a Golf Course, and a Country Club
for 456 acres which he owned in the area. He felt the
airport would preclude other desirable development. In
response to Mayor Ison's question, Mr. Besade said that the
expected start date for the course/club would be January or
February of 1988.
Commissioner Bateman stated that the City did not need
another fifty acres of commercial development on Maguire
Road, and supported an unclassified or residential land use
plan for the property. Commissioner Dabbs told Dr. Ferdinand
that he wished he had spent as much time "unselling" as
"selling" him on the airport issue. Dr. Ferdinand explained
that he had learned about the change in the airport matter
only two weeks earlier. Mayor Ison said that while the
County obJected to the commercial designation as premature,
the City must look out for its own best interests. The
public hearing was closed.
Planning Director Wagner explained that the Commission could
adopt, deny, or amend the ordinance. Commissioner Bateman
moved to reJect Plan Amendment Ordinance 978. Commissioner
Dabbs seconded for the purpose of discussion. In the
discussion, it was determined that reJection of the ordinance
would retain the County land use designation of
institutional/rural residential for the property. City
Manager Ryan suggested that the Commission specify some form
of land use for the City in order to provide direction for
the owner/developer. Commissioner Dabbs amended his motion
to change the land use in Ordinance 978 from commercial to
residential, Commissioner Dabbs seconded the amendment to the
motion, and the motion was unanimously approved as amended.
Pege 9
Ci~y Commiasion Me.~ing
Auguat 4, 1987
Review/Approvel - Developer. Agre.m.n~
Commissioner Dabbs moved to talbe consideration of the
Developers Agreement for David Pearlman until such time as
the resolution 0% the zoning is considered, Commissioner
Bateman seconded, and approval was unanimous.
R. L. Ferdinend Pe~i~ion
Plen Amendmen~ Ordinence 979 (Ce.e No. 04C-81)
From Rural Residential to Commercial
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only, and
explained that Sta%f recommended the property be placed in
the residential use category at this time. Mayor lson opened
the public hearing. He noted the County's obJections to
commercial use for this property. Dr. James Ferdinand
supported the commercial use as requested. The public
hearing was closed. Commissioner Hager moved to approve
Ordinance 979 as amended to read "residential" in I ieu of
"commercial", Commissioner Johnson seconded, and the motion
was approved by Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs, and Hager.
(Commissioner Bateman out of room 11:55 P.M. - 12:05 A.M.)
Review/Approvel - Developers Agr.em.n~
Commissioner Johnson moved to table the Developers Agreement
for R. L. Ferdinand (Case No. 04C-87), Commissioner Bateman
seconded, and approval was unanimous.
R. L. Ferdinend P.~i~ion
Plen Amendmen~ Ordinence 980 (Ce.e No. 0~C-87)
From Rural Residential to Commercial
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only, and
explained that Staf% recommended residential use status for
this property at this time. There were no comments so the
public hearing was closed. Commissioner Dabbs moved to
approve this 9.7 acre tract for commercial land use. The
motion died for lack of a second. City Manager Ryan
commented that it would be appropriate to downgrade to
residential in order to be consistent. (Commissioner Johnson
out of room 12:09 A.M. - 12:10 A.M.) Commissioner Bateman
moved to approve Ordinance 980 with an amendment from
commercial to residential land use, Commissioner Dabbs
seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Review/Approvel - Developera Agreemen~
The Developers Agreement had been previously tabled.
R. L. Ferdinend Pe~ition
Plen Amendment Ordinenc. 981 (Ce.e No. 06C-87)
From Residential to Commercial
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only, and
stated Staff's recommendation to take no action. This would
allow the land use designation to remain residential. As
there were no comments, the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Bateman moved to disapprove Ordinance 981,
P~g. 10
City Commission Meeting
Augu.~ 4, 1987
Commissioner Hager seconded, and the motion was unanimously
Review/Approvel - Dev.lopers Agreemen~
The Developers Agreeaent was previously tabled.
R. L. Ferdinend Pe~i~ion
Plen Am.ndmen~ Ordinenc. 982 (Ce.. No. 07C-87)
From Residential to Commercial
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only, and
stated Staff's recommendation for residential land use for
this property. There being no comments, the public hearing
was closed. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve Ordinance
982, and Commissioner Johnson seconded. Mr. Wagner commented
that this parcel was adJacent to a parcel zoned commercial by
the County. Ms. Christman noted the County's obJection to
commercial xor this site. Commissioner Bateman stated that
the Commission should be consistent with all four parcels in
the area. Commissioners Johnson and Dabbs voted "Yes" on the
motion, Commissioners Bateman and Hager voted "No", and Mayor
Ison voted "Yes". The motion carried three to two.
Review/Approvel - Developers Agre.men~
The Developers Agreeaent had been previously tabled.
Cherle. & Jeme. Hew~horne Pe~i~ion.
Plen Am.ndm.n~ Ordinence 983 (Ce.. No. 08C-87)
From Low/Medium Density Residential to Residential
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only, and
stated that Staxf supported the land use as requested in the
Ordinance. Mayor Ison opened the public hearing. Scott
Henderson, of Glatting, Lopez, Kercher, and Anglin, was
present to represent the petitioner. There were no xurther
comments so the public hearing was closed. Commissioner
Johnson moved to approve Ordinance 983, Commissioner Bateman
seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Review/Approvel - Developer. Agre.m.n~
Commissioner Bateman moved to approve the
Agreement xor the Charles and James Hawthorne
Commissioner Hager seconded, and the motion was
Rezoning Ordinence 986 (Ce.e N. 09R-87)
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only, and
stated the public hearing was to be opened but action should
be deferred because the property was to be rezoned as PUD
which required approval of a Preliminary Master Plan, and a
third reading would be held at some future date. Mayor Ison
opened the public hearing, there were no comments, so the
hearing wag continued as noted above.
Pege 11
Ci~y Commi..ion Mee~in9
Auguat 4, 1987
Anne L. Devia & Tom Weat Pe~i~ion.
Plen Amendmen~ Ordinence 98~ (Caae No. 12C-87)
From Rural Residential to Residential
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only, and
stated that Staff recommended approval. There were no
comments so the public hearing was closed. Commissioner
Hager moved to approve Ordinance 985, Commissioner Bateman
seconded and approval was unanimous.
Review/Approvel - Developer. Agreemen~
Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the Developers Agreement
for Anna L. Davis and Tom West petitions, Commissioner
Johnson seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved.
Rezoning Ordinence 986 (Ce.e No. 13R-87)
From R-CE-2 Rural Residential to R-1A Single Family
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only. There
were no comments so the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Bateman questioned the zoning of the homes
south of this property. Commissioner Bateman moved to
approve Ordinance 986, Commissioner Johnson seconded, and
approval was unanimous.
Weacer, Inc. P.ti~iona
Plen Amendment Ordinence 987 (Ce.e No. 14C-87)
From Low Density Residential to Commercial/Residential
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only, and
explained that Staff recommended approval of Commercial land
use for approximately 8 acres of the site, and Residential
land use f~r the remaining 15.3 acres of the parcel. Mayor
lson opened the public hearing. Nancy Christman stated the
County's obJection to extension of commercial development in
the SUbJect area. Mr. Wagner explained that Staff would work
with the developers, and would hope the Developers Agreement
to be presented would address the County's concerns. There
were no further comments so the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve Ordinance 987,
and Commissioner Johnson seconded. Commissioner Bateman
asked if the map would become part of the ordinance, and Mr.
Wagner answered that it would not, but that the legal
description in the ordinance accurately reflected the map.
The motion was unanimously approved.
Review/Approvel - Developer. Agreement
The Developers Agreement for Wescar, Inc. (Case No.14-C87)
had been withdrawn.
Rezoning Ordinence 988 (Ce.e No. 15R-87)
From A-l Agricultural District to C-2 Community
Commercial (8 acres) and R-l-AA Single Family (15.3. Acres)
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only, and
explained that Staff recommended opening the public hearing
but deferring action to follow a third reading. Mayor leon
opened the public hearing. There were no comments so the
public hearing was continued to August 18th meeting.
P~ge 12
Ci~y Commiaaion Mee~ing
Augu.~ 4, 1987
Jey & Doti Schorr Petitions
Plen Amendment Ordinence 989 (Ce.e No. 15C-87)
From Low Density Residential to Residential
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only, and
stated that Staff supported the petition. There being no
comments, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner
Johnson moved to approve Plan Amendment Ordinance 989,
Commissioner Bateman seconded, and the motion was unanimously
Review/Approvel - Developera Agreement
Consideration of the Developers Agreement for Jay & Doti
Schorr petitions was deferred until the August 18th meeting.
Rezoning Ordinence 990 (Ceae No. 16R-87)
From A-l Agricultural to R-l-AA Single Family Dwelling
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only, and
recommended that action be deferred and the public hearing
continued to the third reading on August 18th. Mayor Ison
opened the public hearing. Ms. Christman stated that the
County was pleased that a lower density zoning was being
requested than that which had originally been considered.
There were no additional comments so the public hearing was
Weacer, Inc. Pe~i~ion.
Plen Amendmen~ Ordinence 991 (Ceae No. 16C-87)
From Rural Residential to Residential
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only, and
stated that Staff was in agreement with residential land use
for the entire parcel. Mayor leon opened the public hearing.
Attorney William Reischmann addressed the Commission as
representative for Clarcona area residents to reiterate their
strong opposition to a land use change from rural residential
to urban residential. Mayor lson asked if a Clarcona
representative had attended the Joint meetings of
Staff/Attorneys for the City and the County to work out an
agreement on this issue. Mr. Reischmann said that they had
attended the first meeting, but not the second one. City
Manager Ryan said the agreement at the second meeting was the
same as at the first. Mr. Reischmann stated that Clarcona
homeowners disagreed with the City/County agreement.
Mr. Ryan stated that the Orange County Commission had
approved the land use change subJect to the agreement worked
out by the attorneys. There were no further comments so the
public hearing was closed. Commissioner B~teman moved to
approve Ordinance 991, Commissioner Johnson seconded, and
approval was unanimous.
Review/Approvel - Developer. Agreem.n~
The Developers Agreement for Wescar, Inc., Case No. 17R-87,
was tabled.
Peg. 13
Ci~y Commi..ion M..~ing
Augu.~ 4, 1987
Rezoning Ordinence 992 (Cea. No. 17R-87)
A-l Agricultural to R-l-A Single Family Dwelling
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only, and
stated that Starf supported the rezoning subJect to the
resolution of litigation with the County. He explained that
burfer areas and larger lots would be provided by the
Developers Agreement. He recommended that the public hearing
be opened and continued to a third reading at the August 18th
meeting. Attorney Reischmann asked the Commission to uphold
the Planning & Zoning Board's recommendation in April to
deny Wescar's petition for R-l-A and to retain A-l as in the
County. Dennis Phipps, P. O. Box 560, Clarcona, stated his
concern that the increased traffic on Apopka-Vineland would
exceed its capacity, and his concern about the change in
zoning classirication ror the surrounding area. City Manager
Ryan and Nancy Christman explained that deed restrictions and
covenants would provide a stronger statement and better
guarantee ror acceptable development. Philip Rich, 5824
Ingram Road, Apopka stated his belief that social and
political concerns were not taken into account in the zoning
decision made by attorneys in the law suit, and appealed to
the Commission to "revisit the real issues". Mr. Ryan stated
for the record that those decisions arrived at by legal
counsel had been brought back to the Board.
David Outlaw, of Wescar, Inc., stated that he had been
present for the negotiations as an affected party, and he
believed both Boards had compromised. Louis Geyes, President
of Wescar, Inc. echoed Mr. Outlaw's comments. There were no
further comments, so the public hearing was continued to the
August 18th meeting.
City 0% Oco.. Petition
Plen Am.ndmen~ Ordinenc. 993 (Ce.. No. 17C-87)
From Residential to Commercial
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only. He
explained that Staff recommended this change to commercial to
complement the Prairie Lake PUD. There were no comments, so
the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Dabbs moved to
approve Ordinance 993, Commissioner Hager seconded, and
approval was unanimous.
City 0% Ocoee Petition
Rezoning Ordinence 994 (Ce.. No. 18R-87)
From Unclassizied to 1-1 Restricted Manufacturing and
Warehousing District
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only.
explained that Staff recommended the parcel be rezoned
promote consistency with the existing use of the site
surrounding development. There were no comments so
public hearing was closed. Commissioner Bateman moved
Pege 14
Ci~y Commi..ion Mee~ing
Augu.~ 4, 1987
approve Ordinance 994,
approval was unanimous.
Commissioner Hager seconded,
City of Ocoe. P.ti~ion
Plen Am.ndmen~ Ordinence 993 (Ce.e No. 18C-87)
From Commercial to Industrial
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only, and
added that Staff recommended this change. There were no
comments so the public hearing was closed. Commissioner
Dabbs moved to approve Ordinance 995. Commissioner Johnson
seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Rezoning Ordinance 996 (Ce.e No. 19R-87)
From 1-2 Industrial Park to 1-1 Restricted Manufacturing
and Warehouse District
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only, and
recommended the Commission confer this zoning. There were no
comments so the public hearing was ~losed. Commissioner
Bateman moved to approve Ordinance 996, Commissioner Hager
seconded, and approval was unanimous.
John G. Pierce Pe~i~ion.
Plen Amendmen~ Ordinence 997 (Ce.e No. 19C-87)
From Low Density Residential to Commercial
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only. He
stated that Staff recommended approval as petitioned. and
that the County had no obJections. There were no comments so
the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Bateman moved to
approve Ordinance 997, Commissioner Dabbs seconded, and
approval was unanimous.
Revi.w/Approvel - Developer. Agreem.n~
No Developers Agreement was available.
Rezoning Ordinence 998 (Ce.. No. 20R-87)
C-l Retail Commercial to C-3 General Commercial
Mr. Wagner read the proposed ordinance by title only. He
recommended that the public hearing be opened and continued
to the next meeting. There were no comments so the hearing
was continued to August 18th.
Mayor 1son commented that, as a City Official, he appreciated
the hard work of the Staff on the presentation of these
petitions, but as a tax payer he was disgusted with the state
requirements. If the plan remained in existence, he
suggested future petitions not be considered all in one
Other Bu.ine..
City Manager Ryan stated that Coach Bill Chambers, Chairman
of the Recreation Advisory Board, had requested a $500.00
donation to aid in sending the Girls Club Softball team to
the Nationals. He explained that the funds could be
transferred from unappropriated reserve. Commissioner Dabbs
Pege 15
City Commi..ion Meeting
Auguat 4, 1987
moved to approve the donation as requested.
Hager seconded, and approval was unanimous.
There were no comments.
Preliminery Annexetion Review - Mexim Building Corporation
Russ Wagner
Mr. Wagner explained that Maxim Building Corporation was a
subdivision of Cardinal Industries, and that Michael Slater,
their representative, was present to introduce and discuss
the annexation petition. Mr. Slater explained their request
for annexation of property located at the northeast corner of
Marshall Farms Road and SR 50 for the purpose of development
of a sales center to include seven single family models. He
stated that the proposed development would be designed not
only to preserve all existing trees and fauna, but also to
add extensive landscaping and beautification. The proJect
would serve as an aesthetic buffer between the commercial
and residential land uses and would be an asset to the
Mayor Ison stated that he had received a letter from Owen
Shepherd, Mayor of Casselberry, highly recommending Cardinal
Commissioner Bateman stated that he was concerned about
additional traffic at the Marshall Farms Road/SR 50
intersection, as it was the most dangerous intersection in
the City. Mr. Slater said that their development should add
only about sixty trips a week to the intersection.
Commissioner Dabbs expressed his surprise at only sixty
additional trips. Mayor Ison said that they would have to
look into the intersection as the proJect plans developed.
Mr. Wagner explained, as a point of clarification, that work
could proceed under County zoning. Due to the plan amendment
process. their petitions, which had already been submitted,
would not be agended until early 1988. In response to
Commissioner Bateman~s question, the Vice-President of Maxim
Building Corporation, Paul Renfroe, explained that they would
hire local talent.
Proposed Franchise for Ceblevision of Central Flordie
This item had been handled earlier in the meeting.
Proposed Contract for City Menager - Commissioner Johnson
Commissioner Johnson submitted a contract for the City
Peg- 16
Ci~y Commi..ion Mee~in9
Augu.~ 4, 1987
Manager ~or the review o~ the Commission. He felt that after
the Sentinel article in which the Commission gave the City
Manager a "good report card", they should show some faith and
"take him o:f:f the market" by way of a contract. Mr. Johnson
asked the other commissioners :for suggestions.
Commissioner Bateman stated that the contract should be
written in accordance with the City Charter, and that the
contract or charter should be changed. He suggested the City
Attorney be asked to review it. Commissioner Dabbs stated
that he conceptually agreed with the contract, but that it
should be brought in line with the Charter, and that an
evaluation process should be incorporated in the contract.
Commissioner Hager stated that he did not have any problem
with it, but thought the City Attorney should deal with it,
and that the City Manager should look at it. Mayor lson
pointed out that, when Mr. Ryan was hired, a contract had
been discussed for a later time.
The Commissioners agreed to ask the City Attorney and
Manager to review the contract and bring it back to
Follow-up Agende
Mr. Ryan stated his belief that the Mitchell paving proJect
would be a successful one.
Mr. Ryan will contact Orange County Commission Chairman Lou
Treadway about County participation in the funding of bus
service in the Ocoee, Winter Garden and Apopka area.
Upde~e on S~ucki Proper~y Acqui.i~ion
Mr. Ryan directed the Commissionersl attention to a copy of
a July 23, 1987 letter from Ronald Stucki in which he
requested the use o:f a Joint appraiser for the subJect
property. Mr. Stucki had also stated that he would have his
attorney file suit if the City does not present him with an
acceptable of :fer by 9/1/87. This item will be placed on the
August 18th Agenda.
Ci~y A~torney
Proposed Ordinance, Ocoee Historic Commission
This item was postponed to the August 18th Agenda.
Commissioner Dabbs
Silver Star Road.
commented about a flooding problem on
Commissioners Johnson, Bateman, and Hager
Peg. 17
Ci~y Commi..ion M..~ing
Augu.t 4, 1987
had no additional comments.
Mayor Ison commented that the Commission had been extremely
supportive of Staff in their decisions tonight, having gone
along with their suggestions in about 99% of the issues.
The meeting adJourned at 2:20 A.M..
Mayor Ison
Deputy Clerk Green