HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-19-89 . . . MINUTES OF OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 19, 1989 The regularly scheduled meeting of the City of Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Mayor Ison in the commission chambers. Commissioner Dabbs led in the prayer and pledge of allegiance. PRESENT: Johnson, Public Senior Grafton Mayor Ison, Commissioners Combs, Dabbs, Hager, and City Manager Shapiro, Assistant City Attorney Woodson, Works Director Brenner, City Planning Director Behrens, Planner Harper, Associate Planner Claman, and City Clerk ABSENT: None PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS PPA REQUBST FOR FUNDS FOR TRIP Mr. Rick Stotler, EFA, introduced FFA members Mike Stotler and Randy Walker who explained that they had saved the money necessary for their trip by bus to go to Kansas in order to accept awards they had earned. They asked for contributions so that more members could make the trip with them. Mayor Ison advised the boys that the City could not donate but that individuals present certainly could and so a collection was taken up, netting an undisclosed amount of money. FORBST OAKS SUBDIVISION BNTRANCB-ERIN VOISON Mrs. Erin Voison, Forest Oaks, requested lighting on both sides of the entrance to Forest Oaks as well as irrigation maintenance and asked if the cost could be added to the taxes of the residents in the benefiting area. Mrs. Voison asked also about the size of the right-of-way. City Manager Shapiro discouraged the consideration of a taxing district to cover the relatively small cost of the requested improvements and asked Mrs. Voison to submit a letter with specific questions directed to City Engineer Shira. NON-AGENDA ITBMS:MAYOR ISON MADE THB FOLLOWING AHNOUNCMENTS: CITY EMPLOYBES PREPARING POR HURRICANE HUGO City Manager Shapiro and staff have a plan for community assistance in case Hurricane Hugo or Iris should come through our area. The plan includes opening the community center for refuge when storm warnings are announced. The center will be used for a transfer station with citizens being transported to West Orange High School. LETTER FROM SENATOR GRAHAM Mayor read a letter from Senator Graham regarding a drug free living grant. BUDGET HEARING IS SCHEDULED POR SEPTEMBER 26 AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE COMMUNITY CBNTER ~ . . . Page 2 City Commission Regular Meeting September 19, 1989 MR. BEN GRIFFIN has submitted his resignation from the Citizen's Advisory Committee of the Orlando Urban Area Transportation Study. A citizen will be appointed to replace Mr. Griffin at the Budget Hearing scheduled for September 26, 1989. CONSBNT AGENDA The proposed consent agenda consisted of items A, Mayor Ison announced that Item B would be pulled receive a report from the Board of Adjustment Beatty prior to consideration. A-Acceptance and approval Minutes of September C-Authorization to execute Agreement, D-Acceptance and approval of Ocoee Lions Club request to schedule Christmas Parade for Saturday, December 9 at 10:30 B, C, D, and E. in order to Chairman Bruce of Regular Commission Meeting 5,1989, Miller Enterprises Development a.m., E-Authorization to execute Hold Harmless Agreements for pending annexations. Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Dabbs, moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. B- Consideration of Board of Adjustment Recommendation on LeCesse Corporation's request for a Variance to reduce the number of required parking spaces for Westlake Apartments Final Engineering Plan. Chairman Beatty advised that the Board of Adjustment's recommendation is that a forester and city staff look over the site plan to save more trees and that there be no less than a total of 508 parking spaces at a ratio of 2.05 spaces per unit. Mrs. Mary Frances Traywick, 3376 E. Seminole Street, Winter Garden, asked if the development will be apartments and if there will be a buffer of trees. Mr. Don Tooley responded that there will be a 40' buffer of trees. Commissioner Hager, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the recommendation made by the Board of Adjustment. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. MAYOR ISON ANNOUNCBD THAT A CHANGB IN THB ORDBR OF THB AGENDA WILL BB MADB SO THAT THE PERSONNEL/PAYROLL CLBR~ CAN GBT BAC~ TO WORK ITEM VI C-PROPOSALS FOR EMPLOYBB HBALTH INSURANCB Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Dabbs, moved to approve staff recommendations for employee health insurance as follows: 1) Medical Insurance - Humana, 2) Dental/Vision Insurance-Ameritas, 3) Life Insurance - Boston Mutual, 4) Disability Insurance - Ameritas. I j . Page 3 City Commission Regular Meeting September 19, 1989 COMMBNTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Mrs. Reba Varnes, 1405 Spring Lake Terrace, explained that on March 21, 1989 she and her husband, Pitt Varnes, had reached and executed an agreement with two representatives of U S Homes during the commission meeting regarding the placing of a masonry wall beginning at the west end of the property. Mrs. Varnes had presented her copy of the agreement to Mayor Ison and he read it into the record at that time. Since that time the document has apparently been misplaced. Mrs. Varnes, concerned that a change in administration may cause the agreement to be overlooked, had prepared a new document which she asked to be made a part of the record. The document is attached to these minutes as Schedule A. (Clerk's Note: The attached indicates that the masonry wall will be brick, while the voice recording of the March 21 meeting does not specifically state brick will be used.) Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, raised a question regarding A.D.Mims Rd/Apopka-Vineland Rd. . RBCBSS FROM 8:18 P.M. TO 8:24 P.M. SBCOND READINGS AND PUBLIC HEARINGS ORDINANCB NO. 89-26, CASE NO. 1-10CRCT-89:Z0M, ANNBXATION City Manager Shapiro read the title only of the ordinance and Planning Director Behrens described the location of the parcel as a 38 acre parcel located at the southeast corner of SR50 and Blackwood Avenue stretching from Old Winter Garden Road to SR50. The public hearing was opened and as no one wished to speak, the hearing was closed. Commissioner Combs moved, seconded by Commissioner Hager, that Ordinance No. 89-26 be adopted. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Dabbs "Aye," Commissioner Hager "Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye," and Mayor Ison "Aye." Motion carried and the ordinance was adopted on final reading. . ORDINANCB NO. 89-27, CASB NO. 1-10CRCT-89:Z0M, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMBNT AND RBZONING TO C2 City Manager Shapiro read the title only of the ordinance and advised that Zom is requesting C2 (Community Commercial District) zoning for the entire parcel as described in Ordinance 89-26 above.The public hearing was opened and as no one wished to speak, the hearing was closed. Commissioner Dabbs moved, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, to adopt Ordinance No. 89-27 zoning the parcel C2. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Dabbs "Aye," Commissioner Hager "Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye," and Mayor Ison "Aye." Motion carried and the ordinance was adopted on final reading. j . . . Page 4 City Commission Regular Meeting September 19, 1989 ORDINANCE NO. 89-28, CASE NO. 1-3ACR-89:VOSS, ANNEXATION City Manager Shapiro read the title only of the ordinance. Senior Planner Harper advised that the 28 acre parcel is located between Old Winter Garden Road and SR50, 1,800 feet east of Blackwood Avenue with 300 feet fronting Old Winter Garden Road and 343 feet on SR50. The public hearing was opened and, as no one wished to speak the hearing was closed. Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to adopt Ordinance No. 89-28 annexing the parcel described. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Dabbs "Aye," Commissioner Hager "Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye, and Mayor Ison "Aye." Motion carried and ordinance was adopted on final reading. ORDINANCE NO. 89-29, CASE NO. 1-3ACR-89:VOSS, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMBNDMBNT- REQUEST REZONE TO C2 AMBNDED TO PS BY COMMISSION City Manager Shapiro read the title only of the ordinance and explained that this is the parcel just annexed in Ordinance No. 89-28 and that staff recommends PS (Professional Services) zoning rather than the requested C2. The public hearing was opened and John Smogor, Orange County Principal Planner, 201 S. Rosalind Avenue, Orlando, referring to a letter to this Commission from Orange County Planning Department, spoke in favor of PS zoning for this parcel. C. Roger Freeman, 151 Silver Star Road, spoke in agreement with the County. As there were no other citizens wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Dabbs, seconded by Commissioner Hager, moved to amend the ordinance to zone subject parcel PS. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Dabbs "Aye," Commissioner Hager "Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye," and Mayor Ison "Aye." Motion to amend the ordinance carried. Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to adopt the ordinance as amended. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Dabbs "Aye," Commissioner Hager "Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye," and Mayor Ison "Aye." Motion adopting the ordinance carried. ORDINANCE NO. 89-30, CASE NO. 1-4ACR-89:VOSS, ANNBXATION City Manager Shapiro read the title only of the ordinance and explained that there are 3 parcels that make up the 22 acre property located on the south side of SR50, approximately 3,300 feet east of Blackwood Avenue, and between Lake Lotta and the proposed SR50 and East-West Expressway interchange. This property is directly in front of and beside Citrus Oaks. City Manager Shapiro explained that Orange County had originally concurred with our annexation of this property but a letter from Orange County Legal Department dated September 19, 1989 and faxed to Planning Director Behrens today indicated that their settlement stipulation agreement with Mr. Voss provided for living trees and a field examination revealed that the trees had died. The County requests -- . . ~ Page 5 City Commission Regular Session September 19, 1989 that the following be clear conditions of annexation: 1) That Grover H. Voss, Trustee, be responsible to meet and maintain the requirements of a settlement with them (the County) concerning providing appropriate and living trees. 2) That a developmental site plan for the west side or east side of Citrus Oaks be provided for the County to review. The public hearing was opened and Mr. John Smogor, Orange County Planner, spoke further regarding the letter from the County. C. Roger Freeman read paragraphs 2 and 5 of the letter for the record: Paragraph 2. "Within 60 days after approval of the restoration plan with reasonable changes, if any, by the County's Director of the Division of Public Works and Development, herein referred to as the Director, (see paragraph 4 regarding the restoration plan), Citrus Oaks and Voss shall, pursuant to the restoration plan and to the satisfaction of the Director, a) Remove all fill, 7,000 estimated cubic yards, which was placed on the west side of Citrus Oaks Avenue, by Citrus Oaks without applicable permits. b) Have restored such aite to its original condition as near as possible, including planting a sufficient number of acceptable species of young trees. c) Have restored the conservation area on the west side which was encroached by (muffled word) landfill to its original condition as near as possible. d) Have implemented restoration plan on the east side after approval of the plan. The County is permitted to routinely inspect the site to determine whether the conditions of this paragraph have been satisfied." Mr. Freeman stated that they had complied with all the items listed and the bank had confirmed this and returned their letter of credit, therefore the matter should be closed. Mayor Ison advised that the County simply wants them to go back and fix the trees. Mr. Voss agreed to replace the trees. Mr. Freeman continued and read Paragraph 5. "Neither Citrus Oaks nor Voss shall engage in or attempt to seek or apply to engage in additional development either on the west side or the east side of Citrus Oaks until a development plan has been approved by the County. Furthermore, neither Citrus Oaks nor Voss shall request voluntary annexation of the land on the west side or the east side by a municipality unless and until Citrus Oaks and Voss have complied with the terms of Paragraphs 2 through 6. City Manager Shapiro stated that staff recommendation was to support the County request for both stipulations and that part of the motion to approve annexation should 1) include replacement of the trees subject to the County saying it's approved and 2) that it is understood that the City would not approve the site plan until after the County has approved it. There were no citizens who wished to speak on this matter. Upon Assistant City Attorney Woodson's request to clarify the matter of who determines whether the stipulations have been met, it was determined that Mr. Hastings, Director of Division of Public Works, should be the I I 'Ir"~ ~ t fqlU~t fW KIF I i ",.> ..mf' . ,,_ r f rr .,fl" "" 'f Ilr 'i'l If ,I,f " J J :",'1 fUn[ I ~ Jill I ;,1 Ir, ",.II!' "m. f I (rl !('!.II !!t II' ,rm' I J'~ I Jhl II fJ:!J'1I11 I : J !i!rf ,J:! II! , If, fff) · IIH':I"" II ','I If' 'I 't 'I,l 'I J'I II I f I ll~ r Lf II' fll If 1 ,. 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'ii. i> ~&f ~dr 1tf' ~I r ~~ It:: ,~ ~ u a ~ U ~ ff 1:1 ~ r J ~"""t", P:t . .. i ~ ~ ~~ '\\\'" a.. ~ l1\ ~" "- ~~~ ~ -.......\-- ~ 't:. -". ~ ... ;~ ~C:l )v~ '"1-,-l:l "-l:::...J.. I......:~ , <>0 ~ ~ ~ e, .......... ~ ~ ~ -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '-... ~ ""- ~ '\ \. '" ~~ .t:l "" <:: "- ~ ""'--..::. ~\. L, , "'-~ ~ ~~ ~~ h." ~ tb . 'I i',\\ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ \)(,\~ "Cl . . . Page 6 City Commission Regular Session September 19, 1989 person. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Dabbs, seconded by Commissioner Hager, moved to adopt the ordinance subject to the stipulations in the letter dated September 19, 1989. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Dabbs "Aye," Commissioner Hager "Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye," and Mayor Ison "Aye." Motion adopting the ordinance carried. ORDINANCB NO. 89-31, CASE NO. 1-4ACR-89:VOSS, COMPRBHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND RBZONING REQUBST POR C2 & R3 CHANGED TO PS, R3 & A2 city Manager Shapiro read the title only of the ordinance and Senior Planner Harper described the petitioner's request for C2 zoning on Parcels 2 and 4 fronting on SR50 and R3 for Parcel 3 immediately west of the model center. Staff recommends for Parcel 2 - Cl, Parcel 3 - R3, eastern half of Parcel 4 - A2, western half of Parcel 4 - PS or C1 (up to 2 acres). The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends PS for all of Parcel 2 and Parcel 4 and R3 for Parcel 3. The public hearing was opened and Mr. Smogor, Orange County Planning Department, asked that all parcels be zoned residential. Lynn Blakely, 9439 Comeau St, Winter Garden, spoke against development as they had been assured that the area was environmentally protected. C. Roger Freeman, 151 Silver Star Road, spoke in favor of the requested development. C. W. Sheffield, 3400 Conway Road, Orlando, showed photographs of the area and then introduced Carol Lotspeich, President of Environmental Consulting Firm, 1133 Louisiana, Suite 101, Winter Park, and Larry Bennett, 1620 Mason Av, Daytona, both of whom spoke in favor. Mayor Ison noted for the record that there were 15 letters and 2 petitions with 67 signatures in opposition. Ken smith, 9427 Lake Lotta Circle, RR, Winter Garden, spoke for 97 residents in Citrus Oaks in opposition. Mr. Smith expressed their particular concern regarding multi-family zoning for Parcel 3, and preferring A2 zoning for the rest. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Dabbs, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to amend the ordinance thus: to rezone Parcel 2 and Parcel 4A (the west 475 feet of Parcel 4) to PS (Professional Services), to rezone Parcel 4B (the eastern 600 feet of Parcel 4) to A2. On roll call vote Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Dabbs "Aye," Commissioner Hager "Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye," and Mayor Ison "Aye." Motion adopting the amendment to the ordinance carried. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to adopt Ordinance 89-31 as amended, i.e., Zone Parcel 2 and the west 475 feet of Parcel 4 to PS, Parcel 3 to R3, and the east 600 feet of Parcel 4 to A2. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Dabbs "Aye," Commissioner Hager "Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye," and Mayor Ison "Aye." Motion adopting the ordinance carried. . . . Page 7 City Commission Regular Meeting September 19, 1989 ORDINANCE NO. 89-32, CASE NO.1-9CR-89:WISHON, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND RBZONING TO C2 City Manager Shapiro read the title only of the ordinance and Senior Planner Harper advised that the 1.2 acre parcel was located at the northwest corner of Oakland and Cumberland Avenues. Petitioner requests a zoning change from Rl to R2. The public hearing was opened and the following citizens spoke against the rezoning: Mr. Ray Meeks, 102 N. Cumberland Avenue, Ms. Bea Meeks, 124 N. Bluford Avenue, and a letter from Angie Hager, 121 N. Cumberland was read into the record. Those speaking for the rezoning were: Rhonda Moore, 1046 Griffin Ct., Kendel Filmer, 15828 Turkey Farm Road, Clermont, Mrs. Ruth Minor, 614 Gallego St., Mae Tomyn, 622 Gallego St., and Petitioner Mrs. Pat Wishon, 12952 Reeves Rd.. The public hearing was closed. Mayor Ison, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to deny the request. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "No," Commissioner Dabbs "No," Commissioner Hager "No," Commissioner Johnson "No," and Mayor Ison "No." Motion denying the ordinance carried. ORDINANCE NO. 89-33, CASE NO. 1-7CR-89:LAKENDON, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND RBZONING TO C2 City Manager Shapiro read the title only of Ordinance 89-33 changing the zoning for the 1 acre parcel located on the northeast corner of Silver Star Road and Bluford Avenue from R1AA to C2. Senior Planner Harper pointed out the parcel on the map. The public hearing was opened and Mr. George Henry Vandergrift, 325 N. Bluford Avenue, and Ms. Thelma Heatherly, 13 E. Silver Star Road, spoke against the zoning change. Mr. Jimmie Pitchford, 235 N. Dillard St, Winter Garden, spoke for the change as he intends to put a convenience store at this location. Mr. William Stinnett, 349 N. Bluford Avenue, Petitioner Don Wingate, 110 Mericam ct. Killarney, and several others spoke for the change to C2.The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Hager, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to adopt the ordinance changing the zoning to C2. Commissioner Dabbs requested that the stipulations of a brick wall, saving trees, set back, buffer area and basic building setback as shown in the artist's rendering be addressed. Mr. Wingate and Mr. Pitchford came forward (at Mayor Ison's request) and volunteered to agree to the stipulations. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Dabbs "Aye," Commissioner Hager "Aye," Commissioner Johnson "No," and Mayor Ison "Aye." Motion adopting the ordinance carried with 4-1 vote. . Page 8 City Commission Regular Meeting September 19, 1989 ORDINANCE NO. 89-34, CASE NO. 1-6A-89:KENJEN, ANNEXATION DENIED City Manager Shapiro read the title only of Ordinance 89-34 annexing a 28.5 acre parcel located on the Ocoee-Clarcona Road, 300 feet west of Hobson Road on the eastern side of the northern terminus of the proposed Clark Road. The public hearing was opened. Petitioner Lynn Walker Wright, Asma and Wright, 886 S. Dillard St., Winter Garden, stated that, although the property is outside the joint planning area it is contiguous to the City. Orange County Planner Smogor said that the County opposes the annexation before modifying the joint planning area. Mr. Jim Riffle, Clarcona, also spoke against the annexation. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to deny the annexation petition. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Dabbs "Aye," Commissioner Hager "Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye," and Mayor Ison "Aye." Motion to deny carried. Petitioner was directed to stay in touch after the joint planning area is adjusted. . ORDINANCE NO. 89-35, CASE NO. 1-2CR-89:VOSS, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING TO C2 City Manager read the title only of Ordinance 89-35 rezoning a 20 acre parcel located on the north side of Silver Star Road between Johio Shores Road and Lake Johio Road, just west of the S-curve. Senior Planner Harper pointed the parcel out on the map and advised that it was already within the city limits but as yet unclassified. The public hearing was opened and C. Roger Freeman, 151 Silver Star Road, said that he was present to answer any questions. There were no comments by other citizens and the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Hager, moved to adopt the ordinance. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Dabbs "Aye," Commissioner Hager "Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye," and Mayor Ison "Aye." Motion to adopt carried. ORDINANCE NO. 89-36, CASE NO. 1-8A-89:PHB DEV, ANNEXATION City Manager Shapiro read the title only of Ordinance No. 89-36 annexing a 6.7 acre parcel located on the west side of Johio Shores Road 600 feet north of Silver Star Road. The public hearing was opened and as there were no comments from citizens, the hearing was closed. Commissioner Dabbs, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to adopt the ordinance. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Dabbs "Aye," Commissioner Hager "Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye," and Mayor Ison "Aye." Motion to adopt carried. . . Page 9 City Commission Regular Meeting September 19, 1989 ORDINANCE NO. 89-37, CASE NO. 1-5ACR-89:WARD, ANNEXATION City Manager Shapiro read the title only of Ordinance No. 89-37 annexing a 2.68 parcel located on the north side of A.D.Mims Road, immediately west of Hidden Oaks Subdivision, bounded on the north by railroad tracks and by an estate home on the west. Senior Planner Harper pointed out the parcel on the map. The public hearing was opened and Mr. Dennis Solomon, 408 S. Highland, Winter Garden, advised that he was here to answer questions. There were no comments from citizens and the hearing was closed. Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Dabbs, moved to adopt the ordinance. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Dabbs "Aye," Commissioner Hager "Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye," and Mayor Ison "Aye." Motion to adopt carried. . ORDINANCE NO. 89-38, CASE NO. 1-5ACR-89:WARD, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING TO RiA City Manager Shapiro read the title only of Ordinance 89-38 amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and zoning the subject parcel RiA. The public hearing was opened and Mr. Dennis Solomon, 408 S. Highland, Winter Garden, spoke in favor of the zoning. As there were no further comments, the hearing was closed. Commmissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Hager, moved to adopt the ordinance. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Dabbs "Aye," Commissioner Hager "Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye," and Mayor Ison "Aye." Motion to adopt carried. ORDINANCE NO. 89-39, CASE NO. 1-lACR-89:G&F, ANNEXATION City Manager Shapiro read the title only of Ordinance No. 89-39 annexing a 2.32 foot strip of land which was excluded from the legal description accompanying the annexation and rezoning petitions of the parcel's parent tract in Ordinance No. 974 and Ordinance No. 1030. Senior Planner Harper pointed out the parcel on the map. The public hearing was opened and, as there were no comments, the hearing was closed. Commissioner Hager, seconded by Commissioner Dabbs, moved to adopt the ordinance. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Dabbs "Aye," Commissioner Hager "Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye," and Mayor Ison "Aye." Motion to adopt carried. . ORDINANCE NO. 89-40, CASE NO. 1-lACR-89:G&F, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING TO R1AA City Manager Shapiro read the title only of Ordinance No. 89-40 amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and rezoning the subject parcel to R1AA. The public hearing was opened and, as there were no comments from citizens, the hearing was closed. Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Hager, moved to adopt the ordinance. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Dabbs "Aye," Commissioner Hager "Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye," and Mayor Ison "Aye." Motion to adopt carried. . . . Page 10 City Commission Regular Meeting September 19, 1989 RBCBSS 12:12 TO 12:20 A.M. DRAFT HOUSING BLEMENT INTBRIM DELIVERABLB Planning Director Behrens advised that a newsletter explaining what's going on in the City and containing a coupon for citizens to return to express interest in serving on the required committees has been prepared which will be mailed to all City water customers. The committees will be made up from those responding with the coupon. After discussion chiefly concerning the need to address low income housing, Commissioner Dabbs moved to approve the Draft Housing Element Interim Deliverable and the Draft Intergovernmental Coordination Blement Interim Deliverable as presented. Commissioner Johnson seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. STAFF RBPORTS - None COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONBRS - NONE ADJOURNMBN'l' Meeting adjourned at 12:30 a.m. Attest: Je :iL- fL Thoma. R. Ison, Mayor . . . SCHEDULE A Attached to September 19, 1989 minutes September 19, 1989 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS OF OCEOEE FROM: W. PITT AND REBA T. VARNES On March 21, 1989 we met with representatives of U.S Homes _ in our home in the afternoon and then again in Chambers of the Ocoee City Commissioners to discuss U.S. Homes building a masonery (brick) wall between property belonging to U.S. Homes and Varnes. An agreement was signed ~y W. Pitt and Reba T. Varnes and two representatives of U. S. Homes. Varnes copy of agreement was turned over to the commission and was apparently misplaced. Agreement was follows: U.S H~mesto build Masonry (Brick) 5 foot wall beginning at West end of property - adjoining BRENTWOOD - to S.E. lot line of Varnes property (part of which is under contract) w~th a sliding gate across North end of U.S. Homes "E" Street. A 6 footvinal coated chain-link fence from S.E. corner to Spring Lake. This wall and fence to be built when phase 2 of subdivision started, before houses are built in this ~pha.se. The purpose of this note is to have the agr~ement on record in case the property is sold byU.S. Homes or changes Bremade in Administrations. ~