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Mayor Ison called the special session to order at 7:30 p.m. in the
commission chambers. Mayor Ison then led in prayer and the pledge
of allegiance to the flag.
Mayor Ison, Commissioners Bateman, Dabbs, Hager, and Johnson, City
Manager Ryan, Assistant City Manager Finch, Associate Planner
Myers, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Attorney Woodson, City Clerk
Mayor Ison announced that, due to the number of citizens present
for the public hearing for Lake Lotta, it would be well to shift
the agenda and place Items K, L, M and N immediately following new
business items II A, B, and C.
Assistant City Manager Finch advised that the Public Road Crossing
Agreement with Florida Central Railroad Company, Inc. as presented
in the packet is a standard agreement. Mr. Finch stated that
after conferring with City Attorney Rosenthal, however, it was
determined that certain items should be included prior to
approval. (1) The first item is on page 4, paragraph 6 (regarding
indemnification) which contains two sentences. The phrase "to the
extent permitted by law," should be inserted at the beginning of
each sentence. (2) The second item is on page 5, paragraphs lOA
and lOB (regarding insurance converage) and involves no change.
Mr. Finch wanted to point out that these are standard paragraphs
for railroad agreements but they are substantial as far as the
insurance coverage required. (3) In paragraph 11 (regarding
conditions precedent) rather than passing an ordinance or a
resolution enabling the Mayor to sign the agreement a certified
copy of the minutes of this meeting will be sufficient
authorization.On page 6 paragraph 15 (regarding notice) any notice
should be sent to City Manager at the listed address. On page 8
the city attorney stamp (showing that they have reviewed the
document as to form and legality for the benefit of the City of
Ocoee) should be added. Mr. Finch then noted that Mr. John
Levine, Vice President, Florida Central Railroad Company, Inc. has
already signed the document, therefore, in order for the document
to be official, Mr. Levine will need to initial all the
insertions. Mr. Finch recommended approval subject to the above
mentioned changes. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve the
Bowness Road/Public Road Crossing Agreement with the proposed
changes. Commissioner Hager seconded and vote was unanimous in
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City Commission Special Session
August 23, 1988
Assistant City Manager Finch explained that Mr. and Mrs. Dwight
Seidner, PO Box 1175, Windermere, FL 32786, own the site referred
to as Geneva Triplex, and that they wish to appeal the review
comments made by the Development Review Committee. The Seidners,
in order to speed up the permitting process, have elected to build
a single family residence rather than a triplex. Their particular
concerns included the flood plain elevation and the requirement to
extend to and loop a 12" water line when a 10" water line is close
by. A vigorous discussion ensued during which it was revealed that
the house site was positioned high enough to be acceptable as far
as the flood plain elevation is concerned (the parking lot of the
triplex design had been below the flood plain). The City's major
concerns were having the proposed water line requirements met and
observing the subdivision regulations. Mr. Finch pointed out that
the owner of the parcel immediately west of this parcel had
withdrawn his plans because of the burdens being imposed, and
should the commission approve this adjustment, that owner will
expect the same.There was definite concern regarding retention
area if the subdivision regulations were temporarily bypassed in
order to accomodate the building of a single family residence.
City Manager Ryan suggested that the 12" water line could be
completed to the cemetery and an assessment be placed on all five
blocks. Commissioner Hager observed that the increased size of
the water line would increase the pressure to all the houses on
Geneva and all who benefited should share in the cost. Further
discussion revealed that to be the consensus of the commission,
however, the final instructions to staff indicated that the
existing homeowners were not to be assessed for the upgrade of the
water line. Mayor Ison advised Mr. Seidner that he should bring
in a new plat, get in storm water retention (possibly a swale),
construct water line to the edge of their lot and stub it out from
there. Mayor Ison then instructed Assistant City Manager Finch to
stay underneath the subdivision regulations, give the Seidners a
single family residence retention area specification for the back
after reviewing it with City Building Official Nagel, see that the
platting is done, do a water line extension cost estimate down to
this property and stub it out.
Associate Planner Myers advised commission of the current status
of the Comprehensive Plan Update which is due to be submitted by
October 30, 1988 and recommended that a request for an extension
be filed. Commissioner Johnson moved to request an extension as
recommended. Commissioner Dabbs seconded and vote was unanimous
in favor.
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August 23, 1988
As Mayor Ison opened the public hearing on this case he advised
that letters from Orange County Government and Rose Hill
Homeowners had been received and that both those organizations had
representatives present to speak as well. Associate Planner Myers
pointed out the 238 acre parcel lying west of Lake Lotta on the
map and said that the planning and zoning board had requested
staff to review some of the questions with the developer and make
some recommendations to city commission. The plan as submitted
does not show the Clark Road alignment and staff has recommended
that the Clark Road alignment on their plans match the alignment
currently being considered by the City. The second is that a land
use plan determined to be a non-substantial alteration to the
conditions that city commission places tonight be presented again
to city commission for verification. The third is dedication of
Clark Road 90 days from annexation. Staff is also requesting sub-
collector roads, the elements of which are to be determined by the
findings of the City's master transportation plan. The developer
may provide to Orange County School Board, in terms to be
addressed by a developer's agreement, a fifteen acre school site
consistent with applicable governmental regulations. The mininum
living areas shall be defined by the pun Ordinance. Multi-family
parcels will contain 50% open space. The total recreation acreage
will be in conformance with PUD Ordinance. Commercial parcels
shall contain no greater than C-2 type zoning uses. The building
set-backs will be in conformance with the pun Ordinance. A traffic
study is being required to be submitted with the development plans
to determine the impact the development will have on existing
infrastructure. Any multi-family unit exceeding one story shall
be set back 100' from the Rose Hill subdivision. All multi-family
buildings shall be set back 25' from the top of the bank of any
retention area. Primary access to the commercial tract shall be
determined when Clark Road is reserved or at development plan
submittal whichever is sooner. Driveway cuts from all roads will
be defined by PUD Ordinance. A 5' sidewalk shall be located in
the Clark Road right-of-way and a 25' landscaped buffer shall be
provided along Clark Road.
Mr. Fieldman, representing the developer, said that they had
worked diligently to satisfy the staff requirements so that the
list of further requirements would be short. Mr. Fieldman also
stated that after a meeting with the Rose Hill homeowners last
week, he felt that some reasonableness is in order. The 3 major
concerns at that time were: (1) The road from Clark Road to Good
Homes Road - Mr. Fieldman said that, as they are currently having
a traffic study done in that area to supplement the City's Master
Transportation Study, they would like to wait on the resulting
recommendations. (2) Buffering (brick wall and setback)
They have no problems with the requested brick wall along the
areas where the property abuts Rose Hill. On the question of set-
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August 23, 1988
back, they intend to maintain the requirements of Orange County,
i.e., 100' set back from the property line of a multi-family
dwelling which is more than one story. (3) Location of ponds - The
planning and zoning board was inclined to make a 3 way shift to
move a portion of the single family over to the Rose Hill side to
a low-medium density against a project known as the Hammocks, and
to move the multi-family across to the west side. Mr. Fieldman
said that they had understood that the City's goal was to have
single-family along White Road and against the Hammocks and it
would not be possible to achieve that goal and have single-family
next to Rose Hill as well. He stated that the realignment of
Clark Road will cause changes in their plan and would like to
follow staff's recommendation to evaluate the situation and submit
a land use plan. Mr. Fieldman said that most of the matters of
concern brought up by the Rose Hill Homeowners will be covered by
the PUD Ordinance, which they intend to comply with and he
requested that the matters of zoning commercial PUD and
residential PUD which they have requested be considered tonight.
Mrs. Nancy Christman, Orange County Planning, 201 S. Rosalind
Avenue, Orlando, 32802, noted that a letter from Ed Williams,
Planning Director, regarding this case (their case number l1C-88)
had been sent to the City and that she was present at the
direction of the county commission to restate for the record the
County's position on this matter. That letter is attached to the
minutes and made a part hereof. County staff has a concern with
the commercial zoning of SR 50 at Good Homes Road, as the studies
done for the land use hearings in reference to the approved
commercial development along SR 50 did not include commercial
zoning at this site, but rather multi-family because of traffic
concerns. Mrs. Christman indicated here that the City of Ocoee
endorsed that study/plan when it was presented. Mrs. Christman
stated that she was here also to represent the Rose Hill
Homeowners as the county had approved low to medium density
residences adjacent to their subdivision. Mrs. Christman also
pointed out that the development is not substantially contiguous
to the City, that the county had not made an issue of this but
that the questions raised by those citizens should be considered
in the decision that are made.
Mayor Ison stated that the city officials had not seen the Highway
50 plan until it was published in the paper, therefore could
hardly have been considered as to be endorsing the plan; however,
Mrs. Christman's other comments would be considered in the
4It City Manager Ryan pointed out that the intersections of Good Homes
Road/Hwy 50 and Clark Road/Hwy 50 were both anticipated to be
major intersections and so should appropriately be zoned
commercial in order to satisfy the county's goal of placing
commercial zoning at major intersections along that corridor.
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Mayor Ison stated that impact fees are about to become a reality
and that he would have no objection to working with the county
toward a formula that would provide some kind of revenue and
profit as a joint venture.
Mayor Ison noted again the letter from Rose Hill Homeowners.The
president of phase 2 of that development, Mrs. Gretchen Jacobs,
9127 Queen Elizabeth Court, Orlando, spoke for the group. Mrs.
Jacobs showed an aerial map of the proposed Clark Road and
indicated that it did not seem to agree with the developer's plan.
City Manager Ryan pointed out that the exact location of the road
has not been determined, that it would come to the west end of the
property and would be shaped like an inverted "Y". Mayor Ison
explained that the property should be zoned first and then the
traffic needs and locations of the roads can be determined. Mrs.
Jacobs then listed the items noted in the letter for the benefit
of those present. That letter is on file. Concerning the matter
of the brick wall, Mr. Jerry Feinstein stated that they have no
problem with the wall and would agree to having it anywhere except
with single-family areas, but that their concern was rather with
the requirement for buffers and the interpretation of buffers, and
whether it was necessary to have walls and landscaped berms as
well as the wall right next to one another. Mayor Ison said
that, as it was obvious that the developer is willing to work with
the neighbors, commission will hold off on a decision on the site
plan until the Rose Hill Homeowners have a chance to see the plan.
Mrs. Jacobs point number 3 dealt with intersection improvements
and signalization and Mayor Ison assured Mrs. Jacobs that that
would be a joint venture with the county. On point number 6
regarding square footage City Manager Ryan stated that the
developers have agreed to observe the pun requirements which are
less than Rose Hill Homeowners have requested. All the other
points were easily agreed to. Mrs. Jacobs thanked commission for
permitting her to speak and introduced Martin Kreidt, 1516 E.
Lopez St., Orlando, who expressed concern about the alignment of
the Clark Road right-of-way and wanted commission to commit to the
approval of the plan. City Manager Ryan assured Mr. Kreidt that
it has been handled through the developer's agreement and that
it says that they will provide the right-of-way on Clark Road,
wherever City says it goes. Mr. Kreidt's concern regarding the
collector roads was that the people doing traffic studies might
not be sensitive to the actual needs of the residents because of
numbers and he continued to stress that if the studies regarding
the sub-collector streets are not completed that City should hold
off on the land use plan unless the City has a specific condition
which ties down what City wants to do and then release that
condition later, as the developer has a perfect right to not honor
that if City gives a land use approval under the ordinance. Mayor
Ison assured Mr. Kreidt that the developer's agreement covered the
question, and that when the site plan is presented that point
along with others mentioned by Mr. Kreidt would be dealt with. Mr.
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August 23, 1988
Kreidt asked what the minimum lot size will be as it is not noted.
Mayor Ison said there had been several discussions for 60' lots
but lot sizes will not be determined at this meeting. Mr. Kreidt
asked that 750' homes not be put next to Rose Hill and Mayor Ison
noted that the flip-flop had accomplished that already, and that
1200' homes would be next to that development. Mayor Ison then
commended Mr. Kreidt for his presentation, and asked for the next
Mr. Kenneth Steffens, 989 Yellow Rose Dr, Orlando, who is a
teacher at West Orange High School, expressed concern regarding
school capacity. Mayor Ison said he has already met with
school commissioners and staff to advise them of the need which
already exists for a new high school, middle school and elementary
school this side of Highway 50, not based on this particular
project, but from growth already achieved. This Commission has
pledged to cause developers to provide acreage for school sites
which will be made available for that agency to consider. Mr.
Steffens asked what will happen if road is not developed and Mr.
Feinstein's response was that there's a brick wall and 100'
buffer no matter what.
Mr. Ron Ward, Rose Hill Homeowner's Association Phase 3, 1241 Red
Dandy Dr., Orlando, stated that people all around are buying
bigger homes (1600' and up). He asked that the developer
seriously consider raising the minimum lot/house size.
Mr. George Ruby, 1088 Red Dandy Dr., Orlando, asked that the flip-
flop be clarified as he wants to see single family low density
next to Rose Hill. Mayor Ison said that, as much as possible, the
design would be single family against single family and low-medium
density in place of multi-family.
Mr. Harry Falls, 1248 Red Dandy Dr., Orlando,
around builders and developers many years and
density should be brought way down.
said he has been
he thinks high
The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Dabbs moved to
approve the Lake Lotta Case No. 14R-88 rezoning to PUD subject
to, and with the conditions of, those items agreed to by the
developer here In the meeting, and agreed to under staff
recommendations and incorporating those commitments agreed to with
the Rose Hill Homeowner's Association. Commissioner Johnson
seconded. Commissioner Bateman said that there are major
questions raised by staff that need to be clarified: the amount
and type of commercial land use and collector roads. A map of the
City shows that Georgia Avenue is the dividing line and he
supports the position of going one-half the distance and placing
a collector road there to keep people off Highway 50. He stated
that the request for commercial area is high, that it should be 10
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August 23, 1988
acres. Mayor Ison pointed out that the request conforms with our
PUD requirements. Commissioner Bateman said that it is all right
to go with PUD tonight with the understanding that they will come
back with preliminary plans for approval as all the discussion
makes the presented plans outmoded already. Commissioner Bateman
further stated that the decision reached on this case will
establish the policy for all the rest of development from Good
Homes Road to Bluford Avenue. Commissioner Dabbs said that he had
stated previously for the record that he wants very much to see
the east/west connector road completed. Commissioner Bateman asked
if approval tonight of PUD means that we are limited to minimum
lot/house size. City Manager Ryan said that the intent is to
observe each PUD and see what is suitable in each mix. He further
stated that staff had extracted an agreement that not more than
25% of the total would be built at the minimum. Commissioner
Bateman made several more leading remarks which prompted Mayor
Ison to respond that this was a zoning hearing and the preliminary
plans would be coming before the Commission at a later date to
deal with. City Attorney Woodson stated that even if the
ordinance were adopted without additional provisions it would
really come into play when a revised preliminary plan is
submitted. Commissioner Bateman finally admitted that he had
posed all the questions so that everyone present would understand
just that, because he felt that Mr. Kreidt's comments had caused
some misunderstanding and he wanted it cleared up before anyone
left the meeting. Mayor Ison called for the vote by roll call and
the results were: Commissioners Bateman, Dabbs, Hager and
Johnson, "aye," and no "nays." Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Ison advised those present that 10 years ago he stood
in front of Orange County Commission representing homeowners and
was allowed 1 minute to speak, and that is why he gives citizens
an opportunity to be heard.
Mayor Ison described the property as a 24.5 acre parcel located on
the north side of Highway 50 and east of Lake Lotta which is
presented for a C-2 community commercial zoning district.
Associate Planner Myers pointed out the parcel on the map, and
Mayor Ison opened the public hearing. Ms. Myers advised that, in
response to some problems that the Rose Hill homeowners had, staff
had suggested that the north 8.5 acres be restricted to
professional services as a buffer and the south 16.5 acres be
zoned C-2.
Mr. Yeager pointed out that he had
recommendations, however, the total
designated did not add up to 24.5 acres.
no problems with staff
acreage Ms. Myers had
Ms. Myers said that the
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August 23, 1988
numbers were approximate and the ordinance would deal with legal
description and would be accurate. Mayor Ison asked Mr. Yeager if
he was aware of the road requirements and plans. Mr. Yeager
replied that he was aware of the collector roads and he has no
objection to that or the 6' brick wall but that he felt that
berming was not necessary. However, he is not at cross purposes
with homeowners.
Mrs. Gretchen Jacobs spoke again quoting a memo with 8 items
repeating those presented for the Lake Lotta Development,
specifying a 6' brick wall with trees and an additional buffer if
the professional area is backing up to their property. The list
is attached to the minutes and made a part hereof.
Mayor Ison said that the developer has agreed, since this
development will be the eastern most entrance to the City, to make
it far nicer than anything in the City so far.
Mrs. Nancy Christman, representing Orange County, said that this
is a location where the county supports commercial development.
Mayor Ison closed the public hearing. commissioner Bateman moved
to approve the recommendation of staff in concurrence with the
Planning and Zoning Board recommendation and incorporating those
items agreed to with Rose Hill Homeowners. Commissioner Dabbs
seconded the motion. A roll call vote was: Commissioners
Bateman, Dabbs, Hager and Johnson, "aye," and there were no "nays."
Mayer Ison opened the public hearing for case no. 16R-88 and
Associate Planner Myers pointed out the 9 acre parcel located
south of Highway 50 and east of Lake Lotta on the map and
explained that the petitioner is requesting C-2 community
commercial zoning. Ms. Myers advised that the Planning and Zoning
Board recommends C-1 instead.
Mr. Steve Fieldman, representing the developer, stated that he
does not want to engage in an argument, but that they felt that C-
2 is a more appropriate use for the land. However, as the
Commissioners are more familiar with the area and its needs, they
would yield to Commmission's decision.
Mrs. Nancy Christman, representing Orange County, stated that this
area lends itself more to multi-family and higher density family
residential than to commercial zoning, as the County prefers to
have commercial zoning at major intersections. Commissioner
Johnson advised that this is an intersection on the western edge
of the property. Mayor Ison pointed out that it is a clay road
intersection, however, and a lot of clay road intersections on
Highway 50 have gone by the wayside.
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August 23, 1988
Mr. Fieldman said that the parcel is only 9.5 acres and so is not
large enough for amenity package. They have requested C-2 because
that zoning permits you to have an anchor tenant. He also stated
that he had been told that that intersection will not remain a
mlnor intersection.
Mayor Ison pointed out that along SR 436 commercial is on the
highway with multi-family as buffer between the commercial and the
lower density residential behind. He also noted that there is an
element in the comprehensive land use plan that states that
communities should get along with their neighbor. Mayor Ison
encouraged the County to go along with commercial because recent
history indicates there is a need for stores but multi-family
places have clowns outside to invite people in to rent.
There were no further comments from the public, so Mayor Ison
closed the public hearing. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve
C-1 zoning for this parcel and Commissioner Hager seconded. A roll
call vote was taken with Commissioners Bateman and Hager voting
"aye" and Commmissioners Dabbs and Johnson voting "nay." Mayor
Ison broke the tie with a "nay" vote, saying that he felt that the
best use of the property is C-2. The motion did not pass.
Commissioner Johnson moved to approve C-2 zoning for the parcel
and Commissioner Dabbs seconded the motion, saying that it was for
discussion only. Commissioner Johnson said that he believes that
the corner is going to be bigger and he wants to see something
other than a 7-11 go in. Mayor Ison said that C-2 will give the
City an opportunity to get something "upper" there, possibly even
a hospital. A roll call vote was taken with Commissioner Johnson
voting "aye," and Commissioners Bateman, Dabbs and Hager voted
"nay." The motion did not pass.
City Manager Ryan pointed out that the applicant had requested
C-2 and Planning and Zoning Board and staff had recommended C-1.
As both motions failed it would be necessary for Commission to
take further action. Commissioner Bateman expressed concern for
the size of the property, as after the setbacks were taken, plus
the 25' buffer the remainder would be too small to use.
Commissioner Dabbs asked what constraints would be in force if
Commission reconsiders and applicant acquires more property.
City Manager Ryan responded that they could not petition again
until twelve months later for rezoning. He stated further,
however, that the comprehensive plan amendment has been submitted
zoning this area commercial and it would be possible to leave this
until later to consider the options.
Commissioner Dabbs moved to reconsider C-1 zoning. Commissioner
Bateman seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. City Attorney
Woodson advised that what is pending now is the motion by
Commissioner Bateman to approve C-1 zoning. Roll call vote was:
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August 23, 1988
Commissioner Bateman, Hager, Johnson "aye," and Commissioner Dabbs
"nay." Motion carried to approve C-1 zoning.
Mayor Ison opened the public hearing and asked Associate Planner
Myers to point out the 4.8 acre parcel on the map which is north
of White Road and approximately 1/8 mile east of Clark Road and
advised that the church is requesting R-1-A Single Family
Residential Dwelling zoning. A church is permitted in this zoning
as a special exception.
Mr. Steve Dill, 81 Interlaken Rd, Orlando, 32804, spoke, but too
softly for the clerk or the recorder to hear his comments. The
public hearing was closed. Commissioner Bateman moved to rezone
the parcel R-1-AAA. Commissioner Hager seconded for point of
discussion. Commissioner Bateman said that his concern was for
the surrounding property, as a church must request a special
exception in either zoning, and R-1-AAA is in keeping with the
neighborhood. Roll call vote was: Commissioners Bateman, Dabbs,
Hager and Johnson, "aye," and no "nays." Motion carried.
Mayor Ison opened the public hearing and asked Associate Planner
Myers to point out the 27.58 acre parcel on the map. This parcel
is located north of Lake Blanchard and east of Chicago Avenue, and
petitioner is requesting R-3 Multiple Family Dwelling zoning for
26.58 acres and C-2 Community Commercial zoning for the 1 acre
lying south of Maine Street. There were no representatives present
and no comments from the public. Staff advised that petitioners
were in concurrance with staff comments. Mayor Ison closed the
public hearing. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve per staff
recommendation. Commissioner Johnson seconded. Commissioner
Bateman said that the attached map shows Maine Street, but does
not show Georgia Street. The recommendation is not showing what
is already there and he has definite concerns regarding multiple
family use. Mayor Ison pointed out that when the site plan comes
in for review, the issue of drainage must be addressed. Roll call
vote was Commissioners Dabbs and Johnson, "aye," Commissioners
Bateman and Hager, "nay." Mayor Ison voted "aye" to break the
tie. Motion carried.
Mayor Ison opened the public hearing and announced that the
commissioners may need to leave the table during the discussions
but that he would not call for a vote while they were away. Mayor
Ison then asked Associate Planner Myers to point out the 7.98 acre
parcel on the map, and to explain any staff findings. Ms. Myers
located the parcel on the map and explained that this parcel is
positioned south of Silver Star Road and north of Lake Florence in
a low density residential area. When Mayor Ison asked for the
reasoning behind staff recommending R-1-A when the surrounding
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August 23, 1988
area is R-1-AA, Ms. Myers explained that that is basically
PUD allows and the petitioner did not want to go through
whole PUD planning process.
Mr. Steve Dill, Developer, advised that he had petitioned for two
other parcels requesting R-l-A and received R-1-AA. He said he
wanted to sell smaller houses, not necessarily smaller lots.
Mayor Ison closed the public hearing. Commissioner Bateman moved
to zone the parcel R-1-AA. Commissioner Johnson seconded and roll
call vote was: Commissioners Bateman, Dabbs, Hager and Johnson,
"aye," and there were no "nays." Motion carried.
Mayor Ison opened the public hearing and asked Associate Planner
Myers to point out the 8.44 acre parcel on the map. As Ms. Myers
located the parcel she explained that the petitioner is requesting
C-1 Neighborhood Shopping District zoning, however, staff
recommends denying the petition, as commercial zoning at this
location is not consistent with the land use plan. Commissioner
Johnson moved to zone the parcel R-1-AAA. Commissioner Bateman
seconded. Roll call vote was, Commissioner Bateman, Hager and
Johnson, "aye," Commissioner Dabbs, "nay." Motion carried.
Associate Planner Myers pointed out the 53 acre parcel on the
map and explained that the parcel is located north of Lake
Johio and between Johio Shores Road and Clark Road. Petitioner is
requesting R-1-A Single Family zoning.
Mayor Ison opened the public hearing and Pat Barnette, 2525 Lake
Johio Rd., stated that she owns adjacent property and has a
question regarding the protection of the lakes. What happens to
the property below the 100 year flood plan? Mr. Atwood responded
that you cannot build on that portion. Mrs. Barnette then asked
what happens to property below any lots to the lake. Mr. Atwood
said that none of the property can be sold beyond the water line
which is spelled out in metes and bounds descriptions. Mrs.
Barnette expressed her concern with the pollution of the tiny
lake by overbuilding. Mr. Leon Yates, 2807 Lake Johio Dr.,
pointed out that a neighbor has been paying taxes on the lake
bottom because his legal description includes it. Mayor Ison said
that this is a zoning hearing and the question of who owns lake
bottoms, etc. was not a matter to be dealt with at this hearing.
He then closed the public hearing. Commissioner Bateman
expresssed concerns regarding the recommendations of staff to one
R-1-A as that is too heavy. He felt that R-1-AA for the bulk of
the parcel and R-1-AAA next to the lake would be more appropriate.
Mr. Atwood said he would have no problem with R-1-AA as he would
like to retain the square footage required there. There was
considerable discussion during which City Attorney Woodson
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August 23, 1988
explained that the simplest way to deal with this would be to
have PUD zoning, because that way a preliminary plan would be
brought before the Commission. commissioner Bateman moved to
rezone the parcel to R-1-AAA. Commissioner Hager seconded. Mr.
Atwood said he was not worried about the specific zoning because
he intends to make the lakefront lots 10,000 sq. ft. There
continued more discussion about lakefront lots extending into lake
bottom and density. Roll call vote was: Commissioners Bateman and
Hager, "aye," Commissioners Dabbs and Johnson, "nay." Mayor Ison
voted "nay" to break the tie. Motion did not carry.
Commissioner Johnson moved to table this matter until August 30th
meeting. Commissioner Dabbs seconded. Mayor Ison cautioned Mr.
Atwood to return to that meeting with a map showing the lots. A
straw vote was taken on whether to require R-1-AAA or 80'frontage
for the 10,000 sq. ft. lots. The consensus was 80' lot frontage.
The matter of public access to the lake was brought up and Mr.
Atwood agreed that he could arrange public access to the lake, not
a park, and not to be maintained by the City. The vote on tabling
the issue was unanimous in favor.
Mayor Ison opened the public hearing and asked Associate Planner
Myers to point out the 15.88 parcel located north of Lake
Blanchard and east of Richmond Avenue. petitioner has requested C-
2 Community Commercial zoning for this parcel and staff concurs.
Mr. Bruce Mylrae, 608 E. Central Blvd.,developer, stated that he
was present to answer any questions. There were no comments from
the public and the public hearing was closed. Commissioner
Bateman moved to approve the petitioners request for C-2 zoning
and Commissioner Dabbs seconded. Roll call vote was:
Commissioners Bateman, Dabbs, Hager and Johnson, "aye," and there
were no "nays."
Mayor Ison opened the public hearing and asked Associate Planner
Myers to point out the 10 acre parcel on the map. Petitioners are
asking for R-1-A Single Family Residential zoning for this parcel
which is located south of Marshall Farms Road and east of
Windermere Road. Staff concurs with the request. Mrs. Ann Crow,
8591 Lake Florence Blvd, Orlando, 32818 was present to answer any
questions. The public hearing was closed without comment from the
public. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve petitioners' request
for R-1-A zoning. Commissioner Johnson seconded and roll call
vote was: Commissioners Bateman, Dabbs, Hager and Johnson, "aye,"
and no "nays."
Mayor Ison opened the public hearing and asked Associate Planner
Myers to point out the 11 acre parcel on the map. Ms. Myers
explained that petitioner is requesting I-2 General Industrial
Page 13
City Commission Special Session
August 23, 1988
zoning for this parcel which is located west of Ocoee-Apopka Road
and 1320 feet north of Ocoee-Crown Point Road. However, staff
recommends I-1 Restricted Manufacturing and Warehousing zoning.
Mr. Roger Freeman, 151 Silver Star Road, Ocoee, explained that the
highest and best use for the property is I-1 as he is requesting.
Mrs. Nancy Christman, representing Orange County, expressed the
County's concern of placing industrial next to residential for
this case as well as the next one. Mr. Freeman explained that he
did not intend to bring in heavy industrial, but rather light
industry, well landscaped. There were no other citizens present
who wanted to speak. Mayor Ison closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Bateman moved to approve I-1 zoning. Commissioner
Hager seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. Roll call vote
was: Commissioners Bateman, Dabbs, Hager, and Johnson "aye," and
there were no no "nays."
Mayor Ison opened the public hearing and asked Associate Planner
Myers to point out the 5 acre parcel on the map. Ms. Myers
explained that this parcel is located east of the Ocoee-Apopka
Road and 900' north of Ocoee-Crown Point Road and petitioner is
requesting I-2 General Industrial zoning. Staff and Planning and
Zoning Board both recommend I-1 zoning. Mr. Freeman said that he
is agreeable with whatever the City requires as this will be the
first piece sold and developed and he wants a first class
development to be here. Mayor Ison read into the record Mrs.
Nancey Christman's objection on behalf of the County for putting
industrial next to residential just as in the previous case. Mr.
Freeman advised that 50' buffers were to be used as well as 6'
walls and whatever other requirements the City has. Mayor Ison
closed the public hearing as there were no citizens who wished to
speak. Commissioner Hager moved to approve I-1 zoning subject to
buffering and a concrete masonry wall to be approved by
Commission. Commissioner Dabbs seconded and roll call vote was:
Commissioners Bateman, Dabbs, Hager and Johnson, "aye," and there
were no "nays."
Mayor Ison opened the public hearing and asked Associate Planner
Myers to point out the 20 acre parcel on the map. Ms. Myers
explained that the property is located south of Geneva Street and
east of B.C. Terry Road and petitioner is requesting R-1-AA
Single Family Dwelling zoning. Mr. Lou Roeder, with Phoenix
Development was present to answer any questions. As there were
no comments by the citizens the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Bateman moved to approve R-1-AA zoning. Commissioner
Johnson seconded. Roll call vote was: Commissioners Bateman,
Dabbs, Hager, and Johnson, "aye," and there were no "nays."
Page 14
City Commission Special Session
August 23, 1988
Mayor Ison opened the public hearing for this case and asked
Associate Planner Myers to point out the 196 acre parcel on the
map. Petitioner requests PUD zoning for this parcel located north
of Moore Road and on either side of Maguire Road. Staff has a 14
item list for consideration before approval is considered. Mr.
Roeder stated that the developer is in agreement with the staff
recommendations subject to clarification of Item #2, which states
that 50% of the gross land area in each multiple family parcel
shall be open space. Their question is, "Does that 50% include
retention ponds?" City Manager responded that it does. Another
point to be clarified is Item #6 which states that a traffic study
shall be submittd prior to Development Plan approval and specific
requirements shall be incorporated into a Development Agreement.
If that means a future development agreement, they have no
problem. Ms. Myers said that it was a typo. Mr. Roeder asked for
clarification of Item #14. Ms. Myers explained that this was a
provision to assure that Commission would have an opportunity to
verify that any changes agreed to at this meeting would be
incorporated in the final plans. Commissioner Bateman went back
to Item #8 which deals with Homeowner's Associations. Mr. Roeder
explained that there is one master homeowner's association over
the entire PUD, which has the responsibility of enforcing the
design criterias which are above and beyond the City's criteria
of setbacks and square footage. It will be up to each individual
group to set up a separate sub-association to allocate its
individual cost. Mayor Ison mentioned a special taxation unit for
maintenance of retention ponds which he hopes to put into
effect. Mayor Ison asked if the acres of park sites add up to
enough to satisfy the city's requirements and Ms Myers said that
they do. Mrs. Nancy Christman, representing Orange County,
pointed out the County's position is that it opposes commercial
and high density residential uses on Maguire Road, south of the
Turnpike. A low density residential development would be more
consistent with the character of the area since it could serve as
a transition between the County's rural service area and the
higher densities within the City of Ocoee. The proposed densities
are premature in this area and there are more appropriate
locations within the City for the proposed uses and densities,
such as State Road 50. The rezoning is inconsistent with the
County's land use designation of one unit per two acres. The
approval of this project would be inconsistent with the purpose
and goals of a Joint Planning Area Agreement. The County strongly
urges the City to limit this development to low density
residential uses.
Commissioner Bateman asked Mr. Roeder if the land use plan showing
a 5,000 sq ft lot with 50 ft frontage was a typo. It is important
to Commission to match the requirements made of Heller Bros., with
the minimum lot size of 9,000 sq. ft., net lot width 75 ft. and a
net living floor area 1,400 sq ft. Mr. Roeder responded that they
Page 15
City Commission Special Session
August 23, 1988
could use the same as they have across the street with 4 units per
acre, 8,000 sq. ft. net lot size, and 1,600 sq. ft. house. Dr.
Jim Ferdinand, 2000 Mercy Dr., said that they will need to get
more multi-family units on the south side if they are going to
give up small units in the west side. Commissioner Hager
pointed out that the living area of 650 ft does not meet PUD
requirements. The new PUD requires 750 ft. Mr. Roeder proposed
that averaging the sizes would net larger than 750 ft. because
some of their split masters are quite large. Mayor Ison went over
the list of changes on the land use plan and, after Dr. Ferdinand
requested consideration, determined that Parcels A and B must
both be reduced to 15 units per acre and be 750 ft, Parcel C
reduced to 183 units and raised to 8,000 sq. ft. with 70 ft. lot
width, and 1,600 net living floor area. City Manager suggested
that the decision on the number of units may be delayed until
another time, but the consensus was to proceed. At the end of
revision session the total units numbered 955, which is a 23%
reduction in number of units. City Manager Ryan pointed out that
was $717,500 less in sewer connection fees. Commissioner Bateman
moved to approve the rezoning to PUD on the Plantation Grove plan
dated August 19, 1988 subject to the changes just made.
Commissioner Dabbs seconded the motion. Roll call vote was:
Commissioners Bateman, Dabbs, Hager and Johnson, "aye," and there
were no "nays." Motion carried.
Mr. Roeder passed out diagrams of B.C. Terry Road, a platted 60'
road, showing the 60' south of the utility site as vacated by
separate agreement and an existing 15' clay road serving 4 sub-
standard houses and the Southern Bell unit. Mr. Roeder presented
two possibilities in surfacing the road: (1) paving the full
sized road and ending in a cul-de-sac and (2) vacating the east
30' and putting a 16' paved road on the remainder to serve the
existing buildings. Developer is requesting the City to vacate
the east 30' of the remaining roadsite, and would be willing to
pave the remaining west portion of B.C. Terry Road, providing a
16' paved service road for those existing units. Staff had pointed
out that if those parcels west of the center belonged to a single
owner who requested annexation into the City and subsequently
requested subdivision, the City would require that a road be paved
and the remaining 30' would not be adequate. Mr. Roeder stated
that was highly unlikely but that the proposed new developer could
supply the additional footage to provide for a road right-of-way
should the need arise. He further stated that vacating the east
30' would enable them to incorporate it in their phase I, and
although it would not provide any more lots in their plan, it
would allow a 90' right-of-way instead of a 70' right-of-way,
making a more elegant entry to the project. The plan was to
design one lane in and two lanes out with a divided median and a
dummy guard shack. A lengthy discussion ensued during which
Mr. Finch quoted the code which precludes half-roads.
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City Commission Special Session
August 23, 1988
City Attorney Woodson said that the matter before the Commission
is a request to approve preliminary subdivision plans as
submitted, and that Assistant City Manager Finch was telling the
Commission that if they approve the plans as submitted there will
be considerable problems resulting. Mr. Woodson said that option
number one is to approve the submitted plan with the change
showing five lots instead of six. Mr. Woodson did not finish the
statement, however, as Mr. Finch, Ms. Myers and Mr. Roeder entered
into a vigorous discussion regarding the purpose of the annexation
of B.C. Terry Road, the facts regarding which other developers
had been required to pave adjacent or nearby roads when
developing, and the fairness of the City's requirements of
developers, etc. Mayor Ison asked for a motion to table the
issue. Commissioner Bateman moved to table the consideration for
approval of the preliminary site plans until September 6 regular
meeting. commissioner Hager seconded and vote was unanimous in
favor. Mayor Ison enumerated the points to be resolved: (1) It is
necessary to adhere to the subdivision regulations, (2) The
adjacent property owners to the west are not a part of the
negotiations, and (3) The question of vacating southward must be
determined. Mayor Ison advised that this is the seventh instance
where people have not been able to get the information they need
from City Hall or PEC in order to resolve the problems before
coming before the Commission, and if we are so far out on major
issues the matter should not appear on the agenda. Mr. Finch said
they have addressed every other comment on the reviews and that
this is the only outstanding matter. Mayor Ison said there is one
other matter and that is sewer vs septic tanks. Dr. Ferdinand
immediately stood and said that if the City requires sewer rather
than septic tanks there would be no development of this project.
The consensus was that it makes sense to use septic tanks where
possible (large lots that perk well) and save the sewer capacity
where it better serves the City - in commercial development. Mayor
Ison took a straw vote on the preference of septic tank over sewer
and the vote in favor of septic tank was: Commissioners Dabbs,
Hager and Johnson. City Manager Ryan advised that there is a need
for sewer connections now to balance out the debt service.
Commissioner Bateman said also that at a later date and earlier in
the evening it would be appropriate to debate the matter of
perking septic tanks, as the ones in Harbour Highlands are not
perking well and they flow directly into Lake Lotta, from there to
Lake Rose and back into Lake Sherwood. Mayor Ison called for a
vote on the motion to table until September 6, 1988 and the vote
was unanimous in favor.
The meet~ng adjourned al~2:00 a.m.
ATTEST: ~ k Jl~
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Mayor Ison
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Adendum to Minutes of Special Session
Ocoe~ C1ty Ccmm1ssion
;;'o;;e hill
Ph;l!:.,S I,
5 :'SSOciOlt1ons,
L .:.1< e
LottZl ~td.
No. 14R-6S
~ ~i te:
r~q~est ~~proval of tnis a~plicatlon subject ~o the follcwin~
Construct crick u.~ll, SlX teet 1n helght, along ~ose Hill Subdivis10n
bcunoary UJlth tr€::s, 25 f.:et 1n ne1;;ht, ple,nt'?d every z,g feet, followed
:mm~dl~tely to t~e seuth by ~, landscaped, irrlgated earth Ourm. M~nd~tory
l~~cscape ma1nt~nance is to be the res~onslbility of the developer.
Align proposeo ~ast-west s~ocollector road lmm~diately south ef Rose Hill
subdivis1on, sUD..Ject to above concition. Additionally, construct sidewalk
T:ve feat in u.idtn along north and soutn sid~ of subcollector read.
:3 .
Mandatory intersectien i~~rovements u.here suocollector meets Good Home3
Koao ;lnd traffi~ li;;ht at Geed Homes ~oad and ~hite Road to allow Rose Hill
re51C;gnt~ s~fe ~ntrance and egress from Good Homes Road dur1ng pe~k traffic
Tnere snEll t& no dewiloprren1 b8t~e~n subcollactcr re~d ~nd ~ose Hill.
) .
~dd singlG-t~~lly low density residenti~l land use in e~st-center p~rcal
na1~hbor~ood, b~t~een ClarK Ro~o ~nd Rose Hill subdiv~sion, bordered by
5ubcollector roao on the south. L1m1t lots along the ~as1ern bou~d~ry of
tnis ~~rcal to a rr1nimum ot 7,500 squ~re feet in area ~nd all homes to be a
rr.1nl"',"~1 cf 1,tJO 5ql..~re tOlet liveli1bh floor ~r&a. t!oAJ.'Sf\JJf!r 01tcl'" 5,\.l(!l('-VA~
~. Increa5~ m1nimum req~lred residential square footage ~s follo~s:
S r L J ~, in. 1, 6 0 0 s. f. ( 1--00
L ,.~ ;:: ~ in. 1,.. C C s. t. I 1)0;)
r~ 1= ,.\ ~ rr 1 n. 1, 0 C C s. f. 7 ,"0
Improva intarsacticn of Geod ~ome5 Road ~nd S.R. 50.
~ll dump:ters ano tr~sh cclle~t~on are~s ~ust be contained in enclosures
architacturally conSlstent ~ith accompanying land improvements. O~mpsters
~ust be equl~ped ~ith com~actors.
Construct slce~~lK' tive feat in ~idth, along the south sioe of White Road.
Gr~tcnen J:.cobs
Pres. Kose Hill Homee~ner's Assoc.
Fh~se II
rial i1~rston
Ed Willlarrs