HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-02-89 . . . MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING HELD MAY ~ 1989 The regularly scheduled meeting of the City of Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was called to order at 7:36 p.m. by Mayor Ison in the commission chambers. Commissioner Dabbs led in prayer and pledge of allegiance to the flag. PRESENT: Manager Swilley. Mayor Ison, Commissioners Dabbs, Johnson and Hager, City Shapiro, Public Works Director Brenner and Deputy Clerk ABSENT: Commissioner Combs. Mayor Ison called attention to the petitions against unfunded state mandates that are available on the entry table and requested that citizens in the audience take advantage of the opportunity to sign one. APPROVALS - CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Dabbs requested that item B, Commission Special Session Minutes of November 22, 1988 be pulled from the consent agenda. Commission Hager moved to approve the consent agenda which consisted of: A. Regular Commission Meeting minutes of April 04 and April 18, 1989, C. Commission Workshop minutes of April 18, 1989, D. Ocoee Ballfield Lights and E. D.O.T. Intersection Report. Motion seconded by Commissioner Dabbs and approved unanimously. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 prairie Lake Blvd., stated that some traffic lights in Ocoee were timed rather than sensored which he prefers. Mayor Ison stated that the lights Mr. Mohnacky discussed were controlled by Orange County and Department of Transportation but that Mr. Elmore of the street Department would look into the matter. OTHER BUSINESS Appointment of Code Enforcement Board member to serve balance of Kathleen Shidel's term (January 1990) was moved back further in the meeting so Commissioner Johnson could make a phone call to determine if a citizen was interested in the position. First Reading Zoning Amendment Ordinances 1. Ordinance 89-08 - Site Plan review for Development review applications - City Manager Shapiro read the proposed ordinance by title only. The second reading and public hearing will be held May 16, 1989. Commissioner Dabbs noticed an inconsistency in paragraph 6A.9 which City Manager Shapiro stated he would check into prior to second reading. . Page 2 City Commission Regular Meeting May 02, 1989 2. Ordinance 89-09 - Reestablishment of regulations for street set-back requirements - City Manager Shapiro read the proposed ordinance by title only. Second reading and public hearing to be held May 16, 1989. Mr. Don Davis with Miller Enterprises, 331 Central Ave., Cresent City, Florida voiced his approval of the Ordinance, stated his company was planning to erect a Handy Way store in Ocoee and asked a few questions about how this Ordinance would affect his project. City Manager Shapiro stated that the site plan review process is the correct place for the discussion rather than a first reading for an ordinance. 3. Ordinance 89-10 - Reestablishment of fee schedule for development review applications - City Manager Shapiro read the proposed ordinance by title only. Second reading and public hearing to be held May 16, 1989. SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARINGS . 1. Ordinance 89-06, Standing/parking vehicles on right-of-way, amending Chapter 21, Article II of the Code - City Manager Shapiro read the title only of the Ordinance to amend Chapter 21, Article II of the Code. Mayor Ison opened the public hearing. Mr. Mohnacky stated that he felt the Ordinance was too strict. There being no further citizen comments, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Dabbs moved to adopt Ordinance 89-06, seconded by Commissioner Johnson and approved unanimously upon a roll call vote with Mayor Ison, Commissioners Hager, Dabbs and Johnson voting AYE. 2. Ordinance 89-07, Junk Vehicles, amending Chapter 21, Article II of the Code. City Manager Shapiro read the title only of the Ordinance to amend Chapter 21, Article II of the Code. Mayor Ison opened the public hearing. There being no comments by the public, the public hearing was closed. Commission Johnson moved to adopt Ordinance 89-07, seconded by Commissioner Hager and approved unanimously upon a roll call vote with Mayor Ison, Commissioners Dabbs, Hager and Johnson voting AYE. At this time Item V - Other Business was reconsidered. Commissioner Dabbs moved to appoint Pitt Varnes, 1405 Spring Lake ~ ~I Terrace to fill the remainder of Kathleen Shidel's unexpired termt~~ (January 1990). Commissioner Johnson seconded and motion approved ,~ unanimously. . STAFF REPORTS City Manager Shapiro stated that he would like to call a special meeting to discuss parks and recreation Ordinance for impact fees, discussion of building fee Ordinance and occupational license review. Mayor Ison stated that he would like to see as much as . Page 3 City Commission Regular meeting May 02, 1989 possible on the May 16, 1989 agenda and if necessary after that, schedule a workshop or special session. City Manager Shapiro stated that he would work from there. REPORTS AND INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER . City Manager Shapiro stated that he had nothing further. Commissioner Johnson asked about the situation on White Rd. and Montgomery Road. He stated that he keeps getting calls and complaints in reference to staff members telling citizens it is "their problem". Public Works Director Brenner stated that the developer is the problem, that he promises many things but does nothing. Mayor Ison stated that an emergency could be declared if staff would prepare a report. City Manager Shapiro stated that he would like to look at the issue and try to handle prior to appearing on an agenda. Mayor Ison stated that there needs to be a cost estimate to pave the street, fix the drainage and record a lien with penalties back against the property. City Manager Shapiro stated that if he could not handle the situation, he would place on an upcoming agenda. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS . Commissioner Johnson stated that he had some comments for Karen Samsock of the Orlando Sentinel but that he would save them for when she was present. He stated that he felt the Sentinel did not report the full facts and would like to see both sides of an issue reported. He further stated that Bob Sorenson is in the Hospital and his thoughts were with him. Commissioner Johnson asked that City Manager Shapiro clarify some issues with Ocoee's senior citizens. City Manager Shapiro stated that he would arrange to attend one of their meetings and discuss issues with them. Commissioner Johnson stated that Ron Lopsonzski was waiting to undergo a heart transplant and that he would like to see Ocoee do some type of a fundraiser. Mayor Ison suggested a home base organization such as the Lions club or Kiwanis supporting this issue. Commissioner Dabbs brought up the post office issue. Mayor Ison stated that he has sent a letter to Congressman McCollum and that the City Manager and planning department are working on this. Commissioner Dabbs inquired as to the progress on the recycling effort. City Manager stated that there would be a report on the May 16 agenda for this. Commmissioner Dabbs also questioned the issue of a school site in the Lake Lotta area. He stated that he would like to see Ocoee be a prototype community and provide in our Ordinances or in some way resolve the school issue and be a part of the solution rather than part of the problem. City Manager Shapiro stated that he has spoken to the County and forsees the two agencies working together where a county representative attends DRC meetings and an Ocoee staff member attends appropriate County planning meetings. . . . Page 4 City Commission Regular Meeting May 02, 1989 ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m. ATTEST: ~ "lPO)1 tJ...Q~ Susan Swilley, Deputy Cle ::ru-ilJ Thomas R. Ison, Mayor