HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-21-88 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD JUNE 21, 1988 . The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Ison and Commissioner Hager led in prayer and pledge to the flag. PRESENT. Mayor Ison, Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs, Bateman and Hager, City Attorneys Rosenthal and Woodson, City Manager Ryan, City Engineer Finch, Assistant Planner Myers, and City Clerk Catron. ABSENT. None PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Proposal for Assisting the City in the Restoration of the Withers/Maguire HoMe James Sides Mr. Sides was not present at the meeting and Mayor Ison asked that the presentation be made to the Ocoee Historic Commission before coming back to the City Commission. Orange County COMMissioner Vera Carter Commissioner Vera Carter expressed her appreciation to the City Commission for their cooperation regarding the wastewater agreement. She also assured them that they would be getting good service from their award winning facilities. APPROVALS - CONSENT AGENDA e City Manager Ryan, on behalf of staff, asked that Item G be pulled from the Consent Agenda and Commissioner Bateman asked that Item I be pulled for information purposes. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve Items A, B, C, D, E, F, & H on the Consent Agenda, Commissioner Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Bateman questioned the contract that was referenced in the staff report regarding Item I and asked for a brief description on what it contained. Attorney Rosenthal explained that it provided for the City to pay all expenses related to the dog and if the officer left employment of the City then the dog would go with him. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve Item I as presented by the City Attorney, Commissioner Dabbs seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Items approved on the Consent Agenda were as follows: A - Regular Commission Meeting Minutes of 6-07-88; B - Workshop Commission Meeting Minutes of 6-07-88; C - Workshop Commission Meeting Minutes of 6-04-88; Special Session Commission Meeting Minutes of 6- 04-88; E - Approval of Purchase Agreement for Tiger Paw, Inc. Contract Re Bowness Road; F - Approval of Purchase Agreemerlt for Ludwig & Mossey Contract Re Bowness Road; H Approval to Draft an Ordinance to Govern barking dogs; and I - Approval for Contract for Canine Dog. . OLD BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARINBS - PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLANS 1 . Page 2 City COMmi..ion Meeting June 21, 1988 Olympia Cove PUD - PreliMinary Ma.ter Pia" The Public Hearing had been continued from the June 7, 1988 Meeting. City Manager Ryan asked to make a brief presentation and then have the developer respond. He explained that the developer had requested a modification to the Preliminary Master Plan with a change in land use and, if that change in land use was approved, they would prefer that Montgomery Road not be extended through the proJect. He stated that all the details could be approved later and all that needed to be addressed at this time was the proposed land use change and the Montgomery Road issue. He also said that they had given us an easeMent to the outfall for Lake Olympia. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve the Preliminary Master Plan which included the elimination of Montgomery Road and reduced the density to no less than R-1-A as shown on the plan, and Commissioner Johnson seconded. e Mayor Ison stated that he had been handed a petition with 100 plus names on it with citizens who did not want Montgomery Road to go through. He then asked for discussion and opened the floor for comments. The following residents addressed the Commission with their concerns if Montgomery Road was extended, of increased traffic, hazard to children, reduce the quality of life, risk to the environment, reduced land values and hurting one of the most beautiful areas of the city: Bruce Beatty, Louis Bouchard, Stanley HOSkins, and Bruna Massa. MiraY'lda Fitzgerald, represent ing HawthorY'le Properties, stated that she was in favor of the motion on the floor and that, in lieu of some of the conditions that resulted from the Planning & Zoning Board Meeting, they would request time from staff. City Manager Ryan explained that this was only preliminary and those items could be addressed at the Final Master Plan approval. Mayor Ison restated the motion and asked for any further discussion from the Commission. Commissioner Dabbs stated that he was in favor of Montgomery Road being extended through the proJect. He felt it would be good for the City of Ocoee and that the transporation plan would support that position, especially since the City needed more north-south access. Mayor Ison called for the question and the motion carried 3 to 1 with Commissioners JOhnson, Bateman and Hager voting Yes and Commissioner Dabbs voting No. PUBLIC HEARINBS AND SECOND READINGS - ANNEXATION ORDINANCES . Ordinance 88-09, (03A-88 > , Moremen, Sh.ppard, Murray & Davi. City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only and explained the location of the property. Mayor Ison opened the Public Hearing. Nancy Christman, Orange County 2 e Page 3 City COmMi..ion Meeting June 21, 1988 Planning Department, said she would like to address the Commission on items 1, 3 & 4 and that her comments be noted for all three cases, 03A-88, 05A-88 and 06A-88. She stated that they had no formal obJections as they were all in the reserve area, but they all caused potential enclaves. She requested that the City make an effort to annex the area within those sites. There being no further comments, Mayor Ison closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve Ordinance 88-09 as presented, Commissioner Hager seconded and upon a roll call vote the motion carried unanimously. Ordin.nce 88-10, (Cas. 04A-88), E. H. Crow, 3r. , Ann B. CraM City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only and pointed the property out on the map. Mayor Ison opened the Public Hearing and there being no comments closed the hearing. Commissioner Hager moved to approve Ordinance 88-10 as presented, Commissioner Bateman seconded and upon a roll call vote the motion carried unanimously. . Ordinance 88-11, (C... .~A-88), C. Rog.r Fr....n, Trust.. City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only and explained where the property was located. Mayor Ison opened the Public Hearing and noted for the record the comments made by Nancy Christman, Orange County Planning Department, that this parcel caused a potential enclave (See Case 03A-88). There were no other comments and Mayor lson closed the hearing. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve Ordinance 88-11, as presented, Commissioner Johnson seconded and upon a roll call vote the motion carried unanimously. Ordin.nce 88-12, (Ca.. 06A-88), C.Rog.r Fr....n City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title orlly and explained where the property was located. Mayor Ison opened the Public Hearing and noted for the record the comments made by Nancy Christman, Orange County Planning Department, that this parcel caused a potential enclave (See Case 03A-88). There being no other comments, Mayor Ison closed the hearing. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve Ordinance 88-12 as presented, Commissioner Bateman seconded and upon a roll call vote the motion carried unanimously. , Ordin.nce 88-13, (Ca.e 07A-88), Pho.niM Dev. Group, P.rcel 1 City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only and explained where the property was located. Mayor lson opened the Public Hearing and there being no comments closed the hearing. Attorney Rosenthal stated that the legal description had been amended since the First Reading; therefore, they would need to have a motion to amend and then a motion to adopt. Commissioner Hager moved to approve the amendment to Ordinance 88-13, Commissioner Johnson seconded 3 e Page 4 City Commi..ion Meeting June 21, 1988 and upon a roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Hager moved to approve Ordinance 88-13 as amended, Commissioner Johnson seconded and upon a roll call vote the motion carried unanimously. e Ordinance 88-13A, (Ca.e 07A-88>, Phoenix D.v. Group, Parcel 2 City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only and explained where the property was located. He pointed out that the ordinance had been amended so that it would not become effective until the Joint Planning Area Agreement with Orange County had been amended. Mayor Ison opened the Public Hearing. Nancy Christman, Orange County Planning Department, spoke in favor of the amendment to the ordinance. She also stated that they would like to work with the City Staff on the land use for the area and urged a lower density for that tract. Orange County Commissioner Vera Carter also spoke to the City Commission and said she had no obJections to this tract being in Ocoee's Reserve Area with the condition that the land use be compatible with the area. She also expressed concern for the density proposed. She stated that she knew Bob Ferdinand, he was also a friend, so it would be a quality development. However, she felt his plan would not be serving Ocoee, but more the Windermere and surrounding area, which would create the need for maJor renovation to the transportation network. James Ferdinand, representing Phoenix Dev. Group, stated that the property to the north of their property was zoned R-3 and the property across the road was zoned for 1/4 acre lots. They planned for a portion of the property to be transitional since it would be part of a PUD and the roadway was all right for now since their development would not come on line until 1990/1991. Scott Wilt, attorney with Maguire, Voorhis & Wells, stated that this 74 acres was part of a PUD and they had no objections to the amendment to the ordinance. Attorney Rosenthal stated that they would need a motion to approve the amendment to the ordinance, Section 7 was deleted and a new Section 7 added, and then a motion to approve the amended ordinance. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the amendment to Ordinance 88-13A, as stated, Commissioner Bateman seconded and upon a roll call vote the motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve Ordinance 88-13A, as presented, Commissioner Dabbs seconded and upon a roll call vote the motion carried unanimously. . Ordinance S8-14, (Case 08A-8S), G. Steve Stanley, and Ordinance 88-15, (Ca.e 09A-88>, Geraldine Scott - Both of the.. cases were requested to be withdrawn by the petitioner Steve Stanley and Geraldine Scott had reqested that their 4 - Page 5 City Commission Meeting Jun. 21, 1988 e petitions be withdrawn and that their fees be refunded. Staff had recommended that the fees not be returned since the advertising and posting of the properties had been done. Commissiorter Bateman quest ic,rled why the ser.tence "Th is petition may be withdrawn within 60 days from March 28, 1988, without recourse, and this Petition will be null and void" was added to these twc. petitiol'"ls wherl it was rlc.t included on any others. City Manager Ryan stated that former Planner Wagner knew that staff did not have the authority to waive fees and none had been done in the three years that he was here. He took the position that Mr. wagner meant to assure the petitioners that they could withdraw the petition if they did not want to proceed with the annexation and it did not have anything to do with the fees. Comissioner Dabbs stated that he had mixed feelings since they could not question the intent of the sentence on the bottom of the petition. Attorney Rosenthal stated that it was their perrogative to refund the fees. Commissioner Bateman also questioned the forms and they way they were filled out as far as documenting the receipt of the fees. Commissioner Bateman moved that Ordinance 88-14, Case 08A.88, and Ordinance 88-15, Case 09A-88 be accepted as withdrawn period, Commissiorler Johnson seconded and the motion carried uanimously. e OrdinAnce 88-16, (C... 10A-88), Lake Lotta, Ltd. City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only and explained where the property was located. "Mayor Ison opened the Public Hearing. Commissioner Bateman questioned why Section 7 was different in this ordinance than those previously adddressed. He asked the Commission to consider amending the ordinance to make it consistent with Section 7 in the previous ordinances and that it flow to the next two ordinances. There was some discussion about the ordinance and the amendment that had been made at their Special Meeting. Commissioner Bateman then moved to delete Section 7 in Ordinance 88-16 and include the wording from Section 7 in the previous ordirtances as follclws: "That this c,rdirlal'"tce shall take effect upon passage and adoption, thereafter the City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of the Ordinance with the Secretary of State of the State of Florida and with appropriate agencies in and for Orange County, Florida.", Commissioner Johnson seconded. Attorney Rosenthal read the proposed amendment. Commissioner Bateman said that he thought they had taken care of that issue and were not holding annexations in abeyance until zoning was passed. He asked the attorney and City Manager if they were clear about the simultaneous issue. City Mananger Ryan explained that some language had been drafted to try and handle their request that the City be able to annex and rezone simultaneously. Attorney Woodson stated that at the Joint 5 j . Page 6 City Commission Meeting Jun. 21, 1988 e meeting with the Planning & Zoning Board, Mr. Wagner had presented, and they adopted, a plan that would allow for this procedure. These developers chose to use this procedure and at the First Reading, we went through the issue of merits to the procedure, the ordinances were tabled until the Special Meeting and language was drafted to fix the procedure. Commissioner Dabbs stated that his recollection from the meeting was that it (procedure) did not happen all at once but reaffirmed to their representatives that it would happerl "I, 2 & 3". Attorney Rosenthal stated that wherl the cl...~di rlarlce was first presented, it stated that it was "held irl abeyarlce" and they were not comfortable with that language. They basically recommended enacting the ordinance with a deferred effective date. Attorney Woodson stated that Section 5 was also different so they would need to amend Section 5. Commissioner Bateman moved to include the amendment to Section 5 to read as the c,thers previously, "That if arlY section or portion of a section or subsection of this ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional, it shall riot be held to irlvalidate e,r impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or portion of a sectior. or subsecti,:.n .;:If this Ordinarlce", Commissioner Johnson seconded. Attorney Rosenthal stated that if the amendment passed, he recommended they defer action on the ordinance since it would not be the procedure requested by the petitioner. He also stated that this subJect was addressed in the settlement agreement. Commissioner Bateman stated that he had read the settlement agreement and he felt there was no question that the petitioner understood the process. Mayor Ison closed the Public Hearing. Mayor Ison called for the question and restated the motion - To amend Section 5 and 7 of Ordinance 88-16 as stated above. Upon a roll call vote the motion carried unanimously. e Mayor Ison and Commissioner Dabbs asked what the next step would be since the items that followed on the agenda were contingent upon Ordinance 88-16. Attorney Woodson explained they could place language reference the change and make the others SUbJect to the Lake Lotta, Ltd, property being annexed. Attorney Rosenthal suggested another option - they could enact with an effective date of Thursday which would give time to go with the current schedule and time for the petitioner to respond to the change. Mayor Ison suggested that a new Hold Harmless be signed by the petitioner for this ordinance and Attorney Woodson agreed that was a way to move forward. Commissioner Dabbs mc,ved tel adopt Ordi nance 88-16 as Sections 5 & 7 were amended, with the provision the annexation goes forward with the applicant executing an exact same Hold Harmless Agreement attached to the ordinance and 6 e Page 7 City Commi..ion Meeting Jun. 21, 1988 with a deadline of June 23, seconded and upon a roll I.lnani mous I y. 1988 at Noon, Commissioner Hager call vote the motion carried RECESS: 9:30 p.m CALL TO ORDER: 9:37 p.m. Ordin.nce 88-17, <Ca.. llA-88), Jeffrey Yeager, Trustee City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only and explained where the property was located. Commissioner Johnson moved to amend Section 5 & 7 of the ordinance as stated in Ordinance 88-16 above and Commissioner Bateman seconded. Attorney Rosenthal read the proposed amendments and upon a roll call vote the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Ison opened the Public Hearing and there being no comments closed the hearing. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve Ordinance 88-17 as amended and subJect to the signing of a new Hold Harmless Agreement by Noon on Thursday, June 23, 1988, Commissioner Johnson seconded and upon a roll call vote the Motion carried unanimously. e Ordin.nc. 88-18, <Ca.. 12R-88), Davis, Olgivie, Pitchford City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only and pointed the property out on the map. Attorney Rosenthal pointed out that Section 5 was all right in this ordinance, only Section 7 would have to be amended. Attorney Woodson read the proposed amended Section 7 as amended in Ordinances 88-15 and 88-17 above. Commissioner Dabbs explained that they were not "holding a gun" to the developer but they were working within the timeframe of an advertising deadline. He then moved to amend Section 7 as so stated, subject to the signing of a new Hold Harmless Agreement by Noon Thursday, July 23, 1988, Commissioner Bateman seconded and upon a roll call vote the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Ison opened the Public Hearing and there being no comments closed the hearing. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve Ordinance 8B- 18 as amended, Commissioner Hager seconded and upon a roll call vote the motion carried unanimously. . Ordin.nce 88-19, <Case 13A-88), Reformed Presbyterian Church City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance by title only and explained where the property was located. Attorney Rosenthal stated that Sections 5 and 7 were allright since the ordinance dealt with contiguous property. Mayor Ison stated that there were laws to take care of that and the language should be the standard language as stated above for Ordinance 88-16 and 88-17. Attorney Woodson read the proposed amendment to Section 7. Mayor Ison opened the Pubic Hearing and there being no COMments closed the hearing. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve Ordinance 88-18 as 7 . Page 8 City Commis.ion Me.ting .June 21, 1988 amended subJect to the signing of a new Hold Harmless Agreement before Noon on Thursday, June 23, 1988, Commissioner Dabbs seconded and upon a roll call vote the motion carried unanimously. Ordinance 88-20, (Ca.e 14A-88), City of Oeoee Right-of-Way City Manager read the proposed ordinance by title only and explained where the property was located. Mayor Ison opened the Public Hearing and there being no comments closed the hearing. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve Ordinance 88- 20 as presented, Cc.mmissioner Hager secor.ded arid llpor. a t~I::.II call vote the motion carried unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS Request From victory Baptist Church to Waive Building Permit and Special Exception fees - Rev. Butts This item was deferred until later in the meeting. e Direction Regarding V.teran'. Memorial - J. Resnik Janet Resnik explained that the Commission had asked staff to work with the American Legion for proposed plans for a monument, to tabulate funds that would be needed and place in the 1988/89 budget. The question was how much they war.ted to include in the budget for the monument. Two options had been presented to them, one for $1,900 and the other for $2,900. Mr. Sanders, representing the American Legion, had envisioned a monument for approximately $3,000 and would like for it to be in place by Memorial Day 1989 somewhere on City grounds in the vicinity of the Withers/Maguire House. Commissioner Bateman stated that he liked option *1 and was in favor of putting it on Bluford at the Withers/Maguire House. City Manager Ryan stated that another option was to make a memorial garden and place between the Withers/Maguire House and the Community Center. Mrs. Resnik explained that the cost of the lettering would be $1.00 per letter and was not included in the quoted costs. Mayor Ison asked if the monument could be ready by Veteran's Day November 1988 and was told that if they began working a couple of months in advance they would be able to do so. Commissioner Hager moved to fund the Veteran's Memorial Monument and include the level of funding for Option #1 in the 1988/89 budget, Commissioner Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimc1usly. e Oeoe. Transportation Program - G Month Analysis - J. Resnik Janet Resnik gave a brief presentation on the status of the bus program. For the first six months of the program, the financial data indicated the City spent roughly $21,000.00 in initial and operating costs. Mrs. Resnik reported that more 8 e Page 9 City ComMi..ion Meeting .June 21, 1988 e than $5,000.00 of that expense was for overtime labor costs and recommended a part-time person be hired for the 4-6 p.m. timeslot on weekdays and to be on-call for the 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. timeslot on Saturdays and that the bus program be continued. City Manager Ryan also encouraged the Commission to consider continuing the program through this budget year and then address it in the budget for the coming year. Darrel Irwin, Jack Eyring, Marlene Mohns and Terry Crocker all spoke to the Commission and asked that the program be continued. Mrs. Mohns explained that this was her transportation to and from work. Mrs. Crocker asked that a car seat be purchased for the van for the children. Mayor Ison stated that he, personally, was in favor of continuing the program with part-time help and continue Saturdays. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve continuing the program with Saturday Service, with the hourly person, and with the assumption the figures had covered the expense and would come in under budget, Commissioner Johnson seconded. Commissiorler Bateman stated that he had a problem with the part-time help as some of the people needed assistance and might not get that assistance from a part-time person. Commissioner Johnson asked that we go back to the Orange County again to request assistance in funding this program. Commissioner Dabbs stated that his intention was to continue the program through the budget year and if the part-time help was a problem, he would withdraw that from the motion. Commissioner Johnson agreed to withdraw the part-time help from the motion and they both agreed to extend the program through 9-30-88. Call for the question on the motion to continue the bus service through 9-30-88 within the budgeted amount was approved unanimously. Mayor Ison told the citizens present that they had bus service until 10-1-88 and recommended that staff require advarlced reservat iorls fClt~ the Saturday service. City Manager Ryan stated that staff would take care of doing that. e Reque.t from Victory Baptist Church to Waive Building Permit and Special Exception Fee. - Rev. Butts City Manager Ryan explained that Rev. Butts was not able to stay at the meeting but requested consideration from the Commission on waiving the $250.00 fee for their Special Exception request and the $300.00 Building Permit Fee. Mayor Ison explained that the Commission had done this in the past if the petitioner brought in the plans and complied with all the requirements. Mr. Ryan stated that Consulting Engineer Kelley had also waived his fees for the church. Commissioner Hager moved to waive the fees as requested by Rev. Butts, Commissioner Bateman seconded and upon a roll call vote the motion carried unanimously. 9 . Page 10 City COMMission ~.ting .June 21, 1988 SPECIAL STAFF REPORTS City Engin..r - Dennis Finch City Engineer Finch explained that most of the items on his report would be addressed at the special meeting on Thursday. In reference to Forest Oaks Water Well, he had Just received a response back from Mr. Wayne Rich and would like time to review it. He asked it be deferred until the 7-5-88 Meeting. It City Planner - Assistant Planner Holly Myers Assistant Planner Myers explained that the postal delivery changes within the Joint Planning Area was in progress. She reported that we had received letters from the owners of the lots adJoining DeRae Builders and they requested that they be included in the PUD Rezoning Petition. Commissioner Bateman stated that his concern was not for the letters but lots like those already owned and mortgaged - like Bill Breeze. He questioned the legality and authority to rezone to PUD. He asked for information from planning on whether they had the right to rezone at all to PUD. COMmissioner Dabbs stated that he tended to agree although his question was to the attorney and the legality of the issue. City Manager Ryan stated that staff was working towards the legal issue and thought that was the direction from the Commission. Mayor Ison explained that the property was originally zoned R-3 and then R-2. He stated the property was not designed for two separate units and questioned the possible misrepresentation in the future if this was allowed. Commissioner Bateman stated that he was not concerned with precedent, as he had seen the COMmissiol"1 "pass without preJudice", but was more concerned with legal issues and asked that it be withheld from the agenda until it was ready to be placed on an agenda. Attorney Rosenthal stated that if the Commission wanted to move forward with the research, then they would proceed, but if they were not in favor of the request then there was no need to go forward. Mayor Ison stated that if Mr. Julian wanted to pay all the fees for our staff and consultants then we would research the matter, but did not want it done on the City's dollars. Commissioner Bateman concurred and said that going the PUD route was not possible and Mr. Julian could pay the fees for the research. City Manager Ryan asked if they wanted Mr. Julian to pay for researching our ordinances. The general consensus was that the Commission did not want to incur any expense and if Mr. Julian wanted to pursue, then he would have to pay the expense. e COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC - None NEW BUSUESS 10 . Page 11 City COMMi..ion Me.ting .June 21, 198 Conc.ptual R.vi.w o~ Propo..d Ann.xations Ca.. 1SA-88 - Bar~tt. Ann.xation Assistant Planner Myers explained that this was a 25.5 acre parcel of land located east of Lake Johio Road from Wood Chip Lane north to the end of Lake Johio Road and was included in the Joint Planning Area. There were no plans by the petitioner at this time for development or change in land use and staff recommended approval of the prc.posed annexat ic.rl. The general consensus of the CommiSSion, with 3 Commissioners present at this time (Comm. Johnson had left the room for a moment) was to conceptually approve the proposed annexation. e Ca.. 16A-88, Buchan Annexation Assistant Planner Myers explained that this was a .31 +/- acre parcel located on the west side of First Street south of Silver Star Road. The parcel was currently part of an existing enclave and there were no plans for development or change in land use by the petitioner since it was a private home. Mayor Ison asked if they knew our water exteYlsiorl policy and City Engineer Finch said that they did. The consensus of the Commission was to conceptually approve the proposed annexation. REPORTS AND INFORMATION CITY MANABER - No Reports CITY ATTORNEY - See Below COMMENTS FROM COMMI SSIDNERS COMMi..ioner Dabbs presented the Commission with proposed documents regarding evaluation of the City Manager. He explained the different aspects as follows: Management by ObJectives, Goal Planning, Developmental Worksheet and the Performance Evaluation Instrument itself. He stated that it was not etched in stone, but hoped they found it a reasonable effort toward the evaluation process. Mayor Ison stated that he was in favor of the process and it was a fine effort by Commissioner Dabbs. Commissioner Dabbs asked that they review the documents and place on an agenda when they were ready. . COMmis.ioner John.on reported that $55,000 was needed for the ballfield lights and that only $50,000.00 had been donated. Grading needed to be done as well as other work and they estimated that it might cost up to $75,000.00 for all the work that needed to be done. City Manager Ryan stated that, in anticipation of this request, he had spoken with several developers who would owe recreation fees and they had indicated a willingness to advance the funds and get the 11 . Page 12 City COMMission "-eting .June 21, 1988 credit towards their recreation fees. He stated that, if it was all right with the Commission at this time, Mr. Goodman had agreed to handle the contract. The general consensus of the Commission was to proceed under those suggestions. e Commissioner Johnson asked that the Assistant City Manager position, that they requested, be filled by CIne of the rlew people that had been hired, such as Ray Brenner or Dennis Finch. City Manager Ryan stated that they would spend $30,000.00 plus in order to hire someone, as he understood they wanted, for that position. He had discussed using Ray Brenner and then Dennis Finch or both. Commissioner Bateman stated that he had a problem with that idea because he thought the Commission wanted a working Assistant City Manager who had full authority and he did not feel that could be done with two people. City Manager Ryan stated that he would feel more comfortable with Mr. Finch as the Assistant City Manager since he had 10 to 12 years in government and he would make Mr. Brenner full time. By doing it this way, we would not need to advertise and the position would be filled lIin house". Commissioner Johrlson questioned support staff and Mr. Ryan said he would take care of that during the budget process. Commissioner Johnson reported that they had approximately 188 kids at the dance last Friday night. COMMissioner Hager had no comments. COMMissioner Bat.man asked that our zoning code be upgraded to provide for a RCE type zoning for at least 1 house per acre. He also asked that somehow a provision be made for some method for the Homeowner's Associations to be able to collect their dues. He asked staff to check on the Harbour Highlands I proJect. The roads had been roughed in, trees torn down and sand was blowing allover the place. He stated that the City rleeded to develop a pol icy/procedure that orlce scraping of the land was started then they had to complete it so this would not happen. Mayor Ison asked that staff check into who had the lights installed and to put the proJect in default so they would have to come back before the Commission. City Manager Ryan said that staff would check into the matter. e Mayor Ison reported that a letter had been sent by Orange County regarding notices of the Charter Revision Committee Meetings, reported that the Orlando Aviation Authority had sent back the agreement they had previously approved, and reported that Betty Carter, Supervisor of Elections, had challenged all the governments to register voters during the 12 e Pag. 13 City COMMi..ion ~ting J'Untl 23, 1988 month of July. CITY ATTORI'EY City Attorney Rosenthal reported that he had asked the Commission previously to adopt Resolution 88-13 in order to get some buildings demolished, but they had reviewed the matter and found a faster method to take care of the problem and asked them to rescind Resolution 88-13. Commissioner Johnson moved to rescind Resolution 88-13, Commissioner Dabbs seconded and the motion carried unanimously. The meeting adJourned at 11:45 p.m.. __~lJ~__J~L~~L_--- MAYOR ATTEST: e CITY CLERK . 13