HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-15-88
The meeting was called to order at 7135 p.m.
and Commis.ioner Hager led in the prayer
by Mayor I.on
and pledge of
PRESENT, Mayor Ison, Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs, Bateman
and Hager, City Attorney Ro.enthal, City Engineer Kelley,
City Manager Ryan, City Planner Wagner and City Clerk
Request Donat ion to Boy Scout. of Central FL - R. Buck
Richard Buck, a volunteer worker for the Boy Scouts, appeared
before the Commi.sion and requested a donation of .1,000.00
to be allocated for the scouting program. He .tated that the
City had been donating monies since 1983 and that there were
211 cub scouts and boy scouts from the Ocoee area in the
program. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the donation
of .1,000.00 to the Central Florida Council Boy Scout.,
Commis.ioner Bateman .econded and the motion carried
unanimously. City Manager Ryan .tated that the Monies would
be taken out of Community Promotions or Unspecified Cash
Pre.entation Regarding Available Brant. - M. Langton
Michael Langton, Langton and Associates, spoke to the
Commission on the advantage. of hiring a grants consultant.
He explained that his firm repre.ented, large and small,
cities and counties throughout Florida. He stated that
although there were probably 1... dollars available and more
matching funds required, there were still grants available.
They had programs for small cities and we would compete with
cities our size. They operated on an annual contract
basis/fixed fee. They initially would do a needs a.sessment,
determine our needs over a S year period and then match with
available grants. Some of the programs for the new grant
program were for transportation, recreation and
comprehensive land use plan.. He said they needed someone
with an expertise in this field in order to acquire the
grants and they had been in business for six years and had
never lost a client. City Manager Ryan stated that he had
never found another firm anymore successful than Mr.
Langton's and we had a number of areas of growth where we
could use the moni.s. Mayor Ison asked if he would consider
letting us pay him when we received the first grant, and he
stated the he could not do it that way. Commissioner
Bateman asked what the matching funds were for recreation and
Mr. Langton stated that there were two ba.ic matching funds
as followsl for a water body - 66/33~ and for facilities
(such as a ballfield) - 33-66~; Federal water was a 50/S0~
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City COMMission Meeting
March is, 1988
match and some were In-Kind matches. The Mayor and
Commissioners stated they were willing to contract with Mr.
Langton's firm and asked that a contract be prepared and
presented for approval. Attorney Rosenthal a.ked to .ee
sample of contracts from other cities he had/was
representing. Mr. Langton .aid that on good faith, he would
initiate a grant proposal for the City for the EMS Program
and in the interim prepare a contract for their approval.
Procla..tion 88-83, Alcohol & Drug Abu.. Pr8Yention W..k
Mayor Ison read Proclamation 88-03 in it. entirety. He
proclaimed the week of March 27 through April 2, 1988 as
IIAlcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Weekll.
Item III A was pulled from the Consent Agenda because the
minutes had not been prepared. Commissioner Bateman moved to
approve Item III B on the Consent Agenda, Proposed Ord.,
Amending the Sign Ordinance, Commissioner Johnson seconded
and upon a roll call vote the motion carried unanimously.
City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only.
City Engineer - TOM Kelley
Approval for Apprai.al. for Bowne.. Road ProJect
City Engineer Kelley and City Attorney Rosenthal reported
that they had received the Tiger Paw Appraisals. An
estimated co.t of $10,900.00 for appraisals of some of the
other parcels was included in their packet. Attorney
Rosenthal said that they might be able to extract some of the
information they needed from the Tiger Paw Appraisals. City
Manager Ryan suggested, if they should fail to reach an
agreement with Tiger Paw, the Commission give contingent
approval of the fee for the other appraisals. There was some
discussion of the fee charged for the appraisal work and the
Commission suggested that in the future an RFP be done for
appraisal work. City Engineer Kelley and Attorney Rosenthal
stated that it was up to the Commission and it was not
unusual to get verbal quotes and ask what an hourly rate
would be if a case would go to trial. Commissioner Bateman
moved to approve the appraisals up to cost of the estimated
fees and subJect to the discretion of the City Manager on
whether they would be necessary, Commissioner Dabbs seconded
and the motion carried unanimously. Attorney Rosenthal asked
the Commission if they could acquire the property for under
$10,000.00, did he have their approval to purchase the
property without the appraisal. The Commission told him to
proceed under those guidelines. City Manager Ryan stated
that a purchase and sale agreement would have to be brought
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City Commission M__ting
tit March 1~, 1988
back to them for their approval. Engineer Kelley stated that
he had the plans and specifications ready and he only lacked
the engineering for the railroad crossing. Mayor Ison asked
if the Railroad had an occupational license or if they were
required to obtain one. The City Attorney will check into
the matter and report back at the next meeting.
R_port on Continuing ProJects
City Engineer Kelley reported on the ongoing proJects. He
reported that he had received some of the boundary surveys
regarding the Prima Vista Acquistion. He had met with
Florida DOT regarding drainage at the intersection of Blufot~d
and McKey and they were to get back with him. A meeting had
been scheduled for Tuesday (3-22-88) with the City Attorney
and Mr. Cohen regarding the Sewer Capacity Sale. Work was
still continuing on the Stucki proJect.
S.w_r Brant Application
City Engineer Kelley stated, that since the City had acquired
Prima Vista Utilities and had hoped to phase out M & M
Utilities, he thought they might be interested in applying
for a sewer grant. These grants were admininstered by OER
for the State. About $80 million in grant monies had been
proJected - $40 million in grants and $40 million in loans at
low interest rates. He could not proJect what the chances of
the City were, but he said it would not cost the City any
money to apply. They would require probably up to 55~
matching funds. He said he had prepared the grant
applications to the best of his ability with the assistance
of the City Manager and requested approval to send the
applications as there was a deadline of midnight tonight.
Commissioner Dabb expressed concern with the timing of these
applications and wondered why they had Just received them.
Commissioner Bateman also questioned the timing and said he
would not approve any application of it included a provision
for a rate increase. Mayor Ison and Commissioner Johnson
also asked that these items be provided in a timely manner.
Engineer Kelley explained that no rate increase was included
in the application for the grants and that he had problems
contacting the right person with DER to discuss the grants.
Commission Hager asked if they could refuse the grant, in
case there was something they did not approve of with the
application, and Mr. Kelley said that they could do so. The
Commi..ion did not have a problem with submitting the
applications but again requested that they be given the
information in a timely manner. City Manager Ryan stated
that there were two different applications as follows: Grant
I - was for the Ocoee Wastewater Improvements, Equipment and
Additions and Grant II - was for the contruction and pumping
station to phase out M & M Utilities. As instructed by the
City Attorney, he said a roll call vote would be needed.
P.lle It
City CoMMi..ion ~tinll
e M.reh 1 S, 1988
Commissioner Hager moved to approve the two grant
applications as submitted, Commissioner Johnson seconded and
upon a roll call vote, the motion was unanimous.
Approv.l o..illn Fee for Cl.rk Ro.d
City Engineer Kelley reported that he had originally
submitted a proposal of $24,400.00 for the center line design
of Clark Road. The proposal submitted for approval tonight
was for $28,200.00, this included right-of-way reservations,
maps, etc. and he asked them to approve the difference in the
two proposals. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the
proposal of $28,200.00 as outlined in the 3-8-88 letter to
City Manager Ryan, Commissioner Bateman seconded and the
motion carried unanimously. Engineer Kelley explained there
were a lot of details to work out with DOT, Orange County,
Expressway Authorities and landowners.
City Planner - Russ Wagner
Rev i.w/Approva 1 Roberts Rise Subdivision - Final Plat
City Planner Wagner stated that they had received an updated
plat of Roberts Rise for their files and he explained that
everything was in order except for a few minor wording
changes that had been requested by the City Attorney. The
developer had attempted to supply what was required and he
recommended approval of the Final Plat subJect to the
following items as listed in his report of 3-11-88: 1 - All
PRM's to be replaced on site and indentified as *4236 in
accordance wiht state Statutes; 2 - All drawing items to be
corrected as required by the City Engineer; 3 - All legal
document. to be modified in accordance with all changes
specified by the City Attorney including, but not limited to,
the Delcaration of Covenants and Restrictions, the
Architectural Review Board Planning Criteria, and the
Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Robert's Rise
Homeowners Association; 4 - All approved documents executed
in their final form prior to recordation with the plat; and
~ - Modification of the agreement between the City and
Courtney Consulting Corporation to specify that the proposed
dock is to be owned, insured and maintained by the Homeowners
Association and n2~ the individual lot owners, subJect to the
use of the general public. Said modified agreement to be
recorded with the plat. There was some question on who was
to be responsible for the dock and Attorney Rosenthal
recommended the Homeowner's Association be responsible and
felt this was in the best interest of the City to be handled
in this manner. Commissioner Dabbs questioned the mention on,
the plat, of an oral agreement between some of the previous
property owners. Mrs. Courtney stated that she had a quit
claim deed and explained that the oral agreement had taken
place during the 1950's. When asked if the sidewalk issue
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City COMMission "--ting
....rch 1:5, 1988
had been resolved, Mrs. Courtney explained that the portion
of the sidewalk that had been placed on property not owned by
them had been removed. Mayor Ison asked if the Courtneys or
attorney had a problem with the changes made in the original
agreement dated 7-7-87 and they stated that they had none.
He then asked for approval of the changes. Commissioner
Dabbs moved to approve the 7-7-87 agreement as modified,
Commissioner Johnson seconded and the motion carried
unanimously. Commissioner Bateman questioned item 3 which
required approval by the City Attorney of the Homeowner's
A.sociation documents. Mayor Ison stated that he had never
seen this type of thing approved by them in the past. The
attorney agreed they could drop that item. Commissioner
Johnson moved to approve the Final Plat for Roberts Rise
Subdivision subJect to items 1, 2, 4 and ~ of the report from
City Planner Wagner dated 3-11-88 and subJect to review by
the City Manager and City Attorney, Commissioner Bateman
seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Cable TV Status Report - Cablevision Industries
Rick D'Loughy, repr...ntative of Cablevision Industries,
addr....d the Commi..ion and stated that he did not have
anything in writing to pre.ent to them. He had been in
contact with hi. office and the City Staff and felt that the
l.vel of complaints had been reduced and th.re was a general
l.v.l of satisfaction with their service and with what they
had b..n able to accomplish. The Commission agreed that they
had not had as many complaints. Kim Nordquist, 2003 Leslie
Ann Lane, Oco.e, stated that he had not had service since
last Thur. day. H. had trouble getting through, was put on
hold for 23 minute. and eventually told that a technician
would come by hi. hom.. Commissioner Johnson reported that
he also had trouble getting through on the phone lines and
had vi.ited their office. Mr. D'Loughy assured Mr. Nordquist
that he would assist with the problem.
RECESS I 9:30 P.M.
Ordinance 88-02, Pearl R. Terry Annexation
Planner Wagner pointed the property out on the map and stated
that it was a 20 acre parcel located at the southeast corner
of Geneva Street and B.C. Terry Road south of White Road.
Mayor I.on opened the Public Hearing and there being no
comment. closed the hearing. City Manager Ryan read the
ordinance by title only. Commi.sioner Bateman moved to
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City COMMi..ion ~tinl
M....ett 1 S, 1988
approve Ordinance 88-02, Pearl R. Terry Annexation,
Commi..ioner Hager seconded and the motion carried
unanaimou.ly. Commissioner Dabbs questioned the signature
page on this Hold Harmless agreement as it had the same
signature as the Ferdinand annexation. (It was determined,
following the meeting, that Mr. Ferdinand owned both
properties .nd, therefore, he signed the Hold Harmless for
the Pearl Terry property.)
Ordinance 88-83, J.... V. F.rdin.nd Annex.tio~
Planner Wagner pointed the property out on the map and
explained th.t this was a 24.27 acre parcel located
approxim.tely 1/8 mile east of Maguire Road and north of
Moore Road. Mayor Ison opened the Public Hearing and there
being no comments closed the he.ring. City Manager Ryan read
the ordinance by title only. Commissioner Bateman moved to
approve Ordinance 88-03, James V. Ferdinand Annexation,
Commissioner Hager seconded and the motion carried
Do.. Ag.......nt - City Attorney Rosenthal
Attorney Rosenthal explained that the agreement dealt with
usage of the trailer and provided a mechanism for removal of
the trailer in the future. The agreement had been signed by
the Do.s family and given to the City Clerk. Mayor Ison
asked if there were any comments. Mrs. McRoberts, 611 Spring
St., stated that she accepted this arrangement with
reservations and she felt the Commission made a mistake and
should have admitted it. Mayor Ison stated that we all leat~n
from our mistakes .nd hopefully, this would not happen again.
Commisisoner Dabbs moved to approve the agreement,
Commissioner Hager seconded and the motion carried
R.view/Di.~u..ion on . Proposed C.bl. TV Fr.nchi.e Ordinance
- City Man.ger Ryan
City Manager Ryan stated that they had been presented with
a copy of our existing Cable TV Franchise Ordinance along
with . copy of the City of Orlando Cable TV Franchise
Ordinance which wa. the procedure for granting franchises.
He ..ked for direction and explained that they could grant a
franchise as they did with the current cable company without
an ordinance for procedure. Most of the Cable TV ordinances
we had received had been passed prior to the new State
Statute .nd before deregulation. Attorney Rosenthal
reminded the Commission that he had a conflict with this
i..ue and would not be able to represent them. Mayor Ison
asked if the represent.tive from another cable group would
speak to them. Tom Cloud, attorney with Gray, Harris and
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City COMMission Meeting
e March 13, 1988
Robinson, stated that he represented Telestat Cablevision,
Inc., a FPL group located soley in Florida and they currently
had 16 franchis... On March 7, 1988, they filed an
application for a franchise with the City of Ocoee and they
asked the Commi.sion to consider their franchise request.
They had applied for a franchise in the City of Orlando but
had not be.n approved as of this date. Mr. Cloud stated they
were willing to enter into a franchise agreement with the
City on the same terms as the present company. Mayor Ison
stated that he was ready to hold a Public Hearing but was not
sure that would be procedurally correct and asked if we could
have the public hearing at our next meeting (4-5-88). City
Manager Ryan stated that several Public Hearings would have
to be held. Commissioner Dabbs expressed his concern with
holding the hearing without legal representation. Attorney
Rosenthal stated that the Commission could have a
presentation made to them, a marketing type proposal, with no
legal documents until such time as they get legal
repre.entation. A pre.entation by Telestat will be placed on
the April 5, 1988 Agenda under Old Business.
AppointMent of Liaison to Deoee Historic Commission
Commi.sioner Dabbs stated that he would be willing to serve
as the liaison for the Commission to the Ocoee Historic
Commission. Commis.ioner Bateman moved to accept the offer
of service by Commissioner Dabbs, Commissioner Johnson
seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., Ocoee, made the
following comments: He would like to see the option of
smaller homes and larger lots; suggested putting a water
storage tank at the highest location in the City so it would
be gravity fed; and suggested purchasing equipment with cash
instead of the lease/purchase plan.
Budget AMend..nts for Added Staff Positions and Pay Plan
City Manager Ryan requested the Commission authorize the
expenditure of .27,400.00 for the proposed, but not budgeted,
new positions - the Planner and Administrative Assistant to
the City Manager. The figure. were based on six months for
1988 and the monies could be allocated from the Unspecified
Ca.h Reserves in the General Fund. The monies needed for
additonal office equipment due to the new positions were
$3,131.00 and they could be taken from the monies that had
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City COMMi.sion Meeting
March is, 1988
been allocated for the microfilm equipment. He asked for
their approval and at mid year budget, they would amend the
budget by ordinance to ratify what had been done. The
Commission gave their approval for the allocation of the
funds as requested. City Manager Ryan stated that the Pay
Plan AdJustments were not prepared at this time. They would
still need to approve pay adJustments for the fire and police
departments. Those items would be placed on the next agenda.
FollOM-up Agenda
City Manager Ryan stated that a copy of Orange County Zoning
and City of Ocoee Zoning had been provided to them for their
review. The property north of the Foxfire Plant was owned
by the Goodman Group and the retention pond belonged to the
apartment complex. He asked if there were any other items
the Commis.ion would like to have addressed. Commissioner
Dabbs asked the status of item 5, which dealt with an overall
"Utility Commission". City Manager Ryan stated that it had
been discussed in concept and was on the list of things for
the City Attorney. Commissioner Dabbs asked that it be given
some priority. Mayor Ison said his concept was for sewer
and water more so than drainage. Commissioner Bateman asked
that a workshop be scheduled when the City Manager had
something ready. Commissioner Dabbs asked if Mr. Kelley had
spoken on the Master Transportation Plan and Mr. Ryan said
that he had not but it was in process and one of the
prioritie.. Commissioner Dabbs also said that item 7
evaluation/performance review for City Manager was still of
intereat to him. City Manager Ryan said he would provide a
copy of the ICMA Magazine that dealt with City Manager
evaluations and he and the new attorney would work on this
matter as it was on the list of things to be done.
Pylant Lawsuit - Attorney Rosenthal stated that he was
plea..d to report a favorable ruling by Judge Brown on the
hearing with Rev. Pylant and that Judge Thompson was
consolidating the lawsuits for a more efficient way of
handling both matters. He said he was of the understanding
that Rev. Pylant was in compliance with the ruling.
Charter Revision COMMitt.. - Attorney Rosenthal presented the
members of the City Commission with a copy of the Charter so
that one side was the charter and the other side was blank so
they could make note./changes. He reported that the
committee was trying to review one chapter at a time.
Proposed PUD Ordinanee - Attorney Woodson
Attorney Woodson reported that the proposed
been ba.ed on the Orange County Ordinance
ord i Ylance
and had
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City COMMission "--ting
March IS, 1988
commented on by P & Z, prior city attorney and staff. They
had worked from that and that the most important element was
establishing procedures for PUD review. Another important
feature was that this ordinance required more in depth
standards. He had a draft that he could present if they
wanted to look at it now and he would have another draft in
the next week or so. City Manager Ryan suggested a workshop
be held prior to a first reading on the proposed ordinance.
A workshop was scheduled for April 5, 1988 at 6:30 p.m..
Propos.d Transportation Impact F.. Ordinanc.
Attorney Woodson explained that this was the second draft of
the proposed ordinance. He had received comments from PEC,
Homebuilders Association, and looked at ordinances in Orange
County, Orlando, Apopka, Seminole and Lake Counties. There
would probably be another revision since an interim fee
might have to be designed since a study was needed in order
to establish a transportation impact fee. PEC was doing the
study, but would not be done until approximately December and
an ordinance would have to be established for credits against
the fee. At the request of the City Manager, this impact fee
would be required at the time the Certificate of Occupancy
was issued. Attorney Woodson stated that this was unique as
most cities collect it at the time of building permit. He
emphasized that the monies collected had to be used in the
areas it was collected and could not be used for
maintenance, only new construction. He stated the proposed
fee in this draft of $1,000.00 per unit for residential;
$3,000.00 to $6,000.00 for retail and $8,000.00 for a
restaurant was very flexible and the percentage of cost
recovery varied between the cities and counties. He had
copies of the second draft available if they wanted them and
he would have the third draft ready by the 4-5-88 Meeting.
Commissioner Dabbs commended Attorney Woodson on his report.
Mayor Ison asked if he had a feel for the time involved.
Attorney Woodson stated that it depended on the priorities.
They agreed that the PUD and Transportation Impact Fee
Ordinances were priority.
COMMissioner Dabbs stated that he had received both verbal
and written thanks for the City taking care of the street
light problem and repairing the sidewalks. He felt the
hiring of a full time city attorney was a priority and
requested that city staff formalize the process. He stated
that he was on record for hiring a permanent city attorney
because of the conflict of the present firm due to their
representation of the Heller family. Mayor Ison suggested we
workshop this item and set the procedures they want for
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City COMMi..ion M..ting
Marc:h 1:5, 1988
hiring a city attorney and an attorney for Cable TV. The
item would be placed on the workshop of April 5, 1988.
Commissioner Dabbs asked if there would be file cabinet space
for them in the new office in the Withers/Maguire House and
City Manager Ryan said that the cabinets would be provided.
He also asked if anyone was going to Tallahassee for the
Legislative Action Day on May 4, 1988.
COMIIi.sionltr Johnson asked about si grls that were placed c,n
the side of the road and he was told that they were illegal
and would be removed. He asked if the Police Department
would, on a regular basis, drive by the Little League Field
and, also, stop and patrol the area. There were people
speeding and it was dark in that area. Mayor Ison and City
Manager Ryan stated that there was no reason that the police
could not patrol the area and Buddy Elmore, Supervisor of the
Street Department, said his crew was out checking all of the
street lights in the City.
COMMissionltr Hager stated that the West Orange Girls Club
used to have a contribution box and it might be a good idea
to put it back. Commissioner Bateman said it would be put
back. Commissioner Hager also reported that the lights had
been out on Lee Street for two weeks. He said he had also
received good comments on the work that was being done around
the Ci ty.
COMMissionltr BateMan had no comments.
Mayor Ison said he also had some of the same items on his
list, such as a permanent attorney. He reminded everyone of
the Tri-County League of Cities Luncheon on Thursday which
was hosted by the City of Ocoee and to be held at Plantation
City Manager Ryan stated that the audit was complete and
sometime between now and April 1, 1988, they may need to have
a special meeting.
The meeting aJdourned at 11:40
p. m. . .) () n ~ .