HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-07-88 WS
The workshop was called to order at 6:12 p.m. by Mayor Ison.
PRE8ENT: Mayor Ison, COMMiasioners Johnson (arrived at 6:16
p...), Dabbs, BateMan (arrived at 6:15p.m.), and Hager, City
Attorneys Rosenthal and Woodson, Consulting Engineer Kelley,
City Kanager Ryan, City Engineer Finch and City Clerk Catron.
A88ENT: None
Jim Tanck, President of Florida COMmunity Services. explained
that on Karch 8, 1988, they had preaented their proposal to
the City regarding providing for a central water and
wastewater syst... Th. Com.ission had requesed they present
a revised propoaal based upon updated information. They had
only preaented a propoaal for the central wastewater system
becauae they had only received inforMation regarding the
sewer bond issue. Mr. Tanck said they were a not-for-profit
corporation recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. They
propoaed to issue tax-exempt bonds for the purpose of
acquiring existing sewer facilities in the service area, as
well as expansions and improvements to those facilities.
This included providing capacity for additional 1200 ERU's
for 1988/89 and adding 1.5 million gallon sewage treatment
and disposal. They felt this would eliminate the capacity
deficiency that existed with the sewer system. He also
said they needed an advance registration program as the back
bone of the syatem would be paid for by developer's
connection fees. They would offer to charge S1650 per ERU
with a minimum purchaae of 50 ERU's for a 90 day period only.
Mr. Tanck detailed their proposed construction program as
follows: Build a new 1.5 mgd expansion site on the Chicone
Tract; Provide 1.5 agd expansion of effluent disposal
capacity at the Chicone Tract and the West (PVU *5) site;
Force Main and pumping station from A.D. Mims to Chicone
Tract and West aite; and Comparison of planned improvements
- City had planned 1.0 agd and FCS planned 1.5 mdg expansion.
The proposed moniea would be $12,150,000 and would be
financed with bonds, reserve funds, capacity sales revenue,
bond issue funda and interest on construction. The City
would sponaor the proJect - agree to accept the assets once
bonds were defeaaed. lease the syatea from FCS and own the
system when the bonds were defeased. Florida Community
Services would issue the bonds - undertake construction
program, lease completed syste. to the City and undertake
additional construction if wanted by the City. The City
could have the option of managing the system or have FCS
manage the syatem. Mr. Tanck felt the advantages to the
syst.m were as follows: the City would become "debt free II
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Ci~y Coaai..ion Work.hop
Jun. 07, 1988
not be
and it
res could not aake a pro~it and would issue tax exempt
all decisions would be aade by the City, rates would
increased, they would provide the necessary capacity
would les.en the burden on City Sta~~.
Commis.ioner Dabbs asked, based on the figures they used, if
the dollars to custoaers would amortize the indebtedness to
customera. Mr. Tanck stated that it would. Commissioner
Dabbs also aaked about their administration fee which was to
not exceed $30,000.00. They did not include a proJect
management fee which Mr. Tanck stated would be approximately
$1,000 to 81,500 per month. Commi.sioner Dabbs stated that
he liked the concept and wanted Mr. Tanck to get any other
information that he needed.
Mayor Ison stated that he had a problem with the "numbers"
presented and did not feel they had enough conclusive
information to say that the rates would not increase. He
stated that they needed to talk with Stanley Cohen, our
financial advisor for the sewer system. He also discussed
their proposal to aove the plant site froa A. D. Mims site.
Mr. Tanck stated that they felt it should be aoved. Mr.
Tanck stated that he needed additional inforaation. City
Manager Ryan said that he had received all the documents
from the closing of Prima Vista Utilities and did now know
what additional inforaation was needed.
Coamissioner Bat.man stated that he liked the approach but he
felt Mr. Tanck needed aore information on the dollars in
order to present them with a concrete proposal and he could
not make a decision on what had been presented tonight.
Commissioner Johnson questioned Mr. Tanck's reference in his
letter of May 9, 1988 that Mrs. Resnik had said that all the
inforaation was not available. Mr. Tanck stated that he had
been given all inforaation except the value of the water
Attorney Rosenthal aade aeveral comments and expressed
several areas of concern they should address. They would be
paying some feea they had already spent during the
acquisition of Prima Vista Utilities and cautioned them to
look at re-incurring costs again.
Commissioner Dabbs stated that he had spoken about this issue
before and felt it should have been handled prior to the
consummation of the purchase of PVU. Even though he could
foraee aome double coats, he felt it worthwhile to pursue
this proposal and would like to have the numbers crunched.
Attorney Rosenthal suggested they needed an independent
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C1~y Co..iaaion Workahop
Jun. 07, 1988
City Manager Ryan stated that they needed back up data as the
figures pre.ented did not substantiate the data presented and
they had not been able to get the data frOM Florida Community
Services. Coa.i..ioner Bate.an suggested that any requests
for inforaation be .ade in writing with a copy furnished to
the COllai..ion.
Mayor Iaon stated that he had a lot of infor.ation regarding
the acquisition of PVU and would be more than happy to share
it with Mr. Tanck and offered to aeet him in the City
Mananger'. Conference Roo. in City Hall. Mr. Tanck stated
that he would get with City Manager Ryan and Mayor leon to
get the inforaation he needed.
Conaulting Engineer Kelley reported that in addition to land
use and utilitie., he had planned for 4 fire flows. He had
looked at the production need., the aost efficient use in the
long run, aake aaxiaua use of existing facilities, propose
new plan for Kiaaiaa.e Water Plant Site and Plan for the area
south of Highway 50. The proposed costs were as follows:
Kiaaiaaee - 81.1 .illion; Ja..la $600,000; Forest Oaks-
$700,000; south plant .1.5 .illion and the backbone water
aain - $4.1 aillion. This was a total systea cost of
approxi.ately 8a aillion. He reco.aended the following
phaaing: Pha.e I - Priority Kiasi.aee Ave. Water Plant:
Phase II Ja..la Plant Iaprove.ents; Phase III - Forest
Oak. I.prove.ent. and Pha.e IV - Iaolation connections. At
this tiae, he felt the 8750.00 tap fee for water was
adequate. He .aid he had spoken with Stanley Cohen and RCA
and hoped to have the .ewer capacity sale within the next 30
to 45 days.
City Manager Ryan aaked Mr. Kelley how he had propoaed to
.erve Adair - Mosely Eatates by taking Jaaela off line. Mr.
Kelley stated that he had planned for that area.
The workshop adJourned at 7:30
p.Il.. to n ~