HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-30-1923 ) .,.-- 'e . e. L.. ,if. -, ,J """ .t ..i it. .' .... ... .> PROCEEDINGS OF MEETING OF. COUNCIL OF TOWN OF OCOEE, OCO'EE, FLORIDA r.? November 30th, 1923. The mee ti ng we s cs 11 ed. toOl' del' by A. M. Clark. It being ietexminedtbst A~ M. Cla:Jke, R. .tj1. Whitaker, B. A. Minor, Clyde H. lnewelling and C. J. Farmer. were duly eleoted as ald.rmen of .Town Of'nooee, at a meeting of legally Qu4lified r~gistered voters held on 22nd day of " November, A.D., 1923, to organize a muniai~ 1 goverenment for the thwn of 0008. and to eleot,'officers far same, and that all said al'd'itl'menwere preserft. · ... . Motion was made by C. h. ~lewelling, seconded by B. I. Miner and was unanimously carried that th%ee 01: the aldermen serve for the t.rm of o~. year and the other two serve fo I' the term of two years. ' ~/.I'.I' .l\f The oounoil then divided theti:rbody into two el.ssei ~y lot, one oless composed of t~ree aldermen to serve fOT one year end the other olass composed of two aldermen to serve for two years. The resul& of this division wases follows: '., CIa ss to serve one yesr: B. A. Min.:r A. M. CIa rke C. J. .i!'armer Class to serve two yeers: Clyde H. Flewelling R. :I. Whi tak8:r. An election .s then held to elect one of the membe:re of the oouncil 8S president. The result of this eleotion was 8S folJ.owa: . A. M. Clarke wee eleoted President of the Oouno il '" There being no further business, the meeting . ejourmd until Deoemb.er 17th, 1923 et ~.... . I ------ Hc:fiaf/w~ pt'~ President ~- -- )~l.,.lt.. _ ~ .,. .< ---~ '"