HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-26-89 SS . . . MINUTES OF CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS SPECIAL SESSION HELD SEPTEMBER 26, 1989 The Special Session of the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Ocoee, which was called for the purpose of holding a public hearing concerning the adoption of the budget for fiscal year 89- 90 and to approve the emergency repair of the compressor at the community center, was called to order at 7:37 p.m. by Mayor Ison in the commission chambers. A quorum was declared to be present. PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Combs, Dabbs, City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Shira, City Finance Director Poston, Accounting City Clerk Grafton Hager, Johnson, City Engineer Clerk Batts and ABSENT: None CONSENT AGENDA The proposed consent agenda consisted only of Item A-Approval of emergency repair of compressor at community center at a cost of $1,500. Commissioner Dabbs, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. PUBLIC HEARING - BUDGET City Manager Shapiro announced that the tentative percentage increase in the millage rate over the rolled-back rate necessary to fund the budget for fiscal year 89-90 is 42.35%. The specific purpose for which ad valorem tax revenues are being increased includes (a) 3 new police officers and 3 new firefighters, (b) Full year funding out of the general fund for the Over 65 Program, and (c) The increased costs of employee health insurance. A public hearing was called. Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, recommended that the cost of living increase requested be calculated differently, giving each employee the same amount of increase in dollars rather than a percentage of their salary. There were no other citizen comments or commissioner comments at this time. Mayor Ison gave an overview of the budget and the schedules that he spoke from are attached to the minutes as Exhibit A. Mayor Ison's recommendations included (a) An across the board raise rather than merit system raises as proposed,as merit systems do not work (b) Initiate C.O.L.A. at 5% midyear rather than October 1 and give all employees a 2% increase at the end of the second quarter (c) Delay hiring 3 firefighters until midyear (as his research shows that Orange County will not be hiring as many firefighters as stated in the previous meeting therefore no rush is called for), (d) Delay hiring 3 police officers until Police . Page 2 Ocoee City Commission Budget Special Session September 26, 1989 Impact Fee is in effect, (e) Purchase 2 police vehicles now and delay purchase of 3 police vehicles until Police Impact Fee is in effect, (f) Transfer the savings from these delays/transfers to the contingency fund, (g) Reduce the proposed 4.0 millage rate to 3.16 which would produce an estimated $690,749.50. This proposed revenue would cover the expenditures with the above proposed adjustments. Mayor Ison noted that this is what we have done every year (holding down the millage rate) and this does not represent a bare-bones budget as most of the listed needs are met. . City Manager Shapiro responded with: (a) The proposed merit system will create a career path in the City (which is important to those who will be training future employees), will reward those employees who do more than just what is required of them to hold their jobs and the dollars not earned will remain in the fund, (b) Waiting until midyear to give the cost of living increase is telling employees that they will be paid 5% less, (c) Fire Station #2 was unmanned part of the time in the last year, (d) The requested new employees are the result of 22 annexations last year when no new people were put on the payroll, (e) The education fund is there to help employees get an education, (f) The contingency fund is low but we do have some left and the year is almost over. City Manager Shapiro noted that Mayor Ison's statement ". ..this is what we have done every year..." could be one of the significant reasons the City of Ocoee needed Shapiro's budget, which he urged Commission to approve as presented. He also noted that any changes needed due to scrivener's errors would be made before the final budget book is put together. Mayor Ison summarized his views and said also that it is Commission's job to provide services, through employees, and to prioritize those services and to be aware also that the federal and state money will be less now, making it necessary for cities to fund carefully. Commissioner Dabbs stated that philosophically: (a) He believes that C.O.L.A. should not be delayed 6 months, (b) He does not believe that merit systems do not work, (c) Historically, we have not always been right, (d) Delay in hiring police officers is all right if they are impact related, (e) Anything impact related should be delayed until the impact fee is in place, (f) Government should provide services and he is not sure that was being done all the time the millage rate was being reduced. Commissioner Dabbs noted that City Manager Shapiro is highly regarded allover the state, that the list of problems given to him when he was employed have been taken care of, and that he is ready to say, "It's your budget, now make it happen." . . . . Page 3 Ocoee City Commission Budget Special Session September 26, 1989 Commissioner Johnson stated: (a) That when City Manager Shapiro was employed he was first charged with improving employee morale, which he has done, (b) That Fire Station #2 definitely needs to be operative, (c) That the purchase of police cars can wait for the Police Impact Fee to be in place, (d) The millage rate should have been raised the last few years in order to provide services instead of lowered. Commissioner Combs said: (a) That commissioners have a responsibility to those who put them in office to do their best, (b) He feels that the 1/2 mill providing care for senior citizens is well placed, (c) That he would not want to be on a Commission that did not hire a fireman and someone died as a result of lack of manpower in a fire situation, (d) Putting off the hiring of 3 policemen and the purchasing of police cars until the Police Impact Fee is in is all right, (e) Providing for the paving of streets and sidewalks is important to do, (f) He thinks this is a good budget and he can support 4.0 mills. commissioner Hager said: (a) He basically concurrs with statements already made by commissioners, (b) Employees should have their salary without delay, (c) Police officers and vehicles can wait until Police Impact Fee is in effect, (d) 3 Firemen should be hired at beginning of fiscal year, (e) Last year the budget was whacked and then needed to be reworked midyear, (f) He prefers to leave office having voted for something the City needs and he supports 4.0 mills. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. Amendments to the budget as presented September 11, 1989 were called for and none were made. City Manager Shapiro stated for the record that he promises not to buy police cars without Commission vote. City Attorney Rosenthal announced that as there are no amendments to the budget the proposed final millage rate is 4.0 mills which represents a 42.35% increase of the millage over the rolled-back rate of 2.81 mills. Commissioner Combs moved to approve Resolution 89-12 setting a final millage rate of 4.0 mills for the fiscal year 1989-90. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. City Manager Shapiro read Resolution 89-12 in its entirety and a copy is attached for the record as Exhibit B. There were no further comments from . . . Page 4 Ocoee City Commission Budget Special Session September 26, 1989 citizens or commissioners. Mayor Ison stated for the record that in manning the fire station the difference of $52,000 vs. $26,000 is about.2 mill and is not what is getting us to 4.0 mills. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Dabbs "Aye," Commissioner Hager "Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye," Mayor Ison "No." Motion carried with 4-1 vote in favor and Resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION 89-13: ADOPTING FINAL BUDGET FY89-90 City Manager Shapiro read the title only of Resolution 89-13, a Resolution adopting the final budget for fiscal year 1989-90. Commissioner Hager, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to adopt the Resolution. There were no comments from the citizens present nor from commissioners. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Dabbs "Aye," Commissioner Hager "Aye," Commissoner Johnson "Aye," Mayor Ison "Aye." Motion carried and Resolution was adopted as presented. The public hearing for the adoption of the budget concluded at 8:52 p.m.. JOHN BATEMAN APPOINTED TO CITIZEN'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE Commissioner Johnson nominated Mr. John Bateman to represent the City of Ocoee on the Citizen's Advisory Committee of the Orlando Area Transportation Study, filling a vacancy caused by Mr. Ben Griffin's resignation submitted this week. Commission unanimously concurred. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 89-41:ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS AND RUN-OFF DATE City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Ordinance 89-42 in error at this point. A public hearing was called and when Mr. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard asked what this was for, the error was discovered and City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Ordinance 89-41. There were no further comments from the citizens or from commissioners and the hearing was closed. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Dabbs "Aye," Commissioner Hager "Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye," Mayor Ison "Aye." Motion carried and Ordinance No. 89-41 was adopted. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 89-42: ESTABLISHING SPECIAL ELECTION TO FILL SEAT #2 VACATED BY COMMISSIONER DABBS' RESIGNATION TO RUN FOR MAYOR City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of Ordinance No. 89- 42. Commissioner Dabbs, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to adopt the Ordinance. A public hearing was called. As there were no . Page 5 Ocoee City Commission Budget Special Session September 26, 1989 comments from citizens or commissioners, the hearing was closed. On roll call vote Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Dabbs "Aye," Commissioner Hager "Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye," Mayor Ison "Aye." Motion carried and Ordinance No. 89-42 was adopted. CHECK RECEIVED FROM FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES Mayor Ison announced that a check in the amount of a little over $22,000 had been received from Florida League of Cities, and he said that he feels that it should be used to start a fund to build a golf driving range to be manned by handicapped. City Manager Shapiro said that he and Recreation Director Beech have discussed it and are looking into the wastewater site as a location for the range. He said further that, if the funds are placed in the bank, next year when the report is given, Commission can allocate funds for the range subject to the report. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.. . Attest: J~J:*lerk :JLr.cIJ~ Thomas R. Ison, Mayor \ e\ \ \ \ \ \ , \ " - . . . EXHIBIT A BUDGET OVERVIEW As of last Budget Meeting, the proposed employee salary improvements of $269,189.91 were revised: 1. Longevity Pay $26,009.37 2. Maximize Specific Pay Grades $13,734.46 $39,744.83 were transferred to the Contingency Fund. 3. Trailer Park Drainage Study - $25,000 was taken from above and added as line item in the Budget, having a net effect of +$14,744.83 to the Contingency Fund. The following recaps employee costs proposed excluding the additions to Protective Services and Public Works employee additions: A. 269,189.91 - 39,734.46 $229,455.45 *1)Includes 5% COLA'MMerit~ UDorade.~ Class. Chane, ~ promot10ns, C1ty gr ~duca~~on F'und t2)Net increase in salaries/existing employees ~ by 129 employees equals 1,778.72 per employee ( B. $ 54,000.00 52,500.00 12,500.00 $119,000.00 - 3 police officers (18,000 + 11,000 insur.) - 3 fire fighters (17,500 + 11,000 insur.) - 1 clerk/public works + 3,000 insur) B-23&24 -~ (Not including additions to protective inspections [i.e., I full time Inspector, i part time Examnier, 1 Code Enforcement Officer] does not include $25,000 insurance or retirement etc. $17,450= 5% salary) A + B = $349,455.45 C. $168,042.08 Estimated increase cost of employees insurance coverage over year 88/89 Year 89/90 total cost - life and disability: Year 88/89 total cost (A+B+C) = $516,497.53 medical, insurance, $515,141.52 -347,099.44 $168,042.08 dental, vision, Attachment *1 Employee Expense Cost of Living 5% Merit Pay Proposal Salary Upgrade Cl~ssification I Changes Promotion Education Fund (City Mgr) $125,047.13 58,623.35 3,178.26 33,485.96 4,111.38 5,000.00 I ! . . . The cost of insurance for employee earning $17,092.96 is projected to be $3,798.95 (22% of salary) i.e.: Medical Dental/Vision Disability Life $254.56/per month 43.00 12.26 6.76 Retirement Plan cost is approximately 5% of salary; would be $850.00 for above employee. Attachment *2 Contingency Funds: 1. Gen. Government 2. Water 3. Sanitation 4. Wastewater Total: (Revised) **Does not include capital outlays 129,543 364,700 41,900 72,000 608,143** Page B-22 Page C-3 Page D-3 Page E-3 /' The proposed General Government Contingency Fund 1988/89 was $182,700 1989/90 is $129,543 $ 53,157 Less Present 1988/89 Contingency Fund Balance as of 9/26/89 is NOTE: for for $86,358.44. . 1. City Manager 830,700.00 562,000.00 + 268,700.00 Revenue Information has requested 4.0 Millage Proposed revenue FY89/90 Proposed revenue FY88/89 Net increase in revenue Rate; A 2, Recent Commission Activity has increased Operating Revenues: 43,000.00 Sanitation Fund 402 +136,825.00 FY88/89 B 398,000.00 Water Fund 401 C 245,000.00 Waste Water 403 D 686,000.00 Total Recent Increases +822,825.00 FY88/89 . . 3. 954,700.00 227.30 A+B+C+D Total Increase 1,091,525.00 FY88/89 Divided by 4,200 households Increase 259.89 Increase which compares to the $22.40 average Ad Valorem increase at 3.81 Mills per Mr. Poston's letter of 8/14/89 "Transfer In" Revenue from other Funds: 364,550.00 Proposed FY89/90 .295,879.00 Proposed FY88/89 + 68,671.00 Increase over88/89 4. Note: Year to Date still have 115,634 to transfer in. 0/ . Please consider the following to the Budget: 1. Initiate Cola 125,047.00 - 62,523.00 62,523.00 5% increase increase at Mid Year Full Year 1/2 Year Reduction Net Cola Cost increases on attachment one Full Year Misc. Increase Reduction Across the board 2% increase 7% Total Year 2. Remaining Salary 104,397.00 54,397.00 50,000.00 Fighters at Mid Year +3 Not include 11,000 Misc Benefits 1/2 Year Reduction Net Fire Fighter Cost 04 Delay hiring 3 Police Officers until Police Impact Fee is in IO;D,effe5c4tO'oo(EoolliS say3s can st~rtlthde P1r10cOeOOss ~n Oct. f8~) ~I~/.\ N ,. + Not 1nc u e , M1SC Bene 1ts L//VVV Transfer 54,000 to Contingency Fund 129,000.00 Present 54,000.00 Add on i83,543.00 New Total . . 3. Hire three Fire 52,500.00 - 26,250.00 26,250.00 - 3AWMIi..JL - JiA~ ~ tJ C)<j) Purchase 2 Police Vehicles and delay 3 for Impact Revenue 50,000.00 Cost of 5 cars 20,000.00 Cost of 2 cars 30,000.00 Reduction to be replaced by Impact Fees Transfer 30,000 to Contingency Fund 183,543.00 Above total 30,000.00 Add on 213,543.00 New Total +20,000 more than FY88/89 5. Reduce the proposed 4.0 Millage Rate: 62,523.00 Cola Change 54,397.00 Salary Change 26,250.00 Fire Fighter Change 143,170.00 Reduction 6. 830,700.00 - 143,170.00 687,530.00 which will represent a 3.16 Mill Rate Proposed Reduction Revised Revenue ....estimated 690,749.50 687,000.00 562,000.00 125,530.00 Compared to FY88/89 687,000.00 FY88/89 (Est.) ,568,358.00 ......or..... 116,172.00 Actual FY88/89 Over last year . Revisions, if adopted, would require the following line item changes in the proposed Budget: A-3 A-4 A-5 512 521 522 Total A-6 B-1 B-2 B-4 B-5 B-6 512 521 522 Total B-9 B-10 1503 . Total B-11 B-22 4900 Total B-29 Total Cars- 6401 B-30 1200 Total B-32 6401 Total B-33 Totals B-34 1200 Total B-35 Total B-36 Total . . ~ ~ :.i.. . ~ 1 J l . ~ ..1 1 J . , i . j J . , \~ . ~ :. 1 .~ t o J ~ .i :~ :J .~ ; 1 I \ i , i ';' j 1 ~ 1 t .~ ~ , .J i l EXHIBIT B RESOLUTION NO. 89- 12 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING A MILLAGE RATE FOR AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE CITY OF OCOEE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1989 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1990, STATING THE PERCENTAGE BY WHICH THE MILLAGE RATE EXCEEDS THE ROLLED- BACE RATE COMPUTED PURSUANT TO SECTION 200.065, FLORIDA STATUTES' PROVIDING FOR MILLAGE ADJUSTMENT' PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION OF TAXES' PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the city of Ocoee, Florida has received the report of the Orange County Property Appraiser stating the amount of assessed values which he has certified to the Florida Department of Revenue for non-exempt real and tangible personal property within the city for the year 1989~ and WHEREAS, in order to provide the revenue necessary for the operation of the city for its Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 1989, and ending September 30, 1990, the city Commission of the city of Ocoee has determined the rate of ad valorem tax levy that must be assessed for the year 1989; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 200.065(5), Florida Statutes, the city commission intends that the millage when applied to the extended tax roll will generate the same tax revenue as when applied to the certification of Taxable Value prepared by the Orange County Property Appraiser on July 1, 1989; and WHEREAS, the provisions of Chapter 200 of the Florida Statutes prescribing the method of fixing millage have been complied with. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Authoritv. The city commmission of the city .-' of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Resolution pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapters 163, 166 and 200, Florida Statutes. ( I , , b~ ~ I ~ ,. ~~ ~ . f ~. ~ j ] i I ~ 1 I , j j , .J ~ J . ., i ; ~ 1 ~ 1 ,j tl ~ , ......i..' .~ '~ . r. ,;1 J J I ....,1 .j x.~ '!jj .~ ~ 1 1 ,I ~ ! 'j . , c' ~,,}', '."..".'~ ;r;;'~:~, SECTION 2. Millaae Levv. The city commission of the city of Ocoee hereby adopts, establishes and levies a millage rate for ad valorem taxation of real and business personal property within the City of Ocoee, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1989 and ending September 30, 1990, at the rate of $4.00 per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation. SECTION 3. Percentaae Increase Over Rolled-Back Rate. The millage rate, as herein levied, exceeds the rolled-back rate computed pursuant to section 200.065, Florida Statutes, by 42.35%, such percentage increase being characterized as the percentage increase in property taxes adopted by the city commission of the city of Ocoee. SECTION 4. Millaae Ad1ustment. The city commission hereby authorizes the City Manager to administratively provide the Property Appraiser with the millage adjustment, pursuant to his report of the aggregate change in the assessment roll as provided for by Section 200.065(5), Florida Statutes. SECTION 5. Collection of Taxes. The tax shall be collected by the orange County Tax Collector, subject to discounts prescribed by law, and deposited to the account of the city of Ocoee with a report and copies of deposit receipts to be delivered promptly to the city's Finance Director who shall be responsible for the administration of this procedure. SECTION I. Severabilitv. If any section, SUbsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconsitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct I and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 7. Effeotive Date. This Resolution shall become effectrve'immediately upon passage and adoption. - 2 - ~~~:;,i:,". (f;:' t~~~^ ~ t~ ~, ~;- , i" p. t. ~', r t',.,.., "'C.:,,; ...." ~~\;!.. f l' ~ il<: t.,. ~:: );:, . 1\) , ( ~': 1". I~: ~;;. r+~,\' ,,'- t~i r r:<: . ~j; I',;~~.': 'T'~,:::", .....i; ((. . r' i'; . '.,.,~;, ".' t3~~'~' ~~ r ~' I;: · f" i' .. I f .I ~i !~"'., \:' .. ~;., ~':,j: l~ ~"1' ii fi I.,t.,:,'.,:';: ~.':) -~ "...,. lLj";' , .1 ~ I 1 ] i . J .( 1 J \ . 1 I , I .j .~ ;.J 11 : ~ J .~ f .\J ~. .~ . " I .J I -.,'.. 1 :~ ..J .-{ j , .~ ! \ Ij i"'f l 1 3 I c) PASSED ~ ADOPTED this ~6th ~ay ofseptemb~~T 1989. AT!l'EST: . .'SEAL). ~c:ntUSE AND RELIAlfCE"':~LY , BY::-TBB..CI'l'Y OJ' OCOBB,. ,.. APPRO'lBD AS TO FORK UD... .L.~tTY, this 26th day: O~ September, 1989. 'I'OLBY.& LARDNER, VAK.DEN BERG, :JJ _p; ;ILl:JjJH CityA~torney FLOPPY/ 4 758R( ~ l . ..01. (09/12/89,) --- - 3 - APPROVED: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA ";\ ::IL (? d)~. Thomas R. Ison, Mayor ,.. APPROVED.Y THE OCOEE CITY COMHISSIOKAT A MBBTING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 26, 1989 UNDER AGBIfDA ITEM NO. -m:: A-l.. . . "f' ........ I( i .' . t- _ '," "::'. ": ,~", ,-p' . . . ! , ~l:.\, i'.,,'>:'. "-?-d ~\~ f:'. ~" . ~:{. i '~.:: ' , I.," i~' I" Ir., . J " r: , ~.. . ~. ( i:.. j,":--,- r. , k.' r. f ' .. ~~ ~. ~:~,., . ~ . if ~.. , !.~ ~~'?,.: . ~. l \, ~. ~. ! r: I:. I' 1,- I' I i. / t: i, ~ (' f L I, \: l I'., V ~'." " ~: ~' l' ~{' t' k.,. k I !-;C:!'_ ./ ~".,:/ i., I \ ~;., .,' f