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FEBRUARY 21, 1989
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The regular meeting of the Ocoee City Commission was called to
order by Mayor Ison at 7:31 p.m. in the commission chambers.
Commissioner Dabbs led in the prayer and pledge of allegiance to
the flag. Commissioner Dabbs also explained the new standing item
on the agenda which is an opportunity for citizens to sign a
petition against unfunded state mandates.
Mayor Ison, Commissioners Combs, Dabbs, Hager and
City Manager Bateman, New City Manager Shapiro, City
Rosenthal, Planning Director Behrens, Associate Planner
Public Works Director Brenner, Wastewater Supervisor
City Clerk Grafton
Public Works Director Brenner presented commendations to members
of the Water Department who had given aid to the Fire Department
in gaining control over a brush fire on A.D. Mims Road. Lonnie
Beverly, Jimmy Butler, Michael Keller and Richard Waldrop were
cited for heroic action. As he accepted the plaque, Mr. Waldrop
noted that the Fire Department has given other departments much
appreciated training and assistance and that one of the reasons he
likes working for the City is that city employees and departments
work together.
The Consent Agenda, consisting of: A. Regular Commission Meeting
Minutes of October 18, 1988 and February 7, 1989, B. Special
Session Commission Minutes of February 7 and February 11, 1989,
and C. Authorization for Mayor to sign contract for State Funding
for Comprehensive Planning Assistance, was unanimously approved
upon a motion by Commissioner Dabbs and second by Commissioner
Dr. Bob Ferdinand, P. O. Box 742, Windermere, explained that he
has appeared before D.R.C. and the Planning and Zoning Board with
a new design which switches around the Plantation Grove P.U.D.
that was approved last November. They had been asked to redesign
in order to take care of an offset intersection and, as the part
to be accomodated was an easement, they have determined that the
best solution will be to move the commercial area to the north,
which places the residential area bordering the county. The
change does not alter the number of cuts or any of the other
particulars. The public hearing was opened and, as there were no
comments from citizens, was closed. Commissioner Dabbs moved to
approve the amended plan and Commissioner Combs seconded the
motion. Vote was unanimous in favor.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
February 21, 1989
Mr. Steve Millage, u.s. Homes, explained that they wish to amend
the land use plan approved October 7, 1986 for Silver Glen to
include 3 new concepts:
1. to have direct access to Silver Star Road from the residential
portion of the P.U.D.,
2. to reduce the side yard setback on 60' lots from 7 1/2' to 6',
3. to allow 20' front yard setbacks in order to provide larger
rear yard.
The public hearing was opened and Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 prairie
Lake Blvd., spoke against any compromise on single family lot
size. Mr. Pitt Varnes, 1405 Spring Lake Terrace, commended the
designer for the proposed divided entrance, and requested a fence
to separate the development from his property. He noted also that
any retention ponds should be fenced and separated from private
property. As there were no more citizens wishing to speak, the
public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Dabbs asked if this will be a substantial change
requiring another public hearing and Planning Director Behrens
said that it would on Concepts 2 and 3, and that Concept 1 has
already been heard by the Planning and Zoning Board at a public
Commissioner Combs moved to approve Concept 1 with two
stipulations: (1) the Clark Road entrance shall be as far north
as possible with at least a straight ahead lane and right turn
only lane (with a turn left lane optional) and (2) the Silver Star
Road entrance shall be divided with left/right turn lanes
compatible with the Olympia Cove entrance. Commissioner Hager
seconded the motion and vote was unanimous in favor.
Planning Director Behrens indicated that Concepts 2 and 3 were
introduced in order to get an opinion from the Commission before
the developer spent a great deal of time and money on design.
Concept 2 (side yard setback on 60' lots reduced from 7 1/2' to
6') met with 3/2 vote for; and the vote on Concept 3 (20' front
yard setbacks instead of 25') was 5 against.
Mr. Millage raised a question regarding the paving of Clark Road
and the credit to impact fees and Mr. John Sundheim, u.S. Homes,
clarified their interpretation of the developers agreement. Mayor
Ison said that he would propose that the agreement be amended to
have them responsible entirely for the road pavement to their most
northerly entrance and he indicated that if U. S. Homes chose to
come back in to negotiate land use changes that the Commission has
the right to upgrade and negotiate other changes for the good of
the City.
Page 3
city Commission Regular Meeting
February 21, 1989
Commissioner Johnson pressed the issue of Mr. Varnes' lake view
lots and was assured by Mr. Johnson with u.s. Homes that the site
plans adjacent to Mr. Varnes' property would be to his
satisfaction before the plans were presented to the Commission for
approval. Mayor Ison stated that he will bring the subdivision
ordinances up to be amended so that staff will have direction
regarding walls along streets and property lines and the matter
can be handled during D.R.C. meetings.
Planning Director Behrens advised that the Sawmill Plat Phase I
was complete except for one item which City Attorney Rosenthal
explained to be a procedural matter on the deed that would be
resolved when the property is actually platted. Mayor Ison stated
that he was interested in seeing the recreation area and that land
that was at a steep slant going down to a sinkhole would not be
acceptable as recreation area.
Mr. Jeff Bersey, 8406 Clarcona-Ocoee Rd, neighbor to the
development, stated that sand blows across his property all the
time and a wall has not been put up. Mr. Bruce Mylrea, U.S.
Homes, said that Mr. Bersey has never contacted his organization
regarding a wall and that the county had agreed that one-acre lots
were too small for walls, as well. Later on in the discussion, Mr.
Outlaw said that early on there were extensive dealings and he had
never heard of a wall for the Bersey property. Mr. Bersey also
stated that the elevation of the property on both sides of him
will cause a problem with drainage. Mr. Mylrea said that he would
ask Mr. Stimpson to deal with the sand and the drainage. Mayor
Ison asked Mr. Bersey what length wall was needed and Mr. Bersey
responded approximatelY 1000'. Mayor Ison stressed that the
original agreement was that the developer would do everything
possible to cooperate with any and all land owners there, and Mr.
Mylrea assured him that they had contacted everyone who had
expressed a concern, but that, as Mr. Bersey had not contacted
them and Mr. Bersey's lot is a one-acre lot adjacent to their one-
acre lots, they did not feel a wall was called for. Mr. Bersey
also expressed concern that the buffer lots were 150' deep instead
of 150' wide and that there will be no open space when a house is
built on the lot.
Mr. Terry Clark, 5102 N. Apopka-Vineland Rd., said that Mr. Mylrea
had been most cooperative but that his concern is that the street
paving will raise the pond and he may lose the entry way he uses
around the pond. He asked for a curb cut to enable him to have
access when needed. Mayor Ison pointed out for the record that
the water level was up over the road in 1969 or 1970 and so the
water level should not be blamed on the development going in now.
Mr. Clark also asked what type of recreation area will be
developed adjacent to his property, so that he would know what
type fencing to install.
Page 4
city commission Regular Meeting
Pebruary 21, 1989
A detailed discussion regarding recreation area revealed that
Tract F is 50% unacceptable for recreation and that access to the
acceptable portion is provided by easements in Tract G. When it
was pointed out that there were discrepancies in the maps, and
that they were presented just before the meeting rather than
earlier in the week, Mayor Ison stated that the plan should be
tabled until the next meeting in order to incorporate the items
discussed at this meeting in the plan. Mr. Mylrea advised that
there is really no discrepancy but that Phase I does not present
the whole picture, as that one portion of the development is not
required to provide the whole 5% recreation area for the entire
project, and that large dry bottom retention areas will provide
further recreation area. Mr. Rosenthal stated that Mr. Woodson had
reviewed the plat and everything is in order legally.
Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the Sawmill Plat Phase I plan
with the stipulation that in Tract F the the slope will be
mitigated by grade so that the recreation area is useable and that
the rest of Tract F will be deeded to the City promptly.
Commissioner Johnson seconded and vote was Commissioners Combs,
Dabbs, Hager and Johnson, "Aye," and Mayor Ison voted "No."
Motion carried with 4 to 1 vote in favor.
RECESS PROM 9:45 P.M. TO 10:11 P.M.
Mr. Dave Refling, PEC, summarized the City's position with
effluent disposal, recommending that the City proceed with the
design and construction of (1) the master effluent pumping
station, (2) the required effluent transmission and distribution
system and (3) Phase I of the percolation pond system to be
located at the Chicone site. Mayor Ison instructed Mr. Refling to
provide a possible alternate route to the Chicone site other than
the one noted on the map which uses the Hubbard tract. One
alternate route is the Ocoee-Clarcona Road. Wastewater Supervisor
Holland expressed concern regarding this route because the right-
of-way to this road is scheduled to be widened. Mayor Ison stated
that it is necessary to consider the next item on the agenda,
which is "Assistance in Preparing Financial Feasibility Report
with City's Financial Advisor" in conjunction with Items A1, A2
and A3 as Mr. Cohen is arranging short term borrowing with the
bank in order to get the funding for those items.
Mayor Ison recapped the costs involved in the recommendations:
Feasibility report
Effluent pump
Transmission system
Engineering Chicone Tract
$ 4,920
Project Cost $189,000
Project Cost 475,000
Project Cost 490,000
Page 5
City Commission Regular Meeting
February 21, 1989
City Attorney Rosenthal pointed out that, as these proposals are
presented under PEC's continuing engineering contract with the
City, the source of funds should be identified in any motions that
are made.
Commissioner Combs moved to approve PEC's recommendation to
proceed with the immediate effluent disposal system projects: the
master effluent pump station, the wastewater effluent transmission
and distribution system, Phase I percolation pond design on the
Chicone site, and assisting in preparation of the feasibility
report, using as the fund source the ERU's already sold at the
wastewater capacity sale. Commissioner Hager seconded the motion
and vote was unanimous in favor.
City Attorney Rosenthal briefed the Commission on Chapter 170
assessment programs and submitted a cost estimate for the sewer
system on Maguire Road south of State Road 50 of $199,614 (not
including financing costs). Mr. Rosenthall cautioned Commission
that an adjustment would need to be made before the final
assessment plat could be approved as those figures are binding.
He also presented a draft of a resolution in two forms, a lump sum
and installment payment, for consideration. Mayor Ison stated
that he favored the installment payment approach with a 5 year
bank loan as opposed to issuing bonds, due to the cost of bonding.
Commissioner Dabbs concurred. City Manager Shapiro was instructed
to proceed with the 5 year loan version and place it on agenda in
City Attorney Rosenthal advised that it is necessary to identify
the source of funds before proceeding with the RFP process. Mayor
Ison pointed out that the object of requesting the staff to
prepare to advertise the design of Clark Road was in order the let
it be known that this is a separate project that is open to any
and all engineering firms to bid on.
Mr. Bob Campbell advised that he does not have a financing scheme
prepared for Clark Road at this time. Mayor Ison stressed that the
road should be constructed in controlled sections. City Manager
Shapiro asked for some time to coordinate the funding and staging.
City Manager Bateman read the title only of Ordinance 89-03,
Deannexing Barnette Property. Second reading and public hearing
will be scheduled for March 7, 1989.
Page 6
City Commission Regular Meeting
February 21, 1989
City Attrney Rosenthal advised that Mr. Selby Sullivan, Trustee
of the Hubbard Tract, requests $10,000 down (non-refundable) and
$5,000 each thirty days after the date of down payment (also non-
refundable). The request was determined to be unacceptable and Mr.
Rosenthal was instructed to advise Mr. Sullivan's counsel that we
do not have the funding mechanism for the contract but that we
want to keep the contract alive. City Manager Shapiro was
instructed to find out the cost of appraisal and have information
ready for March 7 regular commission meeting.
Mrs. Donna Zielinski, 510 Nicole Blvd., appeared before commission
to protest the impact fee she is being charged for improvements to
her home. Mayor Ison asked Mrs. Zielinski to wait until some
research can be done and return to the regular meeting scheduled
for March 7.
The citizens
service not
who were planning to speak regarding
the Request-A-Ride and the Tri-County
serving this area were not present due to
the City
the late
Public Works Director Brenner reported that the notice to proceed
on Bowness Road has been issued effective March 1, and 140 days to
completion is anticipated. As it is necessary to provide
benchmark and layout and monuments, he will be bringing in PEC to
do some survey work on an hourly basis.
Wastewater Supervisor Holland advised that one group of townhomes
in Lake Olympic which had originally been model homes were not
hooked up to the sewer system but had been charged monthly as
though they were. The situation has now been corrected. He
recommended that they be refunded one year of fees as the City has
owned the system for that long. Commissioner Johnson moved to
refund 100% of the fees collected from those homeowners.
Commissioner Combs seconded the motion and vote was unanimous in
Mayor Ison pointed out that in Phase C, not yet developed, at Lake
Olympia a developer had paid Prima Vista Utilities $300 per ERU
and our rate is $2,500 and he asked for the proper procedure for
dealing with this when they are ready to build. City Attorney
Rosenthal advised that the $300 should be refunded and $2,500
Page 7
City Commission Regular Meeting
February 21, 1989
Commissioner Hager - None
Commissioner Combs thanked Planning Director Behrens for driving
him around the City and educating this new Commissioner.
Commissioner Dabbs co~nted on the lawyer fees and said the City
should be able to operate without $180,000 yearly in attorney
fees. City Attorney Rosenthal said that a portion of that amount
will be charged back to developers and that a number of the items
on the monthly bill are one time items.
Commissioner Dabbs asked about the RFPs for engineering firms and
was advised that February 22 was the last day for submittal and
that approximately 5 had been received so far.
Commissioner Dabbs asked about our status with recycling and Mayor
Ison advised that we have not started yet with a program.
Commissioner Dabbs noted that trucks are still parked on the
Stuckie property and City Manager Bateman advised that the Code
Enforcement Ordinance needs to be reworked to give it more teeth.
Commissioner Johnson said that the Little League Opening
Celebration is scheduled to begin at 8:30 a.m. March 4 and
include barbeque dinner. The Senior League Field will be
March 4 at 5 p.m. and a special occasion will be planned.
Mayor Ison said that he will agenda presentations at a workshop by
private waste haulers regarding recycling. He also will show a
film from the League of Cities.
The meeting adjourned informally at 11:45 p.m. with the Ocoee
Rent-A-Choir singing Happy Birthday to City Clerk Grafton.
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Thomas R. Ison, Mayor
. Attest: