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SEPTEM8ER 1. 1987
The meeting was celled to order at 6:00 p.m. by Meyor Ison.
Joe Greco, owner 0% Floride Auto Auction, and Ludwig Spiessl,
architect ~or Florida Auto Auc~ion, presented a conceptual
drawing 0% the proposed expansion plans %or the auto auction.
This included an additional 11 acres o~ parking,
rein%orceaent 0% the retention arees and an additional exit
onto Marshell Farms Road. The Commission expressed concern
about the exit onto Marshall Ferms Roed, but Mr. Greco and
City Menager Ryan explained thet it would only be a one way
exit ou~ 0% the euction in order to %ecilitate access to the
turnpike. In response ~o the number 0% car carriers on the
property, Mr. Greco stated thet on a big sele day there were
epproximetely 100 to 150 car carriers end on a normel dey 70
to 75. The auction was the largest in the country, employed
455 people with a payroll o~ $75,000.00 per week. They hoped
to heve the expension work completed by June 1988.
Commissioner Beteman expressed his concern ebout the cer
cerriers thet perked in the Holiday Inn perking lot and asked
i% something could be done. Mr. Greco stated thet he wes
eware 0% the problem and would work something out with the
drivers. The Commission told Mr. Greco they were pleased to
have the auction as part 0% the community and was e nice
esset to the city.
Plenning Director Wegner expleined thet this was presented to
them primarily at a work session because they had been
working with the Planning & Zoning Board, were getting into
detailed plans, and wanted aome direction %rom the Commission
be%ore they go back ~o the Planning & Zoning Board. Scott
Henderson, Glatting, Lopez, Kercher & Anglin, stated that the
proposed development consiated 0% multi~amily dwellings at 12
units per acre and single %amily dwellings at 4 units per
ecre. The continuation 0% Montgomery Roed, eccess to Silver
Star, 50 %eet setbeck %rom the leke with an enviornmentel
swele, open spece requirements, bu~~ering o~ the adJoining
property owners, 100 %eet setback %rom the 2/3 story units,
and setback %rom Silver Ster were included in the plen. He
then asked %or comments. Mr. Wagner steted thet the Plenning
& Zoning Boerd we. esked to make a recommendetion but they
%elt they did not heve enough in%ormation and wented the plen
to come beck to them elthough they had approved the density.
Mr. Wagner ~elt the denaity was a meJor issue. City Menager
Ryen sugge.ted tha~ the Planning & Zoning Board migh~ have
di%%erent ideas 0% density then the City Commission.
Com.issioner Batemen esked if the homes on the lake would
have paved access and he was assured that either Wescar or
Peg- 2
C1~y Co..1aa1on Workahop
Sap~_.b_r 1. 19877
this development would provide eccess. Meyor Ison suggested
they check into who owned the canel since they plen to bridge
the cenel. Scott Wilt, ettorney %or the proJect, stated that
he would check with Mr. TOM West and repor~ beck to the
Commission. Commissioner Dabbs questioned whether the
proJect would be done in phases and was told the single
%amily phase would be done %irs~ and that the issue was
density. Meyor Ison suggested that on the eest side of the
proJect where buildings 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 were located,
they might consider single faMily dwellings which would make
it comparable with the Wescar development proposed to the
east. Mr. Wilt stated that they were trying to also separate
the Multi%amily %rom the single %amily.
City Kenager Ryan sumMerized the issues es follows: the
densi~y 0% 528 units, possible change to single family on the
eesternboundery, traffic analysis, buffer the west boundery,
extensive roed improvements, protection of the leke and the
proJect ~o be teken beck to the Planning & Zoning Boerd.
City Keneger Ryen reported ~het es requested by the
Commission, Steff Met with representetives of the neighboring
eree end went over their list of concerns. He presented the
Commission with a list of the residen~'s issues, derived as
e result of the Meeting, elong with the City Staff's
recommendetion. The meJor issue with the residents wes for
one ecre zoning throughout the property including the one
ecre cluster in the "finger" percel off of Apopka-Vineland
Roed end the second MaJor issue wes for R-1-AAA zoning
insteed of the R-1-A that was proposed. Louis Geys, owner
of Wescar, stated tha~ he basically agreed with iteMS 1-15
end thet they hed Me~ with Mr. Co%%man and agreed to work out
his concerns. Dennis Phipps, President of the Clarcona
Improvement Associetion, atated that except for giving their
list of concerns, he was not sa~isfied wi~h the meeting. He
felt that the elected officials would be at the meeting not
Just the Steff end Just like them, he had Just received the
list tonight. This matter will be taken up further on the
regular agenda for the 9-1-87 Meeting.
The workshop adJourned at 7:1~ P....__~~_