HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes
October 7, 2008, at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Anderson gave the Invocation and Commissioner
Hood led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Acting City Clerk Sib bitt called roll and
declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Keller, and Commissioner Johnson.
Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry
Presentation - Announce Promotion of Police Chief Brown. Mayor Vandergrift announced
the recent promotion of Police Chief Brown and read a bio on him.
Police Chief Brown recognized Officer Jack Davidson from the Police Department and read a
biography on him. He announced that Officer Jack Davidson will be leaving to Iraq to serve our
Country. He is wished well and a quick and safe return.
Proclamation - Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day (Mayor Vandergrift)
Proclamation - Int'l Walk to School Day (Toni Moody, Health Masters Club)
Toni Moody, Health Masters Club thanked the Mayor and the Community for the support of
encouraging a healthy lifestyle. She stated more children die from accidents then any other
disease and it is her second year coming before Ocoee to share her information. With a new
Police Chief in Ocoee she is encouraging Ocoee to look to establish a safe route here in the City.
R.P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., inquired at what time the fireworks would be displayed
during the Founder's Day festivities. Commissioner Johnson advised him it would be
sometime between 9: 15-9:30 p.m.
Commissioner Johnson 1) gave an overview of Founder's Day and the entertainment for Friday
and Saturday. 2) stated he would like to give staff kudos for the work done by Starke Lake it
looks really good. 3) recognized Laura Keller who is running for School Board Representative.
Commissioner Keller 1) stated Nov. 4th is Election Day and encouraged everyone to vote.
Also announced early voting will be starting in 2 weeks. 2) stated he would like to see the code
changed to require 8ft. sidewalks anywhere near schools or trails, in support of Int'l Walk to
School Day Proclamation. 3) stated regarding the Brake on Fatalities Proclamation he would
like to see red light cameras.
Commissioner Anderson 1) inquired if flu/pneumonia shots are being offered. Human
Resources Director Carnicella stated October 22nd shots will be offered free to employees and
shortly after they will make it available to dependents. He also stated that Doctor Allen from the
City Commission Regular
October 7, 2008
Health Center will be providing flu shots at Founder's Day for a cost of $25/adults and
$30/children 4yrs. and above. The pneumonia shots will be offered through the Health Center as
well. Commissioner Anderson inquired if other then Founder's Day would they be offering
shots to the citizens. Human Resources Carnicella stated it is up to the City Commission and
City Manager and also how much supply they have. It is a cost to the City to open the clinic and
staff the clinic. City Manager Frank stated they can bring information back to the October 21 5t
meeting regarding this issue.
Commissioner Hood 1) stated the Ison Center is back open for the Veteran's on Monday and
Thursday. Also an Honors Ceremony will be done for James Fleming at the Ison Center this
Saturday at 11 :00 am for anyone interested in attending. 2) Lions Club is doing Turkey Shoot
this weekend, and October 11th and 25th. 3) Ocoee High School Football Game is this week at
Olympia High School and East Ridge High School will be playing West Orange High School.
Commissioner Johnson clarified that Founder's Day is the 1 ih and 18th of October.
Mayor Vandergrift 1) stated he has a correspondence from the Tri-County League of Cities for
a luncheon on Oct. 16th at noon. He would like for staff to attend and represent the City. 2)
Thanked staff for the newsletter going out to the employees. Human Resources Carnicella
announced his whole department has worked on the newsletter and they are very excited about it.
3) announced that the Charter Review Board is asking for a joint meeting for October 29th and
would like for staff to send an e-mail to the Commission to find out if this will be feasible.
Brent Love and Justin Waters, Ocoee High School FF A, stated they are interested in the land
behind the Ocoee High School between the orange groves and emergency access road. It is
11.72 acres and they would like to use that land to do studies for SIL V Tables and also raise
cattle; this study is known as Silvipastures. Mayor Vandergrift stated he does not see a
problem with leasing out property and believes this has been discussed before but the Planning
Director was not in favor of this. He further stated they will need to go out and look out at the
property. Commissioner Hood inquired about them fencing the property and the students stated
they have FF A money they fundraise that they could put toward a fence. A brief discussion
ensued regarding the Rogers Property and possibly using that property. Mayor Vandergrift
again stated that the only problem is that with homes worth over $200,000 in that area many
neighbors are not going to be happy about cattle's near their homes. Commissioner Johnson
stated that another issue is the zoning of the property they are looking at. Development Services
Director Shadrix stated they want to make sure they do not set any precedents that will get them
in trouble later on. He suggested they set a meeting and possibly even look into educational
grant programs. City Manager Frank reminded the Commission that about 6 months ago they
had spoken about some type of marketing plan for all those parcels near the school and feels they
need to keep this in mind when they consider this request. The City does have other pieces of
property that may work well for this project.
1. Approval and Acceptance of the Tentative Budget Public Hearing Minutes ot
September 8,2008, Final Budget Hearing Minutes of September 22,2008, and Regula~
Ci!y' Commission Minutes of Sep.tember 16, 2008. (Ci!y' Clerk EikenberrY) !
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0
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City Commission Regular
October 7, 2008
~Imroval of Villa Roma Final Subdivision Plan. (PrinciRal Planner Fabre) - --1
The Villa Roma project will be developed as a private, gated townhome community with fee simple ownership of
the units. The Final Subdivision Plan proposes a total of 52 townhome units on approximately 21.13 acres.
Consistent with City Policy, the wetlands (Tract "E") approximately 6.39 acres will not be developed and will
ultimately be dedicated to the City. The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed Villa Roma Final
Subdivision Plan on September 9, 2008. City Staff presented a brief overview of the project. City Staff and the
Applicant answered several questions regarding the subdivision walls, access to the lake, stormwater abatement and
the last remaining staff review comments. All of these questions were addressed adequately in the P&Z meeting.
There was no one from the public to speak regarding this Final Subdivision Plan. After fmishing its deliberations,
the Planning & Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Villa Roma Final
Subdivision Plan as date stamped received by the City on July 28, 2008, subject to resolving the last remaining
issues from the Engineering Department and City Attorney's Office prior to the City Commission Meeting.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0
3. Approval to Reject All Bids for Bid #B08-08 Interior Renovation of New pOlicei
Headguarters. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
The City intended to award a contract for the Interior Renovation of the New Police Headquarters located at 646
Ocoee Commerce Parkway. The budgeted amount for construction is approximately $250,000-$275,000. The bids
were reviewed by the Public Works and Finance Departments and staff recommends rejecting all bids as they are
approximately 95% over the budgeted amount. Staff is currently in the process of revising the plans and will re-bid
this project on October 12, 2008. The bids will be due on November 5, 2008 and should go before the City
Commission for approval on November 18,2008.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0
Consent Agenda Vote:
Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Hood. moved to approve
Items #1-3 of the Consent Aaenda. as presented bv staff. Motion carried 5-0.
'I~' Eagle Creek of oco. ee - First Reading of Ordi~ance. (Second Reading and Public Hearingl
scheduledfpr October 21, 2008, Commission Meeting),. (Semor Planner Howell)
The subject property is located on the southeast comer of the intersection of Ocoee-Apopka Road and Fullers Cross
Road. It is approximately 97.90 acres in size, and is currently vacant except for several abandoned agricultural
structures. The property was annexed into the City in 1999 with an Annexation Agreement, and rezoned to R-IAA
(Single-Family Dwelling). The applicant is proposing to rezone the property from R-IAA to Planned Unit
Development (PUD) for the purpose of developing a residential community that combines townhomes and single-
family detached homes in a Traditional Neighborhood Design that cannot be accomplished via the requirements of
the Land Development Code. The Planning & Zoning Commission met on August 12, 2008, to consider the
proposed PUD Rezoning / Land Use Plan for Eagle Creek of Ocoee. Following the deliberations, the members of
the Planning & Zoning Commission voted unanimously (5-0) to recommend approval of the PUD Rezoning / Land
Use Plan for Eagle Creek of Ocoee, subject to the satisfaction of all outstanding staff comments being incorporated
into the PUD Land Use Plan and/or Development Agreement prior to City Commission action.
a. PUD Rezoning
b. Land Use Plan
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance.
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Commissioner Johnson announced that the staff report was incorrect and indicated that Eagles
Creek of Ocoee was located in District #1 which is Commissioner Hood's district but it is in fact
in District #3, which is his district. (Subsequent research found that, with the recent change
redistricting changes, the Eagles Nest is in District #1)
Mayor Vandergrift stated that the Second Reading and Public Hearing is scheduled for October
21,2008, at 7: 15 p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard.
15. Appointment of Commissioner to Selection Committee for RFQ#09-001 Continuing:
_ Contracts for Geotechnical Testing Services. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) I
In compliance with City Commission direction of October 2,2007, staff is requesting a Commissioner be appointed
to the Selection Committee to evaluate proposals received for RFP #09-00 I Continuing Contracts for Geotechnical
Testing Services. The selection committee meeting is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, October 23,2008, at 10:00
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Mayor Vanderarift. moved to appoint
Commissioner Keller. Motion carried 5-0.
6. Discussion Regarding Charter School Committee; Appointment of Commission
[Liaison; Staff Liaison; Term Length; and Establishment of the Board's Mission. (Cityi
Clerk Eikenbern:)
Mayor Vandergrift stated he recalls that Commissioner Keller had volunteered to be Liaison
for this board. He further stated he does not believe that the Commission can establish a mission
for them as well as the board would be able to create their own mission. He suggested that the
City Clerk's Department provide copies ofDVD's of the previous Charter School Meetings with
Oakland, Pembroke Pines and Lake Wales so that the board can be up to speed.
IEMERGENCY ITEM - Ocoee Founder's Day Festival Request for Road & Public Boat Ramj
Mayor Vanderarift. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved the Road
Closure for the 5K race as part of the Ocoee Founder's Day Festivities. Motion
carried 5-0.
Commissioner Anderson inquired if they could just come up with something so that they did
not have to approve road closure for City events at City Commission meetings. City Attorney
Rosenthal stated he is not aware if there is any procedure other then that is the way they have
always done it. Commissioner Anderson asked if we could pass something that would cover all
road closings for City sponsored events. City Manager Frank said if it is an ordinance, we can
bring an amendment to exclude that City sponsored events. Attorney Rosenthal ask the
Commission if the were okay with having road closures for City sponsored events delegated to
the City Manager and Chief of Police. Consensus of the Commission was to allow the
City Manaaer and Chief of Police to approve road closures for City sponsored
events in the future and make whatever chanaes are necessary to chanae that
policy or ordinance.
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October 7, 2008
Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve
the Boat Ramp Closina for Founder's Day Festivities. Motion carried 4-0. with
Mayor Vanderarift away from the dais.
Appointment of City Representative to the West Orange Chamber of Commerce.
City Manager Frank stated that every year the Commission appoints a representative from the
City to the West Orange Chambers of Commerce and he has been the representative for the last
two years. He has received notice that they will need to appoint someone for the year beginning
November 1 st and would be interested in serving again should the Commission choose to appoint
Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to
appoint City Manaaer Frank as Representative for the City to the West Oranae
Chambers of Commerce. Motion carried 4-0. with Mayor Vanderarift away from
the dais.
Notification of Emergency Expenditures for Two Force Main Breaks.
City Manager Frank stated that, pursuant to the Charter regarding purchasing regulations, they
recently had some costs associated with two force main breaks and they are required to bring this
before the Commission. The memorandum distrubuted tonight showed that costs associated with
two force main breaks on Highway 50 were as follows: September 3, 2008 costs were
$31,564.25 and October 6, 2008 costs were $1,900.00.
Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to
approve costs associated with both force main breaks. Motion carried 4-0. with
Mayor Vanderarift away from the dais.
Commissioner Hood 1) inquired how far they were going down with reclaimed water by the
Roger's Property. City Manger Frank stated he did not believe it would be going that far down.
Utilities Director Smith briefly explained that there were no plans at this time to go further west
from the sewer plant with reclaim. He stated when the development community out on that west
side of town starts to develop then they will put down some reclaim mains. He briefly explained
the agreement with Orange County regarding taking sewer supply. Commissioner Hood stated
the Girl's Club is in need of water and is not sure of the cost factor but was wondering if they
could get a cost analysis on that. Utilities Director Smith stated there is a water main out in
front of the facility but he thinks the issue is the capacity charge for the water. He stated if the
Girls' Club would like to meet with him he can schedule a meeting. Commissioner Hood stated
he will relay the message and have them speak with City Manager Frank. Commissioner
Anderson briefly commented that they feel the issue is that if they annex they will have to give
up some of their parking. City Manager Frank stated that would not happen and if they come
in he can put them at ease. 2) reminded everyone that Turkey Shoot will be Saturday.
Commissioner Anderson 1) inquired when the official opening date is for Lakeshore Drive.
City Engineer Wheeler stated they will be 99.9% done before Founder's Day and they will do
all their clean up afterwards. Commissioner Anderson stated that he feels once they open the
road it will become the shortcut for the Elementary/Middle school drop offs. His other concern
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is that now the road is smoother cars will be driving a little faster then they were before and
inquired if they could look at making that area some kind of historical or scenic road where the
speed can be kept down below 25 mph as well as putting a weight limit. City Manager Frank
stated that he believes there are weight limits on some of the other streets in the downtown area
near City Hall and it may be a good idea if the Commission authorized staff to go ahead and
designate a weight limit before they open up the road. Commissioner Anderson suggested
posting a 15 mph speed limit until they do a traffic study and a weight limit of whatever is
currently in place for the other roads nearby. City Manager Frank stated he thinks the speed
limit may require a traffic study. City Engineer Wheeler stated that Lafayette, McKey, and
Oakland Street all have a 10,000 pound weight limit and they can impose the same limit for
Lakeshore Drive. City Manager Frank stated they can look into the 15mph limit but he feels if
they just arbitrarily pick that limit ifit would even be enforceable enough in a court oflaw.
Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to authorize
a weiaht limit of 10,000 pounds on lakeshore Drive. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to authorize
a speed limit of 15 mph on lakeshore Drive until further notice. Motion carried 4-
1, with Mayor Vanderarift opposina.
2) stated that he attended the Ocoee School Advisory Board and since they will no longer have
the Charter School on their plate they would like to readdress their mission statement and other
issues like the reporting on different schools. He further mentioned that they would really like to
have a workshop and have a facilitator to help them revise their mission statement. He believes
they are looking to have a workshop sometime in January or February. Mayor Vanderarift
stated without obiection he would have staff look into this.
~_ommissioner Johnson 1) stated that Vignetti Park should be turned over to the Parks
Department and they need to look into putting the parks staff and equipment out in that building.
They have other buildings such as the Ison Center that can be rented out for events. He stated
that the Parks Department has their equipment outside and scattered out in different locations and
feels they should have a facility to use for the parks equipment. Commissioner Hood inquired
if a roll up door could be added to the building. Commissioner Johnson stated it used to have
two roll up doors. Commissioner Anderson stated his concern is if they are only moving the
equipment then why would they not just put the equipment into a quasi pull barn with concrete
floors. He further inquired if they are looking for more office space and stated they do not have
the fire station anymore for HOA meetings and this is another building that they use for
meetings. Commissioner Johnson stated he feels everyone is jammed into the Beech Center
and the Vignetti Building is a place that they could put the Parks staff and equipment instead of
being scattered. He further stated citizens can still rent or use the Ison Center. Commissioner
Hood asked if that would free up office space. Assistant Parks and Recreation Director
Petrone said it would open one office at the Beech Center if Parks personnel moved to Vignetti
and it would also help maintain the equipment in better condition. Mayor Vanderarift stated
without obiection he would have staff look into this.
2) stated a comment was made by Rob McKey about him not being present at the CACOPD
meetings. He has made it to some of the meetings and is not required to go to all the meetings.
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October 7,2008
He announced he will not be dropring off the board. 3) reminded everyone of the Founder's
Day event schedule for October 1 i and 18th.
Commissioner Kelld stated he would like to have a work session to discuss: 1) Watermain
pipes and having them bonded, 2) red light cameras, 3) getting started with the new fire station,
and 4) discussion on Parks. Stated they seem to talk about it a lot but do not get anywhere and
feels a Work Session where they only discuss these issues may help. Mayor Vandergrift
inquired with the City Manager about having a Work Session to discuss the four items
mentioned. City Manager Frank stated it is possible but they may want to break it up into two
Work Sessions to allow for discussion. Mayor Vandergrift inquired what about a retreat on a
weekend. City Manager Frank stated that could be possible.
Development Services Director Shadrix reminded the Commission since they are talking about
Work Sessions that their E.A.R. (Evaluation and Appraisal Report) is due and this will give them
an opportunity to look at their Comprehensive Plan. He will be back before the Commission and
would like to hear input from them. Mayor Vandergrift stated this could also be combined into
their Work Session.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:01 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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