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APRIL 18, 1989
The regularly scheduled
Commissioners was called
the commission chambers.
of allegiance to the flag.
meeting of the City of Ocoee Board of
to order by Mayor Ison at 7:39 p.m. in
Mayor Ison led in prayer and the pledge
A quorum was declared present.
Mayor Ison noted that the petition forms regarding unfunded state
mandates were on the table and he encouraged citizens to sign one.
PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Combs, Hager and Johnson, City
Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Senior Planner Harper
ABSENT: Commissioner Dabbs (ill)
Mayor Ison announced that he had met with Bill Gwynn and we will
be riding on the East/West Expressway Extension by October 1990,
and possibly all the way to the turnpike. Also, the Beltway will
be in by January 1994.
Mayor Ison pulled Item No. III A (2) Regular Commission Meeting
Minutes of April 4, 1989 from the consent agenda as he had not had
an opportunity to review them. Commissioner Combs moved to
approve the consent agenda, consisting of: A(l). Regular
Commission Meeting Minutes of November 15, 1988, and B. Special
Session Commission Meeting Minutes of November 22, 1988.
Commissioner Johnson seconded and motion carried with unanimous
vote in favor.
City Manager Shapiro read the title only of Ordinance No. 89-05,
and ordinance to amend the budget for FY88-89. The public hearing
was opened and closed with no comments. Commissioner Hager moved
to adopt Ordinance No. 89-05. Commissioner Combs seconded and
motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Roll call vote was:
Commissioners Combs, Hager, Johnson, and Mayor Ison, "Aye;" no
Nays. (Commissioner Dabbs was not present to vote.)
Mayor Ison announced a special session for Thursday, April 27 at
7:30 p.m.to deal with unresolved engineering problems with The
Hammocks, also on that agenda will be the selection of engineering
consultants, and possibly other items to be determined later.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
April 18, 1989
The Hammocks I and II - Final Engineering Approval
Mayor Ison stated that the items to be considered here are:
1) the paving of B.C.Terry Road, (which includes the vacating of
the right-of-way)
2) 24" miami curb vs 18" miami curb
3) recreation/park
4) the drainage problem
5) the ponds/stormwater situation
The consensus was that the curbs will remain 18".
Mr. Lou Roeder, Developer, in review, said that they had worked
out all the items except for the vacating of B.C.Terry Road with
staff and P & Z and they had been asked at that level what they
were going to do regarding the recreation park. The plan was to
have a retention pond area above the high water level as well as a
tennis court which would net 2.1 acres and a tennis court. Mr.
Roeder said that later when the Commission expressed that they
wanted the homeowners association to take care of the retention
ponds, that took the backbone out of their recreation area.
Mayor Ison interjected here that it never was the intention of the
Commission for retention ponds or their perimeters to be
considered park area. He also pointed out that, as the ordinance
for recreation park impact fee and new subdivision ordinances will
be coming up soon and whatever is not on the books will be
affected by those ordinances, any areas of concern should be
worked out now. Assistant City Attorney Woodson stated that when
lands are subvdivided within the City the ordinance calls for at
least 5% of the gross area of the subject land to be dedicated to
the City for recreational purposes with both the Planning and
Zoning Board and the Board of City Commissioners approving the
final plat showing the location of that recreation area OR if the
area is too small...then the owner or developer shall pay to the
City a sum of money equal to 5%. The preliminary plat showing the
parks as described earlier has been approved at the preliminary
site plan review. Mr. Woodson said that the choices are: accept
the plat with the recreation area as diagrammed, or declare the
area inadequate for recreational purposes and require the 5%
equivalent in dollars, deleting out the tennis court and path
around the retention pond and putting a fence around the retention
pond instead. Mayor Ison called for a straw vote and the
consensus was in favor of the 5% in cash ($31,500). Mr. Roeder
stated that they would have no problem with that and with
producing evidence that that amount is equal to 5% of the purchase
price of the property. It was agreed that the sink hole and the
retention pond would belong to the homeowners association.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
April 18, 1989
The next issue was vacating B.C.Terry Road and Mr. Roeder passed
out verbatim transcriptions of the meeting held September 6, 1988.
In summary (not brief) Mr. Roeder stated that the 5 conditions of
approval made by staff had been condensed to 4 conditions of
approval by Commission, with only Item 2 having a 'subject to'
statement. Those conditions are:
1) That no lots on the western perimeter could receive permits
unless the construction is able to meet the city's building codes
(such as the required setbacks, lot areas, and widths) without
benefit of the additional land provided by the vacated right-of-
2) The vacation of B.C. Terry Road south of the Southern Bell
site will not be approved by the City Commission unless and until
either the development of properties east or west of The Hammocks
subvdivision provides the second access for Street G of the
subdivision or the property owners abutting this section of B.C.
Terry have concurred with the vacating,subiect to the adoption of
appropriate ordinances ~ the City within ~ 60 day time frame.'
3) A waiver of the requirement to pave B.C. Terry Road which is
called for in the City's Code of Ordinances, with the developer
placino $11,000 in ~ trust fund, which covers one-half of the
estimated cost of pavino the road, to be retained ~ the City for
1 years.
4) A reduction in the rear yard setbacks from 25 feet
for those subdivision lots abutting this section of the
way. On lots 111, 112 and 113, the ~ yard setback
from 25 feet to 15 feet. On lot 114 the westerly
setback is reduced from 15 feet to 7.5 feet.
to 15 feet
is reduced
side yard
Mayor Ison advised staff that the consensus was that this was
correct and what was intended by Commission.
Mr. Roeder stated that they were willing to provide the potable
water line with upgrade but they wanted the normal payback for the
increase in line size. Mayor Ison said that has been our custom
and still is.
Mr. Roeder said that they will mark and clearly define the trees
on the drain plan.
Mr. Roeder said there is no problem with the stormwater storage,
and the requirement for a cross easement between The Hammocks and
Lake Lotta may be a legal matter. City Attorney Rosenthal stated
that the documents should be in place, if they are required, at
the time the scenario is adopted. City Manager Shapiro advised
that, whenever the time is set, the schedule should be uniform for
all developers. Assistant City Attorney Woodson stated that our
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city Commission Regular Meeting
April 18, 1989
ordinances do not require easements to discharge water across a
neighbor's land and the engineers have an alternate plan for The
Hammocks and Lake Lotta, Ltd. to drive a sheet metal weir down
into the property line creating a bowl to capture the water all on
their own property. Mr. Woodson said also that it is not
appropriate to require The Hammocks to do what the City should be
doing, which is to review the Lake Lotta application to determine
whether they have met the requirements so that they do not make
the bowl overflow. Mr. Woodson's recommendation was to approve
the subdivision tonight assuming the engineering aspects are met,
subject to receiving a letter of agreement from Lake Lotta, Ltd.
prior to construction, saying they are not going to put more than
x number of cubic feet of water into the retention pond. City
Engineer Kelley stated that we should have an engineering
agreement plan approved with concurrency by the other developer.
Dr. Ferdinand objected to the approval of his plan being dependent
on another developer's timely actions. Mr. Roeder asked if they
could name their road B.C. Terry Boulevard if the B.C. Terry Road
should ultimately be vacated. The consensus was that they should
use that name. Mayor Ison directed staff that the items agreed to
tonight are to be considered approved and those remaining
engineering items are to be worked out before the special session
called for Thursday, April 27, at 7:30 p.m.. Commissioner
Johnson moved to table the approval until the special session,
Thursday, April 27, at 7:30 p.m.. Commissioner Hager seconded and
motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Senior Planner Harper presented staff recommendations which
included stipulations: 1) parking lot to be for exclusive use of
the illustrated office building, 2) a crash railing around the
retention pond, 3) a letter from Orange County Health Department
regarding the location of the septic tank in relation to the
retention pond, and 4) provide a parking master plan. Mr. John
Frith, 7920 Gold Leaf St., Orlando, the engineer on the project,
explained that there are 3 buildings on the parcel and renovations
are being done on 2 buildings, the third one is a modular building
which is an annually permitted structure. He stated that there are
19 spaces available and they have been parking there 15 years and
he feels that a parking master plan is not needed. Commission
agreed and that, in essence, strikes numbers 1 and 4. Mayor Ison
polled the Commission on number 2 and the consensus was to go
with the P & Z 's decision to not require the railing. Mr. Frith
said that the septic tank meets code. I Commissioner Johnson moved
to approve the Final Engineering Site Plan. Combs seconded and
motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Commissioner Hager
pressed for everyone to remember that the modular building was
permitted only until December 1989.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
April 18, 1989
Second Reading Scheduled for May 2, 1989
City Manager Shapiro read the title only of Ordinance 89-06 and
explained that this ordinance will provide for the jurisdiction
over standing/parking vehicles will go to the Police Department
rather than the Code Enforcement Board.
Second Reading Scheduled for May 2, 1989
City Manager Shapiro read the title only of Ordinance 89-07.
Mr. Eldon McDirmit, McDirmit, Davis & Company, P.A., presented the
auditors' report which was accepted by Commission with compliments
for a good job. Mayor Ison said that the Planning and Zoning
Board should be provided with copies of the report.
Mrs. Cecil (Maxine) Hurst addressed Commission regarding the new
cemetery policy which prevents the use of silk or artificial
flowers at particular periods through the year, saying that fresh
flowers are expensive and those people who want to honor their
dear ones would not be able to under the new rules. Commmission
was sympathetic and it was explained that the reason for the new
rules was so that the maintenance crew could work more
efficiently and the general appearance of the cemetery could be
improved, but they agreed to revisit the policy.
Associate Planner Claman explained the Comprehensive Plan Schedule
and the Public Participation Procedures and stated that the
population figures have been accepted. City Attorney Rosenthal
advised that the documents are both acceptable as presented except
for Section 9 which should say Resolution rather than Ordinance
and he noted also that staff has imposed more stringent rules than
Florida Statute.
Mayor Ison read the title of Resolution 89-02. Commissiosner
Combs moved to adopt the resolution as read and Commissioner
Johnson seconded. The motion carried with unanimous vote in
favor. Commissioner Hager moved to adopt the procedure as
outlined in Resolution 89-02. Commissioner Combs seconded and
motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
April 18, 1989
City Manager Shapiro presented the short list of 5 firms to choose
3 from and advised Commission that the firms could be at the April
27 special session for Commission to interview. Commissioner
Combs moved to have the Selection Committee Report delivered at
the April 27 special session and to put the engineering firms on
the agenda after The Hammocks. Commissioner Johnson seconded and
motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Mr. Harold Switzer asked about contracting out
service and City Manager Shapiro advised that the
complete evaluation before that decision is made.
the sanitation
staff will do a
Mr. Mohnacky remarked that there will be scavengers picking up the
trash when the recyling is started and Public Works Director
Brenner explained that we will have an ordinance in place by then
that will cover that.
Mrs. Cathie Woodson asked about headstones in the oldest part of
the cemetery and was directed to meet with City Manager Shapiro.
Planning Director noted that the cheapest house in Sawmill won an
Commissioner Combs reported that on South Bluford Avenue south of
the Veterinarian's office there is an auto lot operating without a
license. He noted also that there should be a stop sign on Wurst
Road. City Manager Shapiro advised that it is ordered and about
to be installed.
Commissioner Hager - None
Commissioner Johnson reported that the State is about to pass an
occupational license for $1000 to cover the state for sales.
CITY ATTORNEY - No comments
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
::tLf2 L
Thomas R. Ison, Mayor