HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-23-88 WS . CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP SESSION AUGUST 23, 1988 Mayor Ison called the workshop to order at 6:00 p.m. in the commission chambers. Present: Mayor Ison; Commissioners Bateman, Dabbs, Hager, and Johnson; City Manager Ryan, City Clerk Jean Grafton and Associate City Planner Holly Myers. - City Manager Ryan presented copies of the budget with corrections from the last meeting and asked for questions or comments from the Commission. Mayor Ison had a previous question with regard to the Administrative overhead fees to be transferred from the utility accounts to the general fund. Mr. Ryan explained that water has always been taxed as a utility but sanitation service is not a utility and therefore has not been taxed. Mayor Ison read into the records from a letter from the City Manager in a previous year, "Our policy remains one of growth paying for growth." He said he wanted it understood that that policy has not changed. He also read into the record a portion of a letter from the Office of Planning and Budget, "Since 1983 our population in the State of Florida has increased on an average of 360,600 people per year or 990 per day. Out of that number, an average of 320,000 have moved in and 40,000 are a number of births over deaths." Mayor Ison stated that last meeting the Commissioners went through the budget and pulled out some small and medium sized items and got up to $167,000 of expenditures. He expressed that this is not a bare bones budget. He noted that on Page 37 of Sanitation, last year the actual column read $465,000. $495,000 was budgeted and the City has expended year to date $427,433 or 86.1%. $612,000 was requested and $645,000 was approved. Under Account 5500, the landfill costs went from $138,000, budgeted at $120,000 last year, 98% of that fund has already been expended ($118,000). $156,000 was requested for landfill costs for this year and $160,000 was approved. He is wondering what the landfill costs for next year will be. Mayor Ison asked how many tons we carry to the dump yearly, and what the rate will be this year (as rate has already escalated from $7.50 to $17.50 per ton this last year). Manager Ryan advised that he will research and upon direction from Commission will prepare a proposed rate increase. e Commissioner Bateman noted that Orlando is experimenting with the separation in solid waste and about 50% of the citizens participate. He wants us to inquire about, and/or apply for, grants or programs for the cities requiring this. He also wants to look at increased rates and he discussed getting rid of plastic bags that last forever. He suggested that possibly the City could supply trash bags that will disintegrate. Mayor Ison advised that the land fills will no longer receive yard clippings and that also there is an additional $.50 charge for tires. He said that we no longer have a choice, we must initiate a recycling plan by 1991. ~ e Page 2 City Commission Workshop August 23, 1988 e Mr. Bateman asked if the policy of maintaining a cost of living for City employees is still in the budget. City Manager Ryan responded that an allocation of about 2.5% was placed in the budget and has been merged into the unappropriated cash reserves. Commissioner Johnson asked about police and fire department budget. City Manager Ryan explained what steps were taken with decreases in personnel and equipment. Mayor Ison discussed the increases in revenue for the police and fire departments from 1984 until now. City Manager Ryan discussed the $137,000 cash carry forward figure and explained that it will be more in the range of $100,000 and it will be $37,000 short, and that it could be reduced from $185,000 to $150,000 in round figures. He stated that there are alternatives and ways to look at the budget. Commissioner Hager suggested impact fees and development within the City so as to live within the bUdget. Commissioner Bateman says he will certainly support going above the millage of 2.8 as a "safety net." He said he thinks moving from 2.8 to 3.5 is good in order to supply a cushion and he is uncomfortable with cutting it that thin. Mayor Ison calculated that an increase from 2.8 to 3.5 would be $137,000. City Manager Ryan referred them to page 2 and explained how they calculated the increase. Mayor Ison asked if the millage rate is raised where would the extra money go. Commissioner Hager suggested a contingency and Commissioner Dabbs added that the City would have to be austere with the funds in the budget. Commissioner Bateman asked that the amount generated by the raised millage be placed on another line on the budget printout for easy identification and City Manager Ryan said that it would appear as reserve for contingency on line 4901. City Manager Ryan said that if 3.5 millage was a consensus, would begin preparing the budget booklets for the meeting must be scheduled to adopt a tentative budget. staff that A special session was scheduled for August 30, 1988 to adopt the tentative budget. The budget portion of the workshop ended at 6:46 p.m. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE . Associate Planner Holly Myers advised Commission that, in order to retain our grant monies, the following elements are required to be completed by December 30, 1988: (1) the population projection, (2) the land use element, (3) the conservation element, (4) the open space and recreation element. She reported that the land use element is approximately 20% complete, and nothing else has been started. There is no staff available and also no prospects that the two to three people needed could be acquired and equipped for timely submission of the reports. The land use portion alone will call for approximately 940 hours of work and a portion of the population projections and mapping would need to be consulted out . Page 3 City Commission Workshop August 23, 1988 as well as certain portions of the conservation element. Associate Planner Myers suggested that Commissioners request proposals for the entire work products that are due. This is in addition to the proposed staff who would be needed to monitor the work of the consultants. Mayor Ison said that the reason we have a planning department now is because the estimate from consultants for part of the initial plan ran from $90,000 to $190,000 and the thought was that having a planner in-house would reduce the cost considerably. Associate Planner Myers said that there is no way for current staff to accomplish completion. The transportation master plan study is now with PEC and it is being done in 9J5 format. The workload projections she has provided ( 23.5 person work weeks for land use element, for instance) were calculated with staff knowing the City and not having a problem getting information and being able to work up to speed. e City Manager Ryan advised that of applicants already interviewed the first choice declined because of projected work load, one who was hired and came on board left after only one week. Mayor Ison advised that he had talked with Mike Cavanaugh, Administrator of Technical Assistance with DCA and will consult with him again regarding what they anticipate with regards to the workload. e The due date for submitting was originally October 30 and we already have received a verbal 2 months extension. City Manager Ryan advised that $15,000 of the state grant remains unallocated. He suggested using a portion of the grant funds toward the consulting fees in order to get back on time schedule. Mayor Ison observed that that much money would not cover many hours of consulting fees. City Manager Ryan said that Ms. Myers full time is taken up with current planning and support staff is overtaxed as well. He said that he will be asking for a director, 2 planners and consulting services in order to get the reports to state on time. He further stated that our ability to issue building permits, and approve development plans and have the growth to give the revenue needed to get out of the current financial trend could well be ceased as well as the use of state funds if we do not get back on track. He also reiterated that the anticipated work load had already caused at least two prospective employees to not work here. Mr. Swickerath, who was present at some of the interviews, confirmed this. Commissioner Bateman indicated that all the information is avail- able and that it shouldn't take as many hours as projected to sim- ply record it in whatever form the state requires and send it in. He also said to get a planner as previously directed. Yesterday. . Page 4 City Commission Workshop August 23, 1988 Mayor Ison said he's ready to get a tablet and get the job done, as he recalls sitting on the board which did the previous plan. City Manager advised that the technology necessary to prove to the state that the steps have been gone through make the job more complicated than that approach would satisfy. Commissioner Dabbs very firmly stated that in March the Commissioners directed City Manager Ryan to hire a planner and he does not understand why it still has not been done. City Manager Ryan said that administration had been directed to hire a planner and that he had instructed City Planner Wagner to follow through with it as he was the person who had justified the need for additional staff and he did not do it. e Attorney Woodson observed that the Commission is uncomfortable with the deadline and with hiring consultants because of the cost and the idea of having an outside person develop a plan for Ocoee. He said further that Associate Planner Myers is giving her estimate of what it takes to develop a plan for the City of Ocoee not just to meet the state requirements but to meet what the City needs. He said that as the City's attorney, he can keep the state off City's back if City will at least make a timely effort and turn in a report with at least the titles on the pages. However, even though it is possible for him to keep the City consistent with what the state requires it is not realistic to expect the City to do the kind of comprehensive plan the City needs any time this fall with the present workload. Mayor Ison thanked Associate Planner Myers and said that when the meeting starts the first thing to be done is to request a two months extension and second, he will find out where we stand in relation to other communities with regards to filing and come back and sit down and help get the report out of the ground. He said the thing to do is notify planning and zoning board that there will be several meetings called to work on the plan and get to it. Commissioner Dabbs asked if there is a trade off with Orlando or the county. City Manager Ryan stated that there was a possibility there and also that the City is entitled to $15,000 more on the grant this year and also entitled to $20,000 more on the planning grant next year. The greatest bulk of that can be applied to solve the problem. . commissioner Bateman said he wants to quit requiring of our planners beyond their ability to produce, and he is, in fact, in favor of a moratorium. Mr. Swickerath emphasized that it is important that the work be done professionally, and not allow the person or consultant be distracted by the myriad of other important things that are going . - . Page 5 City Commission Workshop August 23, 1988 on that need to be done also. City Manager Ryan advised that he has asked Associate Planner Myers to prepare a schedule so that all involved will be able to know when the deadlines for each step are and prepare accordingly. ADJOURNMENT The workshop adjourned at 7:20 p.m. ~L (2 )J~ Mayor Ison It Oran~e J Planning Department Edward J. Williams, Director 201 South Rosalind Avenue, 2nd Floor Reply To: Post Office Box 1393 Orlando, Florida 32802-1393 Telephone (407) 236-5600 County August 16, 1988 Thomas Ison, Mayor City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 32761 ~~iS~ ni A\ AUG 1 9 1988 " Subject: Proposed Rezoning by the City of Ocoee CITY OF OCOEE. Dear Mayor Ison & Commission Members: The Orange County Planning Department has reviewed the proposed rezonings by the City of Ocoee. We have concerns about Cases 7C-88, 8C-88, 10C-88, 11C-88 and 13C-88. On July 26, 1988, the County obj ected to the proposed land use amendments for these properties and, at this time, we would like to restate our objections. CASE #07C-88 and #08C-88 I JO f,-,'~ ... Case #07C-88 is an eleven (11) acre parcel located on the ~ side of Ocoee-Apopka Road, approximately 1,320 feet north of Palm Drive, and Case #08C-88 is a five (5) acre parcel located on the east side of Ocoee-Apopka Road, approximately 900 feet north of Silver Star Road. These proposals are discussed jointly due to their proximity and similar land use requests. The requested zoning on both parcels of property is Industrial (Ind-2). Industrial activities at either of these locations are inappropriate and inconsistent with surrounding land use. The County's Future Land Use Designation for the subject properties and surrounding County area is Low Density Residential (single family housing). (}J The existing City and County zoning in the area is indicative of the Future Land Use Designation, as it is either residential or agricul tural. The present zoning in proximity to the subject parcels is R-1A (single family detached - 7,500 square foot lot area), R-T-l (mobile home subdivisions - 6,000 square foot lot area), and A-I and A-2 (Agricultural). Although agricultural uses may no longer be viable or desirable by the property owners, any land use other than low density residential would be incompatible with the desired development pattern, as well as incompatible with the existing land use character. Non-residential land use, as specified in the Orange County Growth Management Policy, should locate at appropriate locations, such as at intersections on roads with adequate capacity for these uses, and where similar type uses exist. The noise, lights and traffic associated with industrial e - - Thomas Ison Proposed Rezoning by the City of Ocoee August 16, 1988 uses can adversely impact the health, safety and general welfare of the area residents. Neither parcel is located at, or in proximi ty to, an intersection, nor contiguous to an industrial, commercial or high density residential use. There are more appropriate locations in the Ocoee area for industrial uses. Palm Drive should be used as the northern boundary for industrial type uses. Orange County obj ects to the proposed zoning for these parcels. CASE #10C-88 P,t- ce,J,.(. I>{L-~t: The County opposes commercial and high density residential uses on Maguire Road, south of the Turnpike. A low density residential development would be more consistent with the character of the area since it could serve as a transition between the County's --... Rural Service Area and the higher densities wi thin the City of (z) Ocoee. The proposed densities are premature in this area and there are more appropriate locations wi thin the City for the proposed uses and densities, such as State Road 50. The rezoning is inconsistent with the County's land use designation of one (1) unit per two (2) acres. In addition, the Joint Planning Area is designed to promote consistency of land uses between the County and City, and provide a logical, coordinated planning approach to land use decisions. The approval of this project would be inconsistent with the purpose and goals of a Joint Planning Area Agreement. We strongly urge you to limit this development to low density residential uses. ~~ I<{~ The proposed residential zoning is consistent with the County Growth Management Policy and the West state Road 50 Plan, but the commercial zoning is in conflict with County policies. CASE #11C-88 / LA IL~ Lc) Hft The most appropriate commercial activity for the area is depicted on the West State Road 50 strategic Development Plan. Additional commercial locations will create adverse impacts to the transportation network, particularly located as proposed in this rezoning. The subject property is proximate to two (2) off-ramps of the East/West Expressway, one at Good Homes Road, the other at state Road 50 (just west of the proposed commercial). In addition to the conflicting turning movements from these ramps, there will be traffic on State Road 50 and turning movements from vehicles on Good Homes Road. The high traffic generated from commercial activity will only aggravate an anticipated traffic congested area. In the interest of public safety and welfare, the recommendations of the State Road 5 S ,iC Dev m nt Plan~<1 should be maintained. 'Cc>I'if1f1-" ~" ,.,., ~ 't() pJ fl'P ~/ ~.~ e e e Thomas Ison Proposed Rezoning by the City of Ocoee August 16, 1988 Mul ti-family land use at this location is viable and should be encouraged. A goal of the City's is diversification housing type, i.e., an appropriate mix of single and mUlti-family dwellings. MUlti-family uses should be encouraged adjacent to major roads to adequately accommodate the related traffic generation. Thus, such locations should be reserved for mUlti-family use, instead of allowing strip commercial development pat7rns. ,I' R'"')S~ CASE #13C-88 I'" The land use proposal for this nine (9) acre parcel, located south of state Road 50 approximately 1/8 mile west of Good Homes Road, is commercial. This parcel is designated high density residential in the West state Road 50 Strategic Development Plan area. Orange County objects to a commercial zoning at this location. This proposal violates the land use both governments agreed upon, as developed in the West state Road 50 strategic Development Plan. The plan identifies appropriate locations for commercial uses based on land use compatibility and transportation network availabili ty and adequacy. The subj ect property was determined unsuitable for commercial use because its location would promote strip commercialization along State Road 50. The West state Road 50 strategic Development Plan represents the most efficient and effective land use plan. Deviation from the plan will promote future policy diversions. In summary, we urge you to reconsider the approval of commercial uses at this location, even though your land use amendments have been submitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs. Thank you for your consideration of our concerns. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, - !t~~~ Planning Director EW/NC/sh cc: Thomas Sewell, County Administrator Teddy Ryan, Ocoee City Manager Holly Hunter, Ocoee Associate Planner . -- / / I I I ~l I I I I h I I ; I oeon ~" I I I ~ -~ - I, -- 'I . I I- I I I 1ltr "\ CASE NO. 07C-88: INVOLVING AN 11:t ACRE PARCEL LCCATED ON TIlE WEST SIDE OF CXDEE-APOPKA ROAD APPROXIMATELY 1/4 MILE NORTH OF PAUl DRIVE. 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LAKE LOTTA ~\\ L 7 I -----I-----~ hIli I ~ '------1 ' . 112 .- . . ~ 22 r ~ .~ i'- '~ ( ,C) I / / / LAKE/LOTTA / / - - - -/. \ / / / , () ~ ~ / '" r- I-- I-- - >>.. - \ I JIIloat: HILL 0" l~ IIIIJ~ ~ IIII .'-10 I HILL'OALl 011I , H' I I I I I I I I I '---...I ~ r--- -l r2H,!.n~ ..I > < 1..1 > o 0: o I I CASE NO. 13C-88: INVOLVING A 9 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED SOUTH OF S.R. 50 APPROXIMATELY 1/8 MILE WEST OF GOOD HOMES ROAD. . "~ .~ ~I~ ~I ..., Ii 11 f'T'''( ~ SR 50