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APRIL ~ 1989
The special session was called to order at 7:31 p.m. by Mayor
Ison in the commission chambers.
PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Johnson, Combs, Hager and
Dabbs (arrived 7:50 p.m.), City Manager Shapiro, City
Engineer Merkle, Public Works Director Brenner (arrived 7:50
p.m.) and Deputy Clerk Swilley.
City Manager Shapiro stated that staff recommends approval of
contract amendment to extend until August 14, 1989.
Commissioner Johnson moved to extend the Milton property
contract until the recommended date. Motion seconded by
Commissioner Hager and approved unanimously.
City Manager Shapiro stated that the cemetery committee
recommends approval of the changes as presented by memorandum.
The Mayor and Commissioners commended Buddy Elmore and the
Cemetery Committee for all of their efforts. Commissioner
Combs moved to accept the cemetery committee report. Motion
seconded by Commissioner Johnson and approved unanimously.
City Engineer Merkle stated that the letter the Commission
has before them dated April 27, 1989 was written by P.E.C.
this morning and that since then the issues addressed have
been resolved. He further stated that Phase II of the
project is acceptable from an engineering standpoint. Mayor
Ison questioned Phase I and Mr. Merkle stated that the only
issue unresolved there is the agreement between the adjacent
property owners regarding the joint use of the sinkhole for
drainage. Scott Wilde, representation of applicant stated
that his client's development should not be held up by a
condition requirement of another developer, in this case, the
adjacent land owner. After lengthy discussion, Commissioner
Combs moved to approve with the condition of cross easement
agreement with the adjacent property owner of the sinkhole in
Phase I acceptable to the City Attorney prior to final platt
approval and second condition of hold harmless agreement
by the applicant if adjacent property owner does not execute
the cross easement agreement. Motion seconded by
Commissioner Johnson and approved unanimously.
City Manager Shapiro stated that the five (5) firms appearing
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City Commission Special Session
before the Commission this evening were from an original 13
and that staff felt any of these firms were qualified to deal
with the issues Ocoee face. At this time (8:31 p.m.) a five
(5) minute recess was called. Meeting was called back to
order at 8:37 p.m..
A) Civil Design Group - Jack Martin, Vice-President and
General Manager introduced himself and his team, passed a
statement of qualifications out, gave his presentation and
answered questions.
B) Florida Land Design & Engineering - George Delaney, P.E.,
Regional Manager and Principal introduced himself and his
team, passed out a statement of professional engineering
services, gave his presentation and answered questions.
C) G.A.I. Consultants - Gary DeJidas, P.E. and President
introduced himself and his team, passed out his presentation,
reviewed orally and answered questions.
D) Howse & Associates - Ronald S. Howse, P.E. introduced
himself and his father, Roxy S. House, P.E./L.S., passed out
his presentation, reviewed orally and answered questions.
At this time (9:45 p.m.) a recess was called. Meeting called
back to order at 9:52 p.m..
E) Lochrane Engineering, Inc. - Mike Henry, P.E. and Senior
Vice President introduced himself and his team, passed out a
professional engineering services overview for reviewing
development preliminary site plans and plats. He gave his
presentation and answered questions.
At this time (10:10 p.m.) a recess was called.
called back to order at 10:20 p.m..
Mayor Ison called for comments by Public Works Director
Brenner and City Manager Shapiro. City Manager Shapiro
stated that contract negotiations will start with the top 3
firms the Commissions chooses with the other 2 falling in
line to be involved at a later point if needed. He further
stated that any of the firms would do well in his opinion.
Public Works Director Brenner agreed. Mayor Ison stated that
originally the idea was to divide the City into quadrants for
engineering services. He further stated that discussions
with City Manager Shapiro have brought to light the merits of
a rotation list. Mayor Ison stated that he felt this was a
better method due to the fact that geographically one area
might need more engineering services than another and a
rotation method would be more efficient. Mayor Ison polled
the Commissioners in order to pick the top three firms.
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City Commission Special Session
Lochrane Engineering, Inc. - received 3 votes
Howse & Associates - received 2 votes
G.A.I. Consultants - received 2 votes
Florida Land Design & Engineering - received no votes
Civil Design Group - received 4 votes
Mayor Ison stated that this shows Civil Design Group as
first on primary list, Lochrane Engineering, Inc. as number
two and a tie for third between G.A.I. Consultants and Howse
& Associates. He then repolled the Commissioners with again
2 votes cast for each firm. Mayor Ison stated that he would
cast his vote to break this tie and then cast his votes with
firms Civil Design Group, Florida Land Design & Engineering
and G.A.I. Consultants. He then stated that puts Civil
Design Group, G.A.I. Consultants and Lochrane Engineering,
Inc. on the primary list. Commissioner Combs moved to
utilize Civil Design Group, Lochrane Engineering, Inc. and
G.A.I. Consultants on a rotational list as the primary
engineering consultants. Motion seconded by Commissioner
Dabbs and approved unanimously. Commissioner Johnson moved
to short list Florida Land Design & Engineering and Howse &
Associates to be utilized by the City Manager at his
discretion. Motion seconded by Commissioner Dabbs and
approved unanimously. Mayor Ison thanked each firm for their
Meeting adjourned at 10:28
p.m.~~rz L
Thomas R. Ison, Mayor
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Susan Swilley, Deputy C e k