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DECEMBER 20, 1988
The workshop was called to order by Mayor Ison in the commission
chambers at 6:03 p.m.
PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Combs, Dabbs, Hager, and
Johnson. Also present were City Manager Bateman, City Engineer
Finch, City Attorney Rosenthal, Attorney Jay Small, (representing
the City of Ocoee in the Stucki case), Consulting Engineer Kelley,
Planning Director Behrens, and City Clerk Grafton.
Mayor Ison announced that he would take the item number III =
Bowness Road out of order and deal with that item first. Mayor
Ison corrected the naming of the item, saying it should be more
appropriately called South Central Drainaae Basin and Stucki
instead of Bowness Road. He then turned the meeting over to
Attorney Rosenthal and Attorney Small.
Attorney Rosenthal gave the background for this meeting, saying
that in May of this year Discount Deals and Mr. Stucki filed an
inverse condemnation action against the City alleging that the
City had diverted drainage from other properties onto his property
sometime in the 1980's, and also that the City had undertaken some
activity of constructing and enlarging ditches and improvements on
his property sometime between 1985 and 1987. The City, in June,
filed some answers and affirmative defenses in response to the
complaint, among them that the City had prescriptive easement,
that there is a failure to join proper parties, and a failure to
state cause of action. Mr. Rosenthal said that, in order to keep
legal fees low, his firm has not been aggressively pursuing a
defense of this lawsuit and it had been somewhat dormant until
October when Mr. Stucki's attorneys filed some requests for
production of some documents. The document production is scheduled
for January. Mr. Stucki's attorneys have also filed some
interrogatories which they have responded to. There have also been
some settlement discussions after the suit was filed. In June, in
concept, the City Commission indicated that there was an
alternative on the South Central Drainage Project that they wished
to go forward with and the estimated cost was $1.3 million. They
were looking at the option of buying all of Mr. Stucki's
triangular parcel south of Bluford Avenue based on appraisal data
on hand at that time. Since that June meeting not much has
happened in terms of moving forward with the project. In theory
the City was going to undertake the project, acquiring the right-
of-way/easements from Mr. Stucki, file an inverse condemnation
against Mr. Stucki, get him to dismiss the litigation, and handle
it through a settlement of the City's condemnation action. In
order to accomplish this, updated appraisals were needed as well
as a survey. The appraisals are in, reflecting higher values than
originally anticipated, and are under review at this time. The
survey has not yet been done, nor has it been authorized to be
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Ocoee City Commission Workshop
December 20, 1988
done. Until that has been accomplished nothing can go forward by
way of settlement. Mr. Rosenthal said that the survey should be
high on the priority list so that some specific land acreage
figures can be available for them to use. Mr. Rosenthal said
further that his firm can no longer be passive, that they must do
investigation and discovery in order to advise Commission
regarding the City's position in this litigation. He said that
the issue to be determined was mainly what direction Commission
intends to go with the South Central Drainage Basin as that
decision will dictate largely what direction to take with the
litigation. Mr. Rosenthal recommended that Commission redirect the
attorneys to come up with some sort of settlement approach or tell
them to do some more work in terms of the litigation. He felt that
the prudent thing to do was the latter so that they would be
better prepared to advise Commission regarding their position as
to success or failure in the litigation. Attorney Small spoke
briefly to reinforce Mr. Rosenthal's remarks. Mr. Rosenthal said
that, given the financial concerns of the City, it will be a
problem either way. City Manager Bateman said that now is the
time to put together all the information and Commission must
decide between now and the designated time which way to go with
the drainage basin, and either way will be costly. Mr. Rosenthal
pointed out that so far in every attempted negotiation with Mr.
Stucki, Mr. Stucki has included the payment of his attorney fees
by the City as part of the settlement. Commissioner Dabbs said he
finds it difficult to make any decision with no facts and he
thinks the first of the year is plenty of time, after more
information is available. Mayor Ison said that the drainage basin
development was brought forth when they were working on a drainage
impact fee, that an ordinance was put in place and then withdrawn
before the ink was dry on it. He said further that he felt that
Mr. Stucki believed that the City would be going through with the
drainage project and therefore would be buying the land, based on
engineering recommendations that using the old railroad right-of-
way would be the most economical way to go vs. using the street
right-of-way. Mayor Ison said that he prefers the use of street
right-of-way and that if there is to be a drainage basin project
it will need to be a joint venture with Orange County as that area
on Bluford Avenue drains a lot of land that is not inside City
limits and goes all the way through to Lake Lotta. Mayor Ison
stated further that he feels that a decision on this is out of the
question for the first half of the year, and also that the City
has done nothing to the land that had not already been done to the
land when the railroad company owned it. The railroad bridge was
designed with culverts about six feet deep and an investigation
would probably show that the drainage ditch was there before the
railroad was and perhaps it is the City that is damaged by the
railroad structure being there. He feels that the land is of no
use to the City and the City has no reason to buy it. As there is
no recent survey Mr. Stucki may have problems with a lot of
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December 20, 1988
people. It appears that one of Florida Rock's buildings sits on
his land and someone else is accessing their wooden house by
corning across his land and Mayor Ison said it is not the City's
place to clean up Mr. Stucki's problems by buying land not needed
for the City's purposes. He said further that Mr. Stucki's
statements made in public meetings that the City should buy his
land at his price or he would sue the City and run the attorney's
fees up constitute blackmail and it is time now to tell Mr. Stucki
that we are not interested in his land, that we have zoning and
code enforcement that he must abide by, and it is not called
harrassment when government simply enforces its laws and rules in
a reasonable manner. Commissioner Johnson agreed with Mayor Ison
and said that we need to not sit back and wait. Attorney Rosenthal
said that what they wanted to avoid was spending a lot of money
aggressively defending an inverse condemnation action, prevail in
that action, and then have Commission tell them that they are
doing a project and to go condemn what they have spent two years
saying the City did not have. Mayor Ison said that the developers
coming along Bluford can do the roadside development that needs to
be done and the existing businesses along Bluford can be special
assessed for the necessary improvements to the drainage to move
the water. Mayor Ison said that the place to start is at the
Orange County Services Building and work with the County on making
a roadside drainage system through that whole area. Further that
Bluford is a state road and the state can work with the City on
that drainage, so the City does not need anything from Mr. Stucki,
who is in a bad situation as there is nothing that can be done
with a lot of that property due to set-back restrictions and road
right-of-way - but it is his problem. City Engineer Finch said
that he had looked at the property for alternative routes and the
City will not need that property; the water that is going there
now has always gone there and the City can get around dumping any
more water there by going down and around Maguire Road. Consulting
Engineer Kelley said that he recalled a project that required a
drainage easement over that railroad and he looked at the drawings
and that is reflected in the drawings. He was sure that they would
not have taken a chance on dumping on that area. Mayor Ison said
there had been a lot of erroneous and misleading statements made.
He said that the City will have to work with Orange County on the
drainage basin and that a method of financing will have to be set
up before any surveying or assessing can be done. Decisions
concerning the litigation can be scheduled for January. Mayor Ison
said that in the regular meeting following this workshop is an
item to consider dividing the town into sectors for engineering
purposes and, as there will probably be another consulting
engineer for that area, it would be appropriate to hold off on
decisions regarding the drainage basin project until after that
appointment. Attorney Rosenthal asked for direction regarding the
litigation and Mayor Ison said that he would like to see him file
for a motion of dismissal at the earliest convenience on the
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December 20, 1988
ground that the drainage basin was there before the railroads. At torney
Rosenthal said that is an affirmative defense which they have already alleged,
and that his understanding of the direction he was being given was to proceed on
the premise that the City does not need to acquire Mr. Stucki's property and that
we would not be filing a condemnation action in order to proceed with the
drainage basin project that the Commission indicated was their preference last
year. Mayor 1son said he would not buy a piece of that property until all the
appeals in the world came and said we had to buy it. Attorney Rosenthal said
that gives his firm enough direction to work on. Mayor Ison said to be prepared
to solve the drainage quadrant by way of a special levy when developers come up
to develop those pieces of land. Attorney Rosenthal cautioned Commission that
they should not be approving any projects which rely upon water flow and drainage
through the area, and it is the responsibility of the developer to figure out the
route and solve the problem. Mayor 1son said the first one in is going to have
to use our policy of 100 year storm-no outfall. This ended the discussion on
this item.
Commissioner Dabbs left the meeting at 6:30 p.m. to attend another meeting.
Hilton Property Contract
Attorney Rosenthal reported that he had prepared and submitted a contract to the
Miltons. The Miltons had rejected the version. This contract called for a
purchase money mortgage on real property which the City cannot do. If the
Commission wants to purchase the property on a cash basis, and this is
enforceable by specific performance, for a water plant, this could be done. Mr.
Finch outlined the procedures necessary. Mayor 1son suggested that the
Commission submi t a contract to the Miltons making it subject to Public Hearings,
site borings, and consumptive use permits, make a down payment and proceed. The
initial Public Hearing will be on January 3, a second Public Hearing may be
necessary. The Times will be primary and Sentinel secondary for the land use
advertising. Mr. Freeman asked for data to make a reasonable counter offer to Mr.
Milton. Attorney Rosenthal recommended that he communicate the sense of this
meeting with Mr. Milton. Closing was tentatively set for April 28. Attorney
Rosenthal recommended a later date. The mayor requested flyers to announce the
Public Hearing. Attorney Rosenthal asked if the City intended to acquire this
property without an appraisal. Attorney Rosenthal indicated changes: Make this
a cash transaction. Change title date to February 1. Closing on May 15.
Provisions to be added refer to City obtaining all necessary approvals for the
proposed water plant. At the City Commission Meeting a motion will be necessary
to include all these changes.
Charter Briefing
Attorney Rosenthal presented a memorandum giving a brief summary of the Charter
changes. Attorney Rosenthal has presented specific points to be changed in the
Charter. Some new restrictions on sale of properties, including the provision for
purchasing properties of over one million dollars value that would require a
Public Hearing. If the City disposes of property, a Public Hearing is required
if the value is over $100,000.00. City cannot approve the sale or other
disposi tion of property for less than its fair market value. There is an
emergency provision for the preceding conditions. Franchises still require
Public Hearing, 30 days notice. City has authority to regulate lakes, ponds and
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Ocoee City Commission Workshop
December 20, 1988
rivers. Provisions for Special Taxing Districts are provided. Condemnation of
buildings is provided. Liens may be imposed on private properties for non-
conformance with codes. Under powers of the City, the city can enter into
certain joint cooperative agreements with other cities. Lake front properties
can be specifically taxed to improve and protect the waterways. In Article 3, the
Mayor is a member of the City Commission. Provisions for a Mayor pro tem are
included. Throughout the Charter there are references to certain issues that
require votes of all the City Commission. When it states all members, it means
members present. If any Commissioner is charged with any grounds constituting
forfeiture of office, the Charter revision allows for a Public Hearing. After
the term of office of any Commissioner terminates, that person is prohibited from
any compensatory position with the City for one year. No member of the City
Commission can deal with or dictate the removal of any city employees under the
supervision of the City Manager. No member of City Commission can influence the
vote of another Commissioner by promising anything of value. Section 5, specifies
meetings and procedures therefore. City Commissioners can direct the city
Manager to place any item on the Agenda. Agendas must be prepared 24 hours
before the meeting. Only Agenda items and/emergency items can be acted upon by
the Commission at a given meeting. Any Commissioner can call a meeting on 24
hours notice. Provisions for voting on specific issues and the numbers necessary
for passage. Commissioners absent more than four times are off the Commission.
Salaries of Commissioners are set by ordinance. Audi tors and provisions for
auditing are definitely set up. Referendum and initiative procedures are spelled
out. Emergency powers are clearly set up. Mayor will make a State of the City
address in January. The City Manager is appointed by an affirmative vote of all
the Commissioners for a minimum term of one year. The Charter provides for an
annual evaluation and review of the City Manager. New procedures are established
for interim city managers, special reports, financial reporting and to make
recommendations on finances. A Personnel Board is established and its
composi tion is stated. Board functions and authori ties are spelled out. Proposed
budget and message must be presented to Commission by the City Manager by August
1 each year. Budget details are recited. Budget hearings must be advertised
seven days in advance. The calendar preparation and maintenance was referred to
the City Clerk. Deficit problems will be called to the attention of the
Commission and action is within its jurisdiction. Commission and Mayor terms are
now staggered. In 1999, another Charter Commission will be appointed. The new
Charter calls for single member districts. A Districting Commission will be
First meeting of the month will be citizen items only, the second meeting of the
month will be for developers and citizens. Allow time from 7:30 to 7:45 for
citizen matters. Scheduled timing for each presentation will now be required.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
c' y Clerk
Thomas R. Ison, Mayor
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