HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-05-88 WS MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP HELD 3ULY ~, 1988 e The workshop was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mayor Ison. PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Com.issioners Johnson (arrived p.m.), Dabbs, Bateman and Hager, Attorney Rosenthal, Manager Ryan and City Clerk Catron. 6:34 City ABSENT: None OVERVIEW OF THE CHARTER PROCESS - Chairman Beatty Chairman Beatty explained the process they were using in reviewing the Charter and that they were working towards the November 8, 1988 Election deadline. He expressed his appreciation to the other board .embers %or all 0% their work towards this review process. REVIEW OF WORKSHOP AGENDA - Chairman Beatty Chairman Beatty stated that they would try to review Articles I, III, IV tonight and he would like a straw vote %rom the Commission on whether or not they agreed with the proposed revisions. DETAIL CHARTER REVIEW e Review of Propo.ed Change. to Article I of the Charter Chairman Beatty explained that only minor technical enhancements were made to this article with the exception 0% Section 6 and Section 6.1 which were deleted. Mr. Beatty stated that some of their basic philosophy was not to list specific references and explained that the City Attorney was very involved in giving theM guidelines. The Commission stated no obJections to the revisions for Article I. Review of Propo.ed Change. to Article III of the Charter CHairman Beatty presented the Comaission with a list of the summary 0% enhancements that had been included in Article III as follows: Mayor has full power as Commissioner: Vice- Mayor selected from Commissioners; Commissioners elected from single member districts: Commissioners can not hold compensated city office %or one year after Commissioners term expired: influencing votes or political aid prohibited: Commission votes recorded in minutes: clari%ication on %illing of vacancies: clari%ication on Initiative, Re%erendum Petitions; and Mayor to prepare and present annual state of the city message. . Mayor Ison asked Mr. Beatty what the board's logic was in the requirement that "each COJllmissioner shall be a bona fide resident of the district". Mr. Beatty explained that their reasoning at the time was due to the "tie" to the district. Commissioner Johnson stated that he was in favor of 1 e Page 2 City Co..iaaion Workahop July S, 1988 single member districts. Chairman Beatty asked i% they were in favor, as the committee recommended, of having this as a separate item on the ballot. The Commission stated no obJections for making this a separate item. Commissioner Dabbs said he did not agree that they allowed for a strong City Manager for~ of government when they gave the Mayor the powers of a full Commissioner. Chairman Beatty explained that most people thought the Mayor already had the power to vote and the Committee felt it was a way %or people to know his stand on the issues. Mayor Ison and Commissioners Johnson, Bateman and Hager were in favor of giving the Mayor the right to vote and Commissioner Dabbs was opposed. Commissioner Dabbs and Bateman asked that the technical aspects be cleaned up before presenting the Charter to the public. They also agreed this should be part of the base Charter. e Mr. Beatty then reviewed the other sections to Article III. Changes to Section 2 were only minor technical enhancments. Changes to Section 3 were minor technical enhancements with the addition of the single member districts which would be a separate ballot item. Changes to Section 4 were that Commissioners could not hold compensated city o%fice for one year after their term expired and that influencing votes or political aid was prohibited. Section 5 was deleted. Changes to Section 6 were minor and provided that Commission votes would be recorded in the .inutes. Minor Technical enhancements were made to Sections 7, 8, 9, 10 (clarified filling of vacancies) and 11. Sections 12 & 13 were deleted. There were maJor clarifications and technical enhancements made to Section 14. Sections 15, 16, 17, and 18 were deleted and included into revised Section 14. There was a question on the 15% of signatures required %or the Initiative and Referendum Petitions. Attorney Rosenthal was to check on the percentage and the Commission was in basic agree.ent with the section. Changes made to Section 19 were that the Vice-Mayor position and the provision that the Mayor prepare and present an annual state of the city message were added. Mayor Ison suggested that a provision be made for Commission response to the annual message. Section 20 was deleted. Section 21 was deleted and the text moved to Article VII, Nominations and Elections. There were no other comments %rom the Commission. Chairman Beatty stated that they would begin with Article IV at the workshop on 7-19-88. e ATTEST: CITY CLERK: P.:~~~_e-L---- MAYOR The workshop adJourned at 7:25 2