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APRIL 04. 1989
The regularly scheduled meeting of the City of Ocoee Board of
City Commissioners was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Mayor
Ison in the commission chambers. Commissioner Hager led in
the prayer and pledge of allegiance to the flag.
Mayor Ison, Commissioners Hager, Dabbs, Combs and
City Manager Shapiro, Senior Planner Harper,
Planner Claman <arrived 7:55 p.m.) and Deputy Clerk
Mayor Ison announced that there are petition forms available
for the unfunded state mandates issue.
Joe Gaston, Senior District Executive of the Central Florida
Council, Boy Scouts of America was present to make a speech
about the program. Although there was no money pledged from
the City budget, Mayor Ison committed himself to six (6) BBQ
tickets for a benefit to be held at Turkey Lake Park.
Upon a motion by Commissioner Combs
Commissioner Hager, the Consent Agenda
approved as presented. The Consent Agenda
Regular Commission Meeting Minutes of March
Commission Special Session Minutes of March
and second by
was unanimously
consisted of: A.
21, 1989 and B.
28, 1989.
Cemetery Regulations Revision - Cemetery Advisory Committee
the Ocoee Cemetery Rules
as presented in the packets
Commissioner Johnson moved
Commissioner Combs seconded and
Mr. Sam Woodson read
Regulations, New Section
recommended acceptance.
approve as presented.
was unanimous in favor.
Second Reading and Public Hearing - Ordinance 89-04
Vacating Portion of Oakland Ave.
City Manager Shapiro read Ordinance 89-04 by title only.
Mayor Ison opened the public hearing and as there were no
comments, the hearing was closed. Commissioner Dabbs moved
to adopt Ordinance 89-04 and Commissioner Hager seconded.
Mayor Ison called for the question and upon a roll call vote,
Commissioners Hager, Combs, Dabbs, Johnson and Mayor Ison all
voted "Aye".
First Reading - Ordinance 89-05, Budget Amendment
City Manager Shapiro read the title only of Ordinance 89-05,
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City Commission Regular Meeting
April 04, 1989
Amendment. Mayor Ison announced that the
and public hearing would be advertised for a
Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 prairie Lake Blvd., stated that he
would like to see the bimonthly Commission meetings
equalized. He further stated that he understood the
reasoning in light of saving attorney and engineer fees but
still would like to see some equalization.
Contract Addendum No. 89-5, Authorization for Completion of
Infrastructure Blement of Comprehensive Land Use Plan - PBC
Associate Planner Claman stated that last November three
draft elements were submitted to DCA with the infrastructure
outline done by PEC. She further stated that this was an
addendum to the agreement to have PEC complete the
Infrastructure Element. Additionally, she stated that the
$15,000.00 would come from the Comprehensive Planning Grant.
After discussion which clarified that this work needs an
engineering background, Commissioner Combs moved to approve
the request not to exceed $15,000.00 which was to be funded
by the grant. Motion seconded by Commissioner Dabbs and
approved unanimously.
Contract Addendum No. 89-6, Design of 12" Backbone Water
Main, Johio Shores/Silver Star Rd. - PBC
City Manager Shapiro stated that the design of the water main
is required for u.s. Homes and other developers to hook into
and in line at 8.8%. He recommended approval not to exceed
$9,560.00. He further stated that that price does not
include bid assistance or geotechnical services. City
Manager Shapiro stated that the funding would come from the
Water Fund. Commissioner Hager moved to approve as
presented. Motion seconded by Commissioner Johnson and
approved unanimously.
Request to Amend Windermere Urban Area
Senior Planner Harper stated that he would like to see the
line made due west from Moore Rd. with a boundary
established. He stated that the boundries need to be set.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
April 04, 1989
City Manager Shapiro stated that the problem here is the
ability to serve and that you cannot set the boundary line
without proof of ability to serve. Senior Planner again
recommended setting the boundary line. Mayor Ison stated
that he was concerned with the line drawn from the standpoint
that it could not go to Moore Rd. since the City of Ocoee has
indentifed that Moore Rd. needs to be straightened out with a
tentative developer commitment for realignment. He further
stated that Moore Rd. should align with Roberson Rd. which
will be paved. Additionally he stated that their NS line
should be moved further West to take in the Lake Whitney
area. Mayor Ison stated that the line should not be ended in
the middle of the road and proposed that the City of Ocoee
send this proposal back with these suggestions which he drew
on the map and provided to the Deputy Clerk for the record.
Mayor Ison stated he would go 1000' south of Roberson Rd. to
take in the alignment of Moore Rd. (plus 1000' south of
Moore Rd.) running due west to straighten it out across.
Mayor Ison stated that Ocoee currently has an agreement with
Orange County that the City of Ocoee will not annex below
Moore Road. He further stated that this verbal agreement was
reached in 1984 with Orange County and the City of Ocoee.
Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the Mayor's recommended
alignment proposals of this planning area and to have them
relayed to Orange County. Motion seconded by Mayor Ison and
approved unanimously.
Zoning Ordinance Amendments
Senior Planner Harper
Commission three (3)
stated that he was bringing
amendments to the current
to the
A) Establish a site Plan Review for Development Review
Application - Senior Planner Harper stated that this
introduces 14 elementary site plan submittal requirements for
the review process to be submitted with each development
review application. He further stated that the Planning and
Zoning Board while endorsing the concept, cut out a number of
the key provisions of the amendment. Senior Planner Harper
stated that the basic content of these provisions were
consistent with Orange County requirements with the exception
of the sealed boundary survey. He further stated that with
Ocoee having a small staff and heavy workload, he recommended
this. The 14 requirements (items A-N) were addressed
separately and approved as recommended by Mr. Harper with the
exception of items F & H which were approved with the
footnotes. Mayor Ison stated that this should be the
substance of the new Ordinance which should be started and
scheduled for a first reading.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
April 04, 1989
B) Re-establish a fee schedule for development review
applications - Senior Planner Harper recommends approval.
Commissioner Hager moved to approve the fee schedule to
include the $20.00 increases to cover the cost of a code book
with each application. Motion seconded by Commissioner Combs
and approved unanimously.
C) Re-establish regulations regarding street set-back
requirements - Senior Planner Harper recommends re-
establishing the original street setback measurement
parameters. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve as requested
as presented in page 2 of the staff report. Motion seconded
by Commissioner Johnson and approved unanimously.
Roberts Rise, Revised Dock Plans
City Manager Shapiro stated that the Building Official is
asking for approval of a 98' dock as opposed to the 110' dock
originally approved. He further stated that this is a better
plan. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the 98' dock,
motion seconded by Commissioner Combs and approved
Code Enforcement Board Members Appointment
City Manager Shapiro reported that Members Kathleen Shidel
and Douglas Rush have resigned and that the Board needs 2
appointments to serve the remainder of their terms.
Commissioner Dabbs moved to nominate Mr. Ray Wood of Forest
Oaks for one opening. Motion seconded by Commissioner Combs
and approved unanimously. Mayor Ison nominated Mr. R.P.
Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd. Mr. Mohnacky declined.
Mayor Ison asked that the remaining opening be placed on the
next agenda.
City Manager Shapiro stated that Mary Anne Swickerath,
Secretary of the Citizen Advisory Committee has advised him
that there are three openings on that Committee and provided
to him three nominations as follows: Mr. Richard Pride, Mr.
Charlie French and Mr. Steve Wix. Commissioner Johnson moved
to appoint the three nominees, Commissioner Hager seconded
and approved unanimously.
City Manager Shapiro stated that he attended a meeting on the
SR 438 multilane reconstruction study April 04, 1989. He
reported that the study would be finalized in May, 1990 and
that there would be opportunities throughout the course for
public hearings. He stated that he would provide them with a
copy of what was given to him with a proposed right-of-way
and continue to advise as things progress.
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city Commission Regular Meeting
April 04, 1989
Commissioner Dabbs stated that he met with the Council of
Local Governments last week which took no formal action on
the bylaws but decided to continue to meet and discuss items
of mutual interest. He further stated that the next meeting
is April 27, 1989 and that he recommends the City of Ocoee
continue with the program both as individuals and as a City
entity. Commissioner Dabbs further commended the Ocoee
Historical Commission for their work on the Withers-Maguire
house window issue which he found detailed and elaborate. He
further stated that their perseverance was impressive.
Commissioner Combs stated that in June or July he had asked
the previous City Manager about a traffic light on Bluford &
50 in reference to a left hand turn signal. He stated that
the City Manager told him it would be taken care of, it has
not and he wants it handled. Commissioner Combs stated that
also on Bluford and McKey going north a delayed turn signal
is needed. Mayor Ison stated that former City Manager
Griffin looked into that and there is not enough right-of-way
for a turn lane there. Commissioner Combs stated that a turn
signal would alleviate the problem. Mayor Ison stated that
he would like to see Oakland Ave. with turn lanes and
signalization. Commissioner Combs also added Kissimmee and
Geneva was another intersection where there were problems.
Mayor Ison stated that D.O.T. had promised to put a turn
signal south of Bluford at Hwy. 50 at Scottys. Commissioner
Dabbs stated that Bluford and Silver Star have a turn lane
but need a turn signal. City Manager Shapiro stated that he
noted each problem and would discuss at the next staff
meeting. Commissioner Combs stated that he would also
purchase six (6) BBQ tickets in support of the Boy Scouts.
The meeting adjourned at 9:02 P.M.
Thomas R. Ison, Mayor