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The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Ison at 7:44 p.m.
and Comaissioner Dabbs led in prayer and pledge to the %lag.
PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs, Bateman
and Hager, Attorneys Rosenthal and Woodson, Consulting
Engineer Kelley, City Manager Ryan, City Engineer Finch,
Assistant Planner Myers and City Clerk Catron.
The Charter Revision Committee Meeting Minutes 0% June 2, 16
and 23, 1988 were subMitted %or their in%ormation.
Tom Locker, Orange County Comptroller, addressed the
Co..ission and stated that he, or his o%%ice, would be
willing to help them in any way that they could. He
explained that he was the Treasurer, Clerk 0% the Board and
the Internal Auditor %or Orange County.
Item Band Itea D were requested to be pulled %rom the
Consent Agenda. Coaaissioner Bateman aoved to approve Items
A, C, E, F, and G on the Consent Agenda, Commissioner Johnson
seconded and the Motion carried unaniaously. Commissioner
Dabbs questioned Item D - Approval 0% Wastewater Master Plan
Summary. He stated that i% this was %or planning purposes,
it was all right, but i% not, then he had a problem. City
Manager Ryan stated that the %igures in the report were %or
planning purposes only. Attorney Rosenthal stated that there
was no problem since the record would re%lect that the report
was %or planning purposes only. Commissioner Dabbs moved to
approve Item D, Com.issioner Bateman seconded and the motion
carried unanimously. Items approved on the Consent Agenda
were as %ollows: A - Regular Coaaission Meeting Minutes 0%
June 21, 1988, C - Approval 0% Water System Master Plan, D -
Approval 0% Wastewater Master Plan Summary, E - Approval %or
Mayor and City Clerk to execute Sign Easement - Maguire Road
Corporation, F - Approval 0% Bowness Road Maintenance Plat -
D. Finch, G - Approval 0% Appraisal Services %or Bowness
Cablevia10n Coaplainea
Ray Wood, 1504 Ison Lane, Ocoee, spoke to the Commission
regarding some problems that he and others were having with
the current Cable TV Company. He asked the Commission to
reconsider the request %ro. Telesat Cablevision to be granted
a %ranchise %or the City. Commissioner Bateman explained
Pog_ 2
City COMMiaaion Meeting
July S, 1988
that, even if they looked at another franchise, it would be
approximately 24 months before the service would be
available. Mayor Ison explained that the matter had been
tabled until brought back by one of the COMmissioners.
Commissioner Johnson stated that he felt we needed another
cable company. Terry SetJe, 1615 Ison Lane, Ocoee, also
asked the Commission to put the request by Telesat back on
the agenda. Mayor Ison explained that State Law spelled out
what had to be done and asked City Manager Ryan to check with
Ike Cool, the City's attorney for Cable TV, in regards to
what needed to be done. Com.issioner Bateman moved to remove
the request by Telesat fro. the table and place on the
earliest agenda that was legally possible, Commissioner
Johnson seconded and the ~otion carried unanimously.
Ordinance 88-21, InteriM Tranaportation IMpact Fe.
Mayor Ison asked if the ordinance before them addressed what
they had discussed. City Manager Ryan stated that they had
two alternatives<fee schedules) before them, one at 52% and
one at 100~. Commissioner Dabbs asked if that was the only
item changed from the previous ordinance they were given.
Attorney Woodson explained that Section 5 on page 3 had been
changed as was recommended at the First Reading of the
ordinance and the ordinance would need to be amended.
Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the Second Reading of
Ordinance 88-21, Commissioner Hager seconded and the ~otion
carried unanimously. Mayor Ison then opened the Public
Hearing. Cheryl Lynch, 544 Mayo Ave., Maitland, representing
the Homebuilders Association (HBA), expressed her concern
with the 100~ fee and asked them to consider the lower 52%
fee. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., Ocoee,
questioned what other funding sources that Orlando and Orange
County had that Ocoee currently did not have. Mayor Ison
explained that the counties could get some funding that
cities couldn't and that the cities were creative enough to
get the funding that they could. There were no other
comments so the Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner
Dabbs expressed his support of leaving the impact fee
schedule as adopted on First Reading (100%) since the excess
in fees would be refunded if the fee was proven to be too
high but if the fee was too low, they would not be able to go
back and collect the fees. Commissioner Bateman moved to
approve the Interim Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance 88-21
as amended for Section 5, page 3, as shown on the document in
the packet and the amended fee schedule to show the
alternative fee schedule of 52 %, Exhibit A, and Commissioner
Hager seconded. Commissioner Bateman stated that he agreed
that a Transportation Impact Fee needed to be in place thus
the reason he emphasized the "Interim" and hoped, as was
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City Coaaiaaion Meeting
July S. 1988
discussed previously, that fee would be determined by the end
of 1988. Mayor Ison expreased his support of the Impact Fee
and the motion on the floor. City Manager Ryan referred them
to a chart that he had given theft regarding propoaed
transportation impact fees based on selected existing
businesses at the 52~ and 100~ fee. He stated that the
problem was on what the impact would be and they could not
determine the level of improvements. Call for the question
on the motion to amend - upon a roll call vote the motion
carried 3 to 2 with the vote as follows: Johnson - No, Dabbs
- No, Bateman - Yes, Hager - yes, and Mayor Ison voted yes to
break the tie. Commissioner Hager moved to approve a~ended
Ordinance 88-21, Commissioner Bateman seconded and upon a
roll call vote, the Motion carried 3 to 2 with the vote as
follows: Johnson - No, Dabbs - No, Bateman - Yes, Hager -
Yes, and Mayor Ison voted Yes to break the tie.
City Engineer - Denni. Finch
Change Order for Maguire Road/SO Utility Relocation
City Engineer Finch referred the Commission to the Staff
Report that had been included in their packet regarding this
item. He explained that the Florida Department of
Transportation (DOT) had scheduled i~provements to the
Maguire Road/Highway 50 intersection with work to begin
around July 15, 1988. This work necessitated the relocation
of an existing 8" water main on the west side of Maguire Road
south of State Road 50. Engineer Finch suggested the City
also take advantage of the opportunity to get the sewer
service out of what would be new pavement and save costs down
the road. Because of the time factor involved, an estimate
of the cost for the proposed utility relocation had been
requested. Mr. Finch stated that Staff recommended the City
Manager be authorized to pick the lowest quote not to exceed
935,000.00. The funds were available in the water main and
sewer funds. Commissioner Dabbs asked how long we had known
about this proJect and asked that they get to a point where
they don't "get caught" like this. Mayor ISOl'l asl<:ed that
Staff put on the follow up agenda the intersections of
Bluford/Silver Star and Apopka-Ocoee Road/Silver Star since
we knew those would be coming up for utility relocations.
Com.issioner Dabbs moved to approve the recommendation by
staff and requested that the actual agreement come back to
them for ratification, Commissioner Hager seconded and the
motion carried unanimously with three votes (Commissioner
Johnson had left the room).
Suaaery of Continuing ProJect. - City Engineer
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City Co..iaaion Keeting
July S. 1988
City Engineer Finch stated that the largest proJect was
Bowness Road. He stated that in reviewing the improvements
for Bowness Road, they had discovered that the retention area
planned for the portion of Bowness Road north of the
railroad tracks was designed to be constructed in an
unimproved and unopened right-af-way platted as Oakland
Avenue. It was decided, after consultation with the City
Attorney, that a right-of-way cc)uld not be utilized totally
for a retention area since this would block the potential
access of adJoning property owners. To address this problem,
Mr. Finch asked the Commission to approve the following
course of action: to obtain a preliminary opinion of the
value of the affected parcel from the appraisal firm of Pinel
& Carpenter, use the value to approach the property owner
with an offer to purchase the necessary interest in the land
and if a mutually acceptable figure cannot be successfully
negotiated within a short period of time then obtain a full
survey and appraisal for the purpose of initiating
condemnation proceedings. Mayor Ison asked for an estimated
cost and Attorney Rosenthal stated that it was premature at
this time to have any figures. Commissioner Hager moved to
approve the request by Engineer Finch as outlined in his memo
dated July 5, 1988, Commissioner Dabbs seconded and the
motion carried unanimously.
Consulting Engineer Kelley stated that now they had started
the preconstruction process for Bowness Road, they would be
looking at the rest of the corridor - Kissimmee and a portion
of Mr. Smith's property (1100~). They had met with
appropriate agencies and determined the rehabilitation needed
in the future. He stated that it was impossible to look at
costs at this time but it would not cost as much to add now.
If they decided to do so, then 30 to 150 days would need to
be added to the process. Mr. Kelley said he had discussed
this with City Staff and felt it was worthy of their
consideration. Commissioner Dabbs questioned why this was
being brought up now and not included previously. Mr. Kelley
stated that this had been discussed conceptually but there
had been no authorization for this scope of work. Mayor Ison
stated that we were going to have to get to the bottom line
of this Job. As an addendum to the proJect, Commissioner
Bateman moved for the approval of requesting bids on the
basis of the request of City Manager, City Engineer and
Consulting Engineer Kelley, Com~issioner Dabbs seconded and
the motion carried unanimously.
Water Superintendent - John Cockrell
Statu. Report on the Fore.t Oak. Water Well
John Cockrell, Water Superintendent, explained that the
testing of the pumping rate of the well had been completed
Pege 5
City COMMiaaion Meeting
July 5, 1988
and referred them to the Staff Report dated 6-30-88. Staff
recommended that the COMmission approve the following action:
that the City of Ocoee provide formal notice to the
Developer, the surety for the bond, the well's design
engineer, the City's consulting engineer that provided
services to the City for this particular proJect, and the
contractor that this well is defective and that a demand be
made, prior to the 8-5-88 expiration date of the bond, on all
of these parties for actions necessary to correct these
defects and that the developer be allowed to undertake the
restorative effort recommended by Hr. Sims entirely at the
Developer's cost, with stipulations that the City approve
the work, that the work be done within a certain time frame
and that such approval would not preJudice the City's
recovery rights under the terms of the bond and the
Developer's Agreement. City Manager Ryan stated that staff
felt the developer should be allowed to attempt the fix and
that the bonding agency should be put on notice.
Commissioner Dabbs asked if we would be compromised if we put
them on notice. Attorney Woodson stated that he did not
hold out a lot of hope for the bonding company since it was a
maintenance bond and not a construction bond. Commissioner
Dabbs moved to approve the recommendation as presented in
the Staff Report dated June 30, 1988, Commissioner Johnson
seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
City Plenner - Holly Myera, Aaaiatent Plenner
SUMMery of Continuing ProJ.ct.
Holly Myers stated that Hr. Julian, DeRae Builders, was out
of town and the proJect was ongoing. Letters were included
in their packet regarding the request for postal delivery
changes within the Joint Planning Area. The Postmaster for
the Orlando Postal Service has written that they were unable
to honor our request since there were obJections from some of
the property owners in the affected area.
RECESS: 9:10 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER: 9:15 p.m.
Darrell Clay, 101 W. Bay St., Ocoee - representing Sauer
Septic Tank, asked the Com.ission why they had to upgrade
existing facilities when trying to build on the same
property. City Manager Ryan explained that Mr. Sauer had
applied for a building permit in order to remove one
structure and rebuild another one of similar size and got
caught in the new review and planning process. Current
planning staff felt the whole site had to be addressed. Mr.
Clay stated that this had not been made clear to him by
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City Co..i..ion Keeting
July ~. 1988
previous planning staff. Mr. Ryan stated that staff could
not make the determination at what time the actual review
process would occur. Mayor Ison stated that they had already
dealt with two other siMilar situations and they could not
grandfather those in. Commissioner Dabbs stated that he
understood Mr. Clay's position and had mixed feelings.
Attorney Rosenthal suggested that the Commission give them an
opportunity to look at the facts and the code in order to
make an interpretation and to determine if they could handle
administratively or bring back to the Commission. Mayor Ison
asked if the current staff was familiar with the City Code
and Mr. Ryan stated that they were. Commissioner Dabbs
stated that was the reason he wanted the City Manager to
attend the DevelopMent Review Committee Meetings. The
Commission agreed to let the City Attorney review the matter.
R. P. Kohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., Ocoee, asked the
Commission how wastewater rates were established, what the
proposed taxing districts were for and why there was no
access from the roadways to sidewalks.
Cathie Pollack, 613 Spring Lake Circle, Ocoee, asked for
sidewalks in her area and asked that the trucks from
Plantation Sysco be allowed to go in the gate and not have to
wait outside. Buddy Elmore, Supervisor of the Street Dept.,
was to prepare a list of the proposed sidewalks to be
Approvel of Agr....nt with Orang. County R.garding Wa.tewater
City Manager Ryan referred the Commission to the proposed
Letter Agreement in their packets. He explained that the
City Attorney had recommended several changes and pointed out
those changes. Those changes were as follows: Section 1-
the volume is 120,000; Section 3 - In the heading it should
say Wastewater Revenue ~nd Connection Fees and in line 3
delete "pursuant to Ordinance"; Section 4 - On line 4 delete
..to be determined by the City along Maguire Road" and
insert "Except as otherwise required by the Sewer Territorial
Contract.., the County...... and Section 6 - on line 4 delete
"by Ordinance" and insert "by the City from time to time".
From a legal standpoint, with those recommended changes, the
City Attorney said that the agreement was all right.
COMmissioner Dabbs stated that he was opposed to the
agreement. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve the
agreement as modified, Commissioner Hager seconded and the
motion carried 3 to 2 with the vote as follows: Johnson
No, Dabbs - No, Bateman - Yes, Hager - Ves and Mayor Ison
voted Ves to break the tie.
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City Co..iaaion Meeting
July ~, 1988
Su..ary of Continuing ProJecta
Attorney Rosenthal reported that they had closed on the
acquisition of the Tiger Paw and Ludwig/Mossey properties.
He recommended that the first 4 items on this report be
deleted as they had been completed. He then gave a brief
summary of the remaining proJects and explained they were
being worked on. He had been asked about a possible conflict
with the West Orange Girls's Club since Commissioner Bateman
was president of the organization and he would get back to
them with an answer.
COMMiaaioner Dabba expressed his appreciation of support even
though he had disagreed with the decision on Montgomery Road.
He also asked that the evaluation of the City Manager be
moved along. Commissioner Bateman asked to have a chance to
look at the forms first. It was to be put on the 7-19-88
agenda under Old Business for discussion. Commissioner
Dabbs also asked about the City Attorney position and if all
the indivdual meetings had been held. The meetings had been
held and the matter would be placed on the agenda of the 7-
19-88 Meeting. The problem with the Harper property on Ocoee
Hills Road was being handled and the process was moving
along. Commissioner Dabbs said he had promised the Ocoee
Historic Commission that he would recruit capable people to
sit in the dunk tank and for pie throwing for an upcoming
Co..i.aioner Johnaon reported that the Ocoee
had played in the District and placed second.
go on to play in the All Star games.
Baseball Team
They would now
Co..i.aioner Hager had no comments.
Co..ia.ioner Bate.an reported that he had Just accomplished
seven months at the West Orange Girls Club and hoped that a
decision would be made on the future of the club. He saw two
alternatives - either get the City of Ocoee out of the
operation or enforce the provisions of the By-Laws and turn
the operation over to the City of Ocoee. He asked the
Commission for their input and opinions regarding the City
assuming operation and ownership of the club. Commissioner
Dabbs stated that he would agree with Commissioner Bateman
that it would be an asset to the community if the legal
aspects could be worked out. He aaked Recreation Director,
Jim Beech, how many additional employees would be needed and
Mr. Beech stated that at least one full time person would be
necessary. Mayor lson and Commissioner Hager spoke in favor
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City Coaaiaaion M..ting
July S. 1988
of the City taking over the property and operation of the
Mayor Iaon reported that the Orlando Chamber of Commerce
Reception was to be held 7-20-88; the Florida League of
Cities Convention was to be begin on October 13, 1988 and
would be held at the Hyatt at 1-4 and 192; he had been
invited to participate in the 5K run at the City of Winter
Garden and "he finished"; and asked the City's cooperation
with the efforts of Supervisor o~ Elections Betty Carter to
get everyone registered to vote during the aonth of July.
City Manager Ryan stated that there would be budget workshops
held in August and September.
The Meeting adJourned at 10:20 p.m..