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NOVEMBER 23, 1987
Mayor Ison called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.
PRESENT: Mayor lson; Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs, Bateman,
and Hager; City Manager Ryan; City Attorney Kruppenbacher;
City Clerk Catron; City Planner Wagner; City Engineer Kelley;
and Special Legal Counsel Andrew Thomas.
Roger Freeman, 151 W. Silver Star Road wanted to wish the
Commission the best of luck with the acquisition of Prima
Vista Utilities. Mr. Freeman had been involved in helping
the City get into the sewer business since 1980.
City Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that since last Monday's
meeting, he had reviewed the Purchase and Sale Agreement and
Developer's Agreement, as well as the items from Mr. Ade, Mr.
Cohen, and Andrew Thomas. He stated that he did not have a
problem with the deal and they had the legal authority to
proceed. If they desired to proceed with acquisition, then
before they made a motion, he would take them through the
necessary steps per the Florida Statutes Chapter 180.
Commissioner Dabbs asked City Engineer Kelley for a summation
of the engineering details regarding the sewer acquisition.
Mr. Kelley said the system was in relatively good repair but
that it was an old system and would need some repairs. Mr.
Kelley said the estimated cost of those repairs would be
about Sl,700,OOO.00 not counting maJor expansions. Stanley
Cohen, special financial consultant, factored those costs
into the financial feasibility study. Mr. Kelley said the
sewer system was not a sophisticated system as far as
treatment technology was concerned.
Commissioner Bateman asked Special Legal Counsel Andrew
Thomas and City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher specific
questions about the financial aspects of the documents. Mr.
Cohen had previously told Commissioner Bateman that the City
did not stand to lose money by acquiring the sewer company.
Attorney Kruppenbacher would not comment on the financial
aspects because of a conflict of interest but did say that
the document was legally correct.
Commissioner Bateman also asked about page seven, item six,
paragraph four which mentioned that certain mandatory
requirements would be required of the City to construct
additional facilities. City Manager Ryan said the City was
required to build the plant that was already permitted for
and that the City would have to grant connections to those
developers who had already been involved in the new plant.
Commissioner Bateman said he did not like the fact that the
City was being required to do certain things with the system.
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November 23, 1987
He said once the City acquires the system, he felt the Seller
should not be able to tell the City how to run it or what to
do with it.
Commissioner Bateman also was unsatisfied with the language
of the contract on page 20, where it mentioned that the
Seller would have veto power for 15 years over the hiring of
any engineers by the City to work on the system.
Commissioner Bateman thought the idea of a cash settlement up
front was to get the Seller out of the picture, rather than
paying the payments in installments and allowing the Seller
to hold some control over the system. Attorney Thomas said
the attorneys for the City did not like this statement of the
contract either but that the decision to take it out o~ the
contract was a business decision and there~ore was up to the
Commission to deal with. City Engineer Kelley asked for
clarification of the statement and asked if that part of the
contract was meant to be taken that literally or whether the
language Just made it seem that way. Commissioner Dabbs said
that the Commission needed to look at the document in its
entirety and see if all the changes and settlements made by
both sides presented a document that was favorable. He said
the decision should weigh all the factors and in this case,
whether or not the Commission could live with that particular
part of the document, or whether it was important enough to
keep the Commission from approving the agreement.
Commissioner Bateman also addressed two sections of the
agreement that mentioned attorney fees. He said page 23,
paragraph 18, said that the City of Ocoee would agree to pay
all reasonable attorney fees incurred by the Seller and page
24 said that if the City of Ocoee did not concur with
reasonable fees, any disagreements regarding fees would need
to be taken to a court of law. Commissioner Bateman asked
why the exact amounts of attorney fees were not spelled out
in the agreement, since both sides had good estimates of what
the fees were to date. City Manager Ryan said the Seller had
agreed to a cap and that the Commission could decide if it
wanted to require this figure in the contract.
Mayor Ison gave a summary of Commissioner Bateman's concerns
with the agreement. He said the areas included tapping fees
(page four), how the cash was to be delivered (page five),
the obligation to build certain facilities (page seven), the
veto power given to the Seller regarding the hiring of
engineers (page 20), and the issue of attorney fees (pages
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Commissioner Dabbs had questions on the document he was given
but it was not the latest copy and his concerns were all
incorporated in the latest document.
RECESS: 8:50 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER: 9:05 p.m.
City Attorney Kruppenbacher said he spoke with the Seller
during the recess concerning the issues that were raised by
Commissioner Bateman. Attorney Kruppenbacher said the Seller
would not change its position regarding the tap in fees. He
said the Seller would require that the $4 million purchase
price be arranged by wiring the funds. The issue of
the City's obligation to build certain facilities was
clarified by the Seller and the Seller said as long as
connections were given to those who were promised them, the
Seller did not place any further restrictions on construction
of facilities. The Seller was not willing to change its
position on the issue of veto power on engineers the City
hired to deal with the system. City Attorney Kruppenbacher
said the final issue regarding a cap on attorney fees could
also be added to the agreement and the Seller agreed to a
$450,000.00 cap, subJect to providing actual invoices. Barry
Goodman said they would try to keep the figure as low as
Mayor Ison said the issue of veto power the Seller would hold
over the City for 15 years might change after the agreement
was signed. City Engineer Kelley asked for clarification
of the intent of the language in regards to the veto power.
City Attorney Kruppenbacher said that legally the document
would allow the Seller to veto any engineering firm that
would have anything to do with the sewer system for a period
of 15 years. City Engineer Kelley asked if the Seller would
qualify what the language said. City Attorney Kruppenbacher
said the Seller did not want to comment on the issue and that
the Seller wanted to keep the language as broad as it was.
City Manager Ryan said the language was placed in at the
request of the Seller but had been modified to be generic.
The Seller did not want to have PEC do any of the work.
Mr. Kelley had no argument with being named in the contract
if the City wanted to change the language from having a veto
power to denying any contract work to Engineer Kelley, his
firm, or any other firm he held a financial interest in. Mr.
Kelley said he was proud of his firm and would be proud to be
named in the contract to be excluded from work on the system
and he would not hold it against the City in any way. Mr.
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November 23, 1987
Kelley did
mention that he thought the City
time xinding engineers who dealt
have a
City Attorney Kruppenbacher said ix the City was interested
in pursuing the agreement, the Mayor and Commissioners would
have to make sure it was in the public's best interest, and
would have to answer nine questions in the axxirmative:
Have you reviewed the xollowing?:
1. The most recent available income and expense statement
for the utility
Commissioner Hager - yes
Commissioner Bateman - no
Commissioner Dabbs - yes
Commissioner Johnson - yes
2. The most recent available balance sheet for the utility,
listing assets and liabilities and clearly showing the amount
ox contributions-in-aid-of-contribution and the accumulated
depreciation thereon
Commissioner Hager - yes
Commissioner Bateman - no
Commissioner Dabbs - yes
Commissioner Johnson - yes
3. A statement of the existing rate base ox the utility for
regulatory purposes
Commissioner Hager - yes
Commissioner Bateman - yes
Commissioner Dabbs - yes
Commissioner Johnson - yes
4. The physical condition of the utility facilities which
would or may be acquired
Commissioner Hager - yes
Commissioner Bateman - yes
Commissioner Dabbs - yes
Commissioner Johnson - yes
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5. The reasonableness of the purchase or sales price and
Commissioner Hager - yes
Commissioner Bateman - yes
Commissioner Dabbs - yes
Commissioner Johnson - yes
6. The impacts of the acquisitions on utility customers,
both positive and negative
Commissioner Hager - yes
Commissioner Bateman - yes
Commissioner Dabbs - yes
Commissioner Johnson - yes
7. Any additional investment required and the ability and
willingness of the City to make that investment
Commissioner Hager - yes
Commissioner Bateman - yes
Commissioner Dabbs - yes
Commissioner Johnson - yes
8. The
not made
alternatives to the purchase or sale and the
impact on utility customers if the acquisition is
Commissioner Hager - yes
Commissioner Bateman- yes
Commissioner Dabbs - yes
Commissioner Johnson - yes
9. The ability of the City to provide and maintain high-
quality and cost-effective utility service.
Commissioner Hager - yes
Commissioner Bateman - yes
Commissioner Dabbs - yes
Commissioner Johnson - yes
City Attorney Kruppenbacher said for the record, the City has
prepared a statement that said the acquisition of Prima Vista
Utilities was in the City's best interest. This conclusion
was based on the testimonies of Mr. Cohen and Mr. Kelley.
Mayor lson moved that the Commission agreed that it was in
the public's best interest to aquire Prima Vista Utilities,
Commissioner Bateman seconded, and approval was unanimous by
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roll call vote.
Commissioner Hager moved to acquire Prima Vista Utilities
subJect to revisions to the Purchase and Sale Agreement by
Special Legal Counsel Andrew Thomas, Commissioner Johnson
seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Commissioner Bateman moved to amend the motion to approve the
Purchase and Sale Agreement with the deletion of paragraph 13
on page 20 regarding engineers. City Attorney Kruppenbacher
said the first motion took care of that because it was worded
"as revised". Commissioner Bateman said he wanted to hear
from Barry Goodman that he verbally agreed to the changes
discussed on this part of the document. Attorney Steve
Fieldman said on behalf of Prima Vista Utilities, he agreed
that the language could be changed to have engineers refer to
Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc., Mr. Tom Kelley,
or any other firm Mr. Kelley held financial interests in.
Commissioner Johnson seconded Commissioner Bateman's motion
to delete paragraph 13 on page 20 for the purpose of
discussion. Commissioner Johnson said he did not want to see
a stalemate on the agreement because of a disagreement
between two other parties. He said he would vote for the
agreement as it was, but that he was disappointed that it had
to come to this.
Mayor Ison said that the agreement went beyond this one
paragraph and that it was a concern for him, but that it was
not one that was going to stop the proJect as far as he was
concerned. He said when he put it in context, he did not
have such a problem with it.
Commissioner Bateman said for the record that there was not a
person in the City of Ocoee who had supported getting into
the sewer business any longer than he had. He said he
supported the idea, but that he found it impossible to think
that tonight was the first time he heard of the feud between
Barry Goodman and Tom Kelley. He said the main point was
that after the City bought the company, the company could
still tell the City how to run it and what to do with it and
that really bothered him.
City Engineer Kelley reiterated that he did not want to be an
obstacle in this process and that he was proud of his company
and of the work they had done and would hold the City
harmless if it wanted to mention him and/or his firm in the
contract. Mayor Ison asked Mr. Kelley if he would draw up a
letter of intent to hold the City harmless and Mr. Kelley
said yes. Commissioner Bateman then said that if
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Commissioner Johnson approved.
Commissioner Johnson approved.
he would withdraw his motion.
Commissioner Hager said that there had to be some give and
take and that in negotiations, there would never be a perfect
document in everyone's eyes. He said that he thought it was
for the betterment of the City that the City control the
sewer system. He said he was not satisfied or happy with
paragraph 13, and that he was not happy that personal
feelings were entering into the City's business, but that he
agreed with the Mayor that it was necessary to look at the
entire picture.
Commissioner Dabbs said that this was an historic occasion
that people should take note of. He said he believed that
the City was on the threshold of an era of good feeling with
economic opportunity. He said this agreement was not
perfect and that it protected both sides so neither party was
irrevocably harmed. He said he was proud to be a part of the
decision and that morally and ethically he thought it was
right. He also said he would have preferred that personal
anamosities not be involved, but that he was proud to say he
would vote for the agreement and felt it was the closest to a
"win-win" situation as they could get.
Mayor Ison said it was a matter of principal whether the
system was acquired through an agreement or by condemnation.
He said for practical purposes the City decided to go the
route of coming to an agreement. He said the agreement was
not a perfect document but that neither was the Constitution
of the United States, it was still being amended. The Mayor
was more concerned with providing capacity for commercial and
residential development. He said he would support the
agreement and was willing to take any criticisms that
followed. He said the Commission would long hear the
negatives but would long also see the positives (growth).
Mayor Ison reread the motion to acquire Prima Vista
Utilities. Commissioner Johnson, Commissioner Dabbs, and
Commissioner Hager all voted to accept the agreement.
Commissioner Bateman voted against the agreement indicating
that he refused to vote for a contract that discriminates
against any individual or company.
For the record, Mayor Ison asked Commissioner Bateman if he
was in favor of acquiring the sewer company. Commissioner
Bateman said that he was definitely in favor and had come
there wanting to vote for the agreement, but was hit with
personality conflicts that prevented him from doing so.
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A roll call vote was then t~ken. Commissioner H~ger said he
was for the acquisition and for signing the agreement,
Commissioner Bateman said he was against, Commissioner Dabbs
said he was for, Commissioner Johnson said he was for, and
Mayor Ison said he was for. Mayor Ison asked the attorneys
when the documents would be revised and ready to be signed.
Attorney Kruppenbacher asked Attorney Thomas when he thought
the documents would be ready and Mr. Thomas said probably by
November 25. The closing would take place sometime in mid-
City Manager Ryan said the City had several options regarding
the operations of the wastewater system. He said the City
could hire the present personnel indefinitely or for a
probationary period; contract the operations out to a private
enterprise; or establish a utility commission. City Manager
Ryan reminded the Commission that the operations must be
managed by someone who was licensed in the State and that the
City's Water Department Supervisor, John Cockrell, was not
yet qualified for that position. City Manager Ryan said
the Staff recommended that the City hire certain members of
the present Prima Vista Utilities staff in order to assure a
smooth transition period. Everything would operate as usual
but under new management.
Barry Goodman said he was concerned with what to tell his
employees and wanted to hear something from the City to give
him an indication of what was going to happen. Mr. Goodman
was especially concerned about the City's plans in regards to
Ned DeMarce. City Engineer Tom Kelley and City Manager Ryan
agreed that it was in the City's best interest to keep Mr.
DeMarce as an employee at least for a probationary period if
he was willing. Mayor Ison also agreed that it was in the
City's best interest to continue on with the company's
present staff, at least for the time being. Mayor Ison said
the City could then evaluate if it needed additional staff,
or if there should be any cross-training, but that he felt
the City could keep the operations inside rather than
consulting out for services. Commissioner Dabbs said that
he was not interested in making any long range plans with the
present Prima Vista employees. He said he would agree to a
short term, but that he felt new staff was needed.
Commissioner Dabbs also said he thought that ultimately a
Utility Commission and/or City operated system would be the
best ways to go. Commissioner Hager said he agreed with
Commissioner Dabbs. Commissioner Bateman said he was in
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November 23, 1987
favor of a City operated system with the idea that somewhere
down the road, there would also be a Utility Commission.
Commissioner Johnson said he was still waiting for
information on Utility Commissions from City Attorney Frank
Kruppenbacher. Commissioner Johnson also said that he agreed
with the transition and with keeping the present employees
for a probation period of 30-60 days.
A workshop was scheduled for Wednesday, December 2, to
discuss the operations of the system further, followed by a
Special Session in case a policy decision needed to be made.
Item four was removed from the agenda and City
Kelley said he would present the material at the
Commission Meeting on December 1.
10:30 p.m.