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Mayor Ison called the meeting to order
Commissioner Hager led in prayer and Mayor
pledge of allegiance to the flag.
at 7:45 p.m.
Ison led the
PRESENT: Mayor Ison; Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs, Bateman,
and Hager; City Manager Ryan; City Attorney Barnby; City
Clerk Catron; City Planner Wagner; Water Department
Supervisor Cockrell; and City Engineer Kelley.
A8SENT: None
Mayor Ison presented the Grandmother's Club with a plaque for
the group's special contribution to the Bicentennial
Celebration. The Commission also had a plaque for Elizabeth
Ervine for her role as head of the Bicentennial Celebration
Committee but Ms. Ervine was not in attendance.
Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the items on the Consent
Agenda, Commissioner Bateman seconded, and approval was
unanimous. Items approved were as follows: A - Regular
Commission Meeting Minutes of 11-17-87; B - Workshop
Commission Meeting Minutes of 11-17-87; and C - Special
Session Commission Meeting Minutes of 11-16-87.
Special St.aff Report.s
Cit.y Engineer - Tom Kelley
Bowness Road - Stat.us Report
City Engineer Kelley said he had received the agreements from
City Attorney Barnby regarding Tiger Paw, Inc. and drainage
issues. Mr. Kelley said he met with Jerry Brown of Tiger
Paw, Inc. and Staff was in the process of completing
transactions for acquisition of the land. Mayor Ison asked
City Engineer Kelley when he planned on starting the bidding
process. Mr. Kelley said they would start as soon as the
deeds from the property owners were in the City's possession.
City Attorney Barnby said it was impossible to say when the
bidding would start because it depended on how the property
owners reacted.
Resolut.ion 87-15, Railroad Crossing on 80wness Road - Stat.ua
City Engineer Kelley said the Resolution was necessary to
complete the information needed to send to the Department of
Transportation (DOT). The Resolution needed to be forwarded
to the DOT at the same time as the application. The
Resolution basically was saying that the City would agree to
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City Commission Meeting
December 1, 1987
pay for the surfacing costs and signalization of the railroad
area. Mayor Ison asked City Attorney Barnby if she had
reviewed the Resolution. Attorney Barnby added a sentence to
paragraph four of the Resolution for clarification. City
Manager Ryan reminded the Commission that they had passed
similar Resolutions in the past and that the Railroad had the
upper hand in these types of situations. City Engineer
Kelley said it was a routine agreement and the City had had
several of these in the past. Mr. Kelley said if the
Commission voted to approve the Resolution, he would go ahead
and forward it with the application to the DOT.
Mayor Ison asked Dave Outlaw, Wescar~ Inc. to comment on the
Resolution since he had dealt with the Railroad several times
in the past. Mr. Outlaw said the Railroad would not proceed
with anything until the agreement was signed and that the
agreement was really something of a negotiating statement.
He stated that the process was quite lengthy. Commissioner
Bateman moved to approve revised Resolution B7-15~
Commissioner Hager seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Droinage Improvement..
City Engineer Kelley said the Commission had received a
preliminary report on the proposed drainage improvements for
the Bluford and Kissimmee Avenue area that outlined two
alternatives. Mr. Kelley said he wanted to detail the
alternatives further for the Commission so he could get some
idea of how the Commission wanted to deal with the drainage
situation. City Engineer said the ditch areas would be
acquired by the City either by easement or quick take. City
Manager Ryan asked if the drainage improvement costs for this
proJect could be included in the Bowness Road bond issue.
Mr. Kelley said the issue would have to be studied by the
City Attorney to see if it could be tied into the proJect or
Alternative One considered making improvements to the
existing ditch systems within the drainage basin. In
addition to the ditch improvements, miscellaneous piping
would be required to properly convey the storm water runoff.
The estimated cost for Alternative One was approximately
$29B~000~ which included an allowance of $75,000 for
acquiring the railroad right-of-way. Also~ it was estimated
that the total proJect costs for installation of a closed
drainage system along Bluford Avenue to handle the stormwater
only along Bluford Avenue would be approximately $200~000.
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City Commission Meeting
December 1, 1987
Alternative Two considered converting the existing ditch
system along Kissimmee Avenue and Geneva Street to a closed
drainage system which would not require acquisition ox the
railroad right-ox-way, as the improvements could be
implemented within the existing road right-ox-way. This
alternative also provided a closed drainage system along
Bluxord. The estimated cost for Alternative Two improvements
was $795,000.
Commissioner Bateman said he prexerred Alternative Two and
liked the idea ox closed ditches as opposed to open ditches.
He said his concern was that there were already too many open
ditches xor the City to maintain. Mayor Ison asked City
Engineer Kelley which alternative he prexerred. Mr. Kelley
said he preferred Alternative One but that it was not
critical xor the Commission to come up with a decision
tonight. He asked the Commission to review the alternatives
and that he would approach the Commission when he got the
results ox the Appraiser hired by the City.
City Planner - Ru.. Wagner
Silver Glen (U.S. Home.) Development Plan
City Planner Wagner said the Commission
Workshop Session earlier in the evening,
would work to incorporate the suggestions
presented and progress was being made.
had conducted a
that the Developer
that the Commission
Development. Agreement.s - Workshop Session Discussion
City Planner Wagner said that there had already been one
public hearing on the Development Agreements in November and
that the second public hearing was scheduled xor the
Commission Meeting on December 15. City Planner Wagner said
there had been some legal language additions made to the
agreements by City Attorney Barnby and that the Mayor and
Commissioners would each be receiving a copy of the updated
documents tomorrow. Mr. Wagner asked the Commission to set a
date xor a Workshop Session to discuss any xurther changes to
the documents before December 15 when they would need to vote
on them. A Workshop Session was set for Thursday, December
10, at 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall conxerence room.
Development. Agreement.s for 1988 - Di.cu.sion of Scheduling
City Planner Wagner said the City needed to establish a
timetable and procedure for the 1988 Plan Amendment
Schedule. Mayor Ison said the Commission would discuss this
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City Commission Meeting
December 1, 1987
in the Workshop Session on December 10.
Ot.her Buaine.a
Cont.inuat.ion of Discuaeion/Direction Regarding Operat.ion of
Sewer Facilit.y
City Manager Ryan said the Stazz was looking zor direction
on operation oz the sewer facility. Mr. Ryan said the
closing date was set for Monday, December 14, and that the
City was scheduled to ofzicially begin operations of the
facility on Tuesday, December 15. In anticipation of the
takeover, City Manager Ryan met with present Prima Vista
employees to discuss the transition period. City Manager
Ryan said the City had zour options regarding operations of
the facilities: 1 - Hire existing employees for the time
being and continue operations as usual under new management.
2 - Hire all new staff to operate the system. 3 - Contract
out the operations to a third party zor a zee. 4 - Do
nothing. Mr. Ryan said number four was not really an option
since it was necessary to come to a decision zor operations
to continue. City Manager Ryan said it was necessary to wait
until now to start thinking about the operations of the
facility because the way the negotiations had gone. The City
couldn't possibly have told new employees when they would be
required to start and the hiring process, iz that was the
preferred option, would not have been possible before a date
was set for closing. For the same reason, the option of
contracting out would have been difficult too.
City Manager Ryan said the most feasible option in his
opinion would be to continue operations with present staff
until a certain time period. Mayor Ison asked if the City
was prepared for the billing schedule. City Manager Ryan
said the staff would continue to bill the sewer customers a
month in advance and would therefore need to have its first
billing on January 1. City Manager Ryan asked if an
emergency ordinance was needed in order to allow the City to
bill for sewer usage. City Attorney Barnby said she would
look into it and would have an ordinance prepared to be read
on December 10 iz it was necessary. City Manager Ryan said
the City would continue to charge a flat rate until Special
Financial Consultant Stanley Cohen had completed his study of
variable zlow rates which was anticipated to take about six
months to complete. City Manager Ryan also said the Staff
would need operating funds before the City acquired the money
from the takeover.
Commissioner Bateman said he would like to see the City
handle the sewer system without contracting out for services.
He said he agreed that the City should hire the existing
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December 1, 1987
employees for a probationary period and to review them during
that time as the City currently does for its employees.
Commissioner Dabbs and Commissioner Johnson said they had
already made their comments individually to the City Manager.
Commissioner Hager said he agreed with the comments made by
Commissioner Bateman. Commissioner Johnson asked if City
Manager Ryan had the personnel files on the current Prima
Vista employees and if he had reviewed them. City Manager
Ryan said he had not yet received them. Mayor Ison told the
City Manager to let the employees know that they would be
automatically put on the City's payroll beginning December 15
and that they would be on a three month probationary term
Just as any City employee went through when hired. Mayor
Ison also directed City Manager Ryan to review their records
so that in three months, he would be able to make a decision
as to whether or not to permanently hire each employee. City
Manager Ryan wanted to point out that he was recommending to
keep all present operators of the system but that the City
would not need the billing personnel presently under hire by
Prima Vista, nor the consultant that was used by the company.
Mr. Ryan indicated that the person who now did the billing
was available to help until the City had all of the new
accounts on its system.
Commissioner Dabbs asked City Manager Ryan if the three month
probationary term would give him sufficient time to recruit
new personnel if necessary. City Manager Ryan said if it was
not sufficient time~ the City had the option of extending the
probationary period. The direction from the Commission was
to place the personnel/operations issue under the advisory of
the City Manager.
R.P. Mohnacky~ 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, wanted to call
attention to the Commission of an article he had read in the
paper regarding recycling. Mr. Mohnacky said the response to
recycling had been overwhelming in Orlando and that the
Sanitation Department had collected in one week what it had
expected to collect in one month. Mr. Mohnacky also wanted
to ask that the Development Agreements be made more easily
understandable and easier to follow. His last comment was on
the drainage problems on some of the State highways. Mayor
Ison directed Mr. Mohnacky to contact the DOT in Deland to
let them know of any problem areas to follow up on.
There were no other citizen comments.
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City Commission Meeting
December 1, 1987
RECESS: 9:40 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER: 10 p.m.
Appoint.ment to Code Enforcement. Board to fill unexpired term
of Phyllis Olmst.ead
Commissioner Johnson moved to appoint James Skirvin, 1215
Willow Creek, a postal worker who had approached Commissioner
Johnson in the past on his interests in being involved with
code enforcement within the City, Commissioner Bateman
seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Appointment.. t.o Chart.er Revision Committ.ee
Commissioner Bateman said he had already made his nomination
of Harold Switzer. Commissioner Hager submitted the name of
Bruce Beatty if he would accept. The other Commissioners
said they were still talking with people and they would have
their nominations by the December 15 Commission Meeting.
Resolution for Ocoee Cemet.ery Advisory Committ.e.
Commissioner Johnson moved to approve Resolution 87-18 to
establish a five-member Cemetery Advisory Committee,
Commissioner Hager seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Approval of Int.erlocal Mut.ual Aid Agreement., Fire Protect.ion
and Rescue between Apopka and Ocoee
Commissioner Bateman moved to approve the agreement to share
fire protection services between the two Cities, Commissioner
Johnson seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Discussion/Act.ion on proposed "Florida Bott.le 8ill"
Commissioner Bateman said he strongly supported the bill.
Commissioner Hager said he did as well. Mayor Ison requested
the City Clerk draft a City Resolution in support of the bill
and put it on the December 15 agenda, and send a thank you
letter to whomever sent the material on the bottle bill
City Manager Ryan discussed the Follow-up Agenda.
Commissioner Dabbs asked City Manager Ryan what the status
was on performance based obJectives for the City Manager's
contract and Mr. Ryan said that the proposal was forthcoming
from the City Attorney and that the hold up had occurred
because of the Prima Vista acquisition.
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City Commission Meeting
December 1, 1987
City Manager Ryan discussed Item 14 on the Follow-up Agenda.
the City wide Master Transportation Plan Development. and
said the Commission had received some information from City
Engineer Kelley regarding his proposal for engineering
services for a Transportation Circulation Study and
development of Road Implact Fees. Mr. Kelley said his firm
estimated it would take eight to 12 months to complete the
study at a cost of $24.700. City Manager Ryan said if a
request for proposals was sent out. bids would probably be in
the range of $50,000 or more. Mayor Ison asked if it was
mandatory to have a bidding process. City Manager Ryan said
no because City Engineer Kelley was considered to be part of
the City Staff. City Manager Ryan said there were pros and
cons to both ways. Mr. Ryan said that by bidding out. the
City would be able to get a firm which specialized in
transportation but that going through the bid process would
also cost the City more money and time. Mayor Ison directed
City Staff to make sure that the impact fee language was
added to future Development Agreements to cover the cost of
this transportation study. Mayor Ison directed Attorney
Barnby to prepare the necessary documents to be able to have
the first reading on the Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance
by the December 15 Commission Meeting.
All of the Commissioners approved contracting the Job with
the City Engineer to save money and time, since the firm does
have a transportation specialist.
City Attorney Barnby had no further comments.
Mayor Ison said a one page amendment would be added to the
Prima Vista Utilities Purchase and Sale Agreement to
incorporate the changes. Mayor Ison said he wanted to
advise the Commission before signing the papers.
Mayor Ison reminded the Commissioners of several upcoming
events: the Grand Opening of the Orange Tree Cinema on
Wednesday. December 2; the West Orange Chamber of Commerce
Legislative Reception on Thursday, December 3; and the
Expressway Authority Meeting on December 16. Mayor Ison also
told the Commissioners that he met with Commissioner Marston
on the issue of the Board appointments. He said there were
about 18 Boards and that the Commissioners may want to
individually approach him if they were interested.
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City Commission Meeting
December 1, 1987
Commissioner Dabbs said he was enJoying being part of the
Florida League of Cities Governmental Relations Committee and
that he would report to the Mayor and Commissioners more
after the Committee's next meeting in January. Commissioner
Dabbs also expressed interest in attending a University of
Central Florida conference and wondered if any of the other
Commissioners were planning on attending.
Commissioner Johnson said he had recently visited the State
of Texas and admired a program the State had for
beautification of its State highways. He said there were
signs along these highways indicating that certain portions
of the roadways were maintained by certain civic
organizations. He said he would look into this program
further and see if there would be any interest in starting up
a smaller version of it in Ocoee. Commissioner Johnson also
reminded the Commission that they would need to meet soon
after the New Year to discuss their 1988 goals and
obJectives. He told City Manager Ryan to include this item
on the next meeting's agenda so that they could set a date
for a meeting sometime in January. Commissioner Johnson also
wanted to thank Buddy Elmore, Street Department Supervisor,
and his department for their efficient work on getting the
reflective signs up that he had requested. He said he had
already received favorable comments from some citizens who
noticed the signs.
Commissioner Bateman wanted to remind the Commissioners of
the West Orange Chamber of Commerce annual planning
session/dinner at the Colony Plaza on Tuesday, December 8,
at 7 p.m.
Mayor Ison wanted to make one more comment to City Manager
Ryan to remind Chief John Boyd that there should be a
representative of the Police Department at all Commission
10:50 p.m.