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AGENDA 9-20-88
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ison called the meeting to order
7:30 p.m. Commissioner Hager led in prayer and Mayor
led in the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs, Bateman,
and Hager, City Attorney Rosenthal, Assistant City Attorney
Woodson, City Manager Ryan, Assistant City Manager Finch,
Associate Planner Myers, City Clerk Grafton, and Deputy Clerk
Charter Reviaion COMmitte. Minute. of 8-11, 8-18, and 8-22
Mayor Ison said there were three sets of Charter Revision
Committee meeting minutes presented for informational
purposes for the City Commission. The Mayor told the
Commissioners that Charter Revision Committee Chairman Bruce
Beatty would address the Commission later on in the meeting
for the first readings of the Charter ordinances.
Mayor Ison also said even though public comments were usually
only taken at second readings when public hearings were held,
they would take comments from citizens during the first
readings since the topics had generated ~uch public interest.
Mark Blinderman, Sy.co Food. and Ted Ryan - Holiday Donation
Mayor Ison said this presentation would be postponed until a
future Commission meeting when Mr. Blinderman would be able
to attend.
Items A, B, C, E, F, and G were pulled from the agenda until
the next meeting. Item H was pulled for discussion.
Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the remaining items on
the Consent Agenda, Items D and I, and Commissioner Hager
seconded. Commissioner Bateman asked whether the Wayne
Atwood Rezoning Petition should read 85 feet rather than 80
feet. Mr. Atwood agreed that 85 feet was the correct
distance. The vote to approve the motion carried
Item H, the first reading of the proposed Sewer-Water
Capacity Ordinance had been pulled for discussion. Assistant
City Attorney Woodson said he had arranged a meeting for the
following day, Wednesday, September 7, for interested parties
to discuss the ordinance and have any questions answered.
Commissioner Dabbs said he had several concerns and wanted to
let Mr. Woodson know what he thought was all right to
negotiate and what he did not want negotiated. Commissioner
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Dabbs said he would agree to allowing a seven-year connection
reservation but that the City should not guarantee a buy
back. There was also a suggestion to add a section to
address intergovernmental relations. Mr. Woodson said he had
noted the comments and would make appropriate changes. He
also reviewed some changes that he had made in the ordinance.
Mr. Woodson said he would add the section on
intergovernmental relations on page eight o~ the ordinance.
On page 17, he said he would delete part o~ Section 22-112
that was repeated again in Section 22.113 and there~ore not
Mr. Woodson said there were two references to certificate of
occupancy, one in Section 22.113 and the other in Section
22.117, which should have been changed to re~lect the
decision to change that to building permit. Mr. Woodson said
he would take care of those two changes in time for the
second reading. He said he would mail a revised copy to the
Commissioners early next week.
City Manager Ryan asked about the sewer permit application
addressed on page 17 o~ the ordinance. He said some
flexibility concerning the issue o~ capital charges or
letters of credit had been suggested. Mayor Ison asked
Assistant City Attorney Woodson how other governments handled
this. Mr. Woodson said some governments required 100% cash
money and others allowed letters o~ credit or payment plans.
Mayor Ison asked Mr. Woodson to find out what requirements
Orange County and Orlando have and report back to the
Commission when he mails the information to them.
Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the Sewer-Water Capacity
Ordinance with the amendments for ~irst reading, Commissioner
Johnson seconded, and approval was unanimous. City Manager
Ryan read the ordinance by title only.
Charter Revision Board Report - Chairman Bruce Beatty
Ordinance 88-27, Firat Reading
Charter Revision Committee Chairman Bruce Beatty said the
Committee held two public hearings, on August 22 and August
30, and had received several public comments. Chairman
Beatty said there was a suggestion to have the City Manager
do the State o~ the City Address rather than the Mayor.
A~ter consideration by the Charter Committee, Chairman Beatty
said the decision was made to continue to have the Mayor
present the Address.
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Chairman Beatty said it was also suggested to make a separate
item on the ballot for the issue of the Mayor having a vote.
He said the Committee decided to keep this within the context
of the revised Charter that would be voted on in its
entirety. He said the decision was based on the fact that
they felt it was a duty and an important responsibility of
the office and not a privilege.
There was also discussion on public notice of meetings and
agendas. Chairman Beatty said the Charter Committee felt
the issue of public notice was adequately stated in the
Charter and wanted to stress the importance of such notice.
In the area of agendas, Chairman Beatty referred to Article
III, Section 5, where the Committee had made some changes.
The Committee wanted to stress the importance of making the
agenda available to the public at least 24 hours prior to the
meeting, unless an emergency takes place in which case
waiting 24 hours would be detrimental to the state of the
City and then only 12 hours need be given. Chairman Beatty
asked Attorney Rosenthal if he would formulate appropriate
language for such special meetings. It was agreed that this
language would be done in time for the second reading.
Chairman Beatty said the question had been raised about what
would happen in the event that no one qualified to be a
candidate for a particular seat. He said the Charter
declared a seat "vacant" (Article VII) in the event no
candidate qualified for the office of Mayor or a specific
seat on the City Commission. Chairman Beatty then said that
Article III, Section 9, dealt with the filling of such
vacancies outlining specific procedures.
The process of recall was also discussed in relation to
either elections at large or single-member districts.
Chairman Beatty said that 10% of the voters were needed to
initiate a recall. If elections were held with single-member
districts, then 10% of the voters in that district would be
needed to initiate a recall. If elections in the City remain
at large (or with the Mayoral election), 10% of the voters in
the City at large would be necessary.
Chairman Beatty said the base Charter would need to be voted
on favorably by the electorate in order for any of the
separate amendment items on the ballot to have any affect.
Commissioner Dabbs questioned Chairman Beatty as to the 24
hour notice for Special Meetings. He wanted to know what the
intent was. Chairman Beatty said the Committee's intent was
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for the City to provide the public with an agenda so that
people may know in advance what would be discussed. Only in
the event of an emergency would the Commission discuss items
not on the agenda.
Mayor Ison said this was important so as not to violate State
laws. City Manager Ryan said that the intent was probably
more to satisfy the public "spirit" in the event someone was
interested in whether or not something was to be discussed at
a particular meeting. He said agendas are posted at City Hall
and that the public could also call City Hall to get this
information over the telephone. City Manager Ryan said the
City followed State law otherwise. Chairman Beatty said
personally there had been a few occasions where things were
discussed at Commission meetings that were not on a
particular agenda and that he would have attended these
meetings had he known they would be discussed. He said it
did not happen often but that the intent was to make every
attempt to keep to the matters listed on the agenda.
Commissioner Dabbs wanted to clarify the composition of the
Personnel Board referred to in Article V, Section 6. He said
the Charter stated the Board would consist of five members
with the breakdown of at least one City employee, one City
Commissioner, one management-level City employee and one
citizen. Commissioner Dabbs said he was making the
clarification that the fifth person could be anyone of the
above. Chairman Beatty said that was correct.
Commissioner Bateman wanted to clarify what
"emergency" for a special meeting that would
hours notice rather than the usual 24 hours.
that these emergency cases be spelled out in
that there would not be any question.
Rosenthal was directed to incorporate this
that particular section.
constituted an
only require 12
He suggested
the Charter so
City Attorney
when rewriting
Commissioner Johnson moved to
amendments for first reading,
and approval was unanimous.
ordinance by title only.
approve Ordinance 88-27 with
Com~issioner Bateman seconded,
City Manager Ryan read the
Ordinance 88-28, Firat Reading
Chairman Beatty explained that this issue of single-member
districts would be listed as a separate item on the November
ballot. He said concern had been expressed at one of the
public hearings about the district boundaries. Chairman
Beatty said this could not be addressed at this time because
the districts would be drawn from information from the 1990
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census. Chairman Beatty said i~ the base Charter and this
amendment were voted upon %8vorebly, e District Commission
would need to be %ormed.
Mayor Ison asked i~ there were any public comments. Ben
Gri%~in, 12 E. McKey St., Ocoee, said he was interested in
%inding out what the ~eelings 0% the present Commission were
toward single-member districts. The Commissioners all said
they were in %avor 0% the districts. Mr. Gri~fin said he was
against the single-member districts because it cut a voter's
power in 1/4. He said the districts had been established in
other municipalities because minorities were not being %airly
represented. He said he did not feel Ocoee had a problem 0%
this sort and therefore did not need these districts. In
certain cities Mr. Gri%%in felt these districts may help some
voters but in Ocoee he said it would only serve to limit
their voting power.
R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, said he was
against these districts because he wanted to %eel he could
call on anyone of the Commissioners i% he %elt the need. He
%elt that certain Commissioners were appropriate to go to on
certain issues and did not want to %eel as i% he had to go to
the same Commissioner regardless of the issue. Mr. Mohnacky
was also concerned with the possibility of a citizen not
being com%ortable or compatible with the Commissioner %rom
his or her district and there%ore %eeling as i% he or she was
not really represented.
Mayor Ison stressed that
districts came into being,
one 0% the Commissioners.
regardless 0% whether or not
citizens could always call on any
Chairman Beatty said he personally favored single-member
districts. He said he saw it as a positive %or citizens not
a negative because citizens would more than likely know the
Commissioner who represented them and be able to have a
closer relationship. He said citizens would %eel better
represented as the community grew.
Commissioner Bateman moved to approve Ordinance 88-28,
Commissioner Hager seconded, and approval was unanimous.
City Manager Ryan read the ordinance by title only.
Ordinonce 88-29, Firat Reoding
Chairman Beatty said there were no
the Charter Revision Committee.
supported a %our-year term.
additional comments %rom
He said he personally
Commissioner Bateman also said he
personally supported a
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four-year term. He said it took him two years to acquire the
basics and feel comfortable with issues, procedures, and
legal concepts. He felt there was ample processes to remove
Commissioners from office if need be.
Chairman Beatty explained that the Mayor's office and two
Commission seats would be elected on even-numbered,
Presidential election years. Election of the other two
Commission seats would take place on odd-numbered,
Gubernatorial election years. Chairman Beatty said there
would be some transitional terms involved (three-year terms)
to get the new system in alignment if the amendment was
approved by the voters. He said the specific process and
guidelines were outlined in the ordinance.
R. P. Mohnacky said he did not approve of four year terms.
He said he preferred two year terms and that two years was
sufficient time to evaluate a candidate. He said having to
remove someone from office was a negative way of looking at
the situation and that he saw it as positive to go for
reelection rather than face being removed by the citizens.
Ben Griffin asked for the other Commissioners to comment with
their thoughts on the four-year terms. Commissioner Dabbs
said he was in favor of the longer terms as did Commissioners
Johnson and Hager. Commissioner Johnson said he originally
favored three-year terms but said he approved of the four-
year terms that the Charter Committee had proposed.
Mayor Ison said he had served in his office for two and one-
half terms and was in favor of the four-year term. He
commented that the public would become more involved in the
process of electing local officials if the terms were longer.
He said civic organizations would probably hold more forums
to hear what different Commissioners felt about different
issues and that this process would help to elect the best
people for the Job. Mayor Ison also thought that the four-
year term would bring about the necessary stability of
thought in the City since they had experienced a great deal
of turnover in the recent past. Chairman Beatty agreed and
said he felt that the four-year term would promote an
atmosphere of candidates who were there to do the Job and not
Just to run for office.
Debbie Bracknell, 408 Hager Drive, Ocoee, said she felt
nothing was more important than a citizen's right to review
the candidate. She disagreed with the Mayor's statement that
the Commission had experienced too much turnover in the
recent past. She said Chairman Beatty had remarked at one of
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the Charter Revision Committee meetings that the terms should
be extended to four years since most Commissioners got
reelected anyway.
Commissioner Bateman moved to approve Ordinance 88-29,
Commissioner Dabbs seconded~ and approval was unanimous.
City Manager Ryan read the ordinance by title only.
Chairman Beatty had one last question be%ore the Commission
moved on with the agenda. He asked about the possibility 0%
advertising the Charter revision and amendments in the
newspaper. He said the intent was to inform the voters so
they would not be surprised to see it on the ballot, or vote
against it for the simple reason that they would not know
what had been changed or revised. Chairman Beatty said the
intent was not to endorse the revisions in any way. He
suggested a direct mail piece or publication in the print
media. It was decided that Chairman Beatty would construct a
mailer to be sent to all registered voters in the City.
Ordinance 88-30~ Firat Reading
Mayor Ison said the Commission would hear first from City
Manager Ryan and then make any comments before they asked for
public comments. City Manager Ryan said for the record that
the budget cash flow was based on a S200~000 inJection of
cash flow from the expected refinancing of Bowness Road. He
said the cash carry %orward was anticipated to be lower than
staff estimated. City Manager Ryan also said that whatever
millage amount the Commission voted to set this evening,
could be changed at the second reading and public hearing
only to a lesser rate than what was set at the first reading.
He said staff believed the revenues were on target and that
staff urged the Commission to set a rate of somewhere between
3.0 and 4.0.
Commissioner Dabbs wanted to clarify what would be considered
a substantial change and therefore not be able to take place
at the second reading. City Manager Ryan said the
substantial change rule in this case said that to lower the
millage rate would not be considered a substantial change,
but to raise it higher than what was advertised would. City
Attorney Rosenthal said the City was prohibited from raising
the millage higher than the rate established for first
City Attorney Rosenthal said he felt it necessary to comment
on the refinancing of Bowness Road that the City Manager
mentioned when talking about the budget and millage. He said
he wanted to make it clear that he had not yet given his
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legal opinion on this and was waiting for the results of the
Transportation Study.
Commissioner Hager said several weeks ago he made a motion to
establish a millage rate of 3.5. He said he stated at the
previous meeting that the budget worried him and he wondered
if the City would be able to live within the budget they had
tentatively set. He said he did not think that a 3.0 levy
would be sufficient, especially in light of what the City
Attorney Just mentioned about perhaps not being able to count
on monies that we had already worked into that budget.
Commissioner Hager said for those reasons he favored a 3.5
millage rate and said he felt it would be best for the
Commissioner Bateman said he supported the proposal for a
rate of 3.5. It was pointed out that an increase of one mill
would add an extra 5197,200 to the budget for revenue. With
a rate of 3.5, this would account for seven-tenths of a mill.
He asked the City Manager if this increase would accommodate
the worst case scenerio that the City could possibly face.
City Manager Ryan said without buying any equipment that was
presently budgeted for, and with the seven-tenths of a mill
increase, he felt confident that staff could manage
sufficiently within the means. City Manager Ryan stressed
that he would manage to run the City on whatever monies the
Commission approved. He recommended though that the
Commission approve a rate of at least 3.5.
Commissioner Dabbs said he shared the concerns of a
shortfall. He said he had made the motion to go from 2.8 to
3.0 but felt that the City needed to be austere and to get a
handle on what was happening. He said it was time to get out
of the process and into the product. Com~issioner Dabbs said
an austere budget would force the City to speed up the review
process and get things out of the ground. He said he favored
leaving the millage rate as previously set at 3.0.
Commissioner Johnson said he had spoken with all department
heads and they told him they could manage with the present
proposed budget, therefore he also recommended leaving the
rate at 3.0. He said he was tired of bouncing back and forth
and thought the staff could work within the budget by
tightening the belt.
Mayor Ison reminded the Commissioners that they could not
raise the rate above the figure they set this evening. He
said ad valorem taxes would not raise sufficient monies to
accomplish all that the City needed. He said he was also
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concerned but that no one could possibly forecast the
potential things that could arise. He said the City needed
to develop a ~inancial plan to bring in more revenues but
that ad valorem taxes were not the answer.
Commissioner Bateman said the ~ederal revenue sharing dollars
the City used to receive had dwindled down to zero. He said
he did not ~avor raising taxes Just to put the money in the
bank. He said he was talking about being able to meet the
day-to-day expenses. Commissioner Hager agreed and said that
with the 3.5 they would have a small "sa~ety net". He said
the millage rate was 10.0 when he ~irst started on the
Commission and that he had voted to decrease the rate every
year since. He said the City must now ~ace the reality that
a tax increase was not only necessary but a rate o~ 3.5 would
only be su~~icient to keep the City operating at the status
quo. He said he believed this would be the case ~or this
year and probably next year until the City started to see the
growth it was headed ~or.
Mayor lson asked i~ any citizens wanted to comment on the
millage rate. Daniel Methieux, a representative o~ the Meals
on Wheels organization, said his group provided meals and
other services to homebound and poverty stricken people. He
said the maJority o~ the ~unding used to come ~rom the
~ederal government but now they were having to go to more
local sources. Mr. Methieux explained that the average cost
o~ providing one meal was $2.39 and that the organization
expected to deliver more than 400,000 meals next year. Mayor
Ison asked Mr. Methieux what his specific purpose was in
addressing the City Commission. Mr. Methieux said his
organization was requesting $3,800 from the City o~ Ocoee to
help cover the cost o~ providing meals to residents o~ the
Mayor lson said although he was in ~avor o~ such programs,
un~ortunately Mr. Methieux had approached the Commission at
a time when the 1988-89 budget had already been established
~or the most part. The Mayor also said that this year the
Commission would have to turn down most o~ the requests for
~unds from the community in order to keep within the tight
budget they had set. City Manager Ryan suggested that Mr.
return next year be~ore the 1989-90 budget was established.
He said the budget process would start in Mayor June o~
Ben Grif~in commented that the Commission had cut
~rom the budget that had been targeted for the
Maguire House. He understood that the City was
in the
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September 6, 1988
process o~ submitting a proposal ~or a State grant to get
money %or the restoration. He wanted to know what the
Commission's plans were %or the house once it was restored,
and what the Commission planned to do in the event the City
was not success%ul in obtaining the grant. Mr. Gri~%in also
asked i~ any 0% the present Commissioners were on the
Commission when the City bought the house back in 1984.
Commissioner Hager said he was the only one of the present
Commission who was a Commissioner at the time 0% the
Mr. Gri%%in said the City was not maintaining the Maguire
House with a maintenance program like it did with other City
buildings. He said the City had a duty to take care 0% the
building. He mentioned that it had not been painted and the
windows were in need 0% replacement or repair. Mr. Gri%%in
again asked the Commission what the City planned to do with
the building and said on behal~ 0% the Ocoee Historical
Commission that the group was looking %or some guidance.
Mayor Ison said the cost o~ ~ixing the windows
at $7,000-$8,000 and that the work needed to
City building was not comparable with other
since it was so much more extensive.
was estimated
be done on this
City buildings
Betty Ervine, 402 Orlando Avenue, Ocoee , said the Historical
Commission had worked to get the house listed on the National
Register and wanted to use the building %or a library.
Mayor Ison said as a citizen, when the City was in the process
0% purchasing the house, he had promoted the restoration as a
citizen-driven proJect.. He said the grant work was being
done by the City since it was a very involved process and
needed the expertise 0% someone in that particular ~ield.
Mayor Ison said that he did not want the house to become a
tax burden to the citizens. He said he agreed with having a
maintenance program and that the City should be cleaning it.
City Manager Ryan said the City had used the money set aside
in the current budget. He said the goal ~or the next %iscal
year would be to use the money in the maintenance account to
seal the house so it would not deteriorate until such time
when either the City received the grant money or it could
raise the necessary %unds itsel% to do the complete
restoration. Mr. Ryan said the money this year went to
putting on a new roo%. He said there would be S7,000
available in the maintenance account %or the 1988-89 %iscal
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Commissioner Dabbs said the City might need to wait to see if
the grant was approved before doing any further restoration
other than temporary measures to keep out the weather because
all proJects needed to be completed to minimum State
standards. He said the City needed to have an overall plan
for the house to incorporate both grant money and taxpayer
Mr. Griffin said the City had owned the house for four years
and that no one had yet co~e up with any specifics about
money or a use for the house.
Mayor leon said he was working on a "top-notch" fundraiser
and was looking to raise $50,000 in a single event.
Mr. Griffin asked if the usage of the house had been
discussed. He wanted to know if the Historical Commission
should plan on moving out or if the City was going to use the
house as a library. Mayor Ison said he did not want to see
Cit.y offices in t.he house. Mr. Griffin said the City may
have bought a "white elephant" but something should be done
with it nevertheless. Commissioner Dabbs said the reason
office space was put in the grant was because the State was
concerned that the building have the highest and best use.
He also said that if the City put the usage down as a library
in the grant, it would have to provide information on
staffing, funding, etc. Mayor Ison said there was a time and
place for everything and that this was not on the agenda for
the meeting. He suggested it be brought back up at a future
meeting. Ms. Ervine said she thought it was pertinent to
discuss it tonight since the City was addressing the issue of
the budget. Mayor 150n said that citizens could specifically
address budget items but not such topics as usage for the
house. Commissioner Bateman said the City Commission and
Ocoee Historical Commission needed to get together to discuss
the issue but not tonight.
Ms. Ervine said the house was the City's responsibility and
she personally wanted to see it used for a library. She said
the quality of life needed some improvement in Ocoee and that
she felt that the house was a direct reflection of the City's
image. She said the City was not rising above the reputation
given to it by others such as the residents of neighboring
Windermere and she thought this was sad. She said she felt
such a negative feeling about calling Ocoee her home that she
was thinking of changing her address to a post office box in
Commissioner Johnson said the Historical Commission had asked
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for money for the Maguire House for the past two years and he
could not remember a time when the City Commission had turned
down a request. He said rather than putting in a specific
request, the group sent a spokesman to represent them instead
of speaking for themselves because they were upset for some
Mr. Griffin said on behalf of the Historical Commission
if the City would bring the building up to code, then
Historical Commission would take the responsibility
putting in a library.
Elizabeth Maguire, 2 N. Bluford Avenue, said she would at
least like to see the City do something to stablize the
building until it got the money to complete the restoration.
City Manager Ryan said the $7,000 in the budget for next year
could go towards fixing the windows and putting paint on the
exposed wood.
Commissioner Johnson moved to approve Ordinance 88-30 for
first reading with a 3.0 millage rate and Commissioner Dabbs
seconded. City Manager Ryan said as one last point of
discussion that the staff would worl< within the budget set by
the Commission but was concerned that proJected revenues from
refinancing of the bond and the implementation of
administrative fees would not solve all the problems the City
may face. The Commission unanimously approved the above
motion. City Manager Ryan read the proposed ordinance by
title only.
Ordinance 88-31, First Reading
Commissioner Bateman moved to approve Ordinance 88-31 for the
first reading, Commissioner Hager seconded, and approval was
unanimous. City Manager Ryan read the ordinance by title
only. He also explained that due to legalities in regards to
advertising, the Commission would need to hold a Special
Session on Monday, September 19, for the second readings and
public hearings on Ordinance 88-30 and Ordinance 88-31. It
was decided that the meeting would be held at 7:30 p.m. in
the Community Center.
The Hammocks - Consideration for Approval of Subdivision
Plans - Assistant City Manager Finch
City Manager Ryan asked the Commission to refer to the staff
report they were given and reviewed items 1-4. He said the
subdivision would not be required to have sanitary sewers and
that the intersection improvements on White Road would be
handled during final construction plans. Mayor Ison asked
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September 6, 1988
whether the City wanted to treat the sinkhole and retention
pond alike. Assistant City Manager Finch said the developer
would like to either take care o~ both the sinkhole and the
retention pond or neither. It was decided that the City
would own both these areas and would create special taxing
districts as a maintenance ~und source.
Commissioner Bateman said he was con~used about B.C. Terry
Road since he had never heard of any provision ~or vacating
the road and wondered what this would do to the property west
o~ the site. He said he wanted to keep with what was already
Lou Roeder o~ Phoenix Development Corporation said only one-
hal~ o~ the road was platted, not the part the developer
owns. Dr. Ferdinand, the owner, said the City needed an
east-west connector road since Montgomery and Clark Roads ran
north-south. City Manager Ryan said the issue of vacating
the road could be postponed until ~uture planning.
Commissioner Bateman said he wanted to address the matter
now. He said otherwise it would be Forest Oaks allover
again where there was only one road presently that took
tra~~ic both in and out o~ the subdivision.
Lou Roeder said they had annexed 60 feet o~ the road at the
request o~ the City to vacate it. He said that was when they
were working with ~ormer City Planner Russ Wagner. Mayor
Ison and Commissioner Bateman said they were never asked for
an opinion on that and never gave one.
Scott Wilt, legal representative for the landowner, said he
did not think that Terry Road was part of the City~s
transportation plan. Commissioner Dabbs said he did not
think that Terry Road was platted all the way to S.R. 50 and
as a result, thought Assistant City Manager Finch~s
suggestion was a good one, that the road not be vacated
unless other developers agreed.
Mayor Ison said if there were no other comments, the matter
would be tabled until staff met with the developer and
presented a better recommendation. Dr. Ferdinand said that
the developer was also requesting a waiver not to have to
pave Terry Road. He said the two homes presently served by
the road were in the County not the City. He said it would
cost $21,000 to pave and that he was willing to place half
that amount in an account in the event the road needed to be
paved in the future. He said in order to solve the
developer~s problem and the City's problem, the developer
would give $11,000 to the City. He said the developer was
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September 6, 1988
making a good faith effort to work with the City and had
waited five months for a decision. Dr. Ferdinand said they
had given up an additional lot and paid engineering costs
which would have to be incurred allover again if the City
was to make a decision contrary to what former City Planner
Wagner had worked out with the developer.
City Attorney Rosenthal said the present City Commission
could not take action this evening that would inhibit a
future Commission and therefore could not partake in the
issue addressed in the first ite~ #2 on page 2 of the staff
City Manager Ryan said plans could be approved without the
vacation of Terry Road and that could be dealt with in the
future if the intent of the Commission was to get proJects
underway or, if the Commission so desired. the matter could
be deferred until the Master Transportation Plan was
Scott Wilt asked if the Commission would at least give the
developer some direction on the lots abutting Terry Road and
how these lots would be affected. Assistant City Manager
Finch said the City. by ordinance, requires abutting,
unimproved roadways to be paved at the developer~s expense.
Mayor Ison polled the Commission on whether or not to vacate
Terry Road. Commissioner Hager said he would not be opposed
to partially vacating the road. Commissioner Bateman said he
was not in favor of waiving anything in the ordinance and
therefore would oppose any vacating. Commissioner Dabbs and
Commissioner Johnson said they supported the agreement made
between the developer and staff.
It was explained that in reference to the staff report, the
first item #1 would be subJect to the vacating of any right-
of-way; the first item #2 was deleted in its entirety; the
second item #1 was further discussed to provide for $11,000
to go into a trust account as an estimate of the cost for
paving half of the road (the money would be returned if not
utilized within a seven-year time period); the second item
#2 was dropped in its entirety~ and item #3 was explained
further to say that it was the consensus of the Commission
(only exception was Commissioner Bateman who opposed any
reduction) to approve the reduction of the setbacks.
Mayor Ison said there would be a 60 day timeframe for staff
to formulate another recommendation on the vacating of Terry
Road and the Commission would vote on the issue within that
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City Commission Meeting
September 6, 1988
time to assure the existing Commission would be in place.
Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the preliminary
subdivision plan subJect to the amended conditions in the
sta%% report and Commissioner Johnson seconded.
The motion carried with Commissioners Dabbs, Johnson, and
Hager voting in favor and Commissioner Bateman opposing.
DeRae Builders - Case No. OSR-SS. Propo.ed Rezoning to PUD
City Manager Ryan said the staff would de%er to City Attorney
Rosenthal. Attorney Rosenthal said the developer had applied
for a rezoning for a PUD. He said the Planning & Zoning
Board had recommended that the City deny the request. There
were no obJections from adJoining property owners. Attorney
Rosenthal said as a matter of law, the City could legally
grant the PUD zoning. The developer, Alton Julian, would
have to develop the property under PUD zoning. City Manager
Ryan said this would not be an easy process for the
developer to do as it was presently planned but that there
was no other zoning category to fit it into. City Manager
Ryan said the City could either revise the Zoning Code to
allow for smaller lots or zero lot lines or deal with the
property as condominiums. City Attorney Rosenthal agreed
that there was no ideal place to put this request. Both he
and Associate Planner Myers said the sta%f had no obJection
to the Commission amending the Code.
Commissioner Bateman reiterated that the owners on Cumberland
Road would possibly want to split their lots as well. City
Attorney Rosenthal said he did not consider this a legal
problem from the standpoint of liability. Commissioner
Bateman said he %elt it would set a dangerous precedent.
City Manager Ryan said a change in the R-3 Ordinance would be
needed. He said Mr. Julian could opt to go through this
process at his own expense to dra%t a proposed revision of
the ordinance to go before the Commission. Until such a
revision was drafted and the Commission voted on it,
Commissioner Dabbs moved to deny the PUD rezoning request,
Commissioner Johnson seconded, and approval was unanimous.
City Manager Ryan asked Mr. Julian to meet with him to
discuss the necessary steps he would need to go through.
Kissimmee Water Plant - Oiacus.ion and Action Regarding
Possible Property Acquisition
The property was outlined as being east 0% Kissimmee, west 0%
Cumberland Avenue, north of the existing well site, and south
of Ohio Street. City Attorney Rosenthal said he would meet
with the owner's representative to find out what they were
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City Commission Meeting
September 6, 1988
looking to get for the property and then put the item on the
next Commission agenda for action. Commissioner Bateman
asked if there was sufficient acreage. City Manager Ryan
said the City's engineering consultants had reviewed the
property and that it was large enough to accommodate what the
City wanted there. City Attorney Rosenthal said that would
be a condition of closing, whether permitting could be
obtained. Attorney Rosenthal said one appraisal should be
sufficient. Mayor Ison asked if more than one would be
necessary if the asking price was much higher than the first
appraisal. Attorney Rosenthal said if that was the case, he
would recommend that the City not negotiate with the owner on
the asking price.
City Manager Ryan said this was the most workable site
available. He said staff needed approval to get the
appraisal work done and authorization to talk to the owner
and formulate a contract if possible. Commissioner Bateman
moved to approve the request, Commissioner Dabbs seconded,
and approval was unanimous.
Ordinance 88-25, Sign Regulation., Second Reading
City Manager Ryan read the ordinance by title only. Mayor
Ison opened the hearing to public comments. There being no
public comments, Mayor Ison closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Dabbs wanted to point out a typographical error
on page 5 of the ordinance, Section G, where it read
"unattached" but should read "attached". Commissioner Dabbs
also had a question for Assistant City Attorney Woodson on
the meaning of the word "eleemosynary" located at the bottom
of page 5. Attorney Woodson said the term was a synonym for
philanthropic, altruistic, etc.
Commissioner Bateman moved to approve the amending of
Ordinance 88-25 as adopted, Commissioner Johnson seconded,
and approval was unanimous. Commissioner Dabbs moved to
approve the adoption of Ordinance 88-25 as amended,
Commissioner Bateman seconded, and approval was unanimous. A
roll call vote was taken with Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs,
Bateman, and Hager all voting in favor.
Ordinance 88-26, RCE Zoning Ordinance, Second Reading
Mayor Ison read the ordinance by title only. The Mayor then
opened the public hearing for citizen comments. There being
no public comments, Mayor Ison closed the hearing.
Commissioner Bateman moved to approve Ordinance 88-26,
Commissioner Hager seconded, and approval was unanimous.
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City Commission Meeting
September 6, 1988
Upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs, Bateman,
and Hager all voted in ~avor.
Ordinance 88-23, Barnette Annexation, Second Reading
Mayor Ison read the ordinance by title only. Mayor Ison
opened the hearing ~or public comment. There being no
comments, Mayor Ison closed the public hearing. Commissioner
Johnson moved to approve Ordinance 88-23, Commissioner Dabbs
seconded, and approval was unanimous. A roll call vote was
taken with Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs, Bateman, and Hager
all voting in favor.
Ordinance 88-24, Buchan Annexation, Second Reading
City Manager Ryan read the ordinance by title only. He said
the property was located south of Silver Star Road Just west
of First Street. Mayor Ison opened the public hearing and
there being no public comments, closed the hearing.
Commissioner Hager moved to approve Ordinance 88-24,
Commissioner Bateman seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs, Bateman,
and Hager all voted in favor.
PEC Proposal - Franklin St./Ocoee-Apopka Road - Asaistant
City Hanager Finch
Assistant City Manager Finch said the proposal contained
~ee schedule ~or the bidding and permitting and engineering
work for the utility relocation at this intersection. Mr.
Finch recommended on behalf of the staff that the staff do
the necessary work for the bidding of the proJect and that
PEC be compensated for S3,700 to do the permitting and
engineering work. Commissioner Bateman moved to approve
staff~s request, Commissioner Hager seconded, and approval
was unanimous.
Commissioner Bateman asked about turn lights at two other
intersections that were going through improvements, Silver
Star and Bluford and Bluford and S.R. 50. Mayor Ison said
signalization wae scheduled to be handled for all
intersections (Maguire/S.R. 50, Bluford/S.R. 50, and Silver
Star and Bluford) at the same time when all other
improvements were completed. Assistant City Manager Finch
said he would consult with the Florida Department of
Transportation to find out the proposed scheduled time for
work to begin.
Assistant City Manager Finch said that was the only item he
had at the present time.
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City Commission Meeting
September 6, 1988
Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment Policy - Associate
Planner Hyers
Associate Planner Myers said staff had received a request
from a developer to change land use on a small piece of
property (5 acres or less). Planner Myers said the State
allows local governments to change their Comprehensive Land
Use Plans at any time during the year to accommodate these
small scale land use changes but that it does not allow these
changes to be made without the public hearing process
required for all changes to the Plan.
Commissioner Bateman said he was concerned with pulling out
acreage on Silver Star Road that would create having
commerical interchanged with residential land use. He said
the City should make a conscious effort to keep an eye on all
property of this nature along Silver Star Road. Commissioner
Dabbs supports keeping the policy as it is with the
Comprehensive Plan regardless of the size of the land to be
changed. Planner Myers said that it wae property owned by
Barry Goodman. City Manager Ryan said he would communicate
to the petitioner that the change would not be granted.
R-3 Ordinance Amendment - Aaaociate Planner Hyers
Planner Myers reminded the Commission that this topic had
already been addressed previously under the DeRae Builders
Planner Myers said she had no further items to discuss.
Mayor lson said he had spoken with people in Tallahassee on
the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. He said they were very
helpful. He said the Land Use element of the Plan was due on
October 30 and that they suggested we file a progress report
on what we have done to date. Mayor Ison also said we would
need to file a population estimate, both seasonal and year
round and that information would need to be obtained through
the University of Florida. The Mayor said quite a bit of
work on the Land Use map was done when Russ Wagner was with
the City. He said the verbage was the only thing left to be
done on that section. He said he would meet with Planner
Myers in a week to work on this.
There were no comments at this time.
- ----------'
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City Commission Meeting
September 6, 1988
Monitoring Wells for Underground Fuel Tanks - Public Works
Director Brenner
City Manager Ryan said Public Works Director Brenner was out
of town. Mayor lson asked if this ite~ could be deferred
until March. City Manager Ryan said he would consult with
Mr. Brenner and report back to the Commission at the next
Code Enforcement Board Hember Replacement
This item was tabled until the next meeting in order for the
Commission to ~ind a candidate ~or replacement.
Oly.pia Cove - Associate City Planner Hyers
Planner Myers said the developer had requested two waivers to
the Zoning Ordinance. The developer wanted to reduce the
setback on Silver Star Road from 50 feet to 40 xeet. The
developer also wanted a waiver for the five xoot sidewalk.
Mayor Ison said the Department of Transportation
considering xour-laning Silver Star Road at some date in
future and for this reason, there could not be a waiving
the setback requireMent. He said the sidewalk was
necessity and it was a moot point to discuss the waiving
this requirment as many developers had found. Both
waivers were denied.
Planner Myers explained that the developer had also submitted
a revised Developerls Agree~ent for the Commission's
approval. The developer was requesting a temporary water
line agreement to eatis1Y legal and financial constraints
with the property owners. She explained that a temporary
water line connection had been approved by PEe to the
Kissimmee Plant. The developer also wanted the "backbone" or
12" water line to be run through their property rather than
along Silver Star Road. Planner Myers said staff did not
feel that granting this request would adversely a~fect water
service. The developer would not be reimbursed or credited
for the oversizing of the water line.
Planner Myers read from her staff report to the Commission
that the red-lined Developer's Agreement stated that "the
Owner shall not be assessed or otherwise required to
participate in the construction of any off-site Water System
improvements, except for payment of normal rates, fees and
charges (including capital charges) for water service as may
from time to time be established by the City". Staff
recommended that final engineering plans could be approved
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City Commission Meeting
September 6, 1988
subJect to participation in capacity sales.
Planner Myers also told the Commission that the Developer~s
Agreement ox January 19, 1988 differs from the Developer~s
Agreement of September 6, 1988 in respect to the width of the
right-of-way to be dedicated to the City along the eastern
boundary. She said "urban sect.ion" was to be defined by the
planning needs of the City.
Miranda Fitzgerald, representing Hawthorne Properties, said
this was the first time she was hearing about the changes to
the language and the amending of the Developer~s Agreement.
She said the City had approved the 24 foot right-of-way
for multi-family dwellings which would create more traffic
than the single-xa~ily residents BO she did not understand
why the width had been enlarged. Ms. Fitzgerald thought the
24 feet should suffice. City Manager Ryan asked the
Commission to table the matter. The Commission tabled the
issue until the next meeting. Commissioner Bateman suggested
that it be put earlier in the agenda for the convenience of
the developer since they had waited so long this evening.
Sawmill - Approval Final Subdiviaion Plana, Phase I
Mayor lson said this matter would be pulled from this agenda.
Assistant City Manager Finch commented that although the
Commissioners~ information on this item contained 54 comments
from PEC, there were really only eight of maJor significance
to be worked out.
School ~iai8on Officer - Chief Boyd
Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the contract for the
liaison officer, Commissioner Johnson seconded, and approval
was unanimous.
Sgt. Seaver/CO Minnick - Requ.st Waiver of Nepotism Rule
City Manager Ryan said Sgt. Seaver and Communications Officer
Minnick were requeeting a waiver of the City~s nepotism rule
because they were getting married at the end of this month.
City Manager Ryan said it would take an unanimous vote by the
Commission to waive this rule.
Commissioner Dabbs said they needed to look at the personnel
policy. City Manager Ryan said since there was no policy at
this time, the policy of the City was to go on past practice.
Past practice, Mr. Ryan said, was that two relatives could
work for the City, but not in the same department and not
when one was the supervisor of the other. Commissioner Dabbs
said he did not agree with a married couple working together
as supervisor and employee. He said he would support the
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City Commission Meeting
September 6, 1988
subJect to participation in capacity sales.
Planner Myers also told the Commission that the Developer~s
Agreement of January 19, 1988 differs from the Oeveloper~s
Agreement of September 6, 1988 in respect to the width of the
right-of-way to be dedicated to the City along the eastern
boundary. She said "urban sect.ion" was to be defined by the
planning needs of the City.
Miranda Fitzgerald, representing Hawthorne Properties, said
this was the first time she was hearing about the changes to
the language and the amending of the Oeveloper~s Agreement.
She said the City had approved the 24 foot right-of-way
for multi-family dwellings which would create more traffic
than the single-faRily residents so she did not understand
why the width had been enlarged. Ms. Fitzgerald thought the
24 feet should suffice. City Manager Ryan asked the
Commission to table the matter. The Commission tabled the
issue until the next meeting. Commissioner Bateman suggested
that it be put earlier in the agenda for the convenience of
the developer since they had waited so long this evening.
Sawmill - Approval Final Subdivision Plena, Phase I
Mayor Ison said this matter would be pulled from this ~genda.
Assistant City Manager Finch commented that although the
Commissioners~ information on this item contained 54 comments
from PEC, there were really only eight of maJor significance
to be worked out.
School Liaison Officer - Chief Boyd
Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the contract for the
liaison officer, Commissioner Johnson seconded, and approval
was unanimous.
Sgt. Seaver/CO Hinnick - Request Waiver of Nepotism Rule
City Manager Ryan said Sgt. Seaver and Communications Officer
Minnick were requesting a waiver of the City~s nepotism rule
because they were getting married at the end of this month.
City Manager Ryan said it would ta~~e an unanimous vote by the
Commission to waive this rule.
Commissioner Dabbs said they needed to look at the personnel
policy. City Manager Ryan said since there was no policy at
this time, the policy of the City was to go on past practice.
Past practice, Mr. Ryan said, was that two relatives could
work for the City, but not in the same department and not
when one was the supervisor of the other. Commissioner Dabbs
said he did not agree with a married couple working together
as supervisor and employee. He said he would support the
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City Commission Meeting
September 6, 1988
waiver but would like to look at the policy. Commissioner
Johnson said he also supported the waiver and that he
considered both individuals to be good employees.
Commissioner Bateman said he would like to take a look at the
policy. He said he had 45 years of experience dealing with
issues such as this. He said he thinks the nepotism rule was
totally wrong and needed to be looked at. He said he
supported the waiver. Com~issioner Hager said he had no
problem with the request.
City Manager Ryan said he would report back with the policy.
Report on Telesat Cablevision, Inc.
City Manager Ryan said he had spoken with representatives of
St. John's County about the cable problems they were
experiencing there with Teleaat. He also said Special Legal
Counsel Ike Cool said it was his opinion that Telesat was
entitled to due process and recom~ended that the Commission
grant the cable company the right to a first reading of its
franchise ordinance along with a public hearing. Telesat
representative Tom Cloud said that his client was only
asking for a public hearing.
Rick D'Loughy of Cablevision Industries, Inc., asked the
Commission why they would grant Telesat due process when
there are known inaccuracies in its application.
Commissioner Bateman asked Mr. D~Loughy if he was an attorney
and Mr. D~Loughy said no. Commissioner Bateman said he
questioned why Mr. D'Loughy would think he could advise the
City Commission as to what direction to take when it really
should be the Job of the City Attorney. Commissioner Bateman
suggested that Mr. D~Loughy spend more of his time bettering
his own company instead of trying to handle the Job of the
City Attorney.
City Manager Ryan said staff felt that if they were making an
error, the error $hould be on the side of due process. Staff
recommended Telesat be given due process on that reasoning.
Mayor Isan asked Mr. D'Loughy how far east on S.R. 50 his
company served. Mr. D~Loughy was unsure on a specific area
but said that his company did have an Orange County franchise
and had had it for some time.
Telesat on
Johnson moved to approve the motion
the September 20 agenda for first
to place
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City Commission Meeting
September 6, 1988
Commissioner Hager seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Mayor Ison directed City Manager Ryan to meet with Special
Counsel Cool to go over the process and what the perimeters
were that the Commission would have to deal with.
Commissioner Dabbs said he agreed with Commissioner Bateman
that the two companies should do their business and put a
stop to all the pettiness.
Authorization to Issue Building Permit with Conditions for
Florida Auto Auction
City Manager Ryan said there were two maJor issues still to
deal with. He said they were still awaiting the results of
the traffic impact study for the exit into Marshall Farms
Road and the overall drainage was under review. City Manager
Ryan said staff would like to issue the building permit with
the condi t.ions t.hat. t.he. transport.ation issue be resolved and
the drainage be reviewed.
Glen Storch representing Florida Auto Action said the traffic
study and stormwater calculations for the northwest quadrant
would take quite some time. He requested that they be
allowed to proceed with the ataff~s conditions. Staff also
recommended approval. City Attorney Rosenthal suggested that
the building permits be grante.d in stages to allow the City
to have some control over the process. The Commission
concurred with the etaff~s recommendations.
Follow-up Agenda Report - City Hanager Ryan
City Manager Ryan said staff had met with Orange
recycling and solid waste matters. He said staff
the Commission updated on pertinent information.
County on
would keep
City Manager Ryan asked the Commission if the personal leave
buyout was to be anticipated by City employees at the end of
this month. He Baid the money had been budgeted for but he
still needed direction from the Commission on whether or not
to expend the funde. The $60,000 allocated was thought to
be sufficient to handle the buyout. Commissioners Johnson
and Bateman said if the employees were told that was the
policy, then the City should live up to its commitments.
Summary of Continuing ProJects
Miranda Fitzgerald asked to approach the Commission for
clarification. She was concerned with the language that
Planner Myers read earlier. She said Wescar, Inc. had agreed
and if the City was comfortable with a three-lane road, then
Pulte was willing to split the coat 50-50. Assistant City
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City Commission Meeting
September 6, 1988
Manager Finch said at xirst glance it would appear that three
lanes would be satisfactory.
Ms. Fitzgerald repeated for clarification then that the two
waivers they had requested had been denied and that the
Developer~s Agreement would be rewritten to denote the
consensus of the Commission to allow a three lane road.
Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the amended Developer's
Agreement of Case 09R-87 subJect to the City Attorney~s
review, Commissioner Johnson seconded, and approval was
Commissioners Hager, Bateman, and Dabbs had no further
comments. Commissioner Johnson asked if the Commission would
like to consider going to requests for proposals for
engineering help i~ PEe was not doing the Job. Commissioner
Johnson moved to approve the RFP process for proJects under
S5,OOO, Commissioner Dabbs seconded, and approval was
unanimous. City Manager Ryan said that in PEC~s dexense,
many of their reviews see.med lengthy because they added many
"generic", minor comments simply xor the protection of the
There were no other Commission comments.
12:50 A.M.