HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-18-89 . . . MINUTES OF THB CITY OF OCOBB BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MBBTING HBLD JULY 18, 1989 PRBSENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Combs, Hager and Johnson, City Manager Shapiro, Planning Director Behrens, Public Works Director Brenner, and City Clerk Grafton ABSBNT: Commmissioner Dabbs (out of town) CALL TO ORDBR Mayor Ison called the regular meeting to order in the commission chambers at 7:55 p.m. and determined that a quorum was present. Mayor Ison thanked the citizens in the audience and the Planning and Zoning Board for the joint workshop just completed. Commissioner Hager led in the prayer and pledge of allegiance to the flag. PRBSENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Ison asked new Planning and Zoning Board Member Mickey Shiver to report on Ocoee Little League. Mr. Shiver reported that the Ocoee Orioles won the District 14 pennant and the All-Star Team was undefeated in Area 1 and they are playing tonight in Orange City against Altamonte Springs. Trophy night for Little League and All-Stars has been set for after their return from Williamsport. CONSENT AGBNDA Mayor Ison noted that the title line on Item B should include "...and Adoption of Attached Resolution." Commissioner Combs moved to approve the entire Consent Agenda as corrected by Mayor Ison. Commissioner Johnson seconded and motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. The Consent Agenda consisted of: A. Regular Commission Meeting Minutes of July 5, 1989, B. Lease/Purchase Agreement for Radio System and Adoption of Attached Resolution No. 89-11, C. Proposed Enforcement Ordinance of Occupational Licenses, D. Resolution 89-10 for Honoring Flag. Mayor Ison read the title only of Resolution 89-11. Mayor Ison then read Resolution 89-10 supporting the flag as a unique national symbol in its entirety, signed it, and made it available for Commissioners and citizens to add their signatures. The Resolution will be sent to President Bush. COMMBNTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., referring to the recycling discussion at the last regular meeting, suggested that citizens cut their lawn grass a little higher and use the clippings for fertilizer instead of having the Sanitation Department pick them up. Mr. Mohnacky also supports the procedure of saving toward a major purchase of equipment rather than waiting until the need is imminent. Mayor Ison, referring to recycling . . . Page 2 City Commission Regular Meeting July 18, 1989 programs again, advised that Melbourne ground up citizens' Christmas trees and returned the product as mulch to the citizens and he suggested that Mr. Mohnacky could head up a similar project for the City of Ocoee. Mrs. Kathy Woodson, 613 Spring Lake Circle, thanked Commissioner Combs and staff for the display of flags for July 4th holiday. THB GROVBS (FORMBRLY WEST HAMPTON)-PRBLIMINARY PLAN APPROVAL Planning Director Behrens advised that The Groves is a 230 acre development by the Arvida Corporation and is located on the west side of Maguire Road and south of the Florida Turnpike. The Development Review Committee has reviewed and approved the preliminary subdivision plan. Planning and Zoning Board approved the plan subject to Street 0 having a stabilized base to be used as an emergency exit through Plantation Grove West completed during Phase I and developer has agreed to comply. Commissioner Hager moved to approve the preliminary plan subject to the stipulation regarding Street 0 as described. Commissioner Combs seconded and motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. OTHER BUSINESS RBGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL REPRBSBNTATlVE CHOSBN City Manager Shapiro advised that state statute requires that an elected official of the City represent the City on the Regional Planning Council and that the appointment of Planning Director Behrens at the last meeting would not suffice. Mayor Ison nominated Mayor Pro-Tem/Commissioner Dabbs to serve in that capacity and all agreed. ORDINANCE 89-18: SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL RBQUIREMENTS FOR DRC APPLICATIONS (RCE-1 AND RCB-2 RURAL COUNTRY BSTATB DISTRICTS AND I-2 GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT) - FIRST RBADING City Manager Shapiro read the title only of Ordinance 89-18 which adds RCE-1, RCE-2 and I-2 to site plan submittal requirements for DRC applications. Second Reading and Public Hearing are scheduled for August 1, 1989. STAFF REPORTS City Manager Shapiro reported that Kissimmee Avenue will be closed to thru traffic from Ohio Street to Story Road for one month for demucking. Local traffic has been accomodated and police officers will be available to assist in moving traffic. Funding has been arranged for shrubbery and flowers for the median strip in this area also. . . . Page 3 City Commission Regular Meeting July 18, 1989 COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Hager - None Commissioner Combs asked when budget meetings would begin and City Manager Shapiro advised that capital improvements will be ready for the Planning and Zoning Board the last week in July and should be ready for Commission the first week in August. There is a delay in information coming from Rachlin and Cohen which will affect the outcome, so the budget will be ready the second and third weeks of August, with the water/sewer portion ready the last week in August. An anticipated twenty hours of meeting time will be needed. Commissioner Combs stated that he feels we owe it to our people to finish the project started on Bowness Road. (There had been earlier discussion regarding difficulties with wrapping up the intersections and D.O.T..) Commissioner Combs also stated that a delayed turn signal is definitely needed heading north at the Bluford Avenue/McKey Street intersection and he asked how much it would cost. Mayor Ison stated that D.O.T. had advised him that there is not enough width at that location for that. Mayor Ison also stated that we cannot put our signal light on a state road but we now have an engineer who can look into it. City Manager Shapiro stated that he has been keeping a list of projects in order to get them into the budget and soon it will be time to prioritize, get resources and do what we can do. Commissioner Combs asked whether the maintenance of the park at Forest Oaks was the responsibility of the homeowners' association or the City and City Manager Shapiro said that the association has done most of the improvements and he will check it out and report back. Commissioner Johnson said that we should get the necessary right- of-way and three lane the road from Bowness Road to Highway 50 in order to assure smooth flow of traffic instead of creating a bottleneck. Commissioner Johnson commended Code Enforcement Officer Steve Ross for doing a good job. Commissioner Johnson noted also that we need to do some paving and City Manager Shapiro advised that a list is being put together for Commission to prioritize and find resources for. Commissioner Johnson recalled that he had asked some time ago about providing water service to out-of-city residents when the water line goes in front of their house and City Manager Shapiro advised that a report is still coming and a policy decision will still have to be made by Commission when report is presented. . . . Page 4 City Commission Regular Meeting July 18, 1989 Mayor Ison noted that the Withe~Maguire house is being fixed up inside and citizens should go in to see it, and that the veteran's memorial is in place now and ready for viewing. Mayor Ison also said that the joint meeting with Planning and Zoning Board would be a good time to present the plaque to retired member Burton Smith. Mayor Ison stated that he is planning an all-day celebration for Veterans' Day on November 11 beginning at 9:30 a.m. in the community center, gazebo and Withers-Maguire House. Mayor Ison stated also that West Orange Hospital Board made a tough business decision in moving the hospital in order to provide quality health care in the year 2000, and he commended them. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m. i~ Thomas R. Ison, Mayor