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The meeting was called to order at 7:47 p.m. by Mayor Ison
and Commissioner Hager led in prayer and pledge to the ~lag.
PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs, Bateman
and Hager, City Attorneys Rosenthal and Woodson, Consulting
Engineer Kelley, City Manager Ryan, City Engineer Finch,
Assistant Planner Myers and City Clerk Catron.
The Charter Revision Committee Meeting Minutes o~ June 30,
1988 were presented %or their in~ormation.
Commissioner Bateman asked that Item G and Attorney Woodson
asked that Item H be pulled %rom the Consent Agenda.
Commissioner Bateman moved to approve Items A through F on
the Consent Agenda, Commissioner Dabbs seconded and the
motion carried unanimously. Items approved were as ~ollows:
A - Workshop Commission Meeting Minutes 0% 7-05-88~ B
Regular Commission Meeting Minutes of 7-05-88~ C - Special
Session Commission Meeting Minutes of 6-23-88; D Approval of
Change Order 3, West Orange Transmission System - Ray
Brenner; E - Proposed Ord., Barnette Annexation, First
Reading; and F - Proposed Ord., Buchan Annexation, First
Reading. City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinances
Barnette Annexation and Buchan Annexation - by title only for
First Reading.
Commissioner Bateman asked that Item G be tabled because he
understood there was a problem involving the Cable TV Company
in St. Johns County and St. Augustine Beach and wanted the
City Manager to contact the appropriate people in order to
determine the situation. David Testa, a Vice President
representing Cablevision Industries, spoke to the Commission
regarding Section 1.4 of the proposed ordinance. He stated
that they felt, in their opinion, that substantial evidence
had not been presented by Telesat. Tom Wicks, attorney with
Gray, Harris and Robinson, stated that Tom Cloud, attorney
for Telesat, would address any questions they might have at
the hearing and requested they proceed with the First Reading
so they could have the Public Hearing. Attorney Rosenthal
asked that a motion be made to put the matter on the table
since a motion was made to take it off the table.
Commissioner Johnson moved to table the First Reading of the
proposed ordinance (Item G) until the 8-2-88 Meeting,
Commissioner Bateman seconded and the motion carried
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City Commission Meeting
July 19, 1988
Attorney Woodson explained that Item H - Proposed Ordinance,
Amending Occupational License Ordinance, brought the City in
compliance with Florida State Law guidelines and raised the
fees. He had discovered quite a few typographical errors and
had a clean copy of the ordinance that would be distributed
to them before the Public Hearing and Second Reading. City
Manager Ryan explained that in some of the areas the fees had
been doubled. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve Item H -
Proposed Ordinance, Amending Occupational License Ord., for
First Reading, Commissioner Johnson seconded and the motion
carried unanimously. City Manager Ryan read the proposed
ordinance by title only.
Discussion/Action Regarding City Attorney Position
Commissioner Bateman moved that the firm of Foley, Lardner,
van den Berg, Gay, Burke, Wilson and Arkin, be hired as the
permanent City Attorney and Commissioner Hager seconded.
Mayor Ison and the Commission spoke about the good candidates
they had to choose from. Commissioner Dabbs again expressed
his concern with the Foley, Lardner firm due to their
representation of the Heller family which was one of the
largest land owners and developers in the City. Commissioner
Hager also stated that all of the candidates were highly
qualified. The other two firms that were being considered
were: Leftkowitz, Miner and Cool and Fowler and Williams.
The vote on the motion to hire Foley, Lardner firm was as
follows: Johnson - No; Dabbs - No~ Bateman - Yes~ Hager -
Yes~ Mayor Ison voted yes to break the tie. The motion
carried 3 to 2. Commissioners Dabbs and Johnson both agreed
to make it a unanimous ballot and cast a Yes vote for the
firm of Foley and Lardner. Mayor Ison suggested that the
other two firms be contacted if the City needed any other
legal assistance outside of the current firm.
Diacussion Regarding City Manager Evaluation Forma
Except for a few minor changes to the forms - change some of
the examples - there was no opposition to the forms as
submitted. Everyone commended Commissioner Dabbs for the
good Job that he had done in preparing these forms. They
decided to begin the evaluation process with the City's
budget year and then review quarterly. Individual interviews
would be conducted which would then be aggregated for the
Commission as a whole.
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City Commission Meeting
July 19, 1988
Public Works Director - Roy Brenner
Approval of Change Order for Downtown Areo Water Improvements
Mr. Brenner explained that this was Change Order #4 and a
final one that would place the Job at completion. He stated
that the purpose and reason for the Change Order was that
they rely on "as builts" and they were not always reliable.
Commissioner Dabbs questioned how often a proJect of this
scope had change orders that amounted to 1/6 th of the
proJect. Mr. Brenner stated that through the proJect field
changes had been directed by City Staff and P. E. C. in order
to install additional asphalt and concrete for aesthetic
reasons and to satisfy the complaints of the residents in the
community directly involved with the proJect. He explained
that the monies would come fro~ the Water Improvement Trust
Fund. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve Change Order for
Downtown Area Water Improvements as submitted for $25,077.65,
Commissioner Dabbs seconded and the motion carried
unanimously. Commissioner Bateman asked that the policy of
bids be discussed at upcoming workshops.
Approval Change Order 2 for W.at Orange Transmission Syatem
Mr. Brenner explained that this was basically the same
situation as the one previously discussed. They had relied
on others to furnish the information and the quantities had
been more. There was increased asphalt roadway removal and
replacement due to several proJects and the addition of
several new items. He explained that Change Order 1 was for
the lift station. Monies were available in the Wastewater
Improvement Trust Fund. Mayor Ison stated that there was two
problems in that area - Sysco Trucks and the Auto Auction.
He felt that parking 1n the Industrial Park needed to be
addressed and suggested that the 5 acres where the sewer
plant was would be ideal and asked that a team be put
together to come up with some suggestions. He felt a
solution to the problem would be better than issuing the
traffic tickets as was being done by our Police Department
now. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve Change Order 2
for West Orange Transmission System for $22,628.90,
Commissioner Hager seconded and the motion carried
Summary of Continuing ProJects
Mr. Brenner stated that the planning costs for utility
relocations at the intersections of Bluford/Silver Star and
Ocoee-Apopka/Silver Star had been advertised for bid. The
intersection improvements for Silver Star/Ocoee-Apopka and
Palm Dr./Ocoee-Apopka were in the planning stages for April
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City Commission Meeting
July 19, 1988
City Engineer - Dennis Finch
Discussion on Policy Regarding Change Orders
Mr. Finch asked the Commission to consider establising a
policy regarding change orders in order to gain better
control. In a Staff Report to the Commission he outlined
several suggestions for- the policy. Since there was so much
information to digest, a workshop was set for 6:45 p.m. prior
to the August 2, 1988 Meeting in order to discuss this
proposed policy. The City Clerk would check with the Charter
Review Committee and have them begin their workshop at 6:00
Summary of Continuing ProJects
Bowne.. Rood - Four Bids had been received ranging ~rom
Sl,OOO,OOO to S712,OOO. Consulting Engineer Kelley
explained that this did not include S85,000 ~or the railroad
City Wide Moster Tran.portation Plan - Mr. Finch explained
that they were a little behind schedule and would be back on
schedule in September. Mayor Ison reminded him that they
would need a workshop in August in order to finalize the plan
and delays were not acceptable. City Manager Ryan stated
that he would meet with Mr. Kelley of P.E.C..
S. Bluford Water Main
this item had not been
whole area of Kissimmee,
Road should be addressed
Extenaion - Mr. Finch explained that
addressed recently and he felt the
Story, Maguire and Marshall Farms
at the same time.
Capacity Sole - The tentative schedule was as follows: 8/16
- First Reading; 9/20 Second Reading; Advertise the sale on
9/27 and Capacity Sale Results on 10/4. Commissioner
Johnson asked about the money that was owed to the City by
Holiday Inn for sewer tap fees. He asked that the monies be
collected or they be shut down as he felt they had been given
sufficient time to pay the fees. City Manager Ryan e~plained
that we did not have an ordinance in process to establish
the tap fees. He had been negotiating with representatives
of the Holiday Inn in order to get the fees for the new rate
of $2500 per ERU rather than the current fees at the S1600
per ERU. Attorney Woodson explained that the Purchase
Agreement with Prima Vista Utilities assigned all rights to
the City and the contract could still be pursued, and along
with the amount that was owed to PVU they could collect
interest and attorney's fees. Attorney Rosenthal stated that
he had not advised them that they would be able to collect
the S2500 per ERU and they could file suit and collect the
monies owed. He stated that he would provide the Holiday
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City Commission Meeting
July 19. 1988
Inn with appropriate notice and he would bring back a
recommendation to them.
Mr. Finch stated that progesg was now being made on the
Harbour Highlands Village proJect. Mayor Ison asked the
attorneys to see if something could be drafted to the current
code regarding developments that were started and then not
Mayor Ison asked Engineer Finch to check the wash out at the
end of the concrete curbing that ran in front of Harbour
Highlands. He also asked him to check the depressed culvert
at Apricot and Ocoee Hills Road.
Water Superintendent - John Cockrell
Approval to Purchase Standby Motor for Kissimmee Well 1 A
Mr. Cockrell explained his concerns since Kissimmee Water
Plant did not have a standby well and the 6" water main at
Bluford and Silver Star had been put out of service until
DOT or the City completed the intersection improvements. He
recommended the City approve the solicitation of bids for the
standby motor. Moniee would be available from the Water
Department Reserve Contingency Fund. Commissioner Bateman
moved to approve the solicitation of bids for the standby
motor for Kissimmee Well lA, Commissioner Johnson seconded
and the motion carried unanimously.
Assistant Planner - Holly Myers
Summary of Continuing ProJects
Joint Planning Area - Ms. Myers stated that they had received
from Orange County the Joint Planning Area for the Town of
Windermere. She asked Commission approval for City Staff to
proceed and move our Joint Planning Area South to meet the
Town of Windermere and East to include Ferdinand.
Commissioner Dabbs questioned the move East. City Manager
Ryan and Ms. Myers stated that the Ferdinand property needed
to be included in the JPA and Staff wanted to move the JPA to
the turnpike as it. "squared off II the area. If there was no
problem. they would proceed.
1988 Comprehensive Plan Amendment. - A Special Session was
being held next Tuesday, July 26, 1988, in order to review
the proposed plan amendments. Assistant Planner Myers asked
the Commission if they planned to include the "colored map"
on land use in the comprehensive plan amendment or as an
element in the Comprehensive Plan. They indicated that they
thought it would be included in the plan amendments.
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City Commission Meeting
July 19. 1988
DeRae Builders - Mr. Julian has agreed.
meet with our City Attorney.
at his expense.
Amendment to Zoning Code was in process.
Mayor Ison asked staff to think of renaming Clark Road.
Jim Beech. Kimball Drive. Ocoee. asked the Commission for
S100 donation towards a trip for one of his students to
compete in Special Olympics in October 1988 as member of the
U.S.A. Team. Commissioner Bateman stated that he had had the
privilege of meeting the student and he would like to give
his personal check for the donation. The Commission then all
took up a collection to help towards the trip. Mayor Ison
stated that they only lacked a small amount to help defray
other costs. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve a
donation of S120.00 for the trip, Commissioner Bateman
seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Appointment to Fill Vacancy on Planning & Zoning Board
Commissioner Dabbs stated that Chairman Swickerath had called
him and expressed an interest in the appointment of Mike
Sims. a hydrological engineer. Commissioner Bateman made a
motion to move Tam Breeze from the Alternate position to full
position and to appoint Mike Sims as an alternate. He
questioned if there was a conflict since Mr. Sims had done
some work for the City. Mayor Ison restated the motion and
it died for lack of a second. Commissioner Dabbs stated that
he and Commissioner Bateman were where they were several
months ago and he would present Gerald Weeks name for the
Sanders vacancy. He appreciated the discussion on Mr. Sims
and he would not recommend his nomination unless the issue
was addressed. Commissioner Dabbs moved to move Gerald
Weeks from the alternate position to full time. Com~lssioner
Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously. A
plaque was to be presented to Marvin Sanders at the 8-2-88
Budget - City Manager Ryan explained that the budget process
was going well and asked for budget workshops to be
scheduled. The Commission scheduled a Budget Workshop for
August 8. 1988 at 7:00 p.m.. Mayor Ison stated that he would
not be able to attend the Special Session on 7-26-88 and the
Budget Workshop on 8-8-88. Commissioner Dabbs stated that he
would not be able to attend the 8-2-88 regular meeting.
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City Commission Meeting
July 19, 1988
Lawsuit filed by Stucki - Attorney Rosenthal explained that
he and City Manager Ryan had met with Mr. Stucki and his
legal counsel in an attempt to negotiate and they found they
were $100,000 to $130,000 apart. There was some discussion
of what attorney's fees would be paid in the event Mr. Stucki
was successful in the eminent domain or unsuccessful in the
settlement discussion. Mr. Rosenthal stated that he would
probably bring a recommendation to them at the next meeting
for an update of the appraisal in the event the City wanted
to pursue the eminent domain proceedings. He said the City
had been notified by their insurance carrier that Inverse
Condemnation Lawsuit was not covered. However, they
requested that the City sign a Non-Waiver Agreement which
would allow them to investigate "without preJudice". Since
the Commission had not seen the agreement, it would be put on
the agenda for the 8-2-88 Meeting. Mayor Ison asked that
Staff check on the status of the "errors and omissions"
coverage for the Commission.
Kia.i..e. Avenue Water Plant Appraiaala
Attorney Rosenthal reported that a preliminary meeting had
been held with appraisers regarding the 4 proposed sites for
the expansion. It was discovered that one of the sites was
on the market for sale and only had one single owner. They
knew that at least two of the other sites would require
eminent domain proceedings. He had spoken with City Manager
Ryan and Engineer Finch and they were trying to negotiate and
pursue an option on the property. They would come back with
proposals for appraisals after the negotiations. If the
price could not be agreed upon, a couple of months time might
be lost.
Mayor Ison stated that there was a 5 acre tract of land south
of the cemetery that was owned by two people that possibly
could be acquired. If they would like Staff to look into it,
he would give the name to the City Manager.
We.t Orang_ Girls Club - As requested by the Commission,
Attorney Rosenthal checked into the matter of whether there
was a conflict with a Commissioner being on the board of the
West Orange Girls Club. He stated that when you were dealing
with a non-profit organization and a donation to the City,
there was no conflict with a Commissioner voting on the
matter or Staff being involved as long as there was no
problem with the donation. He suggested that if some
conditions might be conveyed with the donation, then get more
people involved. He would followup with a memorandum.
Legislation Pe..ed - Attorney Rosenthal reported that the
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City Co~mission Meeting
July 19, 1988
Legislature did pass legislation regarding continuing
contracts for professional services. When the City goes out
for competitve proposals they cannot ask for prices. He was
to followup with a memorandum to the Commission explaining
the full impact of the new l~w.
Summary of Continuing ProJect.
Attorney Rosenthal explained that the Sign Ordinance was set
for 8-2-88 Agenda; the bond was being done regarding lake
quality volume preservation; more direction wae needed
regarding taxing districts for retention ponds in future
development; and the fence requirement in the subdivision
ordinance was on hold and Attorney Rosenthal asked for
further direction from the Commission. The Commission
explained that they wanted several provisions included and
that those be approved by the City Commission. The Zoning
Code was being updated to provide for RCE Zoning of at least
one house per acre. Mr. Rosenthal introduced a summer intern
that was working with their firm. He thanked the Commission
for the appointment of their firm as City Attorney and said
he would be meeting with them individually to find out what
they expected.
Commissioner Dabbs asked where we were in the process of
hiring a Planning Director and Staff. City Manager explained
that he had appointed a committee of Jim Swickerath, Chairman
of the Planning & Zoning Board, Dennis Finch, Assistant City
Manager, Holly Myers, Assistant Planner and himself to review
the applications. Commissioners Johnson and Dabbs asked that
this process be accelerated. City Manager Ryan stated they
would keep the schedule moving. Commissioner Dabbs stated
that he would not be able to attend the next regular meeting
because he would be out of town at a State Middle School
Commissioner Johnson reported for the Cemetery Committee and
stated that they had suggested raising the fees for the lots.
They had received prices from the different cemeteries in
the area for the lots and they ranged from S200 for resident
to S400 for non-resident or straight fees of S400 to S990
depending upon the lots. Commissioner Johnson asked the
Commission to consider raising the fees to $200 for a
resident and S400 for a non-resident. He stated if they
wanted to, he would ask that the item be agended at the
next meeting. Mayor Ison stated that he would rather the
matter be taken care of now because if the residents found
out there would be a "sale on the lots". There was
discussion about changing the non-resident fee to S500.
Commissioner Johnson moved to increase the fees for the
Poge 9
City Co~.i.sion Meeting
July 19, 1988
cemetery lote to $200 for a resident and $400 for a non-
resident, Commissioner Bateman seconded. ComBissioner
Johnson said he would amend his motion to increase the non-
resident fee to $500 and Commissioner Bateman agreed. The
motion was to increase the fees to $200 for a resident and
S500 for a non-resident. The motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Rosenthal asked that Mayor lson declare the item an
emergency since the item was not on the agenda. Mayor Ison
declared the matter an emergency since there would be a "sale
on the lots" if it had been continued t.o the ne:<t agenda.
Commissioner Johnson asked the status of the Grants Program.
City Manager Ryan said he would place the item on the 8-2-88
agenda for a status report. Mr. Ryan explained that
representatives of Langton & Associates had met with the
Commission and Staff and they were proceeding. They were
working on a grant of S150,000 for restoration of the Maguire
Commis.ioner Hoger had no comments.
Co~missioner 8otemon had no comments.
Moyor Ison reported that the Tri County League Reception with
the Orlando Chamber of Commerce had been cancelled due to a
conflict and the regular luncheon would be ~eld. The City
Picnic was Saturday, July 23, 1988.
City Manager Ryan reported that for the record that City
Clerk Catron had resigned as City Clerk.
The meeting adJourned at 11:15 p.m..