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e Maye,r 1501'"1 ca lIed the meeting te, e,rder at 7:35 p.m.
Ce,mm i ss i OYler Hager led i Y, prayer arId Maye,r" I sorl led the
pledge e,'f allegial'"lce to the 'flag.
PRESENT, Maye,r" Isorq Commissie,r,ers Je,hnse'r" Dabbs, arId
Hager; City Manager" Ryan; City AttorYley Krupperlbacher; City
Clerk Catrc<l'"l; Playmil'"lg Directe,r Wagl'"ler; Publ ic We'l^ks Directe,r
Occh i u z :Le'; C it Y Eng i neer Ke 11 ey; Wat er Depar..t merIt Superv i se,r
Cockrell; and special legal counsel Drew Thomas.
Ce,mmi ssioner" SatemaYI (out e,f' te,wn>.
Mayor Ison thanked everyone f'or corning and f'or celebrating
the U.S. Constitution in such a big way. The Mayor presented
Cathie Pollack with a framed constitution signed by the Mayor
and City Commissioners in recognition of' her special ef'f'orts
for the celebration of' the constitution. Kathy Shidel was
lll'lable to attend but Mayor 1 SOI'l said she we,uld receive a
framed constitution as well. Glen and Tom Gettings were
also presented with constitutions f'or their musical
contributions to the celebration. Mayor Ison and the
Commissioners also presented certif'icates of' appreciation to
Boy Scout Troop 198, Soy Scout Troop 217, the Dirty Jeans 4-H
Club, Star"ke Lake Baptist Church, Oce,ee Ul'"lited Methe,dist
Church, Dce,ee Church e,f the Nazarene, the Ocoee Christian
Church, the Ocoee Middle Bchoe,l 8th Grade Chedr, aYld Sharc<l'"l
Blackman, who led the che,ir.
tIJayor 1 se,n 131 so presented the awards te, wi rlrlers of' the boat
parade held at the celebration. First place went to Mr. and
Mr"s. Sills, irl sece,nd place was Edwir, P(:'ur,ds and Newy
BI^eelal'"ld, f.~l'"ld third place wel'"lt te. Jere,me al'"ld Kay Smith.
Ce<sturne contest awar"ds were preserlted irl twe, catege,ries:
childr"el'"l al'"ld adl..llts. Each wil'"ll'ler received a $50 savings
bond. The wil'lners were as f'e,lle,ws (f're,rn f'ir"st te, third
place): Childrel'~: Je'l'"lathal'"l Re,we, ""eg a 1"1 Pevehouse, illl'"ld
gelly White. Adults: Kay Gillal""d, Helen Thureau, al'ld
Phyllis Olmstead.
Commi ssie'j"ler" Johnson expl ai I'"led that a commi t tee had beeI'I
est abl i shed te, I'~ame "e'ut st al'"ld i ng ci t i zens" il'"l Dce.ee. The
award would be given out every other month, or as needed, f'or
persons who made a signi'ficant contribution to the City
whether as a heroic deed, volunteering, etc.
Commissioner Johnson introduced two members of' the committee,
Mary Ann Swickerath and Walt Cobb, who presented the award to
Mal^ge Pa 1 a i gos. Mrs. Pa 1 a i gos had lived il'"l Ocoee f'e,r 12
years. She had been a volunteer in the school system,
dil^ecte<l^ e,f the Math El'"lrichmel'lt Program, establ ished the
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City Commission Meeting
October 20, 1987
Ocoee Elementary School Volunteer Program, been active in
flur,draising al'"ld il'"l her chllrch. The Mayc.r al'"ld Cornmissic'l'"lers
thal'"lked het" fot" het" COl'"lt i I'"Iued i I'"lYc.l vernel'"It in the occ.ee schoc.l
system and praised her for her outstanding citizenship.
8103 P. M.
81ae P.M.
Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the items on the Consent
Agenda, Commissioner Johnson seconded, and approval was
LII'"Iardmous. Items approved were as f'c.llows: A - Regulat'
Cc.mmissic.n Meeting Mil'"Iutes of' 10-6-87 al'"ld B - PI^oposed
Ordinance, Amending Ordinance 944, First Reading. City
Manager Ryan read that ordinance by title only.
Public Hearings
Prima Vista Utiliti.s - St.tus Report
Mayor 1501'"1 asked fc.r cc.mments f'rc.m citizens regardil'"Ig the
acquisitic.n of Pr"irna Vista utilities. R.P. Mohl'"Iacky, 1820
Prai rie Lake Elc.ulevard, asked abc.ut the fltl'"Idi I'"lg fc.r the l"Iew
sewet" acquisition. Mayor Ison reminded him that only those
residel'"Its tied into the systerl'l wC'Ltld be charged al'"IY fees al"Id
residents who have a septic system would not subsidize any
costs. Sil'"Ice there were I'"IC' other citizel'"I cc.mmel'"lts, Mayor
Ison closed the Public Hearing.
City Mal'"Iager Ryal'"l explail'"Ied that the City's special legal
counsel had drawn up a letter indicating the City
Commissiol'"I's f'c.ur maJc.r cc",",cerl'"IS (1. The City rllltst mail'"ltain
its governmental capacity. 2. The language in the contract
must be precise in regards to the reservation charges. 3.
The for"IIlulas aYld use of the Develc.pers' mc.rley' must be
clal^i fied. 4. The ovel^all documel'"It ml,.tst be such that the
Commission could understand it easily and must only address
the acqu.isiticm c.f' the sewer system.) al'"Id that Prima Vista
Ut i 1 i ty' s attc.t"I'"Ieys had respcmded to thi 5 letter arId
expressed a willingness and desire to discuss this further.
The St a f' f rec:'ommerlded t c. ccmt i I'"Iue t he Pub 1 i c Hear" i y'g t c. the
I'"Iex t Cc.mm i 5S.i 01'"1 Meet i I'~g c.n Nc.vember 3 to see i f cUr,yt hi I'"Ig wa s
r"esol ved. Cc.mrni ssiol'"Iet" Hager" moved tc. approve the mot ic.rl tc.
CC'l'"lt i I'"llle the Publ ic Heari ng to Nc.vernber 3, Cc.mrlli ssic'I'"Ier Dabbs
seconded, al'"Id apprc.va 1 was ul'"layd mc.us.
Cablevision Industries - Status Report
Richard D'Loughy, Cablevision Industries representative, gave
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City Commission Meeting
October 20, 1987
an update of the ce.mpany's effe.rts te. impretVe service sir,ce
his last appearance before the Commission on September 15.
Mt~. D'Le.ughy said the ffle.st ct~itical items ter,ded to ir,clude
the ce.mpar,y'lS r,ew phe.r,e system ar,d the improvemer,t s te. the
electre.rdc gear ir, the field. Mr. D'Le.ughy appe.le.gized fe.r
any interruptions in the service due to the upgrading but
said the ce.mpany was we.t~J.dng e.r, cables at e.ff-peak he,ut~s. He
alse. I'~epol"ted that Char,r,el 56 was r,ow or, air.
Commissionet~ Johnson said he had received a few complaints
fl^e.m citizer,s, the maJe.rity e.f which were ce.ncerrdr,g
Cablevision's phone system. The Mayor and Commissioners
me.ved te, ce,r,tir,lle the me'l",thly repe.rts with a fe.llow-up or,
Novembf?t~ 17. If at that time r,e. citizel'" requested fUt~thet~
reports, the Mayor and Commissioners would decide whether or
ne.t fut~ther repot~t s wet~e r,ecesscn~y.
Special StaFF R.ports
City Engi~er - Tom Kelley
McKey Street - Status on IMprovements
City Engineer Kelley said the section of McKey Street between
Ta}dc.r ar,d Frar,klil", Streets we'llld be improved ar,d $300,000.00
had been allocated toward those improvements. A luncheon
workshop session was scheduled for sometime in Novembel" for
area resider,ts ar,d busir,ess owr,ers to discuss the pt~e.pe.sed
i mprc.vemer,t s.
Kissimmee Water Plant - Report on EHpansion
City Engineer Kelley said City Manager Ryan had spoken with
the landowr,er and the lar,d ce.uld be acquired for $4,000 fe.t~
the Kissimmee Water Plant eHtension. Commissioner Johnson
me.ved t e. approve t c. ey,t et~ i r,t e. a ce.r,t ract t e. acq u i t~e the
1 ar,d, COlf/mi ssiol",er Hager secol",ded, ar,d approval was
ul",al"dme.us. Mt~. Kelley said he would proceed with the
necessary steps to start work on the water plant
impt~OVelner,ts. City Mar,aget~ Ryay, pedr,ted e.ut that thir,gs
worked very smoothly' in the acquisition of the land and he
thanked those involved for making the process a positive one.
'Old Town' Water Main Improvements
City El",gineet~ Kelley said that the City would r,eed te.
advel^tise (twice) 1r, the r,ewspaper that it we.uld be acceptir,g
bids fe.t~ ce,nst ruct ie.n of water If/ai r, impretVemer,t s. Mr. Kelley
said it we.uld cost an est ilnated $250,000 to complete the
improvements. COif/missioner Dabbs If/oved to approve the
advertising for construction bids, COMmissioner Johnson
seconded, and approval was unanimous. City Manager Ryan said
the pre'Ject we.uld be fur,ded through retail",ed il')ce.me ar,d it
would l"Ie.t t~aise the ce.st of water te. City t~esider,ts.
Pi-'lge .I~
City Commission Meeting
Octc.bet" 20, 1987
Stormwater Drainage Costs around Starke and Prima Vista Lake.
- Status Report
City Engineer Kelley said that Commissioner Bateman was very
interested iI'"' thi 5 repc.rt and si I'",ce Com,,,i ssioy,er Batemay, was
r,ot irl atterlday,ce, he r"'equested the repc.rt be tabled urltil
the I'"lext Cc.mmissic'l"l Meetil'~g. It was decided that the repc.l....t
wc.uld be di scussed at the speci 031 1 uchec.r, wc.r"kshc.p sessic.I'"'
scheduled For November.
Bown... Road ProJ.ct/Right-o~-Way - Status Report
City Attc.rl'"ley KruppeY,bacher said he had learYled that the City
owned the right-oF-way and that Orange County said they would
be willing to give the City any of the right-oF-way that they
owned. Attorney Kruppenbacher said he would send copies of
these documents to City Engineer Kelley 50 that the next
phase of the proJect could begil'",.
Jim Sills, 205 Lakeshc.re Drive, asked if the State would
r"'eimburse the Ci ty for'" all c.r par"t of the costs that wc.uld be
iy,curl^ed since mal'"lY State vehicles use the road. Mr. Sills
was concerned that City businesses would be asked to pay for'"
the improvements. City Manager Ryan said that the project
would be paid fc.r'" usil'"lg impact fees. City May,ager Ryal'l said
that there wc.uld be EHpressway A\.tthori ty meet i y,gs held c.y,
November'" 10 at 7 p. m. at Apopka Hi gh Schoc.l arid at West
Orar~ge High School in December to discuss the location of the
extension. City Engineer Kelley said he would bring a map to
Cit}' Hall that shc.wed the prc.posed rO\.ttes fc.r il"lterested
ci t i zer,s.
Public Works Dir~tor - Tony Occhiuzzo
Ditch and Retention Pond "_int.nae. - Cost Report
Publ ic Wor"'ks Directc.r Dcchiuzzo eHplaiy,ed that the r"etey,tic.r,
pond areas would be maintained every two weeks during the
per"'ic.d of Mar"ch through Nc.vember aYld ever"'y three weeks dur"'iy,g
the period of December through February. Ditch maintenance
would be done apprc.ximately f'c.ur times pet... year. Mr.
Occhi\.tzzc. s'::iid that this maiy,tel'"lal"lce schedtlle cc.uld be dOI'",e
with the new equipment that the City proposed to buy, without
ar,y addi t ic.r,al hi ri I'~g c.F labor. Mr. Dcch i uzzo said the Ci t Y
would do a cost analysis to see whether or not it would be
most ef'Ficient to have City personnel handle the work or to
contract with an outside service. Mr. Dcchiuzzo said that
if the Jc.b was \.mder $2,500, the City wc.uld hal",dle the
corltr"'acting with iy,f'ormal bids. City Attc.rl",ey }<ruppel",bacher'"
recommended that the City assess the prc.peJ^ty c.wr,ers fees fOI^
the upkeep of' these areas al",d tc. put a 1 ier, C'I"I the pr"'c.perty
if fees were not paid. Publ ic Wc.rks Di I^ectc.r Dcchi u:zzc.
agreed that this was a good way to handle the retention pond
areas because the number of' ponds would grow with the rapid
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City Commission Meeting
October 20, 1987
amc'unt of' new subd i vi sioy,s i y, the Ci ty. Cornmi ssioy,er JCfhy,scfY,
moved to approve the request to advertise f'or bids f'or a o~e-
time mowi y,g cd' the Kelley di tch system, Commi ssic<YIet~ Dabbs
seconded, and approval was unanimous.
City Pl.nner - Russ
Proposed Anne~.tion CW. Atwood.nd
City Planner Wagner pointed out the proposed annexation
areas on the zoning map and explained that they were 'key
at~eas' cff almost 60 act"'es, lCfcated iY, the northwest CCfry,er
of the City. Mr. Wagner said the Planning & Zoning Board
t"'ecommeY,ded approval and that it was ay, i,,.,portay,t piece of'
land in the Clark Road corridor. The Staff recommended that
it be placed cm the y,ext agey,da fCft... First Reading, ay,d the
Commission concurred.
Oth..r Business
Resolution 87-10, Authorizing 1987 Public IMproveM4'nt Bonds
City Manager Ryan introduced special legal counsel Tom Lang
of' Swann & Haddock. Attorney Lang e~plained that the bond
mCfl",ey wCfuld help f'1,.1I",d road imprcfvemel",t prcfJects. SeYh George
Stuat~t, Et~ic Ay,dersoy, c,f Dt~exell-BurY,ham, ay,d Rick Fitzgerald
and Chuck Rosenthal of Public Financial Management were all
in attendance to answer questions on the bond issues.
Attorney Lang said his office had reviewed the bond
t~esoluticfn and had 1",0 objections tCf the City beccfmiy,g
involved in this venture. Mr. Lang explained that the City
would pledge monies f'rom its franchise fees until the Local
Option Gas Tax was in place. Mr. Lang said the bonds were
not to exceed $2.5 million to f'inance the City's proposed
road proJects. Mr. Lang said that his firm, Swann & Haddock,
r~ecc'mmey,ded that the Ci ty pass the resol ut ic,y, and that the
Ma}>'or al",d CCfmmi ssicmers prcfceed wi th the purchasi y'g cff bOI'",ds
withiY, the y,ext few weeks.
Mayor Ison said a special meeting would be held on October 27
to purchase the bonds. There were no other comMents frOM
CCfmmissic<YIet~s. City Manager Ryay, explail",ed that these were
the first of a number of financings that the City anticipated
becoming involved in f'or improvements to its roads, water
systems, and sewer systems. Mayor Ison asked Attorney Lang
if' all the Y,ecessar~y heariy'gs had beey, held on this Matter.
Mr. Lang said they had. Mayor Ison asked for any last
comments from citizens.
Bel" Gt~if'fin, ay, attcfrl",ey whcf lives iI'" Occfee, said he was very
much fCfr the improve,,.,el",ts but quest iCfl",ed the bCfl'",d a,,,,oul",ts.
Mr. Griffin said it would be less expensive in the long run
to buy more bonds and asked the Commissioners to consider
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City Commission Meeting
October 20, 1987
pllt'chasir/g $5 millic'I"I rather thaYI the prc.pc.sed $2.5 millicm.
He said that if the City only wanted $2.5 million, it would
be better' off finar/cil",g thr"c.ugh a local baYlk siYlce it was
expensive to insure bonds. Mayor Ison asked if the City had
the c.ptic'I"I of il"Ict'easiYlg the amc,ul"/t c.f bOI"/d mC'I"Iey. Attc.rney
Tc."., Lal')g said si l'Ice the Ci ty' s revet"ll..les were 1 imi ted, $2. 5
million was the most the City could afford.
R. P. Mc.h"-/acky asked if the i".,prc.veme"-/ts cc.uld be funded by
t"aisil"/g taxes aY,d chargil"/g impact fees. City Mal"/ager' Ryarl
said it was the City's intent to use impact fees first, and
if that was not sufficient, then to use the gas tax and
fral')ch i se fees.
Mt'. Lar/g r'ead the t'esc.lutioI"I by title cmly and t"ecomme"-/ded
that the Commission act favorably on it. Commissioner Dabbs
mc.ved to appt'e.ve Resc.lut iC'YI 87-10, Ce.mmi ssiol"Ier Je.hY/se'''-I
seconded, and approval was unanimous. The special October 27
meeting was cancelled since only the Mayor and City
Attorney's signatures were needed. It was decided that the
signing would take place on Tuesday, October 27, in the
conference room in City Hall. Mr. l.ang said the
Commissioners needed to authorize the Mayor and City Attorney
to execute the necessary papers to execute the bond.
Commi ssie.ner" Johl"/SOYI mc.ved to gra"-/t authori zat ie.I"',
Commissioner Hager seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Ben Griffin asked Attorney Lang how much
ce.st the Ci ty. Mr'. Lal"/g said it wc.uld
the total cc.st. Mr. Gr.iffil"I asked what
the City Attc.r"Yley wc.uld be paid. Mr'.
counsel's fee was $25,000 and the City
$8, 000.
the bond issue would
be hard to determine
the bond counsel and
Lang said the bond
Attorney's fee was
Bi 11 Ogletree e.f the L icm' s Club asked the Cc.mrni ssie'Ylers for"
mC'I"Ie}o' fc.r the al"lI"Iual Christmas Parade tc. be held C'I'"' Satul~day,
December" 12, beginning at 10 a. m. Mr. Ogletree said the
mcmey wOllld be used to pay fc.r bal"/d dc.natiol"/s al"/d bus costs.
Mt'. Ogl et ree al so ment ie'Yled that the parade t"oute had beerl
shortened this year. He said in previous years the route had
gone from Bl ufc.r"d to McKey te. Taylc.r" tc. Si 1 ver Star and back
to Bluford. The new route would not include Silver Star and
was proposed so that Silver Star would not need to be blocked
off to traffic and so the participants would not have such a
1 c.ng t'c'lIte to march si I"Ice they march i y, Wi Y/ter Gardey, the
same day. Mr. Ogletree said the Lion's Club would need about
$2,000 to attt"act the arnc'lIy,t of bal",ds that WC'lIld make the
parade a success. Commissioner Hager questioned the new
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City Commission Meeting
October 20, 1987
route and asked why Franklin street had been leFt out.
Commissioner Dabbs said he agreed with Commissioner Hager
that the y,ew route was te.e. she.rt ay,d that he pl'~eFerred it
we/",t dow/", Frankliy, Street as it has always deme.
It was decided that the new route would not work because
thel"e we'llld be toe. mm/"'}>' people iI" the parade al'",d the route
would not hold them. Mr. Ogletree asked the Commission For
permissiol'"' te. hal'",dle the Flll'",ds as well sil'"Ice it we.uld make
things easier Fol'~ evel'~yecYIe iI'"I,,'e.lved. He said the LiecYI's Club
would retllrl'"' ay,y TUI'",ds that were I'"Ie.t used. Commissic'l",el"
Johy,se.n moved te, appl'~e.ve the $2,000 Froln the unspeci Fied cash
reserves, COMmissioner Hager seconded, and approval was
Mayor Ison explained that Wes Stout had given him a
conceptual drawing of a possible addition to the McKey Street
improvements. The drawing was a depiction of an island on
Stal^ke Lake. Mayor Isc.n showed the drawi ng to the
Commissioners and gave it to City Manager Ryan and asked that
he follow up any possibilities with City Planner Wagner.
Jim Sills asked the Commission if they planned to put the
Ocoee sign back up on Highway 50. The sign welcomed people
to the historic downtown area of Ocoee. Mayor Ison said it
would be put up when the DOT is finished with the
intersection improvements.
Resolution 87-11, Parti~ipation with Orange County in the
Community Develo~nt Block Grant Progra.
Mayor Ison explained that this resolution would enable the
Cit}>' to request fwr,ds from Orange Ce,ul'",ty. Cit}>' MaYlager Ryan
said the Staff l'~ecomMel'"Ided apprc.vi I'"Ig the rese.lut ie.y, te. allc.w
the City to request money to pave streets, etc. City
Atte.rney KruppeY,bacher said that SecticcYI 2 il'"l the l''''ese.lutic'YI
would need to be clariFied and asked the City Manager to
contact Orange County about it. COMmissioner Dabbs moved to
appre.ve Rese.lutic.I'"' 87-11 subject te. the City Mal'",ager
clal'~i fyi y,g Sect iccYI 2 wi th Oray,ge CC'lly,ty, CC'MMissiecYIel'~ Hagel'~
secolr,ded, al'",d appre,val was ul'",al'"lime.us.
Resolution 87-12, Central Florida Fir.
Mayor Ison asked Ocoee Fire Chief Ron
the resolution. Chief Strosnider
supported the request of funding of
bltilding by the State Legislature.
Moved to approve Resolution 87-12,
seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Strosnider to explain
said the resolution
a live Fire training
COMmissioner Johnson
ComMissioner Hager
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City COMMission Meeting
October 20, 1987
Resolution 87-13, Autho~jzing Execution 0' Railroad
R.iMbu~....nt Ag~....nt - Sp~ing St~t
City Manager Ryan eHplained that this was the standard
resolution process that had been used Many times in the past.
The resolution allows for construction of railroad
si gr,al i zat iem i r,stall at iem at BpI"i r'g St reet. Com".,i ssi or,er
Hager Moved to approve, Co".,missioner Johnson seconded, and
approval was unanimous.
City Manager Ryan eHplained that the follow-up agenda was
rather lengthy but that it would be reduced by the neHt
COMMission Meeting since several items had been addressed
t his ever, i r,g.
Ci ty Atte.t"y,ey Kt"uppeY,bacher sai d he had t"eviewed several
e.ccupat i eena IIi cer,se e.rd i r,ar,ces al'~d was we.rk i r'g eer, e.r,e fe.r
the City. Attorney Kruppenbacher also requested authority
from the Commissie.r, te. draft a five year be.r,d fe.r 1 a kef I"Ol",t
developers. In deterMining the amount of the bond, Attorney
Kruppenbacher said he would consult with the DER and with
er,giy,eet"s ay,d attory,eys that had dealt with lakeft"e.y,t
development problems and find an estimate fro"., figures he
t"ecei ved from them.
Attorr,ey Kr--uppeY,bacher alse. said that he had beey, wect"kiy,g
with local governments on a Charter Commission for the County
and that he had nOMinated Mayor Ison for a position on the
Ce.mmi ssi or,' s Mt.tl'~i ci pa 1 Cor"mi t tee. Mr. Krupper,bacher a 1 se.
requested permission to represent the City's position that it
we<uld ne.t cc<r,sider a cOI'~sc.l idat ior, of ge......err""er't. Atte.rney
Kruppenbacher said he was very concerned with this Commission
because whatever it prope.sed we.uld ge. directly em the ballot
ar,d therefe.t"e ce.uld have si gYri ficay,t rami ficat ic.r,s em
individual municipalities. He urged the City Commission to
bece~e involved in the Charter Commission because of this.
Commissioner Dabbs said he was concerned with the
negotiations for acquisition of Prima Vista utilities. He
asked the Staff to keep the Commission updated on the latest
devele.pmer,ts so there we.uld be y,e. st.trprises and r,e. detailed
teHts to review at the last Minute.
Commissioner Dabbs also thanked the citizens for allowing him
to attend the Florida League of Cities Convention in Miami
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City Commission Meeting
October 20, 1987
and said he Found the convention enlightning and
entertail"ling. Ce.mmissie.r',er Dabbs alse. pedl",ted e.ut that Tri-
County had the largest contingent at the convention.
Commissioner Johnson said he also enJoyed the convention. He
also wanted to address another issue. He said he had
proposed the Outstanding Citizens Recognition Award Committee
and the Recreation Advisory Committee and now Felt the City
needed a Committee to oversee the cemetery. He said he felt
the City had become lax in the upkeep of the cemetery and
that this we.uld become evel'", ,ne.re impe.rtal",t iF the City
decided to enlarge the cemetery. City Manager Ryan said he
would place the item under New Business For the next
Commission Meeting.
City Attorney Kruppenbacher said From a legal standpoint, all
that would need to be done would be to take one of the other
Ce.mmi ttee t~ese.l ut ie.l"'s ay,d change the tit Ie te. Cemetet~y Board.
Commissie.ner Je.hl",se.l", alse. said that the no parking sigl'",s have
bee)", ir, place em McKey Stt"'eet al",d he thar,ked the StafF Fe.r
their quick work.
Ce"I1missiemer Hager said the truck pre.blem e.ut at WalMart had
o3lse. beel'" rese.l ved o3l",d that WalMsu"t had beeI'"' very ce.operat i ve
with the City StaFF and he thanked everyone involved For
getting the Job done quickly and smoothly.
Ce.mmissie'I'",er Hager also thar,ked the citizer,s Fe.t... the Fle.t~ida
League of Cities trip.
Mayor Ison asked the Commission iF they wanted to allocate
any City Funds towards the annual Employee Christmas Party.
He said the City received donations From area businesses in
past years and that students helped to cater. Commissioner
Dabbs moved te. appt~ove a de.natiol'" equal ir, ame.uy,t te. the last
year's donation, Commissioner Johnson seconded, and approval
was ul",anime.us.
10.48 P. M.
:t1L R ~