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Mayor Ison called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Ocoee
City Commission to order at 7:32 p.m. in the commission chambers,
and then led those present in the prayer and pledge of allegiance.
PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Combs, Dabbs, Hager and
Johnson, City Manager Shapiro, City Engineer Shira, City Public
Works Director Brenner, City Planning Director Behrens, Associate
Planner Claman, City Attorney Rosenthal, and City Clerk Grafton
Mayor Ison read a letter from Mr. Barclay Hamilton, 507 E.
Lakeshore Drive, who expressed his appreciation for the manner in
which Wastewater Supervisor Robert Holland responded when told of
Mr. Hamilton's concern regarding supplying oxygen for his brother-
in-law in the event of power failure. Wastewater Supervisor
Holland had advised Mr. Hamilton that he would hook up a line to
the City's portable generator in order to make emergency power
available to Mr. Hamilton if such a need developed and that if it
should happen when he was not around Mr. Hamilton should call the
City emergency number and someone there would take care of it.
When Commissioner Combs raised a question about Item D, which
regards granting the Girl's Club permission to have a trailer for
security purposes when the Commission recently put an end to the
annual renewal of existing security trailers and the Police
Department was denied permission to have a trailer for additional
office space, Mayor Ison pulled that item from the Consent Agenda
for further discussion. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the
remainder of the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Johnson seconded
and motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. The Consent
Agenda consisted of: Item A. Regular Commission Meeting Minutes
of August 15, 1989: Item B. Commission Special Session Minutes of
August 8 and August 22, 1989: Item C. Commission Workshop Minutes
of August 1, 1989: Item E. Approval of Use of Fine & Forfeiture
Money from Drug Sales for Law Enforcement Television Network: Item
F. Florida Auto Auction Easement Agreement: Item G. Approval of
Issuer's Counsel Fee Proposal: Item H. Approval of Tommy Sanders'
Request for Records and Tapes for Monument: Item I. 2 1/2% Cost of
Living Increase Retroactive: Item J. Ocoee Historical Commission
Requests permission to Fly Banners. In the further discussion
regarding Item D, the Girl's Club appeal for a trailer for
security purposes, City Attorney Rosenthal explained that the
difference lies in the fact that in I-1 zoning there is a
prohibition of dwelling uses except for sleeping facilities for
caretakers or a night watchman and that permission must be renewed
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City Commission Regular Meeting
September 5, 1989
yearly. In I-2 there is a category for a special exception which
allows a mobile home as quarters for a night watchman which does
not require annual renewal or review, which, once granted, would
continue to exist. Commissioner Hager read the five provisions to
be enforced if permission is granted: 1) No children be allowed to
reside on the premises: 2) The mobile home shall not be less than
14 feet wide and should be in good condition: 3) All applicable
City of Ocoee regulations and codes shall be met, including site
plan review requirements as prescribed by the Building Official:
4) The premises shall be inspected annually to insure code
compliance and to insure that additional "appropriate conditions
and safeguards" that may be established by the Board are observed:
5) The "special exception" shall not run with the land.
Commissioner Combs moved to approve the Board of Adjustment
recommendation to grant the special exception for a single mobile
home for a night watchman as requested by the Girl's Club with the
stipulation that the above listed provisions be included.
Commissioner Dabbs seconded and motion carried with unanimous vote
in favor.
There were no citizen comments at this time.
This item had been tabled until the Orange County Commission had
made public approval of the concept of the construction of Hackney
Prairie Road as this was vital prior to consideration of the
Sawmill final construction plans. City Manager Shapiro reported
that this had, on this date, been accomplished with the County
requiring the following stipulations: 1) The design shall be
completed consistent with minimum County standards and approval by
Orange County prior to construction: 2) The City of Ocoee assumes
responsibility for design and permitting for construction of the
roadway: 3) The railroad crossing be improved with lights and
gates: 4) The appropriate turn lanes and traffic control devices
shall be installed at the intersection of Hackney prairie Road and
Apopka Vineland Road: 5) All improvements shall be completed at no
cost to Orange County: 6) 40 foot right-of-way at Sawmill
Subdivision be authorized for emergency vehicles only and a crash
gate be installed: 7) Burnden Park shall be secondary access to
Sawmill. City Manager Shapiro recommended that the City identify
and collect the funds generated by the developer agreements and
begin the design of the road and also to approve Sawmill Phase II
and III upon collection of fees associated with Hackney Prairie
Road. Mayor Ison commended staff for the manner in which this
matter was handled, opening up the lines of communication with the
County. Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the Sawmill final
construction plans as recommended. Commissioner Combs seconded
and vote was unanimous in favor.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
September 5, 1989
City Planning Director Behrens read the staff report indicating
that this heavily wooded project involves approximately 16 acres
of a 38 acre parcel bordering Lake Lily. Sewer and water service
are to be extended to the project site by the developer. The
developer requests a variance under the Arbor Ordinance to reduce
the number of parking spaces required by 30 spaces. After a brief
discussion regarding the procedure required at 8:00 p.m. a 10
minute recess was called to clarify procedures. Upon reconvening
City Attorney advised that the source of the confusion is a
provision in the Arbor Ordinance which speaks to the Commission's
authority to grant variances from the provisions of the Arbor
Ordinance under certain conditions and that would not require an
action by the Board of Adjustment. This particular variance is not
a variance from the Arbor Ordinance but rather a variance from the
parking regulations motivated by a desire to comply with the Arbor
Ordinance. Article 8 of Appendix B of the Subdivision Regulations
provides that a variance may be permitted if the objective is to
comply with the Arbor Ordinance but one of the provisions is that
a public hearing must be held. Commissioner Johnson moved to
approve the Westlake Apartment Site Plan subject to the decision
reached on the parking variance procedure through the Board of
Adjustment. Commissioner Hager seconded and the motion carried
with unanimous vote in favor.
Ordinance No. 89-22: Cemetery Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 of the
City Manager Shapiro read the title only of Ordinance 89-22 which
amends Chapter 7 of the Code. City Attorney Rosenthal proposed
revisions to Section 7-7 of the document as presented on August 15
which would cause the ordinance to conform with the form of
Cemetery Deed which had been previously approved by Commission and
also Mr. Rosenthal had revised the wording in Section 7-7 and
Section 7-12. Other non-substantive changes in wording had been
made by staff. The public hearing was opened and, as there were
no comments from the citizens, the hearing was closed.
Commissioner Hager moved to amend Ordinance 89-22 to include the
non-substantive Changes referenced in the memo dated August 28,
1989 and also those recommended by City Attorney Rosenthal in his
memorandum, i.e., Section 7-7. Ownership-Title. Title to a
cemetery lot shall be evidenced by a cemetery deed from the City.
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City Commission Regular Meeting
September 5, 1989
The Grantee under such cemetery deed shall be deemed to be the
"lot owner", unless otherwise indicated by the records of the
City. The "ownership" interest in a cemetery lot constitutes an
easement and right to use a lot designated in the cemetery deed
for cemetery purposes only together with the right and privilege
of burial and interment for the lot owner: provided, however, that
such use shall be subject to City of Ocoee and any and all
ordinances, resolutions, and regulations currently in effect and
which may from time to time be adopted by the City of Ocoee with
respect to cemetery lots. To the extent permitted by law, all
lots are exempt from taxation and cannot be seized for debts nor
can they be mortgaged. The title to a cemetery lot vests in the
owner the right to use said lot for burial and interment purposes
only for themselves, their heirs or for any such person they may
choose to designate: provided, however, that in the event a person
other than the lot owner is designated to be buried in the
cemetery lot, the lot owner shall not receive any payment or other
compensation in connection with the designation of the cemetery
lot for the use of such other person. Designation in writing from
a lot owner must accompany all requests for permits to bury
persons not members of the immediate family of the lot owner and
such designation shall comply with all ordinances, resolutions and
regulations of the City with respect to the cemetery and cemetery
Section 7-12. Memorials. (a) The superintendent or the City
Manager may designate sections of the cemetery where the design of
memorials shall be limited to flat markers which shall not
protrude more than two (2) inches above the ground. No posts,
chains, fences, slabs, rocks, gravel or other materials may border
or cover graves. (c) Memorials in all sections of the cemetery
other than those designated by the City Manager or superintendent
pursuant to subsection (a) above may be markers, stones, or
monuments. Commissioner Combs seconded the motion to amend and the
motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Commissioner Johnson
moved to adopt Ordinance 89-22 as amended. Commissioner Dabbs
seconded and motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Roll
call vote was: Commissioners Combs, Dabbs, Hager, Johnson and
Mayor Ison, "Aye," no nays.
Ordinance No. 89-23: Amending Chapter 13 of
Occupational License requirements for
canvassers, solicitors and open air vendors;
Occupational License requirements.
City Manager Shapiro read the title only of Ordinance 89-23. The
public hearing was opened, and as there were no comments from the
citizens present, the hearing was closed. Commissioner Combs
moved to adopt Ordinance 89-23. Commissioner Johnson seconded and
motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Roll call vote was:
Commissioners Combs, Dabbs, Hager, Johnson and Mayor Ison, "Aye,"
no nays.
the Code relating to
agents, peddlers,
and relating to Home
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City Commission Regular Meeting
September 5, 1989
Ordinance No. 89-24: Revising Water/Sewer Rates and Deposits
City Manager Shapiro read the title only of Ordinance No. 89-24
and explained that the rates are being changed in order to bring
them in line with the cost of supplying the services, to cover
the cost of repairs that previously had been delayed too long and
also to provide for expansion of the system. City Engineer Shira
proposed, in a memo dated August 18, 1989, that a few significant
changes be added: 1) Initial Account Deposit, requires information
regarding the type of use be provided to the City and provides a
revised schedule of deposit fees: 2) Non-Sufficient Funds or
Returned Checks, Provider for notification to the consumer of an
NSF check, and sets the NSF check fee at $15.00: 3) Specific
Charges, Establishes fees for: a)Turn on/off for customer
convenience, b) Unauthorized connection to City system, c) Fire
hydrant meter deposit, d) Bulk water use (Tanker Truck), e)
Tampering with meters, f) Fire lines (payable annually): 4)
Establishment of Base Facility Charges for Water and Wastewater
for 8", 10" and 12" meters, These sizes were not addressed in this
study. The public hearing was opened. Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820
Prairie Lake Blvd., repeated his statements from the last meeting
regarding the looping of water lines and the Over 65 Program and
he stated further that he felt that the longer term residents
should keep the older rates. Commissioner Combs moved to approve
Ordinance No. 89-24 as revised according to City Engineer Shira's
recommendations. Commissioner Hager seconded and motion carried
with unanimous vote in favor. Roll call vote was: Commissioners
Combs, Dabbs, Hager, Johnson and Mayor Ison, "Aye," no nays.
Ordinance No. 89-25: Maximum Building Height Limitation for
Hospitals and Medical Facilities
City Manager Shapiro read the title only of Ordinance No. 89-25.
Planning Director Behrens advised that there were a few changes
made to the original ordinance submitted August 22, 1989 for
clarification purposes only and that the proposed text would read
as follows: "3. Hospitals, medical facilities and support
facilities (including, but not limited to, professional office and
other healthcare-related and/or commercial structures, buildings
or improvements related thereto) (collectively "Structures" and
singularly a "Structure") may be erected up to two hundred feet
(200') in height above the existing natural grade provided that
the minimum depth of front and rear yards and the minimum width of
side yards applicable to a particular Structure shall be increased
by one foot for each two feet by which such Structure exceeds the
height limit prescribed by the appropriate commercial zoning in
Chapter IV of Appendix A, the intent being that a separate
determination shall be made as respects the appropriate setback
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September 5, 1989
applicable to each Structure and such determination shall be based
upon the height of such Structure only without reference to the
height of other Structures located upon the same or adjoining,
adjacent, contiguous or proximately located property." The public
hearing was opened. Mr. Mohnacky expressed concern regarding fire
control and man made materials used in construction. Mayor Ison
asked Fire Chief Strosnider to respond, which he did.
Commissioner Hager moved to amend Ordinance No. 89-25 as
stated in recommendation above. Commissioner Combs seconded and
motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Commissioner Johnson
moved to adopt Ordinance No. 89-25 as amended. Commissioner Dabbs
seconded and motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Roll
call vote was: Commissioners Combs, Dabbs, Hager, Johnson and
Mayor Ison, "Aye," no nays.
Associate Planner Claman explained that this is a working document
(based on 1980 data) which must be submitted by September 30 in
order to receive money. Ms. Claman asked that Commissioners
review the element for the September 19 regularly scheduled
commission meeting when it will be on the agenda again. Ms. Claman
pointed out that the document calls for 6 citizen committees and
the Planning Department will be mailing information to citizens
including an application for citizens to return to Commission
noting their interest/preference in serving on the committees. Ms.
Claman explained further that each committee will have 1 P&Z
member, 1 Commissioner and 5-10 citizens to serve from October
1989 through April 1990. While the matter was under discussion,
the Commissioners elected to volunteer for each of the committees
as follows: Recreation - Commissioner Johnson, Traffic-
Commissioner Combs, Housing - Commissioners Dabbs and Hager,
Intergovernmental Coordination - Mayor Ison (for 1 or 2 meetings) ,
Future Land Use - Commissioners Johnson and Dabbs, Capital
Improvements - Commissioner Combs.
City Manager Shapiro advised that after negotiations the 40 acre
Hubbard tract, adjacent to the Chicone tract, is available for
$340,000 which is 10% over the appraisal done by Selby Sullivan
over a year ago. Mr. Shapiro pointed out further that the funds
are available, a part of the 2.4 million dollars reservation
money, and no conflict with the stipulation agreement made at the
closing of Prima Vista Utilities purchase. Commissioner Combs
moved to approve the purchase contract, authorize the Mayor and
City Clerk to execute the purchase contract, and make a specific
finding that for the reasons stated by City Manager Shapiro with
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City Commission Regular Meeting
September 5, 1989
respect to the age of the appraisal and other factors, that it is
in the public interest to purchase the property at a price in
excess of the appraised value. Commissioner Dabbs seconded and
motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. City Attorney
advised that a deposit should accompany the contract when it is
sent to Mr. Sullivan for his signature and that it will become
effective at that time. According to the contract, closing is 45
days from the effective date of the contract.
City Manager Shapiro stated that earlier discussions had indicated
that Commission was interested in acquiring more land to be used
as spray fields and possibly, ultimately, as parks or a golf
course site. Mr. Shapiro advised that the Rich tract, a 23.7 acre
parcel contiguous to the Chicone parcel and abutting at its corner
on Ocoee-Clarcona Road, with a portion leased and providing
income, has become available at a price of $400,000. Commissioner
Johnson said that the amount of income should be verified. Mayor
Ison asked for a preliminary perc and ERU report be done by City
Engineer Shira as this will be additional capacity to commit to.
City Manager Shapiro said that he could get the appraisal, find
the cost of having a geo-technical report and, if it is less than
the required amount for commission action, proceed with that also.
City Attorney Rosenthal recommended that the appraisal also
include the fair market lease or rental value of the property.
Commissioner Dabbs moved to authorize the use of contingency funds
to acquire an appraisal on the Rich tract along with a preliminary
geo-technical site analysis. Commissioner Johnson seconded and
vote was unanimous in favor.
Commissioner Hager said that he was happy to have celebrated his
39th birthday last Thursday plus 25 which equals 42. Commissioner
Hager stated that he has been here most of his life and has
enjoyed it and that this will be his last year in office, that he
appreciates the support he has received from citizens but that it
is time for him to step down.
Commissioner Combs said that he will be out of town until Monday
and if he is late to the meeting it will be US AIR's fault.
Commissioner Dabbs noted that it is time for City Manager
Shapiro's 6 month evaluation. The time for a workshop was set for
September 19 at 6:30 p.m. before the regular meeting.
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September 5, 1989
Commissioner Dabbs also asked how other commissioners handle the
overflow of paper caused by the packets from all the meetings.
Both Mayor Ison and City Manager Shapiro advised that keeping the
papers for a year and disposing of all but the sensitive items
after that time would relieve the problem somewhat.
Commissioner Dabbs noted that there were big commercial style
dryers with doors still on at the old fire department building.
City Manager Shapiro said that they would be taken care of by
Commissioner Dabbs noted that invitations have been received for
the Greater Orlando Chamber of Commerce activity on September 20
and the Junior League Continental Breakfast on September 26.
Mayor Ison announced that he will not be running for re-election
this year and it has been fun.
Meeting adjourned at 9:28 p.m.
Thomas R. Ison, Mayor