HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-01-89 . . . MINUTES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING HELD AUGUST 1, 1989 The regularly scheduled meeting of the City of Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was called to order at 7:34 p.m. by Mayor Ison in the commission chambers. Mayor Ison prayed and led those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. PRESENT: Johnson, Planning Engineer Mayor Ison, Commissioners Combs, Dabbs, Hager City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Director Behrens, Public Works Director Brenner, Shira and City Clerk Grafton and City City Mayor Ison welcomed Commissioner and Mrs. Bateman, who had been invited for refreshments prior to the meeting, and, speaking for all those present, he wished Commissioner Bateman happy birthday. Boy Scout Troop #198 was present to earn a badge and Mayor Ison welcomed them especially also. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Mr. Bill Warden, representing Meals on Wheels, explained the Meals on Wheels program and said that, rather than ask for just money, he would ask that the City consider sponsoring a person (or persons) to receive the meals. Mr. Warden also asked that the Commissioners recommend groups that could assist with the delivery of food. Mayor Ison said that there is one couple in Ocoee who faithfully deliver meals daily and that he had shared in this experience also. At Mayor Ison's request, Mr. Warden will return October 3, 1989 for a response. City Engineer Shira announced that during the week of August 14 open house will be held at the water plant on Kissimmee Avenue and the wastewater plant on A.D. Mims Road and he invited citizens to visit during this time. Lion President Hartle Bowness announced that the Lions will be presenting a program entitled "Citizens Against Crime" on Monday, August 7, at 7:00 p.m. at the community center with Mrs. Nancy Mann of Chicago speaking. Mr. Bowness urged citizens to attend. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Ison pulled Item E from the Consent Agenda for a question. Commissioner Combs moved to approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Hager seconded and motion passed with unanimous vote in favor. The Consent Agenda consisted of: A. Regular Commission Meeting Minutes of July 18, 1989: B. Joint Workshop City Commission/Planning and Zoning Commission of July 18, 1989: C. Sawmill-Changes to Plat on Sawmill Phase I-Affidavit . Page 2 City Commission Regular Meeting August 1, 1989 of Surveyor: D. Lift Station Easement Agreement-Master Southern Lift Station. Item E. Development Agreement-Handy Way: Mayor Ison noted that the referenced exhibits were not attached and that Items 2.5, 3 and 5 in the Development Agreement referred to sewer service and he asked for clarification. City Manager Shapiro explained that the line is there, that it is not M&M sewer line, and that Handy Way is only paying for ERU's, as the line is in and paid for. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the development agreement subject to City Attorney's confirmation of Exhibits A & B. Commissioner Johnson seconded and motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC There were no comments at this time. DEVELOPERS . SAWMILL-PHASE II & III, FINAL CONTRUCTION PLAN Planning Director Behrens presented his staff report recommending that the Developer be allowed to proceed with Phase II and Phase III contingent upon their compliance with the paving of Hackney Prairie Road prior to the issuing of Certificate of Completion on Phase III. Mr. Bruce Mylrea, representing Uniwes, Inc., explained that they were ready to honor their Developer's Agreement to participate in the paving of Hackney Prairie Road but that they were having difficulty getting direction from Orange County regarding the design as the County has not yet started the process. Mr. Mylrea asked that they be permitted to proceed with Phase II and Phase III on the strength of their acknowledgement to this committment to participate. He stated also, regarding the 40 foot secondary access, that they have been unable as yet to acquire the additional 20 feet to the west which would enable them to create a 60 foot right-of-way, but that the 40 foot strip would provide emergency access. Mayor Ison said that from the beginning the paving of prairie Road was a prerequisite for approval and it still concurrency requires that the paving happen. Hackney is, as . Mr. Gary Russell, 608 Central Boulevard, Orlando, said that they are in a political dilemma as the County Commissioners feel that the City of Ocoee should be the ones approaching the County regarding the paving permit. Mr. Russell stated also that there were some large beautiful trees right in the right-of-way and that they were making every effort to save them, but that there is a limit to how many times a proposed road site can be moved to accomodate trees. Planning Director Behrens advised that Mr. Russell should be very sure that the trees are marked before the bulldozers come in to avoid any chance of wrongful removal, and . . . Page 3 City Commission Regular Meeting August 1, 1989 also 48 hours of notice will be required before any trees are removed. Mayor Ison instructed City Manager Shapiro to make an appointment for Mayor and City Manager to meet with Commissioner Marston, Mr. Phil Brown and Mr. George Cole before the next regular meeting date and Commissioner Dabbs moved to delay any action on this item until August 15 regular meeting. Commissioner Combs seconded and motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. SECOND READINGS AND PUBLIC HEARINGS ORDINANCE NO. 89-18: Site Plan Submittal Requirements for DRC Applications (RCE-1 and RCE-2 Rural Country Estate Districts and I-2 Industrial District) City Manager Shapiro read the title only of Ordinance No. 89-18. The public hearing was opened and Mr. R.P. Mohnacky asked what the title means. Mayor Ison explained that it is just a part of the Development Review Committee process. There were no other comments and the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Hager moved to approve Ordinance No. 89-18. Commissioner Dabbs seconded and motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Roll call vote was: Commissioners Combs, Dabbs, Hager, Johnson and Mayor Ison, "Aye:" no nays. FIRST READINGS-Second for August 15, 1989 City Manager Shapiro explanation of each of Readings and Public Hearings Are Scheduled read the titles only and gave the following ordinances: a brief 1) Ordinance No. 89-19: Planning and Zoning Commission Bylaws - An ordinance repealing existing Section 2 of Chapter II of Appendix A of the Code and creating a new Section 2 (Bylaws for Planning and Zoning Commission) 2) Ordinance No. 89-20: Recycling/Recyclables/Scavenger Control - An ordinance establishing ownership of recyclables and providing for penalties for violation 3) Ordinance No. 89-21: Enforcement of Occupational Licenses Ordinance - An ordinance ensuring compliance with the occupational license ordinance and providing for City Commission review prior to foreclosure action in conjunction with this ordinance Mayor Ison announced that the second readings and public hearings were scheduled for August 15, 1989. RECESS FROM 8:31 P.M. TO 8:47 P.M. . . . Page 4 City Commission Regular Meeting August 1, 1989 TENTATIVE MILLAGE RATE SET FOR FY89/90 Finance Director Poston gave a brief overview of the City's taxable value reading from Orange County Property Appraiser's Certification of Taxable Value dated June 1989: 1) Current year taxable value of real property for operating purposes: 2) Current year taxable value of personal property for operating purposes: $ 20,307,367.00 3) Current year gross taxable value for operating purposes: 4) Last year gross taxable value $ 198,284,327.00 $ 218,591,694.00 $ 195,565,693.00 Last year the millage rate was $3.00 per $1,000.00 which produced revenue of $586,697.00. The rollback rate is $2.81 per $1,000.00. City Attorney Rosenthal advised that he is working with the City Clerk to assure that the Trim Bill is followed. City Manager Shapiro suggested that Commission consider setting the tentative millage rate at $4.00 per $1,000.00 taxable value as an upper limit for advertising purposes knowing that it is always possible to trim the rate prior to final adoption. City Attorney Rosenthal pointed out that at 4.00 mills the rollback rate is 42.35%. Commissioner Dabbs moved that the City Manager be authorized to provide the Orange County Property Appraiser with the information required by Section 200.065(2) (b), Florida Statutes, in connection with the City of Ocoee proposed millage rate and tentative budget for the 1989-1990 fiscal year, including the following: (1) that the proposed millage rate will be 4.00 mills, (2) that the rollback rate is 2.81 mills, and (3) that a public hearing to consider the proposed millage rate and the tentative budget will be held on September 11, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. at Ocoee Community Center. Commissioner Johnson seconded and motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Mayor Ison pointed out to the audience that this is an advertising procedure and that citizens are invited to the hearings to get acquainted with the budget process. REVIEW FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Mayor Ison commended City Manager Shapiro and staff for the excellent form in which the program was presented. At 9:00 p.m. as City Manager Shapiro began going over the items, City Attorney Rosenthal announced that he would leave and help us balance the budget. Mr. Rosenthal also pointed out that the Comprehensive Plan requires that this program be done and followed. As the pages were surveyed Mayor Ison noted each time a vehicle or a mower was listed as needed and at the end of the review he stated that one of the first tasks Commission assigned City Manager Shapiro was assessment of the organization. Mayor Ison stated that the lawn mower operators should be pooled, as well as the vehicles. Commissioner Johnson pointed out that on Page 15 Item 7 ShO:ld :~__ I . Page 5 City Commission Regular Meeting August 1, 1989 . clarified as Russell Dr~ve'does not touch Spring Creek Drive, and that Spring Creek Drive should be added to the list of paving needs. Consensus was that on Page 17 sidewalks should be scheduled for 7th Street and Malcolm Road up to Flewelling Avenue on the north side. Mayor Ison asked that Trailer Park Drainage Study in FY90/91 be added as #1 priority on Page 18A. Commissioner Dabbs asked about shop activity when Page 19 was reached and City Manager Shapiro advised that research shows that the cost is the same to do the job ourselves as farming it out would be. Mayor Ison asked about the shop location and City Manager Shapiro advised that he will know by the next time the plan is presented where the best location will be. On Page 24 Item 13, City Engineer Shira was instructed to become familiar with the old Forest Oaks well also. Mayor Ison pointed out that the sewer lift station signs should read, "Lift Station: owned by the Homeowners Association and maintained by the City of Ocoee." Mayor Ison read an excerpt from Mayor Bill Frederick's letter to Speaker of the House of Representatives Tom Gustavson regarding the lack of state and federal assistance to cities while the need for required services continues. Mayor Ison asked that the entire letter be copied for each Commissioner. STAFF REPORTS In regards to the postal service to City of Ocoee residents being provided by the City of Ocoee post office, City Planning Director Behrens reported he had contacted Nancy Abernathy in Representative McCollum's office and she has arranged for a joint meeting with Ray van Camp and the postal people to the end that a study will be done regarding the postal service in Orlando/Winter Garden/Ocoee area and a report will be sent to the City in late August. City Planning Director Behrens stated that a preconstruction meeting for White Road was held and the paving will begin Monday. The holdup had been the calculation on the pitch coming out just west of the Hammocks, and the job should be finished in five days. Mr. Behrens reported also that the drainage problem at Montgomery Road which was affecting Mr. Cook has been solved. . Public Works Director Brenner reported that the Bowness Road project is 75% complete with 45 days to go to completion of the original contract and 60 to 70 days to completion of entire project. The north bound lane of Kissimmee will be open next week and Mr. Brenner commended the builders as they have been working 10 and 11 hour days to get the job done in a timely manner. Mr. Brenner also reported that he has talked to Mr. Doss and his . . . Page 6 City Commission Regular Meeting August 1, 1989 drainage problem isbeing taken care of. Mayor Ison stated that the property owners on the north end of newly paved Bowness Road beginning on the north side of the railroad should be assessed for their pro rata share of the improvement as not one of the land owners cooperated (with the exception of the Rittens). City Manager Shapiro said that he will take care of it. COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS Commissioner Dabbs said that when he picked up his daughter at school they asked him if the City could help them get some land for schools, as the City's remarkable growth will present a definite need. Commissioner Johnson - none Commissioner Hager - none Commissioner Combs asked whether Commissioner Dabbs had advised that he was appointed to a new committee while he away. Commissioner Dabbs responded that he had and now he better than to miss a meeting. been was knows Mayor Ison commended City Manager Shapiro again for the excellent 5 Year Capital Improvement Program. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:58 p.m. ~b 12 iJJ Thomas R. Ison, Mayor Attest: ___J