HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-01-88 AGENDA 11-15-88 ITEM III A - MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1988 Mayor I SOy, called the rneetiy.g to order at 7:45 p.rn. amd led in the prayer and the pledge of allegiance to the flag. PRESENT: Mayor Isc.'I"', Commissioy.ers JohY,sOY., Dabbs, Baternay., ay.d Hager, Acting City Ma'l",ager Fiy,ch, A'!r.sistay,t City Attor'l",ey Woc.dsoy., Pla......,..iy.g Director Behre'l"'s, City Clerk Grafto'l"', Bl'l".d Deputy Clerk Resnik. ABSENT: City Attorney Rosenthal PUBLIC HEARINB Second Reading on Ordinance No. 88-33, Sign PerMit Amend..~ Mayor 1 SOy, said the Cornmi ssioy, would have the publ ic heari y.g scheduled for 7:30 p.m. <imd would they. go back a.....d begi'l'" the regular rneetiy.g with Presey.tatio'l".s ay.d Proclarnatioy.s. e Mayor Iso'l'" opey.ed the public hearing a'l".d asked for arlY citizen cornments. There being no citizen or Comrnissioy. comments, Mayor Ison closed the public hearing. Acti.....g City Ma....'ager Fi'l",ch read the ordiYlance by tit Ie oY,ly. Cornrnissio'l",er Bat ern a...., moved to approve Ordi.....ance No. 88-33 to ame.....d the 8ig...., Ordi'l".aYlce, Cornrnissioy.er Dabbs secoy,ded, ay.d approval was u....'a....,irnous. A roll call vote was take'l". with Cornmi s5i o.....ers Je.hY,soy., Dabbs, Bat ernay, , ay.d Hager all votiy,g iy. favor of the mot i e.y.. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Maye.r Ise...... said the Board e.f AdJustrney,t rneetiy,g rniy.utes were included in their packets for informational purposes since the Board had recey,t ly met OY. ay.c.ther matter ay,d approved the minutes of its earlier meeting. Outstanding Citizen Award for Ted DeWitt, D.wi~t Excavat i ng Co.. Mayor I SOy, asked Cornrnissioy.er Johy,soy, to make his presentation to Mr. DeWitt on behalf of the City. Recreatio..... Directe.r Beech said Ocoee was fortu'l",ate to have rna'l"'y citizey.s who were willing to freely give of their time and efforts for the betterrney,t elf everyo'l",e iy. the City. He said Mr. DeWitt had donated his time both during business hours and outside work helpiy,g out with the se'l"t1or league field irnprovernemts. Recreatioy. Director Beech said Mr. DeWitt's donation of tirne, rnachiy,ery, ay.d expertise saved the City more tha'l'" $10,000. - Ce.rnm i ss i o....'er J ohy,so'l"l read the i y.scr i pt i oy, on the p 1 aq ue. He also thanked Mr. DeWitt for the excavating, grading, and filling his cornpay,y had doy.e for the City at the se.....ior league field. Commissioy.er Johy.soy, also thay.ked the developers who helped make the renovations at the field 1 It Page 2 City Commission Meeting November 1, 1988 pClssible. Mayor I SOl'I also thaYlked Mr. DeWitt OYI behalf of the members of the Commission as well as all the City residey,ts who will bey.efit from the park improvemeYlts. APPROVALS CONSENT ABENDA Mayor Isc'YI brought it tc. the CornmissioYI's attey.tioYI that there was OYlly oy.e item OYI the Consey.t AgeYlda. CommissioYler Hager moved to approve the minutes of the workshop Commission meet i Ylg clf August 16, 1988, Commissioner BatemaYI secoYlded, and approval was unanimous. Mayor Isc'YI said CommissioYler JohYISOY. requested that the regarding the Board of AdJustment Recommendation on Frcmces Kelley's property be moved up iy. the ageYlda. Ison said the Commission needed to address one item the ageYlda but they, would move OYI to Mrs. Kelley. item Mrs. Mayor YIC.t on e Mayor Ison said he wanted to make a few comments about Cc,mrnissioYler BatemaYI siYlce it was his last regular meetiYlg as a City Cc.rnmissioy.er. Mayor 1 SOy, said the City was losing a great CommissioYler who was very civic miYlded ay.d was leaviYlg the Commission to put more time and effort into his involvements with the civic groups he was associated with. Commissioner Johnson recommended that Mr. Bateman be appointed a permanent member of the employee ret i remeYlt /pensioYI play, committee. Comrnissioner BatemaYI sa id he would be more than happy to serve in that capacity if it was legally appropriate. Mayor I SOy, said Cc.mmissioYler BatemaYI should be especially commended for all his efforts on behalf of the City ernployees. Commissioner Johnson agreed and added that it had been a pleasure to watch and learn by his example. Cornrnissioy,er Dabbs commeYlded CommissioYler Bat ern al'l as well for doiYlg aYI outstandiYIg Job as Commissioner. ComrnissioYler Dabbs said he Ylever had to wOYlder where CornmissioYler Batemay, stood OYI the issl.\es aYld that the dialogue he provided was good for the City. CommissioYler Dabbs said he eYlvied Commissio....ler Bateman's reading ability. He said he knew that it was a matter of persoYlal COYICerYI YIOt persoYlal prefereYlce that made Commissioner Bateman leave public office but that he hoped he would still remaiY, active iY. the commuYlity. - Commissioner Hager said he respected Mr. Bateman for his fine qualities as a Commissioner and that he especially was always prepared. Commissioner Hager said there would be a ""1 eM 2 - Page 3 City Commissio~ Meeti~g Nc.vember 1, 19SB per 5 c...... sitti.....g i..... his seat but that ....'0 one could really replace Cornrnissicl.....er Baterna....' for his years of experie.....ce a.....d his ma.....y words of wisdorn. Cornrni.sio....'er Hager said he would truly miss Cc.mrnissio....'er Baternan and that in all his years of public c.ffice he had .....ever served with ay'yo....'e rnore qualified and with as much concer~ for citizens and City employees as Cornrnissio.....er Baterna...... Pol ice Chief Boyd said as a..... employee as well as a Kiwa....lia....' that he wCluld miss Cornmissioner Batema..... as a serva....'t. fellc.w publ ic R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, also expressed his appreciatio...., as a citiz...... to Comrnissio....'er Baterna....' 'for what he co....,sidered to be a Job well do....'e whi Ie he .erved as a Commissio~er in the City of Ocoee. e Act i....,g City Ma.....ager Fi.....ch read a brief letter that the City employees had signed and frarned for Commissio~er Bateman to express their appreciation for his efforts on their behalf. The letter tha.....ked him for work i ....,g on b.~efi t.. programs for the employees a~d their families. The employees also wa~ted Cornrnissio....'er Baterna..... to ky,ow that they thought he had served the City well and that they would miss hirn. After readi~g the stateme.....ts a.....d addi.....g that rnost employees were able to sig..... it, Acti.....g City Ma....'ager Fi....'ch prese....'ted Cornmissio....'er Baternan with the framed letter. Mayor Iso..... alsc. had a plaque to present to Cornrnissio.....er Bateman. As one elected official to another, Mayor Iso~ prese....'ted Commissioy,er Baternay. with a 'frarned $1 bill as a tc.ke....' of a....' o....,going Joke bet wee...., the Cornrnissioners. Cornmissio....'er Baterna..... assured Mayor I SOY, that he would hold the rnome~to dear and that it was inde.d one of the most special a....,d \.\l"Iique pres.....'tatio.....s h. had .ver received. ADJOURNMENT, 8:05 p.m. CALL TO ORDERI 8:25 p.rn. NEW BUSINESS . Board of AdJu.t_nt R~otnnMI1"Id.tion for Mr.. Franc.. Kell." Acti.....g City Ma....'ager Fi....'ch said the Board of AdJustrne....'t had voted 5 to 1 i...., favor of Mrs. Kelley' 5 pet it io...., a....,d recornrne....,d.d that the City Comrni ssio...., approve the co....,t i ....'uat ioY, of a no.....cc......formi...,g use i.... a no....'conformi...,g building for the existi....,g structure located at 525 N. Lakewood Aver,ue. The Board of AdJustment made its recommendation SUbJect to the 3 e Page 4 City Commission Meeting Nc.vember 1, 1988 providiYlg by Mrs. Kelley of aYI uYlpaved access off Rewis Street rather than Lakewood Avenue with concomitant unpaved parking. City Manager Finch also said the Board recommended that uYlless a Ylew tenant would generate more traffic, Mrs. Kelley would not have to repetition with future changes in occupancy. City Manager Finch said although it would not be a popular decision, staff recommended denial of Mrs. Kelley's petition aYld the Board of AdJ ustmeYlt' s recornrneYldat ion. Mrs. Kelley, petitioner and owner of the property, said the building was built in the early 1930s and that the recent autornobi Ie accident that occurred was the first iYI more than 50 years involving that building. She said her husband bought the building in 1945. e Commissic'Yler JohYISOYI said he did not thiYlk use of the building would cause any problem since it was such a small structure aYld whatever busiYless would be located there would Ylot create m 1..\ ch traffic. Comrnissioy,er Johnsoy, Moved to approve the Y,Oy,coYlformiY'lg use iYI a nOYlcoy,formiY'Ig structure, Comrnissic.y,er Dabbs seconded, aYld approval was uYlaYlimous. OLD BUSINESS Special sta~~ R.ports - Acting City Manag.r Finch Discus.ion on Occupational Lic.~. F... Acting City Manager Finch reviewed his staff report cOYltaiYliYlg the iYlformatioY" the Comrnissic.n had requested em the occupatic'Ylal licey,se fees of surrouY',diYlg COMmuYdties. City Manager Finch said he also included ad valorem tax rates of those COMmunities to show that in several instances, a community's occupational license fees might have been lower than Ocoee's but its ad valorem tax might have been higher. Commissioner Johnson said he thought one problem was that the IClcal busiYless OWYlers did YIOt kYIOW how the City arrived at the fees and that the City could perhaps help out in this regard by explaiYtiYlg that to them. He said the City should also be careful not to place the entire burden of raising revenue on the businesses to alleviate the property owners. e Mayor ISC'YI said he appreciated receiviy,g the iYlformat ic'y, on ad valorem rates but did Y'IOt bel ieve the two fees could be associated. Mayor Ison said the reason for implementing occupational license fees was to legitimize businesses, to protect the citizens, and to enhance revenue in the City to some exteY',t. 4 e Page 5 City Commission Meeting Novernber 1, 1988 It was noted that the impaet of redueing the fees back to the previous rates would be to cut the City's revenue by about $30,000. Aeti"(,g City Mar,ager Fi"(,ch said that $30,000 was a substantial amount now that the budget had been finalized and those funds were counted on. He said if they refunded the rnoney, the City would have to find somewhere else in the budget to cut to make up for the lost revenue. Mayor Iso"(, suggested target ing o"(.ly certain busir,esses for the refunds. He said he did not mind increasing the rates for bar.ks a"(,d some of the larger businesses il'" tOWl"', but y,ot fc.r busi"(,esses ruY', by o"(,ly Ol",e or two people who would feel a severe impact of a doubling of their fees. e Mayor Isc.y, said the City "(,eeded to el",courage busil",esses to locate i"(, Ocoee aY',d did y,ot want to place itself so fal""' c.ut of the range that the City would end up losing money in the end when businesses packed up and moved elsewhere. He also suggested that staff look into the categories of businesses that Ocoee does not presently have and raise those rates. By dc.iy,g that, Mayor Iso"(, said the busiy,esses will k"(,ow corni"(,g in what they are getting into as far as fees rather than peY',al i z i "(,g those who have beey, i"(, Ocoee for years. Cornrnissioner Hager said he was in favor of refunding some of the mc.y.ey tc. srnaller busiy,esses but Y',ot all of the $30,000 that was a result of raising the fees. He said he was cc.y,cer"(,ed about havi"(,g to cut the budget by too large aY', arnour,t . Comrnissioy,er Dabbs said that also COl",cerl",ed hirn. He said he would be reluctant under the present circumstances to decrease the revenues too much. He said he was not against lowering the fees for the srnaller busiY',esses ir, tc.wn siy,ee he did y,c.t thiy,k it would amo\.\Ytt to a substaY',tial rnor,ey loss for the City. e Mayor Iso"(, suggested that Cornrnissior,er Joh"(,sol'" meet with sc.rne of the srnaller b\.\sir,esses to get their feelings 0..... the fee i r,crease. Cornmi ssior,er Baternar, felt that would "(,ot be a good idea since all the businesses would probably feel their fee was too high. He said the staff should rnake sure Ocoee was ir. the ballpark of other eornrnuytities ir. regards to licer,se fees but that he did not think it was necessary to lower all of them. Cornrnissic......er Batema"(, said wher, Ocoee's fees were much lower tha"(, Oray,ge COUy,ty's the City did r,ot e><perie"(,ce a substantial i.....crease in businesses wanti.....g licenses and he did y,ot thiy.k busiy,esses would rush out of Ocoee if the fees increased as well. 5 e Page 6 City Commission Meeting November 1, 1988 Mayor Ison directed staff to research the fees for other areas, including Orange County, and to contact the Florida League of Cities for help in collecting fees that went unpaid. Attorney Woodson clarified the Commission's intent to revise the present ordinance and refund any monies. He wanted to stress that busi....'esses would still ....'eed to pay their lice....'se fees on time and to renew their licenses while the City was undergoing its study. e Discussion of Revisions to Water and Sewer Developer Agreements for Capacity 5.1. Acti....,g City Manager Fi....'ch asked Attclr....'ey Woc.dso..... to disc\.lss the revisions. Attorney Woodson said his staff report was self-explanatory and he was looking for Commission comments 0..... these chal".ges. He said the capacity sale had a 50--50 chance of succeeding meaning that the City had that much of a chance at obtaining the necessary monies from the developers to do what the City wanted to do with expansion of the sewer a....ld water systems. Attorl".ey Woc,dsc.....1 said it was ....'c,t \.I....'I.IS'-\,:';\1 for a capacity sale to fail on the first attempt. Attor....'ey Wood so...., said the Develclper Ag.,.~eeme....,ts prc.vi <::led the City with the maximum protection and his latest changes were explained in his memorandum rather than in the usual manner with the changes apparent on the draft. He said it was necessary to do it in this manner because there had been so rnaYIY drafts clf these agreeme....'ts. Mayor Ison asked Attorney Woodson how the City could e.....courage developers to buy i.....tc, the system Y,CIW. Attc'ry,ey Woodson said Item No. 3 on his memorandum addressed the issue clf payment al",d stated that letters of cy'edit wCI\.lld be accepted by the City within 15 days of the date of the capacity sale but that cash payment of the first year of capacity must still be provided on the date of the sale. Attor....ley Woctdso...., said several develclpers had i....,formed him that the concern with capacity for the years following was tied to the trouble they were havi....,g gettiy,g pennits frclm the Ci ty. Comrnissio.....er Dabbs cc.mme....,ded Attc1r.....ey Woc.dsc,l'"' fClr the fi....'e Job he had done with achieving equity and that he thought the agreements were reasonable and he had no problem with them. e Attorney Woodson said he would revise Section 3.6(4) on Page 7 to delete the >>within forty-five days after receipt thereof,>> ay,d ....'c.t deYlc,te a time certai...., at the request clf the 6 J e Page 7 City Commission Meeting November 1, 1988 Commission. Attorney Woodson 5aid the developers also expressed concerns with not being able to sell their capacity iy. the future foy' a greater value tha'\'"! that c.rigiYlally paid for it. The review time for plans was also a maJor point with developers. Commissic,.....er Dabbs, Mayor I sc.y, , a.....d Commissio.....er Bat ern a..... all agreed that they did not want to put a time certain in the agreements for pia..... reviews bl..\t that they tc,c. were cc.Y.cer....'ed about the time it was taking some developers to get their pli\YIs reviewed aY,d that they would be keepi.....Q a clc,se eye c...... problems of that nature. e Commissioner Hager said the Commission wanted to see the City grow and see the capacity sale succeed, but that growth had to pay for itself and that a certain amount of that payment had to come up front. Commissioner Hager said the developers knew the financial condition of the City and that they would have to contribute their share. He said even if the City and the developers could settle on something tonight, it would be at least a year before anyone could start tapping in to the system. Commissioner Hager also felt that the beltway and other maJor roadway improvements slated for the area would dictate the growth the City would experience in the next several years. Mayor Ison said he was looking forward to having this first sale over with, getting something built, and having another sale. He said as far as he was concerned, the City had an obligation to serve those who bought into the system and that the City would ....Iot worry about thclse that did .....c.t. Mayc,y' Ison said if there was a minor change that would help get the proJect financed, he would be in favor of it but otherwise he wanted to move on with the sale. Mayor Ison said the City would be holding a meeting sometime in November to discuss the ramifications of the growth happening in Ocoee. He said he would be sending notification out tCI la....,dow.....ers who wCII.\ld be affected by sc.r.le of the roadway improvements as well as developers. The meeting was to be held at the Holiday Inn. e Roger Freeman, 151 W. Silver Star Road, approached the Commission regarding a purchase and sale agreement for the property the City had expressed a....' i.....terest iY, buyi.....g fc,r the Kissimmee Water Plant expansion. Mr. Freeman asked the Commission for some direction since he had received conflicting statements from different staff and then had received a very confusing 20 page contract document from the 7 e Page 8 City Commission Meeting Ne.vember 1, 1 '388 City Attory.ey. He said the O\l'mer of the property, My'. Milton, was interested in doing business with the City but wanted $150,000 regardless of whether the appraisal said it was worth more e.r less. Mr. Freemay, said it seemed ft'\.li.tless to go through the appraisal process because of Mr. Milton's offer. Commissioner Johnson asked what the problem was with trying to acquire the property without an appraisal and why a simple coy,tract cell..\ld y,o.t; be dra\l'm up rather thay. the 20 page docurney.t the City Attory,ey had presey,ted them. Attory,(;,?Y Woodson said he did not write the contract but that speaking for City Attory.ey Re.sey,thal, the cell".tract was probab ly lengthy in order to include the maximum protection for the Ci ty. e Mayor Ison said he agreed with the City Attorney that appraisal work should be de,y,e oy, the prc.perty befc,re the Ci. .ty made an offer. He also said the City should be able to come up with a contract document that was a little less lengthy and confusing than 25 pages but agreed it would probably need to be longer than the standard real estate contract. Commissicly,er Johy.son asked staff where the City stclod C'Y. the matter and suggested they move ahead on obtaining whatever was Ylecessary. City MaYlager Fiy.ch said the appraisal wc,rk had Ylot yet beey. authori zed C'YI that prc.perty ay,d that sta ff was waiting to hear back from the landowner regarding the contract. Commissioner Bateman said the City needed to get moving on this proJect to avoid the possibility of having a malfunction at the Kissimmee Water Plant and having a lot of people without water. Comrnissie.y,er Baternay, said there had already beey. appraisals doy.e OY. property iY, the surrouy,diYlg area .:1Y'.d the City should at least be willing to say if it was at all interested in the property. He said he was not aware of any effort to get pre1pc,sals from appraisers ay,d said the Comrnissic.y. should have been involved in that process. Commissioner Bateman said he agreed with the Mayor that the City should obtain an appra i sa 1 but that his rna i y, coy,cet'y, was t c. rnc,ve ahead OYl acqui ri Ylg the y,ecessary lay,d for the wat er pi ay.t. e Mayor I SOy, directed Mr. Freemay. to get the prc.perty owy.er to draw up some sort of coy.tract aYld tc, sigy. it iY,dicatiy.g his interest in doing business with the City of Ocoee. Mayor Ison asked Tom Kelley whether this site was one of the locations his firm had given as an alternative site. Mr. Kelley said it was. 8 It Page 9 City Commission Meeting November 1, 1988 Commissioner Bateman asked about Mr. Milton's site plans for this piece of property and the fact that there had been almost 50 items frclm Rick Merkel at PEC that y,eedecl to be addressed but that supposedly staff was now dragging its feet. Acting City Manager Finch said he felt it necessary to comment on this issue from the staff's point of view. He said PEC and staff had done a very thorough Job of reviewing the site plans for the site but that the plans could have been better a....,d that was the cause fc.r the Y'luober elf comme....'t s. Betty Hager i....,terupted to say that Mr. Miltc,...., had beeYt tc.ld he could use septic ta.....ks at oy.e poiy.t several r'lol"tths back and was now being told he would have to put the proJect on the City sewer system. e Commissioner Bateman said the City received the plans in May and that the I ist of cc,rnme.....ts from PEC were ....'ot preser,t ed lmtil September. He said sornethiy.g was wrc,.....g with the systern if it took that long to review plans. Acti.....g City MaYlager Fi.....ch said that staff had bee..... i..... coy,tact with the developer during that time but since he had expressed ay. i....,terest i..... selling the la....,d to the City fc.r its Kissimmee Water Plant extension, there was an understanding OY. the part clf staff that there was y.ot a lc.t clf CCly,cery, by the developer for getting his plans reviewed until the issue of selling the property was resolved. S~atu. R.port on Wa~er and SeMer Capacity Sale Tom Kelley reported that st aff a....,d the COYtSll I tay.ts had r.let numerous times with developers regarding the capacity sale ay,d that si .....ce thc.se earl ier meet i ....,gs they had develclped sClme modi ficat ioy.s to the Master Water Play.. Mr. Kelley said the developers stressed two issues: for the City tCI provide cc.st effect i ve systems ay.d services aY,d that the ex paYtsi CIYtS be built in a timely fashion. Mr. Kelley also discussed the expansion south of Maguire Road that would be possible if there was development in the range of about 3,500 ERUs. e Mr. Kelley also discussed the Part A improvements outlined in his staff report. He said total improvements for this plan would necessitate funding of about $2 million. Of that total, $300,000 was plaYIYted tc. be flmded by the City's existiy,g water system custc,rners a....td the remai....dY,g balay,ce 9 . Page 10 City Commissio~ Meeti~g November 1, 1988 would y,eed to corne from 2, 264 ~ew ERU cC'~Ylecticl'('ls. If 1,329 additio~al co~~ectio~s arise out of the capacity sale, Mr. Kelley said a~ additional $1 millio~ in li~e improvements would be possible. If the ~umber of ERUs fell somewhere in between, the~ the City would have to decide which proJects to fu'(',d a~d which '(',ot to, or how to phase the imprc.verney,ts giviy,g priority ray,kiYlg to certai'('l phases. Dave Refli'('.g of PEC said the develc.pers have alsc. expressf~d co~cerns regarding the funding of the wastewater system irnprovements. He said the developers would opt for the "esseY,tials o'(',ly" iYI order to get thiYlgs off the grc,u'('ld a'('.d then move from there. Mr. Refling discussed the possibility of a Ring Steel plant to be built on the existi~g site and a pump station and force main to be built on the Chicone tract. He said the initial plan will not deal with the A.D. Mirns Pla1'lt problems. He stressed that other irnproveme'('lts may be possible and that this was the rninimum acceptable "essentials 01'11 y " pi a1". It Commissioner Joh'(',soy, expressed ay. i Ylterest i 1', havi Ylg the City look into other possibilities besides the Steel Ri~g plant. Mayor Iso~ said the East-West Expressway was slated to ru~ thrc.ugh the wester1" part of the Chiccl'rle tract aY,d wc.Y,dered how that would affect the City's plan. Mr. Refling said it would not change the plan very much. Mayor Ison suggested he call the Expressway Authority to work out an agreement with them to spray the effluent disposal o~ any beautificatio~ the Expressway Authority might have plaY'1',ed for that area. Special Sta~~ Reports - City Planner Bruce Behr.~s Orlando/Orange County Expr.ssway Authority Public Meeting ~ Expressway/S.R. 50 Int.rcha~ge City Pla~ner Behre~s wa~ted to i~form the Commissio~ that the Orla~do/Orange Cou~ty Expressway Authority would hold a public meeting regarding the interchange at the Junctio~ of the propc.sed Westery, Beltway aY,d the Florida Tury,pike 0'(" Thursday, November 3, from 4-8 p.m. at West Orange High School. Pla1',y,er Behre~s said he had the prelirniy,ary eYlgiYleeri1'lg report Coy, that iYltel"cha~ge aY,d there were two coy,cepts the Authority was workiy,g 0'(". He said cl'\"le coy,cept dealt with utilizing the existing turnpike interchange (Exit 80) a~d the other would do away with Exit 80. Acting City Ma~ager Finch said if Exit 80 was done away with then there would be a Maguire Road intercha~ge. ~ Mayor I so\", Cornmissio~er said he Baternay, planned on attending said it would be a good the idea rneet i '('.g. to get 10 . Page 11 City Commission Meeting November 1, 1988 busi .....ess would be officials. ow....'ers mc.re to attend since the likely to listen to Expressway Authority them tha..... to elected Tom Kelley said he would direct Bob Campbell of PEC to at the two concepts and give the City some comments on c.f them if the Commissio..... sc. desired. lc.ok each Mayor Ison pointed out the two areas on the map and said it would be dangerous to keep Exit 80 since the two interchanges would be so close together. After polling the Commission it was decided that the City favored -the si....lgle i....,tercha.....ge a.....d improved Maguire Road egress and ingress. CEMETERY BOARD REPORT e Sam Woodson said the City had received the Board's recommendations and inquiries on the cemetery operations and stressed that -the Board would like -to see more land acquired. He said the other concern of the Board was that the preseY~ ordi.....a....'ce needed tCI be more stric"t ly e.....forced. He asked the Commission's permission to allow the Cemetery Board to dispense wi-th meetings until February. Mr. Woodson said they would like to hold their last meeting this month. Mr. WoodsOYI also said he bel ieved the Over 65 Prc.grarn was costing the City too much money and that land was too expensive -to continue it. He said Commissioner Johnson had expressed some concern but would be willing to phase it out somewhat. It was decided that staff wOl..\ld review -the Cemetery Board's recommemdatio....,s and iy.quiries ay,d that the Board would reconvene in February. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC R. P. MOhnacky, clarification on wa.....ted to e.....large use. 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, wanted the sewer capacity sale and why the City its system rather than allowing septic tank Mayor Isc....., said septic ti\YIks required a rni....limum lot size was larger tha....' ma....'y of the pla..........ed developmer.ts called He said also that septic ta.....ks could c......ly be used whe....' land met certain criteria. that fc.r. the - Mr. Moh.....acky also suggested tc. the Comrnissic,y. that they take advantage of the vast amount of material available on 11 e Page 12 City Commission Meeting November 1, 1988 ren:~yclir,g, rador. gas, and other issues affectir.g the City rather tha~ having additional studies done. NEW BUSINESS Propo..d Ordinanc. No. 88-34, Sani~ation Rate Increase, First Reading Acti~g City Ma~ager Finch reviewed his staff report on the comparisoy, of sar.itatior, rates iy, Dcoee aY',d surrouy,diy,g cornrnur,ities. He also rerniY',ded the CornrnissiclY" that the City had included the fee increase in its adopted budget and was cO\.\Y',ting OY. the mor,ey as an additiclY',al rever.\.\e sClurce iY" the Sanitation Department. City Manager Fi~ch said the need for ar. iy.crease sternmed frorn the additioY'.al costs which were currey.tly being faced by the departrneY'.t iy,cludiY'.g ar, iY'.crease in hauling distances, the new lease-purchase plans for the two new packers, and the Over 65 Program. He said the City budget couy.ted or, havir,g the y.ew rates take effect iy. October so the City was already behind in revenue by about $15,000. e Mayor Ison said it bothered hirn that the City of Ocoee's rates were so rnuch higher than the other areas in the survey. He suggested we obtain bids from private haulers Just to see if they could run the service more cost effectively tha~ the City. Mayclr I sOY', ay,d CornmissioY',er Dabbs did YIClt thiy,k that the hauliy,g costs aYld durnpir'g fees wC"Jld be much differey,t from what the other cities were paying. Mayor Ison deferred the item until the staff could look into it further. He suggested that staff ir.quire what the fees i....,cluded iY" other cities as compared to Ocoee. Assistay,t City Attorney Woc.dsoy, said the Cornrnissioy, could still hold the first reading on the ordinance without raising the rates. He said the ord i namce aY',d resc.l ut i Oy, wCll.\ld chay.ge the procedure for increasing rates from ordinance to ordir,ay,ce to ordiy.ay,ce to resolut iCIY,. Attory,ey Woc.dsoy, said regardless of whether or y,ot the Cc,rnmissic,Y'. voted to rai se the rates OY. secoy,d readiy,g of the ordiy.ay,ce, they could still pass the clrdinay,ce iY" order to chay.ge the procedure in case they wanted to raise rates in the future. . Comrnissioy.er BaternaY" said the CClrnrnissioy, shol..\ld be careful how they got the ir,forrnaticlY' from clther cities. He said sc.me cities put limits on the arnount of garbage collected and that would also y.eed to be takey, iY',to accol..mt. Comrnissioy,er Baternay, rnoved to approve the ordiy,aY'.ce for first readiY'~h Cornrnissioner Hager secoy.ded, ay,d apprclval was u....'aY',irncIIJs. Acting City Manager Finch read the ordinance by title only. 12 - Page 13 City Commission Meeting Novernber 1, 1988 REPORTS AND INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER Recommended Attendance at Historic Preservation Advisory Council Meeting for Maguire Hous. Gra~ Act i Y'lg City MaY'lager Fi Y'lch requested that the CClrnrni ssi C'Y'I approve payment of expenses for Mrs. Elizabeth Maguire to atteY'ld the Advisclry CouY'lcil meetings C'Y'I behalf clf the City clf Dcoee. City Manager Finch said he had asked the Historical Commission to designate someone who would be knowledgeable about the graY'lt. The total cost clf the three-day trip wou Id rUY'1 about $300. It was Y'lecessary to have sClmeCIY'le i Y'I attendance for all three days since the Board would be asking questions of the grant applicants and these questions could come up at any time during those three days. e Mayor IsoY'1 Comm i ss i oY'ler have liked eY'lga gerneY'lt . cCIY'lnect ion aY'ld that behal f. said he approved of sending Mrs. Maguire and Dabbs agreed. Commissioner Dabbs said he would to have gone himself but had a previous ComrnissioY'ler Hager felt Mrs. Magl.tire's persoY'lal to the house would be an added plus for the City it wOl..lld Y'IClt look good if Y'IO oY'le atteY'tded OY'I CI'-\l" Selection of New Special Coun.el for Cable TV Franchise Acting City Manager Finch said because of the upcoming meeting on cable television matters, he had taken the liberty of makiY'tg phcme calls to a few attorY'leys iY'1 the area whcl were known for handling cable television matters. City Managel" Finch said although Ms. Gretchen Vose was not the least expensive of the three included in his memorandum, he recommeY'lded her for her expertise iYI the field. City MaY'lager Finch said both Ms. Vose and Mr. James Fowler had previously been considered for city attorney in Dcoee. Mayor Ison said he had no problem with Mr. Finch's decision and welcomed the experience of Ms. Vose. After a straw vote was taken, it was unanimous to offer the position to Ms. Vose. Attorney Woodson said the City might want to get together with former special legal couY'lsel Ike Cool to gathel" any materials he had accumulated and to discuss any outstanding invoices with him since there might be duplicate fees charged to the City with Ms. Vose having to move quickly on the City's behalf. . Report on Metropolitan Bureau of Inve.tigation (MBI) Me..bership Police Chief Boyd said the City had approached the MBI for cOY'lsi derat ion to become a member aY'ld had recei ved uY'laY'.1Mc"..\!i support from the membership Board. He said this organization 13 . Page 14 City Commission Meeting November 1, 1988 would greatly enhance the City's efforts at combatting the drug enforcement problems as well as in other areas. Membershi p would allow the City to work with other age'l"lcies, especially in covert operations and would also give the City access to special equipment it would fi'l",d rnost usefl..\L Chief Boyd also asked the Commission for direction on animal cO'l"ltrol 'l"IOW that the COu....lty was '1"10 10'l"lger prclVidi....lg services in the City. Mayor Ison said he was already looking into what could be done by the City to alleviate the problern. He also said he was looking into decreased taxes since the County was now providing less services for the taxpayers. Chief Boyd also told business the last December attending Tallahassee. the Commission that he would be away week of November and the first week the Police Chief's Conference con of il"l e Follow-up Ag.nda City Ma'l"lager Fi'l"lch asked the Commissio'l"l for a workshop sessio'l"l to discuss the goals al"ld priorities they wa'l"lted hir. to focus on in his acting capacity as City Manager. It was decided that they would hold a meeting on Saturday morning at 10 a.m. in the City Hall conference room. CITY ATTORNEY Assistant City Attor'l"ley Woodso'l'" said he had '1",0 fl..lrther reports to make at this time. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Batema'l"l thanked Mayor Iso'l"l for the plaque he had presented to him earlier and said it was a pleasant surprise a'l"ld was very much appreciated. Comrnissio'l"ler Hager asked staff to look i'l",to a complail"lt frog a citizen of tall grass on the property on Franklin Street next to the hardware store. He also asked Street Departmer~ Supervisor Elmore to repair the street i'l"l the trailer park. Commissioner Dabbs wa'l"lted to let everyc.ne kYIOW how rouch fl.ln he had taki'l"lg dow'I"l his campaig'l"l sig'l"ls. e Commissioner Johnson asked staff to look into repairing rc.ad at the intersectio'l"l of Bluford a'l"ld Orla'l"ldo Ave'l"ll..\es. said the potholes had been paved over several times and pavement needed to be smoothed out. City Manager Fi'l"lch the area also 'l"leeded sc,me drai....'age irnprc.veme....'ts. He the He the said said 14 . - . Page 15 City Commission Meeting November 1, 1988 they would look into resurfacing it and what the cost would be. Mayor I SOY'I sa i d he waY'lt ed tow ish Cormn i ss i c'Y'Ier J ohl"lson goc,d luck in the upcoming election. ADJOURNMENT: 10:55 p.m. ATTEST: 15 ____~L__~__il~ MAYOR