HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-20-89 OCOEE COMMUNITY CENTER June 20, 1989 AGENDA REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING NOTE: Poll Citizens for Comments/Agenda 7:15 p.m. II. III. . CJTY OF OCOEE ~~... co.. .t,," ",. (111<.11- ~'\ '\. :r~it y ,.; ..'e""",,"-f(f"\p.\-'- BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS . -. :;";i', '~..,:..:...,-':.~':':!.'l;"~:"';'''~''''7'~.::~'~';.'::.' . . ,.......:... . , .- II'''' ,.. . ....... ~ OCOEE ^ RICENT!NNIAl CllMMUNIIY 7:30 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER - MAYOR ISON A. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS APPROVALS - CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under item Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Board of City Commissioners and will be acted upon by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless 'discussion is desired by any citizen or member of the Commission, in which case the Mayor will instruct the City Clerk to remove that item from the Consent Agenda and such item will be . - cons1dered separately. A. Regular Commission Meeting Minutes of June 6, 1989 B. Authorization to Hire City Auditor for FY88-89 C. Authorization to Retain Plans Examiner Mr. Harvey Nagel D. Authorization to Paint Wastewater Plant E. Authorization to Move a Single Family Residential Building into the City F. Plantation Grove Assignment of Developer's Agreements for Water a~d Sewer Service G. Engineering Proposals: 1. Kissimmee Avenue Water Plant Improvements 2. Jamela Water Service Area Improvements 3. Preliminary Engineering Report for Wastewater Plant II H. Richfield - Final Engineering IV. SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING A. Ordinance No. 89-12 Parking Vehicles on Private Lots B. Ordinance No. 89-13 Building Permit Fees C. Ordinance No. 89-14 Recreation Impact Fees V. OTHER BUSINESS A. Maguire Road Corridor Study Cost Sharing Allocation B. First Readings 1. Ordinance No. 89-15 Beverage Ordinance Amendments 2. Ordinance No. 89-16 Occupational License Amendments 3. Hawthorne Properties, Inc. Request Vacation and Annulment of Recorded Plat: Resolution No. 89-08 4. Tricor Shopping Center Request Vacation of Portion of Cumberland Avenue: Ordinance No. 89-17 VI. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC 4II. STAFF REPORTS I. REPORTS AND INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER 'X. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS X. ADJOURNMENT nOTICE: Any person who desires to appeal any decision at this meeting '..ill need a record . f)f th~ 'proceedings and for this purpos~ may need to "!nsure that ;t verb;ltim rec'Jrci f)f the prnr.ecdi.ngs is marle which includes the testimony ;lIld e'ridence upon lo1hich the :1~pe;1l is based.