HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-01-88 SS AGENDA 11-15-88 ITEM III B MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL SESSION OF THE CITY COMMISSION HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1988 . The meeting was called to order by Mayor Ison at 6:30 p.m. PRESENT: Mayo'r~ Isoy" Cc,mmissioYlers Johy,sOYI, Dabbs, Batemarl, and Hager, Acting City Manager Finch, Assistant City Attorney Woodson, Planning Director Behrens, Associate Planner Harper, City Clerk Grafton, and Deputy Clerk Resnik. ABSENT: NCly,e. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS Mayor Isc.y, said the first item o\'", the agey.da regardiy.g the RCA/Lake Lotta petition was rescheduled and would take place at the Cornrnissic.y, Meetiy,g OY. Novernber 15, 1'3BB ay,d would be the first item under Old Business. e Jeff Yeager, Trustee, Case No. l1A-88 Associate Planner Harper described the property as a 27 acre parcel located immediately east of the Lake Lotta proJect at Good Homes Road and S.R. 50. He said staff recornmey,ded approval subJect to the st ip'..\lat ioy.s iy, the Development Agreement. Commissioner Dabbs said he did not receive ay, Exhibit C i..... his packet. Assistay,t Attory,ey Woodson said he had received it only recently himself and that was the reasoy, it was y,c.t iy,cluded iy. the packets. AttorYley Wc,odsc,y, said he had received a request from the Developer to put additional languag~ in Section '3 in the Development Agreement. Commissioner Bateman said he felt the language was sufficient and that the City should not restrict itself further since there was no final master plan at this tirne and something could corne up that the Commission would want to modify. Commissioner Dabbs said the last sentence in Section '3 would allow for such modifications. Mayor I SOl'I asked Attory,ey Woc,dso...., whether the City shc,uld consider this language. Attorney Woodson said he felt the language would be redundant, but that he would not mind stating it a second time if the Commission so desired and on the other hand, did not feel it was necessary if the Commission had discomfort with it. Mayor Ison said he did .....Crt waYlt tCI cCll'"Isider the la....'guage a.....d Commissio.....er Bat ern a...., agreed. Commissioner Hager did not see any point in adding the language if it was redundant. Commissioner Dabbs said it was already in the agreement so the Developer should not feel any degree of discomfort. -- Mayc.r Isr':'YI opey,ed the public heari....,g fc.r cornrne.....ts. GretcheYI Jacc,bs, '3127 Queey, Elizabeth Court, Orlay,do, who represented Rose Hi 11 Phase I I Hc,mec'lfmer's Associat io...." said they wa.....ted the Corllrlli ssi e,l', to cc,.....si der fc,ur items as st i pul at iOT,S tot he agreement. Ms. Jacobs said the Rose Hill homeowners wanted a 1 . Page 2 Special Session Commission Meeting November 1, 1988 brick wall cC'YrsisteYlt with that curreYlt ly located at the north and east boundaries of the Rose Hill subdivision to be CC'Ylstructed betweeYI Rose Hi 11 aYld the plaYIYled developrne....lt. She said c...... behalf of the horneowYlers that they felt strongly abc.ut this a....,d hoped it could be writteYI iYlto the agreeme....lt. She said they also wanted parking lot lighting to be directed away as much as reasonably possible from the Rose Hill subdiviSiC'Yr. The Bc.ard of Directors of all the RClse Hi 11 Horneclwy,ers' Associ at iOYIS also requested that they be showy, the preliminary site plan before it came before the Cc.mmissic....., fc.r approval. Lastly, if aYI east-west subcollector road from Good Homes Road to Clark Road was built in the future, Rose Hill horneowners wanted a five-foot sidewalk to be constructed along the north side of this road. Ms. Jacobs also stated that the Rose Hill homeowners were happy with the communication they had with the Commission so far and hoped it could continue. - Mayor Ison asked Attorney Woodson if the items Ms. Jacobs discussed were apprc,priate for the Development AgreerneYlt or if they should be included in the plan review process. Attc.r....'ey Woc.dsOYI said the Cornmissic'YI could load as much or as little iY,tc. the Develc.prneYlt Agreement as they desired but that they might regret putting everything into the Develc.prney,t AgreemeYlt later oy, if they wanted tc. Modi fy sc.methi y,g. Mayor Isc.y, directed Attory,ey WoodsOYI to add aYI Article to the Development Agreement with a summary of the stipulations Ms. Jacobs listed (See attachment to Minutes>. The City's Consulting Engineer, Torn Kelley, of ProfessioYlal E....,giY'eeriY,g Cc,y,sultaYlts (PEC>, approached the CornrnissioYI about Exhibit D, Items 3 and 4 which he believed should be rewritten to state more clearly the obligation of the Develc,per to rnake cO....'Ylect iOYIS and purchase capacity aY,d to live up to the coY,ditic,y,s iYI the City's water aYld wastewater capacity sale documents. Jeffrey Yeager, 2630 Via Tuscany, Winter Park, the Developer, asked fc.r cl ari ficat iO....1 of the st i pulat iOYIS to the agreemeYlt. Mayc.r Iso...., said the 1 ist iy,cluded those items c,y, the haYldout frorn Ms. Jacobs. Mr. Yeager said he had a copy of that ha.....dout. There were YIO further cc,mmey,ts from citizeYls or Commissioners and Mayor Ison closed the public hearing. . BML Investments/PRN/Jerome Feinst.in, Trust.. Associate Pla....'Y'er Harper described the property as a 3.8 acre parcel located approximately 1/2 mile west of Johio Shores Road, southeast c,f Spri ....Ig Lake. Mr. Harper said st aff 2 . Page 3 Special Session Commission Meeting November 1, 1988 recommended approval sUbJect to the stipulations contained in the Development Agreement. Planner Harper said staff also wanted the Commission to cc.y,sider mergi....,g this tract with several "outparcels" of the Atwood Development located to the east (07R-88) which he said was prese....'t ly l..\l"Ider review by the Develc.pme'l",t Revi eM Cc~mittee. The Atwood Development "outparcels" are stated as recreational areas on the Preliminary Plat. Planner Harper suggested to the Commission that this 3.8 acre parcel be cornbiy,ed with the "outparcels" created by the realignme'l",t elf Clark Road. He said this would create a big park area with access to Spriy,g Lake. Mayor Ison took a straw vote clf the Cc.rnrnissicl...., a....,d they all agreed to cO'l",sider such a plan. Tom Kelley of PEC said for the record he wanted to voice simi lar cornrne....'ts to those he made earl ier 0....' this Developrne.....t Agreerney,t as well. 1...., this docume.....t, he noted the areas 'f"eedi.....g revisic....., were Items 15 a....,d 16 i..... Exhibit B. He recommended that similar language be incorporated in all the Developme....'t AgreemeYlts I..lY,der ccl....,siderat io....,. e Acting City Manager Finch said Exhibit B, Item 10, needed to be revised to state a 35-foot building setback line rather than a 25-foot setback line to comply with the City Code. Steve Fieldman, legal counsel for the Developer, asked the Commissicl...., for clarificatio'l'" of Tom Kelley's comrne....'ts. Mr. Kelley said he was recommending to the City to include language in the agreements with respect to those obligations clf the Develc.per regardiy,g sewer a....,d water OY. the issues of oy,-si te faci 1 it i es, oversi zing of ma ins, etc. BML Invest "'1",1;5 Assclciate Pla....''I'''er Harper descri bed the property as a 24.5 acre parcel located within the S.R. 50 corridor in an area characterized by new commercial development to the west and north of the site. Mr. Harper said approximately 1/2 the property was lake. He said because the area was known for its natural beauty, Sections 2.1 and 2.2 both addressed prcltect ic.'I'" of the .....atural features. He said staff recclmrne....,ded apprclval of the pet it ioy, subJect to a.....y stipulations in the Development Agreement. - Cc.rnrnissioy,er Dabbs said he way,ted tCI make sure that staff Y',c.t have a.....y adve.rse react i c...... to Sect i 0'1". 2. 3 where discussed vacating road right-of-way. He said he wanted make sure that this would not come back to haunt the City the future. did it to i'l'" 3 . Page 4 Spec i a 1 Sess i Ol"I Comm i ss i 0l"1 Meet i l"lg November 1, 1'388 Davis, Ogilvie & Pitchfo~d, Ca.. No. 12A-88 Attorl"ley Wc.odsol"1 asked that no discussiol"1 be takel"1 item. He said the Developer was in the process of combine parcels. The item was pulled indefinitely. or. this tryi l"19 to Phoeni~ D.velopm.nt G~oup, Ca.. No. 07A-88 Associate Planner Harper described the property as a 196 acre tract located l"lorth of RobersoYI ar.d Moore Roads ar.d 0'1". either side of Maguire Road. Planner Harper said part of the prc.perty was located outside the Joint Planrtll"lg Area (JPA> al".d apprc.val wC'I..,ld be subJect to rnodificat ior. of the JPA. Mayor Isorl said the City l".eeded to set a meeting with Oral"lge County to discuss this. Staff recommended approval subJect t c. st i pI.., 1 at i C'l".s i l", the Deve 1 oprnel"lt Agreernerlt al".d rood i f i cat i 0l"1 of the JPA. Plarll".er Harper added that Oral"lge Courlty Plarmi .....g Departrnel"lt staff review cc.rnrnerlts were riot favc.rable 0'1". this proposed developmel"lt but that City staff did r.ot share the County's concerns. Attorl".ey Wc.c,dso....1 said he had some ....Io....lsubstal".tive chal".ges that the Developer requested and that he would incorporate the apprc.priate chal"lges irl tirne for the l"le~t rneetir.g. e Commissioner Dabbs again wanted to point out that he was missing Exhibits Band C and would need to see all of these Exhibits that were missing frorn his packet before he was asked to cast a final vote. Moreman, Sheppa~d, Mur~ay, and Davi., Ca.. No. 03A-88 Associate Planner Harper described the property as a 27.58 acre parcel located south of Seneva street between Chicago and California Avenues. Planner Harper said staff recomrne.....ded approval subJect to drail"lage irnprovernel".ts which would have the Developer develop the site with sensitivity to Lake Blanchard and to provide adequate access to the prc,perty. Cornrnissiol".er Dabbs wal"lted staff to krlow for the record that he was missing both Exhibits Band C. Anema~, Inc., Ca.. No. 25A-87 Attc.rney Wc,odsc.l". asked the Comrnissiorl to pull this item f~ort to....tight's discussiol"l. He explail"led that the Develope~ had a contract pending with another Developer. Skyl.~k Ventures, Ltd. (Wayne Atwood), Ca.. No. 30A-87 Associate Pla..........er Harper described the parcel as a 55. 1 acre parcel located north of Lake Johio and between Clark aY~ Johio Shores Roads. e WaYl"le Atwood, the Developer, approached the Cornrnissiol". 4 . Page 5 Special Session Commission Meeting November 1, 1988 regardirlg the last serlterlce of Sectior, 2.2 orl Page 4. He asked whether there was an ordinance requiring the 100 fc,ot setback from the lake in refererlce to clearirl~lh gradi\",g, or other corlstruct ion. Attorrley Woodsor, said there was rlo c.rdirlarlce requiri\"lg the 100 foot setback but staff felt it appropriate to be ir,ch\ded ir, the Developmer,t Agreemer,t sir,ce the Commission had expressed a strong desire to protect the lakes in the City. Actirlg City ME\YIager Firlch arid Torn Kelley also wa\"lted to poi\",t out that this 100 foot reference pertairled to the high watel" level. Mayor 1 sO\", suggested that Attor\",ey Woodsor, add language to make that more specific and state that buildings, rete'l'"ltio'l'"l por.ds, a\",d other thi'l'"lgs would \",ot be allowed i'l'". this 100 foot area. The Commission agreed that the 100 foot area was a good idea a'l'",d a good way to prc,tect the lakes. . Mr. Atwc.od also asked about a sey",terlce ir, Sect ior, 2.12 on Page 7 regardiY"lg the title beiY'lg free of er.curnbramces "i\", a'l'"l amo...mt to cover the value of the property aftel" i rnprc'Verne'l'"fts". At-t;c,rr,ey Woodsorl said that it was a typographical error and the phrase got repeated again as it was only rneaY',t to appear earl ier i'l'"l that se\",ter,ce. He said he would revise it ir. time foY' the rlext rneetirlg. Mr. Atwood alsc. asked for clarificatioY'1 of the iY',teY',t of Section 2.14 on Page 7. Attorney Woodson said the stormwatel" facil ity beY',efit area Y'efeY'red strict ly to taxiY'lg issues aY'ld that the Developer would Y",ot be required to bui Id addit ioY",al stormwater facilities once those facilities were in place. Mayor 1 sOY', aYld CornrnissioY',er Dabbs agreed that this was a gc,od questic'YI brought up by the Developer aY'ld that the lay,guage should be modified to clarify the point. Mr. Atwc,c,d also asked whether Sect iOY'1 2. 16 0'(' Page a y,eeded to be revised siy,ce he had a mortgage oy, his property. Attory.ey Wc,odsoY'1 said it would Y'IOt preseY'lt a'(,y problem with him still holding a mortgage on the property. e On Page 8, Section 2.18, it was also noted that there was no foot amc.uy,t speci fied for the ri ght-of-way dedicat iOYI fol" Clark Road. Acting City Manager Finch said the agreement would need to stipulate 100 feet. Mr. Atwood said he would dedicate the 100 feet of right-of-way but asked the Commission if he could lessen the 50 foot building setback since, combined, he felt he was actually donating 125 feet of right-of-way. Acting City Manager Finch said the 50 foot setback was staY',dard for arterial roads ay,d that the Developer would be required by ordinance to adhere to that. 5 e Page 6 Special Session Commission Meeting November 1, 1988 Also Mr. said y.ext on Page 8, in Section 2. 19, regarding the traffic study, Atwood questioned the traffic impact fees. Mayor Ison Attorney Woodson would refine that Section before the meeting and get back with the Developer. Lake Blanchard Partn.r.hip, Ca.. No. 08R-88 Associate Planner Harper pointed out the location of the property OYI the map. PlanYler Harper !Said there were 5c.rne draiYlage arid paviYlg improvemerlts needed arid staff recornmerlded approval subJect to those stipulations in the Development Agreernerlt arid that the site be develclped with serlsitivity to Lake Blanchard. It was noted that there were some exhibits rnissirlg frc.m the packets aYld mOYletary arnouy.ts still Yleeded to be completed within the agreement. Commissioner Dabbs commented on the clearing and grading language in the agreement. Acting City Manager Finch said the language was stroy.ger thaYI that iYI the subdivisiorl ordirlaYlce. AttorYley Woodson said that Rick Merkel of PEC prepared a draft for a revised subdivisioYt ordiYlaYlce that would be cornirlg before the Cc,mmissioy. iY. the Ylear future. - Cc,rnrnissiclYler Dabbs for the record 8gaiYI called atteYltioy. to the City abaYldc,YriYlg the right-of-way. He said he wanted to make sure staff did not think that would cause a problem in the future. Mayor I SOYI sa i d advert ised for a ameYldrneYlt, the hear i Ylg ay.d they. although it was 7130 p.m. and the City had public hearing on the Sign Permit Ordinance CommissioYI would complete the preseYlt publ ic move on to the other. Roger Freeman, Ca.. No. ~A-88 Associate Planner Harper described the property as an 11 acre parcel located on the west side of Ocoee-Apopka Road approximately 1700 feet Ylorth of Silver Star Road. Staff recomrney.ded approval subJect to the !St ipulat iOYIS iYI the Developrnent Agreement. ReIger FreemaYI, 151 W. Silver Star Road, said Item 1 OYI Page 1 would need to be rewritten since he held a mortgage on th. property. Mr. Freernay. al so asked about Sect iOYI 2.3 OY. Page 4. He asked the Comrnissiorl to chaYlge the wordiy.g to three access poiYlts rather tharl two as was preseYltly irl the agreemey.t. Mr. FreernaYt said there was 600 feet of fror.tage. Acting City Manager Finch said three access points would be too many for a piece that size since staff recommended a rnirtirnlun of 250 feet betweey. such roads. Mr. Freemarl asked e 6 e Page 7 Special Session Commission Meeting Novernber 1, 1988 whether the City would guarantee that he would have two access poiYlts. Staff poiYlted out that the agreemerlt, as written, called for two access points. Mr. FreernaYI quest iOYled Sect ioy, 2. G 01"1 Page 5 where the refererlce to sewer capital charges stated .2,500 per equivaleYlt residential Uylit. He woy,dered if that was a figure that we.uld y,ot charlge arId suggested the larlguage be clarified to protect both the City and the Developer. It was also Yloted that Sectiorl 2.12 or, Page 7 y,eeded to be revised to ince.rporate layq;;!uage pertaiyd.....g to mortgage holders. Section 2.16 on Page 8 also needed similar revisioYls. Mr. FreemaYI also way,ted to Ylote that he did Ylot yet have plans draw..... up for the property and wanted to revise Section 5 on Page 9 to deal with the fact that Exhibits Band C would be forthcoming. e Roger Freeman, C..e No. 06A-88 Associate Planner Harper describ~d the property as a acre parcel located on the east side of Ocoee-Apopka apprc.ximately 900 feet rlorth of Silver Star Road. rece.mmeYlded approval subJect to the stipulatioy,s iYI Developme.....t Agreement. five Road St a f f the Mr. Freema..... had simi lar comme....'ts for this Developmer,t Agreeme.....t. 11'" Sect i 01"1 2. 3 01". Page 4, Mr. Freemay. req I..lest ed the CommissioYI to approve two access points rather tha....' the one that was stated in the agreement. Acti.....g City Manager Fi.....ch rece'mme....,ded that the Cornmissio....1 use the language .'at most two access points" a.....d make it subJect to the site plan approval. Mr. Freema....I asked fe.r the rece.rd that all other comments were the same made for Case No. 05A-88. Items M, N, 0, and P Attorney Woodson said that Development Agreements were not necessary for the remaining items (E.H. Crow, Yusaf Mohamad, Pearl Terry, a....,d the Reformed Presbyt eri a...., Church). Commissioy.er BatemaYI asked why Developme.....t AgreerneYlts were YIOt ....'ecessary. Attorney Wood S 0""1 said the E. H. Crow property was slated to be occupied by the East-West Expressway exte....lsio....1 a....ld it was therefore poi1"ltless at this time to draw up aYI agreemeYlt. Attorney WoodsOYI said Mr. Mohamad did 1"lot agree with the City's currey,t ZOYt1Ylg for his property aYld was therefore y.ot iYlterested iy, pursui.....g a.....y agreerne1",t. AttorYley Woodso...., said the Pearl Terry property was part e.f the Hammocks a.....d that the Hammocks already had a Development e 7 e Page B Special Session Commisaion Meeting November 1, 19BB Agreerne.....t. The Reformed Presbyteria'l". Church property did 'I".ot ....'eed a Deve 1 opme.....t Agreerne....'t s i Y'IC~e it was to be hand 1 ed as a single site and the only thing to be built was a church. AD30URNMENT: 7:45 p.m. ~_edd___ MAYOR ATTEST: _~lzt_fu~t~_~___ D~~TV CLERK RESNIK . . B I _ -----------.J . e - MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Ocoee City Commission Gretchen Jacobs, President Rose Hill Phase II Homeowner's Association SUBJECT: Yeager Development Agreement Contract NO. D88 DATE: November 1, 1988 Respectfully request approval of this application subject to the following conditions: 1. A brick wall consistent with that currently located at the north and east boundaries of Rose Hill subdivision, be constructed between Rose Hill and the planned development. 2. parking lot lighting be directed away as much as reasonably possible from Rose Hill Subdivision. 3. The Board of Directors of Rose Hill Phases I, II & III Homeowners Associations be shown the preliminary site plan before it comes up for approval. 4. If an east-west subcollector road from Good Homes Road to Clark road is built, a five foot sidewalk be constructed along the north side of this road. ~~,~~ ~ Gretchen Jacobs