HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmergency Item - Ocoee Founder's Day Festival Request for Road Closure center of GOOd LJ /ffl... ... ..,'tt.. '~.........,. Q 08 ...... AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: October 7, 2008 Item # ~LjMerY\ Contact Name: Contact Number: Craig Shadrix (407) 905-3158 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Ocoee Founders Day Festival Request for Road & Public Boat Ramp Closing Background Summary: In order to temporarily close a public street, the approval of the Honorable Mayor and City Commission is required. Jeffrey W. Hayes, Parks & Recreation Director, has made an application to the City for a Special Events Permit for the Ocoee Founders Day Festival that would require the temporary closing of City owned streets. The events will be held on October 17 & 18, 2008. The streets to be closed are Flewelling Avenue, Rewis Street, Mckey Street, Cumberland Avenue, Oakland Avenue, Bluford Avenue, Lakewood Avenue. A portion of S. Lakeshore Drive will be closed on October 16, 2008 at noon. The public boat ramp at Starke Lake will be closed on October 17 & 18. See attached location map. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve the temporary closing of public streets for the purpose of the Ocoee Founders Day Festival? Recommendations Staff respectfully recommends approval with the following requirements: 1) All residents that will be affected by the road closing must be notified in advance; 2) Health Central Ambulance must be notified of the road closings in advance; 3) Roads must be blocked with proper barricades; 4) An emergency lane must be maintained during the event. Attachments: Location Map Financial Impact: Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'? Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution X Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deat Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda _ Original DocumenUContract Attached for Execution by City Clerk ~ Original DocumenUContract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by 0 N/A N/A N/A .;, -- ... ., . " , f' r c,' . "- c. . "~, . -..:.... .~ . - '..'. . ~ . c.enter of GOod I.J '\. 't'-e -- "--. ;>J1{o Organization Head Quarters Name:~onde6 Do.y - c.. \ i-y 0+ Oc.oee Address: \ 50 ~ A~.,}.ncP. De. City: CCnu State: FL Zip Code: O'frJC,o I Phone#:~l"J) qoS-~\W Representative Name: 'Se+.t ~~s., Address: M.mP- , ..., City: State: Phone #: ' . Applicant (if different): '. Name: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Phone #: Type of Event Parade_ Ceremony -L Exhibition ./ Show V Concert ~ Demonstration . Other . . Date(s)andlime(s)schecbJled; :tt%,:~t:~ 1'1'!t i ~~~::~;~ ... .., .: Na~ and types of activities: (' r.r 5n.l)w )~.}p\Q.t' ~ ) ~\'d.e~ 1 J:Ood V~d.o"(S) "0'. . " ~Pr+ ) F(rew8r~Ci . Approximate number of spectators and participants: . \2..pco - \'5 \ <::>00 Purpose of Special event: Oc.oee.. t=OuV"lde r~' .~;., ~~.J-i ~o. \' , Exact location ofevent-6L.\\ Breeze Po.r~) tv\tt~ s+~ ,tDb~i\~L) Q.~ Designation of public facilities or equipment to be used: Bi 1I "" U1# M o/ou~ds ~_~""~""" ~r> ~ Ck.,~ \f1~\\ 0.\\ daJf (iZoeuls ~ \~.l~~ f ,. I LA~d ') ~ A~ Number of temporary directional signs: . x $5.00 per sign = . '" Midt. :r~., , Zip Code: -- ."-', " . - . ,.' ." City ofOcoee. 150 N Lakeshore Drive. Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3104. fax: (407) 656-5398 · www.ci.ocoee.fl.us Copy of State Permit if State roadway is used: 0 yes 0 no For Parade: Exact location of marshalling and staging area: ~ A Time at which units,qfparade will begin to arrive: Time at which units of parade will be dispersed: Exact route to be traveled shown on attached map: 0 yes 0 no Please attach approximate # of persons, animals, & vehicles participating with description of types of animals and vehicles. Parade will occupy all of the width of the street, roadway, or sidewalk: 0 yes 0 no For Fireworks: The following shall be.attached to this application: 1) A detailed listing of the type & quantity of fireworks to be used. 2) A detailed written- statement outlining all appropriate safety procedures which will be used at fireworks display in order to protect the safety of the public and all surrounding property. 3) A detailed written statement describing what facilities and containers will be used to store fireworks. 4) If applicable, applicants federal license # for transporting fireworks across state line. 5) A detailed list of names, addresses, occupations, and backgrounds of all individuals . who will be responsible for the actual display, use or explosion of any fireworks. The backgrounds statemeni Should include a complete history of the experience of the individuals involved with respect to their use of fireworks, including a detailed list and explanation of eacliand every accident resulting from the use of fireworks which the individual has been responsible for, or involved in. 6) A map showing.ex.actlaunch point and area of fallout. APp)j.a~t Signa~: -III? w -d r 9 -2.3 ~{)1 Date: o Approved Police Chief o Disapproved o Conditions for permit attached Date: o Approved Fire Chief o Disapproved o Conditions for permit attached Date: Ii'.i2nproved ~ Conditi5l"" Mpemllt attached I'BciTding Official . ____- Date: OCT . 7 ,nnR ,~ j .I\i Founders' Oav Festival October 17th and 18th. 2008 Thursday. October 16th Noon - Midniaht 1. N. Lakeshore Dr. from the Boat Dock to E, Oakland St. (stage set-up) Friday. October 17th Closed 5Dm - Midniaht 1. Close Bluford Ave from Franklin St. to N, McKey St. 2. Close N. Lakeshore Dr, from N, Lakewood Ave, to E. Mckey St. 3. Close N, Lakewood Ave. from E. Oakland St. to E. McKey St. 4, Close E. Oakland from Bluford Ave, to N. Lakeshore Dr. Saturday. October 18th Closed 4am - Midniaht 1, Close Bluford Ave from Franklin St. to N. McKey St. 2, Close N. Lakeshore Dr, from N. Lakewood Ave, to E. Mckey St. 3. Close N, Lakewood Ave. from E. Oakland St. to E. McKey St. 4, Close E. Oakland from Bluford Ave. to N, Lakeshore Dr, 5. Close Mckey St from S. Lakewood. to Kissimmee Ave, - (for Car Show until approx. 4pm) Closed 7am - 9:30am (5K Race) 1. Close Bluford Ave. form Mckey St. to Orlando Ave. 2. Close S. Lakewood from Delaware St. to Orlando Ave 3. Close Orlando Ave, from Bluford Ave, to Stinnett Dr./Shoal Creek Dr, 4, Close Magnolia St., Floral St., Lafayette St., Ohio St., Delaware St, and 7'h Ave. where they meet Bluford (approx at 7:30am)\ 5. Close Banderas Ave" Sleepy Harbor Dr., Burr Oak Dr" Stinnett Dr" and Shoal Creek Dr. where they meet Orlando Ave, (approx. 7:30am) 150 N. Lakeshore Dr. , Ocoee, Florida 34761 - Google Maps Page 1 of 1 G Address 150 N Lakeshore Dr Ocoee, FL 34761 Notes Ocoee f LakeView-St < CD $\ ----e-oakiand'St b ~_... z i ~ (11 "_w,,,._"'@"~ ".._; Matfl.St w_. E Mckey St "-'j(h II ~ (11 $.1$ Alfe-j c.,-,~..,,,..''i_, j (f)! 01 c:! 3' a'! .. _..,.. _-4 I r@"'''.'!.~ ~!-l 0.\ j ~l ' j(1li 11 ~ I I t,. ! I I I j ! .M5!!;!l!aSt I.. \ . #/,/' ,.^ """""",,,J ~""",,,,,,",,,,~:,,-~.,,,:,..<,' ..,.' ,,>, .~\ '-Lafa~ 'I" r"-'~'-'@".' La!!~~ ~".._".."..~".",. " . i ~ ~ if t LJ @2008 Google - Map data @20Q8'~ http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q= 150+N. +Lakeshore+Dr. +, +Ocoe... 8/20/2008 I . 1 ' .11, II . ,II' I.; I , . ~ I' \ 1 I 1\ .\. " . i I; I' . I " I. I Ii . ;1 I i I t 1 .",' , Ii : .' . ! I I : I: \ I' ! f I \ I : 1 I I Ii I \ I: I (:.\ I II II II. II ,\ \ . ~ I ' I " i r I ' I . . I ,. JUL-18-2008 12:31PM FROM-ZAMBELLI FIREWORKS INTL 5613951799 *'~~ ~~ij ) · . ~1~rf((I' ~;ZAMBELLI '\ FIR E W 0 R K 5 I NTI::RNATIONAL.e:: I,)r.) , ,r\~'.l .'", --'-":-,""1)1, \.,.;l''';;.r" . ":'~I, '9~ --~:-:\}: J.<-,oo;:?:,,",. -~~. ~ \-7; /.'~ '\ ~,." I <:;1~:1~."\' " ' fl,Ot>,tZ 1\ ,I',' '..' :~. '\.:r.-f!~~,,:'tIP:f i~Thl'< U.S. Ct:lllt,:lOR.TF: "'EAO"'I.I^ATC::~= 1'1, O. Bex 1463 New CA::f'1 Lt::, f11\ 1';'103 SOO-24Q-D397 7~4'O~IJ.f!o+n 1 I "'/~"'''DSB'B3' 8 '.AK :;:iOI,ITa..I:'RN RCCIClN , W. C^f"4''''O RCAL. Bau~t.vA-=-tI ~1,IITrr. 10C BOCA RATe,,"., F'L ",~'1:32 eOo-13oo'Cl955 :161-:;'95-0')55 :,c;'-3':lS-1799""'x Wt'li:nLUN ,:((GIt:'N I',C. lIex 9B6 Sl'1Al-"ILk. CA. 93263 I~CO'32 2.7 I 42 GGI-74Co.;>S<l;.l Oe., """16.:!a~4 ,."'.. WWW.ZAMWc;L~.H.IRF.\NnAl(~.CO..". T-23Z P,OOI/006 F-139 Thursday, July 17. 2008 Butch Stanley Fire Marshal Ocoee Fire Department 563 S. Bluford Avenue Ocoee, FL 34761 Dear Fire Marshal Stanley, We are very excited and looking foxward to making arrangements for your October 18, 2008 Fireworks Display. Meanwhile, I bave attached the following documents that I will need returned to me as soon as possible, our company contract, communication sheet, insurance requisition form and a deposit invoice in the amount ofSlO,OOO.OO. Please sign the contract where indicated for "Client" and return tlle contract for final acceptance. Also, it is important to complete the insurance requisition form, the diagram and firing site infOI1Ilation and return them to our office along with a site diagram as instructed. These are requirements of our insurance carrier and will be helpful in the processing of your Certificate of Insurance. Once again, thank you and it's our pleasure to send this paperwork to you at this time. Sincerely, ZAMBELLI FIREWORKS MFG. CO. Enc: Company Contract, Invoice, Communication Sheet, Insurance Requisition FOIIIl and required Diagram and Firing Site Information- FAXED TO (407) 905-3129 TIlEN SENT REGULAR MAIL JUL-19-Z009 lZ:3IPM FROM-ZAMBELLI FIREWORKS INTL 5613951799 T-Z3Z P,OOZ/006 F-139 ~~t'.I..LI.a:.J.JLI& .' "I.'~ .. '-"&'-A~ J.'.&..l"1.4. Lt&'.nt.'-'... v&'-&.&' ~ ~'-".&...... ............ a.... .a...,..., . THIS COl'ffRACT AND AGREEMENT for the ~Dle of Fireworks mad~ iUld cODcluded thisll~ day of July, A.D. 2008, by iIIId ~ecn Ztlmb~/li Firew()rks Manufacrur;"g Co., ofNcw CL~tle, Pennsylv~a. (hettinattlll' I'ofmed to as "Zambelli"), -A,ND- City ofOcoee (be:rdlllJft.:r ref=od to as "Client") WrJ1llESS ETH: For and in considmtioQ of thll sum of One Dollar, each to tile: othCf' in hunt! paid, reeeipt of which is hereby acknowledged, iUld of th~ t~ and cOllclitiollS hlll'einallcr m~'Iltionl:d, Zambelli and Client do mt,lrwilly und sever.l.lly agt'lllllo perform tneir sc:vc:nl and rl:lipccriv~ coveoants :uld to comply wilh alltenns conditions IIIId payments of this controct: ' , ZAMBELLI "greet: I. To sell. furnish lnd deliver 10 CliCl\t, Fireworla to bc CJthibited on th~ foDowing dates Silt fonh and agreed upon at the: time: of ~igning this contraCt aDd Clienl 3grees to puy Zambelli for the Fireworks as follows: Displny Doee(a): October II, Z008 POltpDnDmcnt DlIlc(a): CDntf'llCf AmOunt: 10,000.00; 50% due upon signing Ihe ConlnlCt IInel bablOce due lit Noon on the display d.,to; all payment.q shall be made by DllIft or Certified check payable to Zambelli Fireworks Manufolcruring Corporotion, unless otherwise aUlhorized in wrltinS; NO CASH shall be paid to any agcnt or employee of Zambelli withoul lllrinen aUthority. 2. ZAMBELLI further asrcCli to fumisb, sulIicieel rroi.aed personnel 10 prcscnl a di~plIY. CLltNT rU"hDr ICI"OCISI ), To prcCIlle: III1d furnish 11 6uilllble place to display the s3id fireworks: to fUmi.s11 the nccolllll}' police and fire pl'Olllelioni to ~ceure 111, Police:, LocuJ, i1nd Slllte PermilS, and to amngo for an ,ecuril}l boncb or insumncc IS nlL'luin:d by lAw in their community when neco6llry; to fumish :l dry, s3fo and convcnicnt place 1(1 store thc fireworks. 4. Prior to, during. and immediately followi.ag till: displ3Y. Clicnt shall be solely rl:5ponaible 10 keep all persall (l:xccpt employcel' of Zambelli) oul of the d~sjgna,,!d d3llger 3m5 and bebind safety zone linea and Iimilli; S. Following the display ClieoI shall be solely responsible t'or ALL cleanup lII1d policing of the display ate3. TIlt PARTIES mucllIlly agree: 6. Ie ij; a~ed and understood by the parties her~o that in the cvclll Fircworb bilVIl be~ WI:l\ oue and ,et up before incll!lnCDI weatller and with adcq\lllte weather prevailing, "'\Ich ~bilion of fU'elllorks wiD be earriec1 out in we bot possible mlllUlcr without any deductions from the befon: lIIIIIIed cornpel\li3tions. Should inclement weadler prevcnt firing of said displllY 011 the ufon:mentiolll!d Display Daw. them it will be undeRlood that prllgl'3m is posrponcd and will be fin:d OD the: llforeml!ntioced ' PO~tpc:ma=llIlI D3re. and lhere will be a cllarge: to cover Ihe cost of PollpaDcmcnt il; 20'/. PillS Fermits and Firrwlltcb Ftes, If thl:l'O is no alternatc date a!'lel the pRlB-llij; Dot fU'Cd 011 the :1forementioaed Display Date, then it will be undenaood th~ program is cancelled and then: will b" 3 charge to cover tllo cosrs of Cl\uc.naelon Is 50% Flus Permln and Firll",.tcb FCCL ZambIlUi relll!rVes the exclusive righe 10 make minor modifications IIId lubstitutioDS provided thaI such CllllllSes IU'C l'ClISODllbl~ llIId Ilccl!Ssary3cd do 1I0t materially advcncly effecl price:, time ofd~livC'l)l, fUllCtiOll31 Cha/'3CtCf or display perfonnance, g. If !h(llocation of the tiring ,hc, spccllltor's loclltion, p4rlcing llre3S or SUUCtures is deemed un$Uitable or WlliIIIe, in ~ discretion ot" Zambelli or ;1.$ asent! or pc:nOlUlc:l, Zambelli may remse to fire the display u!'ltil conditions are corm:tt:d. II such coaditioas arc not corrected. Zmnbelli may cancel the display without tUnher liability 10 the: Client for such I:UIlC ell4tioll 9. This COD!.1Ct shall bo deemed made in the Commollwealth orpeonsylvan.ia and shaD bo conmucted in accordance with tho 11"'5 of Pc:n!'l9)'lvwa. Tbe pwtiC'i :1f:l'C1l IIl1d eO/lliCllt to the jurisdiction of Peon sylvania to dClcnnine eonfiiclM reJlllIding the la4guage:tDd payments 10 bemllde: under this ConII'3Cl. 10. If c1ieDt becolnes blnla1lpl or iMolvCllt, or if II petiLioD in b3lWuJltcy is filed by or apimt the Client or if 3 receiver is appointed for the Clicat, Z:lmbelli m3Y refuse 10 lD3)' Nl1l1er delivery and may terminatc thi& coatrolCl wirhoul prejudico to the righlS of Zambe:IIi, II the Cli~'tlI'S tinancia' conditioll5 bccolDcs UDS:1tisf.1etory to Zambelli, Lunbelli, may requite tbe baJ3Ilcc of thc purchase price to be dcpOliitl:d in escrow or lh(l Clicnlto pltlvid~ sufficient proof 01' Its ability to pay the boJllDce of the conltlCt price. Clicnl is not entitled 10 n:covl!t' incident31 or consc:qucnlill damagC!l in COIIDCCtiOD with any bmch of this Contmcl 11. If CHeer fails to pay the monies due under thl, conlJlll:l, Zambelli is altitJed to recover the ballmoe due plu.~ inlc:rcSt at I 'h 'Yo per Dlonlh on amount.- pL'1 due 60 c1uy~ or mon:, , ,!"wthcr, on balllJlce ouIS1aI1diJ:ll!: of 120 days or 11IOrc, Zambelli i, entitled to fllCOVl!t' the baJa~e dUl:, pillS accrued intcnlSt, plus 3ttol'lleys fees of 10% of the amoUOt p:st due, pll&S COllrt costs 12. This cllnlrolct sbaD nol b~ cOllStnlcred to Cl'elll0 a panncntlip betWeen the pllItie& or persons Dlenciooocl herein, I), In the c:vcnt'oi fire, accident, 5trikes, delay, flood, lICI of Ood or other ca\l.SlIS beyond the control of Zamblllli, which prevent delivery DC ~uid DL1terials, the patties heralo rele:lse each otber frolll any and all performance oCthe CQveOllDlS bc:rt!io CODUlined 3Dd from damaSelI rc:su1tiul: f10m the breach lhereoC. 14, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we Silt our baods and sC3ls to thc agreement in dupliClltc the Iby illId years fmt above written. FOR CU.." #"t;II. _ .~. / FOR ZA"BEUHlR<WORKS >WIt1fACTVRlNC CORPORAnoN BY ~ 7~r/Q'( BY / . datO d~te PIClISe sign coutmct wbcre illwcalcd for Client aod reNm all copies Cor finlIl ucccpUlOce 10: Znmbelll FIreworks ManufAclurinr; Corparnlion PO 80" 1463 New ClInle, fA 16103 724.658,661 I 800,245,0397 Fall 724,6SU318 JUL-18-Z008 lZ:31PM FROM-ZAMBELLI FIREWORKS INTL 5613951799 T-Z3Z P,003/006 F-139 INVOICE ZAMBEllllNTERNATIONAlE FIREWORKS MFG. CO., INC. P.O. BOX 1463. NEW CASTLE, PENNSYLVANIA 161D3 . PHONE: (724):658-6611 Fax: (724) 858.8318 PLANTS AT: NO.1 - UNION lWP.,R.D. NO. 2 - MAHONING lWP., NASHUA RD. WESTERN REGION: P.O. BOX 988 SHAFTER, CA 93263 (661) 748.2842 FAX (661) 748.2844 SOUTHERN REGION: 1 WEST CAMINO REAL BLVD., #100 BOCA RATON, FL 33432 (561) 395.0955 FAX (561) 395.1799 DATE: Thursday, July 17, 2008 SOLD TO: City of Ocoee 150. N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 \ \ I QUANITY UNIT ARTICLES TOTAL PRICE 1 DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS FOR October 18, 2008 $10,000.00 '. .."..... _,,;.\11:" "'1\; .i.~"i1\ 50Dk OF CONTRACT DUE UPON SIGNING .,.t\l,I:~m, , : OF THE CONTRACT TO SECURE YOUR 'I.:' DISPLAY DATE. Please return Invoice with payment Thank You .. .., 'I: . 'I: - ~i. \:' t I .h " " JUL-1B-200B 12:32PM FROM-ZAMBELLI FIREWORKS INTL 5613951199 ~ ~l(IIJl' II' .) ~~':'!I!=!-!-! T-232 P,006/006 F-139 I NTCR.......TI C N....L e: Required Diagram and Firin2 Site Information Form Zambelli InterD8tionale Fireworks P.O. Box 1463 New Curle, PA 16103 (7%4) 658-6611 Pbone (724) 658-8318 Fax Dear Customer; Our goal is to provide you with the best possible display event under the safest conditions. It is of the utmost importance that you supply us with a diagram or map of the display area. The map! diagram should show distances from the fIring site to spectators, parking areas, buildings, etc. Please use the following check list to assist you in submitting your map/diagram. If an item is not applicable to your situation, please insert N/A. The best results can only be achieved with preparation and planning, therefore it is a prerequisite that we receive this information to plan your show. Distances, in feet, from the firing site to the..fuUowing: , , \ \ 3.) Occupied Buildings: (Residents) 4.) Public Buildings: (Schools, Churches, Hospitals. Correctional facilities, etc.) eoo p., ".1//1 800 Fr rf/A . ;J/A , e~D .pr 9~o .poor ~/A ( ~JA. I if/-e Date 1.) Sped8tors/Audience/Viewing Area: 2.) Parking Areas: 5.) Fuel Pumpsl Storage, Explosiverroxic Material Storage: (Gasoline Stations, Refineries, etc.) . 6.) Temporary Event Set-ups: (Tents, Carnival Rides, Concession Stands. etc.) 7. Highways, Roads, Streets etc.: 8.) Overhead ObstIUctions: 9.) Active Railroads: ~Te.H 5'r1/-'/le''t Name ( tJi.'is:o)"j &/d ,,~.{7.1.c t:~ JUL-le-200e 12:32PM FROM-ZAMBELLI FIREWORKS INTL 5613951799 7('111'1)' .. I I, ~ZAMBELLI F"IAE'\NCRKEI IN......A.........TI c.........L.&;; T-232 P,005/006 F-139 Required Insurance Requisition Form Customer Name: t'r.. ry .H &e d U d'. L,4-~eSIl(Jlt.e );~,'o/E . Zambelli InterDationllle Fireworkg P.O. Box 1463 New Castle, PA 16103 (724) 658~66t1 Pbone (724) 658-8318 Fax Address: /S'{) City: O~tE State: Fe. Zip: 31/7'/ Display Date: It:) - Ie -()t!3 Location of Display: <- ~A-JeJt.E L/I-~t City: ttladt"C State: .,cL Display Duration: /.5" -"/)""s Zip: 3n~1 Name of all Firework Sponsors Only: ....... .~ _..c::.:.. N aDle of Property Owner of Display Site L;''l tJr tJedt~ Certificate to be issued to: Address: City: ..,.. ~ state:: r'. Zip: Title: Phone: ** This form must be returned with your signed contract in order for the insurance certificate to be processed. Our insurance company requires that we have this form in addition to the signed contract prior to the certificate being issued. *Our Insurance company also requires that you provide a dimensioned plot plan diagramming the display area. Plot Plan shall include location of any performers, location of audience and the lines behind which the audience will be restrained. Additionally, show the location of highways, verhead obstructions, nearby trees, telephone lines and other lines of communication. When necessary, a sectional drawing shall be provided. JUL-18-2008 12:32PM FROM-ZAMBELLI FIREWORKS INTL 5613951799 . ~~(I(IIIl\')' " . ~;I!~!I~!-!-! T-232 P,004/006 F-139 INTE;RN....T'gNA...'" Communication Sheet Communication Sheet must be completed in it's entirely and returned. Do Not complete items with "Same as Last Year" or" Already 011 File. A Zambelli InternlltionaJe representative will contact one of tbe followiDg for furtber instructions. Zambelli IDterDationale Fireworks P.O. Box 1463 New Castle, PA 16103 (724) 658.6611 Phone (724) 658-8318 Fax : Customer ~forinati()D:, ' Customer Name: Address: ISo City: tl~., €~ State: L!::- Zip: 3'1-"" I Show Information: Show Date: !j~7"D.etC /8. ~d,,1J Time of Show: 9:/~f""" Rain Date: Duration o/Show: /~At;J 3~'r...I", , Sto~age' Site' Location:, " Name Description: Site Contact Name: Phone Number: Address: City: State: Zip: ( ':ontact Person, \ iame: Sun~ S-.",W'l.4'7 AddrC!lS: 6"'"&r~ S. dlc.c~ocl) tf.lt!" City: tOe.D E t!' State: --6- Zip: 3 'f74 ( Home Number: ~? - fJ1S"'f - J 'I'" Office Number: '10'1 - ~. 5'~ 3 I y.o Fax Number: ~7 - S"S--J/~' Cell Number: 1./d7 - 7f1t!> - I ~ S"'f Pager: Alterunte'Contact #1 Name: ;1(,4ti~ .JDH,JSc,.! Address: /6"D.#. t.;tf~F'Strd~r i:Nt. City: tOt!t!> til5' State:...f:5::. Zip: .3 tf? c.l Home Number: Office Number: '1()7~ 7()~-3ICO eX."", SDDA Fax Number: Cell Number: Pager: , Alternate "Contact #2', ~i. t. Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Home Number: Office Number: Fax Nwnber: Cell Number: Pager: Suggested Routing from New Castle: ," ':', Alternate ,Contact'#3 Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Home Number: Office Number: Fax Number: Cell Number: Pager: n ~;