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JANUARY 3, 1989
Mayor Ison called the meeting to order at 7:3~ p.m.
in the prayer and pledge of allegiance to the flag.
and led
PRESENT: Mayor Ison; Commissioners Johnson, Dabbs, Combs,
and Hager; City Manager Bateman; Assistant City Manager
Finch; Police Chief Boyd; Consulting Engineer Kelley;
Director of Planning Behrens; Associate Planner Claman;
Public Works Director Brenner; Water Department Supervisor
Cockrell; City Clerk Grafton; and Deputy Clerk Resnik.
Assistant City Manager Finch requested that Items A, F, and J
be pulled from the agenda for discussion. Commissioner Hager
moved to approve the remaining items, Commissioner Combs
seconded, and approval was unanimous. Items approv~d were as
follows: Bowness Road Purchase Agreement wlth Edward J.
Schmidt, Jr., Bowness Road Purchase Agreement with Edmond o.
and Alice J. Harrison, Bowness Road Purchase Agreement with
Hartle M. and Ruth M. Bowness, Bowness Ro~d Purchase
Agreement with Edward J. and Marjorie A. Schmidt, Bowness
Road Purchase Agreement with Henry A. arId Shirley Miller and
Glenn M. and Linda E. Miller, Bowness Road Purchase Agreement
with Hartle M. and Ruth M. Bowness, and the Bowness Road
Purchase Agreement with Edmond O. Harrison and Darrell W.
Assistant Manager Finch said Items A, F, and J had not yet
been signed. He said Mr. John M. Rife, Jr. agreed verbally
to the contract with three, non-substantive changes regarding
drainage, clearing, and a driveway. Commissioner Johnson
moved to approve the purchase agreement with the changes
discussed subject to review by the City Attorney,
Commissioner Dabbs seconded, and approval was unanimous.
In reference to Item F, Assistant Manager Finch said Thomas
F. Ritten, Jr. and Mary J. Rltten had verbally agreed to the
purchase agreement but had not yet come in to City Hall to
sign the contract. Assistant Manager Finch sdid this
particular piece of property was not necessar~y for the actual
Bowness Road project but was needed for intersection
improvements at Franklin Street and Bowrless Road.
Commissioner Combs moved to approve the purchase agreement
subject to the Seller signing the contract as written,
Commissioner Dabbs seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Assistant Manager Finch said that Item J also was not yet
signed by representatives of Jeld-Wen, Inc. because they
wanted clarification on a few matters including the Foreign
Investment in Real Property Tax Act, issues pertaining to the
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City Commission Meeting
Janual"y 3, 1'389
title, and legal Jargon. Mr. Finch said he was not
comfortable explaining legal matters to them but had
directed the City Attorney to do so. He said other than
those clarifications, the company seemed anxious to sign and
had no problems with the compensation outlined in the
purchase agreement. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the
purchase agreement subJect to the Seller signing the document
as writterl, Commissioner Johrlsorl seconded, arid appl"c,val was
Assistant City Manager Finch wanted to express for the record
that all the landowners had been very cooperative and
pleasant to work with.
Public Hearing
U.. of Milton Property for Water Plant Site
Mayor Ison explained that the Kissimmee Avenue water plant
needed to be improved. He said the plant presently had no
backup system if something were to happen and that the
current plant did not have enough capacity to handle
anticipated growth. The Mayor said the CIty Commission
wanted to hold this public hearir'g fir'st bef':'l'-e the City
entered into any agreement with the landowner. He explalned
that another public hearing would be he!d at a later date as
well in accordance with state statutes.
Mayor Ison said the City had considered several different
sites for the new plant. One site located behind Tee Pee
Lumber was recently taken out of consideration becau.e the
landowners wanted too high a price for the commercial
property and the City Attorney said that condemnation
proceedings would cost the City much more money than it
anticipated spending on land for the new plant.
Mayor Ison said the City's consulting englneer recommended
against the pl"operty bet weer. the D.:>ss l"esiderlc.:e al'ld tl'1e
present plant site because of the substantial amount of muck
that would have to be dug through arid because the al"f:-'a was
really too small to house the two ground storage tanks.
Consulting Engineer Kelley said the proposed 3.7 acre site
would house two ground storage tanks like the tdnk a~
Jamela, not vertical tanks such as the current one at
the Kissimmee site. Mr. Kelley explained that the Mllton
site was chosen because of its size and location but that
other factors needed to be determined before any final
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City Commission Meeting
~ January 3, 1989
decision was made. He said the first task was to prepare an
application for a St. Johns permit. The specifications would
call for the elevated storage tank to remain as a standby
well and for a ground storage tank to ~e installed with a
battery of high service pumps. Mr. Kelley explalned that
currently the well beside the tank provides the
pressurization. Mr. Kelley said these improvements would
allow the Kissimmee water plaYlt to pt"ovide the sarlle back.up
service as the other water plant sites and would provide for
ant icipated growth for the southern pay't elf the Ci ty.
Mr. William Morris, 408 Cumberland Avenue, asked what the
term lIaeratorll mearlt and asked what the gy~ouYld stoY~age tal"d-<.s
would look like and how large they were. Consulting EnglneeY~
Kelley said the aerator was what made the noi.e Mr. Morris
had asked about. Mr. Kelley said there would probably be two
400,000 gallon storage tanks that were concrete structures,
with screen tops, that were about 30 feet high. He said tile
structures could be camouflaged with trees and other
landscaping or a brick or stucco wall.
Mr. Morris asked whether the City intended to look for any
alternative locations. Mayor Ison said the Clty has
exhausted its choices. He said there were other sites
considered including south of S.R. 50, or off of White Road,
or by Tiger Minor park but each site had something that made
it unsuitable for a water plant.
Mr. Morris said on behalf of the residents of Hidden
that they were most concerned that the water plant
devalue their property.
Consulting Engineer Kelley reminded the residents that the
site must first be tested to see 1f it was suitable and that
another hearing would be held at a lateY~ d<:\te otlce that was
determined. He explained that the tanks would be able to
provide service to more than 1500 homes and would more than
take care of the anticipated growth in that part of the City.
He said the most important aspect of the new tanks was that
the residents served by them would have a backup tank as a
safety net in the event something were ever to go wrong. Mr.
Kelley said at the present time residents would be without
water if the current system was to break down.
Mr. Kelley was asked if the a1r relea.e sound thdt currently
happened every now and then would continue after the n~w
system was installed. Mr. Kelley sald that se,uY,d would st i 11
occur but that it would be deadened by any landscaping the
City put around the structures or by an enclosure fur the
apparatus that pressurized the tanks.
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City Commission Meeting
January 3, 1989
The City Commission was asked if the current plant site could
be fixed up with a nicer fence, etc. Water Department
Supervisor Cockrell said there was a stock pile of pipe on
the property that could be moved but that he would rather
wait until after the new tanks were put in before any
beautification was done to the site.
Mayor Ison told the residents that they would be notified of
the next public hearing on the proposed site in the near
fut ure.
Other Busine.s
Discussion Regarding AdditionAl Dispatchers for the Police
Police Chief Boyd said the Police Department had lost two
dispatchers through attrition as part of the budget cuts made
this fiscal year. He said currently other Police Department
personnel and the Fire Department were helping with coverage
but was requesting that the Commission grant approval for two
additional dispatch positiol"IS t.:) be filled. Chief BI~yd said
he would eliminate the purchase of two police units in order
to pay the salaries of the additional staff.
Mayor Ison asked whether the City Hall receptionist who used
to be a dispatcher could help out temporarily. The employee
had to change Jobs after her recent marriage to a pollce
sergeant because of nepotism regulations. Commissioner Dabbs
said he was not sure if it would be a good idea to place the
employee back in the Police Department. Chief Boyd =aid
there had not been any apparent conflicts or problems with
the two employees when they had worked together before or
after their engagement but tnat the department had
experienced problems ln the past with ~his ty~e of an
arrangement. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve tne
additional staff positions subJect to amending the budget,
Commissioner Combs seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Request to Seek Appraisals on the Hubbard Tract
Assistant City Manager Finch said the Hubbard Group Realty
Company was still interested in selling the 40-acre tract of
land and that City Attorney Rosenthal recommended th~t the
City enter into a purchase contract With tne company.
Assistant Manager Finch said any motion to approve such
proceedings should be subJect to an appraisal and any testing
that needs to be done. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve
entering into a purchase contract with the firm as discussed,
Commissioner Hager seconded, and approval was unanimous.
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City Commission Meeting
January 3, 1983
There were no comments from citizens at this time. Mayor
Ison said for the record that Diane Sweat of 2006 Lady
Avenue, telephone number 656-8697, had approached the
Commission before the meeting commenced with a problem with
her neighbor's fence. The Mayor said the Commission referred
her to Captain Coschignano to ascertain whether or not it was
a code enforcement matter. He asked staff to make sure
Captain Coschignano got in touch with her if he didn't hear
from her in the near future.
Commissioner Johnson sald he wanted to make a comment as a
citizen about a notice he received from Cablevision regarding
a rate increase. He said he was told last year thdt the
increase they made at that time was to pay for improvements
that were being done to the system and n0W thdt the
improvements were about complete, the company was agaln
saying it needed to raise rates for the same reason. he said
he was told as a Commissioner by someone at the cable company
that rates would not increase. He sald he tried to call them
but of course could not get through. He said he planned to
visit the Cablevision office to let them know he was upset
about the notice.
RECESS. 8:40 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER. 8:45 p.m.
Commission to Elect Mayor Pro Tem
Mayor Ison said the new Charter called for the appointment of
a Mayor Pro tem who would preside over the Commission
meetings when the Mayor was absent. He said in the past the
senior Commissioner insofar as length of service wouJd be the
Mayor Pro tem. Commissioner Johnson moved to appoint
Commissioner Hager the Mayor Pro tem, and the Mayor seconded
the motion. Commissioner Hager said he appreciated the honor
but would respectfully decline since he dld not think he
would be running for reelection. Commissioner' Johnson
withdrew his motion and Mayor Ison withdrew his second.
Commissioner Hager moved to approve the aopointment of
Commissioner Dabbs as Mayor Pro tem, the Mayor seconded, and
approval was unanimous. The Mayor told Commissioner Dabbs
that he would be away for the first meeting in Mar~h and
asked him to note it on his calendar so that Commissioner
Dabbs would make sure to attend tile meeting and plan to
preside over the agenda.
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City Commission Meeting
Januat'y 3, 1989
Request for Funds for Regional Bicycle Coordinator Position
Director of Planning Behrens said the Metropolitan PlannIng
Association was looking to fund a position through funes ft~om
the various municipalities in order to establish a blcycle
education program. He said Ocoee was being asked to
contribute a total of $645 for a two-year period, $291.50 of
which would need to come from thIS year's budget. Mayor lson
asked Finance Director Poston if the funds could come out of
the Recreation Department's budget. Mr. Poston saId there
were sufficient funds available. Commissioner Dabbs moved to
approve the request, Commissioner Johnson seconded, and
approval was unanimous.
Recommended Award on the Bownes5 Road Contract
Assistant City Manager Finch saId Orange Paving and
Construction Company had been very cooperative and hdd
extended the contract at Y'IO extt~a cost to the City. he said
the contract covered two aspects of improvements. Part A
would include the intersection improvements Bt Kissimmee
Avenue and Bowness Road, construction of the missing link of
roadway north to the Franklin Street intersection project
being built by the Florida Department of Transportation, and
the sewage force main along the new roadway. Part B provides
for rehabilitation of the existing roadway between the
intersection improvements and the beginning of the new road
section. It would provide for an upgrading of the existing
roadway base and pavement as well as removal of some
unsuitable subgrade materials which have been revealed by
soil borings.
Assistant City Manager Finch said staff recommended awarding
the contract to Orange Paving and Construction Company for
the amount bid of $112,599.30 plus an additional 15~ for
contingencies. He said any use of the contingency monies
would need to come back for a vote by the Commission before
the money could be expended. Assistant City Manager Finch
also wanted to reflect in the mInutes that the City's
consulting engineers may need to do some addltionBI design
work on Part B of the proJect. Commissioner Hager moved to
approve the awarding of the contract tel Ot'an~e Pavit.g arid
Construction, Mayor Ison seconded, and approval was
Discu..ion Regarding Use of the County Central Booking
Faci li ty
Police Chief Boyd requested that the Commission urge Orange
County to allow neighboring cities to utilize the holding
cell at the County's Story Road facility rather than require
each municipality to have their own cells. Mayor Ison said
___ ______________.------.J
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City Commission Meeting
Januar~y 3, 1989
it would seem that the cities could work something out to pay
for the one cell to be staffed rather" than havitlg to pr"'ovide
a cell and staff for each city. He said he would bring it up
for"' discussiorl at the rlext Tri-Colmty League (If Cities
meeting and try to get a group together to go to the sheriff
with the request. Chief Boyd was direct~d to cor.tact Or"'arq;;le
County administrators to voice opposition to the new
procedure on behalf of the City of Ocoee.
Recommended Award of Contract for Utility Relocation at
the Franklin Street and Bowness Road Intersection
Assistant City Manager Finch said the project was bld in late
November but the two bids received were at least 38~ ffior"'e
than the engineer's estimate so the project was readvertised
and rebid. Assistant Manager Finch sald the low bld the
second time around was $59,373 by Travis Williams
Construction. He said even though the bids were still
considerably higher than the engineer's e~timate, the
closeness of the secor,d two bids prc.bably mear,t thc::\t the
engineer's estimate dld not entail all that would be involved
in the proJect. Assistant Manager Finch sald by rebidding
the project the City saved about $~,000. He said adequate
funds were available in the Water and Wastewat~r Contingency
Funds. Commissioner Johnson moved to award the contract to
Travis Williams Construction Company, Commissioner Combs
seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Discussion Regarding Issuance of Building Permit for Patricia
A. Barnette at 2405 Johio Shores Road
Assistant City Manager Finch said this proper~y w~s one
port iOYI of some 25 acres that was armexed by the Ci ty ot. tile
west and southwest sides of Lake Johio. he sald the
Barnettes wanted to build a slngle-family home on their land
but there presently was no water on the site. Water
Department Supervisor Cockrell pointed out to the Commission
where the closest water lines were. He said water"' lines
would be closer to the site when other developers in the area
tied into the system but he could not determine when that
would be. Mr. Cockrell said water lines could be installed
by the Barnettes if they wished to pay for them but lt would
not provide for the necessary fire protection.
It was discussed whether a hold harmless agreement could be
entered into by the City and the Barnettes but the Commission
said they had been warned against such agreements sir.ce they
were not usually enforceable. Assistant Manager Finch said
the City could construct the water lines n0W frum its
present terminus on Johio Snores Road witn future
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City Commission Meeting
January 3, 1989
reimbursement, requiring extensions of the water system
within a time certain after the developer of Candlewood
Shores has completed his water main improvements thereby
bringing the water lines closer to the Barnette sIte, or It
could simply deny the building permit at this time. After
some discussion it was decided that the Barrlettes w()uld have
to provide adequate water lines to their site for potable
water and fire protection Just as any developer would have to
Resolution Regarding Commission on Criminal Discovery (iLi1'''')
Chief Boyd explained that the l'''esolut ion would exelllpt Ocoee
police officers from having to take part in pretrial
depositions. Chief Boyd said these processes are time
consuming and costly to the City. Commissioner Dabbs moved
to approve the resolution, Commissioner Combs seconded, and
approval was unanimous. Mayor Ison read the resolution in
full incorporating the City name where appropriate.
First Reading of Ordinance Regarding Changes to the Code
Enforcement Board Ordinance ~~q~ol
Assistant City Manager Finch explained that the new ordinance
would keep Ocoee's ordinance consistent With new Florida
statutes. Assistant Manager Finch said the bigge~t change
would be where repeat offenders were concerned since the new
ordinarlce would allow the City to begIn fin11'lg l'''epeii.<l.t
offenders immediately rather than putting them through the
process allover again. Assistant City Manager Finch read
the ordinance for first reading by title only.
Discussion Regarding Sidewalk Construction for Medical Office
Building Site
Mayor Ison explained that he had seen Dr. Young dt the
hospital and that he said he was withdrawing his proJect.
The Mayor said Dr. Young was upset that he had received
another set of comments from PEC after being told that he
only had to address the first set of comments. Assistant
City Manager Finch said he was very familiar with this
proJect and that PEC had not issued comments unfairly but in
response to a totally new draInage plan that the prOJect
engineer had submitted. Mayor IsDn said the Commission
should act on the sidewalk issue Just in case Dr. Young did
not withdraw the project after all. Commissioner Johnson
moved to approve the staff recommendation, Commissioner Dabbs
seconded, and approval was unanimous.
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City Commission Meeting
Januat~y 3, 1989
City Manager Bateman had no further comments but wanted to
thank Assistant City Manager Finch for his wot'k em behalf elf
the City of Ocoee and wished him well in Mt. Dora. The Mayor
and Commissioners echoed his sentiments.
Commissioner Dabbs mentioned the d~ath of a former
Commissioner, Mr. J.W. Reid. Commissioner Johnson asked
that everyone busy themselves looking through the City
Manager applications so that ttle City couid hir'e someone .:':\5
soon as possible. Mayor Ison asked that each Commissioner
give the resumes to Mr. Bateman of all those who they were
interested in interviewing.
ADJOURNMENT, 9:45 p.m.