HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-23-88 SS . MINUTES OF COMMISSIONERS THE JOINT MEETING OF THE BOARD AND THE PLANNING &_ZONING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 23, 1988 OF CITY HELD ON The Meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. and Mayor Ison led in prayer and the pledge of allegiance to the flag. PRESENT: CITY COMMISSION: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs and Bateman, City Attorney Woodson, City Manager Ryan, City Planner Wagner and City Clerk Catron. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: Chairman Members Linebarier, Switzer, Smith, Bello, Swickerath, Board Bond, and Breeze. ABSENT: Commissioner Hager and P & Z Board Members Sanders arid Weeks. PRESENTATIONS Mayor Ison presented Planning & Zoning Board Member John Linebarier with his City of Ocoee Watch. APPROVALS - Pat Bello asked that the following correction be made to the mir.tues of Jarlual"~y 12, 1'388: Page 4, fil"~st line urld€~r AdJoul"~mnerlt delete the word II Bc.ard " as it is l"~epeated i r. the second line. Harold Switzer moved to approve the minutes of January 12, 1'388, as corrected, Pat Bello seconded and the motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION ON CONCEPTUAL LAND USE PLAN e City Planner Wagner explained that the City Commission had reviewed the Conceptual Land Use Plan following the review by the Planning and Zoning Board, had recommended several changes and felt they were headed in the right direction. He also stated that this Conceptual Plan would help them develop the Land Use Element of the overall Comprehensive Land Use Plan, would help with overall Master Transportation Study as well as the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and would help guide planning with Orange County to come up with land use for the Joint Planning Area. He then went over the changes that had been proposed by the City Commission as follows: 1 - Modify road north of SR 50 - E/W movement; 2 - Low intensity Commercial west of Lake Lotta; 3 - Eliminate road to SR 50 east of Lake Lotta; 4 - Change Light Commercial to Professional Services north of subcollector with access from Good Homes Road; 5 Residential west of Maguire, north of Robertson, instead of Commercial; 6 - Show single family between the two multi- family developments east of Maguire Road; 7 Show Moore Road straightened; 8 - Show extension out to Windermere Road from "Heller property; and '3 - Delineate golf course north of 1 . Page 2 Joint Meeting p & Z and City Commission February 23, 1988 the city. He stated that the placement of the extension of the East/West Expressway and the interchange with the Turnpike could not be precisely indicated yet, and that those modifications would be made as the plans developed. The County Commission had indicated its willingness to enter into an agreement on all areas within the proposed land use plan, ut i lites, etc. . The state said it WCtllld have to be adopted by the plan amendment process and Orange County could adopt the amendment by reference in the Joint Planning Rrea Rgt~eemerlt . e Board Member Switzer asked how this compared with the Highway 50 stUdy. City Planner Wagner explained that although basically the proposed plan was in agreement with the study, the area around Lake Lotta was not consistent with the Highway 50 Study. Orange County had expressed two areas of concern - the Lake Lotta area and the southern area on Maguire Road. The changes that were made by the City Commission in the Lake Lotta area from what the Planning & Zoning Board had recommended were in the multi-family around the lake to Light Density Commercial. City Manager Ryan stated that in order to reduce the impact on the residents to the north as we were trying to be good neighbors, the thought process by staff had been to make the changes. Board Member Switzer expressed concern over a stacked type of Commercial and wanted to make sure the lake was preserved. Chairman Swickerath questioned the concern over the residents to the north (Rose Hill area) since they were not interested in being annexed into the City of Ocoee. Commissioner Bateman felt the property rights of people should be protected whether they wet~e irl Clt~ out clf the city, especially as th,::\t area becomes more enclosed in the Ocoee area. City Manager Ryan stated that City Staff felt it was a first good effort. Mayor Ison asked if any citizens wished to address the boards. Tim Shidell, 507 Withers Court, Ocoee, stated that in regards to residents and their right to speak, he felt this was a good opportunity for them to address either of the boards. R. P. MOhnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., Ocoee, asked why the density had been changed on the Lake Olympic PUD and the Prairie Lake PUD. Chairman Swickerath stated that he had attended those Public Hearings and the density was less now than had been initially. Mayor Ison then asked for comments in general to the proposed plan. He suggested that they go down the list of changes that had been made from the Special Meeting of February 1, 1988 to see if there was any concurrance on those items. e ~~ . Page 3 Joint Meeting P & Z and City Commission February 23, 1988 Item 1 - Modify road north of SR 50 - E/W movement. item was agreed to by both boards. This e Item 2 - Low intensity Commercial west of Lake Lotta. Boat~d Member Linebarier questioned the change from residential on both sides of the lake and Planner Wagner explained that the City Manager had already answered that question. Mayor Ison stated that financing was too expensive for the R-3 type of zoning in that area. Chairman Swickerath stated that he liked the idea of Commercial but questioned the small area of Residential east of Clark Road and the Commercial abutting the green areas around the lake. He suggested that the Commercial or Professional Service Zoning be placed next to the Beltway. Mayor Ison asked if anyone wanted to suggest a change in the proposed land use for that area. Discussion then ensued on the intensity of commercial that was preferred for the area around Lake Lotta. The general concensus was that the "striped piYd<" or office use was prefet~t~ed arid it would be moved more to the west to make it adjacent to the expressway ramp and away from Lake Lotta. This type of zoning was low density and would not allow retail. The only objections wet~e ChairmaYI Swickerath who prefet~t~ed the "piYlk" area that would allow for retail and office and Board Member Smith who preferred the plan as submitted now. Item 3 Eliminate road to SR 50 east of Lake Lotta. were no objections to this change. Thet~e Item 4 - Change Light Commercial to Professional Services north of subcollector with access from Good Homes Road. This was changed to act as a buffer for the area to the north and there were no objections to this change. Item 5 - Residential west of Maguire, north of Robertson, instead of Commercial. Chairman Swickerath questioned the change and stated that they may want to take a look at this some time in the future. Mayor Ison explained that they were concerned that eventually the 5 or 6 existing homes might be converted to a commercial establishment and they also wanted to prevent a 7-11 type of busirless frclm "pclppirlg up" Clrl every corner. Mr. Linebarier stated that they could always increase the density in the future but it would be difficult to decrease the density. It was generally agreed that the change should be made. e Item 6 - Show single family between the two multi-family developments east of Maguire Road. Chairman Swickerath stated that he had the same comments as on the previous item. There were no other comments regarding this change, and it was the concensus the change should be adopted. :3 e Page It J' 0 i nt .....t i nil P & Z and City COMMission February 23, 1988 It.. 7 Show Moore Road straightened. obJections to this change. There were no It.. 8 Show extension out to Windermere Road from Hell.r property. Planner Wagner explained that this road was only conceptually placed at this time as the location of the proposed southern extension of the beltway would determine the actual location. There was general agreement for this change. It.. 9 - D.lineate golf course north of the City. There were no obJections to this change. e CONCURRENCE ON OVERALL PLAN I Planner Wagner explained that this proposed plan was actually a development Plan versus a land use; therefore, when it was submitted the parks, schools, etc. would be dropped from this plan. They would be submitted as other elements of the Growth Management Plan. The land use element was Just one part of the overall plan. Both of the boards were in basic agreement with the overall plan. They wanted to see more green areas, look at the school system and the highest standard possible for commercial development. Mayor Ison and several board members were concerned with the conversion of older homes into business establishments. Chairman Swickerath cautioned doing away with that idea entirely and gave the older homes in downtown Orlando, that had been redone into beautiful offices, as an example. RECESS. 9:05 p.m. CALL TO ORDERI 9:25 p.m. REVIEW/APPROVAL OF PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT SCHEDULE FOR 1988 Joint Planning Area Agr....nt with Orange County Planner Wagner explained that we would be working with Orange County for an agreement on the land use for the property in the Joint Planning Area. He had tried to piggy back the schedule for this land use along with our 1988 rezoning schedule. e Annexations/COMprehensive Plan Land Use AMendments/Rezonings City Planner Wagner had submitted a proposed schedule for 1988 annexations, plan amendments and rezonings for their review and approval. He stated that due to the request of the Commission for more time to review, there would only be one schedule for 1988. They were also working to designate land use for the Joint Planning Area with this schedule so that simultaneous annexations and rezonings would be 4 . Pag. :5 .1oi nt MMtt i "II P & Z and City COMMissio" F.bruary 23, 1988 e permitted. The deadline designated for submission of any proposed annexations/rezonings for this year was to be March 28, 1988. This schedule was about two months longer in order to give more public input, and some special meetings had been planned so that all that would be discussed would be developer-related items. The proposed shedule would be put on the agenda of the 3-1-88 Commission Meeting for approval. Planner Wagn.r .sked that, at a minimUM, they approve the 3- 28-88 deadline 50 he could proceed with the advertising. He stated that the Development Agreements were to be handled by the city attorney. Mayor Ison asked that these agreements be in the favor of the City and not the developer. Chairman Linebarier questioned item F. 1 on the 1988 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment Schedule as to the difference in the service area and the Joint Planning Area. City Manager Ryan stated that this was more the utility area and that PriMa Vista Utility was already part of the Joint Planning Area but not the water system. Mr. Linebarier asked if the area south of the City that Commissioner Carter had asked them about for providing sewer was in the service area or Joint Planning Area. City Manager Ryan and Mayor Ison said that it was neither. Chairman Swickerath questioned if we knew the capacity for the sewer system now and in the future. Mayor Ison explained that 3333 reservations had been obligated fot" the exisiting facilities and at this time only 50~ was being utilitzed. The City was planning a reservation capacity sale in order to determine what would be needed and monies had already been collected for expansion. He also stated that the conversat ion with Commissioy.er Carter was c.nly "talk" at this point. Mr. Linebarier stated that Orange County had not always been willing to work with Ocoee and Ocoee needed to take care of ccoee. Commissioner Bateman said that we had to maintain communication with other cities and the county and recognize that others do exist. He felt that Ocoee had made a mistake years ago when they did not participate with Winter Garden in their sewer facility. He said that we did not always have to agree with others, but that we should keep ourselves open. Commissioner Dabbs stated that he was already on record on how big he wanted the City to grow. He also said he did not want to adopt the schedules tonight since he had Just received them. Planner Wagner asked for approval of the 3-28-88 deadline date so he could do the advertising and publicity. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the 3-28-88 date for cut-off of applications, Commissioner Bateman seconded and the motion carried unanimaously. City Manager Ryan asked if the Planning & Zoning Board would have a chance to review the schedule. Planner Wagner stated that he was going to ask them to schedule a meeting for 3-22-88 since they did not have their regular meeting in March. Chairman Swickerath stated that e :5 \ -- Page (; J' 0 i nt .....t i "II P & Z and City COMMission February 23, 1988 the shedule did not affect them as Much as COMmission and they could deal with it now. moved to approve the proposed schedules for 1988, seconded and the moti~,carried unanimously. it did the Mr. Smith Mrs. Bond OTHER BUSINESS - Mr. Smith stated that he thought the City had come a long way and commended the staff and City Commission on their astuteness. Mr. Switzer echoed the comments by Mr. Smith and hoped the City Commission didn't lose sight of the small community and get too big. Commissioner Bateman expressed his concern over the use of the terms moratorium, etc. and felt it would Just cause a rise in the price of homes. He hoped we would read between the lines, use good sense and manage our growth. Commissioner Dabbs stated that he was on record as far as growth and development. Commissioner Johnson had no comments. Mayor Ison said that he had had a chance to fly over Ocoee and he felt we would not be too large as boundaries were already being determined. A lot of decisions would be made for us in the next two years due to the road systems planned for West Orange County and the areas already planned for service by Orange County. He thanked the Ilunpaidll Planning and Zoning Board Members for their. contributions. The Planning and Zoning Board Meeting will be held on March 22, 1988. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m..~) n J --~~~----~- Mayor Ison Chairman Swickerath ATTEST. City Clerk - 6