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Mayor Ison called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. He
explained that the Commission had two previous meetings and
that was the reason for the late start. Mayor lson led in
prayer and the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
PRESENT: Mayor lson; Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs,
and Hager; City Manager Ryan; City Attorney Linda
City Clerk Catron; Planning Director Wagner; City
Kelley; Water Department Supervisor Cockrell; and
financial consultant Stanley Cohen.
A8SENT: None
Maria Snider, 2 Floral Street, told the Commission that she
was a relatively new resident in Ocoee and that she and two
of her friends had Just opened a shop in Ocoee on Bluford
Avenue called "The Treasure Loft". Ms. Snider said she
wanted to thank the people 0% Ocoee for making her feel so
welcome. She presented the Mayor and Commissioners with a
replica of a ceramic eagle that was to be presented to
President Reagan. Ms. Snider said both eagles were identical
except for size, and that they were the only two like them
made. She said the eagle was crafted by Sally Blackwell, and
the base stand was made by Mark Pollack. The inscription on
the stand reads "As the eagle soars, so does the spirit of
Ocoee." The third partner in the company was Earlene Miller.
Dave Outlaw of Wescar, introduced the new owners of the
parcel of land North of Hackney Prairie Road to the Mayor and
Commissioners. The purchasers of the BelRoy Property, Gary
Russell, Bruce Milray, and John Stimpson, Jr., were in the
audience. Mr. Russell spoke on behalf of the purchasers and
said they looked forward to doing business with the City of
Commissioner Hager moved to approve the items on the Consent
Agenda, Commissioner Dabbs seconded, and approval was
unanimous. Items approved were as follows: A - Regular
Commission Meeting Minutes of November 3, 1987; B - Special
Session Commission Meeting Minutes of October 19, 1987; and
C - Special Session Commission Meeting Minutes of November
10, 1987.
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City Commission Meeting
November 17, 1987
Special St.aff Report.s
Cit.y Engineer - Tom Kelley
Bowness Road - Stetus Report.
City Engineer Kelley said the Staff met with property owners
who had drainage concerns and those issues were being worked
out. Mr. Kelley said the documents for the other property
owners were being drawn up by the City Attorney. Attorney
Barnby said the documents would be ready in about one week.
Reaolut.ion 87-16 and R..olut.ion 87-17 - Ut.ility Relocation
City Engineer Kelley read the proposed resolutions by title
only. The resolutions authorized execution of utility
agreements for the adJustment, change, or relocation of
certain utilities within the right-of-way limits of Highway
50 and Maguire and Highway 50 and Bluford. City Engineer
Kelley said approval by the Commission would allow City Staff
to move ahead with the proJect. Commissioner Hager moved to
approve Resolution 87-16, Commissioner Bateman seconded, and
approval was unanimous. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve
Resolution 87-17, Commissioner Johnson seconded, and approval
was unanimous.
Construction Bids for "Old Town" - Statu. Report
City Engineer Kelley said the bids for the downtown area
water distribution system improvements were opened Monday,
November 16. Mr. Kelley said the seven bids ranged from a
high of $280,670.41 to a low bid of $183,035.00. Travis
Williams Construction Company was the low bid. City Manager
Ryan reminded the Commission that the bid was substantially
below the $300,000.00 set aside for the proJect. City
Engineer Kelley requested that the Commission give Staff the
approval to move ahead with the proJect. City Manager Ryan
said the funds were available. Mr. Kelley proposed starting
the proJect in two weeks with an estimated completion time of
90 days. The Commission directed Staff to make all the
necessary investigations into the Travis Williams Company
before the City awarded the contract. City Engineer Kelley
said Staff had already conducted a thorough investigation.
Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the awarding of the
contract to Travis Williams Construction Company, the low
bidder, subJect to City Manager Ryan's final investigation of
the company, Commissioner Bateman seconded, and approval was
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City Commission Meeting
November 17, 1987
Bidding Process for Force Main t.o Phase Out. the West Orange
Wast.ewat.er Treat.ment. Plant. - St.at.us Report
City Engineer Kelley said the design had been completed and
that the Staff estimated the cost of the proJect at $207,000.
Mr. Kelley said it was impossible to predict growth and
therefore some of the utilities would probably end up having
to be relocated some time in the future. He said there was
no "safest place" to put them. Mr. Kelley said the
advertisement to secure bids ran on Sunday and the bids would
be opened on Friday, December 4. Mr. Kelley said Staff would
have a recommendation of award to present to the Commission
at the December 15 meeting.
Other Buaineas - Cit.y Engineer Kelley
City Engineer Kelley said Mr. Doss approached the City Staff
with a concern about the widening of Kissimmee Avenue. The
right-of-way was different than what was shown on the
Plantation Sysco report. Mr. Kelley said he would bring an
engineering report to the next Commission Meeting on
Tuesday, December 1, to propose a solution. City Engineer
Kelley said his engineering report would also outline
solutions for the drainage problems on Bluford and McKey as
Mr. Kelley said the item regarding Cabellero Court placed
under New Business on the Agenda was actually Old Business.
He said the drainage problems with Lake Peach and Lake Moxie
could be solved by extending pipes into the lakes and
creating a stormwater retention pond. Mr. Kelley estimated
the cost of the proJect at $65,000.00, but said the cost
would depend on whether the Job was put out to bid or
completed by City employees. Mayor Ison asked City Manager
Ryan if the City could handle the proJect with the present
Staff, or if it would be more feasible to bid the proJect
out. City Manager Ryan said with the Staff1s current
workload, it would be best to send the proJect out for bids.
Mayor Ison directed City Engineer to consult with Street
Department Supervisor Buddy Elmore to coordinate the proJect.
Mr. Kelley said the Staff was looking to proceed with the
proJect and requested direction from the Commission.
Commissioner Dabbs said the important thing was to make sure
the proJect was done correctly the first time and was
comfortable authorizing City Manager Ryan to proceed with the
proJect as he saw fit. Commissioner Bateman asked to have
the proJected expenses drawn up two ways: one if sent out for
bids and the other if done internally. Commissioner Bateman
said he would like to see the Staff complete the proJect, if
pOSSible. Commissioner Dabbs asked if it was critical for
the proJect to be completed immediately. City Engineer
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City Commission Meeting
November 17, 1987
Kelley said no but City Manager Ryan and Mayor Ison
disagreed with Mr. Kelley and felt that the proJect needed to
be completed as soon as possible because the property owners
were getting impatient and one property owner was threatening
to sue the City. Mr. Ryan said the owner had cooperated with
the City and the City should respond by getting the Job done.
Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the bidding out of the
Job, Commissioner Bateman seconded, and approval was
unanimous. Commissioner Bateman commented that he would have
liked to have seen some written information on the issue
before being asked to come to a decision.
City Engineer Kelley said he had one further
was to let the Commission know he would
specifications for the East-West Expressway
the Staff so that they could be hung in City
by the Commission, aa well as residents.
comment and that
be leaving the
extension with
Hall for review
Public Hearings
Cable Television Updet.e
Rick D'Louhy, Cablevision Industries, gave the Commission a
progress report of what had happened since he last addressed
the Commission in October. Mr. D'Louhy introduced John
Jerose who had recently Joined the company as Central Florida
District Manager, and also handed the Mayor and Commissioners
a written progress report for them to review.
Mayor Ison asked Mr. D'Louhy what the business hours were for
his company in regards to service inquiries. Mr. D'Louhy
said the telephones are answered from 9 a.m.-6:30 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturdays. Calls
made to the company at times other than those listed above
are handled through an answering service that takes the
necessary information from the caller. Mr. D'Louhy said the
company guaranteed a response to a problem within a 24 hour
period, which he said was standard response time for the
industry. Mr. D'Louhy said a neighborhood outage, as
opposed to an outage in one home only, would most likely
receive a quicker response. Mr. D'Louhy also told the
Commission that the company was working on providing public
emergency capability which would allow the City officials to
override regular service to send a message to residents in
the case of a public emergency.
Commissioner Hager told Mr. D'Louhy that there was an outage
in his neighborhood about two weeks ago, and that some
residents called him to complain about the outage and the
fact that they couldn't get through on the telephone.
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City Commission Meeting
November 17, 1987
He also tried to call the cable company and the line was busy
for about 30 minutes. Commissioner Hager said he appreciated
the message the company had been running along the bottom of
the screen apologizing for any interuptions in service, but
that the phones were still a problem.
Commissioner Bateman asked Mr. D'Louhy when the improvements
to the system would be completed. Mr. D'Louhy said it would
be sometime in December. Commissioner Dabbs said he was
discouraged that it had taken all of 1987 to get to this
point. He said it was almost intolerable that six months
later, the company was still having telephone problems.
Commissioner Dabbs said he appreciated the improvements being
made in the field but that he could see no progress with the
telephone system, even though it was a new system.
Commissioner Johnson said it was hard to believe that someone
in the communication industry still could not communicate.
He also agreed that the improvements in the field seemed to
be going well but that the most basic problem (the
telephones) had still not been resolved.
Mayor Ison announced that Victoria Graver of 706 Nicole
Boulevard had asked permission to approach the Commission.
Ms. Graver said she conducted her own survey of area
neighbors and found that they were unhappy with the present
cable service for several reasons. She said they were
promised, but did not receive, additional channels. She said
new wiring was recently installed, but now several people had
double images on Channels 2 and 3. Ms. Graver said the cable
company did not offer certain programs in Ocoee that other
area cities and towns were watching, including a program made
at an Ocoee school. Ms. Graver told the Commission that she
was disappointed with Cablevision and felt she was paying top
dollar for a poor quality cable service with frequent
outages. She said she thought an additional company would
provide the competition needed to make Cablevision Industries
provide better quality and better quantity of channels.
Mayor Ison said the telephone system problem could be easily
solved by installing a system with reporting status
information capability. He said it was obvious that the new
system the company had installed was not adequate. Mayor
Ison asked Mr. D'Louhy to get the home phone numbers of all
management personnel at Cablevision Industries so that the
Commission could reach them at home if the telephone lines
for the company were busy. Mayor Ison recommended that they
carry beepers and have car phones as well. Mr. D'Louhy
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City Commission Meeting
November 17, 1987
said he would get the home phone numbers of management to
City Manager Ryan within a day or two.
Commissioner Bateman asked Mr. D'Louhy if he had considered
staggering the bills that were sent out in order to better
accomodate people who call with questions on their bills. He
said that with a staggered billing system, the phone lines
would be less likely to Jam with calls and customers would be
able to get their problems resolved. Mayor Ison said the
public hearing would be continued to Tuesday, December 15.
Public Hearing and Second Reading Ordinance 1014, Amending
Ordinance 944
Mayor Ison explained that in filing Ordinance 944 with Orange
County, it was discovered that the wrong Section number was
placed in the Ordinance. It should have read Section 31, but
was passed by the Commission as Section 32. Ordinance 1014
was therefore being presented to the Commission to amend
Ordinance 944. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve
Ordinance 1014 amending Ordinance 994, Commissioner
Hager seconded and approval was unanimous.
Public Hearings - Developer Agreement..
Vo.s - Case 23C-S7
City Attorney Barnby said her of~ice had made some minor
changes to the boiler plate language in the Developers
Agreements in order to concur with State statutes. Mr.
Grover Voss said the Agreement assumed that the realignment
o~ Johio Shores Road would shi~t the road to the west but it
could also end up shi~ted to the east. City Planner Wagner
said the Agreement was acknowledging that a realignment would
occur, but that it was not speci~ied at this time whether it
would be to the west or to the east. Commissioner Dabbs
asked the Sta~~ about the need ~or three access points along
Silver Star Road in addition to the Johio Shores Road access.
He said he thought it was one road too many.
City Manager Ryan reminded the Mayor and Commissioners that
these Agreements contained only general guidelines and that
the actual site plans could be years away from occurring.
Mayor Ison asked the Commission how complex they wanted these
Developers Agreements to be. City Manager Ryan said it was
good to point out general areas of concern in order to send
out a signal to the developers. Commissioner Dabbs asked
Attorney Barnby ~or direction and she warned the Commission
about getting into specifics on zoning. Commissioner Hager
said he met with City Planner Wagner because he was told to
let Staf~ know his ~eelings regarding the individual
Developers Agreements.
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City Commission Meeting
November 17, 1987
R. Terry - Ca.e 24C-S7
John Wousler o~ Zom Companies said the zoning discussions
had caught him by surprise. Mr. Wousler said he was sending
the proposal to the Florida Department o~ Transportation and
that if approved, the State would be giving its approval on
continuing Johio Shores Road as it was and not moving it
either east or west. Mayor Ison said there would be workshop
sessions held on each o~ the Developers Agreements so they
could be studied more closely on an individual basis and
discuss such issues.
Dill - Ca.e 25C-S7 & 24R-87
Mr. Dill said he liked the idea o~ a workshop session and
would get with Sta~f on any concerns the City had before he
came be~ore the Commission.
Cafliach - Ca.e 26C-87 & 25R-87
There were no public or Commission comments. The Mayor said
the case would be discussed at a workshop session in the near
Newberg - Ca.. 27C-87 & 26R-87
Jim Huckeba of Renaissance Investments said he would be
submitting his comments on the present Developers Agreement.
He had no other comments at that time. There were no
Commission comments.
Goodman - Ca.. 2SC-87 & 27R-S7
There were no public or Commission comments. The Mayor said
the case would be discussed at a workshop session in the near
For reference during the Commission Meetings, Commissioner
Bateman suggested making an extra copy of the Developer
Agreements/Commission packet available to the public so
people could follow along easier.
Ot.her 8uain..a
Amendment. t.o Tri-Count.y Airport Agreement.
Mr. William Lutrick, Assistant Deputy Director, Greater
Orlando Aviation Authority, said the existing agreement
between Ocoee, Apopka, and Winter Garden dated back to 1982.
This Amendment would allow the West Orange Reliever Airport
Advisory Committee to seek State and Federal grant money at a
level that would be crucial to maximize funds for the
building of the airport. Mayor Ison said the reliever airport
issue was important enough to have a representative ~rom each
local government sit on a West Orange Reliever Airport
advisory committee. Commissioner Bateman moved to attempt to
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City Commission Meeting
November 17, 1987
get a representative from each local government to serve on
an advisory committee, with input from citizens, Commissioner
Dabbs seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Bu. Service Update
Janet Resnik gave a brief history on the research that had
been done on the bus service. Ms. Resnik said she spoke with
Mary Hough, Assistant General Manager, Tri County Transit
Authority. Ms. Hough said her organization would need a
formal proposal from the City before the Transit Authority
could tell the City whether State or Federal funds were
available. Ms. Resnik said the Tri County bus service would
have cost the City about S180,OOO. Because the City had
only allocated S25,OOO for the first six months, and because
Winter Garden does not have any funds to allocate to such a
service at this time, an alternate bus service was proposed.
This new service would run on a "demand-response" system,
with residents calling City Hall to set up rides. The maJor
expense would be the purchase of a used is-passenger van.
The service would use present City Staff to drive the van and
insurance, gas, and maintenance would be the other costs
involved. Administrative costs for marketing and printing
materials would be nominal.
Mayor Ison said the proposal was a good one and would at
least allow the service to get off the ground. Commissioner
Johnson agreed that the bus service was long overdue and it
would be a good investment for at least six months to see how
it went. Jack Eyring, 1901 Adair Street - #29, said he
preferred a regularly scheduled route so people would know
when they could expect a ride. Mayor Ison explained that
running that type of service would be too expensive. He said
the Staff would track ridership during the six month trial
period to see whether or not regularly scheduled trips would
be beneficial. Mayor Ison said the proposed service should
work well since people can call for a ride and be picked up
and dropped off where they want rather than having to get
from a bus stop to where they actually wanted to go.
Darrel Irwin, 1901 Adair Street - #35, said he didn't think
Tri County Transit Authority was doing its Job. He said they
should provide some service to the area since Ocoee residents
tax monies go to fund the Transit Authority.
Commissioner Bateman said the City might want to lease a van
rather than buying one in case the service ends after six
months. The issue of operating the service on Saturdays was
also discussed. It was decided that the City Staff would
pursue the purchase of a 15-passenger, used van and finalize
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City Commission Meeting
November 17, 1987
the other administrative details. The bids on the vans and
the other information was to be presented to the Commission
at the Commission Meeting on Tuesday, December 15.
Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the proposal as amended
by discussions, Commissioner Bateman seconded, and approval
was unanimous.
There were no comments from citizens or the public.
Appointment t.o Replace Phyllis Olmstead to Code Enforcement
Commissioner Johnson said Phyllis Olmstead had resigned from
the Code Enforcement Board because she recently moved out of
Ocoee. Mayor Ison asked if any of the Commissioners had a
nomination they wanted to make for a replacement for Ms.
Olmstead. Commissioner Johnson asked that the nomination be
tabled to the next Commission Meeting.
City Manager Ryan said once again the follow-up agenda
required two pages because of a long list of continuing
items. Commissioner Dabbs asked about the RFP on Clark Road.
City Manager Ryan said it was in the process of being
advertised and it would be on the December 15 Commission
Meeting Agenda for acceptance and awarding of bids.
Commissioner Johnson asked if Staff had looked into the
Charter Revision. City Clerk Catron said she had spoken with
Betty Carter and that because of the timetable, it could not
be placed on the March ballot. She suggested they appoint
the Committee and possibly be ready by the Primary Election
in September. City Attorney Barnby said she urged the City
to have the City Attorney sit in on any initial meetings to
help with guidelines.
City Manager Ryan said the Commission should start thinking
of people they want to nominate for the Ocoee Cemetery
Advisory Committee. Commissioner Johnson said to put it on
the next Commission Meeting Agenda and that the Commission
could bring their nominations then. Commissioner Bateman
wanted to thank City Manager Ryan and Street Department
Supervisor Buddy Elmore for the Job they did cleaning up the
Linda Barnby said she had no comment other than that she was
working on the Youngblood contract and the title search was
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City Commission Meeting
November 17, 1987
being completed.
Commissioner Hager said he also wanted to thank City Manager
Ryan and Street Department Supervisor Elmore for the good Job
they did in coordinating the clean-up of the cemetery.
Commissioner Bateman reminded the Commission that the West
Orange Chamber of Commerce was meeting Thursday morning at
7:30 and that Senator Stuart and Representative Webster would
be there. Mayor Ison told Commissioner Bateman that he had
spoken with the owner of the new Orange Tree Cinema and that
Mr. Nathan Dykgraaf said he would allow the West Orange
Chamber of Commerce and other civic groups to have meetings
at the theatre on Maguire Road. Commissioner Johnson
proposed to the Commission that they consider buying M&M
Utilities. Commissioner Johnson said City Manager Ryan
should meet with the owners and see if the company could be
acquired in an easy fashion.
Commissioner Dabbs commented that if the City was to be in
the sewer business, and developments and commercial sites
were to be approved, then the City should consider having a
Master Transportation Plan. City Manager Ryan said Staff
could get a request for proposals if the Commission desired
and have traffic engineering firms respond. There was a
concensus to draw up a request for proposals.
11:30 p.m.
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